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  • Habitat for IIuman~ty,hou~e_:-,,ing, event. From June 15 - 21 ~hi.mdreds of volunteers from around the world will join fonner President and Mrs. Carter' to but'td '50 houses iriAppalachia: ,'. EVENT: TIME: DATE: '. Lo'CATION: '~!!~';:;,f
  • they'ie so tiny that they can hardly see ,you. Or taking the'time to , . , .. ~ • really spertdwith children at every stage. of their development. Or, you know, knowing what it',takes to find gQod child care when you're in the mark~t
  • that Mrs. Clinton has developed is that it does allow additional choices for people such as yourself. MRS. CLINTON: You know, I'm really glad Farrah (phonetic) raised that, because some of you may have seen the ads run by the insurance companies which say
  • ]- .. ". . "·t·;:~·.,P~·Release'Y0uld·disclose conf!deritial"dvice between. t~e Preside,nt.. " ....:.... 'i.nfOl:m.a.tion l(b)(4)·of rhe',FOIA], '.....•, .... i.:, '.
  • The Eust Room I , 10:00 A.i'v1. EDT " 'MRS. CLINTON: Thank you und please be seated. and welcome'to the White House Conferdnce on Child Care, We un: I deliehted to have with us in the East Room todav members of,Cul1l!ress and ~he President's Cabinet
  • -,2929 ' 4 If we were trying to engender that, kind' of support around the President's plan, wouldn't we know there will be"changes in it? And we welcome those changes beca~se we want there t,o be strong congressional ownership on it •. We have togo
  • ' takeyourwbrd "for it_ But the, thing that is ~() 'clear· tO,me' is :that if . the' President had',.' " , upon takirigoffice, ~ontiriued to ',~alk about' issues, a,nd to ~ give',about the,cl;taTlenges facing America and. the pr.ob 1 ems , here
  • of the -- really, the most difficult issues -- regarding children, right from prenatal care, on through their intellectual development and the care for children,into the teenage-years. Your policies sound -­ I mean, when'you talk about Head Start for all children
  • House of Delegates and the President of our State Senate right here in the second row. MRS. CLINTON: While we're still waiting and they're checking our mikes, there's somebody else here who I think deserves a hand, because I'm a great fan of hers
  • been for me over the Ye:lrs. to know that our adult basic education people often don't talk to our literacy council people. who often. don't talk to our secondary school peOple. who don't talk to our post-secondary people; nobody talks. We don't have
  • at the development of modern society. So whether it's the '60s with certain excesses there or some other particular point in history, it's been a cumulative process. And there are a lot of people who talk about it far more eloquently than I do. You know, Havel has
  • " AlII of them will receive a millenniwh trails designation. They will be promoted through a web sitJ, a national clearing house, and i~ tourist materials. And thanks to Secretary Slater's coqunitment and the President's co~mitrnent, many will be eligible
  • , we must make aure that we do To achieve that goal~ to assist the President and ALDERSON REPORTING COMPANY, [NC. (l02}:8Ml60 (800) FOR I>EPO II) I FOU)t'11:.ENnt STR.E!:IT. N.W. SUITE"OO I WASHINGTON, D.C. 2000.5 11:27 . 09:16:93 prSLl C \FH
  • our choice. lo~ wages. Now The President is not making No, ,one is standing up and We' re accepting' low wages in this , tit country', and we re I just' about ready to give . up in terms of competing with our European and Asian
  • •. , : t~ \ " We believe that we ha've start where we are starting. This has been developed with an extraordinary ~mount of cooperation with the American Psychiatric ' Association, the American Psychological Association, the I' • ' ~oc1al workers
  • back ,to. their' ~ociety 1n retur.ri. ~hat is the unQerlying · principle of th\9. President.'g, New Covehant, , which, ,a's he saiq ,in h i s , , st~t~ of .'the Un'io:ri.addre~s ~ . is, actually grounded i:Q some very,old ide'as.· " Those.. old ideas
  • on this campus. I was on this stage, 1 think, five or six years ago in another capacity, and I have been vel)' impressed by the work that is done' here and the achievements, and (applaud President Kenny for what she has done to make SUNY Stony Brook
  • STATEMENT, BY' THE PRESS SECRETARY I I I Upon the recommendat~on of the President's national security team, First Lady Hillary R_odham Clinton will be atte,nding the _,___ UN's Fourth World Conferehce-on Women in Beij ing next --month. As Honorary Chair
  • \ission. .,' . ., 1 I \ ". " I would like to thank Lee Bollinger for his many contributions: as a legal scholar, as the President of this University, and p~r.h~p's, ~:;~~Jr;?,r~)I?portantly as an advocate for the principles and traditions
  • in these last 6 months, Mrs. Clinton in this effort, we must make sure that we do To ~chieve that goal, to assist the President and ALDERSON REPORTING COMPANY, INC. (202)28~·ll60 (800) POR PEPO 1111 FOUR'TEBN1lI snEEr, N.W. SUITE 400 I WASHINGTON, D.C
  • . . And I think it's sucn a sad development.. Because somebody is elected President ~- we've only had, what, 42 of them, I guess.-... because of the. qualities and the experience and the ideas that they bring to the job. And then, they get into the job
  • ofma.rrio!qe, for'me, was not as clear as it- :ertB,1n.Ly was !or ,,-"omen of .an ea.rlier generation. Secause, I,.didn't know how it would flt1:l."wit.h this new personality or person that I wall developing. Unfortunately I went to Yale· Law Sch·:)ol, where
  • with the President and the' amount of time that he spends, because he probably understands this better,than anybody. I mean, he still asks me questions that just blow me away, because he studied this when he was the governor, and then chaired the governor's task
  • jointly in the narrles cifboth husband and wife. . . I am grateful for this opportunity and wish to thank President and Madame Ben Ali for theirhospital~ty and for their gracious welcome. I also want to thank the Minister of State for Women and Family
  • Speech to Vietnamese Women I flo Chi Minh City ~ovember 19, 200P ... and I thank you for having all the children here to greet and welcome us today. It is hard to believe that the PreSident's visit to Vietnam will be coming to an end
  • million childrenl are not insured. Infant mortality remains higher here than ih most other developed countries, largelY! due to a lack of prenatal care. 1P A recent survey in the last yeah show that 44 percent of women do not receire a mammogram ann~ally
  • an obligation to provide alternatives so that people can either be given an opportunity to develop more responsibility or be. taken care of. So these are debates that we are shying away from because they're hard debates. I mean, there's no easy answer to it. Q
  • 'Release·would disclose confidential'ildvicehetween the President' .' :"" ...:, :t·.. ·: ':'':', ", . . . .' '.. 'arid his advisors,o~ betlvee~ such advisors'ja)(5) of the PRA
  • York. Mrs. Clinton, Iif you're elected senator, can you promise the New York voters that you will not run for presidency in 2004? I CLINTON: Yes. ,. : (LAUGHTER) i Yes, and I have said that I w'ant to be the very best senatorI can be. You know, I have
  • political status. Accordingly. the obstTU!:tionist ' role of the unstated consensus arid the laws reflecting it has seldom been appreci. 11 Shelley Kessler. unpUblished paper on the pasi While House Conferences on Children (New Haven, Conn.: Carnegie Council
  • had gone to Northern Thailand. I met a number of women ~ho had been sold in prostitution by their families and had 1 . , . been used repeatedly until they were Iinfected by HI V, .and then they were continued to be used . . . ' until they developed
  • CLJNTON: I think that the Pres;.. tbink,' be you know, is a vetY important part of the tatun. dent 1J.q reaDy aequim a very broad level or support in but it"s a tsam and the captain is the President Slut aU the the
  • ,is a trend that has been developing over hundreds'ofyear~. It is ·not somethiti~thatjust 'happened to us in,the last decade or ·two. 'And so it is not going, to. be easy to redefine who we are as human beings in this post-modern ,age .. Nor wi.!l it be easy
  • ~d.i;ble) ,,' , 11 , ; , I • ,: ' , ! " ,~ '," '" : • • ' . I;' ;." . . ; , . t~~'\President, ha~sdone. a'st~temen~;,~?,:Jhe',I~a~d'tl1at,; S' 12 ,I ,.,'" ',' '" ' \ . . ' " '. . 1 .l~· '. ,'.'" more ,'. • '.-: I
  • with Di~rie,: Ream was. that' .olie way, that -- hoW; , the Travelgate controversy possibly has developed is because'you say you state your mind and aides interpret this as an order when you ,didn't intend it'that:way.· Tell me about,that~ Do you thInk
  • care~', 'educatiqn, the issues that I ~ve be'en involved in forra long time. ~ut it's become increasingly clear'to me ' that mt;Ich of what we are, lE!arning about how children develop is not ,being "used to 'the ,extent it could, both in individual
  • 25 percent. I Then the/ Federal Government doesn't tell you who your doctor is. They don't tell you what health plan to have. They go out into the marketplace and they say, okay, Blue Cross, do you want to try to get the business of President
  • a remote controlidevice. I mean, that is something that has never happened in the history of humankind. Children had to learn little tasks as part of their development, whether it was learning to tie a shoelace, which I'm totally in favor of, instead
  • for being here and for doing this with us. And I hope that it is the first of others that follow. We've been unable to have this kind of briefing until the President made the decision that he made, and we're very grateful for this opportunity. I want
  • to me to watch other organizations reach the same conclusions. Catholic Health Association, for example, studying health care reform for two years, issued its report before the President was inaugurated. It is very much along the same lines as what we
  • instances where to send the patient to the laser treatment which is done by a radiologist takes money out of the surgeon's pocket. Let's just look at how this system operates. The Park-Nicolette (phonetic) Clinic in Minnesota has developed a test called
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 6/1/95 - 4/26/96 [Binder]: [United Nations World Summit on Social Development 3/7/1995]
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 6/1/95 - 4/26/96 [Binder]: [United Nations Development Fund 9/6/1995]
  • very much.! . I am grateful for this opportunity to speak at this forum on Irtternational Wome.h' s Day. Today, . I have the pleasure of announcirtg a united states initiative to expand girls' and women's education in the developing world. I The issues
  • ~ ,story, for example' - - is crucial,to their learning arid emotional development .' Although ,Bill and'I didn realize at the time, the countless hours we spent cuddling with Chelsea ;andreading her favorite stories not only' strengthened our ionship
  • with the strength and determination of the Bangladeshi people, who are true pioneers in the fields of healthcare,1 education, economic development and population. The' successes II witnessed here are models for the, rest of the world -- as welil as reminders
  • FLOTUS Statement and Speeches 10/16/99 - 4/28/00 [Binder]: ["Fulfilling the Promise Partnerships in Early Childhood Development" - Amman, Jordan 11/13/1999]
  • Z >0 ~o~ u> 00:: E-
  • global family as investing in the development of open markets and trade. South Asia reminds us that social development and ec~nomic Pagt: 4 TIlt: Washington Post, May 14, 1995 development go hand in,-hand. 'It reminds us too that women represent
  • , health professionals, educators, and families today for the Surgeon Genet~al's Conference on Children's Mental Health: Developing a National Action Agenda. The work you are doing .today and tomOlTOW has the potential to b1ing more health and hope to our
  • for childbearing is resulting in. safer pregnanCies, stronger families ~nd fewer abortions. Without access to family planning, women in Bolivia -- and in many developing nations -- often turn in desperation to illegal, unsafe abortions that can erid in death
  • collective responsibil , and that one goal of a child care system is to children develop and thrive. We found contrasts between the French and U.S. child care systems. In F~ance, mandated paid parental leave for child birth and ion acknowledges society's
  • quiet time w~th her every day. Bill's grandmother thought that reading to him would help him develop a strong vocabulary and the language , skills he would need later on in school. My mother and father placed a similar premium on reading, and to this day
  • people in public life today, whether it is public life as elected officials or as appointed civil servants or public life as citizens, know that we are at a crossroads in our world development. We can either determine to make a difference on a day to day
  • ~ycauses, panicrilarly education for children and the arts. When she was last in Washington, last year,' she and I went together to the Inter-American Development Bank to see an exhibit ofbea4tiful.ex:a.mples ofChilean art. And. she als~ gave me a gift
  • governments everywhere 'are I • i I" • • • '1 beginning to understand hat investing in the health of women and girls is as important to the prosperity of nations as investing in the development of op~n markets and trade. The health of women and girls
  • to broaden and formalize family friendly practices" incllJding Flex-Time and telecommuting_ , It has developed a prenatal I I maternity care pt'jogram for the early deteotion I:>f pregnancy problems, and ha~ set up a private room where employees may
  • government, through its Agency for International Development, has chosen to: provide some supoort for this center and other programs like it: in Hungary. . At our discussion today, I' am joi'ned by representatives of the Gypsy Mothers Association" a group
  • microenterprise to health care to youth development to agricultural work is very significant and important. I also understand that a number of Peace Corps volunteers are still in Haiti even after their time has passed because of their committment to this country
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 7/15/97-1/29/98 [Binder]: [Development of People's Economy, October 13, 1997]
  • . We agree to work together to develop innovative ideas and products and systems that reach the most vulnerable chi.1dren. And what we are asking all of you is to join with us in a very public commitment to help mobilize not just public resources
  • . Sp~ to Ghanian Women Fntrepreneurs J on Tuesday; Febmary 20, 1~, Secretary Ron Brown will be in Accra, Ghana, one of fi~e countries he will visit during his Commercial Development Mission in Africa. . nie afternoon of the 20th, sJcretary Brown
  • call hasn't fallen on deaf eats. From Africa to South America to Asia to my own country, we are witnessing positive effo,rts to raise the status of women. And those positive developments have occurred in the reahh of women's health as well. New laws
  • training and tit '. development and it's really tied in to the dilemnia that the schools are facing. How do . we convince the employers to give incentive and (coughing) to employees to invest in their further education and training. What is it that we
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 4/26/94 - 10/21/94 [Binder]: [8/17/94 Families USA/Children's Development Fund]
  • has much less reason to be hopeful and optimistic about the future, less likely to develop into a healthy, productive citiZen. That is why it is our responsibility as a community of nations to insist that all children receive the health care
  • , , I at least one ,adult who's c:Ilazy about that chl.ld. (Applause.)' The people around that chiid, like,a village, supported that growth and development. And as a mother, live learned a lot of lessons, some of them very idiosyncratic, and I qave
  • it's a White House Conference on Early ~hildhood Development, or a White House Conference on Child Care. Or to have small groups of people meeting to educate her' about the issues or to help her figure out new ways' I of doing things. And that's really
  • ,' andithe work that is done here to provide opportunities for students to pursue their own interests and . I really develop themselves to the fullest of their own potential. I . . . That obviously rests on strong values, values coming from . yourfainily
  • in the·.·. audience, I see that we have both those who are partlclpatmg m the Lessons Without "', .. I , . ' I , • Borde~s Conference, who ~ems€:l~es are develop~ent experts who are workmg both abroad and here at home and dealmg With the most pressmg human needs
  • and ' , planning, in development a~d implemen"t:ation and monitoring of "programs that advance the progress of women. •• • • I ...... I I 'I have come here, to Huairou, to salute you for your dedication to a cause greater than all of us. ,r. know
  • cells that can make cars, refrigerators, and other appliances rqore energy efficient is taking placb right here in New York. I also visited a plant in Binghamtonithat is using natural gas buse.s. I know that there is train tecIu;lology being developed
  • \ and development and new adventures. e· I want to share a particular phrase that made an enormous impact ;onme during the past year. Because it isn't any secret that I've had good days and bad. Some have been very difficult ­ for reasons that to me sJemto come
  • care workers, teachers, citizen groups, business leaders, mail]tenance workers, and the governmebt -- to help identify health problems, set goals, and f develop action plans. Information is another effective bmpowerment tool we have to help control
  • between the private, not for profit sector; between our religious community; and between, our government. I'm pleas'ed that the Department of Housing and Urban Development could pro~id~ a $l-million construction ~rant for this new shelter, and another ~l
  • to their customs and understandings, you are also building trust between different communities. And the most important element of the success ofthe peace accords, I believe, is the development oftrust. I am pleased that the United 1 States government has been
  • Haitians here and Haitians in our country, except for the systems and the structures that you do not yet have in place to support human development and to provide education and economic opportunity. But if Haiti is able in the next several years to move
  • rights and that human rights are wbmen's rights. What the Beijing conference made undeniably clear, and what we know from expeHence and history, is that development and progress depend on women having equal access to life'k basic tools of opportunity
  • , it is in many ways a great tribute to the government and the ban~ing industry and the people of Jordan that you ar~ now helping to lead what is truly that ~econd generation ,of microentreprise development around the world. As Queen Rania recently said
  • , and reti'rement equity, and breaking the glass ceiling, and issues. as were discussing at our table concerning children's education and , development and health and well.:.being.· . I • So this is a meeting of minds of many people who have worked on iS'sues
  • that as we move toward a new century and a new millJimium that we will develop' a greater appreciation of the role that the arts and culture play in ohr lives today and that is a lesson' that we should be . imparting to every American that thet.e is nothing
  • to the disappearance of new: polio cases in the Western hemisphere to know the success of,thes~ immunization programs. We all know that the rple of caregiver is crucial to the' development of healthy and secure children. And we all know that the primary ,caregivers
  • reasonable people frbm different sectors of our I society -- all of whom developed a consensus that wasbipar~isan for most of the century about both domestic and foreign policy. , ' . ' • 1 That's when ,we 'started doing things like creating 'national
  • ! When I visited businesses from ;Jamestown to Great Neck, '1 thought about my father who ran a small business and worked hard eyery day. I thought of all the work I did, first in Arkansas and then as first lady, throughout America and in developing
  • my father, wno ran a small business and ' worked hard every day. I thbught of all the work I did, first in , Arkansas and then as First lLady,throughout America and in developing countries, to improve trai~ing for workers and provide credit
  • that there's a lot ofconfusion and alienation out there. Now some of it is normal development :as many parents here can attest. But some ofthis. angst, and ian increasing amount of it, is more serious. I i. I We just held last week a conferen~ at the White
  • ' and 'breast .servicesbo ·the. information superhigh~ay : "we're'·,. developing a. 'data' and tissue resource b,ank,' :50' that there; . 'wiil.l;>e i:t: f!atlon~i registry to help researchers ,find t;:he\ 'risk' factors for breast 'cancer
  • providlnq a broad ramlc cf information on issues of concern to 1"I0000en) Scan Services, Inc. 4313 W. Markham little Rock, Ark. (501-371-2773) (Protective services for children) 19 20 e e, e (lUlD CARE Child Development Unit' Division
  • and obstacles to human development and aspirations. I also think Althur would want us to do more to educate people about their rights and responsibilities as citizens to encourage them to be the citizens we need in today's world. And he wOuld be on the front