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  • . Search terms highlighted: d.adbeat . Las Vegas SUN main page 0110012000 2;4$ PM FES-09-00 15.40 FROM. 10, • Search terms highlighted: deadbeat January 28, 2000 Editorial: Deadbeat collection plan is too intrusive In recent years govemment has
  • (page 2) The IV-O Agencies are Collecting More Support But Mostly Because of an Increase in the Number of Cases Being Handled or Funneled Through the IV-D Agencies, , ~ather ~han Being Handled Privately. o Total IV-O collections: 1986 - $3.2
  • to design the systems. to write bids, to build software and even to police other consultants, an Associated Press review of audits and other doc~ments shows. The purpose was to moderni~e the collection of overdue support money a figure that has 940wn to $35
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library UOCUMENl' so. ,\:'IlBTypg I),\TI~ SUitlECTfrlTLE Listing of Agency Priv
Jobs (Item)
  • , many Americans face the challenge of longer unemployment spells, unetl1ployment, or are in search of a first job. In order for the United States to con­ tinue to grow stronger economically, we must make the transilion to higher-value-added products
  • ,,-_; Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digilization. To sec the I~III publication please search online 01" visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room . w* '.me", h,W' Wi • M • VOLUME 1 · '. : .. :,1
Flat Tax (Item)
  • by aU businesses at each stage of production. They can be collected in pan from businesses and in pan from wage-eamers by aUowing businesses CO deduct wages and taxing them at the individualleve!. They can be collected wholly from individuals
Violence [2] (Item)
  • . To see the full publication please search online or' visit the Clinton Presidential Library'S Research Room. • a"e"W§F8!*M'.'.¥ "• lia,. eea.... "u. ,M" Mi. w a ­ ~, ~l ~ ~ " !. ~ ~ ~ " '. H " tI [II " ;~ b Psychology's Response
  • Bupport can avoid paying by moving to another stile, becauIle states usuaIIy can~ collect acro.. slate linos. • Taxpayen; have invested over S2 bi1lion in state based chi1d support computer sysJemS, but these sysIemS are inooutparable and plagued
  • afstate costs are fl!nded by the federal govemment, many states are not i~1Vcsting adequate resources in their child support efforts. Research shows there's a correlation between child support staff resources and child support collections. However rJnding
  • SAYS Nearly-$8 billion in child support payments was collected in fiscal year 1992, almost 16 percent over the previous fiscal year, ~ccordinq to the 11th Annual Report to Congress on Child SUpport Enforcement released today_ But "much more needs
Race-Book [2] (Item)
  • three times th~t for whites. A major (IV)-4 Part IV: Communiry March 17,1999 reason for our collective complacency abo~t these problems is that many oftbe people struggling with these conditions appear to be "other" than ourselves. Thus
  • , the Seeretsry would be authorized to collect. fee for all Medicare and MediCaid applicants wben they apply for enrollment or re-enrollment. Ifan application is denied; a six-month waiting period must be completed before the provider could reapply. The fee would
  • examinations, immuni7..3:tions, prenatal care, health fairs. fonow~up visits, and missed clinical appointments. '" IHS Medkaid and Medicare Reimbur1Iements. In addition, ITom FY98 to FY2000, IHS expects to collect an additional $82 million in reimbursements
  • with significant confidentiality protections, most significantly prohibiting the release ofconfidential commercial or financial information collected under such orders" The Department ofJustice does not have any subpoena power with respect to this study, Q
Children (Item)
  • publication please search online or' visit the Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room, iij,P" '."p 1"'I#'8'e.p' " • N _ 1 I ! , ' " , '>'lrivl!sting, in Our Futurl! : ' , A National Research Initiative for America's Children for the 2
Equal Pay (Item)
  • means for improving data collection from employers. , II, , The Daschle Bill The Administration has endorsed '"The Paycheck: Fairness Act, '" introduced by Senator Daschle and Congresswoman DeLauro, to strengthen laws prohibiting wage
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. ANn TYPJ
Food Stamps (Item)
  • schedule predictability. • Lowering the Tempo. Longer and more frequent deployments pose c~allenges for our forces, especially among "high d~mandJlow density" units such as AWACS, Patriot missile batteries and Combat Search and Rescue. The Global Military
Drugs (Item)
  • of the campaign nmong 5}OOO multi-ethnic! inner-city New York youth. Brian Flay> UniverSity ofillin9is at Chicago, will collect additional data over 4 years umong~ 1,200 inner-city African American youth on their exposure to the campaign and other drug
Race-Book [3] (Item)
  • the menu of possibilities, for POTUS selection. The book's discllssion of each question would (i) respectfully note and engage a brond range of views, searching for Ihe "kernel oftnrth" in opposing po.sitions; (ii) develop the President's view on Ihe matter
Family Report (Item)
  • the March 1910, 1950, 1990, and 1997 CPS data sets. The data collected each March refer to the previous calendar year. Thus we refer to data for 1969, 1979, 1989, and 1996. We chose those years because they represent peak years (or upswing, in 1996
Homelessness (Item)
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library J)():GIOMEN'I' NO. ANIl TVI'..; R";SHucnON BATt: ca. 1993 M
  • their collection efforts. ENTS6 Rai!:it the premium for physicians' services uoder Medicare to cover 50% of costs for individuals with incomes exceeding $60.000 and for couples with incomes exceeding ENT31 o 11,600 0 7.100 180 2.050 240 980 15,250
  • department's enforcoment activ~ies and reached out to engage civil rights and law enforcement groups in a search for solutions. u.""...vy Tt....." M ,,~,,_, ~I'~t" ::1.. ~", tat""" 1'.J..111'\ ...... _ , Yet there are miles to go before police misconduct
Agriculture (Item)
Transition (Item)
  • available as part of a direct loan program. • Consolida", the current GSL programs and make the new repayment options available to all borrowers. ' 2. Thelncnme-Contingenl Repayment Option Rltcommltndallons • Collect payments through the existing tax
  • additional mechanisms that would be required to collect data. 6. An approximation of the incremental resources assigned to management·of the stimUlus programs. 7. identification of past problems and critical risk factors associated with each program
  • million people, mostly women and , children. since 1919, child poverty has increased 31\, the sharpest I , , increase since poverty statistics have been collected. We need to do I something now to give greater opportunity to the millions of poor
  • six months, we'll conduct an intensive national review of every single government agency and service. we'll enlist citizens and government workers, and leaders from the private sector in a search not only for ways to cut wasteful spending, but also
Race-Book [1] (Item)
  • - the seeming clashes in values and perceptions that make progress on race so difficult. Modeling how to respectfully engage each other, searching for a way to pursue a common vision of a just community, (Examples: Engllsh~only: racial profiling; self
Shalala (Item)
  • , and Empowerment ZoneslEnterprisc Communities, We will encourage programs to develop hilling systems to collect third party payment and participate in a community~wlde health care delivery system. This initiative will sen'e an additional 250,000 cllildren per
  • of government confiscation of their weapons , is a paramount concern, Samuel Sherwood. head of the "U,S, Militia Association" in Idaho, states: "Wh'en they come around to collect weapons. we'll have the legal and lawful structure to say 'no' to thaL· Randy
  • of the plan. 3. Oversee the National Institute for Food Safety R
  • signatures: of at least 3% of the total # of voters in the last presidential election, including at least 3% in each of ten states; all collected within an IS-month time window). Within 90 days, the petition will be certified if t~e signatures prove valid
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library I)()CUMK.\~f NO, RK'iTlUCTION A!'\I)TV1'E 001, lis: Partidpams [for Beyond Affordnble Housing) Washington. DC 5122193 P61h(6) Memings (partial) (l page) COLLECTION: Clinton Prc,~idcntial Records
  • , data collection, promising pnlctices, and management practices, The team'wilt also encourage and track each agency's efforts on tbe Initiative, and identify strategic opportunjties for the Cabinet and Sub~Cabinet to amplify the key messages
Family Policy (Item)
  • affordable child care while they work, Child support collections have increased by 68 percent since 1992, to a record $13.4 billion in 1997. Paternity establishments arc also ,at record levels. The new housing law will create 50.000 new Section 8 housing
  • page) 002, nole ca. 1997 P2.P5 3120197 P5. P61b(G) COLLECTION: Cilmon Prcsidcntinl I~ecnt·ds Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed (Suhjl..-'Ci File) OA/Bo,," ;-':umOer' 21208 FOU)ER TITLE: Race-C()mmission ,,10 RESTRICTION COIlES Frct'd('m Df
  • that management spends much of its time ,getting in the way. I J The Virtual Corporation is a learning organization. ' At a given moment it . is a collection of skills, talents, and experiences that rtside in the minds of its managers and workers, and a body
  • the , Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet at the front of the folder. COLLECTION: Clinwn Presidenlial RC;:!lfd~; Domestic Policy Counclt Bruce Reed (Subject File) DAlBo.", Numtl
  • assistance; (5) public outreach and education; and (6} data collection, Note that the agencies were not asked to formulate their goals according to these categories. In addition to this summary, I have attached the agencies' complete submissIons. Please
  • of a comprehensive l1uman investment and AIDS strategy. Shifting money from one account to another will not improve our collective effort. Second we are looking at an approach to debt relief that not only considers a debtor nation's economic policy hut its strong
  • in a nationwide search ror ways not only to cut wasteful spending, but to improve services and make government work better, I I The National Performance Review will challenge the basic assumptions of every federal program, by asking hard questions
  • support orders and only half of those women receive full payment. Child support enforcement will be strengthened by streamlining paternity establishment; using the IRS to collect seriously delinquent child support; making sure that absent parents who can
Energy (Item)
  • relationships with a laboratory mentor. The infoimation generated in the electronic communications between mentOr and teacner will be collected and maintained on a database by subject area. In this way, other teachers will have access to the inform~tion, which
Brownfields (Item)
  • and left as vacant lo~ which became a midnight dumping site with unJ:nown contarninanta. The site - located o..t to a patk ­ collected trash and became a magnet for criminal activity. Larry Johnson, a Dallas native and New York Knicks basketball celebrity
Budget [2] (Item)
  • collection and research efforts to help Federal, State and local, as weD as private organizations obtain the best and most up-to­ date information possible about the drug problem; establish performance standards for drug treatment providers; and seek
  • in order to enhance U.S. agricultural exports (Savings in FY 1997 ~ $10 million, 1994-1997 = $40 million). o Strea.lib. ~b. Economic aGeeareb Service CERS), reducing lower-priority economic r~search (savings in FY 1997 = $17 million, 1994-1997 ~ $61
Philanthropy (Item)
  • closely with the Federal.Government. For example, Federal grant programs from the Nation~l Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health assist non-prof~t research institutions that search for cures to cancer. And the Corpora~ion
  • marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. '!'his marker identifies the place of a publication. , \ Publicatidns have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digiti~ation. To see the full publication please search online
Budget [1] (Item)
  • it, was already in the works. IB M, looking for new markets for its primarily military computers. had been eyeing Teleregister's success in airline reservations for years. The code name for Big Blue's search for consumer applications for its computers, terminals
  • the original location of the withdrawn item listed above. For a coriIplete list of items withdrawn from this folder, see the WithdrawaVRedaction Sheet at the front of the folder. I COLLECTION: Clintnn Presidential Records D(lll1Chtic Policy Council
  • Disorders and Stroke, and the NatJ(lnallnstllute of Jeafness and other Communicadon Disorders - is searching for answers about :he causes, diagnosis, prevention, and neat:nen: of this devastating disorder, Researcl1lws made it possible to ldeadlY earlie
Gambling (Item)
  • the amount of gambling. Hoae racing And pi alai are nut growing. Ml wt-'ft-rnJt lU,rQnCerned about Uv.:m as thrst: other forms,~ said Ml" chae! Bowman of the Family R~~ search Council. But it! a t.tay 11 letttr to li,-.k. ingIr in violation oi Wng·standing
  • , ---------------------------------------------~--------------------------------~led, March 17, 1-993 lO:15am (EST) LEGI-SLATE Report , ,for the l03rd Congress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------i search of The was~in9ton Post to Find 1 Article.;, to 5.349 i
  • . CIA ACf) (I 713195 P3Ib(3) page) COLLECTION: Clinloo Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Brlll:e Reed (Subjec! File) OAiBox l\'uillber: 212U~ FOLDER TITLE: lmmigration 121 1,';49 RESTRICTION COIJ~~S lI'UfOOlllllf IDf~rmatkm Au· (S U.S,C
  • and oj:l;l~.r.p!l-nj~t»ll'.t"ioWn,,- ______-,--________________1.._______________-'-___________________-' c ~~ \ L '" ~ I:'> DATA COLLECTION States must report detailed disaggregated data on families receiving T ANF assistance and a limited amount
  • "."ouncil ca, [993 P2. P5. P6ib(6) members (1 page) COLLECTION: Climon Presidentlall{ccords DotrlC5tk Polky Coum:iI BfUl;O Reed (Subjcct File) OAlHoxNum!rer: 21208 FOUlER TITLE: Rcillvcntmg Govcrnll1Cnljl] r~73 RK'ITIUCTION CorlHS Fn'1.-i:lorn
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library I>ATE IlOCUM}:NT NO. RY-STRICTION ANDTYl'E Ellen G.llinsky 10 Cathy Mays re: Individuals Meeting with Reed on 1110197 (parlial) n page) DOL fax 01107/97 P6Jb(6) COLLECTION, Clinlon Presidential
  • activities. 1his emphasis win lead to more consistent enforcement of civil rights laws, broader dissemination of best practices, and improved data collection, 2 ~.. , . , , , . , ~". PRESIDENT CLINTON'S FV 1999 BALANCED BUDGET EDUCATION
  • list of items withdrawn from this folder, see the WithdrawallRedaction Sheet at the front of the folder. i COLLECTION; Clinton Pfc~idenli,;\! Rel'Ofd~ Domestic Policy CoufldJ Bruce Reed (Subject F11e) OAtBox Numher: 21206 FOWER TITLE: National
  • !;;e in half. -Budget Agreement­ Sponsored the White House Conference on ~arly Childhood Development and Learning to help make f(;search SPQDSQ[l::d b!l thl:: (~dl::[al eoyernment mQr~ a~~essible and understandable to America's familks. -Complete­
  • taxing the same income a second time, ~ This change also would be likely to lessen child support collections. Some of the non-custodial parent's child support payments would effectively be taxed away, thereby lessening the non~custodial's parent's
  • Justice Department to collect amI eluSed iOINeSIS. compile lobbying recnrds snd 10 en·, Under the bill,any groupodirm that 1 r(Jn::~ the law.. As first wrtnen, the hili ~ives al least $5,(100 (l) such a coaUtionl provided for Ime~ of up to '.100,000
Tax Reform (Item)
  • rorm a bou""bold aDd share I rent and other expenses with' at least ODe other adult. It would also encourage the adult to take 3dvIlDtage of job training opportUDities aod search for. B high.. paying job. I( tbe ad.llianded • 40 hour a week. 58.oo·.n
Pensions (Item)
  • contact by the Regional Office~wthe total case time was two days. The case was opened in March 1995. and closed in October 1995. . The Boston Regional Office is retrieving tbe file from archives tomorrow .and will search for names of possiple complainam
  • their children, Analysis Both you imd the Vice President have challenged fathers to be actively involved in their children's lives and to provide both emotional and financial support. Since you took office, child support collections have increased by 80
  • in the exercise or enjoyment of, or on account of the individual's having exercised, enjoyed, assisted In, or encouraged the exercise or enjoyment of. any right granted or protected by this Act. SECTION 6. OTHER PROHIBITIONS. I IA) COLLECTION OF STATISTICS
  • statistics, assisting: taxpayers in the correct filing of their returns and in paying taxes that are due, overal1 planning and direction. and financial management The IRS is the federal government's main agency for collecting internal federal revenues
  • to birth, and declining marriage, adoption and abortion, bave collectively led to the dramatic increase in unwed births to teens whicb plagues the country. Wbo Is AI RIsk The risk of teen pregnancy is not shared equally. One of the most powerful charts
  • and that the Task Force will continue to relay information and alerts 'to our members as we receive them. We also will continue to collect sponsors for H.R. 357 and S. 51, since reauthorization is part of the mission of these bills. However, we consider the above 5
  • P2. P5 COLLECTION, Clin1()Jl Presidential Rc,;nrds Domestic Poli{:y Cnllodl Bruce Re.:d (Subject File) ONBull. Number; 21554 FOLDER TITLE: Violence-National Campaign \0 Reduce Ymllh Violence RESTRICTION CODES Fn:enl.llnl!f IWlJrmatwlI.\ct -15
Third Way (Item)
  • ) memo Ii:; The Flotern.'c- Conference (J pages) 7/301
  • : Ifreedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; , the elimination of all fornu of forced or compulsory labor; Ithe abolition ofchild labor; and Ithe elimination of discrimination in the workplace. I ' The failure ofsome governments
  • on a con3.
  • ) the opportunity to have their collective voices heard in a positive and effective way. , • Last year, Los Angeles County initiated the "Early Start to Emancipation Program" (ESTEP) which provides 14 and 15 year aids with pre-Independent Living Program training
  • dido 'f reaUy intend 10 haul in: in order to get the fish we're realty searching for. And I think here our ta...k ~·iU be In try 10 make the bill a.... liuk: awkward or burdensome ~o the fish we didn
  • questionnaire. and data analyses - that constitute the major written outcomes ofour work on Measuring Citizenship w date, The work collected here should: help w introduce the Measuring Citizenship project to those not yet familiar with it; encourage healthy I
  • it. After the Joker destroys the casino, the man hopes to collect the insurance money and commit fraud, 1) joker shoved a man 2) Joker shoves 2 men and they slip on water that the Joker has sprayed on the floor 3) Joker throws a man off a moving truck 4
Poverty [1] (Item)
  • on the funge of the labor market. the expansion has lengthened and unemployment has fallen, expanding businesses in search of workers have had to recruit and offer training to people they would never even have looked twice at in a shorter or less robust
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library i)OCtlMENr NO. sunmCl'ffrn.t: HATE RESTRJCTUiN A;o.;nTYl't-; 001. tener Ed\\aro Rendell to POTUS re; lirkln Agenda and Slate nf the Cities 7/30197 P5, P6Jb(6) Report {partial) (I page) COLLECTION
  • for Medicaid. Eligible fanillies receive intensive application assistance which typically entails three visits with HeAP staff. Inoiudlng the inijjal screening. At these visits, parents are helped to complete the application, to collect needed documentation
Adoption [3] (Item)
  • has invested significantly iIi developing $tate and federal data collection systems, and interim results are~sitive, The i;tfJrninistration "has also tested ways to shift accountability to child outcomes such as safety, permanencya,nd chilo W1:11
  • for the purpose or digilizalion. To sec the full publication please search online or· visit!thc Clinton Presidential Library's Research Room . cw"wnM'AbUWifwiaee fA • •• WQ W'P IMW MEMO TO: Bruce Reed FR: Tim Fong RE: SU,MMARY OF HEARING ON ENTERPRISE
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCIJMENT NO. ANIl TYI>I~ 001. memo nATI~ SUII.lI';CT!l'l'ru: [R(Jn Bmwn 10 POTUS re: California Situalionl(partial) (I page) 4/6/93 RESTRICTION P5, P61b(6) COLLECTION, Clinlnn Presidential Records
  • "-"'.""""""""""""""""~" '. , , ". ·. .. __ ' . . ... I' " , , , .. ' Publications have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose of digitization. To see the full publication please search online or visit 'the Clinton Presidential library'S Research Room. ·. . , .. • '1 THE: WHITE
  • record on investing in critical public health functions. 7.3 Federal, State, and Local Responsibilities Summary The NGA believes that the Federal responsibility in public health is financing, collecting information, and taking the lead on certain
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library [1()Cu:o.mNl' NO. SUIUt:t.'TtrITI.E BATt: RK-'THICl'ION ANnT\'V..: 00 I, briefing paper 4f23!97 General Strategy (l page) =~==--------~~ COLLECTION: .... ~ ... P5 ~~~~~~~~~------ Clinton
  • parties should be present to·rein­ force the seriousness and high-level attention paid to the event and its meaning. The objective: to motivate the movers and shakers among CEOs to use their' collective power to effect conununity chango and to demonstrate
  • . At what point do po:tiJcies hyphenated-American, like everybody else. like affirmative action and minority-voting and begins the search for Roots, 'the tricky rights stop being !emp
Block Grants (Item)
  • . Iumbacks At the present lime the federal government collects a number of eannazted taxes and uses these resources to fund grant programs to stales and localities. MQS1 of these programs relate to infrastructure. White historically these programs served
  • P2.P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidcmial RC1:ords Domestk Policy Council Bruce Reed (Subject File) OI\lBo); Numher. 21206 FOU)ER T1TU';: N;niorml Service 12J RESTKICTJ()N CODES FTI'~dom I') Nntilmnl Sn'Ucily ClH~'>int'd [UfOfllllllkm Ifa}!l) tlf Ill
  • businesses, the non-profit sector, and government at all levels. The Corporation for National SelVice IS at the forefront, searching and finding neW ways to collaborate with leading companies, with non-profits. large and small. local and national
  • justice records remain decentralized at the locall~vcl. In addition, these information systems may not collect all of the relevant , information relevant for day eare workers (e.g., sex offender registry may identify a convicted child molester
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library noCOJ'llEST :-';0. SUIIJECTrrlTf_t: I)AT"; ASIlT\'PE OOJ. memo Michael Waldman Issues (I page} In S.lHy Ka:zcll rc: Revolving Door and E[hic~ ca. 1994 1'5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Recnrd
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library n()cmu:!''ff NO. HATE SUBJi
  • parents actually collect the award$ they are owed. At. part of the AdllliIWttatiou's overall approach to welfa:re refortll, the Department of Ho~ing and Urban Development (HUD) hruI incorporated work . , " Exceptions would be made for people facing
Violence [1] (Item)
  • plagues our children," &Ielmatl said. "Violence affects children of every race, income group, and geographic region, so it is approprime !hal thousands of congregations of many faiths will begin this weekend to search for . responses to this crisis which
  • as an administrative marker by the William 1. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. This marker identifies the place of a publication. gag Publidtions have not been scanned in their entirety for the purpose , of digitization. To sec the full publication please search
  • comprehensive 201 Ser'JiC'e on Federal e..rnploye'?li! and military 664 Authoritv to collect support f:'!imi!ar ~ o from employment-related payments by US o m ~ 0< o 636 State laws providing expedit­ ed procedures simiLar 626 Expanded locate
  • that a new child support collection system launched nine months ago has already located one million dcliquent parents. The National Directory ofNe~ Hires wus created under the new wcltllrt: reform law to compile all new hires and ,all wage and unemployment
  • efforts to collect $500 million in overpayments. Combined with a series of legislative and regulatory initiatives, a strong event may be developed. (As you know, the public attributes rising health care costs to health care fr'dud and abuse). Sialns
  • .~, suspend your license, track you across state lines, and if necessary. make you work off what you oW,e. 3, Tough CSE is important for 3 reasons: 1. The jnability to collect chUd support from an absent patent is one of the main reason.... many famiHcs go
  • authority in it rnantHH' will us:'st the implement.ation of the- plan ._y encou,:aljjinq t:!'lose St'ate employrnQnt &$.eudty agencies that: collect new-hire in'fo.rmlltion for use .1.1< c.~11d uuppq,rl: enforcemen~ t¢ report such in'formation
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library I)(}CUj\n::-."r~i). SURII:CTrrrn.E "A,N""CT,Y,lC·E,"__________________________......... 001. letter Larry CI;lrk tn POTUS rc: Visit (punial) (1 puge) ~ __ _ 413197 P&b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Pre
  • by renters, the premise of the authors of this amendment is dead-wrong. If you're a renter, and you live in private sector rental property, the landlord or the maintenance staff perform work around the property (ie: mowing the lawn, collecting the garbage
  • l ~f this orderi (4) assist in coordinating data collection, r'equired by . this order; is) examine existing data and studies on environmental justice; (5) hold public meetings as required in section S-S02id) of this order; and (7
  • families with awards is about 48%. Of those the proportion reporting receipt is about 53%, very similar to the SIPP data. In sum, of those AFDC families eligible for child suppor,t, collections are made on behalf of 20 to 25 percent. Another 20 to 25
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Li brary I)()CUMr:X'r "';0, .\:ro,"OTVPE 001. drart report SUlUI~CTIlTru
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Prcsidential RCi~ords Domestic Policy Cotlodl Bruce Reed (Suqjec! File) OAmnx Numbc:: ::1209 FOUlER TITLE: Se..:ro( Service RESTRICTION CODES i'1'l:stdcnlial Ri'cllnls Ali ·144 IJS.C. 221W{a)j :Fn'lodum of IlIl"ormatiutl Ad .\5 O.S,C
School Prayer (Item)
  • Dellinger to POTUS rc: Srhool Frayer Legislatiun (3 pages) 5126195 P5 nOCiJMF'.Nl' NO, ANUTYI'E lU:STRICTlO1" elL 003, rcpor! Draft of "Bqual Access At;l Amcndmenl$ of 1995" (5 pages) 1995 P5 CoL 1995 PI COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records I
  • and biased media coverage. Noting that the FCC currently does not collect data on the gender and race of broadcasts' and television licensees, she asked that the White House support a study to determine the level of female ownlJrship of radio and television
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUME~T!'C}. HATE SIJKJECTflTIU': kI~STRICTI()N A!I.'HTY]'I>: Eli7.~bcllt !)yrc:n Reed and Elena Kagan rc: Status of Policy Ideas {p.mial) (l page) 3J25/97 1'5 COLLECTION: Climon PfcMd..:ntial R
  • government can take to truly help states like Arkansas in ~ their aHons to increase child support COllections. In my home state of Arkansas, I find reasons to be encouraged about this mll!!er and reasons to be concerned. Arkansas is fortunate to have
  • . For a cOInplete list of items withdrawn from this folder, see the WithdrawallRedaction Sheet at the front of the folder. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed (Subject File) OAfBox Numher: 2120! .'OLDER TITLE: Child
  • with collection procedures; Stage II deals with the assessment of support awards. Some of the specifics of Stage I include: • payments are made directly to the Child SUI!I!:ort Agcn~ (CSA), a national agency to collect and enforce support which is located within
  • the assumption by the Federal Govenunent of liability, the District must establish. through collective bargaining as required, a new plan to fund the benefits for police, firefighters, teachers and judges that were not assumed by the Federal Government: comply
Events (Item)
  • discrimination.' The highlights of this legislation include a new data collection provision; increased penalties under the Equal Pay Act (EPA); a non-retaliation provision; and a provision for increased training, research, and pay equity award. III
Consolidation (Item)
  • by state or as demonstrations. In summaryl we want to reiterate the that this bold reinvention option should be included 1n the memo to the Deputies being prepared this week~' Meanwhile, we will begin working to collect information that will form the basis
  • to Dan Marcus rc: [Grijalva1 (J page) 219199 P5 00:;' bri
Millennium (Item)
  • and announce four to six projects that will become our lasting Icgacy for the 2 tst century? , Possible objectives include:· .. Engaging citizens at the oommunity level in some shared projects and activities such as collecting and preserving their family
  • there were at the beginning of 1993 -- • 37% decrease [through 6197]. • ChildSlI,/IlI1Irl Co/Ieclion.' Up 14%: Child support collections have increased by more than $184 million -- or 24% -- in Michigan since FY92 [through FY%]. , • November /997
EPA (Item)
  • will be available for at least 75 of the largest metropolitan areas, M2. By 2005, the public's right to know what materials are released in their communities will be more fully addressed by the collection and publication of more comprehensive measures
  • premiums collected through tax code. • Expanded coverage for preventive care fur diabetes screening and mammogram. Coalition fISCal year 1998 Budget reblUlU)' 26, 1997 (II :24om) PIlge2 Medil:!are. Continued Doctors , • Achieves approximately
  • . Fewer than half of the states require data coUection, and even where collection is mandatory, complete reporting is: rare. Data are underreported because the most Hkdy targets of hate crime are often the least ' likely to report incidents to the police
Ideas [1] (Item)
  • ' Community Compad 5/:!3/94 P5 3112/97 P6/h(6) mecling with Reed. 3/14 at 11:30 (pilr.J:I!) (I pilge) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Courn:;jJ Bruce Reed (Subject File) OA/Box Numher: 21205 FOLDEI{ TITLE: Ideas! 11 RESTRIC1{O
Head Start (Item)
  • for collecting reliable informa­ don r)n how mall\' children actuallv attend classes. on an an~'rage day. At 'the very lease Head Slart needs an ;.odminisU1U!ve reporting sysu:m c.tpable of determining how man\' children come to class and whether (!lev
  • bills have been in excess of $12,000 (not to mention the personal and vacation days I have used for these litigations as well as travel expenses to and from New Hampshire). Yet 1find myself in the same position I was in four years ago - unable to collect
Farm Bill (Item)
  • and forty cc,nts is . 8 " paid in indemni';es. Losses tend tn be highly concentrated, roughly 6 percent collected 28 percent of all indCmnities. of all producers , Losses are not independent. . Many weather-related hazards can reduce crop yieJds over
  • and medical eare applications, investigate methodologic innovations to i~prove data collection. and. using the above, promote the development ofa national cancer data system to monitor the quality ofcancer care. That system will be integrated into a Report
  • system (PPS) i Delay implementation of prospective payment system for cancer hospilals until i additional data are collected I Make tecl~nical refinements to the Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) , system , Allow for temporary cost-based APes
  • parents on AFDC to help track down absent parents and collect chlld support from them. [t also contain., disincentives for absent parents to pay child support. The Administration's food stamp legislation fixes both of these problems. The lood stamp
  • that samples can be collected and maint.ained contami::1ation , that reliable and accu::-ate results F~A The law be safe use. In to ~how w~thout ca..-: be obtair»{>!d i.n :t:he ana:i.YGie, and tho.t there Is a way to ensure that the results are ~nterpreted
EITC Fraud (Item)
  • such abuse? Because the EITC offers big checks, The max:imum credit for a multiple~child family is $3,114 in 1995, and although recipients -can elect to collect the credit in equal paycheck installments rather than in lump sum, less than one-half of one
  • Collections More Than Doubled • 1992. Child support collections totaled $8 billion, and only 500,000 fathers that year legally established, paternity. • Today. Child support collections doubled to nearly $16 billion by 1999, and the number of fathers
  • for the following putpOses: 'Th... i) to collect and dissemina£e ~-tb.e art infotmation on top!r:;s related to child care health and ,afety. as well os ...,Iy cll.\l.dbo
  • with mortgage and real ~state industry, • Fair Lending Initiative - Announce initiative that might include an examination of certain lending practices on minorities' access to capital, measures to improve the , I .' . collection and anaiysis of data
  • . •'or a complete list of items withdrawn from this folder, see the Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet at the front of the folder. COLLECTION: Clintun Prcsidenti:ll Records Domestic Policy Council Broce Rc\.--d (Subject File) OAmo~ Numher: 21208 FOU}ER 1'I'I'LE: Rdjgiou
Internet (Item)
  • rates based on a family's statuS, e.g. TANF family - • preamble discussion highlights key components of "equal access" and suggests benchmarks . Conswner Education _ 658E(c)(2)(D) - State must certify will collect and disseminate to parents
  • . collect. Or protected genetic information with respect to an ernplo~e, or infont.ation about a n:ql.lesl for or the receipt of genetic services by such employee. (d) The employing dcp.anmenl or agency slmll not disclose prole
  • (e.g., Field Data Collection and Support Systems; Automated Data Processing and Telecommunications), making it subject tq the reprogramming requirements of section 605 of the Commerce/Justice/State appropriations bill. This congressional micromanagement
  • Withdrawa1lRedaction Sheet Clinton Library fJOCtJMI-:i\'T NO. m,'m surut:crrrnu·; ltK.'iTKICTION AM}n'Pt: 001. memo Berger e! aL to POTUS 1'0: Shaping a Border Strategy © (I 1018198 Pl/b(l) p.lge} COLLECTION: Clinton
  • ' information collection procedures. o GSA must provide sufficient resOurces and clout to its own aircraft management office. o To improve the aircraft inventory, information reporting reqUirements must be clarified and observed. o To improve
  • used 10 obtain federal m{lfchingfunds Jor Medicaid. ' \V~ have a responsibility (0 make sure that state taxes collected from beal~h care ;providers and then used to generate federal matching funds for Medicaid are levied in a way that ;,$ fair
  • controversial feature of the new proposal would require banks and thrins to submit to their regulators data on the race and gender of small business borrowers" (creating a limited exception to a Federal Reserve regulation that generally prohibits collecting
  • · reducing potential by screngthening'audit and debt collection activities, thereby generating additional revenue without 'raising taxes. ' . , . Several,other provisions in H.R. 4539 condition the President 's autho:r;ity ~ ~ and the authority
  • measurements thut can lay the foundation for a uniform system of medical errors data collection. HeF A willluunch n pilot project in up to 100 hospitals to help them implement confidential mandatory reporting systems. HCFA will also work with hospitals
Human Genome (Item)
  • blocks of primary human genomic DNA sequence. in During this pilot period, NHGRI will be soliciting opinions and collecting evidence from the broad scientific and commercial sectors to allow an evaluation of whether the approach described above
  • size and the avaUabiitty of hooks in the clas$(oom- that lieen~ees would be required to answer. Such information is nOw collected on ... ample basis by the National Asse•• men, of Educational P'og,e.s, While modest. gathering this data WOuld be consist
  • fatherB~ genetic testing, and court costs. Model Hospital Paternity establishment procedures have been adopted in West virginia~ Virginia, and Washington. o To ease the burden on employers and to ensure the collection of child support payments from working
  • Business Committee. on me The Psperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (p.L. 104-I3) and the Infomanon Technology Man.,einent Refurm Act of 1996 (p,L, 104-106) already encouras. and direct agenoe< to collect and use information through electronic and other
  • Q: The Children's Defense Fund today released a·state report on child care? Why is'some ofCDF's infonnation different from that in the HUS report? A: The twO reports collected data for different periods of time using different approaches
  • jobs. without jeopardizing the current efficiency of America's financial markets. These reforms. detailed in the pages that follow, would have as their goals; ./ Reducing Barriers to Collective Shareholder Monitoring ./ Reducing Regulatory
  • provides meals of clam chowder, broiled lobster tail, vegetables and dessert: all for $4.75. • The IRS is currently owed over $125 billion by deadbeat debtors, must of it from businesses and wealthy Americans. At least $46 billion that can be cOllected
  • of long-lived investment assets (measured by depreciation e'xpense). The capital budget collects all spending on investment items,~ regardless of how they are financed. In general. a capital budget system envisions a balanced operating budget
Housing [1] (Item)
Hate Crimes (Item)
  • in their annual report card on school safety a section on hate crimes among young people, both at and away from school. In addition, you will direct the Department of Education, with appropriate assistance from the Department of Justice, to collect data on hate
  • monitoring netWork providing critical information-about the. e:rrvironrnent. as well as integrated information currently collected from states. In additio~ we would proVide public information on toJOc and other poUutidn discharges now collected through :EPA
Event - Ideas (Item)
  • HHS to: (1) designate the CDC's Media Campaign Resource Center as a National Clearinghouse on Tobacco Counteradvertising; (2) collect and disseminate a package of the top~ to advertisements for preventing youth smoking, and make these available
  • are affecting quality, consumer protection and the availability of needed services, Through a series of public meetings, it wilt collect and evaluate information and develop recommendations on improving quality in the health care system, The Commission
  • : Oiscussion 9124/93 P5 R~;STkICTlON ANIJTYI',.; 00:. memu 002. memo C()mm~niTY Development Fimmcktl j)raft~Nexl rll;;tilu!ion~ Sleps 01\ {CDFI} Legislation (3 puges} COLLECTION: Climon Presidential Rec()rd~ Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed
  • recommend the creation of a new DOJ-admin'istered grant program to automate the data collection and tracking of proceedings in abuse and neglect courts and a one-time grant to expand CASA to under·served areas. Cost: TBD, roughly 15 million for FY 2000
  • of training initiatives and data collection. I We also reconunend that you ~gin the process of implementing EEOC's proposal to strengthen its authority eradicate discrimination from federal agencies. provided White House and Department of Justi~e attorneys
  • by agreeing to contribute a given percent of their income (collected as an income tax surcharge) for a given period, say twenty yearsr to a national trust to be used for future medical training. , obligation should include all health care professionals
  • . laws and'r,,1:uIations, aod require the marking of shipping containers and/or papers of impOrted'fodd tM! is re!\lsed •. ,' , admission fOT safety reasons; . ,. . '. ' d (4) Set standards for priva!elaborawries for the collection and analysis
  • of the withdrawn item listed above. For a complete list of items withdrawn from this folder, see the WithdrawaVRedaction Sheet at the front of the folder. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed (Subject File) OA/Box
  • , such as the Commission on Immigration Reform (CIR) , the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) , and the Reyes bill. Task 2. I Interviews and Data Collection I Consult wi~h all parties advocating the various pending reorganization proposals. Conduct structured
  • Agency, one of the sponsors of the in the Great Lakes area took 11 years to . Please Turn to Page.A4. Column 1 complete. "We need to begin a more sys­ tematic collection of human information. 'This is definitely going to be a long . pro~ess
Budget - Cuts (Item)
  • of company payrolls (with a co­ payment requirement) and increase our international cost competitiveness; give a shot to current tax collections from sales of investments and provide greater incentives for new investment; and move to a tax on consumption
Labor Issues (Item)
  • . benefits, and other labor standards; equal employment opportunity; or the right of . workers to organize and bargain COllectively. Under the amended language, contracting officers could weigh, as appropriate, information about such violations or about other
  • !:r.enl to Jook With!n them .. selvell. and develop th*lr Ind!vIdUa,l and collective ca~lty to eoJ~ veldn" local IMuell. Part! and tnvf)lvQ. ment of elt!\f,Ina ..... tM) toucbJtone. or deMoer!I.CY, and tbla Ie«llllat1on III de­ altrned
  • will discuss and adopt policies on several important issues at the winter meeting. NGA policy adopted at the meetings forms the basis for the governors' collective lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill. The process starts Sunday, Feb. 21, with each committee's
  • and agencies and to collect: information from them In support of this effort 1 am also directing each department and agency to report to the Office of Personne.l Management within 90 days on the extent to whi.menl. \hi
  • . A broader policy concern is that employers may adopt policies (perhaps some them unconsciously) that result in unfair wage differences between men and of women or between minorities and non-minorities, There is now no regular collection of wage : ' 1
  • collection, research and evaluation to detennine the Jevel of need for nonstimdard~ hour carc, This could be funded through President Clinton's child care proposal which invests $150 million over 5 years for research in chUd care. AffQrdabiliJ Problem: Child
  • yather. information on tile demographie eharactaristics, residence history I health and function~l , status, US$ information about nursing home residents. of services and other An important feature of both oomponents is that tbey collect data
  • in a breast cancer event on February 3 with a bi­ partisan group of members of Congress and Lifetime television, The network has collected more than 15,000 signatures of women supporting Congresswoman DeLauro's legislation which would mandate at teast 48 hours
  • the city government effective in such areas as income tax collection. education and training, housing, transportation, and health C8J:"e delivery. PLAl'i SAVES $3.56 DILLION: The plan will end the yearly Federal appropriation and other payments
Rural Issues (Item)
  • to date summarized for Roundtable participants November 24 - (Thanksgiving - Federal Holiday} November 30 - Satellite Facilities tested December 1 • Mu~ti-Site Satellite Broadcast of NRC Roundtable December 3l. - Citizen Feedback Collection Ends 1995
Trade (Item)
  • their trade barriers in recent years. when you add up the sum of their collective actions, 20 of the 24 developed, nations have actually incredsed their trade barriers in recent years. This is a powerful testament to the painful difficulty of trying
Banking (Item)
  • from this folder, see the WithdrawallRedaction Sheet at the front of the folder. COLLECTION, I Clinton Pr-esidemial Rt.'Cords Domestic Policy Council I Bruce Reed {Subjcct File) OA!Bo~ Number: 21199 .."OUmR TITLE: Banking. fs36
  • of employers involved in school-to­ work activities} 0 We expect to collect many corporate endorsements of the Administrationis proposal, by the time of its announcement', In addition, more than 75 national organizations representing education, labor
New Covenant (Item)
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library J)OCUl\lf::....~r NO. SUHJl':CTfHnf: HATE RESTIUCI'(OS AN!)TYJ>E 001. minutes New Covenant (l p;lge) ca. 1995 1'5 COLLECTION: Climon Presidential Reenrdll Domeslic Polky Council Reed
  • of participation in the Medicare program. This p~ovision would authorize states to collect and retain fees from health care providers to cover the cost of initial surveys. Under th~ budget agreement, the discretionary funding level for HCFA Program Management
Promises (Item)
  • and Communications Research and has. since then, been recently updated, Please select tbe 15 most important promises that reflect either positively or negatively on the Administration. Based on your selectjons. we will document and collect more research for future
  • in acceptable amngementS'in\vbich· agency is bona fIde: However• the guidelineS are.not lru1ivlduaUy or collectively in~io­ W;le rules. 'The contracting offIcer must evaluate eacb arrangement. in its totality. inciuding aUend.ant facts and , . circumstanCe
  • proceedings available under this &eC:~ tion have been concluded with re&pect to fiuch claim. the respond­ ent shall collect and preserve documents and information {includ~ ing the complaint,} that are relevant to such claim, including not ""{j) "(ii
  • and proud record of educating all segments of society about responsible alcohol consumption and alcohol abuse. The distillers collectively, through the Century Council, conduct effective community·based programs directed at combatting illegal, underage
  • for America'n- families; expanded health coverage to' 5 million ;uninsured . pe'ople:: advanced the cause of' placing more children into solidi adoptive homes; and continued our efforts to collect more child support. OVer the past five years we have worked hard
  • behavior. The power of incentives'to affect behavior is not at issue, nor is the power of gove~n' men! to affe
Colorado (Item)
  • problem, I'm not here to argue abollt that. But can't we at least agree that in Colorado we have a collective moral obligation to hold ~JUr children hannless, and to provide each and every one of them with basic;healtl! care in the early years? i Can't we
Fatherhood (Item)
  • the charge at the communilY level. NFl ha~ been highlighted as an exemplary group 10 house such aclearinghouse because of our va.
  • industry. Thi~ iiO ff'.l:CU'Mihlr. for tht; Ii:'~hiliry of thP. e;'imlnt inrll1~"Y thmneh invt'l",tig::ttionr>, licensing ap.d enfon::ement of regulations, It is also responsible for ensuring the: collection nf z~m;n2 t"'l"f",'I; 10inrt fn
Alcohol (Item)
  • alcohol consumption and alcohol abuse.' Tha distillers collectively. through the Century Council, conduct effective community-based programs directed a/ combatting illegal, underage drinking. It is with this (f"dHion of responsibllily that we propose
  • ~ ing, •.• , Spr • ~, ~ , interested~Hill ~ to work closely with this Committee and other members to assure that we are gettin9 at the I issues that all of us collectively feel are the most important. Indeed, the team approach we· plan to use
Drug Testing (Item)
  • Collection and Analytical Teams (lCATs) to increase the collection of in:elligence that will specifically result in more effe~tive interdiction at the border. Additionally, si~ce 1992, the U.S. Customs Service has been supplying interceptor aircraft
  • for mission travel. In addit'ion to information already reported, these 3-1 I ! "• I I reports must include the amount of reimbursements collected for travel by Senior Executive Branch Officials. : II c. The Administrator of General Services shall
  • . Esooli~hes Prohibits itl«!:ntives rodenY -~:~~~- ,thad Qf ires I Requrn plans 10 di5t:!ole me' ---~-~~- - - Heatth Can: Quality Adv,·,wry Board 10 collect and di:uemil'lale infurmahon on health care quality, . rmr~'ii Al:CHS to Health bl$u..ance
Ideas [2] (Item)
  • ', the Child Care Bureau has focused on implementation of the Child Care Amendments in the welfare reform legislation. This has included four main activities: making sure statQS received their new funds in a timely, manner, establishing enhanced data collection
Adoption [1] (Item)
  • anything but garbage bags for luggage when they were told they had to move. So she decided to collect suitcases for them, and so far she has collected 1.000. And I'd like to ask MacKenzi Snyder to stand. pleas~. (Applause.) , This summer I saw a photograph
Adoption [2] (Item)
  • . Recognizing these concerns, tne Depanmem is commiued to working with the StaleS to improve data resources and to set reliable baseline figures. In pannership with the States. the Department has been working to improve the collection and reporting of child
Terrorism (Item)
  • vouchers for new pub. housing (hi: $1.50) SO Replace Sec. 202 construction with vouchers (hi: $0.20) $.100 $.800 HF93 Reform FHA mortgage insurance (hi: $1.00) $.028 $.112 CC $.020 $.100 Improve FHA Title 1 debt collection (hi: $035) HF92 $.268 Eliminate
Child Welfare (Item)
  • C04rtg to improve the t1~eline$8 and quality of d@C'.iaion makin9i And improving the collection nnd use Qf data through support of 'advanced technology_ PISCUSSION Thcsc vn,lvers provide the Department ;,tit.h the capacity to enter into active
Family & Work (Item)
  • involved in conducting the survey and preparing thjs report: Richard WaJd, William M, Mercer, -served as co-project director with Dana Friedman. Mitchell Stein. WiUla~ M. Mercer, waS re."pons:ibIe for survey methodo1ogy and data collection. ABOUT
  • to call on the thoughtful, collective wisdom of experts and community representatives to find ways to further strengthen our protections for subjects in human research, We face a challenge in our time, Science and technology are rapidly ch~mging our lives
  • by the agency:'some are overtaken by events or broader legislation; some present intractable problems that take time to work out; others are submitted to OMB too late in the Congress and are reconsidered during the next Conqress. HQTE: *Data not collected
Mayors (Item)
Paid Leave (Item)
  • !:"upr ~onsumers could still had serious concerns about keep in thcu" retu:ement accounts some provisiOfl3.. and allow debt collect()['S to charge people high fees if they failed to One he cited would limit to $1 make good on bounced checks: million
Abortion (Item)
  • , see the Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet at the front of the folder. , , , I COLLECTION, Clinton I'residcmi.d Records Don~eslic Pulicy Council Bruce Reed (Subject File) OAlilox Numhcr: 211(1) FOLIlER TITLE: Alxll1ion rs34 RESTRICTION conES i
Brady Bill (Item)
  • . ' The nine states from which the datil were collected are: ~ Arkansas. Colorado, ldaho, Kentucky. Neveda, South Caroliml, Utab!ll1d West Virginia, Through the end ofJune 19%. th... states were r••pon.i.l. far appraximalely 27"10 percent ofall baodgun
Disabilities (Item)
  • """"" coverage in most ""'... a1tJuiugh no sy$lmnatic quantitative data have been collected to date. (In one state, O
  • law provides an additional $4 billion for child care. We have increase~ child support collections dramatically -- by 50%), Now we are working to make transportation available for those leaving welfare for work and to expand health care coverage
Regulation (Item)
  • of business for the. , corporation (utt,oS). corporation held None of these fees could be collected by liNOS i f anot.her the OPTN contraCt; ... there is no other instance where the government, by' awarding a contract. gives a corporation authQrity