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22 results

  • '> . (:'516) ($710) G$7) em) (S491) (533) em ~J) (SII) (SZ1) ($6Ol (S181) ($4S) ($101) ($d4) (S284) $0 ($101) {$14) ($19) ($103) ($a4) ($'7)
  • 1820 1820 11107 11107 S803 S803 ".080 11.080 11.187 ".'87 ",253 ",253 ".3«1 I1.G7 . I1.G7 ".513 "'.1113 11.Il00 ''.Il00 '1,1183 .,0 .,0 1588 1588 11111 "5' ".811 .1.883 $9117 $9117 S857 S857 1130 1130 11.558 ".883 ".083 11.083 1m 1m 1100
Signing [2] (Item)
  • ~ --' -_. \l.wo...,.::, LiJv,!.A :b hi oJ.. v::./ ~ 't::.t.t:':-s., ..,. a Bel \1>6 '(f'" \ ~~'-~-------------- --­ IilJ002 G7/2S/98 '. 12:35 - - ----,--------,--­ July 25, 1996 The flonor.ble Bill Clinlon The White House 1600 Pennsylvania AYO" NW
  • ..... 9,120 ..,.... ...... ....."" .,. ..,., "" .." IO,OQ2 1,1:lll' 7,$U 6,~4 -­" ,­.... """"' ,...... ..... ..... - .,.,.,."'" .... """"'" """"'" ....,. ...... ....,. ""'-' ..... ""'" _ _ Co.> --. ~'" """ 7.G« 7,GtbI '.m I'«!w MwJoo N_YO/t(Suff
  • _____________________________ ~ __ ----~~.._ __ ~ __ \t __ Rlclmrd A. Ferreira , Hlilfiatl Services Office of Govemmcnt Altairs Suirt: 1:I0ll l:nl l'ell1lsylvallia Avenlle, NW Washill~tOJl, (i02) 637·G7~ DC ~n004 I Fax (202) (),1'].(i7!l9 Allen Z. Miller Director EDS Office of Government
CEOs (Item)
  • of lowest deficit as a share of GDP among the managed trade even when· U.S.. business is . G-7 countries. We've created more high. the beneficiary of government favor. Com- wage jobs than the other six countries com­ peting nati9ns will respond il1 kind
  • payments to the family --------- to meet basic needs; and reduced the number of aata elements to be reported (Appendices E through G) ; (7) Dropped the provision that required disaggregated and aggregated reporting on separate State programs
Child Support (Item)
Rollout [2] (Item)
Letters [1] (Item)
  • overc=:::'i',ui::g; 7:ork: cadres facilitate a p:isoner'2 re~oilitation ~~d rele~se t: a joe tra~ing/place­
Galston Clips (Item)