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17 results

  • Jl) ~ dtld pca~ lhA hc,eJ1h Qf!he ~gullllt 'MJliDaa .•• 2M lllIS It1lli 1lI0th~r impo!'1ant IIl1d Iogiti~ inl:reat III ptO=tillg the ..poterni~ of h1lllllll1 Ufo. T.beJll.lln~r.s am ~1Ip1lI'BtlJ I1Ild dJsthlCI:. Each 8JU'oII11I 8IlbitWiaJltl
  • for the following party( s) : (please specify). W,'ll/a.m :Ufo,.s tJ" Ch'1 hl'l SIGNA1tJRE E#&$~h1 STEPIIEAl ATTORNEY NAME k/lstJ~( } §S*IItf UI'~Wt l' J It!?l-Illc/' FIRM NAME p.~( 7/ S'IREET or P.O. BOX L;ttI~ K()CK I ARkA.'15PS CITY.'STATE. ZIP
  • considerati~ns ~hich are beyond the reach of judicial power." .'I.Q.... . B 06/02193 ~013 OLe UfO! 314 0363 09: 3C The simple anS'Iet' is that there was no precludes such review. explicit provision in t..'le 1990 Defense Base Closure Ar;:t which
[02/06/1998] (Item)
  • welcome. To younger people, who have made it clear that you believe you are more likely to see a UFO than a Social Security check, I say D) youD,ve been watching the D+X filesD, too much. We will strengthen Social Security. We will make certain
  • opinion survey done last year which showed that most people under 25 thought it was more likely that they would see a UFO than that they would ever draw a penny of Social Security. We have to somehow reverse that perception. We have a simultaneous effort
[04/16/1998] (Item)
Militias [7] (Item)
  • each nutke their rnptK:dv. appoiDtmmtll not 16 later U!.aQ 60 days atter the date of enactzneDt of thIB Act. Any vacancy 17 that occurs durlng the Ufo of tho commIalon shall not affect the powGIB 18 of the Commj"";on, IUld shall be tulec1 19