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5 results

  • Cuomo's decision to allocate of$2.2 million in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to repair Maine's utilities that were damaged in an ice storm earlier this year. BACKGROUND As you will recall, the Northeast, and particularly Maine, were
  • recommend them~ We will work with OMB staff to further evaluate each proposal, but in the attached passback I have provided.our analysis in layman's terms for each and set forth the dilemmas each poses. · For example: * Does the President want to cut CDBG
  • (OMB) (OMB) (OMB) (OMB) (OMB) READ~28-0CT-1994 TEXT: Edley asked me to a~ert you to HUD's interaction with representatives from FL regarding release of CDBG monies for recovery from Tropical Storm Alberto. HUD staff passed along erroneous
  • for IDA programs; and secohd, a letter would be sent from HUD clarifying that HOME and CDBG funds can be used to establish IDA · programs. In addition, because of the need for an offset to pay for any of the following options, we are !nvestigating whether