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19 results

  • administration plan to help the high-growth companies of the '90s s e l l to the international markets? THE PRESIDENT: Two things. F i r s t of a l l , we intend to try to open new markets and new markets i n our region. That i s , I believe that high-growth
Trade [1] (Item)
NAFTA [3] (Item)
  • to the creation of l u c r a t i v e new markets which mean new American jobs. Having won the Cold War, we must not now lose the peace. * We should recognize Ukraine's independence, as well as that of other republics who make that decision democratically. But we
Russia [6] (Item)
France [1] (Item)
NAFTA [2] (Item)
  • that casts a shadow across Europe and the rest of the world for nearly half a century. In so doing, we will allow further cuts in our defense spending and open new markets for our workers and business. During his meetings in Moscow, the President will express
NAFTA [4] (Item)
Trade [2] (Item)
  • century, we know t h a t economic growth depends as never before on opening up new markets overseas and expanding the volume o f w o r l d trade. And so, we w i l l i n s i s t on f a i r trade r u l e s i n i n t e r n a t i o n a l markets as a p a r t
  • and technological future. In the weeks ahead, we have other challenges to face — from reforming our health care system to provide security for every family, to opening new markets for our products and services abroad so that we can s t a r t creating jobs again
  • , a Russia integrated rather than contained. I^That goal is overwhelmingly in the interest of the American people. It will mean fewer U.S. tax dollars spent on defense, a reduced threat from weapons of mass destruction, new markets for U.S. products
Japan [1] (Item)