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145 results
- Kristine Gebbie from the National AIDS Policy Office, 1993-1994 - Collection Finding Aid
- This collection consists of the records of Kristine Gebbie from the National AIDS Policy Office for the years 1993-1994. It contains various correspondence including postcards, newspaper articles, pamphlets, newsletters, handwritten notes, drafts
- . . Robert Sussman for Administrator Carol Browner 'Director Leon Panetta 'Laura Tyson 'Robert Rubin 'Eli Segal 'Ira Magaziner 'Lee Brown Kristine Gebbie *NOTE: The Domestic Policy Program Staff will also attend as observers ATTACHMENT #2 THE WHITE HOUSE
- the Secretary or her/his designee of an Assistant Secretary. Thank you and my best wishes to you as we enter the holiday season. cc: Mack McLarty Phil Lader Christine Varney DPC Staff Kristine Gebbie Jack Gibbons Katie McGinty Jack Quinn THE WHITE HOUSE
- Kristine Gebbie 10-14-93 1:30-2:30
- Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 4593 FOLDER TITLE: Kristine Gebbie 10-14-93 1:30-2:30 rw153 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act· [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] I PI National Security
- Torres-Gil, HHS Robyn Stone Others: Barbara Cooper, HHS Portia Mittleman, HHS UNDERSERVED (RURAL AND URBAN POPULATIONS) Lois Quam (Rural) Phil Lee, HHS (Urban) Rural: Denise Denton Dena Puskin, HHS Jeff Human, HHS Mike Lincoln, IHS Urban: Kristine
September 1993 HSA [6]
- Mittleman, HHS 3 • UNDERSERVED (RURAL AND URBAN POPULATIONS) Lois Quam (Rural) Phil Lee, HHS (Urban) Rural: Denise Denton Dena Puskin, I-ll-IS Jeff Human, I-ll-IS Mike Lincoln, IHS Urban: Kristine Gebbie, I-ll-IS Jo Ivy Buford, I-ll-IS Claudia Baquet
World AIDS Day 12-1-93
- Science Buildinq . Georqetown University Hospital :December 1, 1993 . i . [Acknowledgements: ~ather O'Donovan, pres~dent of Georgetown University; Dr. John Grififth, head of Georgetown Medical center; Kristine Gebbie, AIDS Policy Coordinator; others
- met with Attorney General Reno, Kristine Gebbie and the American Dental Association. Ira Magaziner, Christine Heenan, Kathi Way, Bruce Reed and I attended the annual meeting of the National Governors' Association in Tulsa. Donsia Strong provided
- : President Clinton greeting Kristine Gebbie and her family in the Oval Office, President Clinton meeting in the Oval Office with Nancy Soderberg, Mark Gearan, Mack McLarty, Dee Dee Myers, George Stephanopoulos, David Gergen and David Dryer, President Clinton
AIDS 1994 [3]
- the resignation of Kristine Gebbie and tbe appointment of the new AIDS Policy Coordinator. I will be detai.led to the White House from the Department of Health and Human Services. There are several conditions for my taking this temporary assignment you have
- Summit" Initiative (I page) 07/0711994 P5 OI8b. memo Kristine Gebbie to Carol Rasco and Anthony Lake, reo French "AIDS Summit" Initiative (3 pages) 06/30/1994 P5 019. email From White House Situation Room, reo [cable 1 (4 pages) 06/15/1 994 PIIb
AIDS 1994 [4]
- Rasco, White House FROM: Donna live had the December 1 AIDS Summit penciled in on my calendar for some time. Kristine Gebbie and Patsy Fleming staffed us at the last preparatory meeting. The formal invitation from the French Foreign Ministry will go
AIDS 1993 [3]
- ~/ '/(a4er; Carol H. Rasco " . . Assistant to the President for Domestic policy CHR:ram cc: Kristine Gebbie, AIDS policy Coordinator 750 17th Street, N.W. - Suite 1060 Washington, DC 20503 ooo~o~ SEN! 6Y:Xerox relecoDl,er 702' l8,:"Z~-SS i, O:SOPM i
- :00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. I. Opening Remarks .•••••••••••••••••••••••.• President Clinton 2:10 p.m. II. Program Updates A. Office of the National Drug Control Policy ••••• Lee Brown B. Office of the AIDS Policy Coordinator ••••• Kristine Gebbie 2:35 p.m
- : National AIDS Policy Office Series/Staff Member: Kristine Gebbie Subseries: 3773 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: Meeting with HIV Talk Radio Telephone Interview 4/27/94 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 66 5 4 2 TEL No .3 2-644
- Mav. 19, 1994 Carol Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Kristine Gebbie, RN, MN · National AIDS Policy Coordin'ator The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Ms. Rasco and Ms. Ge_bbie: Attached is a cross
- TO: Bruce Reed Bill Galston Kathi Way Brian Burke Jose Cerda Christine Heenan Suzan Johnson-Cook Patrick Lester Ira Magaziner Lynn Margherio Rosalyn Miller Mike Schmidt Donsia Streng Paul Weinstein Sara Rosenbaum Marion Berry· Stan Herr Kristine
- ------~~~. ~~--------~;» HON. -----?U-F'l--=------,::;.-r HON~ JESSE BROWN BRUCE BABBITT HON. HENRY CISNEROS HON. JANET RENO HON. LEE BROWN JACK QUINN JOE STIGLITZ--------/~r-~----------~~HON. LAURA TYSON KRISTINE GEBBIE ALICIA MUNNELL·-------oftAItc~----------~)_~HON
AIDS 1993 [7]
- to the establishment of an effective 'national . AIDS education program. I've attached letters from the U.S. Senate. House of Representatives and Kristine Gebbie, supporting the FPCA program. Surgeon Genera'l, Dr. Jocelyn Elders has lent her support to this initiative
AIDS 1994 [9]
- epidemic. The first Director, Kristin,: Gebbie, was appointed in the Summer of 1993 and resigned after one year in office, II. DISCUSS ION Following the resignation of Kristine Gebbie. Pats}, Fleming was named as Interim Director, At that rime, Ms
- are with Kristine Gebbie, 'Madeline Kunin, and I will have my weekly briefing with Secretary Shalala. I have agreed to speak to the American Public Welfare Association on Tuesday on health care as it relates to welfare. I will be interviewed by free lance journalist
- Dr. Lee Brown 21 XIX. Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown 21 XX. National AIDS Policy Director Kristine Gebbie 22 XXI. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt 23 XXII. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol Browner 23 President
- Director Kristine Gebbie 22 XXI. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt 23 XXII. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol Browner 23 President William Jefferson Clinton Excerpts From Speech To The National Council On Aging Washington, D.C
[Aware - HIV Talk Radio]
- : National AIDS Policy Office Series/Staff Member: Kristine Gebbie Subseries: OA/ID Number: 8299 FolderlD: Folder Title: [Aware-HIV Talk Radio] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 66 5 5 2 AWARE: HIV TALK RADIO Produced by The HIV Talk
- -federal employees on Cluster VIII, also known as Working Group 22 included Joycelyn Elders, then an employee at· the ArkanSJJS Department of Health, Diane Rowland, and Kristin Gebbie, subsequently appointed the Clinton Administration's" AIDS czar." Group
- Pelosi . Carl-Levin Carrie Meek David C. Wilhelm . Georg~ Miller Jim Moran. Kristine Gebbie RN, MN (Posthumously) Barbara A. Mikulski T oin Foglietta The Jim Pewett Memorial Award Jeffrey Schmalz & Randy Shilts Howard M. Metzenbaum Barney
- Corporation for National Service Summer of Safety Grants Eli Segal National HIV Action Agenda Kristine Gebbie The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 25, 5:30-6:30 P.M. Please remember to call Rosalyn Miller at 456-2216 by the close of business
- at his home in Pennsylvania. During the New York City primaries you met with several people including one of our founders, Lili Rundback. to discuss your AIDS policy when elected. We met with Kristine Gebbie at the White House Office of National AIDS
- AND URBAN POPULATIONS) Lois Quam (Rural) Phil Lee, HHS (Urban) Rural: Denise Denton Dena Puskin, HHS Jeff Human, HHS Mike Lincoln, IHS Urban: Kristine Gebbie, HHS Jo Ivy Buford, HHS Claudia Baquet, HHS Richard Veloz, HHS Roz Lasker 9:45 - 10:45 a.m
David E. Rogers
- ," coincides with the appointment of Kristine Gebbie as President Clinton's AIDS Policy Coordinator. David Rogers^,—th£_ comroission's deputy chair, welcomed the appointment. "We're pleased that the Clinton Administration has finally started i t s engine
- (202)632-1096 ~fJ.~c.o Sent From: Kristine Gebbie. RN. MN. National AIDS Policy Coordinator ~t1mb('r of Pages: Message: '2-. C,,\'''r F~L'\: ~uJtlber: 4-5, uta Date:-:.'L:./2.0==-_ _ , I' • JAN-20-1994 17:06 FROM TO NAPO 202-472
- meeting with Steve Lee of Kristine Gebbie's Office and Pernessa Seele of the Balm in Gilead, c90rdinating National AIDS Day of Prayer, February 28th. Suzan has been asked to bring greetings in behalf of DPC and also as a member of the clergy serving
- ! : I ,I ' speec h at Georgetown Un1verS1 ty on women an d ! Roz, I distributed CHR's Weekly Report March 25, 1994 to the following: HRC (via Pam) Dr. Jack Gibbons (OSTP) Kathleen McGinty (OEP) Kristine Gebbie (AIDS Policy) Pat PSI I have attached
- and Girls Youth Leadership Conference at American University. •. Interview profile with the American Journal of Nursing on "the real Kristine Gebbie." Abead • Interview with National Journal on g~neral issues. • • Interview with In TheSe TimeJ
- . Surgeon General Open Forum: STRATEGIES FOR THE FUTURE Introduction lee lee Doyle, PhD Panel Discussion/Summary Joyce/yo Elden, MD Kristine Gebbie, RN U.S. AIDS Policy Coordinator (invited) Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum (R·KS) . Ranking Minority Member
AIDS 1994 [2]
- Coordinator; Kristine Gebbie, R. N., M.S. N., as you prepare an HIV prevention mess~ge for the nation's youth and make preparations for visiting an HN clinic either in the Bronx, Newark, or elsewhere in the United States. Attached is a list of pediatric
- , the two offices Ibared one Administxative Officer. and all travel was arranged Ihrough the NAPa office). Dr. Phil Lee, the Assistant Se=tary for Health. and Kristine Gebbie. the fanner National AIDS Policy Coordinator, agreed severaI mQll!hs ago !hat NAPa
[Resumes] [2]
- ) (l page) nd P61b(6) 007a. resume Kristine Gebbie (partial) (l page) nd P61b(6) 007b. resume Kristine Gebbie (partial) (I page) nd P61b(6) 008. resume Christine Heenan (partial) (3 pages) nd P61b(6) 009. note Rana [Simpson] to Rasco re
- =8~'O~ ~ ,0 I ~.;q. WI ll/JII ~ , {j} Wi RON NOBLE .' A; .' LAURA TYSON- 456:"2174 LINDA 606-5000 SUSAN STROUD EX-172 JOHN GIBBONS- . STEVE L.E,E ELI SEGAL- ' -- 632-1090 BOB RUBIN:'" ,J ALICE ' KRISTINE GEBBIE - ,13
- to do what, and how much money i s i t going to cost? This doesn't do that.'' President Clinton's AIDS coordinator, Kristine Gebbie, insisted that the documents represented only *"the beginning'' of a process not the administration's detailed action plan
- ' Association Kristine Gebbie ONC Trustee Retreat (cancelled for CHR) American College ofPhysicianss (c~mcelled) West Virginia Rural Health Conference Brookings Institute Seminar OPM~Schedule C Dr. J. Elders (elementary school based clinics) The Arc (Paul
DPC File Inventory
- on 'Foundation Paralyzed Vets of America .Program Staff Planning Session Domestic Policy' Council. Domestic Policy Council Meeting Arkansas Hospital Association Violence Working Group Congressman Torricelli American Nurses Association Kristine Gebbie DNC Trustee
- \~ \ APRIL 29, 1994 ROz, I distributed CHRIS Weekly Report APRIL 21 -27, 1993 to the following: HRC (via Pam) Dr. Jack Gibbons (OSTP) Kathleen McGinty (OEP) Kristine Gebbie (AIDS Policy) Pat - , April 28, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR MACK MCLARTY
- Washington. D.C. 20500 , Phone: (202) Fax: Deliver To: '-"If'. '(202) - .. ,-. ~" Vld ~(Qu '"" ·'"'~~~~·]~RJj~~L;~n
AIDS 1994 [6]
- of the National AIDS Policy Coordiinator is broken and needs to be fixed, In the wake of National AIDS Policy Coordinator Kristine Gebbie's resignation. we now look to President Clinton to demonstrate the leadership the president promised and that the epidemic
- cabinet events. Also, he met -with ,reps from ONDCP and the AIDS Office'to discuss needle ,exchange programs. At some-later point, Kristine Gebbie might want to schedule a higher level meeting with you and others on this topic. ' ' On Monday, June 4, he
Ira Correspondence
- Bernie Nussbaum Lee Brown Leon Panetta Bill Daley Howard Paster Rahm Emanuel John Podesta Mark Gearan Jack Quinn Kristine Gebbie Carol Rasco David Gergen Bob Rubin Jack Gibbons Eli Segal Marcia Hale Ricki Seidman Alexis Herman George
- Action FYI loan Baggett Leon Panetta Bill Daley Howard Paster Rahm Emanuel lohnPodesta Mark Gearan lack Quinn Kristine Gebbie Carol Rasco David Gergen Bob Rubin lack Gibbons o Bernie Nussbaum Lee Brown Eli Segal Marcia Hale Ricki
- CALLER t Johnson 343-8298 DATE/TIME 7/11 1:50pm MESSAGE 7-11 Wants to discuss components of another person to fill Kristine Gebbie's position~ill be happy help. FOLLOW-UP 7-11 Was told CHR is on trave:J. most of the week. 13 ROz answered call fro
AIDS 1993 [2]
- AIDS POLICY COORDINATOR SUBJECT Article in today's Washington Times On page A7 of today's Washington Times, John McCaslin reports on Kristine Gebbie's firing of Oregon's state medical examiner Dr. William J. Brady. The article implies that Kristine
AIDS 1993 [6]
- again for sharing this exciting concept! cc: Kristine Gebbie AIDS Policy Coordinator 1750 17th Street, NW - Suite 1060 Washington, DC 20503 ;. TIllS FORM MARKS THE FILE LOCATION OF ITEM NJJMBER ~, . LISTED jiN THE WITIIDRAWAL SHEET A.T THE FRONT
- ._.. _ ..._-_....•... "'-'" ."..........~- .-..-... _.. .. .......... _ _ ....... ..._._.... _...........-~'.-'-- .......-...... _ - " i ~ .JUL-13-1994 .~ 16: 25 FROM WHITE HOUSE AIDS POLICY TO CAROL RASCO DPC P.i2l4 !AIDS coordinator qUits over job.mixup'~ ,~TE.OPRESS " in the AIDS and gay communities, WASHINGTON. said. the next AIDS coord.inator~ Kristine Gebbie
January 24, 1994 - DPC Mtg.
- ~--The Honora1be Eli Segal ~~The Honorable Ira Magaziner "1~ The Honorable Lee Brown ''f6.......LI'he Honorable Kristine Gebbie TO: 456-6212· 690-7595~ 514-4372 V 219-7659 t,./ 622-0073 v 535-8667 \.-'"' 208-6956........ 401-2098 ~ 708-2476 v
Resumes ’92 – ‘93 [4]
- . P6/(b)(6) 13 July 1993 Ms. Kristine Gebbie AIDslPolicy Coordinator Hubert H. Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue, S~W. Room 738G Washington, D.C. 20270 Dear Ms. Gebbie: This biographica[ and explanatory letter should convince you I could make
AIDS 1994 [7]
- for appointment to tM PreSident' AIDS Task Force. Thank you for your consideration. I've enclosed a copy of Dr. Kaiser's vita for your . ' I review. Sincerely, William J. Jefferson Member of Congress . cc: . Ms. Kristine Gebbie Mr. Bob Hattoy Mr. Larry Sanders
- with a Congressional dinner on Capitol Hill featuring a keynote address from United States Surgeon General, Joycelyn Elders. President Clinton's National AIDS Policy Coordinator, Kristine Gebbie is also on the dais. Co-emcees for the evening are, ABC News anchor Carole
- -1121 Response needed by: Date: COS Ofice Contact: Bill Burton, Policy & Staff Director Action FYI Action Joan Baggett Bemie Nussbaum Lee Brown Leon Panetta Bill Daley Howard Paster Rahm Emanuel John Podesta Mark Gearan Jack Quinn Kristine
- of National Drug Control Policy Dr. Lee Brown 21 XIX. Veterans Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown 21 XX. National AIDS Policy Director Kristine Gebbie 22 XXI. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt 23 XXII. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol
- . Kristine Gebbie, a former Washington State secretary of health and a member of Ronald Reagan's presidential commission on AIDS, will coordinate the Federal Government's response to the epidemic. A geneticist at the University of California in San Francisco
- November 8, 1993 Lloyd F. Novick, M.D., M.P.H. Director Diana Jones Altier Executive Deputy Director Kristine Gebbie, R.N. National AIDS Policy Coordinator The White House 750 17th street, NW Washington, DC 20503 Dear Ms. Gebbie: I am writing
- AIDS Czar's Plan: People Talking With Each Other Kristine Gebbie will try to develop a moTt effective national prevention strategy. States would create their own programs. By MARLENE CIMONS W ASHINCTON-Newly selected federa] AIDS coordinator Kristine
- -term care network. 2175 RHOB. 10:00 a.m. House Small Business Committee hearing on health care revision v i t h SBA Administrator Bowles. 2359 RHOB. 10:00 a.m. Kristine Gebbie speaks t o the U.S. Conference of Mayors' AIDS Task Force. Capital Hilton