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  • completed since the President's State of the Union Speech shows a strong majority in favor of the plan (with the exception of Time/CNN ~ see below). A few surveys done before the speech show somewhat less support for the plan but still show strong support
  • groups. In this specific time frame - between the State of the Union and when Congressional Committees are expected to begin marking up bills - there are specific messages where surrogates must be focused. > Without an employer mandate, universal coverage
  • on Capitol Hill, but many key Democrats seem more concerned about the cool reception it received when they went home for Christmas. Thc long months of scrutiny between Mr. Clinton's grand unveiling of his plan in September and his State of the Union address
  • t ; the role of the interest groups and the Democratic Party upon whom the administration counted to win the fight; the impact of Whitewater, talk radio, and the Gingrich GOP; the veto threat in the 1994 state of the Union address; the final d
  • the use o f p r e e x i s t i n g c o n d i t i o n exclusions. As you are aware, I s a i d i n my State of the Union address t h a t I w i l l veto any measure t h a t does not guarantee every American p r i v a t e insurance t h a t can never be taken
  • individuals will not be able to claim a deduction for health insurance premiums on their 1994 income tax return. In my health reform proposal last year, in my State of the Union address and in a December letter I sent to the Congressional Leadership, I
  • by full-time workers. And while health care costs have begun to slow down, they are continuing to rise at three times the rate of inflation. • As the President said in his State of the Union address and in his December letter to the Congressional
  • • Inventory and set up of phone banks • Distribution of campaign kits to staff, state feds, local unions, etc. • Distribute radio talk show lists to major states • Prepare for video news release in mid-May • Continue meetings on the issue with White House
  • in Pennsylvania: children's/preventive/primary care focus. F 01/21/94: S 01/22/94: POTUS Radio Address-Theme? *Cabinet, surrogate and Member activity should focus on children's and preventive care. WEEK OF 01/23/94: STATE OF THE UNION (HEALTH SECURITY S 01/23/94
  • to discuss the revised plan. Please return by Thursday afternoon. GOALS OF PUBLIC STRATEGY OF HEALTH CARE This plan assumes that our goals are to (1) restate the problems of the current health care system immediately around the State of the Union; (2) use
  • who live in fear of losing their health insurance when they change or lose their jobs. He is very appreciative that the Congress responded to his State of the Union Address challenge to pass this important legislation. The President is particularly
  • and efficiency in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and reduce the long-term Federal deficit." Excerpts from the State of the Union "My budget pays for the Middle Class Bill of Rights without any cuts in Medicare. And I will oppose any attempts to pay for tax
  • a comprehensive health reform bill, the Health Security Act, for consideration by both Congress and the American people. In his January 25, 1994, State of the Union Address, President Clinton stated, "If you send me legislation that does not guarantee every
  • votes can be swung on key committees, that the risk exceeds the advantage in opposing their interests. Summary of Findings Since the President's State of the Union Address: * MOST OF THE BROADCAST HEALTH CARE REFORM ADS HAVE CONCENTRATED ON ATTACKING
  • , was the star of Tuesday night's official Republican response to the president's State of the Union address—200-odd reddish organizational boxes linked by a dense web of angry lines—and Dole continued to brandish it yesterday as he lampooned Clinton's proposal
  • reform speech in September 1993 which introduced his plan to the public, and his State-of-the-Union address in January 1994. In the month following each speech, public support for his plan suffered the sharpest single-month drops. The Focus Groups reveal
  • interest. " President Clinton 1995 State of the Union Committed to Protecting Medicaid^ JHe Health Safety Net for Our Children Coinmittecl to Protecting Medicaid— The Health Safety Net for O u r C h i l d r e n Prcsidcnl Clinlon is fighting to maintain
  • as they are today. In your State of the Union Address you said that you would veto any bill that does not guarantee universal coverage. Does this still hold true? I think Congress will deliver a bill that achieves my bottom line of universal coverage. It's what
  • Care Delivery Room The following material is for background use only. It is anticipated the Senator Dole will reference this material tonight in his response to the President's State of the Union. In particular, the attached color chart
  • . Tactic: Upon its return, Congress should be greeted with a press event at which WJC and Hill leadership call for passage on a short schedule. Tactic: Before the State of the Union, WJC and HRC should be up on the Hill pushing for action. Tactic: While
  • around the country — Expanding the Mezvinsky Forum — f NAFTA hearings w i l l be f i n i s h e d i n October B u i l d calendar working back from the "State of the Union" NAFTA AGENDA MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1993 4:45PM MAGGIE'S WEST WING
  • contribution. Through collective bargaining with 10 unions that represent State employees, the State replaced the formula based on the FFS plan to one based on the low-cost carrier serving a given county. Under the new formula which was adopted in October, 1985
  • : "Arnold's out there? Oooh, I'll give him a shot right in the chin!" But the Tferminator had left thq building and escaped in time. Healthcare "The smartest thing CUnton said in his State of the Union was about health care refonn, not his strong suit after
  • the economic security issues he concentrated on last year in his first major speech to Congress. This year's address, which will be Mr. Clinton's first official State of the Union Message, will instead focus on the fight for universal health coverage, crime
  • , that the risk exceeds the advantage in opposing their interests. Summary of Findings Since the President's State of the Union Address: * MOST OF THE BROADCAST HEALTH CARE REFORM ADS HAVE CONCENTRATED ON ATTACKING A POSITION RATHER THAN ARGUING FOR ONE
  • o r two powerful new s a f e t y i n i t i a t i v e s (modeled on your tobacco s t r a t e g y ) t h a t w i l l a f f e c t every American--food safety and i n j u r y prevention. These may be great candidates f o r your State of the Union Address
  • are State of the Union message, has been developed ineligible for Medicaid despite low incuuies. and I am presenting it to the Congress today. I urge its enactment as soon as possible. Second, those Americans who do carry health insurance often lack coverage
  • . The White House and Hill leadership should push for April or May. Tactic: Upon Its return. Congress should be greeted with a press event at which WJC and Hill leadership call for passage on a short schedule. Tactic: Before the State of the Union, WJC and HRC
  • you a r r i v e at t h a t decision? What was the process by which you decided t o do that? THE PRESIDENT: Well, i t wasn't the best process i n the world. We were down there p r a c t i c i n g — w o r k i n g on the State of the Union, and we were t
  • of constitutional law? The government relies primarily on the claim that an explicit presidential power is implicated. Article I I of the Constitution provides that the President "shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union
  • , and improve public access to health care. Arthir D Little 36 References 1. Bush, George, Presidential State of the Union Address, January 29, 1992. 2. "The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Infrastructure Report
  • of Rep. Jim Cooper's "moderate alternative.'' This week's Time goes so far as to suggest that Ointon's plan might be "DOA." Evidence fbr this theory is deceptively obvious. The president has been on the defensive since before his State of the Union
  • State of the Union speech, you indicated that nine out of 10 Americans currently have health care insurance primarily through their employers. And tonight you indicated that out of those people who do not have insurance, eight out of 10 of them work
  • of Women Voters Wilkes, Shelby Atlanta Eye Consulants Williams, Grant Executive Director, Georgia State Employees International Union · woody, Mary Georgia Nurse's Association Yancey, Asa Physician Ziegler, Kathy President, Visiting Nurses
  • American Insurance Association Paqe e, J'orwa Wetherhorn, Marc Executive Director, Citizen Action Whitney, Sue President, League of Women Voters Wilkes, Shelby Atlanta Eye Consulants Williams, Grant Executive Director, Georgia State Employees
  • services should be covered, just as they are today. In your State ofthe Union Address you said that you would veto any bill that does not guarantee universal coverage. Does this still hold true? I think Congress will deliver a bill that achieves my bottom
  • : FROM: I. January 26, 1994 Roosevelt Room 9:00 am Pat Griffin V PURPOSE (1) To follow up the State of the Union with a firm commitment by the key Hoyse Committee chairmen to timely and coordinated legislative action. (2) To establish June-July 4
Kid's Health (Item)
  • to commend you on making national - making health care a national priority. In your State of the Union speech, you indicated that nine out of 10 Americans currently have health care insurance primarily through their employers. And tonight you indicated
  • can take them, and to give something back to their society in return. That i s the underlying principle of the President's New Covenant, which, as he said in h i s State of the Union address, i s actually grounded in some very old ideas. Those old
  • little relation to what he says about it. On taxes, for example, his income threshold for increases has slipped from $200,000 (during the campaign) to 5180,000 (State of the Union speech) to $30,000 (the printed details). Now the finer print reveals
  • that it produces universal coverage in a timely way," says Pat Griffin, White House chief congressional lobbyist In his Jan 25 State of the Union address, Clinton told Congress he would veto any health-care bill that "does not guarantee every American private
  • address, noting that as a child he had witnessed domestic violence in his own family. He referred to the topic again in January in his State of the Union address to the Congress and the nation. • S.T.O.P. GRANTS: I n January, 1996 t h e A t t o r n e y
  • with the State ofthe Union address. • FAREWELLS Letterman Bows D ave left NBC last week with Bruce Springsteen as his On trial: Sal, Willy boflb "surprise guest." Big whoop. Top 10 better choices: 10. Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis CONVENTIONAL WISDOM WATCH 9
  • had seized the excitement of the beginning of his presidency to announce in his State of the Union address that until Congress has sorted out the politics and technicalities of reforming our entire health system, all uninsured Americans would
  • time said he could accept coverage of "somewhere in the ballpark of 95 percent upwards." Clinton had said in his State of the Union Address in January that he would veto any legislation that did not "guarantee every American private health insurance
  • the story of Richard Anderson in his first State of the Union address. A few years ago Mr. Anderson was working as a parts salesman al a car deal- ership in Reno. Nev., where he had healthinsurance coverage for himself and his wife at a cost of just over
  • . Gingrich dehvenng his own "state of the Union" message last Friday, one can say that herepresentsthe best of the Republican Party, the intellectual quaUties we so admire in William Bennen, the heart and character of Jack Kemp, the socio-political thinking