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  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. note DATE SUBJECTfI'ITLE n.d. Handwritten note (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. note DATE SUBJECTfI'ITLE n.d. Handwritten note (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • I111 II I I I I I I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO: . AND TVPE SUBJECTrrITLE DATE To Pat Romani from Suzanne Summers re: visitors (partial) (I page) 001. fax RESTRICTION P61b(6) 10/02/95 COLLECTION
  • the place of a publication. ·'G - • ;. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library'S Research Room . b
  • I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet I Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTfTlTLE DATE To Patricia Romani from Jatricia Romani re: Appt. request - Jacobs, Jeffrey (partial) (1 page) 02/02/96 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION
  • - Norman, David H. and others (partial) (I page) 09/02/94 P61b(6), b(7)(E) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco ONBo,x Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Bennett X-Ray Co. David Norman (Cong. Ackerman's District) 13 Sept
  • pages) RESTRICTION 10/25/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7468 FOLDER TITLE: Second Annual Families conference Davis, West Vitginia October 27, 1995 20 I0
  • ' RESTRICTION P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLJ
  • is provided on the reverse side of this sheet. The Roundtable has a broad goal of enhancing recreation opportunities in America. Roundtable members select one or two topical areas each year for concerted, collective efforts. Current task force issues
  • and their 17 families is needed. 18 (b) PuRPosE.-It is the purpose of this Act to­ 19 (1) facilitate the conduct of research and the 20 collection and compiling of accurate statistical data 21 on traumatic brain injury; 22 (2) raise public awareness
  • /03/94 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco ONBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Oregon' Benchmarks Meeting CHR's Office 6 Oct. 1994 3 :45-4:30 2010-0198-S ry791 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential RI:cords Act - 144
  • not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room
  • Foundations for Youth Technical Assistance Menu Summary .. PPV02 Practical Education for Citizenship and Employment (PECE): A Program Strategy to Provider Leadership, Search Institute Minneapolis, MN Contact: Dale 1;3lyth orEugene Roehikepartain, 612
  • an employability plap to move them into work as quickly as possible. Many will get jobs quickly-in weeks or months-after assistance with job search and job preparation. Others will spehd time in education and training services as needed. The program
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. ANDTVPE 001. memo SUBJECrnHU: DATE To Carol H. Rasco from Kathryn J. Way re: Medicaid and California (1 page) 10/24/94 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • will be healthier so you are to medical expenses. Working and Breastfeeding return to jobs outside their A great many of them con­ sectors of the white and more. systems are available that enable to collect their milk at work so it can later be fed
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council' Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: SHEA (Speech) San Diego 3 April, 1995,8:30 a.m. [2] 20 I0-0 198-S ry862 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44
  • . calendar Max Starkloff; RE: Phone number [partial] (1 page) 04115/1996 P61b(6) 006. paper Travel Schedule; RE: Phone number and DOB [partial] (1 page) n.d. P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy COWlcil Carol Rasco
  • . To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. mlWfl!. . . . .R"'EE eww• • MeridMW".' E*H±±9I+ 'riM" "*RWS * F E . '~ ~. . ,~, ~, ... '......:" '~: ':r,::' I
  • P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8489 FOLDER TITLE: October 17,1996 - Texas A&M Trip Mtg. 2010-0198-S dbl708 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. 'I ~; • , ,·,neE_GMt S¥& fIlrtTI ,. W'N' PMi'M 4 MM MH3 Maternal and Child Health Bureau
  • : Addresses [partial] (1 page) 09/3011996. P61b(6) 003. letter Carol Rasco to Jay Fox; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 10/1611996 P61b(6) 004. letter Carol Rasco to Vincent Blancato; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 10/1611996 P61b(6) COLLECTION
  • de­ scribed the hardware configuration for the Physician Practice Group (PPG), a billing and collection agency serving the Medical College ofGeor­ gia in Augusta. About 300,000 pa­ tients annually are treated by the college's 310-member, mUlti-spe­
  • The bill weakens state accountability for protecting children's safety, by hampering data collection and enforcement of critical child ,protections. For example, the bill repeals the • 8. requirement that children be' in licensed foster homes
  • . J. Moniz. Ann. Phys. 120 (1979) 205. 34. Pions and Isobars in Nuclei - An Overview E. J. Moniz. in Meson-Nuclear Physics - 1979. E. Hungerford. editor,(~erican Institute of Physics. 1979). . 35. Isobar Propagation in Nuclei and Collective Effects . E
  • . Clinton Presidential Library Staff. This marker identifies the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton
  • , ' ..' " ISSUES FOR tHE MEEtING , ' , of' The Forum. has defined its mission to foster coordination, collabOfatlon and ihtegr~tion Federal collection ofdata on child and family issueS and Fedetalreporting ofchild fa~hi1y, conditions. We belieVe
  • . . This marker identifiesthe place of a publication. . Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room
  • . This l11arker identifies the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. "_W'·"i
  • the place of a publication. , Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. MM '.Mi'fi#ifMtiiMP',*'W
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letters DATE SUBJECT/TITLE From Carol Rasco; RE: Addresses [partial] (19 pages) 0611911996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • that low-wage jobs are still highly available, and that what is lacking, is willingness, to search for and accept jobs at these wages among urban blacks and the poor. Other limitations and deficiencies on the supply side of the labor 'market for less­
  • ~qn pl~£:~e search ontln~ or:' , , ',vi~ittheClinton>t>h~sideJ1tial,LiQraryi~;.:R~ie'afch'R(jOrt,l:;','\" ',:' -' .' ' " . ,~" " " ' ' " .,' " ,\,"" :, -. 'j" . ',"', i.' , .... ; " 1
  • the place of a publication. i I Public2tions have not bJen ~clanned in their entirety for the purpose of dig tization. To see ~h~ lfilal publication please search online or \i isit the Clinton Rre~ii.i\ntial Library's Research Room. I , ! ~, I , , I I I
  • of the disease (ARC and AIDS~. Continual focus on AIDS rather than the entire spectrum~ of HW disease has left our nation unable to deal adequately with the epidemic. Federal and state data collection efforts must now focus on early HW reports, while
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. note DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Martin Bonkovich; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (l page) n.d. RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • P6/b(6) 008a. flyer address and directions to private residence for a Women Opening Doors for Women dinner (partial) (I page) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events
  • of 5,000 providers and development of data collection instruments for use in Phase ill; • Site visits to 100 providers, data analysis, and report writing . Phase I consisted of an extensive review of the literature for the purpose of developing
  • a client who may need public assistance and so on. It is possible for family members to be served collectively by twenty or more social services units whose staff are unaware of each other or the services that the others are providing. As a result
  • young girls. Her students have been telling her for years that men are their teen-age look for younger and younger girls boyfriends, right?· Wrorig, says a as sexual partners. Virgins are' collection of new studies. More prized not so much for their vir­
  • (partial) '(1 page) nd P6/b(6) 003. itinerary AmEx travel itinerary for Carol Rasco (partial) (I page) 09/20195 P6/b(6) 004. memo For Carol H. Rasco from Diana Fortuna & Julie Demeo re: SWITP (partial) (1 page) 09119195 P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • the current 23 months). Present Status: While the FY1993 Supplemental Appropriations bill recently approved by a House Appropriations subcommittee includes the funding necessary to trigger the collection of user fees, it does not include any provision
  • increase in skill differentials and overall wage inequality in the 19808~ The first is the Europeai model of greater institutional role in the wage setting process through increases in minimum.wages\and extensions of the terms of collective bargaining
  • not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library'S Research Roonl. ......,••"'''''* ,. W§tllWeeeet" *W&±iiiEirl@*'Wrttttt Eli.. 91:6+"'# "'M
  • development re­ search. The 1980 act acknowledged some lack of na­ tional direction and coordination inherent in the 1972 Rural Development Act and required a more carefully focused effort. . I rural development strategy in February 1983 in a re­ port titled
  • also address a rapidly changing talth care system to assure that the needs of children and families are appropriately addressed. To 8fcomplish this, MCH programs need to collect and analyze data, conduct needs assessments, and monitor health status
  • to Carol Rasco from Jennifer Myer (2 pages) P61b(6) P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAIBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: Regrets 5/1/95 - 6/30/95 [5] 20 I0-0198-S RESTRICTION
  • ) (I page) 05/24/95 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Ra~co (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 6520 FOLDER TITLE: June 18-20 (MSSS) [Mid-South Summer School] [Hendrix][l] 20 I 0-0 198-S rv888
  • P6/b(6) 002. letter To Jody Greenstone-Miller from Charlotte Beers re: job (I page) 12/13/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7467 FOLDER T1TLE: Teen
  • ,II I ~' " 'I : Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO, AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 00 I, diagram Vaccine Production Facility (proposed plans) (2 pages) RESTRICTION nd b(2) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • enforcement measures we proposed, including suspending' drivers' licenses and tracking delinqUe~tp~rentl; across state lines. +ild support collections have ,reached a record high -- they have grown nearly. 40% since 1992, to $11 billion
  • Hunnicutt re: HUD (3 pages) 2112/94 PS, P6/b(6) 007. note For POTUS re: HUD, Hal Hunnicutt (l page) n.d. PS 008. fax To Nancy Hernreich from Hal Hunnicutt re: Henry Cisneros (l page) OS/12/94 PS, P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • ) 02/24/95 Personal Misfile Personal Misfile I . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: DNC Nat'l Finance Council: Issues Retreat Florida 3-5 March [I
  • (MAB). The scientific grant program was initiated in 1988 through a request for proposals. These grants pro­ vide funding to scientists performing re­ search on new treatments for rare disor­ ders. NORD will not fund grants for basic research unless
  • to them. As you ~now, 6 it does far more good to treat induviduals, families and communities as an integrated' whole than as a collection of different problems. In my opinion, your recognition of this principle has been one of the keys
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE Proposed Participants (partial) (I page) nd RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • . > Soliciting better cooperation from clients in enforcement activities, perhaps using positive reinforcements for cooperation and goal attainment. > Increasing collections from absent parents. Page Jan 3, 1994 7 3:26 pm ·. > Payments
  • work financial carrot~ to encourage marriage financial sticks Ito discourage childbearing stronger collection efforts from absent fathers The above will be too little if not properly funded and will ultimately impact only a IsmaIl number of recipients
  • RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco ONBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Pine Bluff/Little Rock (Bioplex) September 7-9 1994: 8 Sept. 1994 Speech LR 2010-0198-S ry775 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • ~ ':. 9ties to·,pr:edol1lJ!lllteIY!.?lhite:nn(jdle-cI.a~ suburbS·"pro;.;i!?;;':~' -' ~:-;. :·~~X;J!~t·~{~J;tf~~~;~~A~~,~t~~~~r'::·. .::,.. , iate,'7OS,',Iset out\..1n:,search·~f Jl!em,:.mY§eIf",TIj,~ o!J1y· :. :"'~:neSS;'~ThiS)says ASslStantseae~ ofLabOr
  • trip to Louisville KY, April20, 1995 (partial) (1 page) 03/22/1995 P61b(6) COLLECTION: ' Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetirigs, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 6504' FOLDER TITLE: Trip to Louisville KY 20 April
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTfflTLE RESTRICTION 001. paper RE: Personal (3 pages) 05/12/1996 P6/b( 6) 002. paper RE: Personal (3 pages) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • ) 06/23/95 P61b(6) 006', bio' Bio of John Wolfo'rd (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) 007, list Contact List for White House Pacific Rim Economic Conference (partial) (2 pages) nd P6/b(6), b(7)(C) B. Epley (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • P6!b(6) 003. itinerary Itinerary for Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 08/19/94 P6!b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 5041 FOLDER TITLE: Speech: National Assn
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 6520 FOLDER TITLE: I Commencement of the MiCkey Leland Hung~r Fellows ('~5) 7131/95 20 I0-0 198-S ry901 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. reswne DATE SUBJECTITITLE Jill M. Pizzuto; RE: Address and phone nwnber [partial] (l page) n.d. RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • . Data source (or sources). Acceptable levels of precision and accuracy. Domains of estimations (e.g., States, counties, etc.) Frequency of data collection. (6) For example: "The Secretary shall, in conjunction with the States, local governments
  • on proViding evenh.ially conviced him to' take the the education skills ',that these position after a great qeal of soul' searching. trainees would need to perform their job in theconstrudion in-' "I was working for a very viable, dustry," stated Canton. "Youth
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTfflTLE DATE To Carol Rasco from Julie Demeo re: FYI - East Prairie (1 page) 07/23/96 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • Presidential Library Staff. This marker identifies the place of a publication. , ...... e M'I&H && M""'w;+ii Publ ications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online
  • must be held accountable and prosecuted. Strategies such as intensive gun searches, gun buy-back programs, and curfews are promising ones that await further evaluation. Gun-tracing information systems and ballistics identification technology both
  • . To see the full publication please search ~nline or visit the Clinton Presidential Library'S Research Room. WINGSPREAD Clinton Presidential Records . Digital Records Marker : This is not a presidential record .. This is used
  • ) , ,,05/28/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clint~n Presidential Records Domestic Policy 'CounCil Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, . Faxes: Scheduling Notes, May 1996 [2] , and , \ i
  • of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library'sResearch Room . . ';" NtHe .'MRMMW.'. *'Wi­ "Iii VOL. 67 NO. 6 SI:P'I'EMBER/OCTOBl~R NYSBt\: TIlE PROFESSIONAL ADVi\NTi\GE CHILDREN'S CENTERS
  • RESTRICTION P61b(6) This nlarker identities the original location of the withdrawn item listed above. For a complete list of items withdrawn from this folder, see the WithdrawaVRedaction Sheet at the front of the folder. II COLLECTION: Clint6n
  • for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. -~. - ...­ .~ ,.' THE WHITE HOUSE FILE COpy WASH I N GTON , tJ~ ~t4- tAVr~~'Y' ~ Alice Lenihan, MPH
  • Misfile nd page) Personal Misfile 04/09/95 L. Fowler (DNC) (I page) (i RESTRICTION· P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: Regrets 511/95
  • , military, religious and osteopathic hospitals, and freestanding Childbearing Centers), and health care professionals (200,000+) providing maternity services in the United States (Appendix II). After a national search, Linda Randolph,MD, MPH, was selected
  • federal education dollars where the need is greatest. I o And the sooh to be introduced Dill for dislocated workers wil[ provide access to information, training, job search ~ssistance, and other support for those who have lost j'obs through one-stop
  • (partial) (l page) 03/06/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: White House Leadership Conference on Youth Drug Use & Vi~lence March 7,1996 [2
  • ) 02/26/1996 P6/b(6) OIl. memo from Debbie Fine to Carol Rasco re Fourth Roundtable Discussion with Florida Women (3 pages) ," 02/2711996 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings Trips
  • Library Staff. I i This marker identifies the place of a publication. II 'I ,- . . . . . .nE AWW. 48* &8¥A44iW.;W' Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Caro I Rasco . ONBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Pine Bluff/Little Rock (Bioplex) September 7-9 1994 [5] 2010-0198-S ry78 1 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1
  • graduate William L. Shirer, author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, and other historic documents. • The college's exceptional Permanent Collection of Art, also housed in Stewart Memorial Ubrary, is also open to the public at no cost. The college
  • /b(6), b(7)(C) 007, from WAVES to Pizzuto re Confirmation: Appt Request for Rasco, Carol (101l8/96@1O:00am)(partial) (I page) 1011711996 P6/b(6), b(7)(C) ,002b. fax memo i ' - COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. This marker identifies the place of a publication. . Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search
  • Pizzuto to Rasco re Call - Brad Kane (partial) (I page) 0911211996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTffITLE 01126/94 Meeting participants (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • /95 P61b(6) 005. biography Biography of Curtis Lovejoy (partial) (\ page) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: Atlanta Trip - March 9
  • Meeting (partial, p.2) (1 page) OS/23/95 P6!b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 6519 FOLDER TITLE: Immigration -.24 May 1995 10:00 - 10:30 am, Rrri 211 . 2010
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. paper DATE SUBJECTffITLE Pat Smith; RE: Telephone number [partial] (l page) n.d. RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • Withdrawal/Redaction i Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax :. SUBJECTrrITLE DATE 09/09/1996 Bob Rapoza to Jill Pizzuto; RE: SSN's and DOB's [partial] (l page)i RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • ,II I I, ~ ! I ' 1 ' Withdrawal/Redaction Sh'eet' . DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE . ,Clinton Library DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Handwritten note (partial) (1 page) 001. note RESTRICTION P61b(6) nd , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE 001. list DATE' SUBJECTfTlTLE contacts ITom Louisville KY trip, April 20, 1995 (partial) (\ page) nd RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • ; RE: Address [partial] (l page) 10/0811996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8486 FOLDER TITLE: October 1, 1996 PEATC (Parent Educational Advocacy Training
  • today is rife It's all in keeping with the cathe­ with ecumenical Church, searching for munitions dral's long-held role as a spiritual cooperation. Page 2 and for the leaders of a suspected center for the Louisville area. Catholic uprising on that day
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. report . DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 04/05/95 Re: Democratic National Committee (2 pages) RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • . , ! ' I hope you will take advantage of the offer in the back of the Action Plan Summary to obtain a copy of the full Action Plan, which I believe will assist us in dur collective efforts to make the Nation's children and communities safe: I I Shay
  • ) ( 07/09/1996 P6/b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: , Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [30] 20 I0-01 98-5 kc84
  • : Address [partial] (1 page) 10/16/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8489 FOLDER TITLE: October 7-9,1996 - Racine, WI [2] 20 I0-0 J98-S dbJ70J RESTRICTION
  • as an administrative marker by the William 1. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. This Inarker identifies the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their en'tirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search
  • 26-27, 1995 (date on note is wrong) (partial) (1 page) , 06/0811993 P61b(6) 003. notes info from Austin TX trip, Apri126 727, 1995 (partial) (2 pages) nd P61b(6) " COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • there" are nundreds of small, entrepreneurial biptecnnology firms. three out of four companies have fewer than 50 employees, and 97 out of 100 have fewer than 300 employees. Most firms are less than ten years old. The collective market capit8liZ8tionof our indu$try
  • /b(6), b(7)(C) 002. memo To Rosalyn Miller trom Christine Benero re: June 8 Meeting with Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 06/06/94 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco ONBox Number: . 5261 FOLDER
  • re: meeting (partial) (I page) 02/23/96 P6/b(6) 003. letter To Barba Shaver from Carol Rasco re: meeting (partial) (1 page) 02/23/96 P61b(6) 001. memo i COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • Diana Fortuna and Julie Demeo (partial) (1 page) 09/19/95 'P61b(6) \ I . I " / COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings,Trips, Events) . OAIBox Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: . California Trip
  • , and private education agency perso11l'lel,\ professlQnal association representatives, Congressional staf£ and representatives of higher education on issues related to prog:ratl1S and the collection of data about the programs. Under her clirectioIl, handbool
  • )on tIardin, Cynthia Burkhour) , Ii 3. Identify potential leadership Search for po\e~tial leadership (how .to go abollt finding it) Develop campaIgn, to attract future dIsabled leaders , Don Hardin ' Barry TiI)dall Christin~1 Evaggelinou Julian
  • also studies the low-wage labor mar~et,micro~enterprise and self employment, contingent work including part-time and temporary jobs, collective bargaining, pay equity and opportunities for advancement, access to health insurance and other benefits
  • and your agency- which are part of the EITC outreach network. Packets were mailed this week showing state by state benefits~ Welfare Reform: I encourage you as an organization to prepare your thoughts individually and collectively on the next steps
  • and your agency- which are part of the EITC outreach network. Packets were mailed this week showing state by state benefits~ Welfare Reform: I encourage you as an organization to prepare your thoughts individually and collectively on the next steps
  • opportunities leading to employment, active,job search activities, and employment-related supports (child care, transitional child care,' and transitional medical coverage). They have sought to improve child support collections to supplement income from
  • mobilized # new/renewed linkage agreements HOW? a. Customer satisfaction survey b. Customer data collection Board aoproval means you're committing to: Adopting Federal outcome measures 2 Implementing C.A.P• . L> acknowled aina needs '.: L> recognizin
  • pages) 10/0711996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8489 FOLDER TITLE: October 10-11, 1996 - New Oreleans, LA [1] 201 0-01 98-S dbl704 RESTRICTION CODES
  • P61b(6) 003, fonn Re: What I Want the President to Know - Gerry Goldberg (partial) (1 page) 01131196 P6/b(6) 004. fonn Re: What I Want the President to Know - Ann Schaffer (partial) (l page) 01/31196 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. itinerary SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE American Express; RE: Credit Card number [partial] (1 page) 05/28/1996 RESTRICTION P6!b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • for Stronger Families meeting (partial) (I page) 11107/1996 P6/b(6) 004. memo to Pizzuto from Rasco 10/29/1996 P6/b(6) 005. note re Rasco dental appt (I 'page) nd P6/b(6) r~ Farrow/Smith Meeting (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • . Knowledge of citizenship (an understanding of our political, legal and economic systems and of the rights and duties of citizens) should be added to the "basic" academic subjects included in the state-by.,...state NAEP data collection activities
  • ) 004b. envelope To Carol Rasco from TimothyJ. Wal~h (partial) (I page) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: .6519 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting with Timothy Walsh
  • mote often and monetary collections from offenders could be significantly increa~ed. In sep­ arate studies of finesj day-fines, restitution, and offender fees, Abt found that in successful programs: • the amounts and payment schedules are tailored
  • Roundtable Discussion with FL WFL (5 pages) 02/27/1996 Personal Misfile 007. memo from Doug Sosnick to the Vice President re Florida Political Background (3 pages) 0211611996 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • single­ mother families and the lower socioeconomic standing of black children. For nearly twenty years the policy and re­ search communities backed away from the entire issue. In 1980 the Carter Administration convened a historic White House Conference
  • /95 P6/b(6) 06/22/95 (1 page) P6/b(6) 06/22/95 J. Fishman (partial) (1 page) H. Rasco from JuJie Demeo (partial) RESTRICTION P61b(6) '." .. ,', COLLECTION: Clinton Presiden~ial Records. Domestic Policy Council Carol. Rasco (Meetings, Trips
  • to verify the reliability. of the arrest or cost data we received. --Po assure that our methodology would meet the rigorous standards required for a study about program results, we searched the Internet and compiled a list of preventive programs around
  • To Derek from Marie Thompson (partial) (1 page) 08/21/95 P61b(6) .
  • page) nd P61b(6) 006. vitat: Vitae for Reuven Feuerstein (partial) (I page) I1d P61b(6) 007. resume Resume of Terrence R. Dolan (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) ODS. bio ' Bio for Donald J:Cohen (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION
  • to renew health insurance for all individuals currenlty insured by the health insurance company. • health facilities: Collectively, all physical plants used in the provision of health services; usually limited to .facilities which were built
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records o'omestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (M.eetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: ·6519 FOLDER TITLE: Florida Trip Junior League Conference April 27-28, 1995 [\] 20 1a-a 198-S ry866 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • . :";§~----------------------------- Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library'S Research Room . . PAUL S. WINKELLER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 88 NORTH LAKE
  • responsibility agenda doesn't end there. He's going to get tough on child s;upport enforcement. That means establishing paternity right at the start, in the hospital; setting up a national registry; and using the IRS to collect seriously delinquent child support
  • be reduced if real labor costs grow more slowly than productivity. . Last, no G-7 country has been· able to escape the ravages of cyclical unemployment. When aggregate demand falls and the economy slows, firms layoff workers. Nh job search, training
  • of Arkansas Social Work Program re Social Security Numbers (partial) (l page) 12/05/1996 P6/b(6) 003. list Chat Session Participants (partial) (3 pages) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • , ,II I II, I " , ' ",' I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUM ENT NO. AND TVPE 001. schedule SUBJECTrrlTLE RESTRICTION' DATE Schedule (partial) (I page) P6/b(6) nd COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • page) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Nliinber: 850} FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [21] r 20 I 0-0 198-S kc75 RESTRICTION CODES
  • follow the contract (tough sanctions applyto those who don't). . . Assisxancejs limited. During the first two month$; all able-bodied recipients must engage in intensive job :search (as designed byslIilI':S). After two years, states will be . required
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7262 FOLDER TITLE: Immunization Briefing 4-1-94 (Roosevelt Room) lO:00-11 :00 am rwl67 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44
  • : Confirmation: Appt. Request for Rasco; Carol H. (partial) (1 page) 07112/95 P61b(6), b(7)(C) 006. list New York Welfare Coalition Meeting with Carol Rasco (partial) (2 pages) " '.. .," 07111195 P6/b(6) '. . . ' '07111195 P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • performance· standards, the development of approaches that work to improve outcomes •. and. regular "data collection. Instead, as target populations have been identified who have failed to gain access to - or failed. to benefit from - the . basic program
  • ) 06/0311996 P61b(6) OOla. list '- COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TITLE: IL, NY. Trip May 28-30th, 1996: Evanston, IL NWBC May 29,1996 2010-0198-S
  • that limited information is being collected to help us understand how stUderits are perfonning. While we remain . committed to implement at the state and local level the education goals adopted by Governors following the Charlottesville Summit in 1989
  • have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. ,', ",', ,'" • Clinton Presidential Records Digital Records
  • "ison el al•• 19(1), During the fllSt wee yCIIS of the pro­ jccL of 19 low-income intervention METHOD srudenlS BRcnded at least one of the parent- Data Colleclion inC dasscs.~ The mean number of sessions D~ta were collected from students during
  • /94 RESTRICTION P6ib(6) " COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco OAlBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Mayor Ashe Meeting 7 Oct 1994 11 :00-12:00 20 I 0-0 198-S ry794 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To Isee thd full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Pre~idential Library'S Research Room . .., WE"·'" II. N * sa The Con ference Board Se I vim:; Bus~lless and Societ)' Since 1916 I
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Record,s Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Evynts) PNBox Number: 6519 FOLDER TITLE: Salem, OR Portland, ORMayJS-16; I 99S.Site Visit [2] 2010-0198-S ry878 RESTRICTION CODES I)residential Records Act -'144
  • To vida Benavidez re: White House Meeting with Tribal Leaders (8 pages) (8 pages) 04/27/94 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 7262 FOLDER TITLE: Tribal Leaders Mtg
  • Schedule of Carol Rasco, Thursday, April 6 (I page) nd P61b(6) 00 I c. schedule Schedule of Carol Rasco, Other (partial) (I page) nd P61b(6) 00 I d, schedule Schedule of Carol Rasco, Other (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: DPC Meeting on comprehensive Strategies for Children & Families March 4, 1996 [2] 2010-0198-S rylOOO RESTRICTION CODES
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE OOJ.-report DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Re: JNS Actions (1 page) 07/08/96 RESTRICTION b(7)(E) ( COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTfflTLE from Doug Sosnick to the Vice President re Florida Political Background (3 pages) 0211611996 RESTRICTION Personal Misfile ! . COLLECTION
  • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inventory of Breast Cancer Activities/U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 22 22 23 23 23 iii 6. Develop mechanisms for the centralized collection and distribution of exist~ng and available consumer-oriented information on breast
  • ) 03/29/96 P6/b(6) 003. letter To the King family from Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 04/01/96 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE
  • ) . .' , (1 page) 07/07/1995 07/0711995 Week of Sunday, July 16 through S~turday, July 22, 1995 (partial) (1 ,1' • page) ',~ . I 003. calendar RESTRICTION :.' . ! 005. calendar . Month of August, 1995 (partial) (I 'page) , I COLLECTION: Clinton
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6519, FOLDER TITLE: Florida Trip JuniorLeague Conference April 27-28, 1995 [3] 2010-0198-S .ry867 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • ) 02/27/96 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7467 FOLDER TITLE: Dallas Trip February 15-16, 1996 [2] 201 0-0 198-5 rv992 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • within two years .. e A two-year time limit. Time limits will restrict most AFDC recipients to a lifetime maximum of 24 months of cash assistance. eJob search first. Participants who are job-ready will immediately be oriented to the . .workplace. Anyone
  • . . . . - . Connecticut will bea community dediccited 10 developing healthy, well-educated individuals who excel in an ever-changing woi-Id and who take individual and collective reSponsibility for creating and suStaining safe, clean, and caring communities
  • , Dinner & Cabaret Show 'The W.I,en Art Gillery: Arnngemenu include a docent tour of in comprehensive collection spinning filty centuries and four cominenu. r---------------------------------- I ! WHAT IT COSTS: DETACH &MAIL
  • support enforcement That means establishing paternity right at the start, the hospital; setting up a national registry;ahd using the IRS to collect seriously delinquent child support paymehts. 12 The principle is simple: if you are biologically
  • did to fulfill . the dream, the Journey. A colfege degree IS a collective achIevement, because for every person wearing a blacK robe in front of me I know there .are people in the stanas who are very, very proud -- whether parents, spouses, ffI ends
  • : husbana ot~ra Kay bullans) Mr. Robert Sobolevltch (sonior rp-search associate, Center tor the Study of Youth policy, Penn ssw:;i invited atrequesl of . IrQ Schwart:r.) .~' Dr. Phyllis solomon (professor, Penn SSW: research interests in mental health
  • and eloquently raised. ~.£;L ROBERT B. REICH SECRETARY OF lABOR ~ This report-an historic attempt to collect the views of working women-arrives in a Capitol that has already begun to change. Much work remains to improve the lives of working women . Bur
  • . To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. II March 1995 ,r " " U.S. Deportment of Housing and Urban Development • Office of Community Plonning ond Development Andrew Cuomo, Assistant
  • . P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8486 FOLDER TITLE: September 23-24,1996 Owensboro, KY Trip [2] 2010-0198-S dbl693 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • [partial] (1 page) 10/1/1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8489 FOLDER TITLE: October 7-9, 1996 - Racine, WI [3J 2010-0198-$ dbl702 I RESTRICTION CODES 01
  • , I11I 'f" II ' " j I !, I I! Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library , DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTfflTLE DATE Meeting Request/Tracking (partial) (I page) 001. form RESTRICTION nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • III: I i ' i , I : ' , Withdrawal/Redaction' Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTrI'lTLE To Waves from Julie Demeo re: meeting (partial) (1' page) 001. memo RESTRICTION . 04/19/95 P6!b(6) I' COLLECTION: Clinton
  • . Women have come a long way in this country. Women vote. They hold public office. They run companies. And they playa prominent role in many ways in the life of our nation. The individual and collective voice of women is stronger than ever be(ore
  • (partial) (I page) 002. memo From Patricia E. Romani re: Appt. request - Bowen, Linda and others (partial) (1 page) . RESTRICTION 09/15/94 .P6/b(6) 09/15/94 P6/b(6), b(7)(E) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • page)· 10/19/94 P61b(6), b(7)(C) ( COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting: Indep. Sector (CHR's Office) 10-20-9411:00-11:30 [I] 2010-0 \98-8
  • : Dinner (partial) (1 page) P6/b(6) , 05/02/95 P6/b(6) 04/03/95 P6/b(6) ( 00 I c. invitation To Ms. Rasco from the Ambassador of Israel and Mrs. Rabinovich (partial) (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • . Rasco (partial) (1 page) 10102/95 P61b(6) 003. letter To reverand Daniel DeLeon from Carol H. Rasco (partial) (1 page) '10102/95 P61b(6) 004. list List for thank you letters (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • (6) COLLECTION: (;linton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8489 FOLDER TITLE: October 10-11, 1996 - New Orleans, LA [2] 201 0-0198-S db1705 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • publicatiori please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library'S Research Room. - The Methodology for Field Network Evaluation Studies Richard P. Nathan The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government Clinton Presidential Records
  • III I: I i . : I; I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE 12/06/95 Re: Carol Rasco (partial) (I page) 00 I. itinerary, RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • 'at . . . , med'caIresea~ch' " the top of 'the .. . , , ~ a.~endaby, dramaticall y incr~asing the governiJ{(:nt's cPmmitnient to r~search' 6~res"f~r ,bre~~t , , " , ,,' , : .' ,canCer~ '"" .....' . ., • " ',:', ., , , ' " , . " .' " " J
  • Research Fund event (partial) (l page) 07/3111 995 p6/b(6) 004. note options for return on Sunday, Oct 29 (partial) (.I page) nd ' P6/b(6) 005. note options for return on Sunday; Oct 29 (partial) U page) nd P6/b(6) I COLLECTION: Clinton
  • . Rasco from Rasalyn A. Miller re: Amy Rossi (partial) (I page) 06/12/95 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) . P61b(6) ( OA/Box Number: 6520 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting: POTUS
  • of a publication. I, Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library'S Research Room . • • 1 I '._~ • ..1, .., •.... j
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 6520 FOLDER TITLE: Trip to Chicago, Illinois June 7-10, 1995 [I] 20 10-0 198-S ry883 RESTRICTION CODES I'residential Records Act - 144
  • by the WillialTI J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. This marker identifies the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit
  • ; RE: Addresses [partial] (3 pages) 05/17/1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: May 20, 1996 Conway, Ark. Trip 2010-01 98-S db1655
  • to advance a small collection of major projects maximizes the impact of limited resources. With an established set of major projects, all City departments and the private sector can make per­ sonnel, spending and long term planning decisions more effectively
  • of digitization. To see th~ full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. , , ; , , , ~ , I , ,':1 ' I' ' . ----_. rl . --_,W" '7. .; . . ... AMERICA'S AGENDA . . . 'REBUILDING .-.-+-ECONOM
  • . This information is collected under the authority of 31 U.S.C. 66a, 41 U.S.C. 3101, 3102, 3309; and General Accounting Office and General Services Administration policies and procedures. Instructions for Completing Travel Authorization Check:' ITEM 1 TOY block
  • of American history, and how: thaI relationship may differ in other contemRorary polities; how to reconcile the competing political values of individual autonomy and collective responsibility in i a modern industrial democracy. I The course will also focus
  • collected underthe securities lawS.......................... Establish IRS continuous levy.................................... :.................. Extend GSP and modify other trade provisions 11....................... Increase deduction for self-employed
  • . Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search onlihe or visit the Clinton Presidential Library'S Research Room. Vol. 22, No. 2 Spring, 1996 NATIONAL SUMMIT ON TEACHER PREPA
  • value. This report is the collective product of a panel whose members repre­ sent a balance in both expertise and points of view. Its contents reflect the careful deliberatio~s and final consensus of the members. The panel is particularly indebted to two
  • Centers for' Disease Control,a lab technician at a primate-re­ absorb nutrientS, excrete .wasteaiid reproduCe I by dividing,'. search center jabbed herselfwith a: needle. containing blood from they have no of their own. They're.mere shredsofgeneC
  • ) , Schedule of Carol Rasco, Wednesday, May 31 (partial) (1 page) 003. schedule 004. profile 005. emo m Carol 006. note H. Rasco (partial) (1 page) Note to Barb from Carol H. Rasco (partial) (1 page) '; , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: DPC Full Meeting (Roosevelt Rm)13 March 1995 5:30-6:30 pm 20 I0-0 198-S ryl186 RESTRICTION CODES
  • . travel data collection, tourism funding. marketing and advocacy. ' Free Trade And Federalism: Implications Of Trade Liberal­ ization For State Legislative Authority , ., Panelists:Halii Czechowski. Congressional Travel and Tourism 2:45 pm - 5:00 pm Caucus
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTrnTLE 00 I. itinerary DATE For Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 02/21196 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • page) n.d. P6/b(6) 003. profile Ambassador James R. Jones; RE: DOB [partial] (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) 004. profile Weldon L. Kennedy; RE: DOB [partial] (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • i'll: ' ! ' ' . : . , I : : Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUI\U:NT NO. AND TVPE , SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE Economic Conferen~e re: Anna Lattimore (partial) (l"page) , OOl',report RESTRICTION P61b(6) nd COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SUBJECTfflTLE DATE Domestic Violence Hotline - Roosevelt Room Participants (partial) (3 pages) 02/20/96 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • community life An initiative of The United Methodist Church ~ individually and collectively experience health, prosperity, security, oneness with nature, and spiritual renewal. In John 14:27, Jesus in one of his final moments with his disciples offers
  • to do with balancing the budget. The oil and gas royalties proposal includes a number of provisions that would make royalty collection far more difficult and costly for the 'federal government. The Ward Valley (CA) Land Transfer (which the Administration
  • : Address and phone number (partial] (1 page) 05/01/1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Las Vegas May 22-23; San Francisco May 23-24, 1996
  • \. " , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAfBox Number: 7263 J FOLDER TITLE: Teen Pregnancy Meeting October 5, 1995 [2] 20 10-0 198-S ry924 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - \44
  • (6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) . ONBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: Jay Winston Meeting 26 March 1996 11:00 am-I2:30pm 20 10-0 198-S ryI006 RESTRICTION CODES
  • . This marker identifies the place of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their enHrety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library'S Research Room. M&HA
  • be built into block grant legislation. The collection and reporting of good ddta is essential to assessing state needs and determining the best mechanisms for addressing Iithose needs. State Title V programs have struggled to establish responsible
  • ) 08/08/1996 P6/b(6) 003. letter Carol Rasco to David McDonald; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 1010311996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8486 FOLDER
  • in Florida,February 28-March 2, J996 (5 pages) Personal Misfile Personal Misfile nd COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: Miami Florida Trip, February 28
  • establishing paternity right at the start, in the hospital; setting up a national registry; and using the IRS to collect seriously delinquent child support payments. The principle is simple: if you are biologically responsible for a child, then you
  • for students, and provide real incentives to improve the quality of America's schools. There is significant interest in the promise of performance-based assessments, such as portfolios and projects, as ways of collecting evidence of what students know and can
  • ) This marker identifies the original location of the withdrawn item listed above. For a complete list of items withdrawn from this folder, see the WithdrawallRedaction Sheet at the front of the folder. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • limits. I know a lot of times you wind up having to send a collection company after a patient that you know is not going to be able to pay the bill anyway because of these problems. You see this crisis when a doctor prescribes prescription drugs
  • ; and nearly half a million separating service members arid their spouses have received job search training under the Transition Assistance Program. • Due in part tothese efforts, the veterans' unemployment rate has been cut by ~ore than half during
  • OUf society. . . AcCordingly. we urg; you to sta.¥·up for th6.vulnerable childre~ and famjUes )f California ~nd the nation. We tand with you in search for a better way. . . . Sincerely, Members of the California State LegislatW'e· _ attached
  • letter, picture, and notes from Women's Leadship Council (5 pages) 06/19/96 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings Trips Events) ONBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: Miami Florida Trip
  • page) :12/22/94 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: NGA Winter Meeting, ]995 2010-0198-S ry845 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Reeords Act
  • 'of these individuals have distinguished themselves through their , longstanding community involvement on HIV/AIDS issues. In your efforts to assemble a diverse and well-balanced collection of delegates. the selection of , any or all of these persons listed on the next
  • ;1: I:, I " ' ; : I I I I Withdtawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE S,UBJECTmTLE To Julie Demeo from Jim Gilmore re: Frontline (partial) (1 page) 001. letter RESTRICTION P6/b(6) 03/08/95 COLLECTION
  • ' Roundtable • Community analysis and data collection for rural Health services development will be I performed for the five Rural Hospital Program affiliate hospitals L I Maste~'s I 6 REMOTE ON-LINE COMMUNICATION WITH OTHER UAMS RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT
  • ) , 004. schedule Schedule for Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 06/07/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 6520 FOLDER TITLE: Trip to Chicago, Illinois June 7
  • ) 004. list Invitees (partial) (1 page) \ \1I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) i OAlBox Number: 7263 I FOLDER TITLE: California Trip Sacramento &San Francisco September , 21
  • Schedule for Wedsnesday November I, 1995 (partial) (1 page) 10/27/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7466 FOLDER TITLE: Trip Bo()k Carol H. Rasco West Virginia
  • ; . setting up a national registry; and using the IRS to collect seriously delinquent child:support payments. ,~ !. The principle is simple: are biologically responsible for a child, then you are morally and financially responsible as well. And that's
  • gangs are demon trating the values of community. * Heartiand towns where Americans are searching out new economic functio s to stem the flow of busil1esses from their main street 'and county squares and to hold on to their young tale t are acting
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fonn DATE SUBJECTffITLE RE: Personal (I page) n.d. RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips
  • I Witlldrawal/Redaction Sheet Clihton Library I DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter . SUBJECTffITLE DATE Rudy Rountree to President Bill clintol; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) I 04123/1996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION
  • to their citizenry. 1. Survey and Interview Protocol: As a part of our effort at. strengthening the capacity for policy development on all levels ·of government regarding the aging of America's baby boomers, we will collect and disseminate the best information
  • , June 25 (partial) (I page) P61b(6) nd 00 I. list P61b(6) . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips,;Events) ONBox Number: . 6520 . FOLDER TITLE: " Pacitic Rjm Economic Conference: 'Portland
  • , and executive order, this Administration has adhieved unprecedented financial support for children. Collections for child support hJve grown by nearly 40 percent since 1992, to a record $11 billion, while paternity e~tablisrunents have risen by more than 40
  • 1II1 I: I : ' I I I I I I I Witlldrawal/Redactiol1· Slleet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE Carol Rasco Invitation List (partial) (l0 pages) 001. list RESTRICTION DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 09/12/95 P6!b(6) COLLECTION: . Clinton
  • Domestic Violence is the most comprehensive survey on this issue to be conducted to date. The survey was drawn from a national sampling of 1000 men and women aged 18 and older. The information was collected' through telephone interviews made from April 15
  • , and no systematic efforts to explore areas of common ground and to search for ways to move forward. ' Many of the struggles at the national, state and community levels over ways to 'reduce teenage pregnancy have centered more on differences in values, cultural
  • searching' for a job that $290 in food stamps. her husband through grad­ , will support them. Mean~ ,uate school. Later, as a while., she's lining up The face of poverty In, America Is growing,younger stay-at~home mother; she grants ~d scholars.hips so' Once
  • "; except for any , • 25 actIOn i t~at " ' I . ' may be taken und~r sectIOn 6(b).". i . , I ' I I HR 1627 [H--4 I I I .L 26 TITLE II-DATA COLLECTION 1 2 . SEC. 201. COLLECTION OF PESTICIDE USE .INFORMATION~ : .l 3 The Secretary
  • ) 002e. calendar RE: Phone nwnber and DOB [partial] (1 page) 10/31/1996 P61b(6) 002f. calendar RE: Phone nwnber and DOB [partial] (1 page) 1110111996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet ClintQn Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. schedule SUBJECTrrtTLE RESTRICTION DATE 04/20/1995 Rasco office from Thursday, April 20 to Saturday, October 28, 1995 (partial) (7 pages) P6/b(6) i 0' COLLECTION
  • , states also retain the authority to collect fees that may be used for the safe transportation of hazardous materials, including the costs of administering the uniform program. There would be a slight federal savings frorJ;l the policy because federal
  • Witlldrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SUBJECTfflTLE DATE The President's Interagency Council on Women; Re: Name [partial] [50 U.S.C. 403g] (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P31b(3) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Ro Rosalyn Miller and Patricia Romani from Carol Rasco re Diane Gibson (partial) (1 page) 07/04/94 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Romani from Eleanor L. Bailey re: requested meeting between Bill Milliken and Carol Rasco (partial) (I page) 09108/94 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco OAiBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: B. MilIiken/B
  • !a . .' intervtmtion researebaimedatthe ...... Project '. collection, research and evaluation .... preventi,on of aggressive behavior and The range of the Federal share of . project costs is as" follows:·:: , :" activities that are funded and/or: '.,.' : violen.CEj ana
  • is working with Triton Project staff to design an evaluation plan for the program, . The evaluator will conduct site visits, observations and interviews.' and will coordinate project data collection, School district staff will work with Triton Project staff
  • center; RE: Addresses [partial] (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy COWlcil Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8486 FOLDER TITLE: September 23-24, 1996 Owensboro, KY Trip [1] 2010-0198-S
  • : Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) 05/0111996 P61b(6) 003. memo Patricia E. Romani to Deborah L. Fine; RE: Phone number [partial] (1 page) 04/05/1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic ,Policy Council Carol
  • that this· demonstration project, "The Oregon Option," focus on important elements of Oregon's top strategic priority, our human investment benchmarks. These benchmarks underlie a collective effort by state and local governments, civic groups, nonprofits, and businesses
  • for Carol Rasco (partial) (I page) P6/b(6) 08/03/95 (1 page) P61b(6) 08/95 (2 pages) P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAfBox Number: 7263 . FOLDER TITLE: United
  • : Paul B. Engler (partial) (I page) nd P6/b(6) 004. bio Re: Alllen C. Haile (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7467 FOLDER TITLE
  • : radio show (partial) (1 page) 11/06/95 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7468 FOLDER TITLE: Trip File for Chicago 28-29 Oct 20 I0-0 198-S ry955 RESTRICTION
  • • · . By increasing funding for WIC to serve· more nutritionally at-risk infants, children and post­ par1:um women. • By preventing childhood disease through the comprehensive Child Immunization Initiative. o By acting to increase child support collections so
  • national'partners, Beneficial Designs, to inventory and rate existing trails for accessibility. Collected data is included in a pamphlet .that is available at trailheads, ranger district offices and other public information areas. This system allows each person
  • such as on-site assistance to workers and employers . major layoffs are announced; reemployment services such as career exploration an job search assistance; retraining in demand occupations; and supportive services such as child care so workers can participate
  • Rasco Travel Infonnation for Sunday, July 10, 1995 (partial) (l page) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6504 FOLDER TITLE: Family Reunion IV: The Family
  • Withdrawal/Redactiol1 Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fonn DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE Application for Accreditation; RE: Carol Rasco (1 page) 07/2211996 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • (partial) (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: CHR Trip File South Texas: McAllen & San Antonio March 20-22, 1996 [I] 2010-0198-S ryl005
  • in America. II ' As a nation, we' must search for these solutions. The !problems are complex but they are' real and we need atn honest debate about how to deal with them. For . the last three years, the Clinton Administration has worked hard to improve
  • 'I I ' I ' , Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DATE SUBJECTffITLE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo To Carol H. Rasco from Jeremy D. Benami re: Funding for Homeless Survey (2 pages) RESTRICTION 09/21/94 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • "comparisons with state and national statistics." "Let others collect the information and the Goals Panel describe its significance." "Provide information that people at the local and state levels can act on." "I know this data inside and out and I have kids
  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' " -~iFIGHTING BACK ~NEWARK, NJ [ The Newark Fighting Back Initiative is a citywide social movement of people and institutions, applying the collective capacity of families, neighborhoods and institutions to win the battle against substance abuse and drug
  • RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 4592 FOLDER TITLE: Equal Opportunity Policy 9-20-93 3:00-4:00 rw158 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C
  • access for inclusion. . Federal Agencies Impacting Transition The White House Domestic Policy Council launched a survey to collect data pertaining to federal agencies serving individuals with disabilities. Along with other data, agencies were requested
  • done. ! At the same time, child support ~ollections have gone up, as the Administration has improved stat, collection efforts. Over the last three years, we hav~ worked to give 37 .states the flexibility to design welfare reform strategies that best
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 1996 u.s. Paralympic Games Official Delegation Roster; RE: DOB's [partial] (8 pages) 07/22/1996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • responsibilities to you and who worked every day, some through hard times, just as you yourself did to fulfill the dream, the journey. A college degree ,is ,a collective achievement, because for every person wearing a black robe ,in front of me I know
  • page) 02/20/96 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: Detroit Trip File [3] 2010-0198-S ryJOI2 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - (44
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTffITLE List of meeting attendees (partial) (1 page) 04/07/93 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • unemployed physicians to move into non-C-HMO territories in search of patients .. «Figure 2 about here» Public Sector Health Planning as a Strategy for Dealing with Excess Capacity • This section lays out the broad goals of a public policy
  • ;;dttieir', ':' , : 'familie~: ' . . . .' . , -'U'''U_'''~~,,'''''5~, profit organization 'that maintains a computerized registry of potential donors and their bone marrow types: , At any given t~me, there are an aver­ age of 2,OOOpatie'nts searching
  • of a publication. Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room
  • (6) pages) I ,002. itinerary Invoice/Itinerary for Carol, H. Rasco (partial) (l page) 05/0.5/95 P61b(6) 003, itinerary Invoice/Itinerary for Carol H. Rasco (partial) (I page) 05/05/95 P61b(6) I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • , and distinctly international in to support its demands for infrastructure and services. Once again, the search for scope. Whereas a century ago every central city could point to its corporate headquareconomies throughirnproved coordination and cooperation among
  • in the CPCRA ' Becky Perelli, RN, MS, Clinical Research Supervisor, Co-Chair CPCRA R~search Implementation Committee V. The Value of CBCT' s in a Practice Robert Scott, :MD, Community Provider , , ,'---... VI. A Patient's Perspective Thomas Solis
  • care? ' In short, what do you believe is the greatest unmet need for Americans in search of quality health care? Tell us. CALL US TODAY Talk to our reporters from 8 to noon TODAY ONLY. (The call is free.) We'll include your comments in a Free
  • and parts of Americus and' Albany were completely under water, Thousands fled the rain soaked area leaving behind hQmes, property, and possessions, searching for safety on higher grounds. Within days after the flood, 52 counties ha;d been designated federal
  • go after a piece they can call their f ..' :own, the~r o~n J?l!~ce ~n the sun so to speak. I say, we must.' come' together as ~nd~v~duals and organ,:i.zations to seize speCial . " .._._moments when our collective can make a real difference
  • . To see the full publication please search online or visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room. .+ E * • , '.1 '~PPRENTICESHIP ~... . • 4". PROGRAM ,. ' , T h e Maine Youth Apprenticeship Program is a new educational option
  • those payroll contributions there so as to give the contributors a legal, moral, and political right to collect their pension and their unemployment benefits. With those taxes in there, no damn politician can ever scrap my Social Security program. (Note
  • . A project data base had been designed and constructed for grantee performance' data. Quantitative data on performance of tasks ~ita] to the grantees' missions were collected .,',! monthly throughout the year utilizing specially designed'standardized
  • special agents working undercov­ er purchased about 250 rocks of crack cocaine with food stamps. We later arrested the ringleader and eight of his confederates and executed six search warrants during which additional quantities of illegal drugs
  • without losing their jobs. Now American workers are no longer forced to choose betWeen their jobs and their families. i Improving' Child Support Collections I' • To confront this national epidemic, the President has called for a National Campaign
  • were changed for the 1994 survey. Because of the length of previous surveys, there is nOt enough time for scholars to fully analyze the wealth of information collected or to interpret its value. Therefore, the committee recommended thai: in-depth
  • Collection NEGOTIATING . the SPECIAL EDUCATION MAZE ~~~t~~~ A Guide for Parents and Teachers Winifred Anderson Stephen Chitwood Deidre Hayden . Foreword by Ann P. Turnbull
  • will provide an opportunity to crystallize your own experiences while we collectively analyze common obstacles and identify specific steps that must be taken at each level of government to ensure the successful implementation of wide reform to upgrade
  • 'Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (M~etings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: DNC Nat'l Finance Council: Issues Retreat Florida 3-5 March [2] 20 I0-0 198-S ry834 RESTRrCTION CODES
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter SUBJECTfflTLE DATE To Carol Rasco from Bill Priakos re: dinner (I page) 01118/96 RESTRICTION P6!b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCU,'VIENT NO. AND TYPE 001. report DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Re: Democratic National Convention 1996 (77 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. report SUBJECTfflTLE DATE Re: Democratic National Convention 1996 (74 pages) 08/21196 RESTRICTION Personal M isfi Ie COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. report DATE· SUBJECTrrlTLE Re: Democratic National Convention Chicago II 1996 (70 pages) n.d. RESTRICTION Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Committee (1 page) 03/2511996 Personal Misfile 003b. letter Donald Fowler to Carol Rasco; RE: Democratic National Committee (1 page) 03/3111996 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. paper SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE Message to Carol Rasco; RE: Phone number and DOB [partial] (1 page) 06/18/1996 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. card DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Kasey Lowe to Rascoe; RE: Phone number [partial] (1 page) 06/06/1996 fSTRICTION 61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • (3 copies) (6 pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: ONAP Meeting in CoS Office 22 Feb. 1995 1:30=2:00 pm 2010-0198-S ryl184 RESTRICTION CODES
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet , Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTrrITLE DATE from Bruce Watterson to C Rasco re Re: A Thank You for Ms Hogan's Help - Reply (I page) 09/26/1996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SUBJECTrrITLE DATE Choir members, Mount Saint Mary's (partial) (2 pages) nd RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • : Meyers call (l page) 04/01/96 P6/b(6) To Carol Rasco ITom Patricia Romani re:Linda Myers in town today 03/29/96 P6/b(6) 003. memo (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox
  • such as LEXIS-NEXIS in the context of child support collection efforts. While the language referred to in our meeting comes form the Code of Federal Regulations, I believe that it can be fairly adapted to fit a statutory provision. Please keep me informed on how
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTfflTLE To Jane Alexander from Carol Rasco re: theater (partial) (1 page) 03/05/96 RESTRICTION P61b(6) i COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • : dinner invitation (1 page) RESTRICTION Personal Misfile n.d. . 07/27/95 Personal Misfile / COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: Health Care Outreach
  • : The Women's Leadership Forum of the Democratic National Committee (1 page) page) RESTRICTION 07/17/1996 Personal Misfile 07/08/1996 Personal Misfile .1 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips
  • of Environmental Issues - draft (8 pages) 01/25/95 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: Environmental Politics Briefing McGinty & Burke 2 Mar
  • (2 pages) 10/0511996 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8488 . FOLDER TITLE: Arlie Hochschild Lunch December 5, 1996 20IO-OI98-F kcl2 I
  • at DNC meetings in Florida, February 28-March 2, ,1996 (42 pages) Personal Misfile Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco, (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: Miami
  • [partial] (1 page) 1011711996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8489 FOLDER TITLE: Nancy ZirkinlAAUW (American Association of University Women) October 18, 1996
  • (P /br/,.) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 4592 FOLDER TITLE: AIDS Co-ordinator Announcement 6/25/93 11 :30 a.m. rw146 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • Personal Misfile COLLECTION: 'Clinton Presidential Records Oomestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: Miami, Florida Trip, February 2S-March 2, 1996: Florida Letters [2] 2010-0 198-S kc22
  • "Reaching Out" Newsletter of the Women's Leadership Forum (Spring 1995) (4 pages) nd Personal Misfile 009. schedulc~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE
  • to Agencies on identifying environmental justice problems; b) working with Agencies to develop environmentAl justice strategies; c) coordinating environmental justice health Iese4fch. data collection, and analysis; d) developing interagency environmental
  • ) 07/08/94 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 5041 FOLDER TITLE: ADA [Americans with Disabilities Actl27 July 1994 rw184 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • and Laura Hartigan to Carol Rasco re: Clinton/Gore (I page) 12/06/95 Personal Misfile 001c. form Re: Clinton/Gore Conference (1 page) nd Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Pre:sidential Records Domestic pblicy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips
  • to Patricia E. Romani; RE: Dates of births [partial] (1 page) 04/2511996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Dinner with Mary & Lonnie McNatt April
  • /24/95 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events)' OAfBox Number: 5857 FOLDER TITLE: Women's Caucus Dinner Citronelle Restaurant 23 Jan. 19957:30 pm 20 Ia-a J98-S ry820
  • . memo To Julie E, Demeo from Mail Link Monitor re: Confirmation,: Appt. Request for Rasco, Carol H. (partial) (1 page) 02/07/95 P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events
  • ) (1 page) nd P61b(6) 003. note Diary note (1 page) rid P61b(6) .J COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records DomestiC Policy Council Carol Rasco OA/Box Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Luncheon Ambassador and Mrs. Russell Friday, 14 Oct. 19942:00 20
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTffITLE Re: Attendees - Florida Waiver Meeting (partial) (l page) 06/01194 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • ~:/rpliqtOjraphys 'First Century 5electivnsfom the §tlman 'Paper Company Collection . , .t JUN I : / I : t : i ., ! ." I • :, S r. ' .:7k~¥~JY~~~W .~~~~~~ . I at tt reception . I , t . on Wednesday, the .t:-fteenth of June , I L ~t six ~ntil ti
  • (annotated) (1 page) 01/19/96 P61b(6) 003. memo To Patricia E. Romani from Patricia E. Romani re: Appt. request Nardone, Michael (partial) (I page) 01/19/96 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • Carol H. Rasco (partial) (1 page) COLLECTION: , Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7263 J FOLDER TITLE: Arkansas Party September 29, 1995 20 I 0-0 198-S ry920 RESTRICTION CODES
  • [partial] (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) 002. letter Barry S. Tindall to Carol Rasco; RE: DOB [partial] (1 page) 09117/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox. Number: 8489
  • to Carol Rasco; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) 06/0711996 P61b(6) 002b. resume Laurie D. Cooper; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) n.d. P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • from Mr. Jonah Edelman (partial) (1 page) 12/02/94 P6/b(6) To Carol Rasco frm Jonah Edelman (partial) (1 page) 12/02/94 P6/b(6) 00 I. letter To Carol Rasco fr6mJonah Edelman (partial) (1 page) 002. fax 003. letter COLLECTION: Clinton
  • ) (I page) 11108/95 P61b(6) 012. letter To Mary Spencer from Carol Rasco re: conference (partial) (I page) 11/08/95 P61b(6) '7 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAfBox Number
  • rates ace down. and food stamp rolls are down. while work and training ilctiyities among recipients are up and child support collections have reached a record high. ~ Here are the portions of the P!esident.' sspeech to the nurses today that deal
  • . Request for Rasco, Carol H. (partial) (I page) 03110/95 P6/b(6), b(7)(C) 001. resume Ressume of Lisa Barker (partial) (I page) 002. note ',I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox
  • : "At the Table" (partial) (1 page) 02/23/96 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7467 FOLDER TITLE: Arkansas Trip February 10-12, 1996 [1] 2010-0198-S ry989
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTffITLE 01129/93 List of meeting attendees (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE List of visitors to White House (partial) (1 page) 05103/93 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTffITLE To Del M. bartee from Patricia E. Romani re: appt. request (partial) (1 page) 07/25194 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. form SUBJECTrrITLE DATE 05/27/93 SFl71 for Patricia Stubbs Fleming (9 pages) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. note DATE SUBJECTffITLE n.d. Handwritten note (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • , ,I i i i II i' Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE DATE SUBJECTmTLE 001. memo To: Carol H. Rasco from Bruce N. Reed re: Read before 5:30 DPC mtg. (1 page) . RESTRICTION P5 05/09/94 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTfI'lTLE 001. fax RESTRICTION 03117/95 From Arlene P. Chambers (partial) (l page) P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • ) 03/23/95 P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) 0NBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: Welfare reform Briefing 24 March '95 II :00'- 12:00 Cancelled 2010-0198-S ry852
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 6135 FOLDER T[TLE: DC Waiver Meeting 7 April 1995 5:00-6:00 pm 2010-0198-S ryl187 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act 144 U.S.c
  • . memo RESTRICTION P61b(6) 04/27/95 COLLECTION: ' Clinto'n Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council ' ' Carol Rasco, (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6519 FOLDER TITLE: American Consulting Eiigineers Council 27 April 1995 2010-0198-S ry868
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTffITLE To Anthony Lake, et. a\. from Carol Rasco re: DO] Asylum Reform Briefing (15 pages) 10/04/93 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTffITLE 01110/94 List of Attendees (partial) (1 page). RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTrnTLE 03110/94 Russian Delegation (partial) (l page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 5040 FOLDER TITLE: Razorback Event (Sanderson, H.) June 15 19942:30-3.:30 rw175 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C
  • pages) ?, 1995 05/03/95 P6!b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council' Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Nuinber: 6519 FOLDER TITLE: ' , National Society of Professional Engineers 5 May 1995 2010-0198-S ry874
  • , III" I i I i ' , ! I, I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DATE SUBJECTrrITLE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 11129 Phone message re: Judy Reichle (partial) (l page) 00 1. message, RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Pr
  • i II I I I ' ! ' I ! Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE RESTRICTION SUBJECTrrlTLE Address (l page) 001. note DATE 01116/96 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic P~licy Council Carol
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. ANDTYPE 00 I. list SUBJECTfflTLE DATE 04/18/96 Dinner Attendees (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • til, I I i I I I t i Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTfflTLE To Carol H. Rasco from Karen Davis (partial) (I page) 00 I. letter RESTRICTION P6/b(6) 10/04/94 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTrfITLE DATE William White to Ann M. Cattalini; RE: DOB's and SSN's [partial] (3 pages) 07/2511996 RESTRICTlON P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library POCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTfflTLE DATE Re: Democratic National Convention (76 pages) 001. report n.d. RESTRICTION Personal Misfile / COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. reswne SUBJECTITITLE DATE Shannon Lynne Watson; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (I page) n.d. RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • Wit11drawal/Redactiol1 Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECT(fJTLE DATE To Carol H. Rasco from Christopher C. Jennings re: communications/political meeting tonight (2 pages) 01/06/95 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. resume . SIJBJECTrrlTLE DATE Address and phone number (partial) (I page) nd . RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council . Carol
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. . AND TYPE SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE from Chandini Bachman to Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 001. note 11/08/1996 RESTRICTION . I P61b(6) 1 , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • . schedule Rasco Staff, Wednesday, August 14, 1996 (partial)' (1 page) . " ~ . '.~ Rasco Staff, Thursday, August 15, 1996 (partial) (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips Events
  • (partial) (1 page) 06/2611996 P6/b(6) . . Mond~y, COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips Events) OAiBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: . Travel Itintirary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [42] 20 \ 0-0 \98
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Lunch: Patricia Leahy (Mess) 21 Oct. 1994 12:00 20 I 0-0 198-S ry800 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144
  • P6/b(6) 008, letter To Brenda Ruth from Carol H. Rasco (partial) (I page) 09113/95 P6/b(6) 009. letter To Keith Long from Carol H, .Rasco(partial) (l page) 09/13/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • P61b(6) OIl. list Breakfast Attendees; RE: Addresses [partial] (1 page) 05/2011996 P61b(6) 012. list East Prairie Employees and Representatives; RE: Addresses [partial] (2 pages) 0512011996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • . itinerary I COLLECTION: ' Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council. Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiSox Number: 8503, FOLDER TITLE: , , Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes: Julie 2010-0198-S kc99 RESTRICTION CODES
  • to integrate education and social services in a family-responsive way a deca~e ago is now becoming a way of life in many places. It is our hope that this meeting will provide an opportunity to crystallize your own experiences while we collectively analyze
  • page) 11/08/95 P61b(6) 012. letter To the Garlow Family from Carol Rasco re: conference (1 page) 11108/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION; Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7468 FOLDER
  • P61b(6) 001. note handwritten, re dinner attendees (partial) (I page) 002a. envelope sender's mailing address (I 002b. invitation 003. , . 006. memo. pag~) ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • : appt. request - Claybrook, Joan and others (partial) (1 page) 09113/94 P61b(6), b(7)(E) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco OAJBox Number: 5261 FOLDER THLE: Claybrook Meeting Public Citizen DPC: M. Schmidt
  • ) To Julie E. Demeo from Mail Link Monitor re: Confinnation: Appt. Request for Rasco, Carol H. (partial) (1 page) 03/13/95 P6/b(6),b(7)(C) 002. memo RESTRICTION DATE COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • to personal;home address (1 page) map 04/11/95 nd P6/b(6) t-" COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6519 FOLDER TITLE: Women's Campaign Fund Dinner &: Reception 5/9/95 (8:00;m
  • !\'lENT NO. ANDTYPE 06/19/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6520· " FOLDER TITLE: Meetings: Gun Free Schools Ashley White Lunch 6-22-95 , 201O-0\98-S, ry890
  • trimsmission to WAVES 10/28/96 (partial) (I page) 10/28/1996 P61b(6) 008a. note hand'writteri, info re John DeIHoye (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council, Carol ~asco, (Meetings, Trips, Events
  • ) OlOa. memo Mail Link Monitor to Patricia E. Romani; RE: Name and DOB's [partial] (l page) 04/08/1996 P6/b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7678 FOLDER
  • . bill AT&T AirOne telephone, charges received through May 03,1996 (partial) (I page) 05/08/1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8504' FOLDER TITLE: Travel
  • ) (1 page) 02/09/96 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7467 FOLDER TITLE: South Carolina Trip Communities of Shalom Summit January 26-28, 1996 [4] 20 I0-0
  • ! COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: South Texas Trip McAllen & San Antonio March 20-22, 1996 [I] 2010-0198-F ryl003 RESTRICTION CODES Prcsidential Records
  • P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [32] 2010-0198-S kc86 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • to Pat Romani (partial) ( 1 page) 08/22/94 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 5041 FOLDER TITLE: AIDS Group Mtg. Congo Staffers OEOB 211 25 August 19942:00-3:00
  • . BOMA International is the largest and oldest trade association exclusively representing the office building industry. Its 15,000 members collectively own or manage over 6 billion square feet of commercial office space in North America. For information
  • Patricia E. Romani re: Appt. request­ Witherspoon, Marjorie (partial) (I page) P6/b(6) 09/28/95 COLLECTION: Clinton' Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: Oct.4, Wed. 2:00-2
  • of December 2, 1996, Meeting with Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 11/19/1996 P61b(6) 003. m emo to Claudia Rayford-Williams re Confirmation: Appt Request for Rasco, Carol H. (partial) (I page) 11/27/1996 P6/b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTrrITLE To Carol Rasco from Phillip McDonald re: Appt. request (partial) (l page) 08/12/94 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • /94 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco OAIBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: APW A/Sid Johnson (group) 22 September 19944:00-4:30 2010-0198-S .ry788 r RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTrfITLE 001. memo. To Rosalyn A. Miller from Julie E. Demeo re: PH: Shirley ChatIer . [sic] number not given (1 page) RESTRICTION 02/24/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • , Carol H. (p~rtial) (I page) P6/b(6), b(7)(C) 03/31/95 .", ' ... COLLECTION: , Clinton Presidential Recqrds Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6135' ' ,,' FOLDER TITLE: Meeting with Dr. Tom Downey 6 April
  • ) '.; ,', ',., .:.. ' ""! ~ ,; COLLECTION: ',Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) , ,ONBox Number: 6519 FOLDER TITLE: Re: Epilepsy and ;'. ','.. di~ability Issues Meetin~"I',May I ?95 3 :30pm (. ... ~. ' ,it" . , 20 1O~O
  • 'Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton 'Library DOCl!"1ENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SliBJECTnTrLE DATE RESTRICTION P61b(6) 05/18/95 Participants of the 43rd Washington Seminar on Government-in­ Action (partial) ( I" page) i COLLECTION
  • . Request for Rasco, Carol (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Pre~idential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco, (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox NUI1~ber: 7466 FOLDER TItLE: r Meeting with Walt Patterson & William Coughlin of NAMES [National
  • ), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7467 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting with Denice Hunt Special Assistant to the Mayor of Seattle, WA January 29, 1996 2010-0198-S
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7461 FOLDER TITLE: COS Meeting February 9, 1996 2010-0198-S ry II 90 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 U.S.c. 2204(a)l
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7467 FOL[)ER TITLE: Arkansas Trip February 10-12, 1996 [2] 2010-0\98-S ry990 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.C. 2204
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list . DATE SUBJECTffITLE Cap to Cap (Alpha listing); RE: SSN's and dates of births [partial] (6 pages) 04/2611996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. resume DATE SUBJECTffITLE Claudia Rayford-Williams, Esq.; RE: Address and phone number [partial.] (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Withdrawai/Redactiol1 Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo SUBJECTffITLE DATE Betsey Wright to Carol Rasco; RE: DOB's [partial] (l page) 09/04/1996 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • ; :!I !,' I 'f, I ,I .', ,I ' Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTfflTLE 00 I. list DATE 11/29/94 Arkansas Participants (partial) ( I page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE White House Participants; RE: DOB's and SSN's [partial] (1 page) 10/22/1996 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • page) 10/30/1996 P6/b(6) 007. schedule Month Grid, January 1997 (partial) (l page) 1013011996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Oomestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 8489 FOLDER TITLE
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: Child Welfare Meeting with HHS (and Lyn), Room 211,10:15, December 6,1996 20 I0-0 \98-S kcl4 RESTRICTION CODES
  • WAVES to Rasco re Confirmation: Appt Request for Rasco, Carol (11l12/96@7:4Sam) (partial)\ (l page) . 11/1111996 P61b(6), b(7)(C) OIOa. call memo from Richard Bates to Pizzuto (partial) (l page) 1110S11996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: .CI inton
  • (6) 005. letter To Mimi Alperin from Carol Rasco re: "At the Table" (partial) (I page) 02/16/96 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7467 FOLDER TITLE
  • P61b(6) 005. list Minimum Wage Bill Signing; RE: DOB's and SSN's [partial] (3 pages) n.d. P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8487 FOLDER TITLE: August
  • : Confirmation: Appt. Request for Rasco, Carol H. (partial) (1 page) ,01119/95 P6/b(6)"b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5857 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting on disability
  • pedestrian upon E7ntry into the U.s. from Canada or Mexico. A discounted fee for frequent border crossers will be offered. By collecting the fee from ;those using border services and facilities, the federal government will generate $400 million on an annual
  • thank you note Crystal 1. Drozd (partial) (1 page) ,0311 3/ 1996 P6!b(6) 005c. note thank you note Lucille Hester (partial) (1 page) 03/13/1996 P6!b(6) 005d. note thank you note Jessica Kern ,(partial) (I page) 03/1311996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • page) 04102/96 P6/b(6) 011. list Board of Directors & Administration (partial) (I page) 04/02/96 P6/b(6) 012. itinerary Trip Itinerary Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 03/21/96 P61b(6) ! COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • ), b(7)(C) ' . '08/31/95 P61b(6) ,~ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) r' ONBox Number: 7261, FOLDER TITLE: Lunch with Paul & Lucy Robins9n September 13, 1995 2010-0 \98-S 0'910
  • (printed 12/02/96 @ 1:50pm)(partial) (1 page) 12/0211996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council • Carol Rascp (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [I
  • . Community leaders will find references, sources, and helpful ideas to use in collecting doto and preparing a local goals report. Gl ~ l f 5­ r.o 1J ~ It> OJ ~ A Guide to Getting Out Your Message The success of most initiatives is directly related
  • re: Florida Waiver (1 page) 07121194 PS COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAf Box Number: 5041 FOLDER TITLE: Florida Waiver Briefing S August 1994 10:00-10:30 rw196 RESTRICTION
  • . memo from Pizzuto to R,asco re 12:30 Olivia Meeting on Monday (partial) (l page) 10/16(1996 P61b(6) 006b. note handwritten, re meeting attendees (partial) (I page) nd P61b(6) remar~s from Paralympics (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • :00pm) (partial) (I page) 08/0711996 P61b(6), b(7)(C) 008b. memo from W AYES to Pizzuto re Confirmation: Appt Request for Rasco, Carol (08/08/96@ I0:00pm) (partial) (I j:>~ge) 08/0711996 P61b(6), b(7)(C) .. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • ' from WAVES to Pizzuto re Confirmation: Appt Request for Rasco, Carol (06/21/96@7:45pm) (partial) ( 1 page) 06/20/1996 P61b(6), b(7)(C) bc (partial) (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton· PresidentiaL Records Domestic Policy Council . Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE 00 I. calendar SUBJECTffITLE DATE Re: Wednesday April 17, 1996 (partial) (I page) 04/11/96 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • (parti~1) (I RESTRICTION 09/14/95 09/15/95 page)' P61b(6) P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council . Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: DPC Full Meeting September I I, 1995 20 I 0
  • . Romani from Patricia E. Romani re: Appt. request Bradley, David and others (partial) (I page) 12/15/95 P6/b(6) 006. list Birth Dates and social security Numbers of Participants (partial) (I page) 12111/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • (partial) (I page) nd' P61b(6) 06/2611 996 P61b(6) OOSc. memo - . ' from Rasco to Tom Nerney re RWJ Grant (partial) (I page) P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox
  • ) (I page) , 09/19/1996 P61b(6) 008. note handwritten, re info 'on meeting attendees (partial) (I page) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBoxNumber: 8503 FOLDER
  • ) (I page) 05/08/1994 P6/b(6) 05/08/1994 P6/b(6) 004e. bill . ArnE x account summary (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE
  • Child Support Enforcement, by increasing paternity establishment at birth, improving the collection system, requiring absent parents to take responsibility for their children, and perhaps testing some form of child support insurance. • Better Education
  • (partial) (I page) 05/06/96 P6/b(6) 013. letter To Johnny Lee from Carol Rasco re: meeting (partial) (I page) 05/06/96 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7678
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Child Welfare Meeting April 30, 1996 2010-0198-8 dbl639 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Ad - 144 U.S.c. 2204
  • letter to Dan Ellington (partial) (1 page) 1211511995 P6/b(6) 013. letter Holiday letter to Kathryn Egan (partial) (1 page) 12/1511995 P6/b(6) & Gene (1 page) Caldwell (partial) (1 page) (I page) & Jeff Clark (partial) (I page) COLLECTION
  • Child Support Enforcement, by increasing paternity establishment at birth, improving the collection system, requiring absent parents to take responsibility for their children, and perhaps testing some form of child support insurance. • Better Education
  • ) 06123~06128/95 I I I I I I I I . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council ­ Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1995 Paid Travel Expenses [4] 2010-0198-S kcl18 RESTRICTION CODES
  • pages) 01/19/94 P6/b(6) J COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 5040 FOLDER TITLE: Alicia Pelrine Lunch 6-1-9412:00 rw173 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • : visit (partial) (1 page) 05/06/96 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: Detroit Trip Fi Ie: Detroit Trip April 15-16, 1996 20 I0-0 198-S
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Expenses, Vouchers; and Memos [3] 20 I0-0 198-S kcl04 / RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C
  • stub l. . ' ; AMTRAK, New York NY to Newark NJ, 11127/95 (partial) (I page) . '. I. . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: , I 1996 Paid
  • /1995 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: , Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1995 Paid Travel ExpenSes [2] 20 I 0-0 198-S kcl16 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • on Rep Kerry Kurt of Vermont (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) '-. 008. note COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8503 ' FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos
  • : I " I i I :: Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Libr~ry' DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE , To Bobby Rose from" Carol H. Rasco (partial) (I page) . . . 001. letter RESTRICTION -,' P6/b(6) , 04/24/95 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • . l etter ( '\ ' P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: Califoniia Trip September 21-24, 1995 [3] 2010-0198-S ry915 RESTRICTION COD ES
  • page) 03/15/95 P6/b(6), b(7)(C) 002. resume Resume of Brenda Tadlock Wright (partial) (I page) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 4593 FOLDER TITLE: Junior League Interview 11-8-93 1:00-1 :30 rw155 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C. 2204
  • , memo To JulieE, Demeo from Mail Link Monitor re: Confirmation: Appt. Request for Rasco,-Carol H (partial) (1 page) , ' 'P6/b(6) , 04/27/95 05/04/95 P6/b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • P61b(6) 002. memo To Patricia E. Romani from Mail Link Monitor re: confirmation: Appt. Request for Rasco, Carol H (partial) (I page) 12114/95 P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. resume SUBJECTfflTLE DATE Re: Lawrence E. Elworth (partial) (l page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • ) 002. memo To Pat Romani from Howard B. Shapiro re: Meeting with Carol Rasco (partial) (I page) 07/27/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Numb'er: 7263 FOLDER TITLE
  • NO. AND TYPE RESTRICTION COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings Trips Events) ONBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TITLE: July 19, 19969:45 am Conference Call: Kumiki, David Lavalle, Martha Ellen Black, and Kathi Simpkins
  • ) 07/3111986 P6fb(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TIlLE: Welfare Reform Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday, August 22, 1996 20 I 0-0 198-S dbl686
  • ] (4 pages) 0510911996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: CHR Reception May 9,1996 Oakland, CA 201O-0J98-S dbl647 RESTRICTION CODES
  • and phone number [partial] (2 pages) n.d. P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Briefings and Resumes for Staff Interviews May 22,1996 20 I 0-0 198
  • Issues (partial) (I page) 01118/98 P6/b(6) 002. memo To Julie Demeo rrom Maria A. Cuprill re: White House Meeting on Disability Issues (partial) (l page) 01118/95 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • /96 (1 page) RESTRICTION 12/041l996 P61b(6) nd P6/b(6) I I I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBQX Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: I Meeting and Speech, USA Coalition December
  • ? Video (partial) (1 page) .. thank-you to Ramona Bonne of Ie Too Far? Video (partial) (1 page) 07/2011995 P6!b(6) 07/2011995 P6!b(6) , Om ,007e. note ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy CounCil Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips
  • ) 0512311996 P6/b(6) 05129/1996 P61b(6) .004. call memo 005. call memo ,. I' . re Judy Hegenauef (partial) (I page) I • re Judy HegenauerI , (partial) (I page) . ' , I 006. note handwritten, re p~rsonal call (I page) I COLLECTION: Clinton
  • . ticket stub Washington DC to Columbia SC and ret, 04118-04119/96 (partial) (1 page) 04/10/1996 P6/b(6) oII. schedule for Rasco visit to Columbia SC, 04/ I 0/96 (partial) (I page) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • . form COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1995 Paid Travel Expenses [5] 2010-0198-8 kcl19 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library .DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTffITLE 04/09/93 List of meeting attendees (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records . Domestic Policy Council
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. profile DATE SUBJECTffITLE Re: Carolyn Kim McCarthy (partial) (1 page) 05111/93 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTfflTLE To Pat Romani from Evelyn Powell re: Information for August 2 Meeting (partial) (l page) 06/29/94 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips; Events) OA/Box Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: , INS Border & San Ysidro Port ofEntry 4-2-95 20 I0-0 198-S ry860 RESTRICTION CODES, Presidential Records Act - 1~4 ,u
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTffITLE RESTRICTION I 001. note P61b(6) I n.d. Re: AIDS (1 page) i I I I I I I ! I I I I I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter DATE SUBJECTffITLE To Carol Rasco From Richard F. Keating re: attendees (partial) (1 page) 01110/94 RESTRICTION . P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Cherie Takemoto to Jill Pizzuto; RE: DOB's [partial] (I page) 09/3011996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. resume DATE SUBJECTfflTLE M. Rita Jaramillo; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (I page) 04/29/1996 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • (partial) (1 page) P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAIBox Number:_ 5857 FOLDER TITLE: Governors of the Nat'l Disability Policy Review 8 Feb. 1995 3-4 pm 2010-0198-S ry824
  • Rasco Staff, Wednesday, October 16, 1996 (partial) (l page) 10/16/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBoxNumber: 8503 . FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos
  • page) 0311711996 P6/b(6) J COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503" FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [41] 20 I 0-0 198-S kc95 , RESTRICTiON
  • ) .~' ' '. .. 005. form 06/28/96 (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council' Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503 ', FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [39] , 2010-0198-S
  • Authorization T A000561, Washington DC 06125/1996 P61b(6) to EI Paso TX 07/09 - 07/11/1996 (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton, Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: Travel
  • ) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic PoIicyCouncil Carol Rasco (Meetings, Tr,ips, Events) ONBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1995 Paid Travel Expenses [6] 2010-0198-S kcl20 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44
  • List (partial) (3 pages) COLLECTION: ' Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503 . FOLDER .TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [3] 2010-0198-8 RESTRICTION CODES
  • (partial) (3 pages) nd P61b(6) 00 I d. call memo OOle. memo info re John Lancaster (partial) (I page) i I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE
  • from Hogan to Pizzuto re Joan Lombardi (partial) (I page) 11/0511996 P61b(6), COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos
  • /1995 P6/b(6) 002a. form Standard Form 1012, Travel Voucher XD540128 to Monroe LA to New Orleans LA to Portland OR and ret to WDC, 05/ 10-05/ I 7/95 (partial) ( I page) . nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • ) (l page) 12/15/1995 P6/b(6). 009. letter , Holiday letter to Brenda Shockley (partial) (1 page) 12/04/1995 P6/b(6) 010. letter Holiday letter to Peggy Simerda (partial) (1 page) 12/15/1995 P6/b(6) DATE RESTRICTION COLLECTION: Clinton
  • ' 'I ~ , , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records . Domestic Policy Council , Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters [2] ,. '20) 0-0 198-S I RESTfUCTION CODE~ Presidential Records Act
  • , December 18, 1996 (partial) (2 pages) . 12/1711996 1211811996 . P61b(6) P61b(6) P61b(6), b(7)(C) P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council . Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events)' ONBox Number: 8503 . FOLDER TITLE
  • , Carol (05/22/96@1 :45pm) (partial) (1' page) OS/21/1996 P61b(6), b(7)(C) 012. schedule Rasco Staff, Thursday, May 23, 1996 (partial) (l page) 05123/1996' P6/b(6) 007. resum~ 0 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidenti,al Records Domestic Policy
  • CA, 05122-05127/96 (partial) (I page) nd P6!b(6) OIOb. itinerary AmEx Travel for Rasco from Washington DC to Las Vegas NV to San Francisco CA, 22 - 27 May 96 (partial) (1 page) 05/21/1996 P6!b(6) 001. form ..., ) \ . COLLECTION: Clinton
  • AmEx Travel WDC to Orlando FL to Seattle W A and ret, 08122­ 08124/94 (partial) (l page) 08119/1994 P61b(6) , 007a. check ' COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential R~cords Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) lOA/Box Number
  • . National Education GoaJs Panel Meeting June 15, 1993 Page 4 'e' . . Dr. Clements mentioned that there are a number of ongoing national activities to standardize the way data are collected and reported, including the student and staff data handbooks
  • /17 -11120/94 (partial) ( 1 page) nd P6/b(6) 006. form Standard Form 1012, Travel Voucher XD5.AO 106, to Trenton NJ and ret to WDC 04112/95 (partia'i) (I page) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • ) 008c. bill AmEx charge slip copies for phone calls, lodging, and transportation' (partial) (I page) 03/0911994 P61b(6) 009. letter from Rasco to Deita Airlines (I page) .05/0411994 P61b(6) (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • 16 (partial) (1 page) , 07111/1996 P6/b(6) OIl, memo from Rasco to White House Operators et al re Travel Itinerary: Correction (partial) (1 page) 06/06/1996 P6!,b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • 0.0.9. memo ,re dinner w/Sara and Diane (partial) (I page) from Rasco to PiZzuto re Chater Conversation (partial) (I page) ! COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records DomesticPolicy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ON Box' Number: 8504
  • (partial) (1 page) -' nd P61b(6) 010. memo from Rasco to Leon Panetta et al re Amended: Travel Itinerary March 27~29, 1995 (date on subject has wrong year) (partial) (l page) 0312711996 P6/b( 6) /1 '\ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • ) / 1 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1996 Paid Travel Vouchers ,[5] , 2010-0198-S kelll RESTRICTION CODES i Presidential Records Act - [44
  • Carol Rasco (partial) (I page) 04/24/95 P61b(6) 003. card Business card of Judy Davis Butler (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) 004. lett~r To Judy David Butler ITom Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 04/18/95 P61b(6) '" COLLECTION: Clinton
  • relate, need to utilize marketing techniques different than those typically I used by men. It is important to me that the book is thoughtful and useful and not just a collection of life scenarios that seem to have developed out of unbelievable luck
  • ) .", . .... COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6519 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting with AI Miller & NSPE 5 May 19954:00 - 5:00 pm . . (', 20 10-0 198-S ry873 RESTRICTION:CODES I
  • page) , ' COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6519 FOLDER TITLE: Rose Hogan Tour and Lunch 8 May 1995 20 I0-0 J98-S ry875 RESTRICTION CODES Fre~dom of Information
  • and related areas such as housing, education and transportation. FINDING 16: Federal data collection, reporting, linking and analysis of statistics about people ~ith disabilities is inadequate in both population-based surveys and administrative data sets
  • Monitor re: Confinnation: Appt. Request (partial) (I page) P6/b(6), b(7)(C) 12114/95 COLLECTION: Clinton PreSidential Records Domestic Pblicy Council Carol Rascq (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7466 FOLDER TITLE: Lunch with Russ Van Vleet
  • number [partial] (1 page) 0512111996 P6/b(6) 003. itinerary American Express; RE: Credit Card number [partial] (1 page) 0512111996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiSox
  • Coffee; RE: Addresses and phone numbers [partial] (2 pages) 06/2011996 P61b(6) 003. letter Mary Lois to Dorothy; RE: Phone numbers [partial] (1 page) 0611911996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • ) (I page) 11/10194 P61b(6) 002. letter To Carol [Rasco] from Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce (partial) (I page) 811194 P61b(6) 003. note Handwritten note (partial) (I page) nd P61b(6) . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • . BACKGROUND: As you know, the Alliance for Managed Competition is comprised of Aenta, CIGNA, The Prudential, and MetLife and Travelers (who are now combined). Collectively these companies provide coverage to over 60 million Americans. The Alliance companies
  • AFFAIRS, ETC. ,Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. SUBJECTfflTLE DATE . Immigration Core Group Meeting (partial) (1 page) list RESTRICTION 1217194 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • . The principal role of NASDDDS member state agencies is to plan, finance and oversee the delivery of residential, daytime and support services for individuals with severe, lifelong disabilities. This year state MRIDD agencies, collectively, will spend more than
  • . ticket stub r COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8504 I FOLDER TITLE: 1996 Paid Travel Vouchers [4] 20 I0-0 198-S kcllO RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • To Miller_RA re: Read receipt for appt. request - Hill, Talmira and others (partial) (1 page) 10/24/94 b(7)(E) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: DPC
  • to Barbara Bouguegnean (partial) (I page) 12/04/1995 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clintop Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBoxNumbcr: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: Alphabetized Copies of Holiday Letters 12/95 Carol Rasco