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25 results

  • G-7 Jobs Conference [1]
  • ., I well··in.·tha c;loba.1 economy. But they are your friends and neighbors, and there are millions of them like them not only here, but in everyone of the G-7 nations here represented. We are here to help them find new ways to create new jobs, better
  • G-7 Jobs Conference [2]
  • Policy Council I Carol ~Rasco (Miscellaneous) ONBox Number: 8510 I FOLDER TITLE: I G-7 Jobs Conference [2] 2010-0198-S kc737 Presidenti~1 Records Act (44 U.S.c. 2204(a)) RESTRICTION CODES PI NationL Seeurity Classified Information [(a)(1) of the PRAI
  • /95 7/9/96 G-7 Jobs Conference, 3/14/94 DPC Weekly Key Initiatives 1996 Weekly Reports Kaiser Commission on the Future'of Medicaid, 11/13-14/95 Briefing Book on the Impact of dramatic oil Price Decrease, 12/7/93, (;N~R~ FIliD a~ ATfA(}lf.&,HS ~ ~Sio
  • G-7 Jobs Conference [3]
  • for women in the prime working ages geclined in all G-7 countries. The non-employment rate links unemployment and inactivity:, it is the sum of the inactive and the unemployed divided by the working-age population. The non-employment rate is a broader
  • because'l:>f, tlll!~, cap? 'I,s the ;requested \ " ; 'waiv~i :to~X1:ehdMel~ic~id eligibility, to all' ch.i,ldren ~' " iDeeting' AFDC:~liqi:bi,llity'reqUirements tintended to, prQvide, I" , .' 'Medica~d:, cOV:$r~g7', tlIPc,.h~"ldrEm , who. ar,e, ~ot
  • has created a World-Wide-Web home page on the Summit, located in the USIA overseas home page. It contains background on US policy on key G-7 issues. economic information on each G-7 country, a summary of past G-7 meetings, and a file of the most
  • Officials " G~7 Jobs Conference Veronica Biggins Wesley Hsg. Dev. Corp. California Agri Leadership t\ Phone Interview'wl Eric Kirby, Rehab MgtlCurAnt Co~rn. The ARC"(;overriment Affairs Seminar Welfare ReforInlPOTUS , Brdokings InstitUte
  • Finance Ministers: On May 17,.18. Secretary Rubin will travel to New Orleans io chair a meeting of the Western Hemisphere Finance Ministers. • DOC--G-7 Conference on ;'the Information Society and Developing Countries: The G-7 Conference on the lnforma
  • · Mexico and Texas. Department of Commerce • ·Global Information Infrastructure (GIl) Conference:, Thursday, February 24, Secretary Brown departed for the February G-7 Global Information Infrastructure (GIl) Conference in Brussels. He joins Vice
  • asked the Departments to provide greater advance notice on grants and other announcements that may be of interest to the White House. DEPARTMENT ------ Q.~ASURY \ \ . • "~"--- The G-7 Meetings: On Saturday, Secretary Rubin will meet with the G-7
  • Travel: On January 8-10, Secretary Brown will participate in the Fourth WeSt-East Conference of Ministers of Economy, Industry and Trade of G-7 and Reforming Countries (the Muenster Conference). The Secretary is scheduled to conduct a trade and investment
  • Workers Unfunded Mandates Crime Meeting Welfare Reform Yale -Political Union DPC Meeting APWA (State Commisioners) Tobacco Tax/Health Care Russian Delegation City of Denver Officials_ G-7 Jobs Conference Veronica Biggins Wesley Hsg . Dev. Corp. California
  • Commisioners) .' Tobacco' TaxlHealth Care Russian Delegation' City of Denver Officials .' G-7 Jobs Conference Veronica Biggins Wesley Hsg . Dev. Corp~ CalifofIlia Agri Leadership Phone Interview wi Eric Kirby, Rehab MgtlCurAnt Comm. The ARC; Government Affairs
  • , • '.' Muenster Conferen~e: On March 4 and 5, Secretary Brown will lie at the Muenster Conference in Baltim9re, discussing trade and inv~strnent between the G-7, Central' and and ilie Newly Indep~nde~t S~tes. . United Food and Commercial Workers: On March 5
  • . '. . . . Secretary's Schedule: . The Secretary will lead the U.S. delegation to the G-7 Conference on tnJ Information Society and Developing Countries in Johannesburg; South Africa on :rtfay 13-15. C~Oine~ Weekly Summary Report, April 12 - April 19 Page 2
  • ;;;?G--7·S00 , VDflc ~I~rr /L/{)( SiUiJ Hi 3t-. IJvJ /~OD i !))0h 'Oe f)a)(b~dI50 CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOP\ MEMO TO: FROM: MYRA FREEMAN Office of Recorda Management Room 72 Ext 7243 The attached correspondence was returned
Speeches [1] (Item)
Speeches [3] (Item)
Speeches [4] (Item)