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- Health Care Reform (148)
- David Kusnet (143)
- Neera Tanden - Subject Series (138)
- Bruce Reed - Subject File Series (137)
- Don Baer (134)
- Carol Rasco - Miscellaneous Series (123)
- Cynthia Rice - Subject File Series (123)
- Carolyn Curiel (99)
- Chris Jennings - Subject Series (96)
- Carol Rasco - Subject Series (95)
- Carol Rasco - Correspondence Series (88)
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- Speechwriting Office - Robert Boorstin (61)
- Ruby Shamir - Subject Series (57)
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- First Lady's Work on Children’s Issues and Women’s Rights (53)
- Text (5386)
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- false (5386)
5386 results
- [Admin Files] [POTUS Has Seen - Welfare Reform]
- Reports - “Welfare to Work: Child Care Assistance Limited; Welfare Reform May Expand Needs”
- October 3, 1996 - Welfare Reform Working Group
- INTERAGENCY WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION' WORKING GROUP October 3, 1996 I. IMPLEMENTATION UPDATES " Olivia Golden. A. First TANF Plans B. Medicaid Issues/State Directors Meeting Sally Richardsqn , C. Immigration Issues - Inipact
- September 4, 1996 Welfare Reform Meeting
- MEETING WITH NGAINCSLIAPWA ON WELFARE REFORM AGENDA September 4, 1996 I. II. . Review. of Conference Agenda Review of Agency Roles o o o .III. IV. Presentations Break-out sessions Paper to be handed out Press issues Follow-up Meetings e
- This collection consists of records related to the passing and signing of the 1996 welfare reform bill, discussion of the implementation and consequences of the bill, and talking points on welfare reform.
- Welfare Reform Prep. Meeting December 2, 1996 5pm
- TH E WH ITE HOUS E WASHINGTON November 13, 1996 MEMO~NDUM FOR DISTRIBUTION I Laura Tyson -taro I Rasco FROM:I , SUBJE~T: . Welfare Reform Prepatory Meeting on December 2 .; /The NEe and the DPC will hold a joint White House staff meeting
- Welfare Reform Meeting March 13, 1996
- EXE CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE S I DENT 12-Mar-1996 09:48am TO: Kenneth S. Apfel FROM: ·Carol H. Rasco Domestic Policy Council CC: CC: CC: Julie E. Demeo Bruce N. Reed Cathy R. Mays SUBJECT: Welfare Reform meeting You
- ^ ^.\p -1 6 ^ - ^ ^ 0 statement by President WUliam Jefferson Clinton K^^rf on Welfare Reform Wednesday May 22, 1996 Yesterday, Senator Dole seemed to move away from some of the more extreme welfare reform proposals that have been suggested in Congress
- [General Accounting Office – Families on Welfare: Focus on Teenage Mothers Could Enhance Welfare Reform Efforts]
- : Health Care Task Force Series/Staff Member: Magaziner Subseries: 4958 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [General Accounting Office - Families on Welfare: Focus on Teenage Mothers Could Enhance Welfare Reform Efforts] Stack: Row: Section
- , and press clips and cover subjects such as welfare reform, the crime bill, the Vice President’s Urban Issues Dinner series and a binder containing thoughts and essays about the future from leading thinkers of the day.
- , DPC from 1997 thru 2001. His hand was visible in the implementation of the Clinton Administration’s domestic policies, especially in the areas of welfare reform, crime, education, and tobacco. The General Files series consist of records that either did
Welfare-Public Outreach
- King, Welfare Outreach Coordinator, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation SUBJECT: Welfare Reform Outreach Strategies BACKGROUND At a recent meeting in Bruce Reed's office, John Monahan described public outreach concerning
- and seniors, education, welfare reform, Middle Class Bill of Rights, and state and local economic issues. This collection consists of memos, letters, reports, schedules, itineraries, talking points, copies of legislation, and organizational material
- care and reform, Medicare/Medicaid, immigration, disability, children, families and seniors, education, welfare reform, Middle Class Bill of Rights, and state and local economic issues. The records include memos, letters, reports, schedules, itineraries
- Bruce Reed - Welfare Reform Series - Domestic Policy Council - Collection Finding Aid
- Welfare Reform Series: President Clinton established an interagency group, the White House Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support, and Independence (1993-1994), in order to carry out his campaign promise “to end welfare as we know
- DOMESTIC POLICY COUNCIL Reed, Bruce: Welfare Reform (1993-2001) Box 1 OA 18939 [Subject File] Academics Accomplishments Advocacy Groups Advocates AFDC [Aid to Families with Dependent Children] AFDC-UP [Aid to Families with Dependent Children
- /OPO/EOP cc: Suzanne Oale/WHO/EOP Subject: Meeting with county officials re: welfare reform March 3rd has been proposed as the date for county officials to come here to discuss welfare reform. Does that work for you?
- September 3, 1996 Welfare Reform Working Group
- /96 9/4/96 9/9/96 9/1/96 9/11/96 9/12/96 ·9/12/96 9/13/96 9/13/96 9/17/96 9/17/96 9/18/96 ' 9/18/96 9/20/96 9/23/96 9/18/96 Welfare Reform Working Group Welfare Reform Meeting NGA/NCSL/APWA Conference on Welfare Reform Claudia Rayford-Williams, Resume
- Welfare Reform Meeting December 5, 1996
- to the President for Economic Policy SUBJECT: Interagency Welfare Reform Meeting I ! , The successful implementation of the welfare reform bill is one of the President's highest priorities for the second term. As you all know, its success will require
- (and legal) issues which affect these requirements and it is out intent to issue specific guidance to states in the very near fut~re. • This approach is consistent with the glals of welfare reform in that it focuses on moving people off 6f welfare into work
- September 23, 1996 Welfare Reform - Controller of CA
- (Controllers Office of CA) re: welfare reform (lhr) oo~act: ra~I~34~5678m~I6)~~r,~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~--~~~~~~~~ Attendee's include: Cheryl Macias - USDA' Bob Bach - INS Judy Chesser - SSA Dave Garrison - HHS , John Emerson Diana Fortuna CHR: 1:OOp 2
- 9-9-95 Welfare Reform (Radio)
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds . Subseries: 10985 . OA/ID Number: FolderiD: · Folder Title: 9-9-95 Welfare Reform (Radio) Stack: .S Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 r------.-~~----- --------- ---------- - PRESIDENT
- CLINTON ADMINISTRAT10N ACCOMPLISHMENTS RELATED TO ~LFARE REFORM Welfare caseloads are down · Due in part to both the Administration's emphasis on welfare reform and its policies. to strengthen the economy, welfare caseloads are down by almost
- This collection consists of miscellaneous records originating from the White House Domestic Policy Council during 1995-1997. The records highlight topics relating to teen pregnancy, welfare reform, youth violence, and executive branch agency
- topics relating to teen pregnancy, welfare reform, youth violence, and executive branch agency programs and policies intended to benefit young children. The records include memoranda, reports, articles, survey data, press releases, speeches
Meetings (POTUS)
- Kathryn Way worked as a staff member in the Domestic Policy Council from 1993 to 1994. This collection includes topics relating to welfare reform, U.S. territorial holdings or insular territories, Social Security legislation, legal issues
- as a staff member in the Domestic Policy Council from 1993 to 1994, leaving to become Director of Family Services for the state of Delaware. This collection highlights topics relating to welfare reform, U.S. territorial holdings or insular territories, social
Welfare-Web Page
- I NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 065 - Folder-009 Welfare-Web Page Infounaticn;'n We~are Refcrm http://athenal-kellylwe~are.html ,.,I' [Text Version) Information on ~ 7'1c, ;JV Welfare Reform As the President said on Thurday, August 22, 1996
- Welfare Reform (Roosevelt Room) 11-23-93 10:00-12:00
- ~.>· ". ': : TH E: WH I"rE: H OUS E: ':"~.~"'. .:, WASHINGTON . . ' . ". '. -, ."~' .' , ", : ':; " TO: Rasco~~ Carol H. SUBJ: Welfare Reform DATE: November 2, 1993 ,We"will target having the briefing which you and I discussed on November
- Welfare Reform; 3-21-94; 3:00-5:20 pm POTUS; 3-22-94; 3:00-5:00 pm
- McLarty', David Gergen k' . George Stephanopoulo&K-? ~ Bob Rubin ~ Laura Tyson>( R~sco~tantto FROM: Carol H. Domestic Policy SUBJECT: Welfare Reform the President for There wil~ be a meeting on Monday, March 21 from 3:30 to 5:20 p.m. in OEOB 211
Senate Democratic Bill
- _ _ _O!!!S",I1!20/96 12: 30 ti'202 690 5673 IHIS-PUBUC AFFAI Draft Q and A on Daschle welfare bill Q: Senator Dascble and others introduced a new welfare reform bill this morning. Is that something the Administration supports? A: We're
Budget Operations
- NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 036 - Folder 012 Budget Operations Preliminary List of Welfare Reform Options for Consideration in the FY 1998 Budget FjveYear LEGISLATIVE OPTIONS food Staml's A Repropose the Administration's work requirement
Talking Points [1]
- 97 participant data recently released by HHS shows 75% of those participating in welfare reform were in unsubsidi;;::ed employment. Others were in various forms of job search and training. I'll fax the table [Note: they were one of a few states who
Welfare Reform Working Group
- Welfare Reform Working Group
- . ; ... ," " , , ;, " " ,.' ,-. ..;. ," .. '. ". . ," \ .,-:' '., ".'" . ........ , .' . ~. ,. , . .. ;', . .:.,. .. :; -':. !. -, .. : .. ~ e. , ' E X E CUT I V E o F OFF ICE PRE SID E N T , THE ' 09-Aug-1996 09:23am TO: CarolH. Ras'co FROM: Jeremy D. Benami Domestic Policy Council CC: Elizabeth E. Drye SUBJECT: RE: welfare reform Good morning. I have spoken
- 8/15/94 To: From: Mary Jo Bane David Ellwood . Bruce Reed '. m~~-_ . I Melissa Skolfield .,. Attached is an updated list of editorial Iwriters and national columni~ts who have written, or may write, about welfare reform
- with the congress to enact real, bipartisan welfare reform. The eU4rent veltare system is broken and must be replaced t for the sake of the taxpayers who pay for it and the people who are trapped by it. But H.R. 4 doe~ too little to mQve people from welfare to work
- the input of governors and state officials an invaluable resource. Your thoughts on a national welfare reform framework are appreciated, and we are encouraged by the welfare reform innovations under consideration in New Hampshire and in many other states
Congressional Black Caucus
- with the welfare reform .document. Vernon Simms 4/6/94 GG left message. NM was out sick. . 415194 GG left message. ~ 3/94 - Nancy McCormick Irene Bueno (IB), ASL staff, left several messages for NM. IB spoke with YS and asked if he could help us schedule
Family - Child Care
- Leadership Forum, April 4, 1997: In addition to that, we have tried to improve, as Betsy said, thl) operation of the federal child care programs and how they interface with those at the localloveL And in the welfare reform bill, one of the best things about
- reform . That's why .it's especially wrong-headed to try to slide through a radical revision of job training by attaching it. to the welfare reform bill that the Senate's now considering. BmUng welfare as we know it is a crucial goal, one I've been
- nutrition ,support programs, br rnechanisms for health ,care deli very that are being put in place where nutrition could be adqed: 2. Welfare Reform: , They would like to hear 'about our posftion on welfare reform. They are concerned about the ,impact
- will follow with 15 min. of remarks/q&a on weI They expect you'll ge done by 8:30, which gives a little pad~ing in case they're runnin~ late.
- gone off AFDC if he or she should have to reapply for assistance. I hope the White House will oppose approval of Arizona's harsh and punitive welfare reform plan. As a Democrat and a rriefuber of the Senate Family Services Committee which heard
Entitlement Reform
- , which have been circulated on the Hill, would be of interest to you. We share with you and others in the Adminiktration concerns about the nature of current debate on welfare reform. Generail y, discussion about the welfare system fails to note
Hearings (Senate)
- , Rockefeller, Breaux, Conrad, Graham, Moseley Braun (100 percent attendance) OPENING STATEMENTS Sen. Packwood said this is the first of nine hearings on welfare reform. He said the question of individual entitlement v. block grant in the philosophical
- implementation issues and sharing ideas, practices, and resourCes as they respond to welfare reform. Increased knowledge of developments at the.state and national levels is necessary to ensure welfare reform success. This new communications device will·help
Press Releases
- , prepared by the Welfare Reform Working Group, shows that fundamental, nationwide changes are needed to close a $34 billion gap in uncollected child support. IiMany children in our country are being cheated by their own parents, most often their fathers
- . Health Care -- Families USA Report on Medicaid Enrollment: Families USA will release a study on Thursday stating that welfare reform is primarily responsible for the recent decline in ~edicaid enrollment. The study asserts that 675,000 low-income people
- Goals 2000IESEA Schocl-to-WorkIFirsl Job Networks Lifelong Learning Equity LineslREA Next Job :'
Meeting (4/14/93, OEOB)
- WELFARE REFORM MEETING OEOB, Room 324 April 14,1993 Name Organization Phone ?/f S" - l{13? C.r;.A iN4. It L r (Jtoa.tiPAx- S,.. V' ~ttT 7Ie C VeLY.f-/ IftiS Fax No. 3tJS-, /oct'! f ' (lfO'It:!J/ t-vH L.c~. /f-ff1'11 I(.s
White House
- MEMORANDUM COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS June 13, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR BRUCE REED, DOMESTIC POLICY jJ FROM: BILL DICKENS, CEA ') SUBJECT: CEA Concerns from Friday Welfare Reform Meeting There were four areas in which CEA reached agreement
Health Care
- designed to complement health reform. * The President's welfare reform plan will include initiatives topreverit teen pregnancy, ensure that parents fulfill their child support obligations, and try to keep people from going on welfare in the first place
- entitled "Iowa Welfare Reform and Federal'Welfare Reform". ,I appreciate your' sharing this , w,ith me, and I 'have passed along your report' to my staff. . , '; . I appreciate your interest in my: Administration's efforts to address the ,challenges
NGA (in Las Vegas)
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subserics: . 10988 OA/ID Number: FoldcriD: Folder Title: NGA(in Las Vegas) Stack:· Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 ..---------- - - - .~Lwl Sir( J ' fii ' Welfare Reform
- Welfare Reform 6-18-93 3:30-5:30 p.m.
- 08/17/93 14:41 '8'202 41>6 7739 Wl:I.ITE HOtTSE !i;)004/0U AGENDA FOR WELFARE REFORM MEBTINGWITH THe PRESIDENT FftIDAY, JUNE 18. 1993 OPINING REMARK.S/STATUS R.EPORT o Announcement welfare reform working greup was last Friday
Meeting (6/2/93, OEOB)
- Welfare Reform Meeting 6/18/93 3:30 p.m. - Cabinet Room
- 08/17/93 14:41 '8'202 41>6 7739 Wl:I.ITE HOtTSE !i;)004/0U AGENDA FOR WELFARE REFORM MEBTINGWITH THe PRESIDENT FftIDAY, JUNE 18. 1993 OPINING REMARK.S/STATUS R.EPORT o Announcement welfare reform working greup was last Friday
1994 Various Event Memos
- WASHINGTON ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE WELFARE REFORM PLAN DATE: LOCATION: TIME: FROM: I. June 14, 1994 Commerce Bank Kansas City, Missouri 12:30 p.m. Jonathan Prince/Kathi Way PURPOSE To unveil the Administration's Welfare Reform Plan. II. BACKGROUND
- Child Care - Welfare Reform Yale-Berkeley Report
- 17:58 DHHSIASPA ACF/OPA 202 205 '36l:;l1:1 ., ':~:~-', ! "';.' ··".111111, the" CIIUdnl· ':'Mothers Balance Work and .Child :care· under Welfare Reform' . Orowing Up in poverty Project 2000 Wave 1 Findings-ealifornia. cannecticut,' Florida
- October 31, 1996 - Welfare Reform Implementation
- certified complete, 9/30/96 9/30/96 10/8/96 certified 'complete INTERAGENCY WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION WORKING GROUP October 31, 1996 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Olivia Golden III. Technical Corrections Report Rich Tarplin/Mary Bourdette IV. Impact
- 05/08/95 BUS-PUBLIC ArFAl 12;21 Igj 002 " May 8, 1995 WELFARE REFORM RECORD RMPLOYABILITY PLANS A contract for any welfare refor~ why, as part of require welfare desiqned to move aqreements should passed by ""eln~.Clinton believes
- , And, third, we must have real welfare reform. Welfare reform is a p~ime example of where Republicans and De:nocrats should be able ':.0 agree. vie all k::.ow we need time 1,imits :or welfare recipients, strict child ~uppcrt e~forcement and more wor
- , Special Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy FROM: Patricia Sosa, Director, Public outreach, Welfare Reform Working Group Date: April 28, 1994 RE: Territories --~----~-~~-----------------------------~-------~---~~----~----- I am
- population on the welfare rolls is the lowest since 1970. You will also underscore the critical role of the private sector in welfare reform by praising the over 300 bi-state St. Louis region companies that are fJl Page 2] committing to hire and retain
Child Welfare League
- Avenue, N.W .. 'Yashington, DC ,20500 : . D~ Carol: I appreciated the ~pportunity to meet with you last week and to discuss the need for "child-friendly" welfare reform: • I wish to reiterate how much we agree with and support President Clinton's
- ,, " Backgrounder • January 11, 1995 The Elements of Real Welfare Reform Replacing Welfare With A Competitive Employment System Lyn A. Hogan Once again, the welfare reform debate is stalled. The President hns vetoed flawed legislation
- of presidential' politics, the President is taking new ffleasures to focus on the centerpiece of real welfare reform: work. His plan win: , => Cut red tape in the waiver process; , Impose tough new sanc\io~s for failure to work; I Put states on a faster track
- Welfare Reform 1995: The Clinton Record and Current Background Materials [2]
- • Welfare Reform Talking Points: WELFARE WORKING SESSION January 25, 1995, This working session has been an important step in an honest bipartisan dialogue about what we must do to fix this country's broken welfare system. President Clinton has
- event (see above) or at the upcoming White House mental health conference. 4. Welfare Reform - GAO Study on Welfare Outcomes: The Ways arid Means Human Resources Subcommittee held a hearing Thursday to publicize a GAO study on the results of welfare
- should have a meeting early next week on the upcoming NGA meeting. 'I'm starting to hear from Govs staffs about potential bombs ,. and we know that democratic govs are going to want to know what our strategy is on the budget, welfare reform, etc
Studies [1]
- of welfare reform at both the federal and state levels, and the dearth of information on the long-term results of we'lfare-to-work programs, make the report particularly timely. The findings indicate that SWIM succeeded in making continuing participation
- , education, empowerment zones, family leave, farm workers, the FDR Memorial, gambling, gay marriage, health care, homelessness, immigration, labor, media violence, Medicaid, national service, social security, urban policy, veterans, welfare reform, the What’s
- , memoranda, news articles, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes relating to White House meetings, welfare reform tasks, and agency rule and reg. draft discussions, briefing materials, draft legislation, talking points, and draft and final Agency Rules.
- concerning meetings amongst themselves and various counter-parts. The emails also includes brief mentions of welfare reform, livability, education policy and initiatives, and the G8 and NATO summits.
- August 1997 through February 1999. The files contain correspondence, memorandums, reports, publications, newspaper articles, and Ms. Chough’s handwritten meeting notes. These materials concern welfare reform employment programs and incentives
- This collection highlights Kane’s work on Clinton administration initiatives falling under the umbrella of welfare reform including tobacco, IDA [Individual Development Account], food stamps for legal immigrants, child support and responsible
- ''"'''''--_._''''". ,. -_..-" --".... .. _., , •... ........ ,............. , ' _._.. , .... .-. December 9, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR. CAROL RASCO FROM: BR.UCB REED " RAHM EMANUEL SUBI.E~T: WELFARE REFORM ~~ ' bef~o ~olilic. Thero
- of welfare-reform plans that would have provided more money and more jobs for poor people. Presidents Nixon and Carter both offered welfare-reform programs that would have accomplished these goals, and each drew a similar response from the liberal community
- . Based upon our discussion, I am confident that we can be of assistance to you in advancing the President's agenda on welfare reform. We will, of course, follow up your leads with Judge David Ross, Health and Human Services, and with Ann Donovan, his
Q and A [1]
- WELFARE REFORM Q&A "Kovcmbcr 8~ 1996 Q. What arc your plans to "fix" the welfare reform bill? A. I signed the welfare reform bill because it offered uS an historic chance to break the cycle of 'Yclfarc dependency and promote our values
- were a witness at the Tim Penny Welfare Reform Citizens Jury in Winona. We at the Jefferson center have now completed the final report on that project and would like you to have a copy. We are very qrateful for the part you played in the jury process
Welfare - Cost Allocation
- a special fund so that the matching rate for children's health outreach will be 90 percent up to a limit. In fact, the President's budget gives States additional resources and flexibility for outreach. BACKGROUND • Before welfare reform, States charged
- December 2, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR LEON ,PANEITA CAROL MSCO FROM: 'SUBJEcr: ' RAHM EMANuEL· BRUCE REED ~ . WELFARE REFORM STRATEGY The upcoming debate over welfare teform will define the political character and , credibility of both
SAP (House)
- , bipartisan welfare reform. AmeriCllJlS have waited a long time for this historic moment. The welfare syatem i. broken and raU, to serve the who pay ror it or the people who are trapped in it. and must b. replaced. We owe it to the people who ,.nt us
Letters - Gaming Tax
- reform in Wyoming. I found it to be thorough, insightful and helpful to our national welfare refonn cJTorts. Wyoming's welfare reform story was of particuiar interest to mc,bec3use of the pilot plan's striking similarities with the Clinton proposal
- WELFARE REFORM SELECTED QUOTES FROM MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESSENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVE ROB ANDREWS (D-N,I): The message to fathers is that "you can choose not to live with her, but you cannot abandon your economic responsibility
New Hampshire
- Welfare Reform proposal so that we ca:a oIldlieve final ~eot and begin implmtu:nt3iion. f wHI be entbusi! recommending to Governor Merrill that be approve the terms a.ttd eonditions oftl'tl: Welfare Reform Waiver. Agairt.. my thanks for your
Welfare - Generally
- , comprehensive child support enforcement, and supports for families moving from welfare to work -- including increased funding for child care and guaranteed medical coverage. State strategies are making a real difference in the success of welfare reform
Testimony [3]
- Testimony for: Hearings on Transitional Assistance, Work, and the Role of the States in Welfare Reform J and Financing Issues Subcommittee on committee on U.s. House of Honorable Harold Buman Resources, ways and Means Representatives
Q and A [2]
- approval, and they lIlay have edits - weill let you know. Kelissa cc: Bruce Reed Emily Brolllberq 05-) H5 II: 18P.1I FROM OASPA NEWS DIV i WELFARE REFORM MOND~Y TO 9456555' ?C:3/CJ2 POINTS - MAYORS RESOLUTION T~LKING 6/19/95 DMFT 1 Today
- TH E WH ITE HOUSE I WASHINGTON August 3,1998 WELFARE REFORM ANNIVERSARY EVENT DATE: LOCATION: BRIEFING TIME: EVENT TIME: FROM: I. August 4, 1998 East Room 2:15 pm 2:45 pm Bruce Reed PURPOSE To demonstrate your leadership in reforming
- . The President also is committed to protect nutrition in welfare reform (h.r.4). H.R. 4 provisions are listed in the, issue brief. The Fellows are pretty relaxed.' I have explained to them that you are not the point on child nutrition, but tha~ you believe
Food Stamp Cashout
- may know, the ability to cash out food stamps, at least temporarily, is critical to Oregon's waiver for its JOBS Plus program, a welfare reform initiative that cashes out AFDC and food stamp benefits to subsidize 6-month private sector job placements
- care and nutrition and by providing $14 billion for child care. The best evidence that welfare reform works is the fact that welfare rolls have declined 20 percent since I became President. The decline is in part due to the waivers I granted to 43
- ~ • what we know about the implementation of welfare reform, including State policy and spending choices; and • whal implications this information has for the next sleps and Ihe unfinished agenda of welfare reform. Welfare reform has been successful
POTUS Letters
- " welfare reform bilL -30-30-30 : THE WHITE HOUSE WASHtNCTON September 6, 1995 Dear Mr _ Leader: I am glad the Senate has finally come to this important debate on welfare reform. The Alnerican people have waited a long time for this~ We owe
Welfare-Housing Issues
- authorities (about 24) are supposed to gain flexibility and be exempt from many of the housing rules so they can test innovative ideas like time limits, flat rent, linking their policies to welfare reform strategies etc. On a recent visit to California
Meeting (11/19/93)
Talking Points
- for all college). C. Welfare reform. Finish the job enlisting the private sector and states to create 1 million new jobs to move · people from welfare to work. D. Strong families. 1. Help parents succeed at home and at work by expanding family leave 2
- Welfare Reform and Health Care Reform - Shalala’s Briefing Materials for Ways and Means Testimony, 1/10/95 [1]
- Bruce Reed ~ ] [ WELFARE REFORM AND HEALTH CARE REFORM Issues before the 104th Congress SECRETARY'S BRIEFING MATERIALS Testimony before House Committee on Waysand Means llOO Longworth House Office Building 10;00 a.m. Tuesday, January
- [Welfare Reform Legislation] [2]
- Mr. Chairman: This letter expresses the Administration's views on the Chairman's mark for welfare reform legislation under con§ideration by the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources. The Administration shares the commitment
- '-, waivers, and sixteen welfare reform waivers: . With this,colDmitllent inmind,HHS and the Department of Justice carefully reviewed the cou.rt t s decision in .--' Beno.· ' . . Rationale for the'Ciinton Administration's Decision. . B ased on the, facts
- Welfare Reform Implementation Working Group Tuesday, August 20, 1996
- - like Melissa d6ing a calendar for se meetings of upcoming'event~, etc. WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION WORKGROUP Tuesday August 20 I. Report on Plans for Thursday Bill Signing II. Report on 'Implementation Review Items Due Thursday Fortuna
- Women's Office Event w/Women Leaders on Welfare Reform Wednesday, June 19, 1996
Letters - Child Care
- , :WSOO Dear P=ident Clinton: As you prepare to formally rek... your Welfare Reform pl.... we .'" writing to you on behalf nftbel00,OOO member> oflhe National Council of1ewish Women (NCJW) in order to expr... our co"""'n, In particular, we believe Ihat
Talking Points [2]
- Welfare Reform Oallv Talking Points Friday, March 10,1995 ' FIXING THE FAULT5 Today, Secretary Shalala will testify before the Senate Finance Committee on the, Clinton Administration's approach to welfare retorm, The Administration has "grave
- will spur the Congress to get off the dime. Let me be clear: Congress still needs to pass a comprehensive welfare reform bill that contains work requirements, time limits, the toughest possible child support enforcement laws, and gives states the tools
[Miscellaneous Letters] [1]
- lawful permanent re:$ldents, refugees and other persons lawfully 'F;siding in the United States from 881, AFDC. Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mecnanism for funding national welfare reform We urge you to vigorously oppose this unconscionable proposal
Meetings [2]
- 4 . . . ." I. Welfare Reform Working Group Talking Points: RESPONSE TO CHARLES MURRAY May 3,1994 "He did the country a great service. I mean, he and I have often disagreed, but I think his analysis is essentially right. Now, whether his
- THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON FcblUary 15, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed SUBJECT: Welfare Reform Activity in the House. I, Markup In House Subcommittee Clay Sbaw will finish markup of the Republican welfare reform bill in his
Memos to the President [5]
- introduction, that could be dooo, though !here is considerable momentum to gel moving. w. .~, November 29, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Mary Jo Ilane David Ellwood SUBJECT: Welfare Reform and the FY95 Budget J. The Working Group
Press Talking Points
- of servicts, job plaeetnellt, and child suppnrt cnUc;ctioJl, '. . , < • 05-,H4 OS JJ?M !tOM OASPA NEWS DIV POOilOOl TO 945:143l , WELFARE REFORM, REACHING A NEW GENERATION P",venting teen preg'Mey and ••loOf-wedlDck birlh' is 4 critical part .f
- from receiving SSI, AFDC, food stamps or Medicaid as II way of financing his welfare reform plan. Immigrants and refugees who receive these benefit."! need them hecause they are poor, old, sick, hungry (]I' disahfed. It is simply unacceptable
- September 9, 1996 NGA (National Governors Association/NCSL (National Conference of State Legislatures)/APWA (American Public Works Administration) Conf. on Welfare Reform Draft
- •Draft NGA/NCSLIAPWA CONFERENCE ON WELFARE REFORM Carol H. Rasco September 9, 1996 Thank you, Tht-· 2 thank NGA, NCSL, and APWA for inviting the Administration to. be a part of this .· conference and for working with us as you prepared
[Miscellaneous Letters] [3]
- Administrationis consideration of a proposal to disqualify lawful permanent residents, reJugees and other persons lawfully residing in the United State.s .from SSI, AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism for funding nat,ional welfare reform. We urge you
- for the Food Stamp program, These measures have heen proposed as a strategy to finance welfare -reform. It seems however) that the rationale for this bill is illogical and contradictory in nature: can a policy that "lakes from the poor to give to , , ." 1
- Rice February 28, 1997 Bipartisan Congressional Meetings regarding Welfare to Work Diana Fortuna and Lyn Hogan Goals Ideally, I think we want the bipartisan Congressional meetings to: • Reinforce the President's image as a welfare reform leader who
[Miscellaneous Letters] [8]
- and Medicaidl as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We urge you to vigorqusly oppope this unconscionable proposal. ' ' a~ay It 'is unacceptable to take, benefits from the most vulnerable in our society: the poor, the aged, the disabled,. Welfare
- , children’s health, teen motherhood, and welfare reform.
- to include new funds for quality child care assistance in his reform of welfare. The records consist of letters. Topics cover Aid to Families with Dependent Children, child care, children’s health, teen motherhood, and welfare reform. System of Arrangement
- s t i l l primarily pro-orphanage. There were 19 l e t t e r s from former orphans about orphanages, 11 were for the idea of orphanages and 8 were against t h i s idea. There were five writers inviting you to Boys Town. II. Welfare Reform You
- , but will then try to outline for you in an email what's been going on in some other areas. INTERAGENCY WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION'WORKING GROUP October 17, 1996 T. IMPLEMENTATION UPDATES A. Golden Exciting Review of State TANF plans B. Food Stamps and 40
- ,Reform.. These oraanizations are quite familiar with the Bill. This briefing needs to focus on two areas: 1. . The White House strategy around the Bill (specifically what we are doing around pl'ograms concerning women, children,. seniors and welfare
- for the Study of Social Policy Washington, D.C. Ralph Smith Director of Planning and Development The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Baltimore, Maryland Purpose To discuss child welfare reforms with Frank Farrow and Ralph Smith. Agenda Welcome from Carol
Rollout [1]
- ·...... ,. ~ ' .. June 10, 1994 MEMORANDUM EOR MACK MCLARTY FROM: BRUCE REED SUBJECT: WELFARE REFORM ROLLOUT Here is a preliminary summary of next week's anticipated annOuncement of the President's welfare reform plan. We still need firm
Jobs [4]
- studying policy and program implementation to the challenges of making JOBS work. At the current time, with new welfare reform proposals emerging at the state and federal levels, including proposals to place time limits on welfare receipt, the success
- .•. to poison our children's minds." Jackson~ meanwhile, sought to turn up the heat on two incendiary issues in the black community: welfare reform and President Clinton'S crime package. In a luncheon speech, Jackson called on black people to oppose welfare
Legislative Strategy [4]
- ,years, we have granted. waivers'from federal , 25 states, so that half the country, is now carrying out ant welfare reform experiments that promote work and bi~i ty in'stead of undermining it,. , ,," I ave always SQught to make welfare', ,reform
- ”. The President and Tom Brokaw discussed various topics such as information technology, Russia, President Clinton’s personal character, tobacco, illegal drugs, welfare reform, Social Security, the Presidential experience, oil imports, income tax, college tuition
- on July 15, 1996. The President and Tom Brokaw discuss various topics such as, Information Technology, Russia, President Clinton’s personal character, Tobacco, Illegal drugs, Welfare reform, Social Security, the Presidential experience, Oil imports, Income
Legislative Affairs
- that welfare reform has had on women and children in the state of Florida since the passage of the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act." . With the certification of Florida's "Wprk and Gain Economic Self -Sufficiency" .(WAGES
- . 20201 TO: The Secretary Through: DS_ COS_ ES FROM: lerry Klepner Rich Tarplin SUBJECT: SENATE FINANCE COMMfITEE HEARING ON WELFARE REFORM Wednesday, July 13, 1994. 10:00 a.m .. 215 Dirksen BACKGROUND As ynu know. you"", scheduled to testify
[Miscellaneous Letters] [13]
- consideration ofa proposal to disqualify lawful permanent residents; refugees and other persons lawfully residiQg in the United States from 8SI, AFDC, Food Stamps a'nd Medicaid as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We urge you to vigorously oppose
[Miscellaneous Letters] [9]
- consideratipn .of a proposal to disqualify lawful per.manent resident$, refugees and other persons lawfully residing iri the United States from SS!. AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We urge you
Welfare Reform Working Group
- Welfare Reform Working Group
- ,05/2719;; 09;50 'tl'20i 456 7739 • IQOO2l(l~S 'WHITE HOUSE MA~ 27 1993 Membe:ra of the Working Group Oll Welfare Reform, Fam11y Support, and IndepeDdeuce ' Ken Apfel Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget - Designate Department
Communications Reports
- report ' \ ' :. ~ ' Part III Part IV " • •. • • '. . '. :. . ,e.. • . _. • . . . Press Clips: 7/16'~7/22 Part V . " . . '.) .•.. -, ,: ", , , " . ,. . . ., Memorandum "! " ,;', Welfare Reform Working Group"Members
- /) G~y Tucker .. ' .. D1rector . t. of Human services ~n, ~.' DATE: May '13, 1994 SUBJ: comments on Democratic Leadership C~uncil (DLC)'Welfare Reform Plan Per your requ~st" we have reviewed the DLC welfare reform paper and would offer
- in Administration and Congressional balanced budget and welfare reform proposals. The provision to eliminate eligibility for SSI on the basis of drug addiction and alcoholism saves 52.7 billion over 7 years. The provisi(m to adjust the discretionary caps
- Catholic Charities USA March 17, 1994 Dear Member of the Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence: Catholic Charities USA has made welfare reform its primary legislative focus for 1994. Enclosed you will find our position
[Miscellaneous Letters] [2]
- lawful permanent residents, :refugees and, other persons lawfully residing in 'the United States from SSI, AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We 'urge you to vigo,rously oppo~ this unconscionable proposal
- This collection consists of Carol Rasco’s Miscellaneous series in the Domestic Policy Council. The collection consists of records relating to health care, welfare reform, housing, employment, persons with disabilities, education, women and children
- served as Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Council (DPC) from 1993 to 1997 and was vital in the implementation of the Clinton Administration’s domestic policies. The Miscellaneous series includes topics such as health care, welfare reform
- -sufficiency~ What activities under welfare reform are proposed to fulfill this campaign pledge, ANSWER: • Tho President is fully committed to implementing new approaches to help recipients start down the path to economic independence. There are two speCific
- 8:00 am-10:oo am (continued) QUALITY CONTROL DIRECTORS (CLOSED) Sedona 3 Room Board Meeting 4:00 pm-5:30 pm IMPLEMENTING WELFARE REFORM: IMMIGRATION, SSI &. MEDICAID JuDY CHESSER Deputy Commissioner for legislation and Congressional Affairs
- . ... .. ~ebnlSly. 22; 1996 I. ... Th~ Service Employees Intemational Umon, AFL-CIO.strongly opposes the welfare reform plan adopted by the,Ns.tion8I Governors' Association onlFebruary 6., This proposal would thrust millions more childre~ into poverty and impose
- establishment requirements before .receiving benefits. The, President. also announced .approvalof a wel(are refQUtl demonstration for New Hampshire -- the 40th state to receive a welfare reform, waiver under the qinton ~dQ1inistration .. . '. I A New Federal
Welfare-NGA Resolutions
Welfare-State Plans [1]
- NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 064 - Folder-009 Welfare-State Plans [1] w~_ Record Type: To: GD "I-.. k +\or,j Recocd See the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: NGA Press Release on Welfare Reform's Second Year Here's NGA
Summit (1/28/95)
- Attendees for working session on welfare reform. Sp (partial) Attendees for working session on welfare reform, 6p (partial) P6/B6 P61B6 H£STRICTIONS )'[ National security classified information [(a)( I) of thc I'RAJ. )'2 Relating to appointment 10 federal
- . Chairman, senator Moynihan, and.embers of the ' Co. .ittee for the invitation to appear today. I'. pleased to be with you today to talk about welfare reform. This committee has a great tradition of bipartisan leadership on this issue. You were
Meetings [1]
- ' Herman , ,·JoOO Emerson' - JOM Angell ,., :. " , ' " ... , , ' LIST OF ATTENDEES FOR WELFARE REFORM BRIEFING FEBRUARY 29, 1996 GOVERNORS' STAFF' Katie Whelan Doug Richardson ' Maura Cullen Martha Stewart Max Parker Alan
- ~;r . "", ,," '.," , -,. May 30, 1994 .': {," 0/. ',','. I " MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT "j' : ,'.' FROM: ~ BRUCE REED 'J, ,i'iSUBJECT: The Politics of Welfare Reform • i: \ '~:, . Thisi memo includes an update on the political
Welfare-Research Studies
- and expand services for victims of domestic violence, though this is much broader than welfare reform. ---------------------- Forwarded by Andrea Kane/OPD/EOP on 11/05/98 07: 13 PM --------------------------- Study spotlights barriers that keep women
- effort and the Ch:o Family and Ctil.dren First Irii:iative that were feacured :n :he opening video today. There 1s something else we must do ~ogether that is perhaps the most important thing we can do for t:he children of this country: welfare reform
- THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 12, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR Economy and Jobs Issue Group Bonnie Deane FROM: I SUBJECT: Meeting with the Empowerment Network As part of the welfare reform outreach I Jeremy Ben-Ami has suggested that our issue
- a chance to meet at the recent Communitarian Network meeting on "prevention" aspects of welfare reform. Since then, the GAO and CLASP have issued reports on JOBS teen parents. Enclosed you will find a copy of CLASP's report, Teen Parents and JOBS: 1992
Letters from POTUS
- ~ 20006 Dear Norman: Thank you for your letter regarding the National Governors' Association's proposal for welfare reform. As always, I appreciate your sharing the concerns of the united States Conference of Mayors. I'am·committed to working with Congress
- and Wage Effects of Employer Mandates Medicaid Changes over the Past Decade A Look at Maternal and Child Health Growth without Prosperity in San Antonio Welfare Reform and the LalW Market Mediation of Custody Cases Involving Domestic Abuse Work and Child
- -half years. The 16 year-old Dorchester youth was unarmed and had no known criminal history. if. 5. Welfare Reform -- Reports Released by Union-Sponsored Group: On Wednesday, Jobs With Justice, a group funded primarily by AFSCME, SEIU, and the AFL-CIO
Welfare - GAO Report
- to these people after they leave welfare, and that is essential to judging whether welfare reform is a success or not? Answer: This study is further evidence that states are taking action to ensure that welfare becomes a second chance, not a way of life. Like
- associations who will be participating in the 2:30pm welfare reform implementation meeting tomorrow are: Don Borut, Executive Director, National League of Cities (NLC) Jose Dimas, Legal Counsel, National League of Cities (NLC) Mari~ina Sanz, Associate
Welfare Group Comments
- JUL 20 '93 P.2 0'3: 32Fr. HHS/AOAI'ASA WlIIlhlngtllll.I>.C. 202D1 au. TO: FRO!!: David Ellwood, Bruce Reed, Mary Jo Bane Co-Chairs, Welfare Reform. Work in; Group Fernando Torres-Gil Assistant Secretary fer Aqinq RE: 2~!I t'j\ Welfare
Puerto Rico
- Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington. D.C. 20500 April 12, 1994 Dear Mr. Reed: It was a plcl:lSurc meeting you last week; I enjoyed the opportunity to discuss with you Puerto Rico's contributions to national welfare reform~ As you know, Governor Rossel16
Labor Concerns
- BENAMI DIANA FORTUNA KEN APFEL FROM: HAROLD ICKES JENNIFER O'CONNOR RE: Labor Request for a Meeting with Leon Panetta on Welfare Reform AFL-CIO President John Sweeney has requested a meeting with Leon to discuss welfare reform. He would bring Gerry
- parents, according to a report released today. The report, prepared by the Welfare Reform Working Group, recommenas fundamental, nationwide changes to close a .$34 billion gap in uncollected. Child support. "Children in our country are being cheated
[Miscellaneous Letters] [7]
- in' our society: the poor. the aged, the disabled. Welfare reform must not be financed by imP9sin9 greater burdens on one segment of the poor and needy. Each person. who will lose benefits. ,under this proposal will either have paid taxes themselves
- [Welfare Reform Legislation] [1]
- : This letter expresses the Administration's views on the Chairman's mark for welfare reform legislation under consideration by the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources. The Administration shares the commitment of the Congress and the American
- Reform Jennifer Klein------Health Reform Suzan Johnson Cook--Consolidated States Plan Mike Schmidt--------Education, Traininq, & Reemp. Wkq Group Bill Galston--------Education Kathi Way-----------Welfare Reform Bruce Reed----------Welfare Reform Jeremy
- held our first policy meeting with principals and staff representatives from NEC, DPC, OMB, HHS, Treasury, CEA and Labor. Welfare Reform o CBO. Estimate Due Out Soon CBO will release its·cost estimate of our welfare reform plan anytime. CBoestimates
Wisconsin [7]
- at welfare reform. Sen.senbrenner President Clinton has opportunity tornorruw to show his support for reform would get people uff or welfare and saVe taxpayers a lot of money. W~2H" Our welfare Klug Wisconsin1s got more people off of welfare last year
- ., LOCAL GOVERNMENT COALITION ON WELFARE REFORM • National League of Cities. National Association of Counli~s • • United States Conference of Mayors. Recommendations for Welfare Reform Legislation ' wR ~ t-JAco , , Current welfare reform
Protecting Medicaid (1994)
- Kassebaum March 7, 1994 . Mr. Pres i dent, 1ater th i s year the Senate wi 11 take up the issue of welfare reform. I know this is a high priority to the chairman of the Finance Comm~ttee, Senator Moynihan, and many other members on both sides
- [Michael Waldman: Welfare Reform]
- of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14451 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [Michael Waldman: Welfare Reform] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 92 4 2 3 T E PRESIDENT H S SEEN H A MEMORANDUM
Meeting Notes
- .. ~~: Public Liaison (Sosa/WHOPL), Next Meeting o Friday 8/6 9;00 Room 476 OEOB . Welfare Reform Steeri g Committee August 31, 1993 Agenda Discussion of Republican welfare reform proposals - Wendell (45-,50 minutes) Issue Group discussion - group leaders
Advocacy Groups
- Melissa Skolfield Wendell Primus '. 1: Pugh~ FROM: Margaret SUBJECT: NCSL Welfare Reform Policy Attached you will find a welfare reform policy statement approved earlier this week by the Human Services Committee of the National Conference of state
[Miscellaneous Letters] [6]
- citizens from receiving SSI. AFDC. food stamps or Medicaid as a 'way of financing his welfare reform plan. Immigrants and refu :gees who receive these benefits need them because they are poor. :old. sick, hungry or disabled. It is simply unacceptable
- Welfare Reform 1995: The Clinton Record and Current Background Materials [1]
- , .' " ",', . . . . " Welfare Reform 1995: .. . . .. the -Clinton Record ..•... & , '. ,.' , . Current.BackgroundMateriais Welfare Reform Talking Points: OVERALL PLAN January 24, 1995 "I believe we must end welfare as we know
- : Welfare Reform DOL and HHS have now scheduled a meeting for 4 p.m. on Thursday in response to Hispanic Caucus staff request described below. The meeting will probably occur at DOL -- room TBD. II Andrea Kane Record Type: To: .... Record Janet
Business Outreach
- Qtr.ESTIONS AS BEST REPRESENTS YOUR VIE'WSI 1. Should the edsting welfare system be reformed.? No 1'1 Don'tKaow 05 _ Should the goal of welfare reform be to abolilh it altoaetber? Yea 3. 76% Don't Know _ ....1I006I__ 1'5 No_~QUJ%~_ 46
Communications Plans
- , Organizations . COWley, ON CHILDREN SchQol " On May 17 the top officers of the national organizations representing city and county governments and school systems will hold a press conference on the likely impact of current welfare reform proposals
- Director linda Lewis Senator William Roth (202) 224-2441 Dear Senator Roth: firm on Senate Welfare Reform I am writing to urge you to stand , proposals which will help to maintain our ability to protect , abused and neglected children from further harm
- with 44 U.S.c. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. 12/12/96 THO 11:38 FAX 202 737 1069 NeSL IaI 002 '(dL) IIIIII Special White House and Administrative Agency Consultation on Welfare Reform Attendees NAME "'- Rep
Fathers Rights
- & : 206.271·21 Sl July 5th, 1994 Hon. Sam Gibbons, Acting Chairman Committee on Ways , Means Committee 1102 LongworLb Huuse Office Buildinc;J washington DC, 20515 RE I 'rest.imony on Welfare Reform Welfare Reform is for Fat.hers ~oo 111 Dear
- : BRUCE REED ?w-/u.... ELENAKAGAN£~ SUBJECT: LABOR ISSUES IN WELFARE REFORM You may be asked at the AFL-CIO meeting about two welfare reform implementation issues of importance to the labor movement. This memorandum provides you with some background
Signing [2]
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OA 19839 OAiBox: File Folder: Signing [2] DOCUMENT NO. &TYPE Date: 4/19/04 RESTRICTION SUBJECTITITLE Guests for the welfare reform bill signing event. I p (partial
- support, we passed a landmark welfare reform bill. Today I am pleased to announce that we have cut the rolls by more than half. Fewer Americans are on welfare today than at any time since 1969. We are moving more than a million people a year from
[Miscellaneous Letters] [10]
- Administration's consideration of a propos~1 to disqualify lawful permanent reSidents, , refugees and other-persons lawfully residing in theUni~ed, States from SSI, AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We , " urge
Press Conferences
- ~ 3:12 P.M. EOT \ MS. Gr/iNN; _ Good 'afternoon, everyone. ~'To' finish the briefing on welfare reform we have Secretary of Health anQ Human Services DOnna Shalala'~nd Aasistant to the President for Policy Planning Bruce Reed. SECRE'IARY' SHAIAIA
Memos to the President [2]
- distinctions between the support available to si.ogle-parem families and t\Y01>arent families. STRATEGY - 'Responsibility and prevention are key elements of the Administration's welfare reform strategy. This refonn plan incorporates three major themes
Welfare Reform [3]
- Welfare Reform [3]
- to promote the health and welfare of America's families. We have, been following the current welfare reform debate, and we are writing to express our cOncern about the harmful impact of the CHILD EXCLUSION proposal contained in the Administration's most
Welfare Reform
- Welfare Reform
- of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subserics: OA/ID Number: 10987 FolderiD: Folder Title: Welfare Reform Stack: s. Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 0 More Than Half the Nation Enacting Welfare Reform Under
Legislation [2]
- : (202) 2:!4·4U41 or (202) 224·9965 (after 6 p.m.) Jim Kenileuy (202) 583-5697 (tI) Kathie Scarrah (703) 845-2874 (H) IFOR 'RELEA.SE I AClU,iliry LiTle: (202) 224-6095 March 15, 1994 Lieberman Introduces Welfare Reform Legislation Senator's Bill
- to this edition of the Pre-FSA General Background The material listed in this section represents work taken from a much larger body of literature that was palticularly influential and/or germane to the welfare reform debate in the 1980s, culminating in the FSA
- Senate Finance Committee Hearing on NGA’s Medicaid and Welfare Reform Proposals - Shalala Briefing Book, 2/28/96 [National Governors’ Association] [4]
- . WELFARE REFORM ISSUES/PRIORITIES Senator Roth assumed the chair of the Finance Committee in the midst of Congressional oonsideration of welfare reform legislation. A strong supporter of HR 4, he aided Majority Leader Dole and heJped to shepherd
- welfare. reform law requires states to continue to spend state funds for child care at a level equal to the greater of their FY 1994 or FY 1995 historic spending levels in the former Title N -A (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) child care programs
- force on welfare reform. Bruce and Kathi will meet with representatives of the business community on welfare reform. Mike will work with the Pacific Northwest Multi-Agency Command on the implementation of the Strategic and Implementation Plans
[Miscellaneous Letters] [11]
- , food stamps or Medicaid away from noncitizens in his welfare reform plan. immigrants and refugees who get these benefits need them because they are poor, old, sick, hungry or disabled. J Immigrants and refugees do not come to the United States to get
- points on welfare reform and on the Middle Class Bill of Rights. Thank you for agreeing to participate in these briefings. As you know this is particularly important to the President and the First Lady, and your involvement is essential for making
Congressional Contacts
- for Legislation THROUGH: Jerry Klepner Assistant Secretary for Legislation SUBJECT: Meetings with Congressional Leaders and Committee Chairs Concerning Welfare Reform Please find attached a briefing book for your meetings with congressional leaders
Memos to the President [3]
- THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 21, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Carol Rasco and Jack Lew SUBJECf: Status of Welfare Reform Implementation This memo will update you on efforts to ensure that welfare reform is implemented smoothly
Memos to the President [4]
- May 28, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM; SUBJECT: I Bruce Reed , . Dcmoc~atic Governors and Welfare Reform You should urge DeJocratic governors to help us pressure the Republican Congressional leadership to drop the Medicaid poison
- & A. Roundtable discussion with. reporters over coffee. 6:00 pm Small Reception RON TULSA SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1994 CONFIRMED 8:00 am DLC Conference - Welfare Reform - Breakfast remarks by Congressman Dave McCurdy, Mayor of Tulsa, and TFM. 9:30 am
General [1]
- NLWJC - Kagan Counsel- Box 037 - Folder 003 General [1] WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION GROUP Agenda for 12/17/96 I. Immediate Issues a) Technicals -- went to Hill on 12/16 b) HHS 10/23 Q and A: OMB to report on status c) . SSA notice
[Miscellaneous Letters] [12]
- in the United States from S81, AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism forfunding national welfare reform. We urge you to vigorously oppose this unconscionable proposal. It is unacceptable to takeaway benefits from the most vulnerable in our
- Welfare Reform Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday, August 22, 1996
- ) 07/3111986 P6fb(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TIlLE: Welfare Reform Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday, August 22, 1996 20 I 0-0 198-S dbl686
- , Associate Professor 4h./1. Social Work Program Director tv"\ Subject: e, \ Community Response to Welfare Reform , . t\s(~enior ~qci~1 w
- Reform Proposal , Thank YOtt for the opportunity to provide comments and feedback to the effol~S of Welfare Reform Working Group (WRWG). I am impressed with and supportive of the inter-agency approach that was taken to address the initiative, and feel
Testimony [2]
- Rlchard P. Nathan Subcommittee on Human Resources U.S. Honse Committee on Ways and Means August 9, 1994 As a veteran of welfare reform debates going back 25 to when a Republican President for whom I worked (Nixon in his first term) tried to climb
Economic Development
- \1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The welfare reform plan needs tq include strategies that'test the notion that one way out of welfare for some people is through empowering them to start their own businesses and encouraging them to save the money they earn
CHR Speeches '96 [3]
- Partnerships For Stronger Families initiative. 16 • •. Most recently, President Clinton asked the Domestic Policy Council to coordinate implementation of the new welfare reform . law. Because of its importance to this . country, I'd like to take a few
- for the Administration's immigration budget bill; to respond to Mayor Giuliani, Mayor Rice, and Mayor Rendell's request to discuss the effect of welfare reform on legal immigrants. PREVIOUS PARTICIPATION: The President has met with mayors in large and small forums
- NLWJC - Kagan Counsel- Box 035 - Folder 011 National Governors' Association Sessions TO: Elena Kagan FR: Diana Fortuna Here are top 5 welfare reform issues from the 3 state organizations, distributed at our meeting with them today. Interesting
- Welfare Reform Legislation Meeting
- clearance for 08/20/96 (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) 006. memo Sujata to Pizzuto and Craft re RSVP list, Welfare Reform Implementation Working Group Meeting, 08120/96 (partial) (3 pages) nd P6/b(6) 007. notes handwritten re meeting attendee
1996 Weekly Reports [3]
- ; ., e-· TH E WH·n:E.1iOUS E WASHINGTON :;eotemoer From: Carol :-::. Subject: ~'leekly 1996 Report: r 7-13, 1996 UPDATES ON KEY. INITIATIVES WELFARE REFORM e_ State WaiverS~8 Delav _~olement:aeicn 6f Tmmicrane Food Stamn Cuts
[Tab A – Briefing Memo]
- of principles that will guide the President I s national health and welfare reform initiatives. In the coming months, as those pritlciples emerge, we will build on this new partnership with the governors to help them shape their own reforms to dovetail
- welfare reform by passing ... a welfare reform implementation bill, because the Clinton Administration, working with the unions and the bureaucrats, is trying to undermine and destroy welfare reform." Gingrich further said that this effort would
Religious Providers
- of the 300,000 members of the Ameriean Civil Uberties Union, we would like to thank you for demonstrating the eourage to stand up for the civil liberties of the poor by vetoing the "welfare reform" bill. Among the many dangerous provisions in the bill
Events [2]
- sector in welfare reform by highlighting the over 300 bi-state St. Louis region companies that are committing to hire and retain welfare recipients without displacing current workers. St. Louis is the first of 12 "City to City" challenges the Welfare
Job Training [2]
- : Workforce Development Bill-Welfare Reform Bill Team, I spoke late ye~terday and last evening with Orner Waddles, David Evans, Nick Littlefield and:Doug Ross. My best interpretation of their separate readings is as follows: 1. The vote to separate
Cuban / Haitian
- : Welfare Reform and Cuban/Haitian Entrants Law prior to Welfare Bill (Fascell/stone) Unlike nationals from other countries, Cuban and Haitians paroled iu~o the United States have tradi~ional]y been treated as refugees, and therefore have been eligible
CHR Speeches '96 [1]
- I" • APWA ·CONFERENCE Phoenix Arizona "Measuring State Success in Welfare Reform" Carol H. Rasco December 8, 1996 / 1 · Thank you, Gary. I want to thank APWA for inviting me to be part of this conference and this panel. I deeply
- [Welfare Reform Republican Bill] [1]
- Carol Rasco (Issue Papers) ONBox Number: 8506 FOLDER TITLE: [Welfare Reform Republican Bill] [I] 20 I0-0 198-S kc230 .' RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] PI P2 P3 P4
Welfare Reform [4]
- Welfare Reform [4]
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council, Carol Rasco OA 7455' OAiBox: File Folder: Welfare Reform [4] DOCUf0 EN , ,l.' NO; & TYPE Archivist: rfw Date: 4/20/04 1. Memo From Carol Rasco to Bruce Reed; Kathi Way
Welfare-State Plans [2]
- with a federal welfare reform law that bans undocumented immigrants from receiving publicly funded non-emergency health csre. Under the proposals, the county's eight-health clinics would continue caring for undocumented immigrants through private funding
Conrad Bill
- : " 'Welfare reform is among the. most significant issues confronted by Congress this year;' Unfortunately ,politics seems to be, winning Qut. Members of'the conference committee are piecing together a product they mow is unacceptable and leaves only
Polls [2]
- can stay on welfare, regardless of the consequences, in order to get them to work n (43%). h nThe jury is scill out on what the public will support on welfare reform. At the moment they want four things that may be incompatible __ I get people off
Poverty Study [3]
- .;"') ''!' >->n1"J:cr'!t:>iJ'"'771 - ----'@ ~--~~---- ------- - ,'1-.,:--«,
Education Issues
- NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 035 - Folder 007 Education Issues September 30, 1996 Welfare Reform Act - Issue Paper Application of the 20% Cap on Vocational Education and Teen Heads of Household Issue~ How should States apply the 20 percent cap
Child Support
- of the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) a little over two years ago, welfare reform was an important issue. I was very excited about the prospect of its passage, in part because child support enforcement was a critical element in that proposed
- Family Support Act.·, The 1988 Act and the 1996 Welfare reform require all states to have a child support enforcement system ·autoro.~ti(;m. pla~ .ready and certified by HHS by October 1, 199ias part of the state plan requi'iemenf for re~eiving TANF funds
- Goals Panel Working Group. o deliver the keynote address on welfare reform to the American Association of Community Colleges. o will participate in a seminar on "communitarian Liberalism: Principles & Policies" at the Woodrow Wilson Center. o
Tier I File [1]
- .. -. ,~ , , DRAFr - Welfare Veto Q&A January 9, 1996 ------- Q. Why did the President veto this bill? A. The President is determined to enact bipartisan welfare reform this year, bUI this bill docs too tittle to move people from welfare
NGA [1]
- continue to move forward on welfare reform so that the problem of generational dependency does not become the legacy of this century and follow us into the next. And second, we must make sure we give our children the world's best education-- one
Welfare Reform [5]
- Welfare Reform [5]
- ~~~ DATE: July 22, 1993 TO: Honorable Mary Jo Ban~ HO~ David Ellwood Mr. uce Reed FROM: Ge aId Whitburn Secretary RE: i/d Ji/73 pry q3 President Clinton Welfare Reform Site Visit J;foqg e c( jJY As you know, Wisconsin's Learnfare
- Welfare Reform Waiver Activities [3]
- ........... -.--~ ---- ---- --- --- ---- I STATE GOVERNOR (ELECTION YEAR) HEALTH CARE REFORM AND , OTHER SIGNIFICANT HCFA WAIVERS WELFARE REFORM WAIVERS ANTICIPATED FINANCIAL PENALTIES Arkansas Jim Guy Tucker. (D) 1994 Received 2/1/94. Decision by 5/2/94. Selective contracting
- the opportunity to gain information and suggestions for the welfare reform debate. We applaud the President and you for"y6ur leadership in welfare reform. I hope that we were able to provide you with . insight as to the status and efforts of service providers. I
- t JULY/AUGUST 1995 WELFARE REFORM SCHEDULE ,I ~ 'Dem, MO "~ " I~II~ IZ 11 : noU'Sc Dcp. Op. and For. , :oi ·C1WP Release Working i !:tudy ,111 i Poor I~ 14 IJ .vvMtg. on wlScns.• ·Child Support Press Conf. on Enforcement 20th
- Image Other Abortion Multi Issues Health, Women Children's Issues Orphanage School Prayer Welfare Reform Hunting/Fishing Foreign Affairs Drugs/Substance Abuse Tax Reform Deficit/Balance Budget Minority Issues Environment Immigrants/Immigration Education
[Medicaid – State Waivers]
- : Approved the Oregon health reform plan in April, which had languished for more than 16 months under the previous , Administration. Approved Vermont's welfare reform plan in April, 'which was received in late October 1992. Approved Hawaii's health reform
- will not apply the 75/75 "hold harmless" test to taxes that are at or below 6 percent:. Clf provider revenue. Welfare Reform: As you may know, President Clinton has created an interagE~ncy Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support! and Independence, co
Waivers - Oregon [2]
- . Neely: 'Ibis Is in tefctaIcc:' to your State's application for Waivers under Section 17(b) of the Food Stamp Act of Im.u amended, for Ibe JOBS Plus welfare reform den'lonsttaUon project. We support yourigoal of promotia,gtbc sclf-SlIf'f1clency
- options for welfare reform. ·ONDCP's authorizing legislation expires. House Government Operations is sqheduled to consider the reauthorization on Friday. -Several meetings have been held recently to discuss the volatile political issue of ethanol. OEP
- MEMORANDUM FOR MACK MCLARTY (:JJdI- FROM: Carol Rasco SUBJECT: Weekly Report - March 10-16~ 1994 , KEY DEPARTMENTAL NEW,S I I The welfare reform working group will be held on Saturday, March 18. I THE WEEK AHEAD I I am scheduled to speak
- .. il.' " January 30, 1995 Domestic Policy Council Subcommittee of Human Resources Committee on Ways and Means on Welfare Reform: Today's agenda included some ten panels and a total of forty-five witnesses. The first panel was composed
Memos to the President [1]
- Packwood's welfare reform bill by a vote of 12~8, with Baueus joining the Republicans. 1be measure is expected to come to the Senate floor in the next month or so, ._. _ ~. __ '" __ ~_M~ , • - ~
- Ihal the Clinton administration has any pian to con/rom the fiscal consequences of SSI growth in its own welfare reform plan. Congress would do well co put SSI on the table ..sue laTer this year. when it lakes up the L President Clinton's plan
- . · · • • ·• In' October, 1993, 18% or .roughly 6,600 of the welfare caseload was working~ As of are · March, .1995 32.8% of the welfare caseload or 12,119 cases ~orking. Therefore, as a re8uit of welfare reform an additioniu 5,468 recipients are working
- NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 066 - Folder-OIl W elfare-Welfare to Work Religious Groups Record Type: Record To: cc: Bruce N. Reed, Elena Kagan Subject: Re: Faith Communities and Welfare Reform Message Creation Date was at 28-JAN-1997 14:22:00 Flo, I
Gloria Cabe
- with Congress and the Governors? Do you anticipate a bipartisan effort? What impact does Welfare Reform have on a Health care reform time table? Do you anticipate more of a role for the health care industry in the formulation of a proposal? 3. Enlicy: Do you
- Welfare Reform - Labor 10-15-93 10:00-11:00
- } of being able to find work and to care for their families. We therefore applaud President Clinton's commitment to assist families in becoming self-sufficient and free of welfare. At the same time, we believe that the Administration's welfare reform
- The majority of children who will start school "unready to learn" reside in AFDC households, meaning that welfare reform must complement efforts to achieve the f~rst educational goal. In designing new covenants with families on AFDC, options should exist
- EMANUEL BRUCE REED KATHI WAY FROM: Jeremy Ben-Ami SUBJECT: Friday Meeting with Governors' Staff The response for Friday's meeting on welfare reform has been tremendous. We expect to have at least 24 of .the 29 states with Democratic governors
- 2 years *6 of 10 min wage earners are women - Responsible Welfare Reform - Investment in Education & Training The Republican record has not been good for women. - Cuts in Medicare/Medicaid would disproportionately affect women & children - Cuts
- Rasco is meeting with Family Services America on October 22, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. in OEOB 211 . .She and Jeremy w6uld like to invite you to this meeting where FSA· and the WH will discuss ways of making welfare reform wor~ on state/local levels by sharing
- Public Forum on Welfare Reform Briefing Book, 8/19-20/93
- .The Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence PUBLIC FORUM ON WELFARE REFORM BRIEFING BOOK Washington, DC August 19-20, 1993 R,lllljllU • .., ' , OVERVIEW 1 THURSDAY SCHEDULE " ':-. ,; it.... , ;. 1·1;··~ S
Event Ideas
- .---~ By Richard Wolr USA TODAY LOUISVIllE - Catherine Dawson began her :,transition from welfare to work last week .as part of a program that could help remove two of the main .' roadblocks to. welfare reform: finding jobs· for ,.. cllents and child care
Adoption / Foster Care
- IN PROPOSED WELFARE REFORM LEGISLATION Nan Aron of the Alliance for Justice has forwarded to me the attached materials from OMB Watch, concerning proposed welfare reform legislation. The Senate version of that legislation provides that "whenever
- to call an initial meeting immediately because of legislation already on the legislative calendar and the need to coordinate carefully as new legislation like welfare reform is -final ized. Please fax [(202)-456-2878] to Rosalyn Miller in Carol
- enough to do so. Today I want to talk about two critical areas: giving our children the best education; and finishing the job of welfare reform, breaking the cycle of dependency, moving millions of more people from welfare to work. Taken together
- and guaranteed medical coverage. State strategies are making a real difference in the success of welfare reform, specifically in job placement, child care, transportation, and child support (see attached for state examples). [Personal Responsibility and Work
- YWCA of the USA STATEMENT ON WELFARE REFORM 72£ BlCoo",uy ""'''',k.NY100039595 2H,.{l14·2100 Fax: 212"677-9716 The YWCA of the U,S.A. supports Welfure Reform \'lith appropriate measures to achieve and strengthen a safety net for children
- Welfare Reform/NGA (National Governors Association) - NCSL (National Conference of State Legislatures) - APWA (American Public Works Administration) Conference Thursday, August 22, 1996
- THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 21, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR JOHN MONAHAN BRIAN COYNE BOB BACH YVETTE JACKSON FROM: CAROL H. RASCO RE: Thursday, August 22nd Meeting on Welfare Reform Thank you for arranging to come to the meeting at 1 p.m. in room
- as a critical component of comprehensive welfare reform. -'.,' .t. 5. HousinglWelfare Reform -- Welfare-to-Work Housing Vouchers: Congress approved in the VAlHUD appropriations bill your full request for 50,000 welfare-to-work housing vouchers. These new
- APWA members. As we discussed, the plenary session, "Who's Outcome is it Anyway?: Measuring State Success in Welfare Reform," will feature presentations from the Congress and the media. Each panelist would be asked to make a 15-20 minute presentation
Welfare-Housing Vouchers
- : AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO WELFARE REFORM For 1999, the President and Congress have created a promising new program to help states achieve their welfare reform objectives. Designed to help families for whom the lack of stable, affordable housing is a barrier
- Welfare Reform Briefing 24 March '95 11:00 - 12:00 Cancelled
- ) 03/23/95 P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) 0NBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: Welfare reform Briefing 24 March '95 II :00'- 12:00 Cancelled 2010-0198-S ry852
- of misconceptions that are extremely counterproductive to welfare reform. Ithink the likelihood is high that you would find the same results almost anywhere you conducted thistype of testing. ,It simply no one's job to explain the complicated array of benefits
- and 'talking'with all of you throughout the day_ 2 I Introduction __ I am going to talk to you today about the links between quality childcare, early childhood .education,and success in adulthood, asweU as the importanee of child care in welfare reform
- the Administration's views on actions that the House will take to comply with budget reconciliation instructions on Medicaid and welfare reform. As you know, the President has proposed a plan that the Congressional BUdget Office (CDO) said would reach balance in 2002
Statements (Presidential)
- and structural changes that fall short of real refonn. I urge the Congress !'i Administration ,if William]. Clinton. 1996 / jan. 9 to '\lark with me i~' good faith to produce a biparti:>ali welfare reform ngreement that is tough 011 work and responsibility
Work Now
- goes to the organization, mission and short tenn action pian of WN (working title only), Its creation reflects one of the most hopeful reactions to your signing the welfare reform legislation and your frequent challenges to thc"business community
Technical Corrections
- of technical amendments to the welfare reform bill to Congress on Monday. This fulfills a statutory requirement to provide such a report within 90 days of the statute's enactment. The amendments included are truly technical, straightening outinconsistencies
- /ID 20725] State of the Union Addresses 1997-2000 [OA/ID 20725] History of Domestic Policy Council – General [OA/ID 20725] Early Lists of Executive Orders / Initiatives [OA/ID 20725] Welfare Reform Team Documents [1] [OA/ID 20725] Welfare Reform Team
Poverty Study [1]
- POTENTIAL POVERTY AND DISTRIBUTIONAL EFFECTS OF WELFAR~ REFORM BILLS AND BALANCED BUDGET PLANS Presented by the Office of Management and Budget Prepared with the Department ofHealth and Human Services, the Department ofthe Treasury
- Women on Welfare Reform June 19, 1996
Catholic Health Association
- Chairman, Pro-life Committee InSrop John H Ricafd, SSI » Chairman, Domestic Policy Committee MAJOR STATE ISSUES IN 1994 STATE GOVERNOR (ELECTION YEAR) Alabama Jim Folsom, (D) 1994 HEALTH CARE REFORM AND OTHER SIGNIFICANT HCFA WAIVERS WELFARE REFORM
- /15 KEY DEPARTMENTAL NEWS state and Local Government officials met with representatives of the welfare reform working group Wednesday, December 15th. The meeting was an opportunity for the working group to talk with state/local officials about
[Welfare Reform] [4]
- [Welfare Reform] [4]
- '. Overview of Welfare Reform Waivers CURRDJ'l' AND NDR-TERK APPLICATIONS currently, 17 waiver applications from 16 states are pending: Arkansas California* Colorado* Florida* Georgia* Hawaii* Massachusetts* Mississippi New Hampshire* North
Welfare Reform [2]
- Welfare Reform [2]
- Enforcement Vol. XVIII, No. 10, October 1996 Reform: For the Sake of the Children David Gray Ross W en I was appointed operating head of the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) a little over two years ago, welfare reform was an important issue. I
- to the NGA at their Welfare Reform Meeting and toured the Family Support Facility in New Jersey. Continued the search for an AIDS Policy Coordinator. TH E WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON May 21, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR KATHI WAY FROM: Carol H. Rasco SUBJECT
SAP (Senate Bill) [3]
- . .\.\, ,l.~\ -l-f""r • . M' _ . ~ DRAFT August I. 1995 (Senate) Senate Welfare Reform Bill (Dol. (R) KS) Se.. The Administration strongly supports enactment of real and effective welfare refonn that promotes the basic values of work
- -- ' "', ":;-: State Rep. Sandy Rosenberg House of Delegates 6615 Reistertown Road Suite 301 Baltimore, MD 21215-2603 410-764-3631 Evaluation Massachusetts Background In 1995, the Massachusetts state legislature passed its welfare reform 'act
- Senate Finance Committee Hearing on NGA’s Medicaid and Welfare Reform Proposals - Shalala Briefing Book, 2/28/96 [National Governors’ Association] [1]
Drug Testing
- drug abuse -- induding drug testing, substance abuse screening, mandatory drug treatment, and tough sanctions. The President's welfare reform plan, the Work First and Personal Responsibility Act of 1996, would give states the option to implement drug
Lake Tahoe – Opening
- to move forward on welfare reform so that the problem of generational dependency does not become the legacy of this century and follow us into the next. And second, we must make sure we give our children the world's best education-- one that challenges
- , McNeil Pharmaceutical the breakfast CHR SPEECH: 9:00 - 9:30 AM (Address on Health care reform, and plans for welfare reform, specifically Medicaid - these are reque$ted topics) THERE WILL BE NO Q AND A'S FOLLOWING SPEECH Note: Pharmacy Press
New York Waiver
- OClober 18.1994 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: BRUCE REED SUBJECT: !'few York Welfare Reform Waiver A. The Clinton Record on Welfare Reform Waivers 1. 19th State: New York is the 19th state to receive a welfare rcfonn waiver since you took
- existing clean air standards under consideration, preserving ISTEA and increasing ISTEA funding for clean air compliance (i.e., CMAQ -- the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program) is absolutely critical. Welfare Reform On December 11 the Conference's
Welfare Reform [6]
- Welfare Reform [6]
- DRAFT 1 Welfare Reform Financing Options Dollars in Billions 5 Year Total . Federal 4/20/9415:03 10 Year State Total Federal State A. Program Savings • Limit Emergency Assistance 1.50 1.50 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 3.13 2.24 0.89 8.70
- . There is significant media and Congressional interest in the rule. 5. Welfare Reform -- Food Stamp Fraud: We are preparing three anti-Food Stamp fraud announcements for you to make as part ofa radio address on the 12th or the 19th. We have prepared directives
- of the 1996 Welfare Agreement, Eroding the Federal-Stat X G-q.o(P() Partnership and the Future of Welfare Reform" Washington, D.C.- The nation's governors declared the Honse budget resolution crafted today "hazardous to the federal-state partnership
- . Talking Points NGA Resolution on Welrare Rerorm February 6, 1996 As the President said in his speech to the NGA this morning, real welfare reform must require work, promote family andresponsioility, arid protect children. The governors
POTUS Statements [1]
- of parents who failed to pay. This 13 % increase helped almost one Million families. 3 * Toughest enforcement measures ever proposed. Last year, as part of our welfare reform plan, my Administration put forward the toughest child support enforcement
- Testimony and Statements on Welfare Reform [3]
- of the working'Group on WelfBre Reform, Fa1f'..ily supf'lO'rt and Independence for asking me here today on as part of your ambitious wc~k on welfare reform. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss my comp~nies and lend my experience with welfare ,to Work issues. . i
- . 20006 1'ELBPH("l:'olE (201} 293 7330 fA-X 121>1) 193,23)2 ' , . JOhn Monahan . LaUra DeKoven waxman' Re: lD J i Reaction to welfare Reform DIscuSSion Draft [ ,i--- to I ' involve City offiCIals In the development Of tne welfare reform
- of this request and your attention to this critical issue. In short, Welfare Reform, as pr,oposed, threatens to seriously harm abused and neglected children: The Conference Committee's Welfare Reform Bill will block grant funds for child pl'ptection services
Meetings (Cabinet)
- states have substantial welfare reform demonstrations. Various approaches to time limits and work incentives: California, Colorado, Florida, Iowa Michigan, Vermont, Wisconsin " 3 Values Behind Welfare Reform Work Responsibility Family
- for pregnant women can increase the likelihood of a· heal thy baby, but it can't pay the rent. As you so eloquently state as part of your own principles for welfare reform, "Welfare reform must not focus on eliminating programs, but on eliminating poverty
- mandate and tax cap, probably are not; and Medicare/Medicaid changes are being considered in the context of moving tow~rd your objective of universal coverage. 5. Welfare Reform: Putting Work First The DLC/PPI recommendations build on your June 1994
Budget 1997 [4]
- to Protect The Most Vulnerable People . 'I ~_ _--"-c-) Several provisions in last year's welfare reform bill had nothing to do with the goals of welfare . reform. The President said so at the time and promised to work to correct these provisions. He
Welfare-Welfare to Work
- as for-profit firms; 1(2) buys the support of all of the anti-poverty/pro-commnity coalition that is otherwise skeptical of all targeted tax credits; and (3) it provides major corporations (and investors) a way to participate in helping to make welfare reform
- that had nothing to do with welfare reform. This restoration builds on the President's success last year in restoring SSI and Medicaid to 420,000 legal immigrants whose benefits were also terminated in welfare reform. This bill and last year's Balanced
- Welfare chat Texas A&M Univ., Corpus Christi, TX Corpus Christi, tX Crime meeting Nancy-Ann Min Call re: Health Start Breakfast w/ George Penick Kaiser Commission Dinner Watson Bell meeting Welfare reform Preparation meeting Amy Hickox Substance Abuse
- Welfare Reform Information Binder, 5/18/94
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET ,Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OA 8422 OAiBox: FHe Folder: Welfare Reform Information Binder, 5118194 Dale: 9123104 SUB,JECT/TrrLE. DOCUMENT NO. & TYPE I. list 2. profile Archivist: RDS
Meeting (5/11/93, OEOB)
- \'~ WELFARE REFORM STEERING COMMITTEE Agenda: 5/11/93 I. 9:30 Make Work Pay Presentation II. 9:50 Review One Page Charges/Next steps' - Make Work Pay Other supports - AFDC Simplification - Education and. Training III. 10:10 10:15 Follow up
- .' ';. WELFARE REFORM HIGHLIGHTS Asset Development and Microe'nterprise . . The President's welfare reform plan takes. several steps to assist people- on welfare who are trying to become independent by starting their own business and to help low income
- bipar . tisan majority, big majorities of both parties and both houses, reached across the divide to pass this welfare reform bill." In fact, on the final vote, House Democrats were evenly divid ed, 98 to 98, and in the Senate, 21 of "'1 ~. . ltt k
OMB – Welfare Reform
- OMB – Welfare Reform
- in its current form because it; falls £ho~ of the central ~oal of real welfare reform ~ .ovin; people fro. welfare to work. Th~ Administration strongly 7'he A
General [1]
- Welfare Reform Information Binder MEMORANDUM TO: ·List* FROM: Jeremy Ben-Ami DATE: December 13, 1993 SUBJECT: Welfare Reform Information Binder Attached is the preliminary version of the Welfare Reform information binder. The binder
Legislative Strategy [6]
- program ~itha focus on work and self·sufficiency. The Governors' bipartisan agreement on welfare brought new life to welfare refot1Il efforts and Congress is now poised to pass another welfare reform bill. . We appreciate that the bills before the House
Welfare Reform
- Welfare Reform
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10990 FolderiD: Folder Title: Welfare Reform Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON WELFARE REFORM BILL SIGNING THE WHITE HOUSE
Child Care (Specs)
- • CHILD CAR~ Child care is critical to the success of welfare reform. It is essential to provide child care support for parents receiving assistance who will be required to particpate in education, training, and employment. In addition, child
Annapolis Speech
- work with me and with others to make sure that we seize this opportunity while we stand strong enough to do so,l Today I want to talk about two critical areas: giVing our children the best education; and finishing the job of welfare reform, breaking
Housing - Vouchers
- The President's FY99 budget will take further steps to promote work and welfare reform through a new plan to provide 50,000 new housing vouchers to welfare recipients who need housing assistance in order to get or keep a job. Families could use these housing
House Subcommittee
- Now that the Presjdent has vetoed two welfare reform bills, some think that welfare reronn won't pass this year. I welcome the bipartisan group of governors hcrc . to prove them wrong. The nation owes these leaders a great deal. They rode into " town
- and all across America. 8 We need people to take personal responsibility in so many other ways as well. That is what the great debate now taking place on welfare reform is all about. We know that the welfare system is broken; it promotes dependency
- Welfare Reform State Profiles [1]
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton library Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OA 8422 OAiBox: File Folder: Welfare Reform State Profiles [1) Archivist: RDS' Date: 10/8/04 RESTRICTION. >'" '>' , "
- people into jobs and holds them accountable for maintaining spending on welfare reform. In addition, it gives States the ability to create subsidized jobs and to provide employers with incentives to hire people off welfare. The Act also does much more
Welfare 8/5/98
- . CLINTON REMARKS ON WELFARE REFORM THE WHITE HOUSE August 4,1998 Two years ago, I stood with many of you in the Rose Garden and declared that our "nation's answer to our great social challenges will no longer be a never-ending cycle of welfare." As those
Protecting Medicaid [1]
- "".,. " Welfare Reform Talking Points " , 0 ( .. ... ~ y For intemnl Use Only " A broken systein. When President Clinton ran for president four years ago, he pledged to enq welfare as we know it. Since taking office, President Clinton has
- !g!003. THE SECRETAR.., OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES WAIIIo1INGTON. D.C. '0201 AUG 10 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT . I know that YOll are eager for us to make as much progress as possible on responding to state requests for welfare reform
- On behalf of the Campaign fO.r Housing an? Community Deve10pment· Funding I forward the enclose4 Statement and Recommendations on Housmg and Welfare Reform. . . ~ee~ While a stated priority of the welfare initiative was to "make woJ pay", very little
States [1]
- FY 1999 Welfare Reform High Performanc~ Bonus~s Top Ten States in Rank Order 1 I I Indiana Minnesota , Washington I Florida 2 Delaware 'Arizona .Louisiana *New York 3 Tennessee Connecticut Oklahoma *Washington 4 1 North
- . Daniele Mancini, Political Counselor for the Italia'n Embassy. delivery the key~note address to the National Science and Technology .Center, for the occasion of the i'Honor Roll of Teachers." discuss the Administration's welfare reform policy with students
- . this week. I attended a reception hosted by the Retail Druggists this week~ NationalAssocia~ion . of Bruce spoke to the American Enterprise Institute on welfare reform. ' Bruce and Kathi met with Governor Carper on the welfare reform plan. Bruce
- , it will also bolster the welfare reforms so important to the President's agenda for change. Security Under the current system, Americans lack security: • Nearly 60 million people have no coverage at all or have inadequate coverage o Each month 100,000
Meeting (5/17/93, OEOB)
- WELFARE REFORM STEERING COMMITTEE Agenda: 5/17/93 I. II. . Public Event/Hearing Focus Group/Site Visit Update III .. working Paper Topics """-it. 'P~ ....."...... _'l>y........... '~f ... (J.-..."tv;~ I2t:sPOt>JSfBIL.IT'( N~ of:.. cr/.;..pd
- to Ellen ,to talk about current activity in nutrition servic~s; includnng an update on the impact of the welfa~e reform debate on , these services, I wanted to talk a ~ittle about welfare reform more generally. . I ! I i . I I I I ! j • , I i i 5
- Washington Leadership Day" White House briefing. NAWD would like to hear about the budget, reconciliation, and welfare reform, particularly as they relate to WICand other nutrition programs. III. PARTICIPANTS/AUDIENCE There will be 81). audience, of 50-60
Work First
- , ' ." 1 , I' , October 24, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: LAURA TYSON SUBJEcr: OLe WORK-I'lRST PLAN AND WELFARE"REFORM . " In response to your request. attached is a memO from Paul Dimond.and Lyn Hogan reviewing the DLCs Work-First Pian
National Service
- i;ZIOOl PUBL.IC LUUO)l Oru:>ARTMENT .OF AGRleUL.Tt,JRS OFFiCE 01" THe WA5H.fNG;TOI'f, seeRET~ a.c. ~ March 28, 1994 To: Bruce Reed From: Joel Berg Subject: !:;gmblnlng National Servioe Dod Welfare Reform 10 pages/including
Conference of Mayors 97
- of Mayors (USCM) is convening in Washington for their annual Wmter · Meeting from January 17 - 19, 1997. The meeting will focus primarily ori issues related to drug control, welfare reform, and the budget. A detailed oudine of the Mayoral Priorities for 1997
- THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 2. 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PflESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Mary Jo Ban.. David Ellwood THROUGH: SUBJECT: Carol Rasco . Drafl Discussion. Paper on Welfare Reform The attached document outlines draft
- May 17, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: CAROL RASCO BRUCE REED KATHI WAY SUBJECT, WELFARE REFORM REMAINING ISSUES Final decisions arc outstanding on two clements of the welfare reform plan -- family caps and 1ime limiting tbe WORK
Executive Actions
- , and food stamp rolls are down, while work and training activities among recipients are up and child support collections have reached a record high: The President has repeatedly called for bipartisan welfare reform legislation this year. If Congress sends
SSI Kids [2]
- substantial discretion in drawing the eligibility line. The President's FY 1997 Budget Request proposed the new childhood disability provision as part of a larger welfare reform bill with estimated savings of $8.4 billion over the six-year period from FY1997
Letters [3]
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton , Library Archivist: RDS Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OA 4730 OAiBox: File Folder: Leiters [3] Date: 9/02104 ", 'OOC~MENT "No:,&fYPE ' 1. letter ufOl Jackson to POTUS rc; welfare reform. 1r (pilrtial
Views Letter [1]
- to working cooperatively with the Congre~s in a bipartisan way to pass bold welfare reform legislation this year. The Administration has~ however, serious concerns about a number of features of the Chairman's mark appear to . undermine the values
General [2]
- work works, The primary approach of welfare reformers in the past thirty years has been to rely on social services I education J and traininq to get welfare recipients into the la.bor force. Unfortunately t while some efforts have cla.imed
Legislative Strategy [3]
- than thJI House version he, welfare reform bill approved overwhelmingly by the Senate Tuesday clearly is better than the House Republicans' much harsher legislation. Both bills, however, certainly would do one thing: end the current version of welfare
Catholic Church
- in the House bill and will continue to do so as the bills move to Conference Committee. Unfortunately. there are still' significant e1e~CIlts of the bill which are clearly not consistent wltbour principle that genuine welfare reform should strengthen families
Waivers [3]
- .:l1; Pi:rot, 3.nd moot important, YOll,ShOlllrl: be aware that the 29 ·with waivers lncludes scates that are implem~n1:in9 any ele:1!ent;: of . welfare reform. -rewei· h31f of the 29 st.~to?~ "" ~"iv~rs, have Urici~l't;;ken' \01
Medicaid Waivers
- ) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) addresses the continuation of title IV-A waivers granted as pan of welfare reform ' demonstrations. Three ~ssible interpretations of section 1931 have been proposed: I 'I 1
- and family. There were many innovative programs that already were beginning to move large numbers of people from welfare to work, even before 1996. It was in that year that I was able to sign the landmark bipartisan welfare reform law. I said then that our
- Testimony and Statements on Welfare Reform [1]
- ! for Political and Economic Studies I t we' 'It the JOInt Center are I ~iCUlariY concerned about this particular part of the I ; : welfare reform package the Administration is proposing hecause time limits w1I1 have a I . I tremendous impact on black AFDC
- 1~ . it like it is. -1)~~ ,~- -MJT~~~~ Welfare Reform is a case in point. I was elected President to ~ end welfare as we know it. And we are going to do it. But, we vJ~ ~ have to do it the right way. The right way is a true partnership , z
[Welfare - NGA]
- the downturn had created. • A block grant also could hinder welfare reform efforts in some states. A number of states want to expand their JOBS programs, create work slots, and impose work requirements more broadly. Some states may want to expand child care
- and to reform, welfare. They ,are disiappointed that the Republican leadership d,oes not appear seriolis about passing a balanced budget or welfare reform. As chief ekcutives who on the front lines of the challenges facing Amerioa,l they know that the w'elfare
- ·' ,.. , , ...... . Control Act you signed in 1996 by making it easier for drug sellers to divert legal chemicals into the manufacture of methamphetamine, and we will strongly oppose them. ~ 8. Welfare Reform -- Urban Institute Study: A study to be released this week
- , the Administration supports the approach of the federal program, which permits a variety of different strategies for English language instruction. Questions and Answers on Welfare Caseloads October 10, 1997 Caseload Numbers Q: Why do you say that welfare reform
Abortion-Rare [Prevention]
- private-sector insurance coverage of contraceptive services and supplies. Antiabortion, "profamily" legislators, meanwhile, continued to press themes raised during the recent national welfare reform debate around curtailing sexual activity[ The Guttmacher
- sure that you are well aware of these issues, but their restatement may prove useful. Reform objectives Welfare reform is always difficult because it requires balancing two competing objectives: reducing poverty among children and encouraging work
South Dakota
- of state. 444 North Capitol state Washington, D.C. 20001-1512 RE: Welfare Reform Update Dear Ms. Siegel: I write this letter to oomment upon the lat•• t dratt of the Administration's Welfare Reform Proposal which we recently received and reviewed
- toectnrs thai ate affected by the NU. Tbe lITP will be an im portant emlty to munltor as it develops die pnliclcs to help shape tbe Nfl, New Target: Welfare Reform Administration Working Group Seeks To "End Welfare As We Know It" President Clinlon
POTUS Statements [2]
- unless we also solve the health care problem. I'm asking ,CongreSs to pay/lor welfare reform nOt by adding t~ the deficit or imposing new taxes. We're going to pay for this through spending cuts, as well as savings within the program from reducing
Kraus, Mickey
- was, as the title of your Atlantic piece claims, "The Worst Thing Bill Clinton Has Done." Your recent posting seems to suggest that welfare reform is merely "part"--or perhaps merely "a vital part"--ofa "complete strategy" to end ghetto poverty. But your Atlantic
Jobs Program
- NLWJC - Kagan Counsel- Box 035 - Folder 016 Jobs Program PRESIDENT CLINTON'S WELFARE-TO-WORK JOBS CHALLENGE Providing Opportunity For All, Demanding Responsibility From All "This is not the end of welfare reform, this is the beginning. And we
- ]. P2 Relating to appointment to Federal office [(a)(2) of the PRA]. l , ; i ) BACKGROUND FOR WELFARE REFORM ROUNDTABLE The Full ~mploy~ent Council The roundtable discussion will take place at the Full Employment Council, which oversees Kansas
- . ·) ,. . ~ 3 7. Welfare Reform -- New York City Food Stamp and Medicaid Procedures: HHS, USDA, and welfare advocates have serious concerns that New York City is inappropriately requiring families to wait until their second visit to a human services office
- ) on disclosure of contributions. 6. Welfare Reform -- Update on Fatherhood Initiatives by Governors and Congress: There is growing interest among governors regarding how states can use their TANF funds to promote positive fatherhood involvement. Govs. Ridge
- that, in combination with funds provided in welfare reform, could result in the desired ·participation levels. We estimate that funding increases provided in welfare reform will account for 240,000 of the new slots. New Federal $ at 80% match New Federal $ at FMAP
- Rangel ,. 6 . ,. '. ATTACHMENT 3 Q&A, Welfare Reform and the Church Question: What does the welfare bill say about the role of religious organizations in welfare reform? Answer: The "Charitable Choice" provisions were signed into law as part
- ~ IttfldteoH. about the Administration's plans for welfare reform. 2~ c Rachelle Horowitz and the other AFf leaders you met with last year were all extremely impressed with you and have asked me to encourage you to attend. In Rachelle's words, "We can think
- by the Welfare Reform Conference Committee severely reduces funding for child protection seNices by billions! T'hi$ is of panlcular concern as changes in cash assistance promise to cause a significant number of addition211 children to need child protection
States [2]
- /comments-- . 08 Didn't Yote,' w/o comments-- 00 o We are already expanding our JOBS program under welfare reform waivers and this target group is among those who will be served . . 0 State cannot afford additional match. Yes, we could project
Housing - Reform
- of them are working and many are not rec.eivin9 welfare? A work requirement for welfare 18 the real issue. That issue is best addressed within the context of welfare reform.
- and be contributing members of our community. Please review the welfare reform and be sure that the f i n a l proposal includes significant new funds to help provide quality child care assistance for the working poor and those receiving AFDC b e n i f i t s . Thankyou
- presence here today, there is a definite _warming trend. As you know, your governors gave Washington a very clear wake-up call this week. The details of their agreements on Medicaid and Welfare Reform are still being analyzed. But, the most important thing
- debate on the ESEA. ~ reauth~riiation, . , ,.. , 8. Welfare Reform - Welfare-ta-Work Event: You are scheduled to do a welfareto-work event on Monday to highlight the successes of welfare reform while underscoring the need for continued efforts. You
- will meet with the Democrats next week to discuss how to proceed on this sensitive issue. 8. Welfare Reform -- New Federal Child Support Case Registry: HHS is alIl).ost ready to put in place a new national database of child support cases, called the Federal
CHR Speeches '96 [4]
- School Act, m~'king violence ·prevention a key part. of that. program ... Our children must have something to'. hope. for.. And so do we. • 22 'e IV.. Welfare Reform . . , " The hope of the President and his Administration' is for truly
- Welfare Reform Waiver Activities [2]
- Koerper Office of Pol:Lcy and Evaluation, ACF RE: Weekly TrackinqUpciate - Welfare Reform: Section 1115 Waiver Activi,:y , Report attachede Hiqh~i9'hts: o ': Approve4 walVters: :~one o : 0 I ,j o Denied Waiver.s: Massachusetts (Co-Payment
- in child care. While I have real concerns about certain provisions in the NGA resolution on welfare reform, I hope it will help begin to foster here in Washington the spirit of bipartisan progress that has always been a hallmark of the NGA. You can use
- budget bill; to respond to Mayor Giuliani, Mayor Rice, and Mayor Rendell's request to discuss the effect of welfare reform on legal immigrants. PREVIOUS PARTICIPATION: DATE: The President has met with mayors in large and small forums on several
Welfare-Vocational Education
- to the President for Domestic Policy FROM: Nancy Zirkin, Director of Government Relations, 785.7720 Cindy Brown, Senior Legislative Associate, 785-7730 SUBJECT: Welfare reform mart-up The Association ofUwversity Women (AAUW) is pleased
- ? e-/YtJ Welfare ~eform - State ReI(Jor~ 1/9/97. Contact: Eric Andrus, INS, 2021514-8080; The Administration is aggressively moving fnrlllOl'cI of the 1996 Federal Welfare Reform Law. One statutory agencies to report information to the U. S
- be extended to programs such as emergency Medicaid and Head Start, and the exemptism for public health assistance would be narrowed. This effectively ends immigrant eligibility .these programs. ? The welfare reform bill provides the Administration with some
- -income individuals with drug and alcohol addictions. Below is a summary of those changes, plus an inventory of federal programs which do provide support. WELFARE REFORM • The welfare reform bill requires all recipients to join the workforce
- Panetta/Alice Rivlin & Gene· deficit reductioni WEEK 3 Hillary Clinton/Carol Rasco on health care reform. WEEK 4 Donna Shalala & Bruce Reed/Bill Galston on welfare reform. WEEK 5 Mickey Kantor & Robert Rubin on trade.· WEEK 6 Madeleine Albright
- . As we debate welfare reform, I hope we will learn from the recent verbal skirmishes over or.phanages how public discussion of c:r-itical issues can be confus'ed and bogged down by polarizing language. I agree with the recent. comments of Speaker Gingrich
- people move from dependence to independence,'" Health and HUman Services Secretary Donna Shalaln said in announcing her decision. . · 'The 'administration has now granted waivers to half the states, giving them the flexibility to implement welfare reform
- of welfare reform, There arc connections between the m'o issues;' child suPPort can belp women get off andlor Slay off welfare. However, child support reform is much more \han • welfare issue. Mm /' than half of the cascIo&! of state child chUd SYpJ,?i:>rt
Hmong - Vietnam
- note addresses the issue of whether Hmong tribesman who fought in Vietnam who are now in the United States can be considered veterans for SSI eligibility purposes under welfare reform. Apparently there are a .large number of Hmong in Wisconsin (30,000
- early and continued commitment to welfare reform that is about work, responsibility, and protecting children. . Within the Department • s statutory authority regarding the TANF program, the Secretary h~s found that Arizona submitted a plan that includes
- INGTON . ." , ~ November 26, 1996 '96 NOIJ 27 ptll:32 MEMORANDUM FOR THE NrnSIDENT From: ·;'Hf. ~)NESmENT HAS SEE~ Subject: Report for November 16 - November 26, 1996 /1-::'>" -f't' UPDATES ON KEY INITIATIVES WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION
- the A-B child abuse prevention and detection materials. I participated in NGA winter Meeting planning sessions. I met with WH staffers and agency representatives on welfare reform, health care, the radiation issue and also the State of the Union Address
Evaluations [1]
- reform; • what we know about the implerrtentation ofwelfare reform, including State policy. and spending choices; and :, . • what implications this informati~n has for the next steps and the unfinished agenda of welfare reform. I . Welfare reform
- Welfare Reform and Health Care Reform - Shalala’s Briefing Materials for Ways and Means Testimony, 1/10/95 [2]
- programs noting that neither education, housing. nor mail service. among other programs, Is properly a Federal function. litll~rl~~:~~~1~ WELFARE REFORM ISSUES/PRIORITIES Congressman Crane is a co-sponsor of the Republican welfare reform bill
Welfare Reform (1994) [1]
- Welfare Reform (1994) [1]
- , 94-584 EPW h ~ • " Welfare Reform: . A Comparison of House Bills·.that Propose a Time Limit--H.K' 3500, H.R. 4414, and H.R. 4605 Carmen D. Solomon Specialisi in Social Legislation Vee Burke . Specialist in Income Maintenaiu:e
- , comprehensive child support enforcement, and supports for families moving from welfare to work -- including increased funding for child care. State strategies are making a real difference in the success of welfare reform, specifically in job placement, child
- annual retreat in New Orleans and I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. I hope the retreat was of some value to you as well. Though we did not discuss welfare reform at the retreat, it remains a critical DLC/PPI issue. Whether or not Congress acts
- ~ paychecks. Welfare reform has always been first and foremost about work. Work was at the core of the Family Support Act which w~s the defining issue of this organization when I was it's chai~ in 1986. Work has been at the core of the ~ecord 29 welfare -g
Welfare-To-Work 1/25/99 [2]
- to create opportunities and develop strategies to help welfare recipients get and keep what they need most of all -- a job. • The real work of welfare reform is being done in states and local communities across the nation. Where the rubber meets the road
Republicans [5]
- p4yments, meaaing Swcs Ittaln lUI inceatiye 10 keep families 011 welfare, albeil with reduced benefits, indcfmircly. 01 Key fcatUfC$ of Ill. Clinton Welfare Reform Plan Pagel 2. IlI$ttad ot requiriDg work ror ... lrOT~ beaenu. tbe ClllltOll plan
Ideas - Welfare
- in an additional city (the ) 11th)) was d,cey, mainly because Joe Califano is not a welfare reform fan. She thInks Donna sfiould do an ahnoucement with Califano in September, which is "treatment works" month. Shalala's schedule is difficult in the coming weeks, so
Letters [4]
- THE WlllTE HOUSE WASUINOTON February 22, 1994 Ms. Aim Lyon 20 Clifton Road Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011 Dear Me. Lyon:: Thank you for your 1etter of February S concerning welfare reform. I appreciate your taking the time to write
- Welfare Reform State Profiles [3]
- WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Archivist: RDS Collection: Domestic Policy Council-Reed, Bruce OA8422 OAIBox: File Folder: Welfare Reform State Profiles [3] DOCUMENT NO. & TYPE I. profile 2. profile 3. profile 4. profile Date: 10/8/04 o
Welfare-To-Work 1/25/99 [1]
- , innovative programs that move Americans from welfare to work; and, in 1996, I signed the landmark bipartisan welfare reform law, ending the old system as we knew it. I said then that "our nation's answer to the problems of poverty will no longer be a never
- Welfare Reform Briefing January 19, 1995 [2]
- the American people "," first by addressing two of the great domestic policy challenges , of the century -- health care reform and welfare refrm. I want to begin today by talking about our vision for welfare reform and our v,iew of the Personal
- on the final points of the welfare reform plan. On Thursday, June 2, Jose Cerda will met with representatives from the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association. On Friday, ,June 3, he wil:J. meet with representative~ from the AIDS office
Welfare Reform
- Welfare Reform
- : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Carolyn Curiel Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10995 FolderiD: Folder Title: Welfare Reform Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 5 7 3 ,.._ WELFARE REFORM: WORK Under the President's refonn pion, welfare
- HOUSE WASHINGTON TO: Linda Hall I Bob Berger Los Angeles Times 213-237-7930 FROM: Bruce Reed Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy 202-456-6515 Ron Brownstein suggested that I send you the attached op-ed on the welfare reform law
- . The governors are likely to ask you about Administration strategy for dealing with Republicans and major legislative issues such as the budget, Medicare and Medicaid issues, and welfare reform.' Carol Rasco will,be in attendance during this time and can
[Welfare Reform] [5]
- [Welfare Reform] [5]
- of their demonstrations to the terms of national health care reform legislation, including global budgeting requirements, and to the terms of national welfare reform legislation. Timeliness and Administrative Complexity The Department has begun to implement procedures
- Programs -- Last year's welfare reform law says that legal immigrants who arrive after August 1996 may not get "federal means tested benefits." During last year's debate, the Republicans tried to include a broad definition of this term into the new law
- and several members of the Cabinet will be doing gun related events. Also, the AG is tentatively scheduled to announte a Justice Violent Crime Initiative on Tuesday, March 1st. The Welfare Reform working group is meeting on Saturday, February 26th
- \ffi.N'r8 .'. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • •• 32 TRANSFER OF OASI TRUST FUNDS TO THE DI TRUST FUND. 33 LONG-TERM FINANCING PACKAGE - BIPARTISAN . . . . ',' .. 34 IMPORTANCE OF CHILD CARE FOR WELFARE REFORM
- raise children, people do. The President's welfare reform plan is designed to reinforce these fundamental values. It rewards work over welfare. It signals that people should not have children until they are ready to support them, and that parents--both
[Welfare Reform Binder] [4]
- [Welfare Reform Binder] [4]
- NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 038 - Folder 010 [Welfare Reform Binder] [4] 10 AGENDA NATIONAL GOVERNORS' ASSOCIATION MEETING WELFARE REFORM BRIEANG SEPTEMBER 10, 1996 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Renaissance West A State Priorities for NGA
Caseload [3]
- information is available, California residen.ts"':"'at a disadvantage in the new , maintained 870,200 households-about Z.5 federal welfare reform funding formula,.a . million people-in:ihe federally funded Aid congressional . . reported Thursday. panel
- aDd eJ:per1I OIl abc BIBle of the 1IIC1fam refonn effort'Ibe Working Omup 011 Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence bas indicated its iDte.tBSt in working cJosdy with us in dJis undenaIdng, and wiD be mee1ing with UI during pardons of fhese
Welfare Reform
- Welfare Reform
- - Subject: Date: December 12, 1996 As most of you know, HHS and SSA will be sending a package of technical amendments to the welfare reform bill to Congress on Monday. This fulfills a statutory requirement to provide such a report within 90 days
- ] Child Wel [Welfare] Chats Current [2] [OA/ID 10043] Box 5 Child Wel [Welfare] Chats Current [3] [OA/ID 10043] Child Wel [Welfare]---Long-Term [1] [OA/ID 10043] Child Wel [Welfare]---Long-Term [2] [OA/ID 10043] [Child Welfare Reform Meetings] [1] [OA/ID
- York). Moynihan has challenged the administration to seek welfare reform at the ame time i t pursues health care reform. But Clinton has disagreed, deciding » work for health refonn f i r s t . Altman said the administration's strategy was to f i r s t
Radio Address 11/2/96
- crime dropping for four more years. We have to finish putting 100,000 police on the street, target violent gangs, ban bullets whose only purpose is to pierce the bullet-proof vests of police officers. When it came to welfare reform, the old politics
Civic Renewal
- ) Call on every community to have a comprehensive plan for reducing teen pregnancy. The welfare reform bill offers significant financial inducements to states that reduce teen pregnancy rates; the point here is to encourage affected communitios to devise
- child support e~forcement, there's, alot in that , ~elfare bill which the President has advocated ever since he got ,,' , . involved in welfare reform Iwhenhe was the governor of Arkansas. And there are features in that welfare bill which are not ones
Congress ’92 – ’93 [2]
- ..,, ----------------- ------- LESS, M.~t;----------- --------------TO A, OS, ~ C. , --------~----- TEPH N HORN, M.C. KEN CALVERT, M.C. )~~'3W4CG THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 29, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR CAROL RASCO PASTER~ FROM: HOWARD G. SUBJECT: WELFARE REFORM I
- ~dite the exislting waiver process and thereby realize the potential for State el!:perimentation in health and welfare programs. Let me take this opportunity to reiterate my commitment to work wit~ you in developing an effective welfare reform waiver
- as FDA Commissioner. Now that the Senate has approved Dr. Henney, we and the First Lady's office want to move forward with the final regulation as soon as possible, perhaps even before Henney is sworn-in to her new position. 5. Welfare Reform -- New
- . Maryland is expected to appeal. 6. Welfare Reform -- Elaine Kinslow: You recently asked about a news story noting that Elaine Kinslow, the welfare-to-work success story from Indianapolis you saluted in last year's State of the Union, had to change jobs when
- the importance of , ~~ ~~~ ~OTOeOPY , I , woe HANDWR'T'NG THE P~IESlDENT Iit\S SIE€N '5-5- q J 2 transportation services in making welfare reform work and will promote your proposal (in the NEXTEA bill) to provide $600 million in grant funds
- reflect the new relationship between the Federal and State governments estab-lished. in welfare reform. This proposal would give States additional flexibility to design their own CSE programs. including passing through the full amount of child support
- NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 067 - Folder-005 Welfare-POTUS Press Conference 1/28/97 [WEL.Q.il3 Page Welfare Reform Q&A Question: You have promised to help States and local areas in ensuring there are job opportunities for welfare recipients who lose
- vote on the Shays-Meehan bill, which is the House version of the McCain-Feingold bill. This action only makes it clear that their only goal is to kill reform. Welfare Reform Questions and Answers March 23, 1998 Question: You have pointed
- MEMORANDUM FOR ERSKINE BOWLES FROM: Franklin Raines and Bruce Reed SUBJECT: Domestic Violence Waivers Despite our many efforts we have been unable to persuade Senator Murray to embrace our approach on welfare reform and domestic violence. We recommend
- find -- CR} t-:lclf ~~. Next Week: Welfare to Work Partnership Event in St. Louis A. B. C. Announce New Case load Numbers and Underscore Success of Welfare Reform on One Year Anniversary Crow about Budget: our Promise to Fix it. Praise the { I
- , criminal justice, welfare reform, teen pregnancy prevention, [and juvenile justice] programs and should encourage more Americans to make donations to these organizations. In particular, he proposes: After-School: The President will propose that up to $100
- /staff at the Camp David Retreat Economic package 2. Health Care Reform 3. National Service Welfare Reform ~ 4. 'j5. Campaign Finance/Lobbying Reform. 1. Domestic policy has a finger in each of these pies: 1. Econ. pkg.-emphasis on children
- Points - Welfare Reform Demonstration Proposal For, Discussion with Texas,. Lieute:Qant GQ;vernor Bob Bullock ' o .. HHS .received, ,the Texas request for 'waivers toimp1ement the' Achieving, Cha'nge for Texans qemonstration on, october 6, 1995. 't
- of this Administratioh for 'the 104th Congress, ,i.e., welfare reform, deficit reduction, etc. o Open it up for discussion (remind them that this is a listening session for us. We need their frank assessments on both the new po!itical environemtn and policy options
- of the speech. 1 * Welfare reform. Beside health care, this is the second highest area of Democra~ic advantage over the Republicans. GOP are not believed because they didn't do anything during twelve years when they had the chance. But we have to make it work
Plan (April 1994)
- 64/12/94' 12:55 HHS OS ASPE 415F ....... SRFCE REED ~OO2!~10 , , .eOH!'lPElG II~ DRAFT April 12. 1994 12:35 pm MEMO TO THE PRESIDENT RE: WELFARE REFORM COST PACKAGES We have constructed 2 core options for welfare reform, one which
Religious Organizations
- , , . _. WORKING GROUP ON WELFARE REFoRM, FAMILY SUPPORT AND INDEl'ENDENCE MEMORANDUM TO: Mary r. Bane, Assistant S«n:tary for CbUdten and Famllies, DIms· David Ellwood, Aasi!:tant Secretary for I'lluming aDd Evaluation, DHHS Bruce Reed, Special
Indians (Specs)
- be considered in discussions on welfare reform. These issues and options are framed within the context ot and build upon the -Draft DiscUBSj(;, Paper" on welfare reform. Unless mentioned below, this paper assumes the principles in the "Draft Diseuscion paper
- . HHS has looked over this document and has made the appropriate changes. We are awaiting last week's new waivers and will add the information as soon as we receive it. Please let us know if you would like any changes made. . ., WELFARE REFORM UNDER
Where the Jobs Are
- on this question. The attached is a somewhat beefed up version of talking points we have all been using and that reflects input from CEA, OMB, and your own staff. CC: Bane Ellwood CR~ed.3 Way Benami • Welfare Reform Working Group Talking Points: Where
- aftcr arrival from alJ program bars and deeming provisions not in cUttent law. ("Dceminlf' is. \ I t>oo_OO..... I~~~"l $Urt~ l){.>,·II~~1I'J2I.# ~!»l ."''' ~'-;."lI' \ ~CSL \ 'till ••• PIl!" TWo NCSL Welfare Reform t,.nu MarcH, 1996 b