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11 results

Women [2] (Item)
  • with Germany and attack successively France, England and America(-. 10/6). Victory at last/ working for full voting equality with men. The first countries to grant women suffrage were in Scandina· via. In 1906, women in Finland won the right to vote
Suffrage (Item)
  • I ' Speech to lbe Foreip Foreip Trtvel Service Sebool Gco'lJetown (T) . Election Day Meeting wilb President Ahslisari of Finland (T) Prep Time for APEC Veteran's Day l Foreip Tnvel Depart for lbe Pbillipines I ~~- Jakarta, Indonesia APEC
Olympics [1] (Item)
  • -highest overall human development ranking in this report, after Canada, falls to fifth place when income and health disparities between men and women are taken into account. sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark all move to the top. If women's access
  • . Finland and Germany have national legislation that follows this principal; the other EU members are expected to adopt such legislation by January 1,1996. In France, a December 1994 law targeted at alien smugglers caught several "ordinary people" in its
Torch (Item)
  • clothing to symbolize the truce of the games. In 1952, cyclists, sailors, canoeists and equestrians joined runners in carrying the torch to Helsinki, Finland. In 1956, the flame was carried in two miner's lamps and flown to Australia for the games
Olympics [4] (Item)
Tobacco [1] (Item)