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  • Domestic Policymaking ill the Clinton-Gore While House 1993-2001: Selected Memoranda and Documents Health and Health Care Documents (Annex III 1/31/97 Memorandum for the President 11.1 From: Bruce Reed, Patricla.l. Flcrning Subject: Follow up
  • I. Memo Bmcc Reed &. Elena Kagan to Chief of Staff re: Tobacco Negotiations, RESTRICTION 5110198 1'5 Spp. 2, MentO Bruce R\.'ed & Ekna Kagu:i 10 POTUS re: Tobacco Ncgot:u:ions Status 5112198 1'5 RCP0l1,4J)p. 3. Memo Bruce Reed & Elena
  • . child care and Qut of school youth (ages 12-15) services; and $4.1 million for the Department of Labor to double its enforcement of domestic farm labor laws and significantly improve its data on and documentatIon ofagriCUltural .workers. Taken as n
  • : Building Trust and Promoting Collaboration." The !wo­ day conference would be by Invitation only. The opening sessions could focus on Identifying and documenting the major sources of tension that undennlne bust and collaboration. That done, w~'d swing quicl
  • . ,...' " THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ,.~/ April 11,1997 MEMORANDUM FOR TIlE PRESIDENT FROM: ., Bruce Reed Melanne VcrVeer Elena Kagan SUBJECT:' While House Conference on Early Childhood Development aru! Learning As you know, on Thursday
  • ·' '11:. , " June 24. 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed, Elena Kagan Gene Sperling, Sally Katzen SUBJECT: Summer AMouncemems and Events Listed below are ideas for announcements and events that you could do this summer
  • -documented. • A program focused 011 a~r-scbool and summer reading tutoring raisE'S questions about the efficacy of Title I and the overaH scnool program. • • ResPQD~e i Through ESEA rellumorivu:ion and other efforUi. ~e Department too is: working
  • a plan which uses federal TANF dollars to replace existing . state social services spending. In Texas. the state spent less than one-third of its surplus from declining caseloads on welfare to work programs; the rest was used on state programs previously
  • P, '97 sEi> 21pM2:18 THE WHITE HOUSE WASH,INGTQN :;;r '(-;,Zl~'i::·.n· "'!AS St.:~tt .7, .~ ~ -'li "" MEMORANDUM FOR THE September 19, 1997 PRE~ENT FROM: SUBJECT: · . Bruce Reed Elena Kagan Drc Weekly &e.poI1 '.1. Education - Laoor
  • . While the focus would be on getting the notifications to families at the hignest.:.poverty schools, we would not need to be that restrictive and could reach a larger number than the Fattah legislation proposes. Our expectation is that 'we can provide
  • . Major shipping line!. arc already threatening to relocate (0 Halifax if the 45~foot,deepening project does not begin to move, because these lines already are rurning away ships with 45~foat drafts. A current DOT study documents significant cargo
  • reporting date (Feb 1999) is after the date we had hope to start negotiations thus delaying reform, Third, it is not clear at this point precisely-what mechanism win be the best one to get reform done-- and k!gislating a commiSSIon could restrict our
  • of the debate over afTinmltivc acl\on centers around the tension of [) whether merit is being cOlllprollllscd ~llld 2) the impact on Innocent hystanders. Design standards such as restrictions against burdens all vested interest of innocent bystanders, ngid
  • of positions, it might be argued that a central role for state governments could Increase the risk of political competition for designation and restrict opportunities in some states. Given these potential problerns,two other possi­ bilities should be noted
  • growth f'J.le for discretionary spending reduces the size oftllc surpluses somewhat, it provides a conceptual basis for the Administration to support less restrictive limits on discrctiol1:u'Y spending for the ftltUfe, ISSliE 2: POLICY Clr..\ NGESCOULJ
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON '\ MEMORANDUM FOR TIlE FROM: SUBJECT: Novembcr25, 199";' l'~mlNT -.", ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~, 1- 6/D
  • November 5, 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Gene Sperling Elena Kagan Sally Katzen SUBJECT: State orthe Union/Budget Ideas This memorimdwn provides a brief description of new ideas we are considering for the State
  • \vlthin him. n I r More n:ccntly, Hmvard PmfCbsot Jerome Kagan published a book cOlitcnding that there is a universal desire to "ec oneself as ethically upright. This desire explRins thJ power of conscience. Ir w:: wl;-,h It. sec ourselves as ethically
  • Justice for constitutionally permissible ways to restrict gaog activity. One housing authority is using a two-strikes-and-out policy to evict repeat offenders. Stiffer sentences for criminals who wear bullet-proof vests. Target eriminsls With guns: Justice