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  • CCSSO [Council of Chief State School Officers]/POTUS Meeting 3/17
  • members develop consensus on: major issues, which the Council advocates before the President, federal agencies, the Congress and. the public. The Council has three regular meetings each year-the Federal Legislative Conference in, March, the Summer
  • report card; (2) submit to the President nominations for appointment to the National Education Standards and Improvement Council, in accordance wi th sections 212 (b) and' (c) ; (3) review and approve (or explain why approval is withheld
  • and the coordination of activities in support of systemic arrangements at the state and federal levels. Council of Chief State School Officers Judith A. Billings (Washington), President William T. Randall (Colorado), President-Elect Gordon M. Ambach, Executive
  • for the education Of American Indian learners and ideas for activities which could be included into the order which adds to the current strategic planning process of the current draft. This memorandum outlines ideas that can be developed into executive order
  • . • Develop initiatives in teacher training and content, possibly linked to "America Reads," and ''first in the world in math and science." ~,:. " • Release PCAST (President's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology) report on ed­ tech. Will recommend
  • the business of governing," He does not believe a continued campaign-like strategy of doing, an event every couple of weeks to announce Algood news"', whatever the Underlying subject, is worthy of or productive for the development of the President's legacy
  • . . Former President Geo'rge Bush: II "Working closely with the Governors, we will define new world-class standards for schools, teachers, and students i# the five core subjects: math and science, English, history and geography. We will develop voluntary
  • Resources CEO COO President . CEO Special Partner Chairman & CEO . xecuti:ve VP Strategie& Business Development E President . Partner · President · President CEO & Chairman Chairman & President President & Co-CEO · President
  • " the state model. The state established a Standards and Assessment Development and Implementation Council that. spent two years developing a model set Page 9 of state content standards with the input of 14,000 citizen$ thfoughout , Colorado. ' Schools
  • and coordinated strategy across all relevant federal agencies. collaboration with Tribal and State governments and the development of a comprehensive long-term policy. Order: By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United
  • , the test will· be aligned with the TIMSS international math standard agreed to by experts in 41 . . countries, including the U.S .. The TIMSS standards are also very highly consistent with the national standards developed by the National Council of Teachers
  • , with; the option of disapprovin(t such standards and cntena not later than 90 days after receipt from such Council. 20 USC 5822. President, .' SEC. 202.. NATIONAL EDUCATION GOALS PANEL. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.-There is established in the executive branch
  • " CQuncilOiLIiJ.dian Education :The National Advisory Council On Indian Education· consists of 1 1, " II :pr,':.,esidentially appointed members who advise the President on the F.edera programs which ate serving Indian students or from which Indian student i a*e
  • , and drug-free schools. The Act adds two new goals that encourage parental participation and improved professional development for teachers. • These goals are symbolic expressions of what the President, the nation's Governors, and now the U.S. Congress
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 13362 FOLDER TITLE: Indian Education Executive Order [2] 2012-0160-S ry1218 RESTRICTION CODES Prcsidential Records Act 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom
  • by the National Education Standards and ]mprovement Council, with the option of disapprovinlJ such standards and criteria not later than 90 days after receipt from such Council. 20 usc 5822. President. , ~. 202. , NATIONAL EDUCATION GOALS PANEL
  • for in the United States by the National Council of Teachers , of Mathematics (NCTM) standards, as well as the National. Science Education Standards developed by the National Academy of Sciences and the Benchmarks 'for Science Literacy developed by the American
  • piece of the school reform effort requires a great deal of planning time and intense, sustained staff development. Schools often hick the expertise and resources needed-to provide and guide this important endeavor. The development of a sound 5
  • or exceed" the state model. The state established a: Standards and Assessment Development and Implementation Council that spent two years developing a model set Page 9 of state content standards with the input of 14,000 citizens throughout Colorado
  • ofthe Year, Dumbarton Middle School Ms. Alex Pruner, President, Maryland Association of Student Councils Ron Pfeiffer, Assistant Maryland State Superindent for School and Community Outreach Edward F. Mitchell, Immediate Past Presiden~ Maryland Chamb~r
  • of Marketing Vice President Human Resources CEO' COO President CEO Special Partner Chairman & CEO Executive VP Strategic' & Business Development President Partner President President CEO & Chairman Chairman & President President & Co-CEO PreSident & CEO CEO CEO
  • for individual tests to the current plan, or do we give it more general authority to develop individual tests in the subject areas and grade levels of its choosing (though it m9st begin with current plan)? The. President (1) will not want to go back to Congress
  • developed by the National Education Standards and Improvement Council for the certification of State content standards, State student performance stand· ards. State assessments, and State opportunity-to-learn standards; and ' . . (B) voluntary national
  • the Council of Chief State School Officers, is working with more than 30 states to develop high-quality performance assessments of knowledge and skills for beginning teachers. Theseteacher standards are related directly to academic standards for students
  • you. 1:&~· Michael Cass~r1y Executive Din::c[or Council of the Great Hugh Price President . NationaJ Urban League ona Edelin . President National Urban Coalition .1 Bob Chase, Prcsidem National Education Associadon Sandra Feldman
  • UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Department of Special Education College of Education G315 Norman Hall PO Box 117050 Gainesville, FL 32611-7050 (904) 392-0701 Fax: (904) 392-2655 August 21,1998 Mr. Michael Cohen, White House Domestic Policy Council Old
  • education experts and policymakers for the president to choose from for a new N ation­ al Education Standards and.Iinprovement Council (NESIC). The goals panel will review the criteria NESIC sets to evaluate proposals for content, student performance
  • , :, ~ 1 ~~~n" .-t. ~ {)l- " r"I.w ( A central pan of the President's school improvement agenda is vigorous support for community and state efforts to set very high standards in American education. Indeed, there is nothing more important in American
  • every 4th grader in reading and every 8th grader inmath to make sure these standards are met. President Clinton, State of the Union Address, February 4, 1997 STRONG SCHOOLS WITH CLEAR STANDARDS OF ACHIEVEMENT AND, DISCIPLINE ARE ESSENTIAL TO OUR
  • DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. schedule SUBJECTfflTLE DATE Schedule for the President Wednesday, February 5, 1997 (partial) (1 page) 02/05/97 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council· Michael Cohen (Subject
  • on developments on a possible CEO education event with the President, since it was first raised at the Friday White House strategy meeting a little over a week ago. I would like to get your reactions to this memo by Tuesday morning. since I've got some meetings
  • grade in reading and the 8th grade in math. The NAEP math standards are highly . consistent with the national·math standards developed by the National Council ofTeachers of ,Mathematics (NCTM), ~hich are used extensively by virtually every state
  • studen18 meet Stnte content 8tAndardll and State IItudent performance RlRndard~; (3) 8ubmit to the President nominationa for appointment ,to the National Education SlRndarda and Improvement Council ill nccprdAnce with 8ubsections (b) and «:) ofseclion 212
  • Grade Mathematics I . The President, in his State of the Union Addressl proposed a new national educati.on initiative to develop and make available voluntar~' national tests for 4th grade students in reading and 8th grade students in mathematics
  • performance; adult literacy; and safe, disciplined, and drug-free schools. The Act adds two new goals that encourage parental participation and improved professional development for teachers. • These goals are what President Bush, the nation's Governors
  • . April 14, 1998 Mr. Michael Cohen Special Assistant to the President Domestic Policy Council Dear Mr. Cohen, It has come to my attention that President Clinton is considering laking a position against the California initiative, Proposition 227. I had
  • to the President's. initiative to develop these (ests, both among Republicans and Democrats. While I personally oppuse federal in.volvement in developing individualiZed tests, the reallssuc: here is that lhe developmen[ of individualized. nalional tests is roo
  • are required to teach more students more content and skills at . higher levels to meet the needs of higher performing students. Additional professional development, classroom resources, and instructional support are essential to sustain the changes in schools
  • of the Working Group on American Indians and A.laska Natives titled, Two Years After the President s Meeting With Tribal Leaders: J +. + Education + Energy + Health and Human Services + Housing and Urban Development + Interior + Justice + Labor
  • in the field. A copy of the draft history standards is attached. People who have concerns about any of the emerging standards should direct them to the groups developing them. Error: The National Education Standards and Improvement Council (NESIC
  • . , ........ , , , . President Clinton's . ,', "Am.erica Reads'" Challenge .August 27, 1996 , " ~, .' ·President Clinton's "America Rea~s" Challenge, PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION I. . I-Pale New Initiative Summary , ll. 4-Page Detailed
Title V [1] (Item)
  • Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Suqject Files) ONBox Number: 13364 FOLDER TITLE: Title V [I] 2012-0160-S ryl224 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 V.S.C 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act -15 V.S.C 552(b)1 PI P2 P3 P4 b(l
  • Goals/NESIC [National Education Standards and Improvement Council] Changes - Spring '95
  • or" l03-382l. ·Is amended by' striking "the Na­ ards development ·must take place in your staff, particularly .John .Barth, . tlonal .Educatlon Standards and Improve­ our local communities and school disment Council.... H F d Sally ~vejoy, Vic Klat.t
  • provided grants to local school districts to develop innovative truancy prevention programs of the kind described in its guidebook • Enforcing zero tolerance for guns in schools. In October 1994, President Clinton signed into law the Gun-Free Schools Act
  • the President's request and appropriated $257 million in the omnibus bill for FY97 to launch this challenge. States will be asked to develop a strategy for using the funds to achieve the President's four goals and for ensuring that students in low,:,income areas
  • in effective teacher training, how to keep teacher skills current and, how to energize professional development ,'I The partnership will be rhe til'S! comprehensive. nationwide effol1 to promote, support. and sustain proven strategies to prepare. induct
  • -changing skills. Education and training investments at the federaJ, state, and local levels are essential to enable both businesses and individuals to develop the skills that can sustain the standard of living that Americans expect. ~!"f\,..)rt l:wl~cr.j.l
  • Avenue, NW Washington, DC Dear Mr. President: Oil behalf of the Council of the Great City Schools. a coalition of the nation's , largest urban public school systems, J invite you to participate in an historic summit meeting of School Superintendents
  • , Robert, Vice President, Government Affairs Council, National ,Retail Federation, Washington, DC; Samuel J: Meisels, Associate Dean for Research and Professor, University of Michigan School of Business, Ann Arbor, MI; Janice Earle, Office of Systemic
  • Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Subject Files) OAlBox Number: 13363 FOLDER TITLE: National Standards memo to POTUS 2012-0160-S ry1221 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act- 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 National Security Classified
  • calling for greater accountability and results; and 6. WHEREAS, the President has proclaimed and it has been recognized nationally that innovative ideas developed at the local level have the potential to transform education; and 7. WHEREAS, The U.S
  • & Law Enforcement Act of 1994 -Title III: Ounce of Prevention Council (new, authorized for FY 95) 5 70 25 10 10 4 20 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Extension Service Youth At Risk 10 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Drug
  • in the development of the six National Education Goals unveiled at that time. When Mr. Clinton became President. he made education legislation a primary focus, indebted as his campaign 3 .; :! . . Introduction Introduction i I . . success was to the powerful
  • William Borah . {R-Ida.) reported the bill to the floor. It was adopted without recorded vote and , signed by President William H. Taft ,on March 4, 1913, his last day in omce~ . DEVELOP~OF . ' . TBEINDEPENDENT DEPARTMENT OF ·LABOR. Under Public Law 62
  • . President, I support the goal of a balanced federal budget; however, I also believe that goal will not and cannot be realized without continued -even expanded- strategic federal investments in education and workforce development programs like Goals 2000
  • called the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. A federal intrusion? Goals 2000 Is a completely voluntary effort started by former . President George BUSh as"America 2000" and adopted by the COnlOn adm.i.nistJ'ation. The program's objectives
  • , teachers, and local, commUDities'1 .. llav~loping In answering these questions. we developed the following: PI'St, we consolidate hundreds of programs into two block Ir'ants .- a $9 billion gl"8.Dt for elementary and secondary education. and a 52 billion
  • with respect to the development of these standards? Will they be high standards for the study of history? ' Answer: The nation's Governors and President Bush, when they established the National Education Goals, launched a movement focused on improving
  • ·GOALS 2000-STATE PLANS Mr. Porter. A study by the Council of Chief State School Officers indicated that at the time of passage of Goals 2000, virtually all States had curriculum content and pupil performance standards under development. Similarly
  • or local improvement plans developed under Title III of Goals 2000. Therefore, the Ed-Flex plan should be i~tegrated I .. with the State's improvement plan under Goals 2000. iWhen developing its Ed-Flex plan, an SEA is encouraged to 'consult
  • Association ofScholars I Jim Bencivenga, President, Hull Council for Business and Cultural Development William 1. Bennett, Former Secretary ofEducation, Co-Director, Empower America Clint Bolick, Vice President and Director ofLitigation, Institute
  • framework and the development ofacademic achievement standards despite parti_ .and presid . politics. Currently, the organizations are trying to determine whether it is possible to address three primary criticisms ofGoals 2000 • NESIC; two additional Goals
  • .1312 FAX; (017) 001-9334 O.kbrook, IL 80821 (708) 575..8540 FAX: (708t !75.3302 Mitchell Fromettln '"p",,"18 Skuldy MeConald-. USA Krac Oriv. Oakbrook, It 80821 Chairman of the Board. President & (10BI 575..6395 CEO FAX; (708t 515-5512
  • MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: BRUCE REED MIKE COHEN SUBJECT: Proposed Budget Initiatives for Indian Education Last july, a coalition of education-oriented groups from Indian Country proposed a Comprehensive Federal Indian Education policy
  • of the importance of education for preparing a highly skilled workfor,ceto compete in global economy, andJagree with him. I also " ' " ,'agree with President Clinton's" description or'education as the "fault line" dividing those , , .of our fellow citizens who
  • in 1994, the' U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development substantially strengthened its efforts 'on behalf of its Native. American Programs. secretary .Cisneros immediately issued a Department-wide policy echoing the President's direction
  • ,.... -The Goals Panel shall be compoSl!d of 18 members (hereafter in this part referred to as "members"), int:luding­ (1) 2 members appointed by t~ President;· . (2) 8 members who are Governors, 3 of whom shall be from the same political party as the President
Jumpstart (Item)
  • Start in Boston. He o Iso holds a Child Development AssocicteCredentiolfromthe . • Council 'on. Ear.\y ChildhoodRecognitioninWas.hington/. DC In ihe.spring of .. 1C?.95, Aoroiiwos selected os an- Echoing Green Foundation Community Service Fellqw
  • percent of elementary schools improved their performance on the test. 'If we can sustain this level of improvement over the next 10 or so years, we will have made significant progress in education in Georgia, said Gary Henry, director of the council
  • Organization of the :Pederal Government fot Education I . , I I I , Gordon Mo. Ambach . I Executive Director Council of
  • (partial) (\ page) 02/05/97 P6/b(6) 003, schedule Schedule of the President for Wednesday, February 5, 1997 Final (partial) (J page) 02/05/97 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Subject Files) ONBox
Broder (Item)
  • \\' , technology, At leit is Education Secretarv Richa~r:: W' Riley. and at right. Vice PreSident Al 'Gore, ' 2 Education Daily _ May 24, 1996 p- t House To Consider 100 School Choice Sites House leaders plan a vote this summer on an economic development
  • to the development of a person's life-- their knowledge, creativity, and civic values. At a time when education is so critically important to our nation's future, are these the signals we should be sending? The proposed Department of Education and. Employment would
  • precedent over where [the money) is put," Jeff'SimeriDg. legislative direc­ tor of the Council of the Great City Schools; said in an interview this, week.. '., .. , " '. Comprom.iaiDc Poeitioll8 To garner votes needed to pass the 1994 Improving America
  • partnership, young people need to have many opportunities to develop relationships with adults. d) Many local businesses, especially 'small busiriesses, should be engaged in school-to­ "careerefforts. Specific goals in terms of the, number: of placements
  • 2000 James K Baker, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Arvin Industries, Inc.' Stephen H. Balch, President and Executive Director, National Association ofScholars Jim Bencivenga, President, Hull Council for Business and Cultural Development William J
  • national sys­ tem of human resources' ,development. , Governor George Al­ Ien's instincts are sound in,holding Virginia back from participation in this monstrosity until it is clear whether the new Congress will succeed iIi RoBERT salvaging local control
  • and Improvement Council (NESIC), and the National Skills Board. TI'\e National Education Goals Panel has already started to develop standards for states. Unfortunately, the panels setting up the standards are politically controlled and al- For background
  • 141001 .­ 03/1;}/98 16:12 . THE WHrn.: .HOUSE . .Domestic Policy Council DATE:_ _ ~_~_b_·· FACSIMILE FOR:-J· '~%..J....--_"";'-"- _S_·· ·WI_· Llol-~1 S PHONE: ( ) . FAX: ( ) ~~_.-:;C___~~_~_ o FACSIMILE FROM:___ fM.:..... c
  • material," says Donna Parker, the chamber's executive vice president, urban development. The latest survey included big companies like AMR Corp. and Tandy Corp. and small ones like Talem Inc. Among the findings: Employers want more creative workers
  • to learn about in [math and reading]." Mr. Goodling, a former teacher and school superintendent, made the comments after the commit­ · tee's hearing yesterday on the president's education initiatives, which include spending S90 mil­ lion to develop
Michigan [3] (Item)
  • urge your Department, as well as the President, to look at the mistakes of the Michigan system as you develop a funding plan for the charter school proposal. As always, do not hesitate to contact my office if you require assistance in any way. Curtis
  • #1 Testimony from: Rep. John Boehner (R - Ohio) Rep. steve Gunderson (R - Wisconsin) Gordon Ambach, Executive Director, Council of Chief state School Officers. Questions from the committee: Rep. William F. Goodling, Chairman (R
  • ,way a,t, the national and state levels to develop' ;:;j;'iS 'to use such assessment mechanisms beyond measuring individual student achievement, to compare achievement across, for example, districts or states. Fifth, Current FederalProqrams May
  • Schools has critics. . I "I don't think Parents for Public 'Schools' has been an advocate lfor minority or special-needs children. or1for . economically disadvantaged childr~n," . says Lawrence Johnson, a Waco City Council member. and president
  • Many of us in Congress have heard a great deal about the proposed national· standards for American history and world history. What is the situation with respect't,e the development of these standards? will they be high standards 'for the study
  • to. President summer school, and Park District camps Clinton a drug-qmtrol plan developed by and sports leagues .. At least 496 of Chicago's 553 the group. "What we are' trying to do is the elementary and high schools will be open greatest alternative to gangs
Misc. Clips (Item)
  • a learning environment that supports students who 1995 it had doubled to more than 20,000. Janine Pease Pretty-On-Top, founder had come to view failure as the norm. They celebrate and help sustain and president of Little Big Hom College on the Crow
  • , in his June 13 radio address, President Clinton directed the Secretary of Education and the Attorney General to develop a guide to help teachers, principals, and parents respond to the early warning signs oftroubled youth that can lead to school violence
  • committees is to advise staff on development of a detailed, master plan for instruction of English learners, and to assist in the idevelopment of a school needs assessment. All of these ~pportunities for sustained paren,tal involvement in school decision­
Research (Item)
  • ended that kind of rough-and-tumble politics, but progress in other areas -- especially the' . classroom -- has been slow. Even supporters like DeGise, now president of the city council, question the state's continuing role in a tough, urban system. "I
  • debts set aside ani emergency fund arid take advantage of ani employer's 40 I(k) retirement plan, then: look for investments that yield more than:' the interest on l.oans. . i' "It all comes down to relative interes~ rates," said Raymond Loewe, president
  • ' program Nanette Asimov, Chronicle Staff Writer San Francisco's 15-year-old system of "school reconstitution" could come to an abrupt and surprising end next week because of a last-minute agreement signed by the city schools chief and the president
  • business," said Mathea Falco, president of Drug Strategies, a nonprofit institute in Washington that has analyzed dozens of school drug- and violence-prevention programs. Nonetheless, a pair of highly critical reports released last year--one done
  • government, it is not its only goal or its only responsibility. Let me suggest thauhe best way to achieve deficit reduction is to create a highly skilled worldbrce. Ameriean students ofevery age must have tlIe opportunity to develop the . skills
  • Policy Council Michael Cohen (SubjeCt Files) ONBox Number: 13362 FOLDER) TITLE: California [Ron K.] Unz Initiative - Bilingual Education [4] 2012-0160-S ryl206 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act
  • his project was unsuccessful last year because his calculations failed after 15,000. "Everybody liked it but this time I've improved it with computer calculations works with every number," he said. "Anne Korando, director of development
  • intend, as a suggestion that more time be allowed for item review and revision. Scope and Purpose In his January 1997 State of the Union address, President Clinton called for the development ofVoluntaIy National Tests (VNT) in fourth-grade reading
  • and Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Council dated May 23, 1997, requesting Agency Heads to submit information on policies and activities implementing the President's April 29, 1994, Executive Memorandum on Government-to- ' Government Relations
  • : Milt Goldberg 202/289-2944 Business leaders endorse President Clinton's initiative to develop voluntary national tests Washington, DC (May 21; 1997) - JamesF. Orr III, chairman and CEO of UNUM Corporation and chairmanofthe National Alliance
  • writer" WASHINGTON" (AP.) - comparing results from the array of , standardized tests that schoolchildren already take would not 'work as a substitute for national tests proposed by, President Clinton, an expertpan'el said today. ,In a' report requested
  • recommendations to the President and the Secretary at least annually on ways tribal colleges can: (1) utilize long-term 'development. imdowment'building, and master plan­ . ning to strengthen institutional viability; Federal Register I VoL 61. No. 206 I
  • On Indian Education (NACrE a sub-council entitled the Tribal oard"). Notwithstan ing t e provisions of any other Partnership Board of A Vlsors Executive order. the responsibilities. of the President under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5
Backup Copies (Item)
  • preliminary interestbut.did not want to be only city administe~ing tests. Information mailed by Council .. Rod Paige, Long Beach Indicated strong interest. Wants to involve, board president and others in city . .Information mailed by Council. Carl Cohn
  • endorse President Clinton's initiative to develop voluntary natio'nal tests . / Washington, DC (May 21. 1997) - James F. Orr Ill, chainilan and CEO of UNUM Corporation and chairman of the National Alliance of Business(NAB), todayannounced the endorsement
  • Washington, DC A Mr. Gordon Ambach Executive Director, Council of Chief State School Officers Washington, DC . A . fMr. Marc Andressen' . \Co-Founder;-Vice-President of Technology, Netscape Communications Mountain View, CA Mr.-Sam ~ Araki
  • standards developed by the National Council ofTeachers ofMathematics (NCTM), which are used extensively by virtually every state. \ A NEW GENERATION OF TESTS MEASURING INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS AS .WELL AS STATES. The current NAEP and TIM:SS tests
  • from School to Work April 13, 1993 Guests: President Bill Clinton; Secretary of Labor Robert Reich; Stephen Hamilton, professor of human development and family studies at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, and director of the Cornell Youth and Work
  • • The President makes remarks • The President works a ropeline and departs VI. REMARKS To be provided by speech wiiters THE WHITE HOUSE WASH INGTON January 21, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT Fr: Re: Council~ Michael Cohen, Domestic Policy Background
  • 'UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION THE SECRETARY May'2, 1996 Dear Governor: I am writing to inform you of some important developments regarding the Goals 2000: Educate America Act that have occurred as a result of the 19'96 Omnibus
  • Working· Group on American. Indians . and Alaska Natives WhiteHouse D.omestic Policy Council ", .., .. - ......... -.-,.,~-.;.-- .•... ..........- - : - _.......-r-..- ••. ~ " Working Group on . American Indians and Alaska
Camden Yards (Item)
  • ., President, Education Excellence Partnership, and Chairman, The Advertising Council. The Education Excellence Partnership is a joint endeavor ofThe Business Roundtable, U.S. Department of Education, American Federation of Teachers, National Alliance
  • ·Thomas Henderson, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights U1'lde.r Law Judy Appelbaum~ National \yomen's Law Center Janice Weinman, AAUW Nancy Zirkin, AAUW Robert M~Alpine, National Urban League Maria Fisher. Nationa.l Council of La Raza ,~ Janell Byrd, NAACP
  • ACE [American Council on Education] 2/24
  • of the American Council on Education: (1) Commends President Clinton for his exemplary leadership in developing pUblic policy initiatives· that will enhance access to college for American families; and (2) Strongly supports the elements of the President's plan
  • of emotions. . • Quantum Opportunities is an educational incentives program that combines education, development, and service activities, with a sustained relationship with a peer group and a caring adult for disadvantaged teens during their high school
  • . PTA 41. Council for the AdVancement and Suppol1 of Education page two *42. Council for Educational Development and Research (CEDAR) 43. Council for Exceptional Children 44. Council of Chief State School Officers 45. Council of Great City Schools
  • the independent National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) as the e'ritityresponsible for guiding the development andimpleinerltationofthe'tests and makes a number ofchanges' in 'NAGB's composition; Ouring the debate on that amendment, S,enator Coats of Indiana
  • has voted to completely eliminate all funds for Goals, 2000 (eliminating, $371 million from current spending levels, and $750 million that President Clinton requested for next year), and the Eisenhower Professional Development Program, which provides
  • and national Technology Council-­ laboratories can Committee on Computing, communicate in speeds Information, and 1,000 times faster than Communications. today, to develop new medical treatments, new • President's Next sources of energy, new Generation Internet
Faxes Sent (Item)
  • for these tests . a . President CliJ?ton's plan is to develop a new generation of the NAEP 4th wade reading test and the TIMSS 8th grade math test, that can be given to all. the appropriate grades, and which will provide meaningful scores comparing
  • : ;:: I With the President's Educational Technology Initiative as the cornerstone. DoDEA developed a Techno~ogy Standards Plan to identify student learning experi~nces and the hardware and softw~e requirements' to support them. The Internet is an important
  • that develop State and local improve­ ment plans. Eliminates the National Education Standards and Improvement Council [NESIC], which was to certify national and State standards, and which some viewed as a national school board. Removes the requirement
  • Violence , ,t' To helpcommuniHes throughoutthe country prol1Jote a,coordinated, c~mprehensive response to ',' school and youth.vio.lence, the President will launch a n~w Safe Schools --, Safe Communities, initiative design~d to help cities develop
  • '"lV.O;':;]O tr \ r .c..,1' .... t tinittd ~tatm ~tnQtt . WASHINGTON, DC 20510 October 30, 1998 The Honorable William Jefferson Clinton President The White House Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. President: We the undersigned are writing
  • . (TP, MC, OS) o Move very quickly on overall state plans. (TP., MC, OS) o Develop e-mail net-work of members of state planning councils and to others (KW, OS)· o Mailings to state planning councils and others about accomplishments of various states
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. schedule SUBJECTfflTLE DATE Schedule of the President for Thursday, May 22, 1997 (partial) (l page) . 05/22/97 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • students over time." Cody is president of the Council of Chief State School Officers,and nationally reno\vned as an effective educational practitioner and administrator. Previously, he has been executive director ofthe National Education Goal's Panel
  • ., Urban Testing/Achievement Initiative ~ . White House Event: o mid-late June o President announces that: (1) 6-12 cities have commited to participate in natio~al~testing starting in 1999, and to implement locally developed strategy to prepare students
  • . ," liaison • I '1be Chk:alo Academic AccountabiUty Council was created by the 1995 ischool reform law. It is aD independent body charlecl. with the JeSpOnsibnity "\0 develop a compre~nsive system of review, evaluation aDd analysis of school perfo~ within
  • of new national tests in 4th grade reading and 8th grade math, as called for by the Presid~nt in his State of the Union Address. As provided for by the Senate, control oftest policies and development will be transferred to the Natiomil Assessment
  • Education Policy Statement . and " A Call to Action For American Indian Eduea.ti()n~' Preamble: This dra!t position pa.per of the Domestic Policy Council Working (i1'Oup on American Indian Education was developed to support the ,Comprehensive Federal
  • ) ••••••••••.••••••. ;, •••••••.••••. ;'.... ~ • .. $2,000,000'1"'/ The National Education Standards and Improvement Council will be composed of 19 members -- to be., appoiI')ted, by the .President from among nominations received from t.he Secretary of Education, . the Speaker .of the House
Test Delay (Item)
  • of taxpayers'money arid wili not do anything except increase federal involvement in our scbools,· The Adrriinistrali~njs trying to set national st.andards by hastily developing new tests in Wasbington. Tbat is ill ~uge folJy. The President should bait the u.s
  • -3 and approximatdy 170 children ages 4-7~ . • Parent and Family Involvement Network MSDE bas developed a Parent and Family Involvement Network which includes parents, teachers, PTA presidents and other lccal • A chaJlenge to parents to read
  • for how to proceed: 1. Education Department produces options memo I have asked. Secretary Riley to develop an options memo which can form the basis of a decision . memo to the President. Schedule •. preliminary draft by August 8 .• feedback from
  • Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Su~iect Files) ONBox Number: 13365 FOLDER TITLE: Herndon Elementary School [2] 2012-0160-S ry1217 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act (44 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act [5
  • hensive agenda for lifelong learning that I pr••ented to the American Council on Education last week. All the legialation my Administration has sent to the Congresll reflects this understanding. For example, our proposed reauthori­ zation
  • , the President and Administration education officials working on these issues intended to use Goals 2000 either to develop a national high stakes test or to require states to require their own high stakes tests. This is simply not true. In fact, because
  • Carolina on Thursday. March 13 to . announce DoDEA's participation in the new testing prograni Mr. Michael Cohen, Special Assistant [0 the President for Education, Domestic Policy Council, called Director, DoDEA, on March 11 to advise that President
  • Panelon January 28, 1995, I asked the president not to appoint NESIC.· . .. : . The House has already passed a bill that will eliminate the CounciL I supported this action. ---~. < the~iiecently released. Myth: GOALS 2000 requires the use of Reality
  • the National Education Standards and Improvement Council (NESIC). This council has the authority to certify national education standards regarding content and student performance.· The standards are not mandatory but states must "voluntarily" develop comparable
  • of Educational Progress (NAEP). Under the Appropriations Act for 1998, passed by Congress and-signed by the President in mid-November, the Board has been granted llexclusive authority" over development of the proposed exams. The law.prohibits any pilot testing
  • achievement by the . -year 2000, . . ., • 'Program has expanded to provide professional development in all core academic subjects (not just mathematics and Science) and to provide ~ sustained andjntensjve training. . • State educational agencies would
  • with the close' collaborative r. , , ' process in developing the 'qrder: Tirozzi introduced Michael Cohen, Special 'ASsiStant to " the President fotEducation, of Qte White HouSe DomeStic Policy Council'and, said he will explain th~ larest ~tatus
  • America Reads: College Presidents Steering Committee/Work Study
  • ;GOVT.REL./PUB. AFF.-t 4567028; #31 4 . l develop a handbobk to be sent to every college president, that outlines steps to increase the number of students involved in the America Reads initiative. This effort will be ;'m6deled on the handbook prepared
  • programs. teacher and staff training. and curriculum development/acquisition continued to form th.e foundation of local AOD prevention programs. • State administrative expenses associated with SEA programs increased 16 percent from- J99()"91 to 1992-93
  • and encourage state and local efforts to develop more effective programs. As the federal government begins'tomove toward a balanced budget the pressure for reordering federal priorities and curtailing federal grants will increase. Preliminary analysis suggests
  • for $1.8 million, for ~st bias and equival~ncysca1e studies, was, awarded in February 1998 to the. National Academy of Sciences, pursuant to . , sections 306(a) and 308, Pub. '.t. No., 105-78: 'FUnds Jr developing national tests had been obligated
  • to: RAISING STANDAR.OS AND STRENGTHENING ACCOUNTABILITY: KEYS TO IMPROVING PUBLIC SCHOOLS October 28, 1997 President Clinton visited Oscar Mayer Elementary School in Chicago, where he met with parents, students and teachers to learn firsthand ofChicago's
  • domestic processors.' , Removes the requirement for States and unique role in ensuring that, foo 'Mr. President, Amei'ica is at th to develop opportunity-to-learn stand- processors and consumers have an un crossroads. Over the past decade vie in II
  • to develop national standards. • Also from the outset, we have recognized the need to create an independent policy committee to oversee the tests, in order to fulfill the President's commitment for the tests to be "national, not federal". The best way
  • ' ' Governor Tom Carper Lieutenant Governor ~uth Ann Minner Secretary of State Edward Freel James Hutchinson, Mayor, Dover,Delaware Robin Christiansen, President, City Council Robert McLeod, Kent County Administrator Iris Metts, Secretary of Education, Office
  • of the President for Monday, August 31,1998 (partial) (I page) 08/31/98 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 13365 FOLDER TITLE: Herndon Elementary School [1] 2012
  • student attainment.' The President"s initiative for the development of a national test to ensure high standards for all children should b~ consistent with the requirements of Title I as advanced by its own Administration. \ . • Parents or Lfnllted
  • with the President.) 8. Need to review alr vehicles we have to get our message out about what we do! (e.g. Community Update to 100,000 people a month.) , . SAVING THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT KEY STEPS 1. FORM STEERING COIIIIITTEB hE~~ Mike Cohen, Mike
  • Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Subject Files) OAfBox Number: 13362 FOLDER TITLE: Tribal Colleges [4] 2012-0160-S ry 1225 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 u.S.C: 2204{a)1 Freedom of Information Act 15 U.S.c. 552(b)1 P1 National
  • umbrel1a. of"bange and. the ~Oll of the Marion CoUJ1ty.Sehool. Improvement Council (MeSIC)•. ~ consortium of . professional development schools will draft a . . Umfied S~ol Imprcvcmcm Plan for the MCSIC JO that mini-grants C8ll hI: awatcied. . PROmCT TAIR
  • UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION THE SECRETARY March 31/ 1998 Honoraple Albert Gore/ Jr. President of the Senate Washington/ DC 20510 Dear Mr; President: Enclos,eo. for conside'ratipn 'of::the ,Congress ,isthe,:uEducation Opportunity
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. ANDTYPE 00 I. letter SUB.IECTffITLE DATE To President Clinton from Rachel Beckley-Rich re: school violence (partial, p. 3) (I page) 06/01198 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • , Congress endorsed-on a bipartisan basis-the goals initially developed by the nation's governors and President Bush. While Congres~ added two goals (parental involvement and teacher professional development) to the original six, the wording of the goals
  • WITH CLAY STAFF Districts, through Governor, request presidential declaration of public schools renewal effort Districts apply to the Secretary to be Education Opportunity Zones. -- President could "declare" Education Opportunity Zones once Secretary
  • and development activities supported by the order should be the President's 'Call to Action' restated in a way which recognizes the special cultural and educational related aca
  • and Massachusetts have Intemet, President Clinton said today he the market catering to parents looking for agreed to adopt his plan for new wants to develop a "V-chip"-style device help, including SurfWatch, CyberPatrol, . standardizea tests and he offered
  • Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Subject Files) OAiBox Number: 13362 FOLDER TITLE: California [Ron K.] Unz Initiative - Bilingu~1 Eduation [3] ,2012-0160-S . I)' 1205 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.s.c. 2204(a)1
  • , is to remind people that the Administration and the Congress, working together ,in a bipartisan fashion,' have already delivered a good deal of what people want, We can, tie this 'back to the specific agreements the Nation's Governors and President Bush
  • and improve the educational opportunities of educationally disadvantaged students to succeed in the regl,llar program ~ '~. State Program for Student~ of LiJ!1ited-English Proficiency (LEP)--To develop fluency in English in eacQ student as effectively
  • am writing to inform you of· some important developments regarding.the Goals 2000: Educate America Act that have occurred as a result of the 1996 Omnibus Appropriations Act, which. President Clinton signed into law on April 26, 1996. Most importantly
  • and. Psychological Testing, established by the American.Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education. Are the standards reasonable or are they "too high?" We acknowledge setting high
  • ), Wehling, o call Bob Jones--Louberger staff phone number; call Sally Clausen in Louisiana--Louberger/Livinlgstcin Call Joe Spagnola--funds for 1st in Jorld consortium 2. o '" , .10"" 3. History standards memo to President re: NYT op ed. ke~ points
  • , · , " . ',,' '.' , ~' ,-', . '" ',., -', '" .'.,," : '." .­ '",' """" ,:', ,,". 'I,. ,. .: ' . '\DAIL TO THE CHIEF SPECIAL EDITION PRESIDENT WIUJAM JEFFERSON QJNTON ADDRESSES THE 139th DELA WARE GENERAL ASSEMBLY
  • -----------­ -----------­ ------------­ ------------­ 701,914 ° (1,088,307) (701,914) CONGRESSIONAL ACTION, FISCAL YEAR 1996 September 13, 1995 at 10:30 AM o (in thousands of dollars) Office, Account, Program and Activity \ .!1 1. Professional development and program innovation: (a) Eisenhower
  • which few schools aim. Clinton's plan would avoid that by basing his tests on the NAEP's. The president seems to truly care about education. He said the right things to the Democratic Leadership Council in December: "We must dramatically reform our
  • developments is the growing number ofimmigrant children that we must educate. 'According to the latest census data,:nearly 20 percent of all children in our nation's schools-on'e out of five-are immigrants or . the American-born children ofimmigrants. . A new
  • Education Standards and Irm.')rl:lVement Council (NESIC), whiCh was to certify national and State standards, and which. some viewed as a national schOOl board.. Removes the requirement· for State5 to develop opportunity­ to-learn standards. These standards
  • and Members of the Committee: It's a pleasure to be back with you. I appreciate the invitation to review President . Clinton's recent edlJcation "reform" package, with particular emphasis on his standards-and-testing proposal, the one part of that package
  • + , BILL CL~NTON ON EDUCATION Government fails when our schools fail. For four years we've heard a lot oftalk about "the Education President" but seen little government action to invest in the collective talents ofour people. ' Millions ofour children go
  • ' ·t ~ .~ . U.S. Department of Education ~ Chart 11 , , Depart~ent Dispersion of Current U.S , of Education Functions President President J Education Advisor Department 11 of Education,j ; , ,. States and Communities > I
  • , prqfessional development is first thing to be cut because it is not tied to jobs and .fails to produce immediate tangible results. This occurs even, though the critical role of professional development in school r:eform is widely recognized.' The new Title II
  • ' to the American Council on Education in San Francisco today .. President Clinton drew the line on education, saying: Republican leadership ... propo~als will cut investments in our!uture and increase the cost of student loans to' our neediest students to fund tax
  • focus on 'results. It builds on the National Education • Goals,' first articulated by the Nation's gov­ i ernors (led by then-Governor Bill Clinton) and · President Bush in 1989, which pro.vide clear ! targets but encourage States to develop their · own
  • with strong demoCratic councils also generate deep structures of schoolwide reform, and that such reform efforts eventually produce significant academic improvement. Local organizations could provide other' crucial resources. Community development corporations
  • and your culture. They must be stopped.• Goals 2000 Details YOll Call Use Council (NESICl. which \\;11 serve as a federal oversight body. I () members will serve on the NESIC All of them will be appointed by President Clinton In effect. the NESIC
  • Initiative) I Page 3 . i March 20, 1 9 9 8 ! , On behalf of: iI i ASPlRA I Council of the Great City Schools i Hispanic Association of Colleges ~ Universities (HACU) Intercultural Development and ReseFch Association (IDRA) League of United Latin
  • Standards and Improvement Council The provisions in Goals 2000 to establish the National., Education Standards and Improvement Council (NESIC) are repealed. The Council would have been responsible for reviewing and approving voluntary national standards
WVA Press [2] (Item)
  • .'in a', ~ baby stroller. , ' , ' ' .'" , "We'll be able to :pufm her : baby book that she saw the ", president' when $he.' was rune ' months,old,7 Conl~y. said.'" . 'Paul, VeJtrl:II, aJitUe, older ' at age, 8, ,:wi,ll remember : the ' pr~sidentialviSit :himself
Michigan [2] (Item)
  • Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Subject Files) OAiBox Number: J 3363 FOLDER TITLE: Michigan [2] 2012-0160-S ry1220 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 u.s.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act - IS U.S.c. 5S2(b)1 PI.National
  • be smaller (70% of the maximum) to allow for phase-in. In years 3, 4, and 5 the size of the grant gradually declines (to 80%,70%, and 50% of the maximum) as we assume districts will ultimately sustain reform activities with other ~--:? Education
  • if a ~tate simply bundled together differing standards developed by local districts and submitted them as fulfilling the requirement for "state standards". What this means is that as far as President Clinton and the leaders of the Department of Education
  • continued on to succeed in a job or in college. , ~ Safe & Drug-Free Schools funding in New Haven supports staff training, a student health assessment survey, the'Social Development Program (an integrated curriculum for K-12), and to partially fund four
  • SUNTUM_M @A1 02/10/97 12:54:00 PM Record Type: To: Record See the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: 1997-2-10 remarks of President to Md State Legislature THE WHITE HOUSE " Office of the Press Secretary
Michigan [4] (Item)
  • -- With prospects for bipartisanship growing ever more tenuous in Washington, President Clinton traveled to Michigan today for a lavish embrace from this state~s Republican chief executive, John Engler, one of his Parn"s most prominent governors and on other
  • free of fear and full of promise. Keeping Our Schools Safe June 13, 1998 Announcement: In his radio address to the nation, the President directed the Secretary' of Education and the Attorney General to develop a guide to help teachers
  • from administrative overhead. T~e Vice President will elaborate on these themes in a speech to the Californi'a legislature later'ioday: , ' . . I . White House Conference on Early Development andLearning. Today. President Clinton will announce
  • o o o ,An "education reform" proposal in name only. Undermines our strategy for reform by block-granting (and thus making optional) vital elements such as professional development, safe and drug-free schools, and technology. Fails to target
  • Council for Teachers of Mathematics as J \). the benchmark to which ,its owns standards will be compared - are ~ they at least as rigorous as those developed by NCTM? Or a state \J ~.developing a writing assessment may use writing assessments ~ developed
  • suggests he's trying to win votes. By Ken Chavez . McClatchy News Service SACRAMENTO Lashing out at "federal dic­ tates," Gov. Wilson may reject . $41.5 million in aid for California schools that is being doled out under President Clinton's Goals 2000
  • in such ~gorous measures at the national tests, they .. I will need to invest in ongoing, sustained professional development for teachers andinstructionai leaders: An urb;m educ~tion grant that includes supp~rtJCir professiona~ develppmentwould be powerful
  • '-;i:(Wlls.o!1dls.agr~~?1:Schooldlst~cts1l1Call-::,develop academic benchm31rks. fo~ st,:,-de!1 t ., or fill.Ht, an employme~ t'apJ;?hcabon: ,~:: ..:.I' ~stnngs or 'unfunded mandateshldden m::Jo.rnla canus~.Goals2000Jundstoworkwork;The.Norwalk-La
  • . Sullivan Rood Aurora. n. 60506 Dr:. Stc:pbame Pace Mars.lWl, Dinec:toT ,i" JAN-18~97 SAT 02:00 PM 01/18/97 01;5% STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT ~708 FAX NO. 2022192135 WBE.:\TON BIBLE 260 1811 CONSOR~ PRESIDENT'S STATEMENT '*0·,.,.. Riley10 pursU
  • . Sullivan Rood Aurora. n. 60506 Dr:. Stc:pbame Pace Mars.lWl, Dinec:toT ,i" JAN-18~97 SAT 02:00 PM 01/18/97 01;5% STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT ~708 FAX NO. 2022192135 WBE.:\TON BIBLE 260 1811 CONSOR~ PRESIDENT'S STATEMENT '*0·,.,.. Riley10 pursU
  • sustained and intensive professional development in all core subject areas while maintaining mathematics and science asa high priority. Specifically, Federal assistance over $250,000,000 may be used for professional development in subjects other than
  • competitors have separate Departments, Ministries, or' Councils of Education (and among all developed nations, to our knowledgj!;only Australia has combined the functions of Labor and Education; the consolidation was accompanied by a substantial budget
  • this recommendation, yo'ur staff engaged in an extensive series of outreach meetings with the Hill, California officials and education activists. All of your advisors, including the Vice President, Secretary Riley, Bruce Reed, Rahm, Sylvia, Maria, Mickey Ibarra
  • potentiaL With other. parents. leachers, and the principal develop a report card on how your child's school is progressing. Inc1ude standards of excellence raised by the President in his Call to Action. Does your· school: - • - Set clear standards
Michigan [1] (Item)
  • doing and learn lessons fr~m our sister states. i, Being for public education means backing President Clinton's call for more chartor schools. Last week, the President announced the d'oubling of federal support for charter schools. ' , ':,::; ' I
  • in In­ dian Heal th Service personnel. Under VOTE this budget, the ms would assume 49 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The percent of the personnel reductions at questio;;. now is. is it the sense of the the Department of Health and Human Senate that debate on thc
  • of Representatives appointed by its Majority and Minority leaders. and 4 members of the National Council of State Legislatures appointed by its President). Allot' the Panelists serve without compensation and do not require payroll records. The annual cost associated
  • ' " " ~ ~ ' ,':!, ',;' ',,,.' ... " .. , ..... __ .-*.... . d,,: .... - -- ...... - .. National Office NeLR 1111 19th Street, N.W., Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 785-1670 Fax: (202) 776-1792 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF IA RA1A Raul Yzaguirre, President ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE UNZ INITIATIVE
  • the application was submitted, the applicant a":·· ,Educate America Act or, if those plans are not approved or forded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the alJ~· developed, with the State and local plans under sections plication and has considered
  • that the curriCulum istied to high standards, and develop high quality , assessment. ,To address the 73% of limited English proficient students who are Hispanic, in February . the President announced a Hispanic Education Action Plan which would also: • strengthen
  • , and schools with considerable flexibility in developing and implementing comprehensive improvement plans designed to help all children reach challenging academic standards. A State has substantial discretion in selecting the types of reform activities
  • http://www.aft.orgllpr/pr60997.htm Press Release - June 9, 1997 June 9,1997 FOR RELEASE: 11 AM June 10 CONTACT: Janet Bass 202/879-4458 Statement by Sandra Feldman President, American Federation of Teachers on results of the Third
Title V [4] (Item)
  • to' the program ,of the President. ' Pleas~ advise us If this ' It,e~ will affect direct spending or receipts for purposes Df the "Pav~As·You~Go" provisions of Title XIII of the, Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of' 990," " COMMENTS: DISTRIBUTION LIST
  • - serving as high school student council president. The NASC is the nation's only natio~ student council organization providing leadership development ofmiddle level and high school students and advisers. NASSP, the nation's largest schoolleadershlp
  • with reliable and practical! information aqout what they can do to be prepared and to reduce the likelihood of violence. Using the Guide to Develop a Plan of Action All staff, students, parents, and members of the community must be part of creating a safe
  • ) nation,#de'examination system will be developed, based on the five core ~bjects, tied to rile New World standards. These teSts will be dc~ried 10 foster good Ee.ilching and leaming as well as to monitor s~udcnt pro~ss. . . . . I· II Encouragement
  • , Ministries, or Councils of Education (and among all developed nations, to our knowledge only Australia has combined the functions· of Labor and Education; the consolidation was accompanied by a substantial budget increase, not a reduction). In summary
  • -304 7-5047 c. Baird Mr. Jame$ B,ecrcl!t:1''''1'I Ms. Marcune Bn;.7adwater Mr. GGOr!jI' H. Buc;h2n611 Mr. MlcbBef Con"" MB. Jann M. Coles Colgate-Palmolive Company lIAr. Christoph or Cross' Tne CounCil for Basic Eduw:nio" Natlonat CoofBre~ 01
  • OF EDUCATION President's Budget Fiscal Year 1997 STATE ALI~OCATION TABLES ) NOTE: These tables show the distribution of funds in State-allocated progranis for budget authority appropriated for fiscal years 1995 and 1996, and proposed for fiscal year
  • ) '.;) ~.:i:.'l state ass~sment8:. curriculum, andprofessicnal teacher development programs wi~ '.::...; standards contained in the Goals 2.000 la.w. California is slated to receive m',~ ~ ...:..n $1 bWion in IASA money in 1995.96; t'Wo-U1irds of this money
  • Records Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Subject Files) OAlBox Number: 17158 FOLDER TITLE: [California] [2] 2012-0160-S ryl203 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act -15 U.S,c. 552(bll PI P2 P3
  • candi­ date who wants to win in November ig­ nores the National Education Asso£iation any more." . . Bob Dole certainly hasn't ignored the union. [n his speech accepting the Republican nomination, he blasted teachers' unions, saying they are President
  • Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Michael Cohen (Subject Files) ONBox Number: 17159 FOLDER TITLE: Goals 2000 FY96 Appropriations 10/95 [I] 20 12~0 160-S ry1215 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act -144 U.s.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information
  • that wili eventually be developed for the 58 technical and ..
Articles (Item)
  • it's always going to support the' Williamses. . ' be," said Williams, who was chosen this "This is just' a big hype. There's month by the entire 750-student body to, nothing wrong with the system," said ,the council presidency, which isn't 18-year-old
  • Goals 2000 and California Education Objects to submitting applications for funds ---0 _ Objects to submitting a plan for approval ..0 o Objects to developing strategies to help reach the national education goals o Argues Goals 2000
  • , "There's a teal rise in companies' willingness to in­ , vest in their wotkforces," says Pamela J. Tate, president of the . Council for Adult & Experiential : Learning, a Chicago' consulti~g group. . I This .investment, though. carries I a none-too-subtle
  • .'1 "~ 'NelR National Office 1111 19th Street.. N.W, Suite 1000 I . 1 Washington, DC 20036 r Phone: (202) 785-1670 I' fax: (202)776-1792 ¥ NATIONAL COUNCIL OF lA RAZA Raul Yzaguirre, President Talking Points for Meeting with Clinton
  • Appropriations .. National Education Testing. Ooodling1 R-Pa.• amendment to prohibit the uSe of any appropriated funds for the development of national reading tc:sts for fourth graders and national math l:eI;rs for eight graden. Adopted 295':125; R 220-3; D 7S
  • : • • • • • • The primary goal of all (bilingual) programs is, as effectively and efficiently as possible, to develop in each child fluency in English. The program must provide equal opportunity for academic achieve­ ment, including, when necessary, academic instruction
  • lobs for America'S Graduates KENNETH M. SMITH President Suire 200 1729 King Street Alexandria. VirginIa 22314 (7031684-8400 FAX (7031684-9489 EMAIL [email protected] THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON May 19, 1995 The Honorable John R
WVA Press [1] (Item)
  • 39503 P.001 .PRESIDENT 'tLINTON . ~ IN£LARKSBIJRG THURSDAY, M1\Y22, 199j ... READ.' TELEGRAl\I • . . . .."'~ . '. '. . i" . . . . Gain apiece .. 0flflistory.Wed·nesd!lY· ;when t~e . . CLA~KSBUF EXPONENT .. &. ·T~LEGRAM· .publJ
  • ON EDUCATION REFORM' JUNE 21, ]995 " " i! "REMARKS , Ron Ottinger, Presidenl Board of Educalion, San Diego UniliedSchool District , . 1 • . r M'r. Chairman and Members 'of the Subcommittee: As President of, the, Board of Education and on behalf
  • aiso received . a single method of language ponentB, however, saYisuch waiv~,.• $25;OOO.from each of two FlOrida cUon," CTA President Lois ers would be difficult toIobtain. . !·.bUsinessmen; whom Unz said he ., n said in a statement. "Stu-Unz and Matta
  • Protection Amendment FAILED 5-8 RC . Shift $14.8 M for Job Corps funding from constru6tion to operations PASSED +$11 million to continue Bilingu~ Education suppbrt serVices and professional development grants FAILED I Continue Grants to States
  • well-trained teachers and have opportunities to develop their reading skills with trained tutors after-school time and on weekends. Strengthening And Expanding Charter Schools. President Clinton is working with Congress to pass bipartisan legislation
  • ,,_ "r March 31,1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: ,,SECRETARY RILEY BRUCE REED SUBJECT: 'California Proposition 227 (Unz Initiative) to End Bilingual Education On June 2, California voters will consider Proposition 227, otherwise
  • State and local improvement plw. ' .5. 'BllmJtlatel1he National Sl:Indatddl and Improvemcm Council 6. R.emoves the requirement that 1. S._ are cornp.ued to develop Opportunity-lO-Leam .tarl~ardl. . , Clarifi" 1hat no S,.., 10cll1 eduoation
  • Family ., i)"' ® Research ,Couhcil I Gary L. Bauer, President RESIST THE URGE TO MERGE Family Research Council opposes a merger of the U.S. Education Department, Labor Department and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. These' agencies
  • County Schools • Ike Leggett, Chair, Montgomery County Council , Off-stage announcement of the President at 1: 5 5 pm, accompanied by Sec. Riley, Lt. Gov. Kennedy Townsend, Rep. Albert Wynn, Principal Pamela Sobel, and Teacher TBD (likely Carla McEachern
  • in the nation's main Heumann, the Department of Education's special education law headed to President Clinton last week, some educators assistant secretary for special education worried that the bill was too watered and rehabilitati ve services. The bill would
  • in communities across the country. As you know, I have often relied on JAG's experience, expertise, and leader­ ship in ,developing our school-to-work strategy, including the design and implementation of the School-to-Work Opportunities Act. I look forward
  • , an educational research and reform group. "I think principal leadership, the involvement of the local school councils and the commitment of teachers to working together have paid off." Though the overall scores improved, that improvement was not seen uniformly
  • teachers, community support, and accountable school officials. An 'education president' can help focus media attentionon schooling, but he risks diluting state and local responsibility by implying that Washington can actually produce change." - Alice M
  • (NAGB) for its plan to develop and pilot the new voluntary national tests in 4th grade reading and 8th grade math. The President also announced new appointments to the Boa,rd, including Diane Ravitch, former Assistant Secretary of Education in the Bush
  • ; to promote the development and adoption of a vol· untary national system of skill standards and certifications; and for other purposes. Mar. 31, 1994 [H.R. 1804J Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Goals 2000: the United States
  • President & Goals 2000
  • What the President Should say ABout Goals 2000. It is important that the President talk about Goals 2000 in his educatoin speech (es), to demonstrate his resolve in the face of controversy, and to provide help and ammunition to its many
  • pilot tests that permit comparisons among districts. The others are options we previously developed, to restrict pilot testing or both pilot and field tests that provide individual scores. 2. Restrictions. on Implementation This set includes big
  • the Nation. o Unconditioned state Participation. No state shall be required to obtain·certification of its standards from the National Education Standards and Improvement Council (NESIC), or participate in Goals 2000 in any way, as a condition
  • such as implementation of the final rule on the, Self-Determination Contract Reform Act signed by President Clinton. The rule, published on June 24, 1996, was developed through negotiated rulemaking between the Departments of Interior, Health and Human Services
  • General to develop a guide to help teachers and principals identify and respond to the early warning signs of troubled , youth that can lead tOscllOOI violence. In August 1998, the President release the Departments of Justice andEducation's Early Warning
  • PRESIDENT CLINTON CHALLENGES SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES TO STRENGTHEN STANDARDS AND DEMAND EXCELLENCE October 29, 1996 Highlighting his strong commitment to improving education, President Clinton today will challenge schools,states, local
  • /OPD/EOP, Jonathan H. SchnurIOPD/EOP, Tanya E. Martin/OPD/EOP, Christa Robinson/OPD/EOP cc: Subject: Ed Event Real People Per Paul Begala, we are putting together a list of real people (e.g., not electeds) who have introduced the President
  • grader in reading and every 8th grader in math to make sure these standards are met. President Clinton, State of the Union Address, February 4, 1997 STRONG SCHOOLS WITH CLEAR STANDARDS OF ACHIEVEMENT AND. DISCIPLINE ARE ESSENTIAL TO OUR CHILDREN
  • . Nrkp:mick "in \\'eber c.:htdmklPl · Thoina$ \\'. Weisel riCe C!lalrmull Nicholas C. Forstmann · Difcctol'll 2) Authorize the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) to take the '. existing "NAEP'" tests and develop an individual version
  • Albert Gore, Jr. President of the Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Mr. President: Enclosed for the consideration of the Congress is a bi'll to authorize the bipartisan National Assessment Governing Board to develop policy for the voluntary national
  • MCKINNEY, WASHINGTON BUREAU DATELINE: WASHINGTON BODY: WASHINGTON - At least one congressional Republican was impressed with the education message delivered last week by President Clinton. A little cautious, maybe, but nevertheless impressed
  • ojjlcials and doem't interfere with other children's righrs, it musm 'I be denied~ , Pfesldent Clinton 1(11)' 12, 1995 '. , Dear Superintendent: On July 12th, President Clintun uirected [he Secretary of Education, in consultation with the Anorney
  • to develop events that would enable him to carry this message as well. In addition, we will look for additional events for the President and other principals in the next several weeks. The Education Department will continue its efforts to speak to editorial
  • to help inform Congressional deliberations, the committee bill directs NAGB to develop and present to the authorizing committees and the President a plan for implementation and use of the national tests. In developing this plan, NAGB should consider
  • - O'utline of.Event. , , - Background on Education in West Virginia. - Draft Remarks. - Sample Reading Question (to be incorporated in your remarks). - Sugge'stedQuestions from President to Audience. ~.eLI- ,5.' ~r(W- I.! vA- I '{'f\ A J.~CH'L
  • to seek it... •• President Bill Clinton, September 6, 1996, at Gulf Coast Community College. Panama City. FL Fifty years ago, a panel convened by President Truman challenged the nation to develop a netwOrk of low-cost community colleges whose "dominant
Oct. 1 Event (Item)
  • of appropriations, but I'm not sure how to fit it in. Maybe a line about English (like the CHC speech), OR if President starts mentioning other members: "Everyone here has been active on education: Congressmen Becerra and Hinojosa helped develop our Hispanic
Title V [2] (Item)
  • preparation programs exist in different regions of the country, too many prospective teachers do not receive high­ quality preparation (aligned with chaJJenging content anc!performance standards) in the subject areas they will teach, and in child development
Good Letters (Item)
  • program as you work with thf Co~e8sUmallC)$.a.ership to fsahioll a plan f01' balanc:iDg the federal budget. , Mr. PreSident, I support. the goal of a balaDCed federal budgetj however, I also believe that goa1 will not and ~ot be reaUzed without continueci
  • children to develop the intellectual competencies :necessary for a productive workforce and an enlightened citizenry: (11) better coordination of adult literacy services, and access by service providers ,to information about the best , ' practices
  • reach 6 percent (4-13,000) fewer :disadvantage'd children than would the President's, 1997 budget request.' : :Eisenhower Professional Development: (-$610 million from the President's ~$610 million request) The House would prevent an estimated 750,000
  • ¥4~,~,~~~&~~y:~e~#~~·t¥~!-l~~~~~:~;~~~.-.··;;;~;~::?;~.:;:l~:·:':~;~;
  • on the proqress of States, school districts, and schools toward attainment of the National Education Goals; (10) Americans need to know how much time their children should spend learninq, and how that time should be used, in order for those children to develop
  • toward attainment of the National Education Goals; (10) Americans need to know how much time their children should spend learning, . and how that time should be used, in order for' those children to develop the intellectual competencies necessary
  • with an enabling State . 14 statute, is exempted from significant State or 15 local rules that inhibit the flexible operation 16 and management of public schools; 17 (B)· is ereated by a developer as a public 18 school, or is adapted by a developer from
  • programs; \J i ,::;)iOl\ • integration of technology; • production of minority teachers; and • commitment to underserved areas. • Program funding would be used for: , • further development of the exemplary teacher preparation program, including work
  • shai~ of credit for these 'improvemedts, of course, but many of the . . I innov~tions and r~forms now underway have. . ' . , been encouraged by the Federal government. At the 1989 Education Summit, for I· ' . example, President Bush accelerated
Federal Role (Item)
  • of people without a stake in our democracy. . In recognition of the need for the U.S. educational system to provide a world-class education for all its students, starting in 1989, Governors of all fifty States, the President, and the C6ngress developed
  • had no authority to grant waivers to allow local school districts or states to tryout their own innovative ideas with federal program funds. But under education legisla­ tion signed by President Clin­ ton in 1994, the department in !'he last year
  • Standards and Improve­ ment Council; Removes the requirement for States to develop opportunity-to,­ learn standards; Clarifies that no State, local education agency, or school shall be required, as' a condition of receiving assistance under this title
  • atelyto keep religion completely out in this area. of public schools. In a July 12, 1995 speech on reli­ gious liberty in America, President . The principles are derived mainly Clinton stated that "the First Amendfrom the First Amendment. They ment
  • . Consolidates existing Department of Education, Department of Labor, and EEOC; . Provides focus for the establishment of a national strat~gy for the development of our Nation's future and current workforce and workplaces; Saves over $4 billion annually through
  • . Along with advertising on local radio stations, managers have met with local ROTC units and tbe Interchurch Council of Greater Cleveland to nush out candidates. Lincoln won't specify how much it spends on recruiting. but says it has spent more
  • 6,698,356,000 6,833,887,000 6,125,922,400 6,336,000,000 6,698,356,000 6,730,348,000 i EISENHOWER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT STATE GRANTS Fiscal Year :1993 '1994 ,1995 ·:1996, :1997 President's Request 248,000,000 252,658,000 752,000,000 735,000,000
  • aftectintellectual development; (I) the time children spend on homework, how much of that time is spent on the core curriculum subjects, the 71 . importance that parents and teachers attach to homewqrk, arid the extent to which homework contributes to student
  • [or its ' The North. Carolina. conseryative 'Helms to: be committee chairman. James H; Rowe, vice president for : , Menino was so incensed that',"," ' HARYARP, Page A34'has_refused'to say,anythingmore on. HE~MS, Page AIO
Springbrook (Item)
  • in instruction is developing as so many computers are put into the competent hands of the staff of Springbrook High ,SchooL ) I : I ,I PHOTOCOPY . PRESERVATION I' .' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON F\ l~ ~ )Z\
  • -than-thoughtful, ap­ proach to solv!ng the problems, an inability to de~ with more than one condition in f context, or poorly developed reading skills. The ten­ dency was present in items across all Japan content. areas .. . . If A rubber ball
  • ,. 'Wilson: Goals 1996 I D. his qUest far the presidency, one of Gov. _ Pete Wilson's favorite refrains bas been to attack t1t.a fedel'8l goverument, w:hicbhe lrequently c:alls mtrusive. u.chending and in­ sensitive to Callfomi.a!a needs. He also' b..a.s
  • with relevant. specific, and detailed development, ' IV, Chqice of. words is precise:usagt3 is'careful and accurate, ' ' .. ' ,V, ,The write~ composes ,sentences of, SyntaCtiC, complexity and variety and constructs coherent paragraphs, although't!leresponse may
  • ,Education Branch Execudve Office of the President Office of Management Dnd Budget Washington, D.C. 10503 TO: ~ ~ktl\ FAX NUMBER: ;_'---1!C=--~_~_'~.;...-,_~__________ FROM: W,( 1 ' f;l(kti I~ , . l DATE: ________________ NUMBER OF PAGES
  • if it participates. Otherwise, it ~ill not hav:! to do so. Let me take a moment to explain some of the changes we ~ade in the final bill. First, while a State must develop opportunity to learn standards or strategies, they only have to include those factors it deems
  • to allow ' local areas to develop elementary and secondary, education'programs that meet their needs. (Introduced in ,', the House) HR4105IH 104th CONGRESS 2d Session .' H. R.4105 " To repeal the Goals 2000,: Educate America Act to allow local areas
  • obtain' or graduate at least a The deadline for both the basic sk.ills requirement and ; the National Teachers Examination requirement 15 July 1, 1987. The Arkansas Test,. the Arkansas Educational wa~ ills Assessment, developed by the Arkansas
Title V [3] (Item)
  • :'~perJy prepared and. quali­ 21.fied and receive the ongoing support and profes­ '. 22 23 , . sional .development they need to be effective edu­ ;catolS. , " 07/22197 TUE 10:10 FAX 07/22/97 9:11 1S' REP. G. MILLER , ':\M5\~LCA\MILLcA.038