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99 results

Event - Ideas (Item)
  • for new crime proposals that will be Included in the State of the Union and FY 2000 budget Youth Crime (;ulllnterdictioo Initiativ-e~ Anytime after October 23. the President could: (1) release the second' annual report on the Youth Crime Gun Interdiction
  • with his State of the Union address, the President fought a.U year to modernize oW: schools. His fuUy paid for tax credits would have Jeveraged nearly $22 billion in bonds to build and renovate schools. In the final days ofahe budget negotiations
  • ," William J. Clinton State of the Union January 26, 1994, We continue to believe that the Administration's welfare reform plan must include a strong commitment to addressing the future life ebanees of the young people on whom the President focussed so
  • The President has recently re~committed 10 this in both the State of the Union and at the Consumer Financial event two weeks ago. Beginning with the Senate Labor Committee markup on May 251h, the Congress is now sorting through I marking~up a number of privacy
  • WAS H'l N GTO N April 25, 199~ MEMORANDUM FOR ERSKINE B~\VL~ .) ,
Ideas [1] (Item)
  • legislation in his State
  • to hold the $5000 impainnent.rel.'ed tax credit component for the State of the Union). While announcing the package soon would put you tn a leadership po~ition on this issue, it could also generate momentum for the Repuhiican tax cut , efforts; Hill
  • on the scoreboard. This will allow us to point to tangible results from the State of the Union and build momentum for some tile tougher initiatives that or will be cotlsidc~cd later. The obvious immediate candidate is NATO Enlargement for which there is strong
Millennium (Item)
  • the fireworks w have faded." The President's State of the Union statement sets the themes or "celebrating our common culture" and "remaining the world's beacon of liberty and creath'ity" for a national millennium celebration. A Once in.aJ:lums!lnd
  • "l ur g(·"ph}sj~~11Hform"tiou )~.\) Relcaw would t:OnccnJilll: wt'11\ l\b)(9) !If the nnA J , • PRESIDENT CLINTON'S POLITICAL REFORM AGENDA Proposah discussed in the SI.ate-1l Addre•• SUMMARY In the State-of-the-Union Address
  • aftreatment, payment, and operations; and (3) what the standards will be for law enforcement access to medical records. , The President announced in his State of the Union address that the tinal rules will be issued this year, We are working to publish
  • that would cut into the amount of money available for new initiatives. . . We alrc~y have given you detailed memos on most of these initiatives:. If you approve the initiatives. you can announce any or all of them in the State of the Union, I I Because
  • down the bar? • Loliby reform , . public . negotiationsiHill? * Campaign finance reform i ~ announcing proposal , • Drafting documents/proposals , , • Media • Constituency/outside groups? I I , SOTU I PQ§t·SOTU .. political reform event
  • ) 995-7601 I Ms< Carol R Rasco Assistant tcl the President Domestic P'olicy The White House Washington. DC 20208 Dear Ms< Rasco: After listening to the President's State of the Union Address on January 24, I felt compeUed ~o write this letter. I am
Brownfields (Item)
  • Partnership Action Agenda March 18,1997 . I BACKGROUND • We are poised to boldly expand the Administration's Brownfields Initiative and fulfill the President's promise in the recent State of the Union Address to . "restore contaminated urban land
  • billion over the FY 1996 Conference level with add-backs. EPA's operating program is the environmental comrnunhy!s highest priority. Consistent with the President's commitments in the State of the Union, EPA enforcement funding increases significantly
  • your call for this bill in the 1997 State of the Union. The bill was sponsored in Congress by Reps. Hyde and Hoyer and Sens: DeWinc and Kohl and was backed by an overwhelming bipartisan majority in both houses. I This new law w'ilI establish two new
  • reform plan and brought it up during his State of the Union address in January. ' Paula Roberts, , child support specialist with the Center for a Law and Social Policy, a liberal research and advocacy organization, said ~he federal government has known
  • of prosperity are not being shared by all. Pitfall I believe it is very important that the State of the Union avoid rhetoric that will appear anti-business, and I bave little doubt that in the context of a Democratic President's State of the Union Address
  • alternative to crime -- murt be undertaken. These prevention efforts need to increase the aspirations and long-term careel prOlpCCIS of at-risk youth to break the cycles of poverty. crime and violence. As the President said In the State of tbe Union. young
  • and support the growth..oriented initiatives you will soon announce in your State of the Union Address. Further, we expect to encourage other business groups to do the same in the interests of invigorating the nation's economic climate and accelerating
Budget [1] (Item)
  • in response to President Clinton's challenge issued in his 1995 State of the Union address that "parents and leaders across the country, .. join together in a national campaign against leen pregnancy"," May 1991 marks the campaign's first anniversary
  • racket's Runyonesque past, but it .ppeat$ that 0 = again President Clinton wants to tnm that slice of hyperbole into a piece of public policy. . In his upcoming State ofthe Union address, Clinton plans to help ensure that baby gets shoes by recommending
  • (long-term entitlements arc such important issues, why didn't you go before ihe nation during the Inaugural and will you discuss fhcm in the State or the Union? i THREE POINT sTlUJcnm,,: I I) H:c('ord: 6.3% cut; lowest of any major economy
  • ""t and timely problem facing p...,n{s """'Y day of their lives ". "Last night in his State of the Union Address. the Pr",,;dent iss".d a clenr challenge to COngTess to draft and enact legislation to improve child core for working patf!t\ts .cr
  • .... ! dm mr~/itkl'/t: IWhrfl Anw"icans work togrti)(Y in (htfr Iwnus, tbdr sdwo/s, their dJlJrch('J, their IJM~ , yt!itffritlY. gogllfS, " fbiir cilli( groups, tht'ir Wl)rkpkm:, thry elm m~w .u~) chal/mgt!, .­ - ':, President Clinton, State
  • rutes in the country ~- especially given the frequency of lawsuits in our state. New. Jersey is the most litigious state in the Union. In 1995, we filed 819 lawsuits per 100,000 residents, Tbe next state behind us -- Nevada -- had 5 f 2 lawsuits per
Labor Issues (Item)
  • ; The President The White House Washington', D.C. Dear Mr~ 20500 President: In general, I enjoyed listening to your State of the Union address. You have done an excellent job in highlighting the need to focus on education and indicated many important
New Covenant (Item)
  • , ~n the end i~ ~at~ers whether all or you are working together and whether your ~ounterpa~ts in every nchool district in America are working together. That's why I took so:ne pai!1s in the State of the Union address to urge that other achool
  • by February, a compilation, with brief descriptions, of "Administration-Sponsored Legislation," organized by agency. This compilation includes legislation endorsed by the President in the Budget, the state of the Union message, or elsewhere. This document
  • ago, in my State of the Union address, J spoke ofrny commitment to rene\\ring our Capital City -- so that Washington is a great place to learn. work and live, and once again the proud face America shows to the world. We aU know that the District
  • . s¢tt ¢f ve3t~ in yu~ « tit. ot: uvi_ that it Uke$ at\. enOrlflQUS amount of 'citheMhip to e:.:e4
  • block grant. and the aodal services block grant. tn hi. 1990 State of the Union address, President Bush proposed combinlna lUore proat. . lnto -*12 to $15 bl1Uon worth of "eonsolldated." arants. In Mandate for ChaM!, David Osborne bu advocated
Teenagers (Item)
  • 'Order mirrors the 'lEnding Discrimjnation Against Parents Act of 1999," which you announced in your 1999 State of the Union address and which was introduced on November 10, 1999, by Sen.tors DOdd and Kennedy. The Order \\'Quld bar discrimination against
  • than make communities wait fOT Congress to budget more money. [Proposed), , , 3) Enactm~t of President Clinton's Brownfields (ax incentive, announced in the State of the Union and later introduced in the House and Senate, to accelerate brownfietds
Race-Book [1] (Item)
  • purposes; (1) to update you on the status of your race book: (2) to discuss policy ideas in the book that extend beyond those you have articulated in your State of the Union address and tbe FY2000 budget; and (3) to. decide on next steps. Your guidance
  • continue to enforc!' fair lending andfair housing and (lli civil rights laws, because America will never be complete in its renewal until everyone shares in its boumy, Pros1dem Cllmon, State a/The Union Address, January 25, 1994 Today President Clinton
Minimum Wage (Item)
  • Washington about family vaJues. It's hard to raise .a family on $4.25 an hour. Let's raise the mInimum wage.!' [President Clinton. Keene. New Hampshire, February 17, 1996] , in • 1996 State of the Union Address. "More and more Americans are working hard
  • tcmporary help for families of Medicare belleliciaries \vith Alzheimer's and other dementia, • J)re\'cnts Women From Being F'on:ed Out of the Hospital Only Bours After It Mastectomy. In his State of the Union Address. President Clinton endorsed bipartisan
Third Way (Item)
  • an initial take on one part ot thia ~gendQ: linking che 'end ot che era ot b1g government" that highlighted the State of the Union message to the civil society and SOCial ~esponBibility themes that have absorbed tne President!s recent attention
New Markets (Item)
  • marrying effort.s to bridge the digital divide to New Markets. 'Melanne forwarded these 1~t1ers to Jerry Edmunds for consideration for the State of tbe Union. Susan agrees that the impbrtanceof this is that the technology must be complemented by attention
  • will note that the statutory deadline for ~ongress to pass legislation in this area expired in August. You will state that you win uphold your commitment, made in the State of the Union Address, to release statutorily authorized regulations in the absence
  • motICII plcwres 5CreellS in lIle ~ StIW, willi over 20,000 ~ located III every state in 'llie union. The details ofthe new ca!1IIl3ien ..... attadIedll> thls 5l:ltIlrnent. G6-SS-99 16:59 .00 TO:PATTON BoeOS LLP .G' FRQM:8lSSG/S92S9 XVd ao:c~ IH
Adoption [4] (Item)
  • prefcreuet: ror bo),s, ultrasound scanner;. ... aTe being used to THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 3, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR BRUCE RE":!i.. ... :..1 FROM: DAVID SHi~- SUBJECT: STATE OF THE UNION Since you're doubtless flooded with State of the Union
Nonprofits (Item)
  • expect to have some important policy announcements ready for the conference, as well as a process in place to further develop others for later announcement (perhaps at the State of the Union), !, Qualit): I , I Issues relating to quality of care
  • . The Health Care Financing :"': Administration has expressed concerns regarding the degree to which the State is willing to transfer ,/~ 'its responsibility to make eligibility determinations to a nQn~govemmental entity. State public ,;...; employee unions
  • consideration. First. rather than quickly release the names of the Commission (as we were planning to do at the end of this month or in early January). we think it would be wise to hold off on the announcement until after the State of th. Union Address
  • continuing problem in America. The estimates support the Administration's initiative to provide more Americans access to health care. II The statistics the President used in his State of the Union i address in January -- 40 million uninsured Amerioans
  • Union to take a leadership role on these measures. The President could support the legislation through several avenues: (I) in the State of the Union; (2) in a radio address; and (3) in a letter to Congress. A fourth option would be participating
Race-Book [3] (Item)
  • )'! Analysis/ The nature aM scope oftrus undertaking would severely tax the production capacity 'Jf the speechv.nting staff. The State-of-the-Union process has a kitchen-sink quality that, while inclusive, would not produce a good book. The second alternative
  • us. The c,ime bill before Congress gives you a chance to do something about it -- a chance to be toug~ and smart, I' President Clinton State of the Union Address January 25, 1994 IT'S TIME TO PASS A CRIME BILL. AMERICANS HAVE WAITED LONG ENOUGH
  • ordinury things, but in the process Changing their country. their communities and themselves, Subjects to be Covered 1, Thoughl!i on how v.'C got into this box: "pet project"; "getting things State of ~he Union, done~'~ 1995 2, Legislative
Disabilities (Item)
Drug Testing (Item)
EITC Fraud (Item)
  • $27,000. a tax cut that this year will average about $ 1,000 a familv." (Bill Clinlon, State of the Union. Januarv 24. 1995) • I • In fact. ~k Chairman, the EITe is ~ tax cut. It is the federal goycr:1mcnt':; fastest growing and most tbud~pronc welfare pr
Equal Pay (Item)
  • ; and created an annual report on pay differences to be published by DOL. The President and Vice-President have held a vari~lY of events to announce these steps and raise public awareness of the issue, including mentioning equal pay in the State of the Union
  • words, Supreme Court RounduPi Say States May Make Union-Only Pacts in Public-Works projects, By LINDA GREENHQUSE, Special to The New York Times, WASHINGTON, Harch a Ju~t~ces The New Yor~ Times, March 9. 1993, Tuesday, Late Edition - Final. Section Page
  • ~ in the controversy :nay be ,Clinton, who made a pitch for I lin lobbying revisions his State of the Union Address. The president hasn/t addressed the specifics Of Levin's bill, which was approved unanimously by the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee last week
Violence [1] (Item)
Pensions (Item)
  • PLAN In his State of the Union address, President Clinton reinforced his commitment to excellence in education for all Americans, America cannot prosper as a nation unless educational opportunity is made available to all of our children. Today, about 14
Drugs (Item)
Brady Bill (Item)
  • ," and the President stated in the State of the Union that 44,()(tf} c(Jnvicted/eiolts had heen preventeilfrompurclrasing hantfgun.,,_ Who is right? , I 1 II I Ii , A. We welcome the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence study. The Center has added another set
  • : to spOtlight and promote thMG collaborations, I I V ,"'~~I., \ 1"'., • To: iBruee Reed From: I Waldman :Steve Re: Service and the State oftne Union Date: January 29, 1991 A tewthoughts on how service themes and proposals might fit into the State
Philanthropy (Item)
Child Care (Item)
  • . ,. President Bill Clinton State of the Union Address_, January 27, 1998 President : announced an historic initiative to improve child care fo.r America's working families The proposes over $20 billion over nve years for child care ~~ to help working familieS
  • state in the Union. I would ask that as,part of its update, GAO address the following questions, I I am requesting that GAO update its 1992 'report, I * Has HHS implemented the recommendations made by GAO in 1992? * Is HHS now providing effective
Race-Book [2] (Item)
Poverty [1] (Item)