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  • , community development banks, and now, through our New Markets Initiative. Especially we need to make sure our young people are prepared for this new economy, by helping every child enter school ready to learn and graduate ready to succeed. More Americans
  • in 1999 with Speaker Hastert to launch our New Markets initiative- and we worked across party lines to pass it last month, and leverage $15 billion in new investment for hard-pressed urban and rural areas. And we made Chicago an Empowerment Zone in 1994
  • and criminals. • And I urged Congress to move forward on our New Markets legislation, which passed the House with a wide bipartisan majority. But instead of action, all we've gotten are false starts and empty promises. They've accomplished nothing. • I also
  • had already supported to bring the same kinds of investment opportunity and jobs to America's. new markets, to people in places here in this country who have not yet participated in our prosperity, in rural areas, inner cities, on our Native American
  • wages in two decades - and inflation fell to its lowest since the 1960s. We achieved our first back-to-back budget surpluses in42 years. With support from members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, I launched a New Markets Initiative, to reach those
  • and other places that are not yet sharing in our booming growth. Our New Markets Initiative has brought new sources of credit and expertise, along with top-flight business leaders, to places like Hermitage, Arkansas and Clarksdale, Mississippi. 7 And it's
  • agriculture projects were assisted. The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Farmers' Market Nutrition Program greatly expanded in scope from 1993 onwards. The WIC farmers' market program simultaneously creates a new market for small fruit and vegetable farmers
  • , rural communities, Native American reservations- have yet to share in our new prosperity, but are full of people who want to work, start a business, fulfill their dreams. We need to give businesses the same incentives to invest in these new markets
  • . .. That is why I have called on the Congress to raise the minimum wage, so that a full-time job is a real ticket out of poverty. It is why we won new resources, and will fight for more, for our New Markets Initiative, which is making it easier for businesses
  • and places that prosperity has missed -the new markets within our own nations. Leaders of developing nations must narrow the gap between rich and poor by ensuring that government institutions are transparent, open and accountable. They must give all
  • to fight diseases like diabetes and hypertension. Today I'm announcing three new initiatives to help change that- and to help America's small farmers find new markets for their produce. First, we will make available ten million dollars in grants to help
  • ' Bill of Rights, hate crimes legisbition, campaign finance reform, school construction, New Markets legislation- on all these issues, we had bipartisan majorities ready to pass them. But the Republican leadership and their special interest allies had
  • to pass this big new markets initiative, to give Americans the same incentives to invest in poor areas in America they get to invest in poor areas in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. I want people to invest overseas, but we ought to give them the same
  • that was oriented toward competition toward giving new firms a chance to enter new markets and entrepreneurs a chance to really create wealth and jobs out of their ideas. And I think it's clear to me now, looking back, that the fights we waged to try to be pro
  • America's new markets and closing the digital divide are all about. The third thing I want to mention is that the revolution in technology and communications means our lives are bound up more than ever with people far away from us with whom we now
  • and to take a different path to the futqre. And that is what this whole New Markets effort we're making this year is designed to do. So I hope you'll be involved in that. Let me just say about the Diallo case, I tried to think of something to say which would
  • by nurturing new markets abroad. The President is determined to pursue this course, navigating the false choice between protectionism and unbridled free trade. Protectionism simply isn't an option in today's global economic arena. If we walk away, the process
  • .html 08114/2000 NigeriaWorld Letters & Viewpoints (Role of the United States in Nigeria's new democracy) Page 2 of 6 1. The new market that a democratic and economically viable Nigeria (population of 120 million and gateway to the rest of West
  • the financial crisis hit Asia, working people strongly resist new market-opening measures. There are many reasons. In advanced countries the benefits of open trade outweigh the burdens. But they are widely spread, while the dislocations of open trade
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The President's New Markets tour will help direct the flow of opportunity and investment into some of the most stubborn pockets ofpoverty in the nation. The President will expand on the innovative approach to community empowerment he and the Vice President