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21 results

  • of this document, which has a three-fold purpuse. Firstly, the impact of tobacco on the health of the Nation and the consequent costs will be described. Sec..:ondly,· the tobacco-related research within the portfolios of each of the Institutes will be briefly
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Draft Memorandum- Needle Exchange (5 pages) 10/23/96 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: ' Clinton Presidential Records Domestic policy Council Chris
AIDS [10] (Item)
  • . of New NIH AIDS vaccine Laboratory. We are in the process of establishing a dedicated intramural HIV vaccine research and development center on the NIH campus, a major new initiative capitalizing on remarkable advances in iromunoloqy not previously
  • . We worked with the states to expand Medicaid to more than 2 million Americans who previously had no insurance. We reached across party lines to enact the Kassebaum-Kennedy law so that working families won't lose their insurance whenthey change jobs
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTrflTLE List of Attendees, November 17, 1997 Meeting with Chris Jennings Social Security numbers redacted (2 pages) 12/14/97 RESTRICTION P61b(6) ~l
  • but could not previously' because ofjob lock. It might not, however, cover many uninsured since one-quarter have incomes below 200 percent of poverty and probably could not afford an unsubsidized policy. Thus, policies withoutpremium assistance would
  • to restrict the program, according ever, that "there ~ a lot of mdi~­ to a new report. tions that things went ,wrong WIth Cigarette consumption per per­ the program:~~ ..",~ son initially declined 52 percent Altho mia's 18 percent faster in California than
  • in combination with previously available drugs, the resulting highly active anti-retroviral treatment has been shown to remarkably reduce the arnountof virus in an infected individual, to have a major impact on diminishing AlDS·defining events, and on helping
  • . • The first set ofestimates will be OMB's assessment of what the agency feqWres for base program operations an~ previously-announced Presidential priorities over FY 1999-2003. The agency may discuss the composition of this passback level with OMB. The agency
  • : Chris 'Jennings, SUBJEC'f: HMO qisenrollment from Medicare and Resp0t:Ise by Administration cc: . 'John Podesta, Rahm Emanuel, Jack Lew, Bruce Reed, Gene Sperling, . Ron Klain, Larry Stein, Sylvia Mathews, Elena Kagan, David Beier, Janet Murguia, Dan
  • -7300 (6-7395) HCFA 800-448-4232 Horvath, Jane (Stephanie) 690~7450 Jennings, Tom 301-654-8538 Justice, D'iane 690-6262 401-4634 I , ! , I I I I 690-8425 I , i Kagan, Elena (Laura) 6-5584 (6-5565) 6-2878 Kakani, Anil NEOB 8222 5-4686
  • " MEMORANDUM January 30, 1997 TO: Erskine Bowles . Bruce Reed 'Marcia Hale FROM: Chris Jennings RE: Medicaid and the governors Attached are two documents in preparation for your upcoming discussions on Medicaid with the governors. The first
Immunizations (Item)
  • ., Bldg. HHH, Room 647~O. Washington. O.C.20201 10/15/97 WED 19:23 FAX 2026907318 141002 DHHS/ASPA 10115/97 • j , '.r NOTE TO ELENA KAGAN AND €HRlS JENNINGSSince you two have been dealing with the possible "racial disparities" initiative, Bill
  • ~ c.os >"fl' e.. (-+­ "J ,r '\' ') , ... MEMORANDUM F@R THE CIDEF OF STAFF \ '. . Bruce Reed' Elena Kagan FROM: SUBJECT: I i , DPC October Event Ideas Health Care I Long-Term Care: If Democrats decide to introduce an alternative tax
  • • Richard S. Carro· (202) 622·0650 [or: Christopher C. Jennings
  • ,ividuals: • Because of the difficulty in administering a credit that depends on the type of institution in which care occurs and the small cost saving that arise from excluding nursing home residents, , the nonrefundable options do not restrict
  • _ _ _------~--~------~--_J Cynthia Dailard 08/04/9801 :42:15 PM Record Type: To: Record Bruce N. Reed/OPD/EOP, Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP, Laura Emmett/wHO/EOP, Cynthia A. Rice/OPD/EOP cc: Nicole R. Rabner/WHO/EOP Subject: California Tobacco Initiative The California
  • Sanate.passcd bill. The W.,.. d MeaN Comnrittce lhou.kf recognize the partnership we depend on wU:h the I 5, aod ~re tho zntl:X!datory fundiQ. Additionally) states ha"c expressed conoe about teclmlcal implmlentlltion 'inu.ea wins from the income restrictions
  • believe may be worthwhile to consider. ." MEMORANDUM October 3, 1997 TO: Bill Corr FR: Chris Jennings and Sarah Bianchi cc: Elena Kagan Attached are few suggestions you may want to consider for possible new increases .and . initiatives
Cancer [2] (Item)