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AIDS 1994 [5] (Item)
  • highest levels of government. While it is not the policy of the White House to share job descriptions with outside groups, I can assure you that the position of the National AIDS Policy Coordinator has the author!ty a.nd the potential to meet all of your
AIDS 1994 [9] (Item)
  • for the position of National AIDS Policy Coordinator. I have forwarded your recommendation to our Personnel Division. As always, we appreciate your takinq the time to share your thouqhts. sincerely, 11. A' LLp. .­ car_ Assistant to the President for Domestic
  • that tnocl«d ~ initiatives ror Ule - 1 1 of HEW. l.m a gta
AIDS 1994 [6] (Item)
  • Thank you for meeting with representatives of the AIDS community last week to discuss restructuring the office of the national AIDS policy coordinator. I appreciated hearing about the status of the offil(;e, particularly in relation to coordination
AIDS 1994 [3] (Item)
  • f-k: {lIDS THE WHITE HOUSE WASH INGTON MEMORANDUM TO ALL STAFF OF THE AIDS POLICY COORDINATOR'S OFFICE FROM: Carol H. Rasco SUBJ: Int,erirrl Director DATE: August 2, 1994 I am pleased to share with you that Patsy Fleming has been named
AIDS 1994 [1] (Item)
  • to the President for Domestic Policy White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20500 Re: National Aids Policy Coordinator Dear Ms. Rasco: C' :, Thhdetteris'writteifitl' support of Mi: Herberf W. Pehy;
AIDS 1994 [4] (Item)
  • -AIDS. CJUI' Sincerely, ~
AIDS 1993 [9] (Item)
  • THROUGH KRISTINE M. GEBBIE NATIONAL AIDS POLICY COORDINATOR SUBJECT ACT-UP DEMONSTRATION 10111193 IN LAFAYETTE PARK . AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power (ACT-UP) is planning to hold a demom.tration in LaFayette Park on 10/11/93. Attached, are some
  • Policy Coordinator Dear Ms. Rasco; This letter is written in support of Mr. Herbert W4 perry, LPA/EA as a candidate ror the position of National AIDS Policy Coordinator. Hr. Perry has indicated to me that he has a sincere interest in seeking
AIDS 1994 [2] (Item)
  • MAR 30 REC'O THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 29, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO CAROL RASCO, Assistant to the President FROM: . SUBJECT: Andrew E. Barrer, Ph.D. Office of the National AIDS Policy Coordinator Health Care Reform and HIVI AIDS Kristine has
AIDS 1994 [8] (Item)
  • 09: 4.4 'l$'2:02 690 1095 DHHS, lOS Ii!i 002 MEMORANDUM Date: August 12, 1994 Jeff Levi To~ Carol Rasco, Patsy Fleming SUbject: Meetings with constituency groups ro National AIDS Policy Coordinator Since Patsy h"-' heen away and tho
AIDS 1993 [6] (Item)
  • time and interest in discussing the position of .AIDS Policy Coordinator with me. As I mentioned in our last phone conversation, it was a great honor to be considered f·or this position. I wish the newly appointed coordinator and you good luck
AIDS 1993 [3] (Item)
  • ~/ '/(a4er; Carol H. Rasco " . . ­ Assistant to the President for Domestic policy CHR:ram cc: Kristine Gebbie, AIDS policy Coordinator 750 17th Street, N.W. - Suite 1060 Washington, DC 20503 ooo~o~ SEN! 6Y:Xerox relecoDl,er 702' l8,:"Z~-SS i, O:SOPM i
AIDS 1993 [1] (Item)
  • WASHINGTON January 12, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO CAROL RASCO :;; lUif # FROM: Kristine M. Gebble, R.N., M.N. National AIDS Policy Coordinator SUBJECT: Presidential HIV/AIDS Advisory Council nominees ' 1. After a thorough nominating process during
AIDS 1993 [2] (Item)
  • AIDS POLICY COORDINATOR SUBJECT Article in today's Washington Times On page A7 of today's Washington Times, John McCaslin reports on Kristine Gebbie's firing of Oregon's state medical examiner Dr. William J. Brady. The article implies that Kristine
  • Gebl::>ie. AN, MN. F"IatJonal AIDS pOlicy COordinator - 1,/ i4N(E /qccuo/..?TH Nwnber ofPages~ .:3 +Cwer Fax Number: 4e({.!? -ZfSJ Y Date" ItJ/z 'i 1\Ie8&8.Ie : (.a.vo I ­ ) OVI/1'7 -e
AIDS 1993 [8] (Item)
  • ) 5/18/93 P61B6 2. Bio Re: Peggy Hamburg, 1p nd P61B6 3. Memo To Bruce Lindsey from Counsel's Office, OPP Re: AIDS Policy Coordinator position, 5p 3/28/93 P5 4. Memo To Carol Rasco from Bob Boorstin re: AIDS Czar, 1p 4/24/91 [sic] P5
AIDS 1993 [7] (Item)
  • : AIDS Policy Coordinator Proposed Personal Qualificatidns, Role and Respon.ibilities You made a commitment during the campaign to appoint "an AIDS policy·director to coordinate federal AIDS policies, cut through bureaucratic red tape, and implement reco
  • and the Director of the Office of National Service- Eli Segal, the Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development- Ira Magaziner, the Director of National Drug Control Policy- Lee Brown, and finally the National AIDS Policy Coordinator- Christine
  • Council's Executive Director To: Carol Rasco Fr: Dan Bross.~ 4~ Re: Office of National AIDS Policy Coordinator Date:May 26, 1994 --,-------------------------------------­ IS"!'; In case the White House courier does not arrive by 1:00, I am forwarding
AIDS 1994 [7] (Item)
  • Charlene Drew Jarvis Councilmember, District of Columbia Washington, D.C. 20004' Dear Charlene: Thank you for writing to recommend Dr. Mohammad Akhter for the position of national AIDS policy coordinator. I appreciate your interest in this critical job
AIDS 1993 [4] (Item)
  • Xristine. Getlble, thf!!: national AIDS policy coordinator; or. JaJlQlI W. 'Curran, the ax: I A associa1:.o