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  • October 3, 1996 - Welfare Reform Working Group
  • INTERAGENCY WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION' WORKING GROUP October 3, 1996 I. IMPLEMENTATION UPDATES " Olivia Golden. A. First TANF Plans B. Medicaid Issues/State Directors Meeting Sally Richardsqn , C. Immigration Issues - Inipact
  • September 4, 1996 Welfare Reform Meeting
  • MEETING WITH NGAINCSLIAPWA ON WELFARE REFORM AGENDA September 4, 1996 I. II. . Review. of Conference Agenda Review of Agency Roles o o o .III. IV. Presentations Break-out sessions Paper to be handed out Press issues Follow-up Meetings e
  • Welfare Reform Prep. Meeting December 2, 1996 5pm
  • TH E WH ITE HOUS E WASHINGTON November 13, 1996 MEMO~NDUM FOR DISTRIBUTION I Laura Tyson -taro I Rasco FROM:I , SUBJE~T: . Welfare Reform Prepatory Meeting on December 2 .; /The NEe and the DPC will hold a joint White House staff meeting
  • Welfare Reform Meeting March 13, 1996
  • EXE CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE S I DENT 12-Mar-1996 09:48am TO: Kenneth S. Apfel FROM: ·Carol H. Rasco Domestic Policy Council CC: CC: CC: Julie E. Demeo Bruce N. Reed Cathy R. Mays SUBJECT: Welfare Reform meeting You
  • September 3, 1996 Welfare Reform Working Group
  • /96 9/4/96 9/9/96 9/1/96 9/11/96 9/12/96 ·9/12/96 9/13/96 9/13/96 9/17/96 9/17/96 9/18/96 ' 9/18/96 9/20/96 9/23/96 9/18/96 Welfare Reform Working Group Welfare Reform Meeting NGA/NCSL/APWA Conference on Welfare Reform Claudia Rayford-Williams, Resume
  • Welfare Reform Meeting December 5, 1996
  • to the President for Economic Policy SUBJECT: Interagency Welfare Reform Meeting I ! , The successful implementation of the welfare reform bill is one of the President's highest priorities for the second term. As you all know, its success will require
  • September 23, 1996 Welfare Reform - Controller of CA
  • (Controllers Office of CA) re: welfare reform (lhr) oo~act: ra~I~34~5678m~I6)~~r,~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~--~~~~~~~~ Attendee's include: Cheryl Macias - USDA' Bob Bach - INS Judy Chesser - SSA Dave Garrison - HHS , John Emerson Diana Fortuna CHR:­ 1:OOp 2
  • Welfare Reform (Roosevelt Room) 11-23-93 10:00-12:00
  • ~.>· ". ': : TH E: WH I"rE: H OUS E: ':"~.~"'. .:, WASHINGTON . . ' . ". '. -, ."~' .' , ", : ':; " TO: Rasco~~ Carol H. SUBJ: Welfare Reform DATE: November 2, 1993 ,We"will target having the briefing which you and I discussed on November
  • Welfare Reform; 3-21-94; 3:00-5:20 pm POTUS; 3-22-94; 3:00-5:00 pm
  • McLarty', David Gergen k' . George Stephanopoulo&K-? ~ Bob Rubin ~ Laura Tyson>( R~sco~tantto FROM: Carol H. Domestic Policy SUBJECT: Welfare Reform the President for There wil~ be a meeting on Monday, March 21 from 3:30 to 5:20 p.m. in OEOB 211
  • nutrition ,support programs, br rnechanisms for health ,care deli very that are being put in place where nutrition could be adqed: 2. Welfare Reform: , They would like to hear 'about our posftion on welfare reform. They are concerned about the ,impact
  • will follow with 15 min. of remarks/q&a on weI They expect you'll ge done by 8:30, which gives a little pad~ing in case they're runnin~ late.
  • Welfare Reform 6-18-93 3:30-5:30 p.m.
  • 08/17/93 14:41 '8'202 41>6 7739 Wl:I.ITE HOtTSE !i;)004/0U AGENDA FOR WELFARE REFORM MEBTINGWITH THe PRESIDENT FftIDAY, JUNE 18. 1993 OPINING REMARK.S/STATUS R.EPORT o Announcement welfare reform working greup was last Friday
  • Welfare Reform Meeting 6/18/93 3:30 p.m. - Cabinet Room
  • 08/17/93 14:41 '8'202 41>6 7739 Wl:I.ITE HOtTSE !i;)004/0U AGENDA FOR WELFARE REFORM MEBTINGWITH THe PRESIDENT FftIDAY, JUNE 18. 1993 OPINING REMARK.S/STATUS R.EPORT o Announcement welfare reform working greup was last Friday
  • October 31, 1996 - Welfare Reform Implementation
  • certified complete, 9/30/96 9/30/96 10/8/96 certified 'complete INTERAGENCY WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION WORKING GROUP October 31, 1996 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Olivia Golden III. Technical Corrections Report Rich Tarplin/Mary Bourdette IV. Impact
  • should have a meeting early next week on the upcoming NGA meeting. 'I'm starting to hear from Govs staffs about potential bombs ,. and we know that democratic govs are going to want to know what our strategy is on the budget, welfare reform, etc
  • . Based upon our discussion, I am confident that we can be of assistance to you in advancing the President's agenda on welfare reform. We will, of course, follow up your leads with Judge David Ross, Health and Human Services, and with Ann Donovan, his
  • . The President also is committed to protect nutrition in welfare reform (h.r.4). H.R. 4 provisions are listed in the, issue brief. The Fellows are pretty relaxed.' I have explained to them that you are not the point on child nutrition, but tha~ you believe
  • '-, waivers, and sixteen welfare reform waivers: . With this,colDmitllent inmind,HHS and the Department of Justice carefully reviewed the cou.rt t s decision in .--' Beno.· ' . . Rationale for the'Ciinton Administration's Decision. . B ased on the, facts
  • Welfare Reform Implementation Working Group Tuesday, August 20, 1996
  • - like Melissa d6ing a calendar for se meetings of upcoming'event~, etc. WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION WORKGROUP Tuesday August 20 I. Report on Plans for Thursday Bill Signing II. Report on 'Implementation Review Items Due Thursday Fortuna
  • Women's Office Event w/Women Leaders on Welfare Reform Wednesday, June 19, 1996
  • September 9, 1996 NGA (National Governors Association/NCSL (National Conference of State Legislatures)/APWA (American Public Works Administration) Conf. on Welfare Reform Draft
  • •Draft NGA/NCSLIAPWA CONFERENCE ON WELFARE REFORM Carol H. Rasco September 9, 1996 Thank you, Tht-· 2 thank NGA, NCSL, and APWA for inviting the Administration to. be a part of this .· conference and for working with us as you prepared
  • , but will then try to outline for you in an email what's been going on in some other areas. INTERAGENCY WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION'WORKING GROUP October 17, 1996 T. IMPLEMENTATION UPDATES A. Golden Exciting Review of State TANF plans B. Food Stamps and 40
  • ,Reform.. These oraanizations are quite familiar with the Bill. This briefing needs to focus on two areas: 1. . The White House strategy around the Bill (specifically what we are doing around pl'ograms concerning women, children,. seniors and welfare
  • for the Study of Social Policy Washington, D.C. Ralph Smith Director of Planning and Development The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Baltimore, Maryland Purpose To discuss child welfare reforms with Frank Farrow and Ralph Smith. Agenda Welcome from Carol
  • associations who will be participating in the 2:30pm welfare reform implementation meeting tomorrow are: Don Borut, Executive Director, National League of Cities (NLC) Jose Dimas, Legal Counsel, National League of Cities (NLC) Mari~ina Sanz, Associate
  • Reform Jennifer Klein------Health Reform Suzan Johnson Cook--Consolidated States Plan Mike Schmidt--------Education, Traininq, & Reemp. Wkq Group Bill Galston--------Education Kathi Way-----------Welfare Reform Bruce Reed----------Welfare Reform Jeremy
  • held our first policy meeting with principals and staff representatives from NEC, DPC, OMB, HHS, Treasury, CEA and Labor. Welfare Reform o CBO. Estimate Due Out Soon CBO will release its·cost estimate of our welfare reform plan anytime. CBoestimates
  • Director linda Lewis Senator William Roth (202) 224-2441 Dear Senator Roth: firm on Senate Welfare Reform I am writing to urge you to stand , proposals which will help to maintain our ability to protect , abused and neglected children from further harm
  • with 44 U.S.c. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. 12/12/96 THO 11:38 FAX 202 737 1069 NeSL IaI 002 '(dL) IIIIII Special White House and Administrative Agency Consultation on Welfare Reform Attendees NAME "'- Rep
  • points on welfare reform and on the Middle Class Bill of Rights. Thank you for agreeing to participate in these briefings. As you know this is particularly important to the President and the First Lady, and your involvement is essential for making
  • Welfare Reform Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday, August 22, 1996
  • ) 07/3111986 P6fb(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TIlLE: Welfare Reform Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday, August 22, 1996 20 I 0-0 198-S dbl686
  • , Associate Professor 4h./1. Social Work Program Director tv"\ Subject: e, \ Community Response to Welfare Reform , . t\s(~enior ~qci~1 w
  • the opportunity to gain information and suggestions for the welfare reform debate. We applaud the President and you for"y6ur leadership in welfare reform. I hope that we were able to provide you with . insight as to the status and efforts of service providers. I
Gloria Cabe (Item)
  • with Congress and the Governors? Do you anticipate a bipartisan effort? What impact does Welfare Reform have on a Health care reform time table? Do you anticipate more of a role for the health care industry in the formulation of a proposal? 3. Enlicy: Do you
  • Welfare Reform - Labor 10-15-93 10:00-11:00
  • } of being able to find work and to care for their families. We therefore applaud President Clinton's commitment to assist families in becoming self-sufficient and free of welfare. At the same time, we believe that the Administration's welfare reform
  • The majority of children who will start school "unready to learn" reside in AFDC households, meaning that welfare reform must complement efforts to achieve the f~rst educational goal. In designing new covenants with families on AFDC, options should exist
  • EMANUEL BRUCE REED KATHI WAY FROM: Jeremy Ben-Ami SUBJECT: Friday Meeting with Governors' Staff The response for Friday's meeting on welfare reform has been tremendous. We expect to have at least 24 of .the 29 states with Democratic governors
  • 2 years *6 of 10 min wage earners are women - Responsible Welfare Reform - Investment in Education & Training The Republican record has not been good for women. - Cuts in Medicare/Medicaid would disproportionately affect women & children - Cuts
  • Rasco is meeting with Family Services America on October 22, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. in OEOB 211 . .She and Jeremy w6uld like to invite you to this meeting where FSA· and the WH will discuss ways of making welfare reform wor~ on state/local levels by sharing
  • to call an initial meeting immediately because of legislation already on the legislative calendar and the need to coordinate carefully as new legislation like welfare reform is -final ized. Please fax [(202)-456-2878] to Rosalyn Miller in Carol
  • Welfare Reform/NGA (National Governors Association) - NCSL (National Conference of State Legislatures) - APWA (American Public Works Administration) Conference Thursday, August 22, 1996
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 21, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR JOHN MONAHAN BRIAN COYNE BOB BACH YVETTE JACKSON FROM: CAROL H. RASCO RE: Thursday, August 22nd Meeting on Welfare Reform Thank you for arranging to come to the meeting at 1 p.m. in room
  • Welfare Reform Briefing 24 March '95 11:00 - 12:00 Cancelled
  • ) 03/23/95 P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) 0NBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: Welfare reform Briefing 24 March '95 II :00'- 12:00 Cancelled 2010-0198-S ry852
  • of misconceptions that are extremely counterproductive to welfare reform. Ithink the likelihood is high that you would find the same results almost anywhere you conducted thistype of testing. ,It simply no one's job to explain the complicated array of benefits
  • and 'talking'with all of you throughout the day_ 2 I Introduction __ I am going to talk to you today about the links between quality childcare, early childhood .education,and success in adulthood, asweU as the importanee of child care in welfare reform
  • Women on Welfare Reform June 19, 1996
  • , McNeil Pharmaceutical the breakfast CHR SPEECH: 9:00 - 9:30 AM (Address on Health care reform, and plans for welfare reform, specifically Medicaid - these are reque$ted topics) THERE WILL BE NO Q AND A'S FOLLOWING SPEECH Note: Pharmacy Press
  • of this request and your attention to this critical issue. In short, Welfare Reform, as pr,oposed, threatens to seriously harm abused and neglected children: The Conference Committee's Welfare Reform Bill will block grant funds for child pl'ptection services
  • Welfare chat Texas A&M Univ., Corpus Christi, TX Corpus Christi, tX Crime meeting Nancy-Ann Min Call re: Health Start Breakfast w/ George Penick Kaiser Commission Dinner Watson Bell meeting Welfare reform Preparation meeting Amy Hickox Substance Abuse
  • , it will also bolster the welfare reforms so important to the President's agenda for change. Security Under the current system, Americans lack security: • Nearly 60 million people have no coverage at all or have inadequate coverage o Each month 100,000
  • to Ellen ,to talk about current activity in nutrition servic~s; includnng an update on the impact of the welfa~e reform debate on , these services, I wanted to talk a ~ittle about welfare reform more generally. . I ! I i . I I I I ! j • , I i i 5
  • Washington Leadership Day" White House briefing. NAWD would like to hear about the budget, reconciliation, and welfare reform, particularly as they relate to WICand other nutrition programs. III. PARTICIPANTS/AUDIENCE There will be 81). audience, of 50-60
  • sure that you are well aware of these issues, but their restatement may prove useful. Reform objectives Welfare reform is always difficult because it requires balancing two competing objectives: reducing poverty among children and encouraging work
  • ~ IttfldteoH. about the Administration's plans for welfare reform. 2~ c Rachelle Horowitz and the other AFf leaders you met with last year were all extremely impressed with you and have asked me to encourage you to attend. In Rachelle's words, "We can think
  • by the Welfare Reform Conference Committee severely reduces funding for child protection seNices by billions! T'hi$ is of panlcular concern as changes in cash assistance promise to cause a significant number of addition211 children to need child protection
  • be extended to programs such as emergency Medicaid and Head Start, and the exemptism for public health assistance would be narrowed. This effectively ends immigrant eligibility .these programs. ? The welfare reform bill provides the Administration with some
  • -income individuals with drug and alcohol addictions. Below is a summary of those changes, plus an inventory of federal programs which do provide support. WELFARE REFORM • The welfare reform bill requires all recipients to join the workforce
  • . The governors are likely to ask you about Administration strategy for dealing with Republicans and major legislative issues such as the budget, Medicare and Medicaid issues, and welfare reform.' Carol Rasco will,be in attendance during this time and can
  • /staff at­ the Camp David Retreat Economic package 2. Health Care Reform 3. National Service Welfare Reform ~ 4. 'j5. Campaign Finance/Lobbying Reform. 1. Domestic policy has a finger in each of these pies: 1. Econ. pkg.-emphasis on children
  • Points - Welfare Reform Demonstration Proposal For, Discussion with Texas,. Lieute:Qant GQ;vernor Bob Bullock ' o .. HHS .received, ,the Texas request for 'waivers toimp1ement the' Achieving, Cha'nge for Texans qemonstration on, october 6, 1995. 't
  • of this Administratioh for 'the 104th Congress, ,i.e., welfare reform, deficit reduction, etc. o Open it up for discussion (remind them that this is a listening session for us. We need their frank assessments on both the new po!itical environemtn and policy options
  • :. . .. " '. ' . ' . ' ..,' . Wlthm~. fu anticipation of the. . . " 1) As Presidentof the NGA from July 1986-1987, Govemor Cli.ntonmade welfare reform one of . · his top priorities. Why was the issue soirrtpottarit to him? What' sorts of background '~Ajoik did
  • misfile defined in accordance with 44 U.S.c. .2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. THE WHITE HOUSE WASH INGTON . November 13, 1996 MEMORANDUM FOR DISTRIBUTION FROM: SUBJECT: Latlra Tyson --Carol Rasco Welfare Reform Prepatory
  • and second termi 2. Possible youth-related budget initiatives in the FY97 budget, 3. Strategies that better utilize existing programs, use existing waiver authority, and build on legislative changes that will increase local flexibility (welfare
  • : Welfare Reform Conference Call with Former Governor Lamm Women's Caucus Dinner: Citronelle Restaurant' Interdepartment Task Force on HIV/AIDS Health Care Meeting: Long-Term Care (Alan Solomont) State of the Union Address: Radio Calls NGA Winter Meeting
  • Introductions, if necessary. o Give overview of, the health care process we are now undertaking. o Briefly touch on. the other key priorities of this Administration for the 104tp Congress, i.e. welfare reform, deficit reduction, etc. o Open it up
  • priorities for next year, i.e. welfare reform, etc. 2. Comment on the new health care team headed by you and Bob Rubin. . \ i' ' 3. Describe how we plan to proceed on health care. i.e. meetings with allies and key health players before any decisions
  • §lrionKauffman Founda:-, tion. The Kauffman Foundation is a 'rising star in the foundat~on world and has been very supportive of oUr effot'ts .in welfare reform, chi l'dren and fami ly poliCy,. etc.. 'They 'have been very supportive of me personally, largely due
  • our work is based. " c Pres. Clinton: 5 major goals outlined for the cabinet/staff at-' , the Camp David Retreat 1. ·2. 3. /7.. 4. Economic package Health Care Reform National Service Welfare Reform ~R-',-, :Jil,:j..i¥\nAa.J'lftC""'c~erf
  • :initiatives including its education initiatives, national -service, and welfare reform? 8. Why is this a priority? Why is it more responsive to people's needs then the co~tract with America? .. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHI NGTON tT~ f"\ee~-S l5e...\~ ; f
  • needed for p/u Today(5/22/1996 9:59a) Page: . ROMANI_P@OPD Tuesday May 28, 1996 Tuesday May 28, 1996 **COURTDATE: 4:15 P.M. TODAY** FLY TO CHICAGO IN EVENING . REQUEST rCONFERENCE CALL re: Welfare Reform wi Pat LewislWH Media Affairs 1* approx. 30
  • in the audience. You should be aware that your address is OPEN TO THE PRESS. Michael suggested some areas of interest to the state legislators which you may want to address. They are welfare reform, health care reform, immigration issues, the National Performance
  • signarute page) . (See . , ­ ! 04/30/96 13:44 I4J 004/007 r:i '/ U~ IS d; 4 ft SENT BY:Xerox Teleeopier 7020- 4-29-86. S:'~PM Assemblymember Antonio Viuaraigosa .,~~Asscmblymcmbcl" Sheila Kuehl : . i :\ 3 Welfare Reform Talking Pt)inta "I
  • Welfare Reform (EOB Room 211) 3-2-94 4:00-6:00 pm
  • r7~ ,I .. DETERMINED TO BE AN ADMINISTRATIVE ~G Per E.O. 12958 as amended. S;c. 3.2 (c) Inhws: ~ Date: 8 - 14- D S i WELFARE REFORM ISSUE PAPER Prepared for February 26, 1994­ Meeting of the Working Group on .. . . I . Welfare Reform, Family
  • Your Talk: "Synergy of Health' Care Reform and Welfare Reform" ,...' .' , OPENING RECOGNITIONS: , .4 ,. • ',. It, is a pleasure'to share thfs dial:; with such " distinguished figures in the field of rehabilitation as David Daugherty
  • , and is beginning to involve a number of two-year state colleges. 'Participants From the White House Pauiine Abernathy, DPC & First Lady's Office Miko Gohen, CPG, Edu6a~ion Elizabeth Drye, Chief-of-Staff, DPC Diana Fortuna, DPC, Welfare Reform Implementation
  • , . . Administration, and the more recent .Partnerships For Stronger Families in itiative. 16 • ,Most recently, President ,Clinton asked the Domestic Policy Co'uncil to coordinate implementation of the new welfare reform ,law. Because of its importance
  • visitation, fewer adoptions, less family preservation efforts and less emancipation preparation for our foster youth. , .i I! 1 •. ~2- '.' .. . •. Fede~a) welfare reform proposals, including changes in AFDC eligibility requirements and capp
  • perspectives to the negotiating table and emerge with solid public policy on which there is general agreement. i I I Being part of the internal debates on welfare reform, child abuse and neglect, and ,child, care has provided me with the ability to predict
  • governor. He has been extremely vocal in the national debates ·over the budget~ welfare reform and devolving power to the states and is sharply critical of the Administration on these topics .. He continues to tout Spealcer Gingrich and the agenda qf
  • . The issues they have fought the liar~est on most recently are the Balanced Budget Amendment, SSI reform under. welfare reform, and the rescission package. They have been actively lobbying against these cuts and reforms on the Hill, and educating
  • . I also thank you for the memo from the teacher about Aiberto •.•• I will be thinking about all the Albertos as we continue to work on welfare reform. Please convey my thanks to Lillian for the time she spend in preparing the memo. fe..-/c{l~ Sandy
  • . WORKGROUPS ~ ~J icS.J r~ ~ ~ 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Health Care Reform Magnolia Room, Upper Level Welfare Reform Poplar, Upper Level .. Long-Term Care Reform Plaza III, Lower Level Housing Reform Plaza II, Lower Level Education Reform Walnut, Upper
  • federal budget, I will oppose proposals that undermine these important programs and the people they serve. II House Women's Office Meeting to Discuss Welfare Reform On Oct. 1 , Women's Office organized and coordinated a meeting with key women leaders
  • . A final issue if the bill is split involves what issues are considered part of the legal, bill., In particular, splitting off issues involving welfare reform for legal immigrants could be very significant in trying to get an enforcement bill
  • base constituency has been extremely, aCtive in energizing their members around the Rescission Bill. In particular. they have' focused on the impact the cuts will have on women and children programs and Welfare :Reform.. , These organizations are quite
  • . Personal record misfile defined in.accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 23, 1996 TO: WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION WORKING GROUP FR: Carol Rasco, Assistant
  • ; welfare ,reforms that discourage' early parenting and require youngmo:thers to live at home and stay in school, and tough new child support enforcement provisions ,that 'drive home the~esponsibility of pafEinthoodto young men, Opportunities for' Youth
  • of the early accomplishments of the Clinton Administration, and the more recent Partnerships For Stronger Families initiative. • Most recently, President Clinton asked the Domestic Policy Council to coordinate implementation of the new welfare reform law
  • & STRUCTURAL WORKGROUP (CLOSED) QUALITY CONTROL DIRECTORS 2:00 pm-4:oo pm (CLOSED) NCSHSA OPENING PLENARY • Measuring state Success in Welfare Reform • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1996 i IMPLEMENTIN~ 4:00 pm-5:30 pm 8:00 a.,,-3:oo pm WELFARE REFORM
  • will visit with me ..... 1 seriously doubt 1 will get to do anything with him. ~: Draft NGAINCSLlAPWA CONFERENCE ON ,WELFARE REFORM Carol' H. Rasco September 9, 1996 Thank you, ___. I thank NGA, NCSL, and APWA Jor inviting the Administration
  • ~ such as welfare, reform and' , for Domestic Policy:-where l t d . child 'care policy-I see families as the backbone of our society. My . jj.year. old daughter, Mary Margaret, and my 21-year-old son, Hamp, who , is m~ntally and physically disabled
  • of the Clinton Adminsitration's FY 1995 Budget Proposal 3. Welfare Reform 4. Health Care Reform --Timetable --Role for state Commissioners in congressional debate --state council Meeting scheduled for March 7-9 P.V4 JAN 10 '94 14:43 APWA American
  • back on track as I still believe that this is a real opportunity for positive, sustainable growth in rural communities. I am also sending you in a separate envelop some material about women and economic development and welfare reform from a program
  • • . On the timing of this waiver, ACF,wi'll'probably stress that, although it has been pending since July, the state took it off the table ,for a month or two when everyone thought welfare reform was 'about: to pass.' ' I have invited OMB to the meeting.. Apparently
  • , 1995 T1lt w.)' of reckooing is coming! Within the next few weeks: President Cfu,ton wUl be banded the Dmnibub Budget ~o"'citiation Bill IUId Welfare Reform legislation to sJsn. The Pn~jtlellt needs to know we strongly support a Veto of . the!le
  • their opposition to Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment). o They are concerned about threats ,to Medicaid funding, especially as part of the welfare reform discussions. o Potential reform issues: insurance reform, kids coverage, etc. o Barriers
  • principle on which our work is based. Pres. Clinton: 5 major goals outlined for the cabinet/staff at the Camp David Retreat 1. Ec~nomic package 2. Health Care Reform 3. National service 4. Welfare Reform 'j.5. Campaign Finance/Lobbying Reform
  • advised you in my memorandum of November 29, 1993, concerning welfare reform, my staff and I have been working on a proposal to dramatically reform our current welfare system. Attached is a concept outline of a program which I believe addresses
  • on children's SSI. When you and I met with Slattery a few weeks ago, he was hoping that he could convince Sen. Dole to leave children's SSI out of the Senate's welfare reform bill, with the intention of having recommendation~ by July. Last Thursday, I
  • - the bipartisan Kennedy-Kassebaum Bill to eliminate' pre-existing conditions exclusions and allow workers to keep their health insurance when thJy change or lose their jpbs. . • , congresl Should PaSs Bipartisan Welfare Reform that is tough on work
  • . Fortuna Domestic Policy Council SUBJECT: RE: NCSL Roundtable on Dec~ 13th I assume you should wait for her response. Y6ushould say it's chance for a dialogue on welfare reform with about 30 state legislators, as they approach the beginnings
  • : REFORM . , Division of Economic and 'Medical Services staff, Marcie Gibson and I are currently worJcing on welfare reform', proposals for your consideration. Th~work should be completed and a product sent to you in the next four weeks. I am urging
  • Care· Reform and Welfare Reform" OPENING RECOGNITIONS: • It is a pleasure to share this dias with such distinguished figures in the field of rehabilitation as David Daugherty [pronounced DOCKERTY], Rob Schwartz, Jane Stanek, and Alan Goldstein
  • in economic and personal security like welfare reform, NAFTA, deficit reduction, and the crime bill. It's a strategic agenda, with all the pieces working together as part of an integrated vision. Of course, health care reform is at the very top
  • meeting (JBAlWeinsteinlHogan) 30 min Brieifing for 1:30 (CHRIffiAiSperIing) WH Mess wi Jill & Victoria - Victoria's last day Welfare Reform Leg Briefing wI Rasco & Reed, RM 180/0EOl;\ I (note: room.reserved from 1:00-3:00 for set up) 4:00p Conclude
  • . Pres. Clinton: 5 major goals outlined for the cabinet/staff at the Camp David Retreat 1. ». 2. 3. 4. ~5. Economic package Health Care Reform National Service Welfare Reform Campaign Finance/Lobbying Reform Domestic Policy has a finger in each
  • -3954844 1/9 JUN-02-95 PAGE 18,12 FROM,OMB MEMORANDUM oro: Carol Rasco and L~~\fyson FROM: Ken Apfel . lRE: ~lrt«r- .. Welfare Reform Director Rivlin asked me to share the attached draft memo with you in advance of the meeting of the three
  • be one component of a nev,' program. Although there has been some discussion of tying immunization into welfare reform, that may be eountetproductive given the stigma welfare .OanlC3 in the gcnemlpubHc.Howcvcr. CDC 1183 been conducting pilot programs
  • working Americans comprehensive health care, we. will reinforce one of the primary tenets of welfare reform: making work pay. I / • But in order to do that, and to reverse the mixed up incentives in the welfare system, we need to reverse the mixed
  • will not have made its weI reform plan public, the title of the panel will not include "welfare" of "welfare reform". Alternat terminology, such as "reducing dependency" or "programs for the " are being considered. 3 Luncheon Congresswoman Margolies
  • offices by 1: 00 p.m. I want to share my experiences working with states, communities, and foundations to develop comprehensive, outcome-based service strategies and how these might inform the Administration's work on welfare reform and enterprise zones
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON AGBNDA MEBTING OF APPOINTBBS WITH DISABILITIBS TUesday, Hay 24, 1994 Roosevelt Room 1130 - 3130 p.m. ( welcome Carol H. Rasco Status Reportsl Health Reform and Disability Issues Judy Feder Welfare Reform
  • really become a person. II , 27- ' Our children must have something to hope for. And so~··.· .... 28 WELFARE REFORM The hope of the President and his Administration is . for truly successful welfare reform. To that end the President has
  • . and disability explore topics from Welfare Reform to Education to the Information Superhighway. Tony Coelho, host of DC Report, is President of Wertheim Schroder Investments Services, Inc. He was the original sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • ) Welfare RefOrm Implementation Bj..Weekly, RM 472 3:05 PM Ariive Dallas 4:00 PM Depart Dallas (American #3829) 5:45 PM Arrive Corpus Christi /I TBA P/UAT AIRPORT CHR:TENTTO CALL COURT RE: POSTPONING COURT DATES; (703) 838-4237 7:30 AM _ 9:30 AM 3:15
  • welfare, reforming ' government, andempowenng' families, through opporturiity. , - ' . ~ , ; \' , III addition ,to shaping policy ahd' mess~ge; the, DPC coo~dinates legislative initia~ives, " mohitors implementation of initiatives already enacted
  • Committee would raise Federal employee retirement pontributions -- which is tantamount to raising employees' taxes. . The Finance Committee has included the Senate-passed welfare reform bill in the reconciliation bill. Overall, food program and EITC cuts
  • then remind me to put-on horne voice mes to him about Thursday. Thank you. E X E CUT I V E o OFF ICE THE F .p RES I D. EN I 31-Jul-1996 05:25pm TO: FROM: . SUBJECT: ,(See Below) ,Angus S'. King Office ·theChief of S f welfare reform talking
  • considered· . running for President as part of our work on the Family Support Act -- a welfare reform propo$al. .' It became very clear to us that one of the biggest issues for women getting off of welfare was transitional health benefits
  • and Medical services staff, Marcie Gibson and I are currentl~y worl
  • . Glendening and then opening remarks by Governor Howard Dean; followed by a 10 minute video, "Our Babies Our Future." At 1:30 p.m., the President will speak. The focus of his remarks will be general issues related to children and families and welfare reform
  • will make a few opening remarks (15 minutes) followed by gene~al discussion and Q & A. (See briefing materials for prepared remarks). CRW ;. ./ , University Involvement in Welfare-To-Work The welfare reform law signed by President Clinton represents
  • Information on Cuba • :s:.. (Y\ C\ rtL~ 10: Background on Various Issues Questions. arid Answers: Crime, Choice, DODIHIV, Teen Pregnancy, NGA • Welfare Reform and Medicaid, Immigration Talking Points on Medicare, Medicaid, FY97 Budget • Administration
  • to work are the right things to do. By supporting welfare reform that promotes work, demands responsibility,' and toughens child . , support enforcement activities, President Clinton has sent a message that, "Nobody should get pr.egnant or father a child
  • Taxpayers To eliminate fraud and ensure that every dollar is used productively, welfare reform will coordinate programs, automate files, and monitor recipients. New fraud control measures include: eState tracking systems to help reduce rraud. States
  • Tyson . Assistant to the President for Economic Policy SUBJECT: Interagency Welfare Reform Meeting The successful implementation of the welfare reform bill is one of the President's highest priorities for the second term. As you all know,· its
  • geological or geophysical information concerning wells [(b)(9) oC the FOIA] E X E CUT I V E: 0 F F ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 21-Aug-1996 08:43am TO: (See Below) FROM: Terri Office SUBJECT: Chief of Staff Welfare Reform Meeting
  • Weekly Pre-meeting re: welfare reform; TBA ROOM ~fJBA~r0Reea~~~A-p~-,=K~ag~a~n~----------~--------~~--------~----------------, 11 :OOa FYI Immigration Weekly, RM 211 . II :OOa Hogan/Smartt Briefing w/ CHR re: Florida trip (when Lyn avail,able) 12
  • Refonn and 1995 RE'Scissions on Chlldren Executive Summary . • . . . . . , .~I " . . . , I. WELFARE REFORM AIDC/JOBS Block Grant , , • Caps and block grants AFDC, JOBS and Emergency Assistance. • Cuts Federal funds for the programs by $6 billion/5
  • ... a scholarship giveri by America." In the speech, the President called the House Republican $200 billion tax cut "a fantasy .. It's too much. It's not going to happen. We can't afford it." o Welfare Reform that's Tough on .Work. Welfare reform that promotes
  • include an incr~ase in the minimum wage, pension reform, health reform , • • H ' " , ' and welfare reform. Discussions like the. one we are having now, called "At the Tables", were' ' developed by the White House Office of Women's Initiatives
  • of and outlook for crucial . Family and Children's Programs' . Moderator: Geoffrey tanada, President, for Children and Famili~s 2:15 - .3:00 Welfare Reform Cliff Johnson, pirector, Rheedlen Centers Prog~ams and Policy, ,~. children's Defense Fund 3:00
  • with you on health reform and welfare reform issues for a couple of months. The approach President Clinton will take on these issues has probably alre~dy been decided by now, but I want to share my suggestions in the hope is not too late
  • and A~ministrative Agency Consultation on Welfare Reform attendees (partial) (I page) nd, P6/b(6) 004b. memo from WAVES to Pizzuto re Confirmation: Appt Request for Rasco, Carol (12113/96@ I :30pm) (partial) (2 pages) 12113/1996 P6/b(6), b(7)(C) 004c
  • to make that real ••• we' can't accomplish it all at once but we hope to present a comprehensive blueprint. Health care is tough •••. far tougher than living facilities in residential neighborhoods. NIMBY -~~'~'~INi @welfare Reform: Work in exchange
  • League, is sponsoring what we hope will be an important and informative forum on welfare reform. As you can see on the enclosed earry version of a flier, we've entitled the evening \."Welfare Reform: Blacks and Jews Speak Out." We're writing to you
  • . 'letter To Ms. Rasco from Rebecca Chiasson re: Welfare Reform (partial) (l page) 04/28/95 To Charles Parrish from Jaines R. Rossie, Jr., re: thank you (partial) RESTRICTION 02110/94 003. letter P61b(6)' P61b(6) ,- P61b(6) (I page
  • billion over 5 years), Generalized System of Preferences ($2.7 billion), unemployment insurance extended benefits program ($3.3. billion), the dislocated workers program ($5 billion), and welfare reform ($20 billion). I would note that a package
  • and members can be 8 resource. • Examples of state approaches to current Issues, welfare reform job training/education health care • 1/10/94 CGPA work in prolress -.. CGPA work plan for 1994. JAN 27 '94 10!17AM SENT BY CGPA WASHINGTONJ DC II
  • , and responsibility) and in furtherance of key commitments such as, fori instance, reforming welfare, reforming government, and empowering families through opportunity. . . I . In addition to shaping policy and message, the DPG coordinates legislative initiatives
  • and welfare reforms,and bas the potential 10 be adapted across the country, providing new 5 ;;, . opportunities for disadvantaged children and families·at-risk to de~elop lherequired skills that will give them a better chance of navigating along
  • with groups, different White House staffing arrangements, talking with new congressional leadership, etc. o Carol will briefly tough on the other key priorities of this Administration for the 104th Congress~ i.e., welfare reform, deficit reduction, etc. o
  • /Conference .. Schedule . Remarks + 1 pagers 5. Background Information . . 6. Lousiana Talking Points . 7. . Issue. Papers EZlECs· Literacy University Partnerships Campus of learners Welfare Reform Handouts" .. . . 8. .. . . . 9~inton
  • Administration'S approach to welfare reform. To prevent welfare dependency, teenagers must get the message that staying in school, postponing sexual activity, and preparing to work are the right things to do. As President Clinton has said, "Nobody should get
  • and your agency- which are part of the EITC outreach network. Packets were mailed this week showing state by state benefits~ Welfare Reform: I encourage you as an organization to prepare your thoughts individually and collectively on the next steps
  • and your agency- which are part of the EITC outreach network. Packets were mailed this week showing state by state benefits~ Welfare Reform: I encourage you as an organization to prepare your thoughts individually and collectively on the next steps
  • Number (314) 436-7975 PURPOSE/BACKGROUND To amplify the Administration's message: Devastating effects of Repubilcan cuts on children. Welfare Reform and the need child care. Give KMOX's listeners an of what-the DPC is and how policy is made. Harriett
  • . E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T DB-Nov 1996 11:17am TO: Jill Pizzuto FROM: Carol H. Rasco Domestic Pol SUBJECT: Council RE: Guhman / community response to welfare reform I"d do 45 minutes minimum. E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE
  • of the SUBJECT: Welfare Reform Implementation Mtg. We will be doing a weI tomorrow at 12. noon. reform implementation meeting in Leon's office Distribution: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: CC:, Jill Pizzuto Kenneth S. Apfel Deborah F. Kramer Jeremy D
  • {Hale's officer Meeting, COS 9:05 AM Conference Call 9:30 AM Pat & Julie: Scheduling 1:45 AM porus Briefing 2:00 PM Welfare Reform Meeting, CHR's office 2:oo·PM Cabinet Briefing {Cabinet Room) 3:00 PM Health Care Meeting, CHR's office Meeting, COS 9
  • mentoring, coaching and networks to . opportunities (apprenticeships, jobs, higher:!education)(e.g., teen pregnancy prevention campaign of welfare reform and community schools, policing, and recreation initiatives in Crime Bill) [DPC Welfare Reform/Crim
  • Reform Ira Magaziner Welfare Reform Secretary Shalala Update on Drug strategy Director Brown Update on Homelessness Coordinated Plan Secretary Cisneros Mayors and Governors Meetings Marcia Hale The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 7
  • : • ·Take ~he welfare reform bill recently passed by the House, The Personal Responsibility Act; Now, let me assure you that no one feels more strongly about reforming welfare than Bill Clinton. For over a decade, Bill Clinton has ' been fighting
  • be removed. HHS • Proposal contained in Welfare Reform proposal- not enacted by I03rd Congress. 83 24 The Administra.tion should consider allowing states to propose to the Secretary ofthe Treasury a demonstration project making advance payments ofthe EITC
  • the highest teen pregnancy nlte among developed nations. Administration Activity on Teen Pregnancy , The effort to create this new entity is o~ly par:f; of the administration's',work on teen pregnancy. Other components include: " Welfare reform legislation
  • of the east-end Rolling Heights center, now a highly regarded United Way "agency", since its establishment in 1989. So the Owensboro community and the AACS, Inc. embraced "welfare reform" long before it became a national crusade. But here it was done
  • Michael Castle's term in o~rioe. In this oapacity, she represented Governor Costle working on Welfare Reform, Health Ca.e and ~arly Childhood Educa~ion through the National Governors' Association. Work done on welfare reform w1~h this group formed
  • process. The Council functions ~hrough committees, task forces, and interagency working groups which facilitate the development of national policy on such issues as health care reform, welfare reform, crime, immigration, and Americans with disabilities
  • . Job Availability and Welfare Reform: • From 1990 to 1995 the labor force in Florida grew an average of 75,600 per year. • From 1991 to 1995, the average net increase in new jobs. each year was 156,290. Last year the increase was 177;000
  • . Las Vegas Sun: column on welfare reform as a result of the ed board meeting (5/24) . In addition" a story ran on K-News radio (AM 970) on your'visit to the Neyada Partners program lno, tr~nscript available). Please let me know i f you would
  • work on the , Fami~y , Support Act -- a welfare reform proposal.· It became very clear to us ea.rly on that one of the biggest issues for women getting off welfare was transitional health benefits. If a woman I:Iltimately got a job, but that job
  • issues, such as managed care and welfare reform, as they affect ne­ gotiating their relationship to improve outcOni~S for children, families and communities; and, • help design the tools and form of information exchange on negotiating new relationships
  • Welfare We look forward to meeting with you both on Tuesday, December 3 from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. in Carol Rasco's office. Attached, please see a rough outline of our ideas on child welfare reform. We look forward to your comments and any additional
  • and if there are Domestic Policy Council members who wish to add representative(s) to the Working Group on Community Development and Empowerment and/or the Working Group on Welfare Reform, they should notify Carol Rasco. Further, all agencies should look carefully
  • and the way we do business in this country, be it procurement, health or welfare reform,growing the economy and ensuring our personal security. NWBC WASHINGTON. 202/205-3850 W. FAX: 202/205*6825 WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESSES IN THE U.S.: A STATISTICAL
  • both during Governor Clinton's Chairmanship and while he was lead Governor on welfare reform, child: care and health care reform. ) Before moving to her job in the White House, Ms. Rasco served on the National Board of the Home Instruction Program
  • of other key groups as well. ThE~ The "don't punish innocent children" theme, sounded by the President in response to the House Republicans' welfare reform and school lunch proposals, and carried;on in relation to the Republican's budget-cutting proposals
  • of the " 'administration' and ha$'been working closely with us and with co'alitiotls of seni'ors and labor to ·fight proposed ,'. , ' Republican l'egis)atioil qn the, b,udget, Medicar~ 'and , Medicaid an'd welfare reform: 'They have been, working haid,iomobiliz
  • call ComprehensiveStrategie~. tor Children and F Ainilies Partnerships for Working Families Welfare reform meeting Washi#gton Workshops Meeting I . .' . -1'.f,1.7;;; . ~.n~t.~ts "p- ;:;/rft,,''''''';';' .-S-.a.1 - FortuD.a: Meeting on Appointees
  • billion in Medicaid, reforming. the program but continuing the' guarantee of meaningful health and long-term care coverage fQr the most vulnerable Americans; • saves $40 billion through real welfare reform, moving recipients to work while protecting
  • of the magazine (eirc, demographics of readership etc). The women's, accomplishment doc you mention yesterday, latest talking points on education, welfare reform, health care reform. Let me know if I'm missing anything. TEL:2024567311 Sep'12'95 4:43 No.026 P
  • by AAUW to work on welfare reform issues. I discussed with them the terrific work you have done in North Carolina and Georgia on materials for the business community and the welfare clients. I didn't let them take my set though! Nancy Zirkin felt
  • that I approach the issue of child welfare reform. All of my adult life, I have worked to improve the well-being of children: First, as the mother of two children, one of whom was born with a disability; second, as a teacher; third in my work
  • of the meeting include legislative updates, planning and strategizing on the work of the reauthorization of IDEA, healthcare and family support issues, welfare reform, SSI as well as- other presentations and discussions of national issues that impact the lives
  • the public policy environment about the needs of children and their families a~d how they can best be served. . majJr Among the Foundation's current initiatives are the Child Welfare Reform; Juvenie Detention Alternatives Initiative; KIDS COUNT National
  • welfare reform. • Passed the Family Support and Preservation Program. Creating Opportunity in America's Communities • Passed major funding increases for homeless programs in both Houses . • Created nine Economic Empowerment Zones and 95 Enterprise
  • MINUTE DISCUSSION c ­ Additional Comments I Questions: 1. Would anyone else who was participating in that I group like to add to what Linda has talked about? CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY [ 3. The Denver Family Opportunity --- a welfare reform
  • . 20503 tions of more than 20 percent-from $8 billion to a record of nearly $10 billion. The President's child support plan, a part of his welfare reform legislation, would double child support collections by the year 2000. By executive order, federal
  • m SUBJEcr: TEEN PREGNANCY PREVENTION CAMPAIGN-­ A Private. ~on-Profit Entity to Assist in Mobilizing Private Sector CC: ALEXIS HERMAN CAROL RASCO BOB RUBIN Background. As a major component of the Welfare Reform proposal, you announced
  • they buy. These elements could be built into the welfare reform and any Administration jobs program. The development of other programs that could help connect people to the labor market -- such as school-to-work ­ - should be followed to be sure they serve
  • . ' As we'discussed, we are deeply concerned that welfare reform proposals being circulated in Albany arid in Washington place too great of an emphasis on benefit time limits and do not go far enough to create, job opportunities for able~bodied recipients who want
  • , " :" '. meetings. We disseminate results periodically, during the project. . . " ... The title of the October 11 consultation is "Child We'lfare in the Context of Welfare 'Reform"'. The discussion will be launched by a paper by: An activity of the Cross-National
  • ~.~.. Ray Uhalde, E P A ' ""£ t'9 682 f? Lori Bamberger, HUD 7Y£S££fi FM Allegra, I. rtf) RE: WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION WORKING GROUP THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH MEETING The next working group session for welfare reform implementation
  • -school education but is truly what the name implies - a family development center. . The parent(s) of each child must be enrolled in an education program or hold a job; it is truly welfare reform in action. The Mission Statement of these two centers
  • to discuss the Administration's domestic agenda: health care, welfare reform and crime. II. BACKGROUND This is the first time that the President and/or Vice President have met with NBCSL. Many of their members have been strong supporters
  • Angelique Skoulas Cabinet Briefing Child Welfare Chat Privatization meeting Child welfare chat Welfare reform implementation senior COS meeting Holiday Card list materials J.D. Hoye - School to work initiatives Federal Support for Substance Abusers Welfare
  • staff meetings 7:30a Senior CoS meeting 9:30a Conference Call 9:30a Conference Call # 1167 I:OOp TBA Welfare Reform Implementation Bi­ 'Weekly, RM 180 4:00p n NEe Weekly, contact: Wendy 6­ 5361 3:00p HOLD SCHEDULE FOR REMAINDER (1F DAY ·PIZZUT.OPD 9
  • , copayments. and deductibles and retains current payment protections for Medicaid-eligible Native Americans treated in Indian Health Service facilities .. ,. . WELFARE REFORM SAVINGS 'The plan will move weifare reopients to work while protecting
  • Clinton's liaison to the National Governors' Association, while he served as chairman as well as lead Governor on welfare reform, child care and health care reform. Carol received a bachelor'S degree from the University of Arkansas and earned a . master's
  • principle on which our work is based. Pres. Clinton:, 5 major goals outlined for the cabinet/staff at the Camp David Retreat 1. Economic package 2. Health Care~eform National Service 3. Welfare Reform 4. "'j 5 • Campaign Finance/Lobbying Reform
  • . The President has described what has been Ihappening in Congress as "a war on the· children of America." The war is taking many forms: o Under the mantle of "welfare reform," House Republicans have voted to block grant WIC and other child nutrition programs
  • are ready and capable of playing a critical role in workforce training and welfare reform, and in extending opportunity to realize the American Dream to everyone in our communities. P.O. Box 3028 Orlando, FL 32802-3028 (407) 299-5000 Suncom 339-0111
  • /staff at . the Camp David Retreat 1. 2. 3. ..7': 4. '--::J 5 • Economic package Health Care Reform National Service Welfare Reform campaign Finance/Lobbying Reform i J mestic Policy has a finger in each of these pies: i. Econ. pkg.-emphasis
  • , is able to substitute for higher education. These findings appear to have important implica­ tions for welfare reform - both for the requirements that need to be . placed on day care programs and for the potential ability to meet ,these with staff drawn
  • the federaL govetnment a model employer in the area of child support enforcement. And the Presiderit's child support Plan,]' introduced as part of last, 'year's welfare reform leglslation, would double federal child support collections by the year·2000
  • and the Democrats wi II be tryi ng hard to make progress ina few areas. • We will keep trying to pass real welfare reform that elevates work and family and protects children, and gives people a chance to make the most of thei r own lives. • . We will try to pass
  • & Illegal Drugs 8. Backgronnd' Info: Immigration > 9. 10. Other Issue Briefs/ Talking Points ':" Minimum Wage .;.' HIV/AIDS Progress Report - Children '- Education ' ~ Health Care - Housing - Welfare Reform Othe'r I' - CHR Bio - DPC Mi~sion
  • on welfare reform, child care and health care reform. Carol received. a bachelor's degree from the University of Arkansas and earned a master's from the University of Central Arkansas. She has taught in the pub,lic. school system and worked as a middle
  • , including placement in private sector, in 20 places. Bradley's Community Schools. $900 million over 5 years to provide after-school, weekend and summer programming for youth development and some job placement for ages 10-18'4 I ~ ~.....:-. Welfare Reform
  • 'Marietta Street, 5~h floor, editorial staff II I . contact: Jane Hansen (404) 526[5439. reciss~ons I ' . .1 . h NOTE: In my 1 atesE conversat~on w~t Jane she mentipnedthere mi4ht questionk on welfare reform (as it. effects chi1Jdren) and obe
  • The 'White House: ' .! , Wa!lhingtOD, D.C. 20200 DellI' Mr. President:; . I I , , At the ,recent Natio:.oal Go e on' Assocl.ationmeeting iIi Washington, D.C., , governors strugg1ed~o r . nsensuson welfare reform end block grants. A e level of control
  • closely with the NGA's washipgton staff both during Governor Clinton's Chairmanship and wpile he was lead Governor on welfare reform, child care and health care reform. , I Carol received a bachelor's degree from the University of Arkansas and earned
  • century by focusing on the critical issues of the 20th century. A secondary goal is to help students prepare to become engaged in developing solutions to critical issues which will confront them as adults. The Politics of Welfare Reform: Competin& Values
  • as the chairman and lead Governor on welfare reform, child care and health care reform. In her present capacity she directs the President's Domestic Policy Council and is responsible for helping to shape, implement and articulate the President's domestic policy
  • these challenges together. need to find common ground, etc. 3. Challenge communities to give s citizens and children the opportunity to succeed. Equal opportunity. Access to education and worker training. 4. A welfare reform proposal that lifts people up
  • in more than thirty years. Approximately 15,700,000 American children live in poverty, nine million lack basic health care, and preschool vaccinations lag behind some third world nations. Recent "welfare reform" legislation, many social scientists agree
  • third world nations. Recent "welfare reform" legislation, many social scientists agree, will only intensify the poverty among children; and the adverse consequences of health care "reform" is most likely to fallon children, especially impoverished
  • Meeting - Background 8. EZIEC Talking Points & Background Info 9. Issue Briefs/Accomplishments - Children -Crime " - Education' .' .. '- Health Care - Housing - Welfare Reform - State Economic Data: MA & NY - Accomplishment~ 10. Other -CDR bio
  • duties. 12. Strive for personal professional excellence and encourage the professional development of our associates. ---------------------------------------------George F. Wzll Women and Children First? As Ule welfare reform dcuate begins to boil
  • office for tenyears, serving as his Senior Executive Assistant. From 1985 through 19?2, she was Governor Clinton's' liaision to the National Governors' Association, while he served as chairman as well as lead Governor on welfare reform, child care
  • support of community policing and welfare reform. I know too the president appreciated your kind words regarding the speech he recently gave in Louisiana before your Legislature. PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATiON Dart: Letter A, par 1 Insert: your
  • subject to changing , political winds and budgetary pressures~ the long-term viability of the ' programs are threatened and would dearly lead to cuts in nutrition programs. Effective welfare reform c~n be accomplished without weakening these MO valuable
  • Lunch Meeting with Janet Schrader, Re: Welfare Reform 12:00 - 1:00pm
  • on welfare ~ reform. I would love the opportunity to participate in an exchange of ~r ideas and perspectives on welfare, but I have to bow to the wishes of my :superiors and refrain from any public discussion of welfare policy and procedure. I would, however
  • former tripslbooks ,4:00p Bonnie Campbell rc: domestic violence & welfare reform also attending, Elizabeth Hyman, CoS: 616-889~ ( Today(6/26/1996 lO:05a) Page: 1 THE WHITE HOUSE )WZ':GJNCJ,/ V0t~ . . 7 ~~ LO JJ\. p. ~.' ( )\At~ ~+ &lJ
  • the President's agenda to disability community *aging Howard Moses: Schedule A FTE Budget implications *National disabilitty Employment Policy NIB accessibility Eugene Brickhouse: updatehealthcare reform update welfare reform "expanding people
  • . Issue Briefs!Accomplishments - Children - Crime - Education .- Health Care - Housing - Welfare Reform - State Economic Data: MA & NY - Accomplishments , 10.. Other - DPC Conference Call Codes - CHR Bio - DPC Mission Statement
  • • ----7:30 AM 8:00AM 9:00AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM Depart for Nevada FYI MSM College Night, Catholic High; 7:00p Senior CoS Meeting Conference Call Family Service Agencies re: welfare reform implementation (JBA) (10;..11:00a) • Attendee's: (get list from
  • in a collaborative effort to become real partners for change for our children. 3) The importance of early childhood education and family in relation to Welfare Reform. We must face the issue of children and the direct links that they have to the welfare system. 4
  • , this is not true, It appears that the staff training in Head Start, leading to certification in early childhood education, is able to substitute for higher education, These findings appear to have important implica- . tions for welfare reform - both
  • , she was Governor Clinton's Liaison to'the National Governor's Association and wor~ed closely with NGA staff on welfare reform, child care and health care reform. Ms. Rascols noted among Arkanfans andnational advocates for her deep commitment
  • .................................................................... :................................... x WINNERS o .Two Parents, Two Incomes: Welfare Reform for the 1990s ....................................... 1 Robert Melia o Fathers: The Missing Link in Welfare Reform ....................................................... 21 Andrew M Sum
  • LaDonn.a R.usse1l llo1mdtable Shana Browning Rotmdtable WeJ.tare Reform. Ii Tammy Blagg Roundtable Welfare Refonn Robin. Latamondeer . Rolmdtable Welfare Reform Samella McCatrey Roundtable W ../ AnnieBeU Roundtable Welfare Reform clo
  • SUBJECT: White House Meeting - NGA Leadership - December 8th On Thursday, December 8th from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the Roosevelt Room, Leon Panetta, Carol Rasco, Bob Rubin, and I will host a meeting with the NGA Leadership on Welfare Reform, Health Care
  • development in Mississippi in the areas of child care, maternal and child health, welfare reform, juvenile justice and education. New Horizons Family Life Center, Fordyce; AR $5,000 grant to plan toward the development of a family resource center offering
  • !;mnents' , ' '., 'Welfare 'Reform , • '~He'aH:h"C'are,:,Reiorm',., ", If' .~ntergoverl')lDental Progress/Federalism', ., 'GATT "'. . I' ( , : , , ' , , ' .' ,'Enviro~ental, Record/B,ills"" '" .' crime" " "i .'Educat.ion' "', ',' i.,' • Tel
  • . For example, Census is helping Oregon with population 'estimates for counties and other approaches that will save the state time and expense. They are assisting with special data tabulations, such as 1990 census tabulations related to welfare reform
  • Kitzhaber of Oregon (invited) , 8:00-9:45 10:00~11:30 ' Plenary: Making Tough , We're Nqfin:Kansas AnYlJ1ore; .Toto! What's Next in the' Managed Care World.? 3:30-5:00 ' Decisions and Priority Setting. . . Welfare Reform and Health Care Implications
  • of funding for welfare reform, while State lotteries would be exempt. Additionally, Tribes are very much concerned that the Governors are said to be trying to amend the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act such that Tribes could run only those games allowed
  • :15-1:15 p.m. . ."Reinventing Government: The National Agenda" This brownbag lecture will ~eal with changes in the political 'climate nati~na!ly. ~e enactment of Hie Crime BIU, ttre movements toward welfare reform, and the suggested changes in health
  • .the fIrst steps toward health reform. • Medicaid savings are $55 billion in over 7 years -- one-third the size of the Republican proposals -- and include a per person cap to protect coverage, rather than an aggregate block grant.. • Welfare reform has
  • Community College: Commencement Speech-Detroit, MI 6/14 WH Press Dinner 6/17 Press conference to launch PDFA Heroin campaign 6/18 Nat'l Educ. Goals Panel' Meeting April Kaplan Breakfast . 6/18 6/19 Women on Welfare Reform Coffiew wlPOTUS and Disability
  • for tax euts that spurred 750,000 new jobs, a federally replicated welfare reform program, landmark envitomnentalpolicies, and over 30 education reforms .. He delivered the keynote address at the 1988 'Republican National Convention. He bas ·served
  • . intergenerational day care In an era of budget cuts, center in the Capital Region. welfare reform and economic As more people enter the uncertainty, CEO continues to work force, CEO will be there listen to the pulse of the to provide the necessary child community
  • ., They are assisting with special data tabulations, .such as 1990 census tabulations related to welfare reform, and statistical assistance to improve the quality of surveys sponsored by Oregon. , ." . The Bureau of Labor Statistics is exploring ways that it can
  • initiatives are the Child Welfare Reform; Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative; KIDS COUNT National Data Book and State Grants; The New Futures Initiative; Family-to-Family: Reconstructing Foster Care; The Mental Health Initiative for Urban Children
  • in .. ' the Roosevelt Room on Welfare Reform ' ..---........ -------~.- ....-.----..-....... -----~-.--------.-.~.- ..-....-.-----.-.-...... ~------- .....-..-.-----­ Commissioner Shirley Chater, Chiefof Staff Brian Coyne. and Deputy Commissioner for Legislation
  • CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PR E SID E N T 12-Dec-1996 09:42pm TO: TO: M. Fortuna Jill Pizzuto FROM: 11 Pizzuto Domestic Policy touncil SUBJECT: NEXT THURS - WELFARE REFORM?? just a REMINDER that we need to figure out if we are going
  • re: Welfare Reform wi Pat LewislWH Media Affairs • approx. 30 min needed 11:30a Final Briefmg with Debbie Fine for speech of 5/29 I :30p RASCO-RIVLIN-TYSON Mtg in CHR's office 2:00p CHR I JED re: for NV 3:00p 4:15p 7:00p Depart National (wi Fine
  • ; including the updated \ "Cutting school lunches and getting tough on disabled nutrition'standards proposed in USDA's \ children and children in foster care is not my idea of School Meals Initiative for Healthy welfare reform. We all have a national interest
  • on Welfare Reform o Fostering Readiness for ~he Transition to Work I Discussion Leaders:· stepheb Hamilton Profes1sor .and Chair Human Development and Family Studies Cornel[ University . ' I ' Thomas I Glynn** . Deputy Secretary of Labor U.S
  • for first time mothers, paternity identification" Medicaid managed care initiative Improving Accountability: Denver Family Opportunity -- welfare' reform effort of over 100 public and private partners, working to'move families to complete self sufficiency
  • :00p Radio 12:00p-1 :OOp Ed. Boards Conference NY, UT & WI welfare reform el :50p-2:00p Car from West Basment to National Airport 2:55p-2:56p LV US Air 5973 @ 2:55 pm (National) 3:55p-3;56p AR Clarksburg, WVA @ 3:55 pm 3:56p-4:56p Picked up
  • " on welfare reform -DOJ's Serious Habitual Offender Comprehensive Action Program -Fact Sheet on Florida Immigration Initiative: A Joint Federal-State Plan The initiative includes the fir~t~ever participation of a state government in an INS pilot program
  • child support plan, a part of his welfare reform legislation, would double child support collections by the year 2000. By executive order, federal agencies have been directed to cooperate with state efforts to identify and locate absent parents
  • , DODIHIV, Teen Pregnancy, NGA Welfare Reform and Medicaid, Im~igration • Talking Points on Medicare, Medicaid, FY97 Budget 'Administration Accomplishments in Tee~ Pregnancy • \~ ·.\'SS\'I\~': ,~\,,\6n l),'~'~'/~" , .,' .. ' . m. ,"V
  • an interest in this area. (Barbara Jordan is testifying tomorrow before the Ways & Means Human Resources Subcommittee on the Commission's recommendations regarding benefits for illegal and legal immigrants and the welfare reform proposal. Let me know
  • ...·'-. fr.J\.J_' an importam:. l.ncentl. ve to l.OW income workers, and is expected to be a critical element of Welfare Reform. The EITC is available to low income parents of dependent children, so long as those parents are working and have some earned
  • , , . . fought together for the Crime Bill and Unfunded Mandates...this organization has been a force for good. I ask you to join me in the days ahead .. '.to pass the Community Flexibility Act pass HUp get real welfare reform -- that ends
  • NO. 5184425232 'P.03 I e, GOVERNMENT SERVICE 1m Deputy Und~r Secretary for Welfare Reform, u.'S. 'Department of HeizlJh, Education, and Welfare ,' ' 1969-1972 AssistantDirectof, u.s. Office ofManagement and Budget. Member, Commission on Organization
  • that real .•• we . • . ~~~;;e~;~~!~!i~~u!~ri~~ ~tH~~~:hb~!r:ei:o~~u~~. ~:~;:~tt~u9her t.han living facilities in) residential neighborhoods.' N:tMBY " .' ...' ( . ,~ ont9) AAetv'f',.., ~. 9 Work in exchange for welfare .: . . . ., . Welfare Reform
  • witl:l Carol Rasco next Tuesday. Enclosed please, find informatic:>n on the Administration for Cliildren and Families,the Child Support Enforcement,programs; and the child' support 'provisions of, the President's Welfare ',Reform proposal ~ the Work
  • . Ann 1M . 'f . . '. Raleigh, NC (Region IV). ,,' . ua eetmg wac; one, I not the, major h' hi' hto.fth e meetmg., Thi s 19 19 919-733-7437 panel on "Health, Education and Welfare Reform: Toward a Kathryn Peppe, R.N., M.S.N. ~L- n, Co~preh ' V"ISIOn
  • in C'ongress as "a war on the children of America." The war is taking many fQrms: ., Take the welfare reform bill recently passed by the House, The Personal Responsibility Act. 15 . Now, let me assure you that no one feels more strongly about reforming
  • and operations of the Governor's office. From 1985 to 1992, she served as Governor Clinton's Liaison to the National Governors' Association (NGA), where she worked closely with the NGA's Washington staff while Clinton was lead Governor on welfare reform, child
  • in history STRENGTHENING FAMILIES Expanded EITC, tax relief for IS million families Granted 37 state welfare reform waivers Passed Family Support & Preservation program Collected record $10 billion in child support in '94 Increased adoption and foster care
  • such as child care. • This situation is even more serious as we face welfare reform. We know: • 19.1 % of all women on AFDC have disabilities. A disproportionate number of these women have learning disabilities or mental retardation .. • 8.4% of all women
  • Association, whlle he served as chairman as well lead Governor on welfare reform, child care and health care reform. as Carol received a bachelor's degree from the Univers'itY of Ar1ci.nsas and earned a masters' from the University of Central Arkansas. 'She
  • Fovernors i Association. During ~his period, she worked closely the NGA's washington staff both during Governor Clinton's\Chairmanship and while he was lead Governor on welfare reform, child care and health care reform. " I " Carol received
  • war on the children of Am:erica." The war is taking many forms. Take the welfare reform bill recently,passed by the House, The Personal Responsibility Act" . Now, let me. assure you that rio one' feels more strongly about 'reforming welfare than
  • organization's perspectives on the desired outcomes for welfare reform. I will follow this with a roundtable discussion with selected state commissioners/administrators and a' dinner meeting with the Board of APWA. I can be reached through Sky Page: 1-800-759
  • will tonight!), welfare . reform and perhaps a. couple of things to put in my notebook. . An WithdrawallRedaction Marker ,/ DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE OOla. memo Clinton Library DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE from WAVES to Pizzuto re Confirmation: Appt Request
  • agencies meeting on welfare reform will be CANCELLED, both for tomorrow, :O:ct. 30 AND the following week, Nov: 6t):L If there are any issues tha arise in the interim, please contact Emily Bromberg at 456 2896. Thank you. Distribution
  • and Children Welfare Reform in' Georgia page 2 page 3, , page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Timber and the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker' ' , Other Timber Management Issues Agricultural Municipal Organic Waste, , page 4 page 4 page 4 RURAL DEVELOPMENT
  • Start, the National Service Program, Welfare Reform, Community Policing, parental involvement in the schools, etc. could all benefit from discussions of potentially productive and responsible roles for fathers and other men in children's lives
  • ·· ............_ . . . . _ .........................._..t ... . . &if V{tQthit haJ .. ' ongress contin.u,es to debate daily Welfare Reform measures. One of their main targets are young AFDC mothers. Many in Washington feel these young Mothers are deliberately bleeding our country by hav­ ing
  • ~, Timely examples of this are: , -- Minimum wage --EITC .. , --Welfare Reform ,(Espeoial~y w~lfare to work, child~care, he~th, ~are) Just last week,' while I was; in Nevada, I visited the' Sugar Ray Leonard gym and the job training center
  • welfare reform legislation, strengthening the child support system, proposing an increase in the minimum wage, expanding child care & head start assistance, preparing for a national effort to prevent teen pregnancy and drug use,'expanding worker training
  • work with, welfare reform was mentioned in the previous 12 presentation. 13 President Clinton as a governor was the lead governor 14 for the National Governor'S Association on that topic as 15 well. We are working very, very, hard
  • as an effective way of holding sponsors responsible and we support strengthening that responsibility as reflected by the extended deeming provision in the Administration's welfare reform bill last year. However, we have strong reservations about both bills because
  • and while he was lead Governor on welfare reform, child care and health care reform. • • TUESDAY AFTERNOON JULY 19, 4:45-6:00 PM VENDOR FORUM • CENTER/VENDOR • PARTNERSIllPS • • NEW PRODUcr NEEDS • • CENTERS As LIVING LABS • D
  • people.' As a I • ' concerned community, each . Of~ust make a ~ commitment to make"voices heard, regardless o;f ' " political persuasion, in the current debate. . '; l.:et me ell you about some of the features of the t . __ ,.', welfare
  • of ~iswork and commitment as making low­ incorne families whole. Prior to-joining the Ford Foundation, Mihcy lead the Noncustodial Parents Issue , Group for the Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence in the Clinton Administration
  • must not be silent. .-::; , . m , i. . We hear the pleas of working families for safe, affordable child care, and argue urgently for new solutions. But they. disagree. They propose welfare· reform that makes getting child care even tougher
  • fully as members of our national community. The Administration's naturalization goals this year are to swear-in . over 1 million new citizens and to clear the entire backlog of applications. ' ' Opposing welfare reform proposals that are unfair to leg8I
  • . As the Virginia Welfare Reform Initiat'ive is implemented, the non-profit sector is searching for ways to empower 400 families coming off the welfare roles to support themselves. -3­ 5. community Decision-making: and Education Programs Planning for better
  • strategy for fighting the war on drugs. Because Ramadan has strong concerns about welfare reform, he has developed 'Women in Transition" training at Nevada Partners to introduce two to three year generation welfare recipients to an intense series
  • the Congressional recess/holiday period when things would be a bit calmer. Then the letter showed up in a file last week having become stuck to other materials. All I can do is apologize. Of course, school to work has,passed now but it along with· welfare reform
  • Billion I $5 Billion I $3 Billion I . . . ,.} . SENATE WELFARE REFORM PROPOSALS - , . . , II> There are, four major Democratic plans under development .;,- the Leadership proP9sal, Senator Conrad's proposal, Senator Moynihan's proposal
  • ' Comprehensive welfare reform , "r:, . , . " . , . I Kennedy-Kas~enbaum Bill, Preserving Medicare and Medicaid . .. , III. ' ," PARTICIPANTS/AUDIENCE Approximately 4 members of tn~ editorial board staff. .I ,I . I IV. V. , , FORMAT' Regular
  • and Long Term Plan Administration Agenda for Women (one pager & 12 pager) Cuts to Programs Impacting Women (one pager and 9 pager) Women's Issues (DPC 4 pager)'.-,~\ Child Care and Head Start (DPC 2 pager) \. Education (see tab 6) Welfare Reform Health Care
  • Meeting 9:00 - 9:30 , Cj l 3..() ~r:4-S- J rb DPC Senior Staff (pre-welfare reform mtg.) P.H n,IL;rJpNTt;­ Ai~~enda Meeting (CHR's office with: Patsy Flemming, Jeff Levi, Jeremy Ben-Ami) 0 .45 1/ 11 : 0 0 - 1': 0 0 P
  • Call 5:00 PM Arrive Dallas TBA Car from 7:35 PM Depart Dallas WB to National (Delta Airport 8:38 PM Arrive Little RON: DEPART NATIONAL (American #1835) Welfare Reform Implementation 'Bi-Weekly, RM 472 3:05 PM Arrive Dallas 4:00 PM Depart Dallas
  • ' ASSOCIATION March 3, 1993 Carol Rasco, Chie. Domestic Policy Advisor The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20500 Dear Carol, I trust you are now settled in at The White House and looking forward to health care' and welfare
  • V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 04 Jul-1994 05:26pm TO: TO: TO: Bruce N. Reed' Kathryn J. Way Jeremy D. Benami FROM: Carol H. Rasco Economic and Domestic Policy CC: CC: Rosalyn A. Miller Patrie E. Romani SUBJECT: welfare reform
  • to the National Governors' Association. During this period, she worked closely with the NGA's Washington staff both during Governor Clinton's Chairmanship and while he was lead Governor on welfare reform, child care and health care reform. 1 Before moving to her
  • for welfare . Welfare Reform: - -n-:-_. . ) \..lM..t-ut-flPll;, . VCSU.vLt"'~, ...Q~(b1;l(/Df J . . Work instead of welfare to Campaign finance/lobbying reform ~National Service:. look not only as how you can participate as participants
  • eclipsed by health and welfare reform), and help it to attract stronger leadership that could address a variety of management problems, including rising disability caseloads. CUrrent Administration position: Our current position is that we are committed
  • Clinton's Liaison to the National Governors' Association. During this period, she worked closely with the NGA's Washington staff both during Governor Clinton's Chairmanship and while he was lead Governor on welfare reform, child care and health care re~orm
  • and consistent messageiliat both parents must take responsibility for the children they bring into this world. Congress should pass them now ,as part of real, bipartisan welfare reform. ' Teen Pregnancy; In la,st year's SU;lte of. the Union' Address
  • me -- faces of my own children, faces of the children I visit in hospitals, or battered women's shelte~s, faces of children from your article. Particularly now, as ~ecisions in Congress are being made regarding the budget, welfare reform and other
  • upcomingertlphasis ori preventing violence against women. I will look, f0f'Y,atcLto meeting with you on the many issues to be explored within welfare .reform.' ,,' " , ' Thank Y,oufor caring sodeep/y and, wanting to'go iQto action, n()t justtalk! ' . · Wwt
  • support services during pregnancy and post-partum, case -management for women at high risk. In addition to the significant efforts listed above, the Governors have also been involved in education, health, and welfare reform for the last decade
  • convened by The Children's Cabinet. How wonderful it is that Washoe Health Systems co-sponsored this invaluable summit! I am convinced that in order for welfare reform to be successful, the critical. issue of child. care must be addressed.· I encourage all
  • to them in their work in negotiating new relationships for improving outcomes for children, families, and communities; .-explore issues, such as managed care and welfare reform, as they affect negotiating their relationship to improve outcomes for children
  • CUT I V E O F F ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 22-Nov-1996 07:02pm TO: (See Below) FROM: Terri J. Tingen SUBJECT: .Welfare Reform Meeting Message Creation Date was at 22 NOV-1996 18:56:00 We are doing a weI reform meetirig in LEP's Should last
  • "-', Economic package:tJltfw,qHStru-t Health Care National Service ' Campaign finance and lobbying reform, 1r.qJA.,~'t Welfare Reform(including ch'ild care, CSE, health, training) Work in exchange for ~elfare or work INSTEAD of welfare Need bUsine!!Lc~t~rta~e
  • Page 2 November 7, 1994 ;:. Finally; on the'issue of welfare reform, we believe that cities should be included on the formulation of this plan. We strongly urge you to include Mayor Norman Rice of Seattle as the point person for the u.S. Conference
  • is tough •••• far tou9herl-v.~ than living faoilities in)r••idential neighborhoods. ~1~~ N,~SY .l~, ~m\ Ql~ @ Welfare Reform: _~~.~ Work 1n exchange for W:lfare Work instead of welfare f ([t., Campaiqn finanoe/lobbying refot'l\\ \jJ I ~Jn.J.i
  • , Dr. John Graham, · care arid welfare reform. : In add.ition, 'S~n~te Majority Leader Representative Mickey Kantorwill speak Director of Harvard's School of Public , George';Mitchell (D-Maine) and Sen. to the committee abo!Jt adoption and Health
  • ' Leaaers ana Act i vi sts. . .' . All ages: frolTl 30's to 70's Main Topics Discussed: . . '. . •.., . ..... .... '. . . . . '. . '.' Importance of education,.world .competitiveness, jobs, health .c.are, :welfare; reform. race relat'ions (particularly
  • problems. . , I' With increased recognition of the growing number of adolescents who lack close adult atten­ tion, policy interest in mentoring as ..;;!'form ofsocial intervention has been advocated in such diverse areas as welfare reform., education
  • by State Budget Sta.ts and Talking Points . ;. Michigan Political· Briefing . . 11. Talking PointS/issue Briefs - Budget Talking. Points ;...DPC Issue Briefs: Health Care, Crime, Education, Child Care, Child Welfare, Welfare Reform - Clinton