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  • - and introduced the President's Initiative 2 on Race. The President's speech at the Military Academy discussed the importance of cooperative military efforts (NATO) and the rise of new security threats. 1998 Similar in theme to the 1997 commencement addresses
  • to ~ a market economy and bring greater prosperity to ali-our A Europe undivided and democratic must be a secure Europe. NATO is the bedrock of Europe's security and the tie that binds he United States to that security. , 4 THE PRES\OE~T HAS SEE~ j-)-J-C-)7
  • of a world governed hy racism. "lmagute it is t.h~ year 1936 and you are :t jew living in Germany," implored ·warren ,\!!arcus o£ the U.S. Presbvterian church in the 1960~. whur~ . Blacks and jews wollld M,7nbcr-r of P,Y,jm 20001111 rlu rtep! nfrht
  • , won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1986. His writings dealing with his experiences have brought the horrors of Nazi Germany to the forefront of the American conscience. Hugh Price: (o) 212-310-9010 Stephen Jay Gould: (o) 617-495-2470 Bernice
  • owes him. When Mrs. Fulbright spoke last year in Germany, in recognition of the Senator's receipt of a distinguished award from the American Chamber of Commerce there, she quoted from a letter Senator Fulbright received 30 years ago. I'd like to leave
  • for AIDS, Alzheimer's and cancer patients, and protected consumers by ensuring accurate food labeling. (PL 105-115, signed 11/21197) December 16 NATO Expanded to Eastern Europe Secretary of State Madeleiny Albright signed protocols for the accession
  • a country went Communist the loss of freedom was permanent and irre:versibl'e. But iri the last three years, we've seen ~he Berlin Wall caine down, Germany reunified, all of Eastern Europe abandon Communism, a coup in the Soviet· Union fail amd. tlhell
Journalism (Item)
  • - .' the Serb the I authorized these actions in conjunction with our NATO allies in order to carry out the U.N. and NATO decisions of November 19 and to answer UNPROFOR's request for assistance. As I have indicated in the past, our efforts in the former
  • . Callie Smith. Chairperson Young Women's Christian Council Mrs. Laura Stephens. Germany Reactors; Supervisor Lucille Howard, California, Southern Evangelistic Mrs. Marcella Bristow. Germany Evening; THE PIONEER HOUR Mrs. Lelia Mason Byars Founders
  • respected academics held that orice a country went Communist the loss of freedom was permanent and irreversible. But in the last three years, we've_ seen fhe Berlin Wall come ), down, Germany reunified, all of Eastern Europe abandon Commun~sm, a coup
  • of. freedom's defense is our make a contribution to economic .progress, network ,of world ailiances, extending fr'om· as do our own Army Engineers .. NATO, ~ecommend~d by a .Democratic In an earlier message, I requested r.6 bilPresident an
  • in Vermont. After serving for four years in the Army in both Germany aml Kurca, he car-ned a law degree from Sl. John's University. which he attended at night, while working a~ ;l welfare caseworker for the City of New York. Secretary Brown served
  • · , to, 7,000 Russian tl'OOps 'out "supJ>ort functions ii . back llp peace' agreer: . NATO and Administnit . said ta
Civility [2] (Item)
  • to take care of our own at hom~ that gives us the ·strength to stand up for what we believe around the world. · As Governor for 11 years,. working to preserve and create jobs in a global economy. I know our competition for the future is Germany
  • . Later Sunday, the soldiers caught a flight back to their base in Germany. "I don't think you could come to this city with a better host," Stone said. "The cows were great," added Spec. Steven Gonzales, 21. Dressed casually, the soldiers, who were
  • . To achieve that kind of world, I thought it was very important that the United States support the inc-reasing unity of Europe, and the expansion of the European Union; that we support the expansion of NATO and its partnership with what are now more than two
  • . in math. • Peace/freedom: 200 trade agreements,# 1 exporter, NATO, Fast track • Role of govt: free TV, campaign reform. • Community: Bggst drop in violent crime 35 yrs: lOOK police, assault ban, Brady 250K, now Juv Justice bill. One America: 30- 50 yrs
  • . • Peace/freedom: 200 trade agreements,# 1 exporter, NATO, Fast track • Role of govt: free TV, campaign reform. • Community: Bggst drop in violent crime 35 yrs: 1OOK police, assault ban, Brady 250K, now Juv Justice bill. One America: 30- 50 yrs. no maj
Bosnia (Item)
  • will only succeed ifNATO, led by the United States, provides a strong force to implement the Peace Agreement If the United States is not there, NATO will not be there, and peace will collapse. AMERICA'S MISSION:! We must help to secure, th.e peace. o 0 0
  • for our generation and for those who follow us. Overseas, America stood fim1 with those who stand for peace- and against the forces of aggression and hatred. Our NATO Alliance celebrated its fiftieth anniversary, admitting three new members- the Czech
  • Point -- Saturday, May 31 -- Foreign Policy Vision/NATO Enlargement. Will be one of the major foreign policy addresses of second term -presenting the President's vision of the demands of American leadership in the 21st Century, making a strong case
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10990 FolderiD: - Folder Title: Long-Term Planning [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 NATO Enlargement Ratification Secure Senate ratification
  • expansion of the NATO Alliance, as well as all documents describing or reflecting the course on NATO expansion that was elaborated in previous meetings with President Yeltsin in Moscow and Hyde Park, New York. Each Assistant to the President and each
  • team, led by Secretary Christopher and Ambassador Holbrooke, for their extraordinary service. Their determination, along with that of our European and Russian partners, along with NATO's resolve, brought the parties to the negotiating table
  • , democratic Europe. When Europe is stable and at peace, America is more secure. When Europe prospers, so does America. NATO was created to strengthen Europe's west. Now, we must do the same for Europe's 10 east by opening NATO's doors to new democracies
  • , peac~ful and democratic. When Europe is stable, America is more secure. When Europe prospers, so does America. Fifty years ago, NATO strengthened struggling democracies and paved the way for prosperity in Europe's west. Now, we can do the same
  • , an undivided, democratic Europe. When Europe is stable and at peace, America is more secure. When Europe prospers, so does America. Since its creation, NATO has strengthened democracies in Europe's west. Now, we must do the same for Europe's east by opening
  • expanding and strengthening NATO and creating a new NATO-Russia partnership. We are committed to the continued and acceler~tted reduction of the nuclear threat around the world. And we are continuing to support struggles tor peace in the Middle East
  • getting a peace agreement. But I believe if we get a peace agreement, the United States should participate. At what level, I don't know. It depends on the military planning now going on at NATO, and then, obviously, that will have to _be adjusted
  • (Missouri and Vermont now seem unlikely). • Radio Address (5/24) -- Kaiser-Permanente announcement of commitment to provide children's health care. Also highlight our child health initiative as part of budget deal. • Radio Address (5/31) --NATO
  • the threat of poison gas. We reached agreement in Madrid to open the doors of NATO to Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, while creating a stronger partnership with Russia and Ukraine to build a Europe that is undivided, democratic and at peace. 4
Kaiser (Item)
  • relief for higher Ed., HOPE, $1 OK deduction, Pell Grants largest increase I in 2 decades, funds America Reads. TIMMS: 4th grade above inti. average Leadership: China MFN, CWC, NATO. We've reversed decades of social decline: Biggest drop in welfare rolls
  • US. elections,·.· . America's Future just concluded in Philadelphia. · · has proved a nuijor distraction. So Achieving NATO expailslon: Russia has indicated it will grudgingly go · . has independent counsel Kenneth along. NATO will formally invite new
Vernon Jordan (Item)
  • for the first time in its history: --Russia and NATO have reached a historic agreement to form a practical partnership-paving the way toward further NATO expansion and a broad European alliance; --The President won a tough fight to ratify Chemical Weapons
  • Britain and France, 11 of our NATO allies, the heads of our nuclear labs, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 32 Nobel laureates, and the whole world, having depended on us for all these ... /document? ansset=GeHauKO-MsSDUWRARUUWRWC-CBZA-A-WRWEREBEEUZZY 10/14/99
NGA [2] (Item)
  • and at peace, America is more secure. To that end, we must expand ~ATO by 1999, so that countries that were once our adversaries can become our allies. At the special NATO summit this summer, that is what we will begin to do. We must strengthen NATO's
  • Nations and NATO. Draw the line on children. Show bv vour had not .done what thev said thev would do, deeds_ as. we_ II as vour words· that you' re'cog· · · ·· . . we have saved lh'es. nize 'that it is wrong as·well as illegal to hook This an important
  • understand that how we work through this business of trying to create a united, democratic Europe and a relationship between NATO and Russia, that that will have a lot to do with the way we live in the next 50 years. But we must understand that our neighbors
  • Russia. (Applause.) And we will bring some of Central Europe's new democracies into NATO, so that they will never question their own freedom in the future. (Applause.) Our American exports are at record levels. In the next four years, we have to break
  • together in Bosnia, the work we did together in Kosovo with NATO, and the efforts that we're all making in East Timor, which is still a difficult situation, where we've got to get all the· refugees home and safe and where we strongly support Secretary
  • , and make the most of the gifts that God gave us. Thanks for listening. - 2- 1121 as part of NATO's participation in Operation "SHARP Guard." Since the arms embargo has been terminated and economic sanctions have been suspended, U.S. naval activities
  • by NATO's resolve, that brought the Balkan leaders to the peace table in Dayton. And now that they have made a commitment to peace, our responsibility truly begins. If we walk away from Bosnia now, our allies will do the same. And the peace will fail
  • in several decades. We reached agreement in Madrid to open the doors of NATO to Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, while creating a stronger partnership with Russia to ensure a Europe that is undivided, democratic and at peace. And just yesterday, I
  • once they get into the house ... " I listen and find myself wondering what size chalk outline a wizened old man leaves, and what it's like to hear gunshots in the night. By Neal Pollack [06/14/99] First as tragedy, then as farce Russia engages NATO
  • that flowed from it, that didn't ·happen by accident. Visionaries like Harry Trurrian and George Marshall, George Kennan, Dean Acheson, Averell Harriman· worked with other nations to build institutions like NATO, the IMF, the World Bank, the GATT. process. We
  • and other non-NATO 111emhers to work with NATO in militarv cooperation. \Vhen I met with Centr~J Europe's leaders, including Lech \Valesa and Vadav Havel, men who put their lives on the line for freedom, I told them that the securitv of their region
  • of biological and chemical weapons, in trying to make the American people safer. I am proud of that. And we have to continue to do it. This Bosnia issue has been difficult, but we must lead here. And if we can get a peace agreement, as the leader of NATO, we
  • are bringing the nations of Europe closer together, modernizing and preparing to expand NATO, working with Russia and revitalizing the economies of Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union. America is leading because we've kept out military strong and know
  • as they pleased with people within their borders. Today it guarantees a Turkey consumed by civil war, economic misery and a rising tide of Islamic fundamentalism. far too unstable to play the role of regional bulwark that the United States and other NATO allies
Montana [1] (Item)
NGA [1] (Item)
  • nations have done to keep the peace in East Timor; and as our 19 NATO allies did when we joined together to stop the crimes against humanity being committed in Bosnia and Kosovo. Beyond the sinister manipulation of self-aggrandizing political leaders
  • of NATO's southern region. Worked directly for the two-star general commanding US forces. Jun 86-Jul 89 Resource Manager Headquarters Electronic Security Command San Antonio, TX. Mana9ed $20 million annual budget for the Air Force's Electronic Comqat Data