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  • History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 4:00 Civil Rights - Accomplishments of Espy
  • , , " , " 1 J CIfAl"lGING THE CULTURE ·ATTHE u.s. DEPARTMENT OF Espy has worked to make th~ Department more responsive to the needs of all Americans. While it will take more than a few months to change a culture that has been
  • really. really wen n Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy 1994 Farm Credit Remarks Around Washington, there is a famous joke regarding liSDA: A tourist is walking down the street in Washington, DC, and sees a man sitting on the sidewalk crying, The tourist
  • , ,~ Release No. 0821.93 1 Steve Kinsella (202) 720-4623 Julie Demeo (202) 720-0622 , ' , L 'ESPY SAYS PRESIDENT'S HEALTH PLAN WILL BENEFIT FARMERS AND RURAL FAMILIES;! . . . . WASHINGTON, Sept. 23 -- Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy said
  • Release No. 0462.94 Joel Berg (202) 720-6350 Jim Loftus (202) 720-4623 ,I USDA TO RUN AMERI:CORPS NATIONAL SERVICE PROGRAM . i , I WASHINGTON, JUitle 20--Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy announce~ today that the p;S. Department
  • ) Patricia Garamendi, Deputy Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service ( and Director, USDA Millennium Office), Christopher McLean, Administrator, Rurai Utility Service Audiotaped Interview and Transcript Mike Espy, Former Secretary of Agriculture 33
  • of Agriculture Mike Espy announced. As deputy secretary, Rominger assists the secretary .in supervising the activities of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one of the largest and most diverse departments in federal government. ,The USDA~s mission includes
  • History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 9:00 Secy. Espy Documents [1]
  • presented to Secretary Espy in a letter and subsequent meeting with the Coalition's leadership. This memorandum will discuss the necessity for a' Task Force and pr~sent a model for its establishment. BACKGROUND: Many minority employees at the Department
  • I. , 9. Biographies of Secretary Dan Glickman, Secretary Mike Espy, and Deputy Secretary Richard Rominger . Correspondence of Secretary Glickman with the President, Vice Pre$ident, and Chief of Staff Secretary Glickman's Principal Speeches
  • [History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 10:00 Oral History Videotapes & Transcripts Only) - Mike Espy]
  • Interview with Secretary Mike Espy December 11, 2000 Q: Today is' December 11th of the year 2000, I'm Larry Quinn with the Office of Communications at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in and we're visiting with the 25th Secretary of , Mike
  • [History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 10:00 Oral History Videotapes & Transcripts Only) - Mike Espy]
  • Interview with Secretary Mike Espy December 11, 2000 Q: Today is' December 11th of the year 2000, I'm Larry Quinn with the Office of Communications at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in and we're visiting with the 25th Secretary of , Mike
  • . Secretaly Edward , , Madigan used thE~ opportunity to develop a plan for a significant reorganization of the I Department. During the transition as the Clinton Administration took iottice, Secretary Madigan bequeathed this plan to incoming Secretary Espy
  • at a congressional he~ring its plans to replace him. "I respect this administration's right to appoint whoever they want as chief. You don't fight those things," Robertson told The Associated Press on Thursday. But he :9aid when Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy
  • ,- ..... Release No. 0308.93 Joel Berg (202) 720-4623 .Statement by Mike Espy . Secretary of Agriculture On the Opening of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum . Washiington, D.C.· . April 22, 1993 It is my somber honor to note
  • """}'_ In that spirit., :r hcpe that you &nd. Cono;re"..,.." DUrb1.ll yill be active in thia taU's summit 0" run.l i$au.... that t have eSlted S""",ota"}' Espy to "oordinate. x" addition, :r hope that '1"" and your staff "lao yill 'II01:lc c:los"ly uith 1101:> lIaO
  • History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 9:00 Secy. Espy Documents [3]
  • advises Secretary Espy on equal I opportunity and civil rights ,within USDA. He serves on USDA's Internal Performance Review Team and works on varioJs special projects for the Secretary. I j He joined the Mississippi staff of then Congressman Mike Espy
  • I actually started in August of '94, I was approached in the spring of '94 though about my possible interest in the job and had an interview with secretary Espy, I'm guessing April of '94. there'~ But, again a process involved in moving people
  • of GATT; Welcomes Support for Quick Passage August 3, 1994 94-44' August 2, 1994 August 1, 1994 -Softwood Lumber Extraordinary Challenge Committee Decision -Dept. of Agri: Joint Release from Espy and Kantor on U.S.-Canada Wheat Trade 94-43 -U.S
  • Espy came in as their first secretary he inherited the problem, and he inherited some of what the previous secretary had done. He came as I understand it with a very direct charter from the new President to see what he could do t6 reform
  • Bentsen and Espy wiil testify, We were unable to get an announcement date prior to your leaving for the G- 7 lrip hul were able to get Riegle 10 move his hearing to this afternoon in order to accomodate you. ThIS event is the culmination of months
  • . But he added, "I don't want to do anything that radically change~ the situation." . . Glickman would replace Mike Espy, who resigned while under vestigation for receiving favors fro~ Tyson Food~ Inc. and other .'mpanies doing business wi th ~he department
  • History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 9:00 Secy. Espy Documents [2]
  • Historical 1.......... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Secretary Espy's EEO Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Disput~ Resolution Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;.. I Board Members
  • History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 9:00 Secy. Espy Documents [4]
  • Saturday, June 19, 1993 7:30 -- 8:00 a.m. 8:00 -- 10:00 a.m. Breakfast Briefings and Context 10:00 -- 10:15 a.m. Break 10:15 -- 12:15 p.m. Secretary Espy Introductory Remarks -- and Expectations Issue Area A -- International
  • History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 9:00 Secy. Espy Documents [6]
  • Distribution Training Center (WFDTC) at Prairie View A&M University in Texas. As you know, while the proposal to fund the Center with a specific appropriation to AMS was not approved by Congress, Secretary Espy has spoken of his intention to provide
  • and established some new ones such as the Environmental Quality Improvement Program, the Farmland Prote~tion Program, and the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program. Secretaries Espy and Glickman did much to add a new dimension ofthinking to USDA by: broadening
  • to appear before this Subcommittee to testify on Secretary Espy's proposed reorganization of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). I would like to broadly summarize the Secretary's current reorganization proposals, elaborating upon three areas
  • . do what we peed to do. probl~m. years. Time won't allow us to We've got a serious I've been stating it for the last ten We started in 1986 with Congressman Espy and we are continuing it in 1997.' MR. GLICKMAN: question? Can I just ask you
  • field locations participated in the Forum live via satellite. Blue Ribbon Task Force. In November 1994, former Secretary ofAgriculture Mike Espy established The Secretary's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Equal Opportunity and Diversity (Task Force). Tbecharge
  • government actions needed to permit entry of 1994 crop year U.S. apples. ,) ,Ambassador Kantor and Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy had requested such a commitment in a joint letter to MAFF in July, one of a series of , letters they had written aimed
  • of the Nation's food supply and the meat and poultry industry entered a period of self~examination, President Clinton and Secretary Mike Espy vowed to revolutionize fQod safety in America to help ensure that such a tragedy would not be repeated. Food safety
  • -24 -February Trade Deficit Increases April 22, 1994 94-26 -Amb. KantorlMoniior Imports of Honey April 22, 1994 94-25 -Joint Release from Espy and Kantor re:~Grain Imports April 25, 1994 94-27 -GATT Dir/Gen Leaves GATT at years end. April 30, 1994 WH
  • , and deferral of taxes to the worker until • saie of shares, the WCE will empower residenl employees with a fun ownership stake in their own businesses, while curbing abuses common [0 ESOP's. Secretary Espy strongly supports incc:ntives tbat empower residents
  • ~ • ClIlI'AItTMRNT O~ AGlItICIJI.TUM ~c. 01' 'tHI aICJIIItn'A"V WMI1IH.YOf.f. c..c. ItCHlIIC April 16, 1993 · To: NEC/OPC Enterpri>e Zone Working Group Fro Secretary Mike Espy .. ~ W7ay we need ESOP, in Enterprise Zone' [n 1985. Whit. Pine. Michigan
  • . I need to be taken at each level of the Department. Secretary of Agr!Cultu+ The success offmy policy or program within the Department begins with the support of , the Secretary ofAgriculture. Both Secretaries Espy and Glickman have voiced
  • . USDA offers the leadership of this Nation the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of every American every day. This is an opportunity that President Clinton, Vice President Gore, Secretary Espy, myself, Rich Rominger and countless
  • History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 9:00 Secy. Espy Documents [5]
  • for the Assistant Secretary for Economics. And stayed in that position until 1993, until President Clinton was inaugura.ted. 00:02:10:16 At that time then Mike Espy carne in as Secretary of Agriculture and asked m~ if I would serve as the Acting Assistant
  • MIKE ESPY' Weekly Report for the Week of April 11, 1994 KEY DEPARTMENTAL NEWS USDA Reorganization Last night, the Senate passed by a vote of 98 to 1 legislation which will reorganize . USDA's 43 agencies into 28, will create a single Farm Service
  • of ,Ithe ~on !>ervtcel wtII move I e@;fieldOfficestheAgriculture[)e. In ~ run It agcun," she said. '\' ' , ......, partment began under Mike Espy, ~cia1s at the :-iAtional C.mle-­ , " V I Glickman's predecessor. men s Beef Associa[Jon. tht' S~. r, D
  • comments on these areas and the Memphis CR Listening Forum 34 11\8/97 atrocities that have been committed. One last thing I want to say: the past Secretary I thought Mr. Espy who I know and knew well, I think probably in an effort to do good did one
  • Orientation was established in 1993 after then Secretary of Agricultun:: Mike Espy first ilic1uded sexual orientation in the USDA Civil Rights Policy Statement. The original task force presented its findings in a report dated January 31, 1994, which can
  • on Agriculture September 29, 1993 THE ADMINISTRATION'S CASE FORNAFTA Mr. Chairman, members of the Committee, I an pleased to appear before you today, along with Secretary Espy and EPA Administrator Carol Browner, to set forth the Clinton Ach:dnistration's
  • and had taught some at the Harvard Business School and had of course some time as Commissioner of Agriculture. So Mr. Espy asked if I would be interested in taking over the Foreign Ag Service and it came at a good time in my life. Nice career change. So
  • described in subseCtion (b)' and the review' described in subsection (c). (2) .The Secretar.Y shall. include· iD. the· agreement provisions . necessary to ensure that the entity espies out ita responsibilities .. under' thi! agreement· (includiDg
  • Ron Brown, Secretary of Commerce Carol Browner, Administrator of EPA Henry Cisneros, Secretary of HUD Mike Espy, Secretary of Agriculture Leon Panetta, Director of OMB Federico Pena, Secretary of Transportation Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor
  • and budget impact of Secretary Espy's proposals to reorganiz~ and stre'amline th'e Department of Agriculture, and narrative information about the operating !?tructure and streamlining efforts of USDA agencies. This information isb'ased on impiementation
  • . 7 a I have a back log of EEO cases. 9 USDA. I have been all the way to I've talked with Michael Alexander. 10 to present all of our stuff to Mike Espy. 11 We got a chance get a resolution to our EEOcomplaints. 12 I'm sorry. They helped
  • the· years down there. And I done fight against it. 8 The year after I got all my quotas and stuff taken, 9 I wrote everywhere. I even made a trip up here 10 because -- you wasn't in office then. 11 think was in office. 12 Mike Espy I couldn't
  • outlining a proposed process for presentment of EZ/EC applications by Secretary Cisneros and Secretary Espy to the Community Enterprise Board and a procedure for the Board's review of these applications. We will be meeting this Friday, November 4, from 1
  • -free levels was announced on May 11 by Secretary of Agriculture Michael Espy at 2,268,000 r metric 'tons, raw value. Any amount above this would be subject to the higher duty of 16 cents per pound, raw value. . This allocation is based on countries
  • Administration will honor the c.ommitments in this area made by Director Rivlin and Secretary Espy in their September 30, 1994 joint letters to the leadership of the Senate and House Agriculture. Committees. Tnose letterS committed the Administration
  • presented to him, and we had a -- I had a good 20 listening session and we went through all of the 21 work that 22 colleges, with the minority farmers legisiation 23 that we passed through our committee since 24 Secretary Espy. 25 ~- that I had
  • of correspondence to and from Senator Daschle. Gannett also made a request for former Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy's travel records, including information about a contract bid from a Mississippi company that ultimately'was not awarded the contract. Wall Street
  • Bill. where Secretaries Bentsen and Espy will testify. We were unable to get an announcement date prior to your leaving for Ihe G- 7 trip but were able to get Riegle to move his hearing to Ihis afternoon in order to accomodate you. ThIS evenl
  • reached agreement on the lorm 01 the tax eanier this week. • Energy, Environmental and Economic Policy The principals 01 the Natural Resources Secretary Cluster (Secretary Babbit, Secretary Espy, Secretary O'Leary, and Administrator Browner) met at DOE
  • , Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy, and Director of the Office on Drug Policy Lee Brown, The documental')' will air in fall 1994, Other media events and interviews are described in the Presidentia11nitiatives section under NAFfA, THE WEEK AHEAD • Meetjp
  • in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia for giving former Secretary of Agriculture Espy over $12,000 in gratuities in 1993 and 1994. Under plea terms, Tyson Foods agn~ed to make a $4 million payment for the criminal fine and a $2 million
  • Schumacher will attend farm meetings with former Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy, in Jackson, MS. V. PRESS INQUIRIES • On September 8, Secretary Glickman was interviewed by The Los Angeles Times on genetically-rrlodified organisms, the· most recent
  • alumni grOup/there, One of your nlumni, Janet Potts. is my legal counseL And Mike Espy ~- my predecessor as recretary of Agriculture -- got his law degree here, . My good friend Leon Pnnetta is here todny -- not because .he's analumnus of both Santn
  • Albert Gore, Jr. July 1, 1993. The Forest Plan: For A Sustainable Economy and A Sustainable Environment. Washington, D.C. Neel, Roy. November 29, 1993. Memorandum to Secretary Babbitt, Secretary Brown, . Secretary Cisneros, Secretary Espy, Secretary Reich
  • Wcon by a local c~ IWM