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8 results

  • secO.ndary market fO.r ecO.nO.mic develO.pment IO.ans. The CEF specifically targets welfare-tO.-wO.rk and city-suburb business cO.nnectiO.ns, building UPO.n the success O.fHUD's EDI and SectiO.n guarantee program. • Community Development Block
  • focused on minority-owned or small business in ' distressed areas; c) eliminate mandatory pledge of CDBG dollars for CEF loans. I -Metro Jobs/Community DeyelopmentCorporation (CDC) Links. Would target job-poor but CDC,served central-city neighborhoods
  • needs. ; • Enables the States to serve more: working families with subsidy through the ~CDBG. Com: • May not be targeted enough to reach the working poor population in need of child care aSsistance. . . . ,~ :.~..:. , ..... ~ I
  • of spacial mismatch between inner city workers and suburban jobs. This integrated package would grow to approximately the size of the CDBG program in the out years, for a five-year total of $10 billion. Lesser budget options include: (a) trimming to do fewer