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30 results

  • care) Assuring Economic Opportunity for all New Markets Initiatives Digital Divide/teacher training in technology Minimum wage Equal Pay {need a stronger Initiative here) Penn, Schoen and Ber1and Associates COPY Protecting our Basic American Values
  • and message battle with Congress. • + • + + + • + + The Economic Summit - a one-day summit (April 5). New Markets' Tour/Closing the Digital Divide (April 10- 12) Round table-Community Reinvestment Act (May) The New Economy- Major Speech at UPENN (February
  • and other measures to reward work and family; and 8) a major expansion of New Markets to help all communities share in economic prosperity. 1. Early Childhood/Universal Pre-School. With a significant down payment in the FY200 1 budget, you can lay
  • - The previous leadership of the CDFI was repiaced, in part, because of the issues raised by Rep, Bacchus. The Administration has explicitly avoided discussion of SDB in other contexts (e,g" NEC will not discuss SDB in the background material for the New Markets
  • Institute for Staff Development. (3 pages) 07/07/1999 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting JeffShesol OA!Box Number: CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY 19945 FOLDER TITLE: New Markets I- Anaheim- NAF [National Academy Foundation] 7/8/99
  • monopolists. Any Government contract or award that · fundS someone to do something new carries with it the possibility that the activity may overtake an existing market, or create. an entirely new market of ils own, in which the contractor or awardee has
  • to be done is significant. 'Of the thirteen appropriation bills, only two have been enacted. In addition, the list of uncompleted non-appropriation issues is long, including Patients Bill of Rights, Minirrium Wage, Hate Crimes, Immigration Fairness, New
  • Plan. Something like: How shall We meet this challenge? By understanding that we will be better off if all of the world is better off, This has been OUtcollective experience of expanding trade and development that is creating new markets for our goods
  • of discouraging protectionism Asia and the Pacific and elsewhe~e; extending u.s. leadership that was shown this year in amassing a multilateral economiq assistance package for Russia and the newly independent states promises to develop major new markets
  • is a rn.ore detailed summaiy of the current Breaux proposal.) he Although SenatorBreaux's proposal contains some positive aspects (e.g., new market-oriented tools for the fee-for-service program, rationalizing its cost sharing, and at least the start
  • (such as the Uruguay Round) is trade creating. When tariffs are lowered around the world trade increases, and efficient producers .are able to ramp up their production and sell into new markets. Low cost production is encouraged and economic efficiency increases. All
  • . The United States, more than any other nation, will benefit from new market opening trade agreements. We arc the moot competitive nation on earth and the leading export power. As you know, tr.ade represents over thirty percent of our nation's GDP and over one