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11 results

  • to tho December meeting ofthc Presidential HIV I AIDS Advisory Council 3/12/97 Memorandum for the President From: Bruce Reed, Eric Goosby Il.2 Subject: Update on Statu. of Needle Exchange Programs 5/6197 5/16197 Memorandum for the President From
  • , education technology and Title I Education for Disadvantaged; and numerous riders such as blocking educational testing, limiting participation of students in bilingual education to two years, banning all needle exchange programs and blocking the HHS organ
  • discl(\s~ gc(}lngicul or gC'lpllysical infon'13linn C(l!1ccming ..... clls l(h)(91 oi"lbc FOIA I. TH E: WH ITE HOUSE: WASHINGTON April 19, 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR TIlE PRESIDENT' FROM: Bruce Reed SUBJECT: Needle Exchange You should try to make
  • that would prohibit the use of Federal and local funds for needle excbange programs and would proln"it private agencies from supporting needle excbange programs if they =ive Federal or loeal funds (even if the funds used for th. needle exchange programs
  • it failed 47-51). The Senate also passed the D.C. bill by voice vote. without adopting the CoverdeH amendment prohibiting needle exchange program, Senators Lott and Daschle agreed to attempt during July to restore the prohibition (formerly in Senate rule XVI