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  • , in his State of the Union Message, "Our plan can achieve universal cover- | neutral on the subject. Our co-sponsors said he would veto any health care age on the same timetable, by 1998, proposal that did not guarantee cover- without an employer mandate
  • L: 1993 State of the Union
  • : Speechwriting Scries/Staff Member: David Kusnet Subseries: OA/ID Number: 4284 FolderlD: Folder Title: L: 1993 State of the Union Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 91 5 9 3 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE
  • .) appears at 8:30 a.m.. Secretary Bentsen at 9:00 a.m., Sen. Nickles (R-Ok.) at 12:30 p.m., and Sen. Tsongas at 2:45 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Pharmaceutical industry representatives are available f o r comment on the President's State of the Union address. 9:45 a.m
  • his State of the Union address. The f o l l o w i n g organizations have a v a i l a b i l i t i e s scheduled f o r r e a c t i o n t o the President's address: Heritage Foundation researchers, Pharmaceutical industry representatives
  • is how Mr. Barbour led into the main segment: "He talked the talk, but will he walk the walk? Republicans are wondering whether Bill Clinton's action will match his words. We're talking about Tuesday's State of the Union speech. Dan Leonard was on Capitol
  • . While i t w i l l not be able to release Presidential documents related to the President's State of the Union speech, i t does have basic information about Head Start that may meet your needs. Sincerely, Francis Thomas Sobol Special Counsel
  • State nt'the Union speech, his state of mind Political Interest: '"I'llree stnkes" isn't smart 29 SUPREME COURT: The Antiabortion Racket? 32 All nine Justices rule against pro-life activists ELECTIONS: Dirty Politics in Pennsylvania 34 Passions run
  • . Clinton has scarcely mentioned tion with headquarters in New York, reached a peak in 1985, when 37 million noted that many people reported hav- ; drugs as President, although in his State of the Union Address last week he people acknowledged using
  • ^ ThePresident-Conceivably The few who can actuaUy recognize all the members of President Clinton's Cabinet wiU note as they watch his State of the Union address on Jan. 25 that one Secretary is missing from the audience. It is a littleknown tradition that one
  • NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001a. fax cover sheet Personal, [partial] (1 page) 02/13/1993 P6/b(6) 001b. letter To David Kusnet. Subject: Suggestions for State of the Union. (2 pages) 02/13/1993 P5,P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • is a health-care crisis. B f f l f f f T H W h i l e Dole responds to the President's State of the Union message: "Our country has health-care problems, but no healthcare crisis," Newt Gingrich, House minority whip, frets: "We are in danger of looking like
  • 2/9/89 20 2/5/81 2/18/81 4/18/81 1/26/82 16 . • 28 88 361 • TV fireside " TV address • Sp.eecfi to Congress Snte o: t.laior! 2/2/77 •4/18/77 •1/20/77 1/1.9/78 13 88 90 364 goals' for term energy energy 3 assumption of office State of 'Union
  • that it won't. He must take a leadership mentioned the strife in Bosnia and Her- role he doesn't want, that he's uncomzegovina in his first State of the Union fortable with, that's risky, because he's speech. the only person in the world who can do
  • in a two-hour Rose Garden session with a group of questioners recruited by CBS. "What went wrong was I was not able to keep the public focus on the issues that we're woridng on after I gave the State of the Union address, even though that's what we kept
  • will create. Today's appeal for the plan to expand the earned-income tax credit elaborated on what Mr. Clinton described in'his State of the Union Message as a "solemn and simple commitment" to help the millions of Americans who remain in poverty even while
  • . certainly can't afford to have it mired in more partisan posturing." Mr. Rother, who is also chairman of a coalition of groups seeking an overhaul of the health care system, added: "What started out, really, in the State of the Union speech as a high moral
  • . The plan had set a $50,000 limit on payments for AIDSrelated cases, he said, although it provided up to $500,000 for other illnesses. In United States District Court in Columbia, S.C, the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the state insurance pool
  • campaign doesn't pay. Still pending is a decision on whether Mr. Florio's campaign must pay for the visits by the other Clinton Administration officials. Teacher Ads Assail Tax Plan The New Jersey Educalion Association, the state's largest teachers' union