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Mexico Statement 3/20/97
- · Original.OA/ID Number: 3388 Row: 48 Section: Shelf: Position;· 1 3 \ Stack: v THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary Helsinki, Finland March 20, 1997 For Irrunediate Release STATEMENT BY THE .PRESIDENT ON SENATE'S VOTE ON MEXICO I welco~e
- : Speechwriting-Blink en ' Original OAIID Number: 3388 Row: Section: Shelf: .· Position: Stack: 48 ~· 1 3 v THE WHITE HOUSE ) Office of the Press Secretary Helsinki, Finland For Immediate Release March 20, 1997 Statement by the President
- JEFFERSON CLINTON JOINT PRESS CONFERENCE WITH RUSSIAN PRESIDENT YELTSIN HELSINKI, FINLAND MARCH 21, 1997 2 Let me frrst thank President Ahtisaari, Prime Minister Lipponen and all the people of Finland for their gracious hospitality. I did not expect
- , FINLAND MARCH 20, 1997 • Acknowledgments: Secretary Albright; Ambassador Shearer; Ruth Goldway [others tk] • Want to thank you for coming here to the hotel to see me. But for the sake of historical accuracy -- and for the young people in this room
- : Speechwriting-Blinken · Original 0 A/ID Number: 3388 Row: 48 Section: Shelf: Position: Stack: 1 3 v . •. i ...• THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary Helsinki, Finland For Immediate Release March 21, 1997 JOINT STATEMENT Joint Statement
- on the Budget] ( ..-------------------------- 2 I leave tonight for Helsinki, Finland, for my eleventh meeting with Russian president Boris Yeltsin. Not long ago, each summit was itself historic. Today, our meetings have become almost routine, as we work
- focused on foreign policy, and has conferred such honorary membership to previous visiting dignitaries, including President Bush, Secretary Albright, and the Heads of State of Spain, Panama, Haiti, Hungary and Finland. The current U.S. chancery
- and puttlng technology to commercial use. Recent sharp price falls tor telecommunications services in Britain, Japan and Finland are the. result of ending telephone monopolies. in those countries, it points out, while lower air fares In both Europe and the U.S
- Senator George Mitchell and his two co-chairmen from Canada and Finland, they must agree on how to end a bloody conflict -- including how to handle the weapons that have helped to fuel it. And they must devise a workable government for Northern Ireland
NATO Speech - Most Recent
- , forces from Sweden and Finland and a full Russian brigade. Just seven years ago, these soldiers served on opposite sides of the Iron Curtain. Today, their teamwork with our troops and other European NATO allies is erasing the lines that once divided
- Representative Fallali Prime Minister Victor Chemomyrdin Prime Minister John Major . Chancellor Helnwt Kohl NATIONS/ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPANTS Austria Belgium Denrnarlt · Finland Greece Ireland Luxemburg Netherlands Portugal Sweeden Albania Morocco Poland Czech
- in: Bosnia. ~ ·.' ~ . ' ' ' 27 ... . ' There are Polish and Czech co.mbat battalions ... Hungarian and Romanian ~ngineering troops ... soldiers from Ukraine and the Baltic states ... forces from Sweden · . ' . and Finland... and a full Russian
- + ' ' .~ ' • 1.05. I 1.03 Denmark Swaden NethettanCis I . France I C1nadi1 I Luxembourg I Austr.alla I l .I I. '" ., Switzerland Germany • I Finland United Kingdom Belgium Japan Austria Portugal· · Spain New Zealand Ireland rtaJy I
- , Latvian, Uthuanian. Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slowk. and Slovene. These· broadcasts can be heard in the foUowing countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark. Estonia, Finland, France. Germany
- , Russia has never been part of Western Europe. As she conquered alternately Paris and Berlin, crossed the Alps, and gobbled up Finland, Russia always remained an alien force. European powers used her in fighting against each other, but invariably cut her