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  • to Gergen, Dreyer, Boorstin; re: State of the Union (2 pages) 01/06/1994 P5 vl93 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: SOTU 1994 - Theme Memos Jimmie Purvis
  • Podesta et al; re: State of the Union Address (4 pages) 01/04/1994 P5 llg1 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin (Speechwriting) OA/Box Number: 419 FOLDER TITLE: Sotu 1994 - Cabinet Requests Jimmie Purvis
  • . · /\ A meeting with college presidents who will commit a significant number of work study students to work as reading tutors. Possible State. of the Union announcement that 50 college presidents have committed 50,000 work-study students. -i \ Net Days around
  • process As we have discussed in previous meetings and memos, your State of the Union address will include a three-part message on Social Security reform: 1. We should not spend any of the projected surpluses until we have addressed Social Security; 2
  • ; re: The Academic Retreat (5 pages) 002. memo 01/04/1994 Todd Stem to Gergen, Dreyer, Boorstin; re: State of the Union (2 pages) 01/06/1994 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records National Security Council Robert Boorstin
  • initiatives Then Foreign Policy and trade together, and close on One America (put hate crimes and immigration Issues here). Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates COPY I SOTU Messaging Starting Point for the State of the Union .... How far America has come
  • Records Communications DonBaer OA/Box Number: 10131 FOLDER TITLE: SOTU [State of the Union]- Edits by Admin. O~ficials [1] Debbie Bush 2006-0458-F db2134 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act- [5
  • and political necessity call for the same course. * * * j DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library SUBJECTffiTLE DATE Eli Segal to David Kusnet; re: State of the Union/National Service (2 pages) 02/05/1993
  • Presidential Records Communications DonBaer OA/Box Number: 10139 FOLDER TITLE: SOTU [State of the Union]- Suggestions/External [2] Debbie Bush 2006-0458-F db2185. RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom of Information Act- [5
  • meeting. As I understand it, like our meeting.last year at Camp David, the January discussion is intended to help raise basic issues of democracy and civic values as they impact on the State of the Union and the program (and campaign) for the coming year
  • in congressional staff. The President should give a major speech to the DLC in early December to signal · his intentions in these areas. We cannot wait until the State of the Union. A. Renewed Assault on the Bureaucracy We should make the most of NPR's success
  • INTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY COPY ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~~SID£1\17: 4( Lt'Ar)~ accomplishments we can achieve if we make them a presidential priority for 2000? included in the outline some of the 65 initiatives you highlighted in the State of the nion (SOTU
  • by Rep. Chris Shays has put forward a package of lobbying and other political reforms, and will be pressuring the leadership to act. 1 - You led the State of the Union with a call to act. but your Admini'stration has not yet ! fleshed out those proposals
  • . memo David Dreyer to President Clinton re: State of the Union (3 pages) 12/30/1993 P5 003. memo Sherle R. Schwenninger to President Clinton re: State of the Union Address (7 pages) 12/2911993 P5 004. memo Walter Russell Mead to President
  • Union (3 pages) 12/30/1993 P5 u34tf 003. memo Sherle R. Schwenninger to President Clinton re: State of the Union Address (7 pages) 12/29/1993 P5 ~t>LfS 004. memo· Walter Russell Mead to President Clinton re: Foreign Policy and the ·State
  • of the Union (6 pages) 12/12/1999 P5 002. paper re: Working Ideas for State ofthe Union (6 pages) n.d. L(l~3 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Andrew Rotherham (Education) OA/Box Number: 21293 FOLDER TITLE: State ofthe
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I a. fax cover sheet 00 I b. letter SUBJECTffiTLE DATE ·Personal. [partial] (I page) RESTRICTION 02113/1993 To David Kusnet. Subject: Suggestions for State ofthe Union
  • thereafter (about .30¢ increases ·in 2001-2002). In the attached memo, Gene Sperling seeks a decision from you on whether to seek an increase, and if so, to what level. Ifyou choose, you could include a specific proposal in the State of the Union
  • OF THE UNION COPY Start Date: Tuesday, 18 January 1994 End Date: Tuesday; 18 January 1994 Event Location: CABINET ROOM ·. Photographer: SHARON FARMER Event Codes: 105 330 399 804 Contact Description: PRESIDENT CLINTON DISCUSSES HIS UPCOMING STATE
  • cut package. This memo surrimarizes our recommendations on both the best policy and the advisability of announcing such an initiative in August or September or waiting until the State of the Union. We developed a long-term care initiative that both
  • speeches. In the 1996 State of the Union, you said: "The era of big government is over. But we cannot go back to the tim:e when our citizens were left to fend for themselves .... Self-reliance and teamwork are not opposing virtues; we must have them both
  • could get the best education possible. AI believed passionately that public education was the most powerful instrument of democracy and America's greatest gift to the world. In my State of the Union Address this February, I declared a national crusade
  • it. A statement like that in the State of the Union, they can dispute its truthfulness, then you're in trouble.) THE PRESIDENT: (G.S. How can they dispute whether it's true or not? Find a different way to say it. The "agreed upon savings.") 'THE PRESIDENT
  • of the non-profit be someone we can trust. With the right launch, either in a White House event or the State of the Union, you could make it clear that Powell and Cisneros were both part of a broader, Administration-backed effort. We might still run the risk
  • . This week's release on the increase in CEO pay provides a possible rationale for national coverage. COPY .---~~~~~~~~-------~--~~~-~---~~~ OPTION 2: Give a general speech on corporate citiZenship relying on your Michigan and State of the Union remarks
  • , and in the public at large that you were serious about health care reform. • Your willingness to take on the drug companies showed political courage. • Your impassioned and eloquent statement about health care reform in the State of the Union address drove home
  • gioups that reform will happen this year. From appointment of the First Lady to head the task force through the President's impassioned call for action in the State· of the Union, the President's commitment to action now has been firmly established
  • Panetta RE: Teen. Pregnancy Initiative BACKGROUND In this yeru~s State of the Union address, you urged parents and leaders of' all sectors of society to join together in a national campaign against teenage pregnancy. You identified the
  • of the non-profit be someone we can trust. With the right launch, either in a White House event or the State of the Union, you could make it clear that Powell and Cisneros were both part of a broader, Administration-backed effort. We might still run the risk
  • oftod~y'sbest shows, and the barriers that must be overcome to produce more and better programming. BACKGROUND The February Meeting In the State of the Union, the President challenged Congress to pass the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that included th
  • of these initiatives. If you approve the initiatives, you can announce any or all of them in the State of the Union. Because so many of the new initiatives involve education, we are attaching an appendix to this memo that shows recommended funding levels
  • Record Type: ·Record To: Michael Waldman cc: Subject: Greetings Mic;hael -First, let me congratulate you on your new baby and on the State of the Union-- it was. an excellent. speech! I am actually interrupting you for a specific reason. The editorial
  • Gingrich's re-election with special attention. ~ecause I'm going to spend the next four years trying to scro together the same slim majority of votes that he did. I believe we can and musfwork together. And in my upcoming State-of-the-Union address, I
  • that every young American has access to the new technologies. We are already making great strides. In my State of the Union address two years ago, I challenged the nation to connect every American classroom to the Internet by the year 2000. Thanks
  • established beyond a doubt. b. Article IV, Section 4, provides that the United S:tates shall guarantee ev~ry State in the Union a republican form of . ·.government and protect them from invasion. We assume that this. clause has been occasioned by the inability
  • the corporation was a U.S. citizen t~r purposes of that statute because it was incorporated by a state of the Union. · · . . ' On appeal. the Supreme Coun held rhat_ a cardinal rule commands that- rhe Cotin seek.out and. apply rhe evident purpose intended
  • in the state of the Union. (We will try for sometime later next week -- perhaps Thursday). Everyone in attendance seemed to believe that the President should be very strong with his comments re health and layout a vision similar to that outlined
  • hand to foreign policy in Congress, with the emphasis always on patriotism, not partisanship. I thank him for that. Last week in his State of the Union address, the President gave a compelling summary of the challenges America will face in the 21st
  • and, finally, to tell him that you will be making all of this clear in your State of the Union address. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON II. BACKGROUND Today Senator Mitchell made clear that he felt it would take a direct request from you to keep Chairman