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17 results

  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Departure from Finland 7/11/1996]
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION FIRST LAD1Y HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON STATEMENT UPON DEPARTURE FROM FINLAND ! HELSINKI, FINLAND JULY 11, 1996 . . I , In leaving, I·would like to thank the government and people of Finland for their warm: welcome
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Arrival in Finland 7/9/1996]
  • PHOTocor·y . .:. PRESERVH T'; t·, h j~ y • I FIRST L~Y HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON , STATEMENT UPON ARRIVAL IN FINLAND , HELSINKI, FINLAND JULY 9, 1996 I am plea~ed to arrive in Finland this evening at the conclusion of a trip to Central Europe
  • that. And then-­ MRS. CLINTON: Then, when Derek was appointed Ambassador to Finland, it became a , real family service, because Ruth clade such a contribution, and Anthony and Julie and Casey were so involved in the life ofFinlJnd. And I remember when I visited them
  • with other governments, including I~aly, Finland, and Ukraine. In some cases, we are working together to protect victims.: In others; we are using our resources to help put into place education campaigns. ' I ' I'm very pleased to announce this evening
  • public position, and so I would assume there is some of that. I was saying to Senator Newman "efore we came in that a few months ago I was in Helsinki Finland which at that time as! recall the Foreign Minister, the Defense Minister, thc head of Central
  • in Finland Hotel Kalastaj atorppa-Helsinki Depatture froin Finland National Senior Service Corps·· Ethnic Press' Conference Call Talk to America National Association of Elementary School Principals-Wash. D.C. ABA Young Lawyers Division Jane Adams Women
  • interest,ing about being here ir'l Finland is, as you point out, is that the positions' that Secretary jPerry and SecretarY Christo~her and Speaker GingriCh and the head of the Federal, Re~erve, Alan Qreenspan, hold In our country, the comparable positions
  • and fight corruption in her country. That was the last time I saw her. Shortly after that she was assassinated. She, like many others who fight for justice and democracy, paid the ultimate price. That may be hard for those of us from Finland or Norway
  • the global fight to end this pervasive human rights .violation and transnational criminal problem. The United States government is working closely with the governments of Italy, Israel, Finland and the Ukraine on this critical issue -- and I invite other
  • Community I 7/8/96 DepaJ1ure from Hungaly-Budapest I 7/8/96 Anival in Estonia I 7/9/96 National LibraJY of Estonia 7/9/96 Women's NGO, Estonia I 7/9/96 DepaJ1ure from Estoni a I ' Arrival in Finland 7/9/96 7IJ 0/96 Hotel Kalastajatorppa-Helsinki 7IJ 1/96
  • ' of the !International, Kiwan,as from: a 'country , that many of us admire and ,think highly of - Australia. Ahd then the incoming. president of.l a~oth,er count,r~' - Finland., Bo~h' of ' 'those,countrles are attemptlng to deal wlth many of the,problems
  • ~ ~tan~in9 on the ~ino I~m going to got ' yo Or question. p~ease? MR. • , Yes. I1s. l:linton. your fans in Finland l\Ilu~l"'eS:h~ is going to unluers,:1t:y? \fl]uld like to kno\\I if ChelsEta' ha , s (I@cided trlS. ClINTOH; She- h:)$ not. I
  • in Finland· 7/10/96 Hotel KalaSta:jato~pa-Helsink.i 7111196. , Departure .fromFinlari.d ' 7/17/96 National Senior SeririceCorps' o . : .. " Ethnic Press GdnferenceCall' , 7/18/96 7/18/96 Talk to America '. '.' A . National Asso~iation
  • • , " . . "" • -:21­ i harassment. I recentlY'hcid a conversation that was fascinating in aelsinki with Finnish women. And in Finland, women hold some . of the top positions in tha government. A woman is the minister of defense and .the foreign minister, the head
  • 1000. The Vikings continued their adventurous sea voyages, but they stopped seizing European Christians to sell as slaves and became Christians themselves. Missionaries had success to report as well from Hungary, 5 Sweden, Finland and Poland
  • , CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, '" ' ,. 'ESTONIA AND FINLAND WASHINGTON, DC --First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton will travel to Central and Eastern Europe July, 1 through July 11 of 1996: ,The visit serves to underscore the . United States
  • with the Serbs. Does your gut tell you we have peace? THE PRESIDENT: Well; I'm encouraged. I think that, first of all, President Ahtisaari of Finland, and MI". Chernomyrdin did a vel)' good job. They got ?ur positions vel)' close together and then presented