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30 results

  • ; Gold Jewehy , 4, Wa.tch movements (18 jewels) 2 WatCh movements 7 Watcll cases - goJ.d 1 P~atinum pocket cigaret~ case Manufacturer's silver 55 Pieces of gold 12 Gold coins Respectfully, CC to Freedman I and Slater Inc. I aowoU Assistant
  • after the transfer of the loot to the US Army, I , Becher and Kasztner begin to petition the authorities for its fonnal recognition and return. I The following letter was addressed' apparently directly'or 'indirectly to one Russel Slater
  • by the name of Slater." Egon: Slater. Essex: 'S-L-A-T-E-R, I remember that name. Okay. Later I forget how, that Slater delivered the jewelry to Salzburg, wh was the headquarters of counte ntelligence, and that the jew deposited in a sa in the Landners Bank
  • the 21S th CIC Detachment in Bad Ischl. On May 24, Sgt. R. L. Slater visited Becher's erstwhile hideout in Weissenbach and there he took over the valuables from Schweiger. 25 On May 30, 1945 the treasure containing eight gold bullion, gems and several
  • members of Congress, Senator Robb, Congressman Stott, Congressman Sisisky. And we have members of our Cabinet. I want to especially thank Secretary Albright, I Secretary Summers, Secretary Daley and Herman, Secretary Shalala and Cuomo, Slater
  • . arr~sted him and that the officer who took the jewels was ~amed "Slater." . :' Later, ' . Kit~stein tracked down the officer, Russell Slater, and received the information that the l valhables were deposited in a bank safe in Salzburg. , ' I' I
  • of other diamond, gold, and platinum jewelry (see appendif. A)?2 The U. S. Property Control Officer at the Military Government Warehouse, Memo from Special Agent Russel R. Slater, 215 1h CIC Detachment, "SUbject: Interview with Schweiger, Nicholas
  • Sinai, John S. 14 i ,...,. 15 16 I 1953-1969 1952 ,Alexander . ......... ~~ ~"'''~ ยป~-,,~~"''' ~ I ....... ~" I. 'Iiy Homanovich 18 "Six Thirty Group" ("630 Group") 19 I ... .. ~ 1948-1953 ,,~ I Slater, H. Nelson \ 3 of 6
  • : words in square brackets [ ... ] are inferred or i , reconstructed on the basis of the context; words in braces { ... } , ! are remarks of the translator. I I I I Russel Slater 8511/74 I' 851931 I I I Geneva, 21 October 1945 [You] will certainly
  • section 39 or the Act bydirecttng,the O~fice to make available to the War C181_ Fund an alllOunt not, to exceed $15,000,000. Several ~slater the Office traneferred $60,000,000 to the Fund, leaving $15,OOO,OOOst1l1 eugject to call by'the War Claims