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  • ," said Joachim Gardemann, dean of the nursing school at the University of Munster in Germany. "There are so many historical, diplomatic and ethical linkages here ~ the Israelis as victims, the Germans as murderers ~ that it makes me happy for us
  • their enemies. We see this strategy taking place on every continent - expanded military alliances like NATO, its Partnership for Peace, its partnerships with a democratic Russia and a democratic Ukraine; free trade arrangements like the WTO and the Global
  • ' D A V !H?-f:rr.N — Presldrt.i O'li'c*: sv.-pc.l up efforts Moc*!.-y tn f'-rx'.' ;iiliplomatic vr.d in the YaerNiiiv war. meeting wi:h a Mu^inn rrtvny and sayin? NATO ^ r u t i - . w could pause under ^ r n n i n conditions. iviiitr M a w offldnls
  • , Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and Russia -- are discussing a settlement plan, and a call to the parties to convene early next week to reach agreement. There should be no doubt about our collective resolve in this matter: NATO is prepared to back up its
  • ," the loss of freedom was permanent and irreversible. Yet in the last three years, we've seen the Berlin Wall come down, Germany reunified, all of Eastern Europe abandon Communism, a coup in the Soviet Union fail and the Soviet Union itself disintegrate
  • , by different groups of countries. There is no single forum where all of these issues can be debated— instead, there are many forums—the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, NATO, the OECD. Even if there were a single forum, il Michael Lind The Party
  • t i o n . But I would l i k e t o say t h a t I hope a l l the people who came here, who a r e n o t r a n k - a n d - f i l e Democrats, would j u s t c o n s i d e r a few t h i n g s . We had a remarkable NATO summit here, over the weekend. The l
  • throughout the globe. Humanitarian crises are just one slice of the pie in terms of the types of operations your Navy must support. The U.S. Navy is extensively involved in supporting U.N. and NATO operations in the former Yugoslavia, enforcement of U.N
  • . That is what allowed us to achieve our historic balanced budget... to ratify NATO expansion . . . to provide health care portability for those with pre-existing conditions. Together, we can put progress over partisanship and guarantee for all Americans
  • . This year, t h a t group o f executives ranks Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark ahead of the United States i n our economic v i t a l i t y . Because t h e i r work f o r c e s are b e t t e r educated and b e t t e r t r a i n e d , because they do a b e t
  • places in hell are reserved for those in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality." Remarks on the establishment of a West German Peace Corps, Bonn, West Germany, June 24, 1963, Public Papers ofthe Presidents: 1963, p. 503. "My fellow Americans
  • h our NATO allies today in Kosovo, and you remember that this basically all started 12 years ago, when Mr. Milosevic decided to rally the support of his ethnic Serbian group by turning their hatred against the Kosovar Albanians, and later the Bosnian
  • gave everybody a chance, ordinary people would do extraordinary things, and so they have. And so I asked all of you tonight to support what the United States and our 18 other NATO allies are trying to do in the Balkans ~ first, because of all the little
  • recent developments on Kosovo. Ever since the former Yugoslavia collapsed in bloodshed, the United States and our NATO allies have been working together to restore peace to the region. Three years ago, we ended the war in Bosnia. The number of American
  • lives. I believe we must give our people greater peace of mind at this time of great change. And to do that, we must work together in a bipartisan way. That is what allowed us to achieve our historic balanced budget... to ratify NATO expansion
  • and security. -ft^ / v { / J * /Ll .j\ h" ' Six years ago, I said NATO had an unprecedented opportunity to help build/a Europe that for the first time is undivided , peaceful and free. This spring, I will convene the leaders of a new NATO in Washington
  • a world that is more 1 peaceful, secure, and free. I think it is worth noting that today is the one-year anniversary of the day when Serbian troops - accepting NATO's terms - began their withdrawal from Kosovo. Today, troops from 39 nations - including
  • . This spring, I will convene the leaders of NATO in Washington for its 50th anniversary summit, to prepare for the mission of the next 50 years. We will welcome Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic as our first new allies from Central Europe. And we
  • the need to contain Soviet expansionism and to recast a world economy which had been shattered by two decades of depression and war. They had the foresight and political courage to forge alliances such Fast Track: More than Dollars and as NATO
  • congressional observer groups now on NATO expansion, the way we have congressional observer groups on the chemical weapons treaty. Any member of Congress w h o has ever been on one of those observer groups will tell you that that dramatically increases
  • on NATO enlargement - paragraph in bold, pg. 1 Jonesboro, Ark. 7. April 1, 1998 - POTUS interview w/ ABC, Dakar, Senegal 8. March 31, 1998 - POTUS videotape to memorial service 9. March 28, 1998 - POTUS radio address 10. March 27, 1998 - POTUS press
  • between the leaders of Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia. America's mediating team reports progress toward a peace settlement ~ but many difficult issues need to be resolved. If a peace agreement is reached, NATO must help secure it, and America, as NATO's
  • of NATO. These formerly Communist countries have said "yes" to democracy. I ask the Senate to say yes to them. By taking in new members, working with new partners, and cooperating closely with Russia and Ukraine, we can extend the frontiers of security
  • . This spring, I will convene the leaders of NATO in Washington for its 50th anniversary summit, to prepare for the missions of the next 50 years. We will welcome Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic as our first new allies from Central Europe. And we
  • . The acknowledged preeminence of the principle of humanrightsas the spur for NATO action in Kosovo. Al Gore, Bill Bradley, and George W. Bush all struggling to see who can claim the mantle of "most compassionate." The good guys are winning! But the nineties have
  • - to defend the citizens of Poland and the Czech Republic against all enemies foreign and domestic. Why are we doing that? One headline says: "Senate Struggles to Pay Attention to Momentous Changes in NATO." That is our mutual defense alliance, the North
  • with impunity. We cannot stop every outrage, but neither will we abandon innocent civilians who need our help. Conditions in Kosovo are much-improved as a result of NATO's threat to use force to stop further repression. Most refugees have found their way
  • -Soviet Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) that opened in Helsinki in November 1969, and he represented the United 344 CURRENT BIOGRAPHY 1971 States at a NATO meeting that month to consider a Warsaw Pact proposal for an all-European security
  • of the Republican Party which is driving their agenda. (Applause.) And we saw it again tonight when they rejected on a party-line vote the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, after it had been ratified by 11 of our NATO allies, including Britain and France -- nuclear
  • live, may have been experiencing over the last decade and even in this winter, if we can call it a winter. I hope that we will continue to make this a safer w o r l d . I have asked the Congress to vote for the expansion of NATO, to ratify
  • h r o u g h NATO. Imagine t h e chaos t h a t might have ensued had we n o t used our economic power t o s t a b i l i z e Mexico's economy. Imagine t h e jobs we would have l o s t i f we hadn't taken t h e l e a d t o expand w o r l d t r a d e t h
Illinois (Item)
  • , and the freedom of two million West Berliners would not be surrendered either to force or through appeasement—and to maintain those rights and obligations, we are prepared to talk, when appropriate, and to fight, if necessary. Every member of NATO stands with us
  • win, Eisenhower said, but many would be hurt. He recalled previous crisis situations—the North Africa landings, D-day, the Bulge, NATO, the 1952 campaign, Korea, Suez, and others—and commented that while he made his decisions "without the harassment
  • executive slant Witze has recalled: "I~threw-everything lim . . . NATO affairs . . . the details of the :kade in the Cuban crisis. . . . He was a tower itrength. He had energy and intelligence." For work with N i ^ , 7.iimwalt was awarded" the :ion ot Merit
  • in North Korea, India, Pakistan safeguard technology in Russia/Ukraine/former USSR START III CTBT (ratify this year) Iraq 21st Century Military Readiness and Modernization (more support for troops and families). 21st Century alliances [NATO Summit] U.N
  • . (Applause.) And we will bring some of Central Europe's new democracies into NATO, so that they will never J question their own freedgm in the future. (Applause.) "v8 12 cms \7 e PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS AT THE LAKE TAHOE PRESIDENTIAL FORUM