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  • signed the Peace of Dorpat [Tartu, Yurev] in which Estonian indepen; , dence was recognized by the Soviet Union. Finland*!^ border with Estonia was also established by the agreement. 1 wim 1613] i ss 1920 Feb. 10 A plebiscite vote in North Schleswig
AFL-CIO [2] (Item)
  • . Foreign nations have also memorialized the late President. Austria donated ihe Opern House chandeliers; Belgium, mirrors; Canada, the Eisenhower Theaier curtain; Denmark, artworks and furnishings; Finland, chinaware; France, two Matisse topeslries and i
  • to turn away nearly 2 1/2 million hungry people. The United States today is the most economically stratified of all industrial nations, the gap between rich and poor larger here than in Britain, Italy, Canada, Germany, France, Finland - greater and rising
  • a duty to exercise it. The Russianizing of Finland, the Prussianizing of Poland and Alsace, the Magyarizing of Croatia, the persecution of the Jews in Russia and Rumania are the fruits of this arrogant claim of superiority; and that claim is also