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16 results

  • -- e.g., CDBG, Jobs Training Partnership Act, Job Corps, Youth Apprenticeship, JOBS -- for which one set of categorical criteria will be developed, Municipalities that receive enterprise zones, therefore, would be relieved of some of the burdens
  • .:: . '.'1" ' , REDEVELOPING BROWNFIELDS: HOW STATES AND LOCALfTlES USE CDBG FUNDS , "' , HUD·0008634 , " ; ". " , . ;;',,' . .'.' ," ; ", i, " / " ,' < J; , ... HUD USER's Document Reproduction Service ," ,. from
  • • SUbsequent appropriation could be sought on annual basis • Local commitments to use ponion of CDBG and Title XX funds • RFP information to assist communities in planning for shops -- rewarding communities that jn~egralc state. local and private sector
  • of program oversight and management - CPD field office staff - Generalist liaisons OffIce 01 EZIEC DRAFT 1110197 FOR iNTERNAL USE ONLY o o §~ em :1·0 "" m :I: C o o m !;D CDBG Communities Q :r CD ..... o :r III 3 "2. o :::l CJ> ­ u
  • 102. Redevelopment Brownfields: How States and Localities Use CDBG Funds, October 1998 I Table of Contents ~ Page 5
  • is committt:d to assure tha existing FHA, CDBG, HOME resources and homeowncrship counsding arc made :.w.lilablc, as needed. Through this collaboratiun it is hoped that innovative, cost-effective tcchnoloj;ies that might otherwise take many ye:1Is to '.vork
  • Compensation......................... 4,txXl Highwa~ .........__._............................... ~ ...:...., '2,976 CDBG................................................................ Youth Summer Jobs............................. _.._._ .... ,· . 2,536
  • and single fam\}y housing built on the same sites, Participating cities would be asked to forgive all existing local tax liens ort the property and contlibute additional public funds (possibly including HOME or CDBG funds) 10 support redevelopment