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  • Torres-Gil, HHS Robyn Stone Others: Barbara Cooper, HHS Portia Mittleman, HHS UNDERSERVED (RURAL AND URBAN POPULATIONS) Lois Quam (Rural) Phil Lee, HHS (Urban) Rural: Denise Denton Dena Puskin, HHS Jeff Human, HHS Mike Lincoln, IHS Urban: Kristine
  • Director Kristine Gebbie 22 XXI. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt 23 XXII. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol Browner 23 President William Jefferson Clinton Excerpts From Speech To The National Council On Aging Washington, D.C
  • AND URBAN POPULATIONS) Lois Quam (Rural) Phil Lee, HHS (Urban) Rural: Denise Denton Dena Puskin, HHS Jeff Human, HHS Mike Lincoln, IHS Urban: Kristine Gebbie, HHS Jo Ivy Buford, HHS Claudia Baquet, HHS Richard Veloz, HHS Roz Lasker 9:45 - 10:45 a.m
  • ," coincides with the appointment of Kristine Gebbie as President Clinton's AIDS Policy Coordinator. David Rogers^,—th£_ comroission's deputy chair, welcomed the appointment. "We're pleased that the Clinton Administration has finally started i t s engine
  • to do what, and how much money i s i t going to cost? This doesn't do that.'' President Clinton's AIDS coordinator, Kristine Gebbie, insisted that the documents represented only *"the beginning'' of a process not the administration's detailed action plan
  • AIDS Czar's Plan: People Talking With Each Other Kristine Gebbie will try to develop a moTt effective national prevention strategy. States would create their own programs. By MARLENE CIMONS W ASHINCTON-Newly selected federa] AIDS coordinator Kristine