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102 results

  • [Social Welfare in Finland]
  • : Health Care Task Force Series/Staff Member: Magaziner Subseries: OA/ID Number: 4959 FolderlD: Folder Title: [Social Welfare in Finland] Stack: Row: S 53 Section: Shelf: Position: 1 1 Clinton Presidential Records Digital Records Marker
  • [Health Care in Finland]
  • : Health Care Task Force Series/Staff Member: Magaziner Subseries: OA/ID Number: 4959 FolderlD: Folder Title: [Health Care in Finland] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 53 4 1 1 Clinton Presidential Records Digital Records Marker
  • [Health for All Policy in Finland]
  • : Health Care Task Force Series/Staff Member: Magaziner Subseries: 4960 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [Health for All Policy in Finland] Stack: Row: S 53 Section: Shelf: Position: 1 2 Clinton Presidential Records Digital Records
  • [Social Security in Finland 1989 and 1990]
  • : Health Care Task Force Series/Staff Member: Magaziner Subseries: 4960 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [Social Security in Finland 1989 and 1990] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 53 4 1 2 Clinton Presidential Records Digital
  • : Health Care Task Force Series/Staff Member: Magaziner Subseries: OA/ID Number: 4960 FolderlD: Folder Title: [Development Alternatives in Finland's Social and Health Policies to the Year 2030] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 53 4 1
  • Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States 4.9 4.4 3.4 5.5 3.6 4.2 4.2 4.8 2.9 5.9 4.0 3.3 2.9 n.a. 3.9 4.4 3.3 n.a. n.a
  • : Health Care Task Force Series/Staff Member: Magaziner Subseries: OA/ID Number: 4960 FolderlD: Folder Title: [The Great Power-Line Cover-Up] Stack:: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 53 4 1 2 EMBASSY OF FINLAND 3 2 1 6 NEW MEXICO
  • Population of the United States: 256,749,000 Percentage who are uninsured or underinsured : 37 The 12 countries with higher life expectancies than the US: Japan, Iceland, Andorra, Italy, Sweden, Australia, Finland, France, New Zealand, Denmark, England
  • , and Sweden), and eleven spend 6.0 to 7.9 percent (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom). Comparing components of the typical health care system (such as human and material resources
  • plan. Finland Owned and operated by local communities. Annual budgets, determined by a system of national health planning and ultimately controlled by the central government. Specific appropriations; financed in part by the communities and n part
  • Chapelle, M.D., of the University of Helsinki in Finland, to identify a region on chromosome 2 that contained the HNPCC gene. That work hinged on the use of a new and better type of DNA marker, known as a microsatellite, which gives researchers a higher
  • (Downer's Grove) on Friday, August 5, Saturday, August 6 and Sunday, August 7 of this year. We are extending this invitation internationally and are anticipating approximately 150 families and at least ten doctors to attend representing the USA, Finland
  • . and tree-rich countries with tiny populations and big forest products companies—Sweden's Stora Kopparbergs, Finland's Repola, and Canada's Noranda. Though • FOREST PRODUCTS. "The U.S. is to the American producers in the past tended to paper industry what
  • ••• (Continuedfrompage 1) logical data in return for rights to market the drug in the U.S. Wyeth permitted the council to transfer the manufacturing process forthedrugtoLeiras.acompany in Finland, whichnow markets it overseas in the public and private sectors. Wyeth
  • m. Contacts/Yr. Person ** 5.4 37 US .. 233.7 Australia 204.9 Belgium 321.7 33 Canada 215.5 44 57 6.6/7.1 Denmark 256.2 25 31 5.2/8.0 Finland 226.7 25 35 3.6 France 249.6 5.2/7.8 Germany 280.8 10.8/11.5 Italy 111.5 10.9
  • La Stampa O f f i c e T e l : (202)347-5233 Fax T e l : (202) 347-5691 FINLAND K y o s t i Karvonen H e l s i n g i n Sanomat O f f i c e T e l : (202)662-7555 Fax T e l : (202) 662-7554 A n t o n i o Cano E l Pais O f f i c e T e l : (202)638-1533
International (Item)
  • Capita Health Expenditures (AdjustedtorInflation, 1985-1991) Country Turkey Spain Italy Finland Iceland Luxembourg Norway Japan Belgium United Kingdom Canada Portugal France Austria Netherlands Ireland Greece Australia New Zealand Germany Denmark
  • , an agriyears, polls had been saying the enough to go it alone. Why pay extra culture student who voted no. "Why same thing. But the margin dropped money to subscribe to a union whose make it bigger? Oslo is already far in recent days after both Finland
  • * ^ U.S. . 10.8 15.8 . W 13.7 ^ ^ ^ 6.5 J ^ ^ 456,000 420 Not shown: Iceland (No. 2), Swiuerland (3), Italy (9), Norway (10), Austria (15), Belgium (16), Finland (19), Dtnr.wk (20), New Zealand (21). •People admitted aa a percentage
  • psychodynamic and neurobiological milieu, outer psychological and physical environment, behaviour and Malm & Lundin 5 handicap. Real life illustrations of how to realize this are the Tammerfors project for people wih long term mental illness in Finland (5
  • .. The effect of health aeivioa oo mortality; decline in death rates from unstable and noMmenaMe eanaea in Finland 1909-1981. Laneet, i (1986) 199-202. 19 Madkeabacb, J^., Looman, C.W.N., Knnst. A.E., Habbema. J D F. and Van der Maas, P.J.. Psat-1950 moitaKty
Mental Health (Item)
  • criticized the nation's elected leaders for allowing the United States to fall woefully behind in the amount of research and effort it spends on protecting workers. Finland, for example, spends 20 times as much per worker than the United States does
  • . Painter - Dr. Moulin, France - Dr. Vilmar, Germany - Dr. Landry, Canada - Dr. Todd - Dr. Aarimaa, Finland Policy positions adopted by the Council for transmittal to the Assembly were: Body Searches of Prisoners, Surrogate Motherhood, and Statement
  • . Chart provided courtesy of the Non-Smokers' Rights Association, Ottawa, Canada. Coalition on Smoking OR Health Saving Livei and Raising Revenue - 22 - Figure 7 Cigarette Taxes in Developed Nations Data from 1991 & 1992 Denmark Norway Canada Finland
  • greatof all the after-tax income paid to that the "dynamic" impact would er equality, as the stocks and bonds individuals in the United Sutes each produce a bigger economic pie for of the rich lost value. But that effect year. In Finland, a nation
  • a Jewish settlement i n the Gaza S t r i p and k i l l e d three s o l d i e r s . More than 160 a c t i v i s t s were detained. s, 1 11 1 BC-EUROPE-FINLAND-VOTE URGENT Finnish parliament approves EU membership HELSINKI, Nov 18 (Reuter) - The Finnish