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23 results

  • to partidpate in the discussion of the structure of the work of the AIDS Policy Coordinator. Unfortunately, 1 have a meeting on August 16th in San Francisco that r must attend_ lIthe meeting could be moved to the 17th, at anytime during that day I could make
  • ~president for Domestic Policy patSY~leming, Acting Director Office of the National AIDS policy Coordinator SUBJECT: MEETING WITH AGENCY STAFF ON ROLE OF AIDS OFFICE As you know, we are now in the process of reorganizing and redefining the role
  • Control Policy •....• Lee Brown B. Office of the AIDS Policy Coordinator ..••. Kristine Gebbie 2:35 p.m. III. Health Care Reform .•.•.••..•...•••••.. Hillary Rodham Clinton Ira Magaziner 3:00 p.m. IV. Adjourn 2:35 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Health Care reform
  • Science Buildinq . Georqetown University Hospital :December 1, 1993 . i . [Acknowledgements: ~ather O'Donovan, pres~dent of Georgetown University; Dr. John Grififth, head of Georgetown Medical center; Kristine Gebbie, AIDS Policy Coordinator; others
  • and Patsy regarding the National AIDS Policy Coordinator. position: House: ~ , ....--),...... ,..... t' ; - --;'·1 . . :.., ~ vTim Wes~oreland, Cong: Waxman' (He.alth SUbCOmmi~),J#s-495il~t.- l ~ ~*e ~teve Monn, Congo PelOSI, 225-496.tLSF *~ Ltl5
  • infection. 4 E. (to the President) ; That the position of National AIDS Policy Coordinator be renamed "National Coordinator fdr HIV Disease Policy. II I I F. (to the National AIDS Policy Coordinator) That the National AIDS IPolicy Coordinator
  • and comniunity health centers . Kri . I ~~e M. Gebbie, R.N., M.N. Natiol/ol AIDS POlicy Coordinator I I. . . q(~~J~~ . ·'-'-~''''4_-_''''_~,e'''''''''''·''''''''''f ""'\fiG_.~-::;:-"~~~~:"",",w_--: ..::;o:
  • INTRODUCTION -From the National AIDS Policy Coordinator The National HIV Action Agenda is a leadership statement. It has been developed by the Office National AIDS Policy to give direction to our overall national effort to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic
  • Director AIDS Policy Coordinator Such other officials of rxecutive departments and agencies as the President may from time ~o time, designate. I ' -4­ DOMESTIC POLICY COUNCIL Thursday, June 10, 1993 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. ATTACHMENT #1 COUNCIL
  • :00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. I. Opening Remarks .•••••••••••••••••••••••.• President Clinton 2:10 p.m. II. Program Updates A. Office of the National Drug Control Policy ••••• Lee Brown B. Office of the AIDS Policy Coordinator ••••• Kristine Gebbie 2:35 p.m
  • for Policy Development Drug Director AIDS Policy Coordinator Such other officials of executive departments and agencies as the President may from time to time, designate. WHITE HOUSE FELLOWS ASSOCIATION May 7, 1993 A. Mary Schiavo White House Fellow 1987
  • and Director of the Office of National Service; , ( more (OVER) 2 (u) senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development; (v) Director, Office of National Drug controlPolicYi (w) AIDS Policy Coordinator; and (x) Such other officials
  • National AIDS Policy Coordinator 750 Seventeenth Street, NW Suite 600 Washington, D.C. Dear Ms. Fleming: Thank you for the opportunity to brief you on the National Youth Summit on HIV Prevention and Education to be held on May 6 - 9, 1995. While the work
  • AIDS Policy Coordinator cc: ~arol Rasco, Dome~ticPolicy Council Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders , ..... ' NOV I 6 1993 OFFICE OF DOMESTIC POLICY THE WHITE HOUSE FROM THE OFFICE OF: TO: I /jh~ CAROL H. RASCO &8SISTaMr TO THE PRESIDENT POR
  • AIDS Policy Coordinator Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of Labor Secretary of the Interior Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Secretary of Transportation Secretary
  • Secretary of the Treasury Administrator of the EPA AIDS Policy Coordinator Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Developnient Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of labor Secretary of the. Interior Secretary of Housing and Urban