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  • and staff concerning overall purposes of study, strategies to study neighborhoods, map of neighborhoods showing diversity in collective efficacy across Chicago. ·r h--. r!Jn~· ~ .AJ .. ~~ ~ V \ Child care center at Robert Taylor Homes (large public
  • ' • -~. • .. . :. ,'.' ~ ., ;·:,·. :_ .. " ' . ~ \ ·::· .. '.·; '· ... .. . . .... . • ··:·.···'' ' •'." ··· ... ·, ··~.· ' ·. I- ' :~ .·,, . . ',i ; ,•,' .. ·· . , ... ' .' ' ·.·. . 1;~ "' . .' .. ,. ' . ·,, . ofdigitiza~ioh: . '"To' -see' the fultptib ll"cattqD. Rl~a-~~- search online Of:' -. -visit t4.e'Clh1tonB't~s1-(fehti~rLib~ary'fRe~e-arch'Roon1
  • prevention and intervention strategies. The Project is combining two studies into a single integrated design: a series of data collection efforts at the community level and a longitudinal cohort study. In 1996, the Project on Human Development in Chicago
  • An estimated 502,000 children' were in foster care in 1996. I Back to News and Reports I Back to CDF Home Page I 1What's New I More about CDF I A VoiCe for Children I Issues I BCCC I Stand For Children I Publications ·I Links I Site Index I Search I All
  • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. •· March 1, 1999 Mr. Christopher Jennings · ·Office of Domestic Policy The White House 216 Old Executive Office Building Washington, DC 20500 Dear Chris: · We have been collecting, either in hard copy or through on-line ·reprints, articles over the past
  • for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. 'l WW11fflMdB#*MWMFW MtHEH &H&HH&%&' * M &&W*FPW U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office
  • multiple risk factors for the isease. The search to develop ceines to prevent breast cancer is under way and include studies targeting antibodies on breast cancer ells. Other approaches being investigated. include gene therapy . .techniques. DWIS BREAST
America Reads (Item)
  • · · ·untveraity of~ortb C.Oiio.a-~iUo . Ul1lversityot'Nonh Carolin...chapel HiD* Univcnily of North Carolma-Oreoosbcn University of'Nor1b CaroiU.Wllmington v~t-Gruvtlla eom.n,unity Collep '\vab F~ Univcn;lcy Wcmra PkdiDOtl~ Commaaity Collect · Nort1! P.gko!Jt
  • . --- -- -------------------. l i ! / I Archives' - - Wii§@j§M 4j14i¥1Bi Mi.ii!i@ September 26, 1998, Saturday National Desk ( [email protected] .MfiM@iii ARCtl!VE:S NEW SEARCH ABOUT THIS SERVICE ACCOUNT CENTER ARCHIVES HELP AMERICANS LACKING HEALTH INSURANCE PUT AT 16
  • children, families and the community. Clearly, these impacts vary depending on the goals of the particular program. The value of a Desired Results approach is that it will help to improve services for children, family and communities. Data will be collected
  • Introduction As a country, we must fight cancer on all fronts; through prevention,. through treatment, and through the continuing search for scientific breakthroughs and cures. Fortunately, we live in a wonderful time, when our knowledge of cancer
  • have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. Clinton Presidential Records Digital Records Marker
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Cindy Brownstein to Barbara Woolley re meeting attendees' information (partial) (1 page) 11/25/1998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Rush T Description: A fast paced trivia quiz game show. Questions have a pop culture twist. Hoyle Board Games E Description: A collection of classic board games such as checkers, chess, battleship and chutes and ladders. Kuba K-A Description
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Office of Policy Development Neera Tanden (First Lady's Issues) OA/Box Number: 20164 .FOLDER TITLE: ' [Parental Unemployment Insurance and Paid Family Leave] [4] [Loose] 20 12-003 8-S kc639 RESTRICTION CODES
  • have flexibil!ty in desi.grrlng and running their own UI systems. With some variation ·in implementation, the States determine UI eligibility with three general tests: (1) involuntary separation from work; (2) ongoing work search; and (3) availability
  • of Congress (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) 003c. letter Parent of Delegate Jimmy to Sandra [Silvestri] (partial) (1 page) 03/09/1999 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number
  • threatening conditions. The Federal Extended Benefit (EB) law contains an_ exception to its work search requirement for claimants who are hospitalized for an emergency or life-threatening condition. This is an exception to the EB work search requirement only
  • ....... -..... .......................... ....................................... .. .. """ ......................... ~--- ---· ........................................ . '""""'""""""""' "l'HIS SEARCH tf~.Ll!ll: Prev Hit Hit List "l'HIS DOC'f.JlrfENT "' ...................... , ·----·- -·-· GO TO Forwa~d !!~~ ..:1:)11.-.l.~ .. ~.~!!:~.b. Back· ~om_~P!'l~ Beet Sections Doe Contents ('""':·· Billl of 50 ............... Help
  • (6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14961 FOLDER TITLE: Special Olympics Healthy Athlete Initiative [Binder] [I] 2011-0688-S kc617 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • /1999 P6/b(6) 004d. letter Delegate Adam to Rep Porter (partial) (1 page) 02/22/1999 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14961 FOLDER TITLE: JDF [Juvenile Diabetes
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter "DATE SUBJECTffiTLE Neal Neilinger to POTUS re Youth Violence Task Force (partial) (I page) 04/21/1999 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • information with co-workers, improve data collection, and provide for training, and a ni:w pay equity award. The President's .·budgetalso includes a new $14 million Equal Pay initiative that would enable the Equal Employment Opportllnities
  • FAST sessions, they join an ongoing, school-based collective of 40 to 50 interdependent families who meet once a month for 2 years. These FASTWORKS groups are managed by families who have graduated from the program, with support from a collaborative
  • , collectively they are quite encouraging. They indicate that some youth development programs that focus upon non-sexual risk and protective factors of teen pregnancy can actually reduce teen pregnancy as well as improve other behaviors. Douglas Kirby, Ph.D
  • I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Federal Trade Commission Invite List (partial) (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • of absence, transferring jobs, or receiving an alternative work schedule WO)Jld not be sufficient to guarantee the employee or the employee's family's safety. I '(3) ACTIVE SEARCH FOR EMPLOYMENT For purposes of subsection (a)(20), if State a law requires
  • . ·.;' . .- 04:H.R.1920: mzs XHIS SEARCH Next Bit Prev Bit Bit List .; . .[-'•i ) DOCC1M1i:ll'E Forward . Back Best Sections Doc Contents GO TO New Search BomePage Help .·.·,;
  • treatment and prevention from the Crime Victims Furid. This fund is 'financed through! the collection of criminal fines, penalties and other assessments against persons co·nviC'te~ of crimes against the United States. In the 1998 fiscal year, the Crime
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 1. contact info DATE SUBJECTffiTLE address (partial) (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject
  • for infant care · BYLINE: By Ann Scales, Globe Staff · BODY: GRAMBLING, La.- Calling parents too stressed and 0\~erworked, President.Clinton said yesterday he would order a change in federal regulations that would allow ~orkers to collect unemployment
  • P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domistic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: ·14954 FOLDER TITLE: Children's Health-CHIP [Children's Health Insurance Program] Meeting with Jen Klein 20 11-0688-S kc564
  • experience, if sufficient private sector employment is not available; community service programs; on-the-job training; job search and job readiness assistance (for a maximum of 6 weeks); vocational educational training (for a maximum of 12 months); job skills
  • anti-drug advertising campaign, the Partnership for a Drug-Free America is a private, non-profit, non-p~rtisan coalition ofprofessionals from the communications industry, whose collective mission is to reduce demimdfor illicit drugs in America through
  • ) Unfortunately, the data collected also appear to highlight the problems children and fathers face if the father has been displaced from the home or has never lived with the mother. For purposes of this study, children were divided into two categories: preschool
  • Architectural Press, 1997), a collection of · ssays, said: "In most suburbs, there's not even a decent park, \ ' because e':'eryone has a backyard. But older kids never play in the · backyard. They'll find even the crummiest piece of park." ~ http
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clint9n Library. DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax SUBJECTffiTLE '. RESTRICTION ·cover sheet, Diane McKeever to Tan den (partial) (1 page) 01/12/1999 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • \U'Veillance, Epidemiolobry, and End Results (SEER) Program. The SEER program collects cancer incidence data from nine registries: five state-wide reb>istrics (Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, New Mexico, and Utah) and four-metropolitan area registries· (Atlanta
  • Forward Back Best Sections Doc Contents Next Document Prev Document Daily Digest New CR Search Home Page Help Full Display- 1,196 bytes.[Help] · BOXER (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 330 (Senate - May 12, 1999) [ Page : s 517 3 ] Link to GPO's PDF version
  • is underway. Genetics of Asthma ~,. st~-die~' supp~rtea by NIH ai-~ attempting to identir)Hil; ~ajo~ geHeireSp-onsit·i~ for a5thma ihit ;;: . • asthma-associated phenotypes such as allergy and airway hyper-responsiveness. A genome-wide search, sponsored
  • .information on adults was collected, or where the collection and fii·ing of pediatric data would delay the availability of a product that provides a significant therapeutic advantage to adults. The requir.ement would be waived for some or all pediatric. age
  • understood and val Jed school choice and whose collective voice co~ld do more to alter public perceptions tBan could be achieved by even the: most massive public relations campaign. " 22 . I . · ·.· . CEO America President Fritz Steiger's recent fu~draising
Pillars [2] (Item)
  • &D: $3 billion over 10 years Data collection: $1 billion over I0 years. Unan.1~ig~o~~ credit to tht: Admtntst(att?n. U.S. leadershi~I in'the intemational community in reducing human suffering. I 2000: Deploy 5 Teraflop capability 2008: Deploy
  • Miller (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) 004. resume Howard Abikoff(partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14955 FOLDER TITLE: Families-Parent Corps 20
  • ) 003. list Members (of Congress) for Title IX Event (partial) ( 1·page) 06/1111997 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 20358 FOLDER TITLE: Title IX Anniyersary Executive
  • trips, as required by INS regulations. • Children should be given unrestricted and private access to telephones and assisted in making calls. The INS should enable children to call relatives who cannot accept collect calls. • To prevent conflicts
  • 4,300 districts--collectively serving 36 percent (updated estimate) of the nation's children--would be eligible to participate; within districts, preference would be given to establish or expand centers serving high-needs neighborhoods. What requirements
  • opportunities through welfare reform; supporting promising approaches; building partnerships; improving data collection, research, and evaluation; and disseminating information on innovative and effective practices. Recent Trends · ,' ~ After rising steadily
  • Satellite 7/17 Face-face sessions 2-4"' quarters Ambulatory Care New modelResource Data Collection /Utilization Management !Integrity . Product Line ----.._ (801) 584-1281 I Jan Pettey 5/1/97 Anticipated Delivery 4"' Quarter Page 2- Appendix B
  • , and job search assistance to allow them to develop the· skills required for employment opportunities around the country. (NEC) 13. Making Job Training Universal. We are considering an initiative to make job training more univerSal. The first component
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. resume DATE SUBJECTrfiTLE nd Marie Nulty (partial) (2 pages) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files
  • . II. Children and Families Child Support • TaX Offset. In 1997, over $2.1 billion has been collected, oJwhich over $1.2 billion is child support debt and nearly $950 million is Federal debt. Note: This number has never been released. Source
  • compliance review resources effectively. By modifying· the current job category reporting system, OFCCP will be able to quickly detect varied pay· levels between men· and women within the same salary category. By collecting more accurate compensation data
  • participating agency, who is empowered to aa on behalf of that agency. If this can not be accomplished. then .. at a minimum. there should be (a) a "team leader" empowered by and answerable to the collective of agency'representatives participating
  • .· ~march "'Resource Directory state sp&elfit: developars instructional managemant dopartmont info &res.earoh tLS. .. Search Other Sites: power s~~
  • Wanzer to Tanden (partial) (1 page) 03/24/1998 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14956 FOLDER TITLE: Hillary Rodham Clinton-Events 20 11-0688-S kc607 RESTRICTION
  • in federal regulation~ that would allow workers to collect unemployment benefits while on leave to care for newborn or newly adopted children. In a commencement address at Grambling . State University, the president said the revisio'ns would give states
  • and Representatives listing [includes residence address and phone] (10 pages) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 20358 FOLDER TITLE: Early Childhood [Event] Hartford, 1/28 [1998] [1
  • equal terms, regardless of a pe~son's ability to only within its own ranks. pay for it. This school of thought wou!d like Embedded in Yankelovlch's grand thesis to see health care financed collectively, are three hypotheses that warrant closer through
  • ,_.:. ·. · · . ' . , . : .. ~- . . . · · ' . ·. .. : · · . · · · . .(B) ..·. .. ·. . ..... I THIS SEARCH ·Forward Prav ·Hit Hit List. . .. ··- .. THIS· CR ISSUE' . THIS DOCUMENT II N&xt Hj,t ..' .. , .,. ,,', . ... . .. · Sack· .•· ~=~•;!:~~~~· I .'· . . . .· .. GO, '!'0 'Next Document' Pre
  • List (partial) (I page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14957 FOLDER TITLE: Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-FTC/DOJ [Federal Trade
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 23930 FOLDER TITLE: Youth Development/Afterschool!Violence [2] 20 11-0688-S kc621 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- J44 U.S.C. 2204(a)l
  • by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. This marker identifies the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton
  • was the search for a universal solution. And it's still growing worse. The costs of health care, stable for several years now, are about to ascend. The 3-4 per cent annual growth rate last year is expected to rise to 4-5 per.cent this year and maybe as high as 7
  • ,.. Brotherton said. puters. Micro Business Solutions. a Not all r~dents plan t.o use the Huntsville training center, is providcomputers for job searches. ing software instructors and Drake Mildred Thomas signed up for a State Technical
  • about food stamps. 1 • President Clinton's Welfare-to,. Work Tax Credit provides tax incentives to encourage businesses to hire long-term welfare recipients. Increased Child Support Collections • President Clinton fought for and signed into law
  • methods for keeping parents notified and involved in the discipli~e of their children. Collect data and publish an annuai report card. Districts will receive funding to enable them to improve data collection and report on the effectiveness of the approach
  • F) under wclhtre reform. WorkFirst seeks to reduce welfare dependency and increase se.lf-sufficiency among welfare recipients hy ,··cquiring them to work or actively .engage in job search actiVities 9r job related training. In addition, a 60-month
  • the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. w HIV/AID.S AMONG HISPANICS
  • and facts about domestic violence • volunteer opportunities • training for individuals and agencies interested in seeking justice for battered women Promoting prevention Forging social change is possible, but it depends on both our individual and collective
  • they face in their school -- to work on curriculum related to high standards Professional development (support efforts for teachers to work collectively ). But obviously we heed to have qualified teachers in classroom -initiatives ·to get more qualified tea
  • ! [partial] (2 pages) 11/1811998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14954 FOLDER TITLE: Abortion-Clinic Violence [Folder!] 20 11-0688-S kc555 RESTRICTION CODES
  • . The additional child care funds that the .President insisted on in the welfare reform legislation · have enabled hundreds ofthousands of families to receive affordable child care while they work. Child support collections have increased by 68 percent since 1992
  • a nonrenewable interim certificate:..The commissioner can :not consider .. any requests for waiver of the certification or collective bargaining tequireme)lts set out in the general starutes. . · · .. · Coll~tive bargaining. The school professionals employed
  • in outcomes they report is that a substantial. number of patients that were provided· LVRS could not be followed in order to collect postsurgery data. Thus, important outcomes information is missing for these patients at various time intervals·. Table 3
  • * has been collected about family and child care characteristics, and about patterns of child development pertaining to social, emotional, cognitive, language and health outcomes. Contrary to the statement by Greenspan, the NICHD study did not find
  • Joey Silvestri's fafily [partial] (1 page) nd P6/b(6) I I I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domistic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14954 FOLDER TITLE: Children's Health-Juvenile Diabetes Ev~nt I ! 20 11-0688
  • bite for the · · nightly TV news. But. I hope that you will continue to search for ways to translate your work into information that is readily available and usable in many different venues. We need that now as much as ever. I think there is a greater
  • .perldds; "·. · . . .. 7 8 .TITLE :r. I IV--~SEARCH. AND I I I. ·. DEMONSTRATIONS 9 . I ' \ ;~,-..!...'. . 1 , I . . . '··\ ,. •' ,' · .. · 10 .SEC. 40t AUTHOIUTY. TO· MAK:E- GRANTS. FOR RESEARCH. '
  • sensitive behavior change strategies for asthma control. • R~search Translation: Dissemination and Education - An ongoing and important part of HHS/NIH astluna research program is to translate and disseminate scientific findings to improve the. health
  • to the fuli..:st extent pos~ible, for all child r.~re workers in all1 n-milit!ity, federally-sponsored child care Administator Barri..txp. will al. o report to rne .Jn . plans to improve data collection and maint~n:illlc . ~IB;obeAencies will report
  • in that subpopulation. DATES: Written conunents and reconunendations by (insert date 90 days after date of publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER) . Written . conunents on the information collection provisions should be submitted by (insert date 30 days after date
  • % ·;• :~.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% ·3-Bpm IIJ11·7am 02/11/98 WED 18:30 FAX 141007 ~ .. Included in the newly released statistics are important new data collected by the University · of California-Irvine's Focused Research Group on Orange County Street Gangs
  • (partial) (1 page) 05/12/1997 P6/b(6) 003. note Elaine Shuster to Ann Stock (partial) (1 page) 05/12/1997 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 23930 FOLDER TITLE: Women
  • P6/b(6) j 002./fax ! COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records I Domestic Policy Council ~eera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: ' 14954 FOLDER TITLE: iAbortion-RU-486 20 11-0688-S kc556 I I Pr~sidential RESTRICTION CODES Records Act- 144
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library· DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax SUBJECTrfiTLE · DATE Carole Burkemper to FLOTUS re Home Health Care (partial) (1 page) 10/08/1998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. resume SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Alice Kessler-Harris (partial) (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden
  • , D.C. Family, Youth and Adult Literacy Summit will bring together for a one-day working conference individuals and groups from across the·citY, dedicated to meeting the literacy needs of the community. Collectively, these attendees will develop
  • pressures end that search and they're left to simply ; I ~ I . . Lope for ! the best. i . · I I · · But /when Pamela Days learned about the PAL program, she quickly !nrolled Rashawn, even though at that point he scorned it as ,abysitt~ng. · ; . I
  • called for improved collection .of data. We recommended incorporation of an . additional U~.fol~ safetY factor into standards whenever there ate major gaps in data or evid~ce of fetal toxicity. JUL-24~98~08•58 FROM•OFC. OF ADMIN
  • ), b(7)(C), b(7)(E), b(7)(F) 002. list Roun~ nd P6/b(6) Table Patients and Parents (partial) (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14955 FOLDER TITLE: Health Reform
  • leaders from comparable states to exchange information and experi·· ences; • collection of baseline information and tracking over time of state progress and best practices; • on-site state technical assistance from expert teams on complex issues
  • and practice. And theory that does not work in practice is bad theory." Christine A. Littleton, In Search of a Feminist Jurisprudence, !0 HARV. WoMEN's LJ. I, 6 (1987). 5. 42 U.S.C.A. §§ 12101-12213 (West Supp. 1992). The ADA's definition of "reasonable
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. notes SUBJECTffiTLE DATE post-its (2) (partial) (I page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (~ubject
  • -generated fax activity report for National Economic Council · (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14956 FOLDER TITLE: Violence Against Women [3] 20 11-0688-S kc618
  • Amy Rossi to FLOTUS re juvenile violence (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) 002b. letter Amy Rossi to FLOTUS re juvenile violence (partial) (1 page) 04/23/1999 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden
  • than those who see themselves as free agents waiting to hop to the next company in search of higher pay. If Wilms and Jacoby are even half right, there will be good economic reasons, and not just sentimental ones, for focusing on the implicit moral
  • Olympics brief review of the procedures at the event was completed in order to ensure that data collection was consistent and accurate~ The vision screening began with an intake interview. The athlete provided his/her name, date of birth, country
  • * have made staffing shortages and high turnover in child care worse. Under Clinton's direction, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin is to lead a group of business leaders in search of day care answers. * The president said businesses should help employees
Welfare [2] (Item)
  • the importance of welfare to work transportation by authorizing up to $150 million annually in the ISTEA reauthorization bill. . · • PROMOTING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY • Enforcing Child Support _..; 68% Increase in Collections: The Clinton Administration
  • was evaruated spattered in blood, he discovered that Eric while the cops searched for bonibs. . Harris lived right behind him. that Eric's was Bobbi Taylor has a merital picture: Ifs that blue-gray house looming over his back· springtime, a generic sunny day
  • best effort.s. I have long shared that frustration with you. In the wake of school shootings, the public is · desperately searching for something that makes sense. Given this political climate, we believe that if the research highlighted in Ghosts From
  • specified onpage one (1) of this Agreement. The UI agrees that all Campaign staff will have access to the non-reference section and materials (CD-ROM databases, on-line search stations, periodicals, and other materials which may be used in the library
  • carefully collected document, and quantitainformation that permits rive literacy of America's addressing some importeachers and compare tant questions. And the them to the literacy of clara presented compare other adults. One will exceedingly well
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14952 FOLDER TITLE: Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-AfterSchool-Particular Programs 2011-0688-S kc624 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • that children are safe whether communities that experience collective efficacy, defined as .the degree to which adults will intervene in the lives of children, are .. more safe ,· ~Page What Works Panel: The First Lady would lead a round-table discussion
  • obstacles in their search for challenging and rewarding part-time jobs. Two of the major obstacles are pay disparities between full-time and part-time workers and part-time workers' lack of access to desirable, highly compensated part-time :fObs. Because
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. schedule DATE SUBJECTffiTLE FLOTUS, Thursday, September 17, 1998 (partial) (1 page) 09117/1998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • since 1950. In 1995; there were 6.3 maternal deaths 87 . per 100,000 l.~ve births . However new, improved data collection techniques are ·suggesting that the rate of maternal ·mortality associated with heart ailments, embolism, hemorrhage, high blood
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax SUBJECTffiTLE DATE May Reinhart to Chris Jennings (partial) (1 page) 0511711998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14957 FOLDER TITLE: Youth Development/Afterschool!Violence-Conference on School Violence [I 0/15/98] [2) 20 11-0688-S kc630 RESTRICTION CODES
  • ," September/ October 1997, Issue 17. Data on child care expenses from Child Care Information Exchange. (1996, July). Data collected from resource and referral agencies in each city. Data on average university costs cited in Statistical Abstract of the United
  • ) 0311611999 P6/b(6) .. COLLECTION: . Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14952 FOLDER TITLE: Health Reform-Asthma Event May 1999 [2] · 20 11-0688-S kc584 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • (partial) (I page) 01/08/1999 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: . Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14955 FOLDER TITLE: Health Reform-Epilepsy Event in Chicago [Jan 13, 1999] [2] 20 11-0299-S kc593
  • Vitamin D, Calcium and Prevention of Colon and Breast Cancer, Collected Papers 1980-1998 [3]
  • - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Serum samples were thawed for all cases of colon cancer and for two controls per case, matched on age, race, sex, county of residence, and date of serum collection. blindly for 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Sera were
  • , President Clinton directed the Forum to produce an annual report on the most important indicators o(the well-being of the Nation's children. The report collects, in a single place, regularly measured and representative Federal Government statistics
  • , .. , • 'the deaths Of, IWO people because Brady, ,the former White House · they collectively sold handguns In · preSS ·secretary· WhO.·WaS seriOUSly 'ThoNeWY... Timeo Ways ttiaffostered a flOW Of flre'armS 1 wounded with President Ronald Rea
  • :1iinsk;: of or. ways to improve, but on how to help mothers the Families and \Vork f:-:stitute, a private re· who want to stair home. search. foundation. Searching for child ca~e. she "We don't do. a ver-J good job in this countr::. said at a \Vhite
  • of their self-esteem is determined by other people, by their friends. They are searching for themselves and by looking at other kids, hope they find what they need." Azelton has taught a class in self-esteem, using the book "Stick Up for Yourself' by Gershen
  • collects responses on non-clinic condom availability programs in the schools and at other sites in the community. Unfortunately, policies frequently limit or restrict SBHC services; the survey, therefore, examines both policies that restrict services
  • identifies the place of a publication. + a Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. 'l. •wse•e *RWN
  • ) , P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 20359 FOLDER TITLE: Boxer Event 5/26 [ 1998] [2] 2012-0057 -S kc646 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l
  • addreSsed .investigation techniques, forensic services; evidence collection, and intervie~ techniques. Rep~ns of training outcomes include improved police handling of domes~ic violence incidents. improved inter-agency . coordination, establis~nt of multi
  • ) will launch a $7.3 million landmark determine the nature of mental illness and .treatment_pationwide and to help guide strategies and policy for the next century. This new study will collect information on mental illness, including the prevalence
  • and an array of opportunities. Students are assessed for life/family issues; assessed for vocational abilities and interests; provided with job-readiness dasses, induding English skills, job search and interviewing skills, career counseling;· and provided
  • . The activities of the Parenting Institute include the collection, organization, and dissemination of information from the broad fields of developmental psychology and child and adolescent psychiatry and related disciplines. The program has organized and presented
  • be a model of rhe .refocused welfare system. According to an HHS-sponsored study. the program was strongly employmentfocused--emphasizingjob search for"goocr• jabs-though ir utilized a mixed service straregy, including 'short-r.erm education, vocational
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax DATE SUBJECTrfiTLE tover sheet, Adriana de Kanter to Tanden (partial) (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • for child care data collection, research and evaluation. a -- 13 Congressional Proposals. The various legislative proposals introduced during the 105u. Congress address child care issues in a number of different· ways. 14 Among the initiatives are bills
  • wonderful to this search proved fruitless. the project ty: It follows the path of least resistance. see 42nd. Street turned around." Pataki . was given to two community groups es- If somebody's looking to invest and they says. "but 125ih Street
  • . $599,704/$1,799,112 Star Search, an after-school and summer program, offers student as well as parental support activities. Huntsville Citv Schools, Huntsville Camp Success offers students academic support in a summer and extended day program. $279,008
  • will have to look in history books to learn abou.t the devastation of cancer or AIDS. During a time of great change, there is always uncertainty about which direction each of us individually will go and which direction collectively we will choose .. We
Girl Power (Item)
  • ~ published .in Politics ~nd th? Life Science~, a· refereed but obscure journal. It is not included on the normal journal search lists, but was tracked down with the help of two extraordinary research librarians at the Park:lawn reference library
  • ' , ~ ' • • , - • t• , , ' ', I .J' • • 1 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. invitation SUBJECTrfiTLE DATE Holiday Party (1 page) nd RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. ANDTYPE : : I 00 I. flyer i SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Coalition for America's Children advertisement (partial) (I page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • discussed (caring, honesty, respect and responsibility) are the "core values" of YMCA programs. YMCAs are collectively the nation's largest providers of child care, serving nearly half a million children every week. Nearly 8 million children are served
  • is the search for a compromise between two views -- that abortion is murder and that it is a woman's right -- that seem absolutely contradictory and yet so powerful that they often coexist within the same person. In responses so paradoxical that they astound
  • of punitive measures down the lilie --to discourage teenage childbearing. These proposals appear to rest on two basic assumptions: that poor, unma"ied teenagers.deliberately get pregnant and have bab_ies in order to collect welfare and set up their own
  • the Blueprints project that focuses on drug prevention. The program. Life Skills Training, resulted from CSPV's search for effective drug prevention programs to combat crime and violence. This program will target middle/junior high school (6th, 7tb, and 8th grade
  • digitization capabilities, we are sometimes unable to adequately scan such dividers. The title from the original document is indicated below. Divider Title: /4- ----------~----------------- • APPENDIX A • • • • • • • • MEDLINE SEARCH LUNG VOUME
  • have, for the first time, observed a community take collective responsibility for the. problems of its youth. The . vision they have adopted aims not only to contain gang violence but to do so in a way that shepherds back the community's most . wayward
  • . The young man disappeared into the vast world of tribes and nations in search of the enemies of his king. The princess waited for his return . . Upon the 12th year of this quest, scouts reported to the king that a warrior approached the great city
  • . And we also have to help parents do a better job of searching out .good child cat after survey when parents are asked, lhey really In survey don~ know what they'fe looking fo~~ ThOy don~ know what kind of equipment should be there; they don't know
  • of federalism. The C:onstitution establishes a federal system that ensures to each citizen the right to move about ~reely from st~te to [sta~e i~ search of opportunity. 'l_'he Supreme Cou~t has rec_o~nized that this core value IS em9od1ed m both the fundamental
  • to help parents select sate and'ry care. ~~search is needed to assist pclicy~mnkers aJ1d · leal\ers to better understa how to build the su lv of alTordable, quality cure. Cllnemly, no hmda are targeted to child care c ata anct research
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTffiTLE DATE WH Fellow Question 13, Kate Mehr (partial) (1 page) 01/29/1998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • Vitamin D, Calcium and Prevention of Colon and Breast Cancer, Collected Papers 1980-1998 [2]
  • age g=:n::p :oak a o::- ·.·i:a.:::i::. J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 84 Calcium. Vitamin D. and Prevention of Colon Cancer supplernen~ daily. 33 Corresponding data on frequency of use of specific supplements Yere collected
  • Case #, if applicable Collection/Record Group 1Folder Title Box Number Jl Title:U Transfer Point I ~During Processing Date of Tranter ]I 10/25/2011
  • Clinton Library Transfer Form Accession# - -·- Collection/Record Group - ·- ·-- -· .. Subgroup/Office of Origin ,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. ..._e_ Js_t_aff N~ m_e_...,..II"Neer~ s r_ie_s_ ~ a~ . ,; Subseries 'OA Number .................. J~~"r
  • Clinton Library Transfer Form , i......:;...;p ......_l_ _ ... s e #;.. t ap _h·c ab e .......-~1120 1 2-0057-S _j ..-~-------------,. I Collection/Record Group ,Subgroup/Office of Origin fFolder Title I ,Title: I) Phone (Hm
  • FOIA Number: FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: . Clinton Presidential Records ·' Subgroup/Office of Origin: First
  • FOIA Number: FOIA MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidentiaf Records Subgroup/Office of Origin: First Lady's
  • - -------------;-------- - - - FOIA Number: 2007-0088-F FOIA This is not a textual record. This is used administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. · Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Clinton Library Transfer Form _c _ e_ i_ _P P _ ab l__ _ _ _as_ #_, f a ...,~Ii c__ e -~JI2012-0057 -S Pr~si~.entiai Collection/Record Group JJCiinton Subgroup/Office of Origin l fFir; t Lady's Office Folder Title Transferred to: · Other
  • -\ FOIA Number: 2006-0810-F (2) . . F I . This is not, a- textual record~ This is used as an .,. ·administrative marker by the William J. Clinton · Presidential Library Staff. . \ . . Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Clinton Library Transfer Form Case#, if applicable ~~2012-0057-S Collection/Record Group ~r----........:.----- - - - -- Uc linton Presidentia_ f3ecords l Subgroup/Office of Origin Folder Title loA Number Box Number IJ 1 VHS tape , National
  • -- ---------------- FOIA Number: I 2006-0810-F (2) . . .. This is not a textual record. Tllis is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. ColleCtion/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records
  • FOIA Number: 2006-081 0-F (2) .1. ,. f. KER · This is not a textual record. This is used as an ' administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. Collection/Record Group: Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office
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  • .---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - Clinton Library Transfer Form Case #, if applicable !Collection/Record Group Accession# I ~~l_?_n_j::>!_e~i~~t~aJ__~ecord
  • or a system that made it easy for companies, whether big or small, to collect the taxes levied by inore than 30,000 state and local jurisdictions. But the panel's chairman, Gov. James Gilmore of Virginia, a Republican with an aggressive antitax agenda, says he
  • Clinton Library Transfer Form U2012-0057 -S 11Case #, if applicable - j . Collection/Record Group Clinton Presidential Records Subgroup/Office of Origin First Lady's_ Office Folder Title DescriPtio~ -· l - --- - -· I Last Name: II
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. ANDTYPE i i 001. envelope I SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Lynn Dix to FLOTUS (partial) (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records I Domestic Policy Council Neera
  • the resourcebased data collected as part of its CPEP process in assigning practice expense relative value units (RVUs) for the technical components of the major epilepsy diagnostic service (95951) as It did for all other services in the Medicare Physician Fee
  • Shelby to_Rep Hill (partial) (2 pages) 02/16/1999 P6/b(6) 002c. photograph Delegate Shelby (I page) nd P6/b(6) 003a. application Delegate Liz to JDF Children's Congress (I page) nd P6/b(6) RESTRICTION COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Delegate Haylee (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council · Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14961 FOLDER TITLE: JDF [Juvenile Diabetes Foundation] Children's Congress; Delegate Letters, Applications
  • for frontier sciences that are of interest to the public - Use of traditional and indigenous medical practices in conjunction with conventional medicine ·-· • Identifying what information on integrated health care should be collected, summarized and made
  • . letter Teacher of Delegate Stockton to unknown (partial) (I page) 02/25/1999 P6/b(6) 003d. photograph Delegate Stockton (1 page) nd P6/b(6) ' COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. note/card DATE SUBJECT!TITLE nd Valle Bunting (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject
  • proposal for capacity building grants for districts. · 6. Build a research and evaluation base. Thi5 includes the repeat of 8th grade TIMSS in spring 1999 ~well as other data collection and resean:b efforts. B. Why Mobilize Volunteer Math Tutors
  • of greatest relevance are the most re~ell.t ones, you could start collecting them electronically when people become eligible for Medicare. so . .. ' I look forward to talking with you. . : .:'. ... ·...... :. ··'· ~ / ·-:: ' ·.. · . .~- Ol/0'7 /99
  • Children's Congress (1 page) nd P6/b(6) 003b. letter ~elegate LaNisha to Sen Kohl (partial) (2 pages) 02/19/1999 P6/b(6) 002c. letter , ·:··.' COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number
Letters (Item)
  • ) (1 page) 03/17/1999 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council · Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14956 FOLDER TITLE: Letters 20 11-0688-S kc614 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204
  • that not only outlaws wage discrimination, but also requires data collection and reporting, and provides remedies for employees who are victims of wage discrimination. "Equal pay is an issue that impacts families-- 63% of women with children under age six
  • age group. There is no national system to collect data from states specifically on asthma, although several states are developing systems to collect such data. Although national data do not provide the resolution necessary to identify particular
  • . They wanted to know who ended up in jail as an adult. They collected~ lot of data about the children, their . psychology, their education, and their families. They learned that 23% of the youth were identified at age 10 as looki~g like "trouble-makers
  • of their heritage. They are the living repository of the collective hi~;tNy of this diverse nation. Unfortunately. the nation h;~s in recent years failed to take the steps necessary to adequately protect the parks. More and more people are visiting the parks, yet
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet ·· DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax Clinton Library SUBJECTffiTLE DATE cover sheet, Stuart Roth to Tanden (partial) (1 page) 05/26/1998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • schools shoulu receive funds in the same &shion as private schools. • include the right of employees to bargain collectively; Unions across the country have adopted difi'erent bargaining stra1egies designed to assist refonn effortS in scbool districts
Title IX [1] (Item)
  • to the Title IX regulations of other agencies. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Section _.4 contains information collection requirements. As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3507(d), the Department of Justice, on behalf
  • ! • ~, • ' ', " '- " 1 1 I , Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Safe Kids Coalition meeting (partial) (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • ,otter.ermined by the State) to .) .... obllill needed ~ em:. (new) ..... 0 fl 4 Cbau~~ Require only TANF famililcs beoinformcd of certificalion in Plan per statutory language 6S8E(c)(2}(0) ·Lead Agency mud certify i& will collect and 0 "'""ii
  • /15/1995 P6/b(6) OOib. memo Karen Guss to Carol Rasco re Letter [partial] (1 page) 06/1411995 P6/b(6) 06/0311995 P6/b(6) 00 I c. Jetter . Hawaiian Constituent to Carol Rasco re mammography [partial] (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
Title IX (Item)
  • dili~ent in their e arts to collect data -from the multiple .offices or entities within the. agency . . ' ·- . ., 11/28/97 • FRI 14:03 FAX 10/19/97 14:36 '5'48490 ' ' ,. The President Page·2 Notwithstanding these efforts, however, ·a, substantia
  • (victims' families) (2 pages) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION:. Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Su~ject Files) ONBox Number: 14957 FOLDER TITLE: Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-Children and Guns Event [5/8/99] [2] 20 11
  • ! [parti~l] 002g. letter "Paul and Mary Ann" to The Education Center . 002h. letter "Elizabeth" to The Education Center [partial] (1 . I (1 page) I pag~) I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Su~ject
  • for collecting the parent Co-payment. MAXIMUM RATES. For a License Exempt Day care Home, a Non-Relative in the Child's Home, •nd a Relative, the maximum rate is $8.98. The maximum J)Brt·day 111te is $4.49. The full-day rate applies for care provided five
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. notes SUBJECTffiTLE DATE handwritten, meeting (partial) ( 1 page) nd RE~TRICTION P6/b(6) .,,. > COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera
  • , data collection and evaluation are the purview of the Curator and LTA staff in cooperation with school personnel. Designed to function as a teamteaching activity, LTA fosters collaboration between artists and educators, with Museum educators taking
  • Yes The biJI does not contain a nondiscrimination ban applicable to insurers in the individual market. Provisions relating to collection and disclosure of genetic information apply to insurers in the individual market (see below). Yes Yes N/A Yes
  • , healthy, and enriched experience for children; . 4) To ensure th~t accurate, reliable, and valid child care information can be collected, analyzed and made widely available to assist policy makers. planners. State child care program · adminis_trators!r
  • level recorded since data were first collected in 1959. Since 1993, the African-American poverty rate has dropped from 33.1 percent to 26.5 percent-- that's the largest four-year drop in African-American poverty in more than a quarter century (1967-1971
  • , et al (partial) (1 page) 07/20/1998 ,. P6/b(6) P6/b(6) COLLECTION: .Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14956 FOLDER TITLE: Hillary Rodham Clinton-Columns [2] 20 II-06887S kc606
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet ·Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list DATE SUBJECTrfiTLE HRC Line Block (partial) (1 page) 03/08/i999 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden
  • -aged children has asthma, and the percentage of children with asthma (i.e., prevalence rate) is rising more rapidly in preschoolaged children than in any other age group. There is no national system to collect data from states specifically on asthma
  • employees Nof w refined data on part-time employment were collecte were voluntary part-time workers. The corresponding figure for 1 was welve p cent.\ The ra:p,Mj group of voluntary part-time workers ranges from persons who work only a ours a week up
  • ofTIMSS and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Managed by the independent National Assessment .Governing Board, the content of the NAEP assessments reflects a collective judgment of State and local educational officials, content
  • . ~eport (collect data and to the public results by providing annual report cards on the ~umber and type of school-related drug and/or violence incidents. ssess and intervene fot troubled youth through procedures to identify students for valuation
  • . RFFRIRS&BUDGET 202 401 4562 P.06/45 -2- imponant goals of that law is to reduce the J~ngth of foster care stays. Further. given that States are required through the Adoption and Fostc:: Care Analysis and Reponing System (AFCARS) tn collect extensive
  • Bureau of Census, Current Population ReportS. P60-197, Money and Income in the United States: 1996 (Washington .. DC: US Government Printing Office, 1997). Data on child care expenses fro.m Child Care.Jnfor'mation ExchanKe. July 1996. Data collected from
  • as Teachers National Center Big Shoulders Fund of the Archdiocese of Chicago EIValor change. The members of this unique collaborative, representing 17 Illinois organizations, have been working individually and collectively to improve quality childhood
  • families have benefited from the tax credits? Initiative: Supporting Families: Collecting Delinquent Child Support Obligations, Executive Order 13019 (September 28, 1996) Progress: D Do we have any more current data than this: The Clinton Administration
  • is collected on a retrospective basis, incidence data is always one year behind information on CU1Tent use. Marijuana • An estimated 2.5 million people started using marijuana in 1996. The rising incidence during the 1990's seems to have been fueled primarily
  • Steering Committee (partial) ( 4 pages) 01/02/1998 P6/b(6) 007. list !Invites (1 page) rid P6/b(6) 008. list ;Mother's Day Event Guest List: Survivors (5 pages) 05/08/1999 P6/b(6) 004. list 1 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • ) 01/2811997 RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA!Box Number: 14955 FOLDER TITLE: Education-School Choice 20 11-0688-S keSS! RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • child care center programs and te~ecommuting, and it will also work with the DJpartment of Health and Human Services to promote the . adoption of children and t9 assist parents who need help in collecting child support. I A key enhancement of owl current
  • to know about potentially harmfulchemicals released to our air, land and water. Three new initiatives will accelerate the collection and dissemination of basic public health data on the most commonly used industrial chemicals- and require closer scrutiny
  • page) 03/09/1998 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 20358 FOLDER TITLE: Child Care Event 3/l 0 [ 1998], HousatoniC Community College [1] 2012-0057-S kc649 RESTRICTION
  • ) --Agree to participate in a national research and evaluation effort .. --Agree to collect data on school crime, discipline, and drug use in the school district and to report finding~ annually. . . --Have a plan to provide educational ser"Vi
  • and Disruption Against Abortion Providers in 1997: An Analysis of Trends \, ( Introduction The National Abortion Fed9ration has been collecting statistics on incidents of violence and disruption against abortion providers since 1977. This twenty-year database
  • Democrats: Health plans must disclose information about their costs, benefits and performance. Republicans: Similar provision, but not as much data on quality of care would be collected. A Federal Agency for Health Care Quality Research would be created
  • process for collecting data to permit evaluation. They should continue for a long enough period of time to ensure their effectiveness can be adequately measured. The same course content and assessments should be used in single-sex and co-ed classes
  • --------------------------------------------------------- - --------- Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. resume SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Meg Kiernan [partial] (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • to non-union members by 10 to 20 percent ! 9 Men have traditionally been more likely to be union members than women, which has helped increase the gender pay gap. The fraction of the workforce covered by union collective bargaining agreements has declined
  • P6/b(6) 002. email David Shipley to Carrie Greenspan re looking.for contact info [partial] (1 page) · 04/23/1997 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14953 FOLDER
  • : The CCAC National Advisory Panel, bur state network of leaders from the public and private sectors, for inspiring the report and for collecting much of the information;* The many corporate representatives, fiscal analysts, .and public officials who took
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO •. AND TYPE 001. invitation SUBJECTffiTLE DATE personal (1 page) nd . RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Su~ject
Title IX [4] (Item)
  • to the. aM's development was the input provided to the team.from throughout OCR and the Office of the General Counsel (OGC)/Civil ~ights Division. The final CRM could not have been realized without your collective expertise, · t. ~oughtful .comments
  • . + Provide for research and data collection on violence against women with disabilities. The lack of complete and accurate information concerning violence against women with disabilities makes it a more difficult problem to solve. Studies must be done about
  • a community would have to submit a plan to the State including the following elements: 1) collection of baseline data: on language, number and (possibly other?) . cognitive skills of children in target groups (e.g., if the community's program is to serve
  • reserve not more than · 0. 30. percent to conduct evaluation!!, collect da'ta, and carry out other activities under section 1501 and to award Title I Fellowships under section 1503. •, (confona to 115011 L IMPIIovE- MENT.-From the amount a!f.)jpriated
  • page) nd P6/b(6) 003. bio Rand and Debra Bass (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 20358 FOLDER TITLE: After School Event 1126 [ 1998] 2012-0057-S
  • on a client's risk factors, and collecting more complete data on risk categories. Clients need to be educated and encouragedto provide all the pertinent information about probable routes of. exposure to the HIV virus. The more information that can be provided
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Child Care Event Advocates (partial) (3 pages) 04/23/1998 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera
  • and techniCal assistance to states to improve processes for collecting and flagging records of arrests, warrants, convictions, and protective orders relatirig to stalking and domestic violence and to make such infortnation · available through
  • capacity • More cross-agency coordination and information sharing • Partnerships between levels of government that assist and streamline data collection and evaluation • Increased local flexibility in designing strategies that may not fit into federal
  • exposure' to media · violence relates to adult aggression, and 2) examining gender differences in this effect'-- will be · addressed by examining the data collected in a follow-up study of 21- to 25-year-olds who grew up 5 in the USA in the 1970's who
  • ) nd P6/b(6) 003. list Possible parent attendees (9 pages) nd P6/b(6) '· COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 20358 FOLDER TITLE: Early Childhood [Event] Hartford, 1/28 [1998] [2
  • of pediatric HIV I AIDS. While this award is given to honor an outstanding individual- it also creates a collective of scientists and advisors· who come together to interact and collaborate in a way that is unique in the scientific community. The end result
  • . ot Surprisingly little attention has been given to the impact that infant/toddler care may have on the child's formation of identity. Fo• a two-ye-' pe•lod, Stem (1985) collected vld.J tapes of infants and their mothers engaged in normal, evi eryday
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. briefing paper DATE SUBJECT!TITLE event, long-tenn care and caregiver support initiative (partial) (2 pages) 01/03/1999 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • (6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 23930 FOLDER TITLE: Health Reform-Medicare [Lung Volume Reduction Surgery [LVRS] [I] 20 11-0688-S kc601 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • or the. Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). States .wo~ld be permitted to use ~r~n~ funds for activities including (1) collection of .data and·development of baselines on pediatric asthma; (2) development and application of treatment outcome measures; (3
Title IX [2] (Item)
  • of distributing resources and materials to. anyone requesting such material. Accordingly, wt do not believe these activities were inten~ed to be covered by the executive· order. For the same reason, we did not include programs that have merely collected
  • providers and workers to improve the quality of child care. These funds could be used by_ HHS for the following purposes: . i) to collect and disseminate state-of-the art information on topics related to child care health and safety, as well as early
  • collection in Chicago (6/98) Hosted Pritzker Prize Ceremony for architecture at White House (6/98) Speech at Living Arts Downtown event to promote downtown DC revitalization with emphasis on cultural complex (5/98) · Speech at American Ballet Theater Spri?g
  • in the production process, it can mean good /aith in collective bargaining it can mean gain-sharing pf all kinds - sharing the benefits when times are good, if you have to share the burden when times are bad It can mean that when there has to be layoffs, it can mean
  • sporadic and the agency effectively ceased to exist when the 'last director left in 1995. West also participates in a group called Mendocino Works, which is an informal collective of 86 organizations-rangipg from the California Conservation Corps
  • Special Advocate program, which pairs a trained volunteer with child abuse cases to serve in an advocacy role, needs to be expanded to underserved areas. We recommend the creation of a new DOl-administered grant program to automate the data collection
  • household survey, is of particular note because it will collect annual data on brands of ,cigarettes and other forms . of tobacco used by young people and adults. . . I The Federal government also has sponsored research on the health impact of tobacco use
Jumpstart (Item)
  • P6/b(6) ;;.,!, }-:·. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 20359 FOLDER TITLE: Jumpstart 2012-0057-S kc653 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom
  • of any barriers to. the use of certificates in implementing the CCDF, we interviewed ·State Child Care administrators in all. 50 States and the District. of Columbia and collected data .regarding their child care subsidy systems. In addition, in six
  • supportive. • Leg Affairs compiles work plan • Launching of initiative through White House and HHS events • Outreach to insurance and hospital organizatiOns. · • Outreach to additional women's groups to elicit support. CHILD SUPPORT COLLECTION • Discuss
Pillars [1] (Item)
  • Resporuibllity Increase child support collections to over $20 billion by ~ year 2000 through strict enforcement of new hire reporting, license revocation, centralized state collections, and streanilined paternity establishmt:11t requirements in the new welfare
  • no prior experience with the family and relied on the assurances of others regarding necessary actions. While many factors contributed to the child's death, an independent committee identified a collective failure to provide the court with crucial
  • ) nd P6/b(6) .·. ·.· ·.·• COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14954 FOLDER TITLE: Abortion-Abortion [2] 20 I 1-0688-S kc554 I RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144
  • Takamura re Alzheimer's Disease (partial) (2 pages) 03/2711999 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Su~ject Files) ONBox Number: 14956 . FOLDER TITLE: Health Reform-Long-Term Care 2011-0688-S kc599
Service (Item)
  • (10 pages) 10(2111997 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 20358 FOLDER TITLE: Service 20 12-0057-S kc655 RESTRICTION CODES _Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l
  • strengthened in ·1989), and the requirement that wage witholding be used to collect child support payments (required for delinquent child support accounts in 1984, for new AFDC cases in 1989,. and for all other new cases in 1994).. Finally, legislation in 1993
  • ) 05/18/1998 P6/b(6) 003. schedule FLOTUS, Thursday, May 21, 1998 (partial) (2 pages) 05/21/1998 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Nurribe~: 20359 FOLDER TITLE: Asthma Event 5
  • page) c .. 19971998 P6/b(6) 003. form Student Honor Roll Nomination Form (partial) (1 page) c. Feb 1998 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 20359 I FOLDER TITLE: Boxer
  • as an interactive collection of educational subjects for the students missing out on their traditional school experience. All in all, the books are a learning experience and joy for everyone! which include: 20 inch Color Television Monitor Sabriya 's Castle of Fun
  • care. Funds could be used to collect and disseminate information, and for grants to organizations to develop and operate training infrastructure. Requires the GAO to issue a report no later than 6 months after the date of enactment on whether
  • , .. etc. and (b) a media strategy. America's.Promise, as part of its commitment to focus on kids' . health outreach, will be coordinating these activities. Their plan is to: • Collect taglines from PR firms (attached): Last Tuesday, America's Promise
  • ) . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14957 FOLDER TITLE: Youth Development/AfterschoolNiolence-At Risk Convening [ 1] 20 I 1-0688-S kc625 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- (44
  • information on student achievement,. teacher quality, school safety, and class size. Where appropriate, the data collected and published-especially on student achievement -- would be broken do\vn by demographic subgroups, to allow · a greater focus on the gaps
  • Call, Minyon Moore to Steven Spielberg (partial) ( 1 page) 05/03/1999 P6/b(6) 003. memo Recommended Phone Call, Minyon Moore to Steven Spielberg (partial) (I page) 05/03/1999 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • move closer to available jobs, challenging more companies to join our welfare-to-work partnership, increasing child support collections from deadbeat parents who have a duty to support their own children
  • , and will force judges to balance two equal rights in the scales of justice. Case law will begin to be collected as a foundation for judicial decisions. Class action suits on 8 U.S. Const. amend. IV 9 Cohen, C.P.; Davidson, H.A., eds. Children's Rights
  • Advisory Committee for their commentary and assistance. with data collection. We would also lik~ to thank. the numerous charter school administrators, teachers, parents, and school co~Unity members who. contributed their 'time to participating
  • and when you retire or become disabled, you (and your family members) collect monthly . benefits from Social Security. Or when you die, your .family may collect survivors benefits. But there's more to the financing of Social Security than taking in taxes
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTffiTLE nd Program Administrators (partial) (I page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden
  • ~ as l'eCODUDended above.. The bill aka 8hottkl require l' detmoination fh:tt th~RJ lR .R. rewmaft)e assurance of repayment before a loan could be guanunocd or made, authorize the collection of guamutc:e fc:cs, provide: a maximum Lu mii(uriLy fur gucucwtccd
  • : collection of "consumer satisfaction" evaluations from parents who have received assistance from Parent R.E.P.s (e.g., "How useful was the information provided by the Parent R.E.P. ?", "Would you turn to a Parent R.E.P. again for assistance?", "Would you
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list DATE SUBJECTrriTLE 501C(3) List (partial) (2 page~) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Neera Tanden (Subject Files
  • to increase parents' access to information and to provide technological assistance to child care providers and workers to improve quality of child care. Funds could be used to collect and disseminate information, and for grants to organizations to develop
  • (6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domistic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14953 FOLDER TITLE: Child Care-WIC [Women, Infants and Children] [Folder 2] 20 I 1-0688-S kc562 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • ~. ' THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) Public reporting burden for this collection ofinformarion Is estimated to average 240 hours for the initial review and J20 hours for subsequent reviews.· This estimate includes the time for reviewing insl1'11
  • collection on those foods. EPA's Office of Pesticide Policy, currently analyzes food collsumpt~on and residue data to assess risks for more than 20 su~populations based on age, gender, . . ... ethnicity and region. The:new law .addresses concerns expressed
  • collectively to develop an application that we believe demonstrates our vision and our determination to meet these challenges head-or1. In October, more than 50 people from El Paso traveled to Washington, D.C. to present our case to key decision makers
  • [partial] (2 pages) · nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 14954 FOLDER TITLE: District of Columbia-Charter DC [I] 20 11-0688-S kc566 RESTRICTION CODES
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library I DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffiTLE 001. list DATE District ofColumbia Charter School Meeting Participant List [partial] (I page) · COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
Child Care (Item)
  • today. It's important. . We can help you through the National Institute of Justice and other initiatives to try to collect information in a way that you can fully form your public policy. You all are just wonderful. I feel even more encouraged now. Mrs
  • When First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton firs't convened a meeting of "intereste~ parties~' in the winter of 1997, the topic of doctors being trained in early childhood learning and reading had not yet entered the public's collective consciousness
  • I Withdrlwal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library I DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffiTLE DATE . 001. fax . . RESTRICTION I Sarah Cheyne to Barbara, per your request [partial] (1 page) 07117/1998 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • , as recommcnde4 above. The. &ill alr.:o chonld ~ s detenoination thM there ito a R!8Jimlah1e assurance of repayment before a loan t:ould be guanunocd or ma4e7 authorize the collection of gwuantc:e fe::cs. proVide: a maximum lam lo mllturi~y fur guar-.wtced loans
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Indiana Child Care Fund Advisory Board (partial) (2 pages) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domistic Policy
  • , or participated in any manner in an investigation, pro~eeding, or hearing under this act. (e) Nothing in this act shall be interpreted to require any employer, employment agency, or labor organization to collect or report information about. the parental status
  • centers. BPHC has sent comprehensive letters to all BPHC grantees and their PCA/PCOs about CHIP, Medicaid, and outreach issues as well as the need for grantee participation in the collection of data on outreach efforts and children's insurance status. BPHC
  • responsibilities more effectively. Partner Organizations Child Trends is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to studying children, youth, and families through research, data collection, and data analysis. In Assessing the New Federalism, Child
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Individuals (partial) (I page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject
  • .--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -- ------~~- Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. notes SUBJECTffiTLE DATE handwritten, meeting (partial) ( 1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • must do more, it cannot ,realistically do everything. Use Presidential leadership, tax credits, collective financing strategies, and incentives, to get· more people 'to the table resources. Make the event a launchi:ng pad ·for action with a major
  • pages) 03/30/1999 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA/Box Number: 14955 FOLDER TITLE: Health Reform-President's Medicare Proposal [2] 20 11-0688-S · kc604 RESTRICTION
  • hi~ letters and lab note s --are in.need of cataloguing and 1 . proper storage. , .. . . . . . . . . . . Some 80 million brittle books in libraries and other collections need to be preserved through repair and microfilming, including 12 million
  • pages) 05/04/1999 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records. Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files) OA!Box Number: 14952 FOLDER TITLE: . Health Reform-Asthma Event May 1999 20 11-0688-S kc583. RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • toward workers and benefits. Tax breaks for families eroded; today, they claim, horses are more tax-deductible than children. Liberals come under fU"C for a commitment to "untrammeled individualism" that undermines the collective concern and self
  • of statewide child support collections, and tough new penalties, such as revocation of the driver's licenses of delinquents. to thee / These initiatives have already had noticeable effects. The combination of a higher minimum wage with an expanded EITC
  • Vitamin D, Calcium and Prevention of Colon and Breast Cancer, Collected Papers 1980-1998 [1]
  • I I I I 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vitamin D, Calcium an.d .· Prevention of Colon and ·Breast
  • , youth, and families through I research, data collection, and data analysis. In Assessing the I New Federalism, Child Trends has rf=sponsibility for conceptualizing and designing ways to measure changes in children's well-being. Assessing the New
Kids Count (Item)
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clint9n Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTffiTLE RESTRICTION 001. bio Ron Haskins (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) 002. bio Ron Haskins (partial) ( 1 page) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • ·-:-Est'ablishment and operation of a NATIONAL 12 CENTER ON CRILD CARE STATIS'I'ICS for-the collection and 13 d.issemination of data. and informa.tion oncb.ild 14 11 care. (7) HOTLINE AND cpNSUMER EDUCATION .-Establishment i!llld is . operation
  • pages) 11101/1995 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: .Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden (Subject Files). OA/Box Number: 14955 · FOLDER TITLE: Health Reform-Health Care Rally 20 11-0688-S kc595 RESTRICTION CODES
  • people at risk ' and ' information that helps us set priorities. I Collecting information ! on numbers of persons with AIDS and HIV infection has provided I ! the basis for understanding the scope and nature of the epidemic, I I . and continue
  • rJgulat,tofi's that would allow workers to collect unemployment bepeiits while on leave to care for I ... · newborn or newly ad~pt'ed children . .~-::··s~~.D~'I·
  • to children and families and is this year's CHD Honoray Chair. Actress Marilu Henner star of television, stage, film is this year's CHD spokesperson. Hel ful Facts Collected From Numerous National Hea.lth .Or anizations and Institutions
  • and empowerment; Form useful coalitions; · Collect and utilize data; Reach successful outcomes; Become familiar with state and federal law; Understand ordinances; Strategize for action; Plan for whole agendas using a step-by-step process. Parents are offered
  • subdivisions referenced in paragraph (c) (2)of this section·.· OMB DEP' DIR {4) MGMT· 202 395 6974 P.09/11 Sources of information collected during the onsite review to determine substantial conformity must include, but are not limited to: ' (i
  • : "Most of the cost of managing an index fund is incurred maintaining thousands of individual accounts. In contrast, the government, as a single investor, would incur negligible costs as a percentage of its assets. Therefore, investing collectively through
  • of facili~. Data collection procedures should ensure the anonymity ofthe physician, the facility, and the patient. ! . The AL wi·ll work with/ appropriate medical specialty societies, government agencies, private found~tions, and other inierested groups
  • for their children, because so few child support orders are established or enforced, and when they are, the amount collected is. generally insufficient to contribute significantly to meeting the demands of raising a child. 14 ' · Most married women, as well, work
  • , premiums collected through a Medicaid buy-in-· would not come close to offsetting the large Federal and state costs. Additionally, while . allowing premium payments from benefiCiaries may be attractive to states, Republicans, and moderat~ P.e.IJ:l
  • have launched here, in Daves, a comprehensive initiative Trustees 21, to take on the challenges in the transition of human kind into the 21st Century. We are eager to hear from·you. How you see the individual and collective priorities for our common
  • , MD, who provided samples of serum in 1974-1975. Serum samples were thawed for all cases of colon cancer and for two controls per case and matched for age, race, sex, county of residence, and date of serum collection. Sera were analyzed blindly for 25
  • marmt'ae- 5 turer an amount determined under subsec-tion 6 Such assessments shall be collected in a manner 7 similar to the manner in which excise taxes are col- 8 lected under chapter 52 of the Internal Revenue 9 Code of 1986. 10 (3) AVERAGE
  • if the results of the perform- 7 ance survey were not arbitrary and .capricious. 8 (b) PROHIBITION.-No stay or other injunctive relief 9 may l.Je granted by the Seerctm'J· or any court that has 10 the effect of enjoining the imposition and collection
  • ofchild careproviders. . I . , Research and Evaluation. Esta~lish a new fund to support researci1 and demonstration. projects, data collection, technology deVelopment, a National Center on Child Care.S,tatistics, and a national child care hotline
  • of the legislation (by attacking the bill's failure to tackle abuses by credit card companies and the lingering danger it presents to child support and alimony collection); (2) working with bill proponents and opponents (including Senators Torricelli and Grassley
  • . The federal government began collecting vital statistics and data on the number of Hispanics who died in a given year in 1989. \ PAGE 3 ANS News Service, September 24, 1998 ''Since mortality data for Hispanics were not available, no one could say how many
  • a. comprehensive in~erview guide and numerous follow-up telephone calls, the Economic anc! Social_ Research Institute (E~RI) collected information on 50 states and the District of Columbia to develop profiles of state Medicaid managed care programs
  • of Child Support Enforcement (OSCE) conduct seminars, distribute child support information kits, and promote awareness of issues and resources to help Federally-employed custodial parents who are having difficulty collecting child support payments
  • . scholarships pet year_. · . ~. . . •· ,. •. FaKWare for NL . Democratic Caucus \.
  • (a) (18) of the Act, ACF has the authority to collect all of the title IV-E funds received by the entity for· the quarter the violation occurred. -159- Comment: Several commenters requested that the final rule I contai~ the "HHS criteria" that ACF
  • Park Avenue at 50th Street Infonnal Modeling Mary McFadden Couture Collection Raffle & Sweepstakes · ··' OFC OF THE FIRST LADY Founded in 1914, today PAL is the largest non-profit youth agency in New York City. 141005 BOARD OF DIRECfORS Hon
  • --;::;---------- Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet · Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. note SUBJECTrfiTLE DATE handwritten, trip contacts (partial) (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's
  • year to increase parents' access to information and to provide technological assistance to child care providers and workers to improve quality of child care. Funds could be used to collect and disseminate information, and for-grants to organizations tb
  • Printing Office, 1997). 4 . . " . Data on child care expenses from Child Care Information Exchange, July 1996. Data collected from Resource and Referral agencies in each City. Data on average university costs cited in Statistical Abstract of the United
  • provided ~esearch assis. ranee; and Kathleen kandaii, Patricia Lurl and Hector . I , Duartewere responsible for production aAd layout, with assistance from lvivajOienick. · · "'-" Special thanks are' due to Evert Ketting, consultant collect data-from
  • pregnancy tennination is legal and the number of abortions is collected by the government. However, some regional estimates and some estimates for countries in which abortion is illegal are also included. Jeannie Rosoff comments further. "In the poorest
Pillars [3] (Item)
  • to promote justice necessary for reconciliation and long term stability in post-conflict societies; coordinating democracy . promotion among the Eight will improve collective efforts on promoting democratic transitions worldwide; ratification of human rights
Title IX [3] (Item)
  • supported a textbase of pre-Victorian women's writing, a catalog of 20th-century women's manuscript collections, and a historical encyclopedia of Chicago women. Our research ' fellows studied topics such as: "Homeless Women in the Great Depression," "Women's
  • of growth in the past five years, said economic advisor Henry Thomassen. Before . this year, it's been in the 8 to 11 percent range. The state's audited surplus is $ 524 million, more than double the largest excess revenue collection in state history
  • level since 1973, the year BJS started collecting this data. While crime rates continue to decline, Senate Democrats believe we must do mo~e to further reduce crime. Qur juvenile justice system is ill-equipped to deal with young violent offenders whose
  • appropriate, the data collected and published-especially on student achievement-.- would be broken down by demographic subgroups, to allow a greater focus on the gaps between minority and majority, low-income and more advantaged students. B. Ending Social
  • -~') i lli~ii'M 1 I i It'e about ensurinq that every pre~nancy is a planned one, i and that all chilO.nm tu.·e born into the lovinq and supprtive ! fa.milie& they need ngt juat to survive ]:)1J.t to -ehrive. That ia our collective challenqe
  • Preschoolers? report, will no longer be printed for each year in which the data are collected. DATA HIGHLIGHTS R E A l.•;snt·d Nu'·