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[02/28/1997 – 03/06/1997]
- on Status of Needle Exchange Programs There have been a number of recent events involving needle exchange programs. On Febmary 13, a National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference Statement recommended lifting the ban on use of federal funds for needle
[04/22/1998 – 04/23/1998]
- : Richard Socarides ( CN=Richard Socarides/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:22-APR-1998 13:14:54.00 SUBJECT: Republicans blast Clinton on AIDS needle exchange TO: Andrew J. Mayock ( CN=Andrew J. Mayock/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN
[03/08/1998 – 03/27/1998]
- , 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan Chris Jennings SUBJECT: Needle Exchange This memorandum addresses Administration options on needle exchange. With the congressional moratorium on needle exchange funding about to expire
[04/22/1998 – 04/23/1998]
- : 22-APR-1998 19:52:43.00 SUBJECT: Feedback from the Caucuses on Needle Exchange TO: Janet Murguia ( CN=Janet Murguia/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN TO: Robert B. Johnson ( CN=Robert B. Johnson/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN
- large soft money contributions, improve disclosure, and restrict backdoor campaign spending. A vote for bipartisan campaign finance reform will be a vote to strengthen our democracy and give ordinary voters the loudest voice. Needle Exchange Q&As May 5
[04/27/1998 – 04/28/1998]
- @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Mindy E. Myers ( CN=Mindy E. Myers/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Marjorie Tarmey ( CN=Marjorie Tarmey/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: There will be a Needles Exchange meeting tommorrow
[03/11/1998 – 03/13/1998]
- : Needle Exchange This memorandum addresses Administration options on needle exchange, with the congressional moratorium as needle exchange funding about to expire, the AIDS community will soon put increased pressure on the Administration to release
- does not contemplate that it comes, from an excise tax increase. Questions and Answers on Needle Exchange March 23, 1998 Q: What is your current position on needle exchange? A: Before authorizing the release of any Federal funds for needle
- any joint adoption of a child between individuals who are not related by blood or marriage. This Act may be cited as the "District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1999". j ( And the Senate agree to the same. NEEDLE EXCHANGE Subcommittee: District
[03/29/1998 – 05/14/1998]
- ' April 9, 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed SUBJECT: Needle Exchange This memo presents you with several options on needle exchange, based on our prior discussions with you. It also provides further information on the positions
AIDS-General [2]
- to continue to make a difference • President and the Secretary will continue to work with the Council to review their reports and to respond quickly and decisively The appropriateness of needle exchange programs should be determined by pnblic health experts
- . ~ AIDS -- Needle Exchange: As we expected, your needle exchange decision provoked strong criticism from both ends of the political spectrum. On the one side, AIDS advocates and your Advisory Council on AIDS expressed great disappointment that we decided
[04/21/1998 – 04/22/1998]
- the Caucuses on Needle Exchange TO: Richard Socarides READ: UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN;Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O;EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Sandra Thurman ( CN;Sandra Thurman/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Minyon Moore ( CN=Minyon Moore
[02/25/1998 – 03/29/1998]
- Jennings SUBJECT: Needle Exchange This memorandum addresses Administration options on needle exchange, With the congressional moratorium on needle exchange funding about to expire, the AIDS community will soon put increased pressure on the Administration
AIDS-General [1]
- University) that established the goal of developing an HIV vaccine within ten years. 2) No new money for HIV prevention in the President's FY99 budget proposal. 3) The needle exchange decision, heightened by this morning's takeover of our office by AIDS
- 1998 Appropriations Action: N/A Prepared By/Date: Jen Forshey (5-7788), Jonathan Blum (5-7844), 10/1/98 11 (Cf\lEED[EWPD Page 1] NEEDLE EXCHANGE Subcommittee: Ranking: Labor/HHS/Education High _ Medium X Low 1999 Budget Policy: FY 1999
[03/12/1998 – 03/13/1998]
- Exchange This memorandum addresses Administration options on needle exchange. With the congressional moratorium on needle exchange funding about to expire, the AIDS community will soon put increased pressure on the Administration to release federal funds
- privacy protections. Automated Records Management Syslerr' Hex-Dump Conversion PACHA RESOLUTION ON NEEDLE EXCHANGE PROGRAMS March 17, 1998 WHEREAS we the members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/ AIDS have on several occasions advised
[04/28/1998 – 04/29/1998]
- : 07.00 SUBJECT: ALERT: House to Vote to Ban Needle Exchange TO: Maria Echaveste ( CN=Maria Echaveste/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 READ: UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 READ: UNKNOWN TO: Janet Murguia ( CN=Janet Murguia
- Exchange: Your public health advisors at HHS are on the verge of concluding that needle exchange programs not only reduce the spread of AIDS, but also do not increase drug use. (Current law requires the Administration to make both these findings before
- in a mutually acceptable manner. HHS is now attempting to draft such a letter. 7. Drugs -- Needle Exchange: As you know, the House version of the Labor-HHS appropriations bill includes a rider eliminating Secretary Shalala's authority to permit the use
AIDS-Advisory Council
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention H IV prevention Dr. Marsha Martin, Special Assistant to the Secretary Dept. of Health and Human Services needle exchange issues and treatment access , 1 David Beier, Domestic Policy Director Office
[12/17/1997 – 01/09/1998]
- Budget. (where available) recommendations for the FY 1999 The provisions we've included are: 1. Needle Exchange - Probably the stickiest issue this year. It will require extensive consultation within the Administration. Detailed background
- in the minority community. The latter increase is particularly striking and meets the Congressional Black Caucus's request for funding. 5. Health Care -- Needle Exchange: One of our greatest disappointments in the budget is a provision that not only prohibits
[04/28/1998 – 04/29/1998]
- , Sarah A. Bianchi/OPD/EOP cc: Subject: POTUS Q&A Amy Tobe asked that we pull together Q&A on l)Tobacco and 2)Needle Exchange to give the President tomorrow for a possible press availability later this week. Paul, could you pull together the latest and get
[04/20/1998 – 04/21/1998]
- : Sarah A. Bianchi (NOTES MAIL) ( CN;Sarah A. Bianchi/OU;OPD/O;EOP [ OPD ] ) CREATION DATE/TIME:20-APR-1998 22:12:28.00 SUBJECT: q&as on needle exchange TO: Laura Emmett READ: UNKNOWN ( CN;Laura Emmett/OU;WHO/O;EOP @ EOP [ WHO] TO: Elena Kagan ( CN
[08/30/1997 – 09/08/1997]
- 1 of 3 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Richard Socarides ( CN=Richard Socarides/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:31-AUG-1997 14:56:19.00 SUBJECT: HRC Release: Support for Needle Exchange Continues To Rise TO: Maria Echaveste ( CN=Maria Echaveste/OU
[08/06/1997 – 08/07/1997]
- ? .ARMS Email System Page 1 of3 RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Richard Socarides ( CN;Richard Socarides/OU;WHO/O;EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 6-AUG-1997 09:16:08.00 SUBJECT: HRC Release: ABA Endorses Needle Exchange To Curb HIV
[08/06/1997 – 08/07/1997]
- =Richard Socarides/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 6-AUG-1997 09:16:08.00 SUBJECT: HRC Release: ABA Endorses Needle Exchange To Curb HIV/AIDS TO: Joshua Gotbaum ( CN=Joshua Gotbaum/OU=OMB/O=EOP @ EOP [ OMB 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Sandra Thurman
- Couples Prohibition cif use of funds for needles (local funds in DC) Needle Exchange (National) IMF Mexico City National Educational Testing Prescription Contraceptives FEC NLRB OSHA Peer Review Census Quincy Library UN arrears . .. October 11, 1998 (1
- to highlight the wide-ranging support that Dr. Satcher enjoys. Committee members will question Dr. Satcher closely about needle exchange, the ethics of the AIDS trials in Africa, and our proposal to combine the Office of the Surgeon General with the Assistant
- adoptions in the District by couples that are unmarried or not related by blood. An amendment that would prohibit the use of Federal or local funds for needle exchange programs and would prohibit private agencies from supporting needle exchange programs
[08/16/1998 – 08/18/1998]
- WASHINGTON BLADE August 14, 1998 House passes adoptions ban Needle exchange targeted by Lou Chibbaro Jr. The U.S. House of Representatives on August 7 approved separate amendments that seek to prohibit D.C. from allowing unmarried
- . by Unmarried Couples . 1 we'w... Prohibition on the Use of Federal and Local Funds for D.C. Needle Exchang Programs ( L.....J ~ ""..:h ~ h )1AuM..h.c.-. o~ . Prohibition on Payment of Attorney's Fees in Special Education Cases • 4 ~ 10-07-1998
- adds to the tendency for disapproval of drug use to shade over into hatred of drug users and dealers. The political controversy over needle exchange programs illustrates this phenomenon. Several careful studies have found that exchange programs not only
[01/07/1998 – 01/09/1998]
- the Budget print schedules. My main concern is that there may be differing views on some of these (e.g., Needle Exchange) and follow-up discussions may be necessary. If so, they would have to occur as early next week as possible. We also
- NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 036 - Folder 009 POTUS Press Conference Q&A 6/20/97 NEEDLE EXCHANGE Q & A JUNE 19, 1997 Q: Do you believe local communities ought to be able to spend Federal money for needle exchange programs to help prevent spread
[12/23/1997 – 12/29/1997]
- /O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:24-DEC-1997 10:33:32.00 SUBJECT: Law Enforcement Consultation on Needle Exchange TO: Sylvia M. Mathews ( CN=Sylvia M. Mathews/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O
[04/24/1998 – 04/27/1998]
- Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Todd A. Summers ( CN=Todd A. Summers/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:24-APR-1998 14:46:34.00 SUBJECT: ondcp/needle exchange TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O
- Page 1 of 1 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Todd A. Summers ( CN=Todd A. Summers/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:27-APR-1998 13:32:58.00 SUBJECT: Needle exchange talking points TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ
[04/29/1998 – 04/30/1998]
- Exchange Q&As April 29, 1998 Q: What is your position on the Solomon Amendment to prohibit any Federal funding for needle exchange programs? A: The Administration strongly opposes this legislation because it is unnecessary and unwarranted. We believe
- : UNKNOWN TEXT: Attached is update on needle exchange, AIDS guidelines, and the Congressional health update on Medicare and Medicaid. We will send you our summary on children's health and the tobacco tax shortly as this is all changing right now. We are also
[07/21/1997 – 07/22/1997]
- Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of2 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Sylvia M. Mathews ( CN;Sylvia M. Mathews/OU;WHO/O;EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:21-JUL-1997 19:21:19.00 SUBJECT: Needle Exchange Q & A This looks good to me. I am concerned
[08/26/1997] [2]
- issues, such as needle exchange, to the forefront. Limited. FDA Commissioner Nomination Select and nominate FDA Commissioner and get confmned. This Fall. Fill FDA Commissioner position. If handled poorly, this nomination could become controversial
- of the high profile issues we were expecting, including needle exchange and AIDS research in Africa. It appears likely that the full Senate vote on Dr. Satcher's confirmation will take place as early as the week of October ~ 10. Health Care -- Kassebaum
[04/09/1998 – 04/16/1998]
- , public health experts, activists and its own AIDS advisers, the Clinton aOministration is moving to lift a 10-yearold ban on using federal funds for needle exchange programs, according to key individuals close to the issue. Although the administration's
[07/17/1997 – 07/20/1997]
- (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Sandra Thurman ( CN=Sandra Thurman/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:17-JUL-1997 19:18:51.00 SUBJECT: Weekly Report TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Needle Exchange
[10/09/1997 – 10/10/1997]
- would consider ,. • ARMS Email System Page 2 of3 resigning, mostly because of anger over needle exchanges. Hitt has not taken a position on the idea of resigning. But he has met recently with Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala
[04/29/1998 – 05/01/1998]
- to convert ARMS_EXT: [ATTACH.D78]MAIL41982781Y.126 to ASCII, The following is a HEX DUMP: FF5750433C050000010A020100000002050000005EIF0000000200OOE134EDICD143375003BEIA Automated Records Management Systerr Hex-Dump Conversion Needle Exchange Q&As April 29
- 2000 Budget "Side-by-Side" Comparison for Selected Provisions Titles II and V of LIHHS Bill FY 1999 Enacted FY 1999 President's Budget Needle Exchange Sec. 505. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no funds appropriated under this Act
[04/06/1997 – 04/14/1997]
- Hex-Dump Conversion · ... {~ NEEDLE EXCHANGE Question: Will you work to lift the ban on federal funding of needle exchange programs? Answer: Not at this time. As you know, the congressional ban remains in effect until the Secretary ofHHS can
[01/08/1998] [1]
- . OMB staff and HHS (where available) recommendations for the FY 1999 Budget. The provisions we've included are: 1. Needle Exchange - Probably the stickiest issue this year. It will require extensive consultation within the Administration. Detailed
[08/13/1997 – 08/14/1997]
- Safety Follow through on agency conunitrnents in June report to President to issue new regulations on food safety and launch public-private initiative .. This fall Improve safety of our nation's food supply. Needle Exchange Lift the ban on federal
[10/09/1997 – 10/10/1997]
- resigning, mostly because of anger over needle exchanges. Hitt has not taken a position on the idea of resigning. But he has met recently with Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala and White House aides in hopes of getting some action before
[04/11/1998 – 04/13/1998]
- and its own AIDS advisers, the Clinton administration is moving to lift a 10-yearold ban on using federal funds for needle exchange programs, according to key individuals close to the issue. Although the administration's official stand is that it is still
- that seemed to endorse needle exchange programs to reduce the spread if AIDS. Do you support such programs or do you believe they will encourage drug use? A: We have made a great deal of progress in our efforts to fight AIDS. I was pleased by last week's
- efforts, again cutting into the funding available in the bill for public health and research. The CraigCoverdell amendment also includes a permanent prohibition on the use of federal monies for PHOTOCOPY w~c HANDWRITING '", .,\ ...... 2 needle
- -drug efforts, funding for smoking cessation, education, and counteradvertising programs would decrease by about 80 percent. The amendment also prohibits the use of federal monies for needle exchange and allows states to give education vouchers
- OF COLUMBIA • Permit Use of Federal Funds for Private School Vouchers in D.C. • Prohibition on Adoption in D.C. by Unmarried Couples • Prohibition on the Use of Federal and Local Funds for D.C. Needle Exchange Programs • Abortion (Prohibition
- OF COLUMBIA • Permit Use of Federal Funds for Private School Vouchers in D.C. • Prohibition on Adoption in D.C. by Unmarried Couples • Prohibition on the Use of Federal and Local Funds for D.C. Needle Exchange Programs • Abortion (Prohibition
- with increasing pressures to address the needle exchange issue; and passing FDA reform among others. High-priorities I Current commitments I. Children's health implementation 2. Medicare reform: Commission and anti-fraud and abuse initiatives 3. Tobacco
[02/06/1998 – 02/24/1998]
- 06:49:17.00 SUBJECT: Re: FYI: Heads up on possible Bruce Reed Memo on Needle Exchange Programs TO: Joshua Gotbaum ( CN=Joshua Gotbaum/OU=OMB/O=EOP @ EOP [ OMB ) READ:UNKNOWN TEXT: Unable to convert ARMS_EXT: [MESSAGE.D28)MAIL42435234E.026
[03/20/1998 – 03/23/1998]
- market needs of our rapidly changing economy. Page 1 of2 ARMS Email System '" RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Barry J. Toiv ( CN=Barry J. Toiv/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:23-MAR-1998 11:21:26.00 SUBJECT: Needle
[04/09/1998 – 04/10/1998]
- editorial on needle exchange from the Boston Globe that Sandy asked that I forward to you. April 1, 1998, Wednesday, City Edition EDITORIAL PAGE; Pg. A18 Squeamish on needle exchanges Boston and Cambridge have had a needle exchange program for four years now
[05/09/1998 – 05/12/1998]
- CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) TEXT: Can you give me a quick pass on this? see bold. I revised the sentence you noted - Dan Burkhardt wants to get the letter out. Todd Dear Dr. Hitt: Thank you for your letter regarding needle exchange
[10/16/1998 – 10/19/1998]
- of a needle exchange provision that prevents the District of Columbia from using their own funds for needle exchange programs. We strongly opposed this provision because it strips federal funds from community-based agencies trying to stop the spread of HIV
- initiative announced on October 28, and Ry?n White reauthorization and quality of care. FY 1999 was a banner year in terms of money available. ONAP has important allies in OMB.and in other parts of the Administration in connection with needle exchange, which
- with Congress to get him confirmed. Mid-Septemb er. Address a multi-year vacancy. By the very nature of the position, this nomination could be controversial. Nomination could bring controversial issues, such as needle exchange, to the forefront. Limited
[03/13/1998 – 03/17/1998]
- Management System Hex-Dump Conversion Sunday. March 15 (Continued} 6:00 Prevention Subcommittee 3:00 p.m. Update and Discussion on the Federal Funding for Needle Exchange Moratorium Jane Silver, National Organizations Responding to AIDS 4:00 p.m. Review
- =EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 14-JAN-1998 13:11:20.00 SUBJECT: ONDCP Concerns About Needle Exchange TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 READ:UNKNOWN TEXT: ---------------------- Forwarded by Sandra Thurman/OPD/EOP on 01/14
[06/03/1998 – 06/04/1998]
- to record times Q: Is it true that the The PresidentD,s own Advisory Council on HIV!AIDS is prepared to resign as a result of his decision not to fund needle exchange programs? A: While some members of the Council have expressed frustration from time
[08/07/1998 – 08/09/1998]
- Rep. Tiahrt Amendment Passes Denying D.C. Money For Needle Exchange Programs WASHINGTON -- In the latest of series of legislative attacks against gay Americans and people at risk for HIV, two amendments to the District of Columbia House Appropriations
[06/19/1997 – 06/20/1997]
- =EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Laura Emmett ( CN=Laura Emmett/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Could we get tps on AIDS and needle exchange for the book in addition to whatever you are planning on? ARMS Email System RECORD
- for reinstituting eligibility upon completion of a drug rehabilitation program; and • A provision to prohibit the federal government from using federal funds "to carry out or support, directly or indirectly," any needle exchange program. - If the Craig-Coverdell
- all administrative barriers to adoption. • A provision that would prohibit the use of Federal and local funds for needle exchange programs and would prohibit private agencies from supporting needle exchange programs if they receive Federal or local
[10/14/1998 – 11/06/1998]
- pleased with this remarkable outcome. However, there is disappointment regarding the inclusion in the final bill of a needle exchange provision that prevents the District of Columbia from using their own funds for needle exchange programs. We strongly
[04/03/1998 – 04/04/1998]
- (according to several I spoke with) that Secretary Shalala is committed to lifting the needle exchange ban. There are varying interpretations as to when and how. Getting it done during the congressional recess has been discussed. Several of the AIDS groups
[09/21/1997 – 09/23/1997]
- of needle exchanges--which unanimously indicated that they help reduce the rate of HIV infections without promoting drug use. The next logical step would have been for the Clinton administration to lift the ban on federal funding of clean-needle programs
[01/09/1998 – 02/06/1998]
- ~ ... We did comment on the proposed language on needle exchange after consulting with both Chris Jennings and Kevin Thurm. I will forward a copy of the memo to you. I had a lengthy discussion with Kevin last week regarding this issue. HHS does not plan
- Survey on Drug Abuse, which is our single best source of information on youth drug use and youth smoking and is important for evaluating the impact of substance abuse prevention, treatment, and enforcement efforts. 1\ Needle Exchange. The Subcommittee
[03/18/1998 – 03/20/1998]
- At the suggestion of Rahm, we have been working on a joint statement with ONDCP on needle exchange. The idea is part process (working together to find some common ground) as well as an opportunity to also get our friend on the record in support of the Secretary
- : At the staff meeting today the following issues were discussed: 1. Equal Pay -- This week there is a VP Equal Pay event. At the event the VP will offer an administration endorsement of the Daschle Bill. 2. Needle Exchange -- Today is the end of the needle
[04/27/1998 – 04/28/1998]
- =EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Mindy E. Myers ( CN=Mindy E. Myers/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Marjorie Tarmey ( CN=Marjorie Tarmey/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: There will be a Needles Exchange meeting
- , including HIV. The Administration urges the Committee to use compromise language forged in last year's Act, ensuring that grantees will encourage minors 10 seek their family's participation in family planning decisions. • Needle Exchange. The Committee
- funding for needle exchange programs. • Just authorizations, not mandatory spending: The Coverdell amendment does not necessarily reduce spending on any other program, or require spending on drug programs. It simply authorizes a number of drug programs
[06/12/1998 – 06/15/1998]
- per year for anti-drug efforts, creating another competitor for the diminishing pool of public health dollars. The amendment also includes a permanent prohibition on the use of federal monies for needle exchange and a program to allow education
- House and Federal Agencies. They then presented us with a rundown of the current t state of the epidemic and a series of public opinion polls showing support for further action in the areas of AIDS treatment, Vaccine development, Needle Exchange Programs
[01/03/1998 – 01/07/1998]
- the POTUS in response to the letter from Bob Fogel, a member of the President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, concerning needle exchange. Todd ---------------------- Forwarded by Todd A. Summers/OPD/EOP on 01/05/98 12:03 PM --------------------------- Sarah
- to be a priority. AI! Americans living with HIY and AIDS must have access to the health care and the social services they need to stay alive and healthy. Every weapon at our disposal, including needle exchange programs, must be put to good use to curb the further
[04/23/1998 – 04/24/1998]
- =WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: As I mentioned an earlier e-mail, the CBC was scheduled to respond to our position on needle exchange today. As I write, they should be holding a press conference on the Hill. As I understand
- trafficking efforts of the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration, allow federal funds to be spent on school vouchers for public school children who have been victims of violent crimes on school property, ban federal funding for needle-exchange progrcuns
- and resolutions. In addition to criticizing the Administration's leadership on drugs -- and highlighting controversial issues like needle exchange and medical marijuana -- the strategy will focus on following 3 themes: Deterring Demand -- Prevention starts at home
[04/30/1998 – 05/01/1998]
- federal money for needle exchanges. The White House earlier announced it was extending the current ban on federal funding, but upset GOP lawmakers by agreeing with studies showing that local needle exchange programs have slowed the spread of AIDS. APNP-04
[07/11/1997 – 04/14/1997]
- Page 1 of 1 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Andrew J. Mayock ( CN;Andrew J. Mayock/OU;WHO/O;EOP ( WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:11-JUL-1997 17:00:46.00 SUBJECT: Needle Exchange TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP ( OPD 1 READ: UNKNOWN CC: Sylvia
- [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: We really need a presence at the G-8 around the AIDS vaccine initiative. Also, I'm beginning to hear a lot about the Conference of Mayors and a protest around the needle exchange issue. ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE
[01/02/1998 – 01/06/1998]
- Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, concerning needle exchange. Todd ---------------------- Forwarded by Todd A. Summers/OPD/EOP on 01/05/98 12:03 PM --------------------------- Sarah S. Knight 01/05/98 11:50:10 AM Record Type: Record , To: Todd A. Summers/OPD
[06/12/1997 – 06/25/1997]
- at the G-8 around the AIDS vaccine initiative. Also, I'm beginning to hear a lot about the Conference of Mayors and a protest around the needle exchange issue.] ATH=/nlcp-21Anns404/opd/O
[10/07/1997 – 10/29/1997]
- . Few controversial issues were raised. He was not questioned on many of the high profile issues we were expecting, including needle exchange and AIDS research in Africa. It appears likely that the final full Senate vote on Dr. Satcher's confirmation
[04/28/1998 – 05/21/1998]
- /28/98 06:41:07 PM Record Type: Record To: Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP, Cynthia A. Rice/OPD/EOP, Paul J. weinstein Jr./OPD/EOP, Sarah A. Bianchi/OPD/EOP cc: Subject: POTUS Q&A Amy Tobe asked that we pull together Q&A on l)Tobacco and 2)Needle Exchange to give
[04/06/1998 – 04/07/1998]
- I CREATION DATE/TIME: 6-APR-1998 13:26:38.00 SUBJECT: Re: needle exchange TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD I ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: I told EB I'd go, your honor. ) ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 5
[08/22/1997 – 08/25/1997]
- =Sandra Thurman/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:22-AUG-1997 16:39:08.00 SUBJECT: Needle Exchange Policy TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: · ~ARMS Email System Page 1 of4 RECORD TYPE
[10/03/1997 – 10/06/1997]
- Members will raise questions about needle exchange, the ethics of the AIDS trials in Africa, and our proposal to combine the Office of the Surgeon General with the Assistant Secretary of Health. We will be conducting prep sessions early next week, but even
[10/10/1997 – 10/14/1997]
- . He was not questioned on many of the high profile issues we 4 '. Automated Records Management System Hex-Dump ConversIon were expecting, including needle exchange and AIDS research in Africa. It appears likely that the final full Senate vote on Dr
[10/16/1997 – 10/17/1997]
- called to invite you to a ·3: 30 Mtg. on Needle Exchange in Sylvia's office ARMS Email System ',. Page 1 of 2 I. RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Diana Fortuna ( CN=Diana Fortuna/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 16-0CT-1997
[05/13/1998 – 05/15/1998]
- [ WHO 1 READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: On Friday Senator Lott rule 14nd the Coverdell bill ( which is pending in the Labor Committee, and bans federal funding for programs which support needle exchange either directly or indirectly ) which means that the bill has
- and education, needle exchange, rethinking incarceration (Jose Cerda) . CAPITAL FORMATION - Economics as the key to the future, role of major financial institutions ( Gene Sperling) . access to capital, CENSUS - Sampling, history of the undercount, obstacles
[11/25/1997 – 11/29/1997]
- --------------------------Richard Socarides Record Type: 11/25/97 09:29:37 AM Record To: Laura Emmett/WHO/EOP cc: Subject: Re: AIDS Communication Strategy Meeting No paper, unless Sandy plans to hand some out. It's a continuation of a previous meeting. Key topics will be needle
[12/04/1997 – 12/05/1997]
- : needle exchange/cohen TO: Rahm I. Emanuel ( CN=Rahm I. Emanuel/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Bruce N. Reed ( CN=Bruce N. Reed/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD
[05/12/1998 – 05/14/1998]
- : UNKNOWN TEXT: On Friday Senator Lott rule 14nd the Coverdell bill ( which is pending in the Labor Committee, and bans federal funding for programs which support needle exchange either directly or indirectly ) which means that the bill has been placed
- : the AIDS epidemic and its impact on African Americans. black farmers legislation, education, Africa trade, drug prevention and needle exchange, capital formation, the 2000 census, social security, welfare to work, and affirmative action. Brief background
- . Automated R.ecords Management System Hex-Dump Conversion • Develop a viable strategy to deal with the issue of Federal funding for needle exchange. Confidentiality Legislation • • • • • • Work to enact legislation on this issue before Congress adjourns
- ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Could we get tps on AIDS and needle exchange for the book in addition to whatever you are planning on? . , ARMS Email System Page 1 of 16 .. RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Andrew J. Mayock ( CN;Andrew J
[10/06/1997 – 10/07/1997]
- that Goodling has been part of any of these discussions so we should be very cautious about these proposals. Teamsters: Awaiting Administration letter clarifying legal requirements under the consent decree. Needle Exchange: Looking at some sort of compromise
- aids tps (needle exchange, ryan white grants, etc) - - then i ' l l send to you to vet with bruce if thats ok. ·I ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 16 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Russell W. Horwitz ( CN=Russell W. Horwitz/OU=OPD/O
[09/03/1997 – 09/06/1997]
- /TIME: 3-SEP-1997 09:32:56.00 SUBJECT: Mtg. TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Elena, pIs. give me a call to discuss scheduling the "needle exchange" mtg. next week. Thanks. Carole (6-1928) ARMS Email
[04/24/1998 – 04/27/1998]
- the War on Drugs by the year 2002, and launch an 8-week campaign to pass a series of anti-drug bills and resolutions. In addition to criticizing the Administration's leadership on drugs -- and highlighting controversial issues like needle exchange
- and primary HIV health care into drug prevention and treatment services. 5) Overturn the ban and allow Federal funding of needle exchange programs. By leaving states and localities to fund these programs on their own, the federal government is effectively