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Cloning (Item)
  • and talents. "Here's the rule," says psychologist Jerome Kagan of Harvard. "You will never get 100 percent identity -- never -- because of chance factors and because environments are never exactly the same." That was small comfort to politicians, ethicists
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. email SUBJECT/TITLE DATE From Christopher M. Wanken to Joshua S. Gottheimer (partial) (1 page) 12/20/99 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 17509 F9lderiD: Folder Title: Litt!e'Rock Nine 11/9/99 Stack: s Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE
  • , a dual-entity option could set up a jurisdictional dispute between the council and the commission. Pros and Cons on Commission • If successful, the commission's report will be a living document that guides the nation's thought on race relations
  • ' ; :! ' ' Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE ·001 a. schedule Cover Sheet for Schedule (1 page) 06/06/95 P6/b(6) 00 I b. schedule Schedule (partial) (1 page) 06/06/95 P6/b(6) 00 I c. schedule
  • Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list SUBJECT/TITLE DATE List of Congressional Staff and Guests (partial) ( 1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Terry Edmonds OA/Box Number: I
  • Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION DATE 001. note Handwritten note (partial) ( 1 page) nd P6/b(6) 002. letter To Terry Edmonds from Kerry Chartkoff (partial) (1 page)· 03/03/97 P6/b(6) 003. letter To Terry Edmonds
NGA [2] (Item)
  • ---------- ·· , I ~----- · I I, ~ Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE 001. note DATE Note to President Clinton from Tracey Brown re: Introduction (2 copies) (2 pages) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) 07/02/97 COLLECTION
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 l. email SUBJ ECTITITLE To James T. Edmonds re: Draft CBC remarks (partial, handwritten note) 002. note DATE RESTRICTION nd P6/b(6) nd P6/b(6) (1 page) Handwritten note (partial) (1
  • /Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE To Terry Edmonds from Robin Bachman (partial) (1 page) I. fax RESTRICTION P6/b(6) nd COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speech writing Terry Edmonds OA/Box Number: I
  • ---------------------------------------------• I. . •I : I ' I I I I !' Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE RESTRICTION 00 I. schedule Cover Sheet for Schedule (I page) 10/13/00 P6/b(6) 002. schedule Cover Sheet for Schedule (1
NGA [1] (Item)
  • 12:17:27 PM Record Type: To: Record James T. Edmonds/WHO/EOP, Bruce N. Reed/OPD/EOP, Joshua A. Cohen-Peyrot/WHO/EOP, Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP cc: Subject: nga This was in potus' speech on education today .. It suggests the tone he wants to strike
  • losing so many of them. And we have to make our schools work if we're going to bring them back. We just have to do it. (Applause.) 10 ;:JU~lS-97 06o28 FRQM,QMB ADMINISTRATION PAGE ID' ! 1/2 - ~- ·----- Document No_ WIDTE HOUSE STAFFING
  • protection from our gynecologists, obstetricians and perinatalogists~ these are the people who have devoted their lives to helping women. What we need is the best medical care available- care which is not influenced or restricted by over-zealous legislators
Ecumenical (Item)
  • thing he had done in the first tenn. · 4. Aguilar v. Felton (FYI) The President is supporting the effort by New York City to over tum the 1986 Supreme Court ruling in Aguilar v.Felton that restricts how we provide Title I services to poor kids
  • APRIL 8, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO Melanne Verveer George Stephanopoulos Tod Stern Elena Kagan Jen Klein Jeremy Ben-Ami John Hart Deb Fine Holly Carver Karin Abramson FROM: Betsy Myers Judy Gold SUBJECT: Women Participants for H.R.1833 Veto Vicki Saporta
  • periodical volumes, and 2,221,600 government documents; Special reference collections and exhibit space will highlight and support research on San Francisco's rich cultural diversity. Technology I of2 06/19/97 15:55:50 SFI2L -- Tl>e New Main tile://I Al
  • taken several major steps, such as: • updating the certification process and incorporated an automatic system rejection process to ensure all documents have been properly approved before Trust Fund accounts are established • freezing grant renewals until
  • , before the Revolutionary War and after it, they produced perhaps the two most visionary and enduring documents of the 20th century-- our Declaration oflndependence and our Constitution. Today, we are gathered to lay the cornerstone for a new century
  • + Talk + About Us + Email the Globe + Back to Boston.Com 04/04/97 07:41:54 F.Y.I. To: All Speechwriters Don Baer Ann Lewis Bruce Reed Elena Kagan Mike Cohen From: Michael Waldman Date: April 9, 1997 Manilesto (13rit·ain)- make education our
  • . (Applause.) 9 of 11 12/22/2000 3:51 PM http://www. pub. whi!2 ... :pdi :1/ .us/200017113/5. text Now, a lot of women don't do much better. We have excellent nominees -- Elena Kagan; Helene White; Bonnie Campbell, former