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  • " r ~ CONGRESSIONAL ~ r~ • OCT 2, 1994 YOUTH LEADERSHIP COUNCIL October 19, 1994 The Honorable Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Ms
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council' Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: SHEA (Speech) San Diego 3 April, 1995,8:30 a.m. [2] 20 I0-0 198-S ry862 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44
  • $Be 20th birthday i t'\ ~:;Rl(il1:t.:t p.vP.ry tLCipP.
  • trip to Louisville KY, April20, 1995 (partial) (1 page) 03/22/1995 P61b(6) COLLECTION: ' Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetirigs, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 6504' FOLDER TITLE: Trip to Louisville KY 20 April
  • : President of the Unitarian Universalist Association, Boston Massachusetts The Reverend (Father) Bill Byron: Georgetown University Jesuit community, Washington D.C. The Reverend (Dr.) Joan B. Campbell: General Secretary of the National Council
  • ¥ staff who s~rves ~s Special ASSistant to the President for Hea~th Policy Development; and . I I fri) Edwin Walker, Director of the Offiee of Program (5r' Operations and Development for the Administration on Aging. He is responsible for d~velopment
  • . Fortuna FROM: Carol H. Rasco Domestic Policy Council SUBJECT: Meeting with POTUS , I have put into Stephanie Streett to meet with the President as cted by Leon and Erskine on a budget issue. I have told Stephanie I will not be in until 10:30 a.m
  • on several categories (e.g. academia, law enforcement, community activists, entertainment, educators, youth representatives, etc.). DPC and. ONDCP would then provide a list to the Chief of Staff for his'review and then for the President's r~view. We
  • department, schools of medicine, and' state rural deVelopment counciL ,:This year's', theme: is' "Rural Health and The Rural Economy: ' The Impact of Health Ca're ' Reform." The conference will attract health care providers, local leaders, consumers
  • . Request for Rasco, Carol H. (partial) (I page) 03110/95 P6/b(6), b(7)(C) 001. resume Ressume of Lisa Barker (partial) (I page) 002. note ',I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox
  • Burrell DOJ: Reggie Robinson Domestic Policy COU!lcil: Gaynor McCown NatlonalEconomic Council: Paul Dimond Office of the Vice President: Wendy New President's Crh~e Prevention Council: Gregg Everetts . . 14I 003
  • the tnlding flQOr 'aimd multi-mecU8 presentations. Nearby.are Federal Hall (where, George Washington became ou~ first presIdent and w1iich houses'the new ,Museum ,of American Constitutional Govel1lment, open Mon..~ri., free);~ Fraunces Tavern (where Washington
  • Clinton Library SUBJECTrrlTLE 002. schedule DATE Schedule of the President February 21,1995 (partial) (I page) DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE RESTRICTION 02/21195 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: South Texas Trip McAllen & Son Antionio March 20-22, 1996 [2] 20 I0-0 198-S ryl004 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information
  • , Malaysia . . HARI LAKSONO . Executive Vice President IPTN · Universal Maintenance Center Jl. Pajsjaran 154 Bandung 40174, Indonesia MICHAEL IHLEIN Business Development Manager · Coca-Cola Amatil Limited. 71 Macquarie Street . Syd~iey NSW
  • September 20, 1996 - Rural Development Policy Consultation [3]
  • . to the President for Domestic Policy THE WHITE HOUSE WASH.INGTON October 7,· 1996 David Sunding " .Council of Economic Advisors Old Executive Office Building Room 319 Washington, DC 20502 Dear David, Thank you for attending the consultation on rural policy
  • Dr. Robert H. Meneilly Pastor Village Presbyterian Church Cart Mitchell President, Youth Development Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Carol, we' have seyeral,ideas to share }Vith you on,how the federal ,government might assist to best, servechildreI1
  • TO END HOMELESSNESS, INC. May 2, 1996 BOARD OF D1RECfORS Ms. Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Executive Office of the President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW . Washington, DC 20500 Co~Chaim.en Susan G. Baker Anthony S
  • ) (I page) 11108/95 P61b(6) 012. letter To Mary Spencer from Carol Rasco re: conference (partial) (I page) 11/08/95 P61b(6) '7 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAfBox Number
  • '" THE ADMINISTRATION'S IMMIGRATION PROGRAM: AN AGENDA FOR CHANGE Beginning with the announcement of the President's anti-smuggling initiative last June and broader enforcement proposals unveiled in July, the Administration has developed a comprehensive immigration
  • "performance partnerships" in the President's FY 1996 Budget (see pages 152-1541. The guiding principles should be regarded as "rebuttable presumptions": (a) Program consolidations 2. • Performance partnerships should accommodate different program
  • , Carol H. (p~rtial) (I page) P6/b(6), b(7)(C) 03/31/95 .", ' ... COLLECTION: , Clinton Presidential Recqrds Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6135' ' ,,' FOLDER TITLE: Meeting with Dr. Tom Downey 6 April
  • the President's Domestic Policy Council, which coordinates the efforts of the Administration, including the Cabinet Secretaries and other federal agencies, in the development of our nation's domestic policy. As a result, I am so often in the position of seeing
  • . Luis is a HUGE fan of the President. Peggy Sclater: Luis Rens' teacher -- she helped Luis demonstrate the CoWriter Program for Carol. Susan· Michals: . Susan is the teacher in charge of the Media Production program at Forest Knolls. She was by far
  • Christine Benero" (partial) (I page) 07/30/1996 P61b(6) 004b. memo from Christine Benero to Pizzuto re Personal Invitation for Carol Rasco (partial) (l page) 07/25/1996 - P61b(6) COLLECTION: c;Iinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • POLICY COUNCIL, AND BRUCE VLADECK, HCFA ADMINISTRATOR Health Care Reform Plans for the Administration in 1995 Congressional Proposals for a '-Balanced Budget Amendment, Entitlement Caps, and a Medicaid Swap for Welfare 10:00 am FURTHER DISCUSSIONS
  • Schedule for Patricia S. Fleming ... Sunday-Sunday, October 6-13, i996 (partial) (2 pages)· nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council i Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel
  • . memo Information on Kathy Wood-Dobbin (pa;tial) (I page) 07/0311995 P6/b(6) , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) .ONBox Number: 6504 FOLDER TITLE: Family Reunion IV (Nashville) 7-9
  • years, because of rising health benefit costs for . employers. [Henry Aaron, Brookings Institution, 1992; President's Advisory Council on Social Security, 12/91] . • Clinton Presidential Records Digital Records Marker This is not a presidential
  • or . financial information ](a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(5) of the PRA] P6,Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6
  • . of the White House Domestic Polic~ ~ :-----or , Council-­ dO I :. ·~~l. t.. I ," , , ,' , ' '-V'II / ~, !A.A...) ' --I am here today,. on behalfoft\h,e . ~, Uf , , ' " 1: .~~ . "'~ 0+ rUt '. r~t~~ , : . ' k~~~, ) • ,,' President
  • to Chris:tine Kraft (partial) (1 page) COL~ECTION: ' Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 8488 I FOLDER TITLE: Alphabetized Copies of Holiday Letters 1:2/95 Carol Rasco West Wing 2nd Floor
  • ,,,:. Box 3 of 4 Date: File: .. ,President's Council on CoUnter Narcotics Mtg. Evanston , ILL NWBC conf. Summit '96--Evanston At the TAble: Evanston, ILL National Summit on Teacher Rep. NYC IL and NY Trip National Transition Network Meeting Nat'l
  • P61b(6) 002. memo To Patricia E. Romani from Mail Link Monitor re: confirmation: Appt. Request for Rasco, Carol H (partial) (I page) 12114/95 P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • /95 P6Jb(6) , 014c. letter To Meb Phillips from Carol H. ,Rasco (partiaJ)(I page) 10/13/9/ P6Jb(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presider;ttiaJ Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips~ Events) ONBox Number: 7263' FOLDER TITLE
  • : Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6520 FOLDER TITLE: UN Symposium June 30,1995 [11 "', 20 \0-0 \98-8 , ry895 RESTRICTION CODES Freedom ofInfor.mationAct - 15U.,S.c. 552(b)1
  • /1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8486 FOLDER TITLE: October 5, 1996 - Kellogg Fellows Mtg. 20 I 0-0 198-S dbl700 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • in the development of new strategies dealing with the needs of low-income Americans and the agencies which serve them.' E X E CUT I V E' 0 F F ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 21-Nov-1995 11:45am TO: Carol H. Rasco FROM: Molly Brostrom Domestic Policy Council
  • ~,' .... Pictured: Left to Right Michael Tracy-Ireland-Exec. Director of S.C.A.P., John Snipes, President of Hamilton Hill Neighborhood Assoc. Carol Rasco- Domestic Policy Council Representative + INSIDE ALBAt-Y ARTS & ENTERTAINMEl..' 1' NEW YORK STATE
  • TO: FROM: CC: . SUBJECT:' H. Rasco Regas Domestic Policy Council 11 Pizzuto Change in Rural Policy Meeting USDA called today to say that the rural development materials will not be ready for the meeting that we had scheduled on the 10th
  • . MEMBERS TREASURER Mrs. Carolyn Warner Carolyn Warner & Associates PRESIDENT Mr. Kenneth M, Smith Chairman and CEO lntemaUonal Management & Development Group, Ltd, CHAIRMAN CHAIRMAN The Honorable John R. McKernan, Jr, Governor SIBle of Maine
  • : Agenda for January 24, 1994 to the President for The Domestic Policy Council will meet for its bi-weekly meeting on Monday, January 24 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Roosevelt Room. Please remember that due to space limitations, this meeting
  • WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTffITLE 08/03/94 List of invitees (partial) (2 pages) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • interv.iews. Towards the end of. my last interview, I finally made the right eye contact 'with the blue and white sign on your bookcase -- what an incredible piece! Again, thank you and best wishes. Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic
  • ill, I, 'i , ,,: I, ' I, ", I I I ' Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE 06114/95 Schedule of the President (partial) (I page) 001. schedule RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • NO. AND TYPE COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAIBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Speech to Coalition for Juvenile Justice April 29,1996 2010-0198-S dbl637 RESTRICTION CODES
  • Council staff can a~sistyouin any way. I wish you, the 'very best! Sincerely, Carol 'Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy \ '") THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 2, 1995 Reverand Beecher Hicks, Jr. Metropolitan Baptist Church
  • technical assistance arld training on public policy : Washington, DC 16). JEFF LEVI: P6/b(6) *Director of Public Policy for The AIDS Action Council . *represents community-based organization issues from research~ drug development and regulation
  • , D.C. MEMO TO; Carol Rasco Assistant to the President Domestic Policy Council FROM: Bruce C. Vladeck Administrator 20201 8a.. . tJt, Bet.! A/ ~A1 THROUGH: Kevin Thurm, CoS ~ . SUBJECT! Illinois' 1115 Demonstration Proposal I
  • in his current job 01 his encounters with the President . .and hisThanks to "MothersShapiro. your keynote speaker yesterm I · article Joseph of Invention" I gather you have some ~nderstanding of how parents like Jackie Brand. and myself cam. develop our
  • ******************************........***************************** The National Security Council is chaired by the President. Ils statutory members are the V cc-President and the Secretaries of the Departments of State and Defense. The Chairman of the Jo' nt Chiefs of Staff is the statutory military adviser to the Council
  • , ================================================================= " ,I agenda for the 7/16 mE!eting is attached, but there are only two issues that you should be aware of going in. IX s~nce (1) NESIC Nominations: Goals 2000 was signed by the President March :31, NEGP Working Group sessions have been preoccupied
  • would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial informOation l(a)(4) of thc PRAI P5 Releasc would disclose confidcntial advice between the President oand his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would
  • Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TITLE: Press Conference to Launch PDFA Heroin Campaign June 17, 1996 2010-0198-S db1669 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)1 Freedom
  • 16 (partial) (1 page) , 07111/1996 P6/b(6) OIl, memo from Rasco to White House Operators et al re Travel Itinerary: Correction (partial) (1 page) 06/06/1996 P6!,b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • Kelley, Vice President of Resource Development and Governmental Relations ~'45 2:00 p.m. -~p.m. The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Contact: Mercedes McCall, President Your hotel. is located within walking distance ~o the Expo Center. A member
  • ~ . Assistant to the President Domestic Policy Council Doris Matsui Deputy Assistant to the President Deputy Directo~y of Public Liaison ·to E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 07-Jul-1994 lO:OOpm TO: Patricia E. Romani FROM: Carol H. Rasco
  • Capirol .Saturday, ' April 8 Hampton Executive . President-elect's Suite . Council Cabinet , President's Suite , Senate Suite Sunday, ,April 9 , ., Capitol Diplomat Palladian Blue Ro()m Empire Exhibit Exhibit Opening &Heet the Candidates
  • Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8486 . FOLDER TITLE: October 2, 1996 - Parent Advocacy Training Center 2010-0198-S db1699 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Ac:t - [44 U.S.C 2204(a») Freedom oflnformation
  • Pizzuto re One Further Note on Conference Call (1 page) . 0711711996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos
  • and structured workplace learning, the Maine Youth Apprenticeship'Program involves employers directly in education, including assessing students' performance, creating relevant curriculum, and developing occupational skill standards specific to a given industry
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7467 FOL[)ER TITLE: Arkansas Trip February 10-12, 1996 [2] 2010-0\98-S ry990 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.C. 2204
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: Child Welfare Meeting with HHS (and Lyn), Room 211,10:15, December 6,1996 20 I0-0 \98-S kcl4 RESTRICTION CODES
  • leaders in the field on this topic. o Criteria for Standard-setting (Goals 3/4). Panel hears presentation from the Technical Planning Group developing criteria for reviewing and certifying nationwide content standards. o Special TQpic; State
  • fOr the ' empowerment of each tizen. ~~ Car-oIH. Rasco Assistant to 'the President for po~estic Policy . THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON November 8, '1995 'Rebecca Cyrus WV Advisory Council for the, Education of Exceptional Children RR.1, Box 295H Hinton WV 25951
  • . PRESS Closed press. VI. REMARKS Informal remarks on the importance of these leaders' concerns to the President. VII. ATTACHMENTS - .Principles 'on welfare reform from the Council of Presidents of 100 Women's Organizations. - Open Letter
  • INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVE . . ' . . ':e i­ ,I, '.1 ,I, \1 '1\ I :1, \. ~~>st, , .. Phil Adam, Vice President of Business, Development, Interplay Productions, Irvine, CA. Mr. Adam is currently Chair of Software Publishers Association
  • . Rasco (partial) (I page) 04118/95 P6/b(6) .I I , I l ,I I ' l. I COLUECTION: . Clithon Pnisidential Records Dorhes'tic Policy Council Carbl Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) I . OAiBox Number: 6135 I FOLD'ER TITLE: , , I " . Paraquad (St. Louis
  • NowellfUpward Bourid (partial) ( I ,page) , . '. COLLECTION: CI inton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503' FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [29] 2010-0198-S ke83
  • ! COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: South Texas Trip McAllen & San Antonio March 20-22, 1996 [I] 2010-0198-F ryl003 RESTRICTION CODES Prcsidential Records
  • January 20, 1997 Memo To: . From: Re: Records Management Domestic Policy Council West Wing - Carol H. Rasco's office Contents of box 30f 4 - meeting files The following is a list of files that are contained in box 3 of 4: 11/14/96 11/14-15 11/14
  • 11>. RANEY J. E. UGH1U:,. Sit. 11932-451 J. £. UGMTtL. JL n!J36..8l1l A. 'BATSON EIELL. ROBERT HUDGINS January 5, 1995 Ms. Ca.rol,H. Rasco DOMESTIC POLICY ADVISER TO THE PRESIDENT THE WRITE HOUSE Washington, D. C. 20500. RE: Upcoming meeting
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001: list· DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE list of meeting attendees (partial), pg 3; pg 5 (2 pages) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTlON: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • ; RE: Address [partial] (l page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TITLE: WaYne County Community College 6/14/96 Commencement Speech
  • on "California Medicaid Claim" (partial) (I page) 01/13/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings Trips Events) OA/Box Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: California Medicaid Waiver Mtg. 23 Jan. 1995 3-4 p.m. 20
  • by President Clinton and myself when I agreed to take this job: Every· child shall be empowered to develop to her or his fullest potential. As stated earlier, every child deserves parents who accept and have the tools necessary to support their children. Jobs
  • note (partial) (1 page) nd ' P61b(6) 003. fax To Waves from Julie Demeo (partial) (I page) 03/22/95 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6135 ' FOLDER
  • page) 03/15/95 P6/b(6), b(7)(C) 002. resume Resume of Brenda Tadlock Wright (partial) (I page) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE
  • RM 1,45 17TH& PENN NW WASHINGToN DC . 20506 . I I . 11010003 I RASCO,CA~OL , 2036.87961286 OEJ6000035 c/o OFC O!F POLICY' DEVELOP , Chetk No. i $****214*50 VOID AFTER ONE YEAR ,f ',. ' EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT . OFFICIAL
  • and phone number [partial] (2 pages) n.d. P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Briefings and Resumes for Staff Interviews May 22,1996 20 I 0-0 198
  • I·~)tvortlz Bootiteel F{l1llily Learning Center OUf Day Care Village offers safety, fun and friendship while developing language, motor and life skills. MORE'" ~ .. 1~pUJortfi 130otfrce{ Family teart/inx Clmta 20l N. WAshington P.O. Sox
  • , ,} " . To: From:, Re: Date: :_ r Carol H. RaSC Diana Fortun RSA letters , August 6, 1996 I ' ' You had asked about getting some ,extra copies of'the President's letter to RSA's COrifere*ce on Effective Employment Strategies for People
  • Georgia Ms. Janet Bittner Executive Director Georgia Policy Council on Families & Children Atlanta, GA Mr. Brian Marlowe Director Worth County CommunitY Preserva~ion Collaborative Sylvester GA Ms. Donna Schoier Director of Program Development Dawson County
  • (partial) (I page) nd' P61b(6) 06/2611 996 P61b(6) OOSc. memo - . ' from Rasco to Tom Nerney re RWJ Grant (partial) (I page) P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox
  • (partial) (I page)· 002. list COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records . Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6519 FOLDER TITLE: Briefing: Health Care Professionals (OEOB 450) 5-18-95 10:30 - II :00 2010-0198
  • ) -- b:[~other of Congres.sman Ford Representative Roscoe Dixon (TN) Representative Lois Deberry (TN). -- NBCSL President Representative Spencer Coggs (WI) . Mr. Chuck Bremer -- NBCSLExecutive Director Ms. Diane Bush -- Associate for Policy Development
  • with disabilities? As he said in the State of the Union, the President is committed to work in a bipartisan fashion to put America on the road to health security. He will work with Congress as Democrats and Republicans develop proposals. The President has rriade
  • the President increased Head start by 45 percent over 1994. And that's why we have launched a major initiative both to expand the program and to ensure that all Head start centers offer high quality child development services. 03-08-94 11:54AM FROM OASPA lEWS
  • . Mal 2. 1996 9:15am Arrive in Sf. Louis Human Development Presentations: 9:30- 12:00am Heticopter Plan Arrival at Airport and Travel to East Prairie,Missouri You will be greeted at Gate by Helicopter Pilot Helicopter Ride to AUport-Cape Girardeau
  • . . " The -President ~. SATURDAY, MAY 6 , SUNDAY, MAY 7 MONDAY, MAY 8 ~~3~ - 8:15Sen±or " t, , COS • ~ ,',. '. H{)LD, DAY ,FOR TRIP '"TO ,THE INSTITUTE FOR. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,' NY, contact:, Maggie i:q 'Tom Downey's office. 2: 30 - 3: 00 " Weekly
  • of Vocational Rehabilitation, Projects with Industry~ Regional Rehabilitation Continuing Education Program at George Washington University, the President's Committee bn Employment of People with Disabilities, ' the National Council oh Independent Living
  • Library DOCUMENT NO. , AND TYPE 00 I a. letter DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE To Carol Rasco from Donald L. Fowler (ONC) (I page) , RESTRICTION Personal Misfile 04/09/95 " COLLECTlON: Clinton President,ial Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • are likely to be deported anytime soon. cc: Vice President Chief of Staff 2 Because this decision falls on the heels of Proposition 187, we will be directing that Justice develop br fings to explain what termination will mean and, in particular, to ease
  • with a presidential decision, or an interagency review and consensus that never went to the President? U~tN '\JJ&; ~ , Since we are in disagreement with both of these key Chairmen J~-~ (although it is a big deal only for Moynihan) and since we may be headed
  • year they have 'a public policy conference on disability issues. In the, ' past, they' have done health care reform and IDEA. The area boards are state entities that are similar to DD councils, with i3 'state-wide. When they set up the confer~nce
  • THE PRESIDENT 28-Jun-1996 08:45am TO: TO: TO: TO: Rosalyn A. Miller Jill Pizzuto Dorothy L. Karayannis Jeremy D. Benami ' FROM: Elizabeth E. Drye Domestic ,Policy Council SUBJECT: New Intern Arrival Is Wed., July 10 (not Monday 7/8
  • : radio show (partial) (1 page) 11/06/95 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7468 FOLDER TITLE: Trip File for Chicago 28-29 Oct 20 I0-0 198-S ry955 RESTRICTION
  • JUlY 14, 1993 ~~ ~ Housing and community Development Act of 1993 I Highl ights ' Ti tIe I: FHA Mul tifamily Re'~orms Loosen legislative re~trictionson ~ale of unsubsidized properties ! RTC Marketing demonstr,ation of HUD-owned properties
  • that only 3 states had identifiable members representing special populations. Indeed, only 19 of the states had complied with the legislative requirement to fonn tech-prep councils. Though Perkins legislation requires that states develop measurable goals
  • with-the grim statistics on teen pregnancy and parenting (a fifteen-year high in 1990), infant mortality (worse in urban America than in many of the so-called developing countries), early school failure (one out of four first graders being failed), and school
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 6520 FOLDER TITLE: I Commencement of the MiCkey Leland Hung~r Fellows ('~5) 7131/95 20 I0-0 198-S ry901 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • to the Pres­ ident of the United States for Domestic Poliry . Ms. Rasco is responsible for help­ ing shape, develop and articulate the President's domestic poliry agenda. Ms. Rasco is also the parent of a young man who has developmental disabilities and who
  • piecemeal views of individuals, families and communities. The Domestic Policy Council's operating premise is a simple sentence in text: Every child shall be empowered to. develop to · her/his fullest potential throughout life. If we are ·truly serious
  • development within federaJ agencies • Increased federal procurement contracts for women in both percentage and dollar amounts Supporting Women as Partners in Decision Making • 42 percent of President's appointees are women, highest ever • Six women hold
  • . Request for Rasco, Carol H. (partial) (I page) 02115/95 " P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, ONBox Number: 5858 ~vents) .. OLDER TITLE: .Pre-meeting for Meeting w/Kathy Hoyt
  • Way-----------1)Broader long range planning 2)Better use of Cabinet 'for policy development 3)Perhaps Sub-cabinet/cluster formation Bruce Reed----------1)Coordinate implementation of initiatives that have passed (e.g. Crime Bill Working Group to help
  • The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington. D.C. 20071 Dear Carol: I am wrltinl you at Brucells suueation, both becaUM of your position u Difcctot of the \ President's Domestic Policy Council and because of your cxpc:rience with and lnteresl
  • WASHINGTON, October 16, 1995 Mr. John Sidor Executive, Director' Council of State Community Development Agencies 444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 251 Washington, DC 20001 Dear Mr. Sidor: Thank you to those of you who have responded to my invitation
  • : Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8489 FOLDER TITLE: Welfare to Work Programs, November 7, 1996 2010-0J98-S ke8 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act 144 V.S.c. 2204(a)1
  • Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TITLE: Children's Express Interview June 28, 1996 2010-0198-5 db1677 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.c. 2204(a») "'reedom
  • Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: Lunch with Bonnie Campbell February 26, 1996 2010-0198-S ry998 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act
  • Policy Council Carol Rasso (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7466 FOLDER TI~LE: Boston Trip Casey Family Services Ecent December 7, 1995 [2] 20 I0-0 198-S ry967 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom
  • Carol H. Rasco re: Junior League (partial) (1 page) 11116/94 P6/b(6) 005. letter To Gwendolyn Wong from Carol H. Rasco re: Junior League (partial) (I page) 11/16/94 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • ,others that may be developed. A report to the Vi~e President is due recOlpmend an on-going, process 'for' intensified collaboration among on August 2nd; and these sectors. " ' , " will TRAVEL , , ' " , , ' , ' . On Monday, July 1, Doris Meissner
  • , Department of Labor, 'INS and the Domestic Policy Council staff are meeting to identify reform in the present H-2A program to make it better addreS~ any needs that might arise of the impottant agriculture industry. FUTURE: President Clinton will, continue
  • page) n.d. P6/b(6) 003. profile Ambassador James R. Jones; RE: DOB [partial] (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) 004. profile Weldon L. Kennedy; RE: DOB [partial] (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. bio . DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Dr Henry Foster, Jr. (partial) (I page) nd RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • letter, picture, and notes from Women's Leadship Council (5 pages) 06/19/96 Personal Misfile COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings Trips Events) ONBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: Miami Florida Trip
  • . and other educatprsa IRIS CARL was president 01 the National Council of Teachers of MathematiCS (NOTM) while they developed the academic content standards other disciplines are now seeking to parallal. A past Teacher of the Year, she was also a member
  • ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Expenses, Vouchers; and Memos [3] 20 I0-0 198-S kcl04 / RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C
  • Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: IDEA Meeting 27 March 19953:15 - 4:15 p.m. 2010-0 198-S ry853 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act" 15 U.S.c
  • . form COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1995 Paid Travel Expenses [5] 2010-0198-8 kcl19 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C
  • Policy Coordinator Special Assistant to the Secretary Department of Health &: Human Services Fax: 202-690-7098 Carol Rasco Deputy Assistant to the President for Policy Development Fax: 202-456-2878 Dear Patsy and Carol: Thank you for the invitation
  • ? Video (partial) (1 page) .. thank-you to Ramona Bonne of Ie Too Far? Video (partial) (1 page) 07/2011995 P6!b(6) 07/2011995 P6!b(6) , Om ,007e. note ) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy CounCil Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips
  • Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 5040 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting: Florida Waiver 6-2-94 10:30-11: 15 rw174 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.s.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] PI
  • ~ental Breakfast/Briefing 7:45 a.m. . .Auditorium Brqokings ..' . . 9:00-10:00 a.m. OEOB on the Day . The President's Council of Economic Adviso~s ..•:. The Honorable Laura DiAndrea Tyson, Chair,·· . ' . , Council of Economic Advisprs ,. 10:00
  • and diligently to improve the health of our nation's' children' and their families. A large part of what brings me such pleasure in being here is the fact that we continue on the White House Domestic Policy Council to focus all our \lvork toward, the pursuit
  • : Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 4591 FOLDER TITLE: Tony Lake 4-19-93 1:30-2:00 p,m. rwl69 I RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] PI P2 P3 P4 National
  • NGA 202-624-7723 202-624-5313 , Attached are the results of Ballot #3 and a request for memher signature by Friday, July 8, acknowledging the slate of Panel nominees to NESIC to be sent to the President. cJ...........,.,~~___ DATE: FROM
  • . schedule Rasco Staff, Wednesday, August 14, 1996 (partial)' (1 page) . " ~ . '.~ Rasco Staff, Thursday, August 15, 1996 (partial) (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips Events
  • SERVICES CORPORATION ALEXANDER D. FORGER President. Legal Services Corporation After graduating from Yale· Law School In ·1950. Alex Forger Joined Millbank. Tweed, Hadley and McCloy in New York City. He has been a partner at the firm srnce 1958
  • Diana Fortuna and Julie Demeo (partial) (1 page) 09/19/95 'P61b(6) \ I . I " / COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings,Trips, Events) . OAIBox Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: . California Trip
  • District Advocacy Laurie A. Westley William M. Soult President Thomas A. Shannon Executive Director Harold P. Seamon Deputy Executive Director April 8, 1993 Chief Legislative Counsel William B. Bruno Executive Branch Advocate Ms. Carol Rasco Assistant
  • of workshops and to assist them with full-time employment. To date, he has spear­ headed and aided in the development of two strategies for the State of Nevada. Mujahid Ramadan also serves as Vice President of the American Muslim Council. He is a Board Member
  • developing additional changes that will, in the President's words, seek to "end welfare as we know it." The goal is to transform welfare into a transitional, time-limited pro­ gram, where, after a maximum two years of education, training, and job placement
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. paper DATE SUBJECTfflTLE RE: Telephone number's [partial] (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • /1995 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: , Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1995 Paid Travel ExpenSes [2] 20 I 0-0 198-S kcl16 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7466 FOLDER TITLE: NYC - June 29-July I CT (Ret) 20 I0-0 198-S ry968 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act· 15 U.S.C. 552(b
  • Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TITLE: Rita Jaramillo Friday June 28, 19969 am 20 \ 0-0 \98-S dbl676 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act
  • of seattle:i! program:Tq.~ Junior League of Seattle is in the process of developing ~ *ulti-~aceted child health program which encompasses advocacy, com~unity education,'and direct service. The "League is currently focusing on the areas of nutrition
  • Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco ONBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Association of Jun ior Leagues [-I] 2010-0198-S ry792 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - )44 U.S.C 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act ~ 15 U.S.C 552(b)l PI
  • , Yen, Kinsman, Reid Campion, Jernqvist. 2. Conductive Education in Hong Kong, No.1, 1987, pp.6Q (English/Chinese). Focussing on: Development of Conductive Education in Hong Kong; ConductiveEducation Furniture. Joint Council for the Physically
  • ) 03/29/96 P6/b(6) 003. letter To the King family from Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 04/01/96 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE
  • -.5440J.5441 September 8, 1995 Ms. Carol Rasco Office of the Assistant to the President. For Domestic Policy' The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Ms. Rasco: We are honored that you will be visiting the Institute for Community Development's COMET
  • is provided ina memo from National Economic Adviser Tyson, .OMB Director Rivlin and Bo Cutter. PARTICIPANTS I The President The Vice President Secretary Rubin . Secretary Brown Sec'retary Reich OMB Directo~ Rivlin CEA Member Baily Chief
  • E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 29-Nov-1994 06:04pm TO: (See Below) FROM: Julie E. Demeo Domestic Policy Council SUBJECT: REMINDER: Monday DPC Meeting DPC STAFF MEETING REMINDER REMINDER to all DPC staff
  • system. \ Will they be included in testing and Inierview questions for Carol Rasco from Education Daily I for Friday. Feb. 25. interyiew at 2'30 J.m. ! i • Does the request by President ClintOn for only a 4.6 percent increase in funding ror Part. B
  • of the. White House Qomestic Policy Council, I work to coordinate the efforts of the Administration, including the Cabinet Secretaries and other federal agencies, in the development of every aspect of our nation's' domestic policy. As a result, I a'm so often
  • ! Vista Health Plans. San I>iego; P California ,, Annette U. ~l; PbD., Director of Mental Healt.b and Development. ' National Committee on QUnlity Assurance. Washington. D.C. , ,JODi, Vice President. InfonnadcS and Outcomes Initiative. j
  • Every child shall be empowered to develop to her/his fullest throughout her/his life. If we are truly serious about a better economy, competitiveness, etc. for our country, we have not a child to waste •••• and each of those children must
  • House advisors in preparation for meetings with the. President next week and for his speech. DRA :'·>:·
  • Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8504 ,FOLDER TITLE: 1995 Paid Travel Expenses [7] 2010-0198-S kcl21 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom
  • ) . 2. Congress should assure that authorized funds are appropriated for small business loans under the 7(A) and 504 programs. (UT) 3. The Administration and Congress should fund both state Small Business Development Centers and federal Small
  • P6/b(6) receipt eOLLECTION: , Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8504 ];'OLDER'TITLE: '1993-1994 Paid Travel Expenses [2] 20 I0-0 J98-S kcl27 '~STRICTION Presidential
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTrnTLE 00 I. itinerary DATE For Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 02/21196 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • /17 -11120/94 (partial) ( 1 page) nd P6/b(6) 006. form Standard Form 1012, Travel Voucher XD5.AO 106, to Trenton NJ and ret to WDC 04112/95 (partia'i) (I page) nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • : Florida (l page) 08/01/94 PS OOS. memo For Leon Panetta from Carol Rasco re: Request from Governor Chiles (copyof#3) (2pages) 08/04/94 PS 006. memo For the President from Carol Rasco re: Florida Waiver w/attachment (4 pages) 07121194 PS 007
  • cialty of Pediatric Surgery. In addition to developing procedures in surgery and anes­ thesia that were anatomically and developmentally appropriate, he conceived and launced the Journal of Pediatric Surgery and trained many of the next generation
  • Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: . 6135 FOLDER TITLE: Nashville, TN 3-28-95 [3] ,: 2010-0198-S ry856 RESTRICTION ,CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act
  • Health and Human Development, United States Timothv P. Shri\'cr, 1995 Special Oly~pics World Games, United States 2:15 PM Simultaneous Scien
  • supervises and coordinates the work of the White House staff of the President's Domestic Policy Council. She also serves, on the Department of Education's National Education Goals Panel. .e In Arkansas, Ms. ·Rasco was Governor Clinton's Senior Executive
  • AGENCY TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS BY JANE ,­ 227 2nd AVE, SE, CEDAR RAPIDS. IA 52401 PHONES 319-366-1042 5020 COUNCIL ST, NE CEDAR RAPIDS. IA 52402 800-728-1042 PHONES 319-393-1359 FAX 319-366-3354 800-391-1~59 FAX 319-393-7616. NOTICE: TICKETS HAVE
  • ) Roundtable: The roundtable. will last 1 1/4. hours. Particpants will be the President, Secretary Shalala, Patsy Fleming, Scott Hitt (Chair of the Advisory Council), and one representative from each of the morning workshops. -_. Format: Each of the nine
  • ) 06123~06128/95 I I I I I I I I . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council ­ Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1995 Paid Travel Expenses [4] 2010-0198-S kcl18 RESTRICTION CODES
  • of the President's Commission on Employment of People with Disabilities is there.) In addition, we would like to welcome Gil Casellas, Chairman of the Equal . Employment OpPortunity Commission, and Peggy Mastroianni of the EEOC. 2 Review of Guiding Principles
  • . • Sincerely yours, Barbara R. Trader Vice President, Youth and Community Programs Enclosures E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE 8 IDE N T 09-Aug-1996 03:39pm £Vev\tTO: Carol H. Rasco FROM: Jill Pizzuto Domestic Policy Council CC: CC
  • Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TITLE: Wayne County Community College 6/14/96 Commencement Speech - Detroit, MI [3] 2010-0198-8 db1668 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - (44 u.s.c. 2204(a») Freedom
  • Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: , 1996 Paid Travel Vouchers [2] 20 I 0-0 198~S kcl08 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.c. 552(b)] PI
  • , Ph.D.............................President &: CEO National Head Injury Foundation, Inc. "AssodateMembers ....Representing NORD E,esearch Advisory Council :Denotes Executive Committee programs: Nine ymrs ago, the National Organization for Rare
  • for Rasco, Carol (12/11/96@3:00pm) (partial) (I page) I COLLE'FTION: Clinton Presidential Records Dome1stic Policy Council Caro]llRasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONB6x Number: 8503 I FOLDER TITLE: I . ' . Travelltinerary Letters, Memos, .and Fax~s [6
  • would disclose confidential advice between the Preside~t and his advisors, or between such advisors [aX5) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a}(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance
  • - ~ ~ f C E ci F' 1 ~d' 16-0ct-l?~6 a \ ~.eeo',-::;-,"-- . J'> TO, 0 zZ'-lto Carol H .35pm . A-"" R PRESIDENT 02" Domesti~ p~~co C2b ,-~ .~ =:> THE .' 'T 0(1 C ~ ~
  • (Ongoing studies for the De,partmerlt ojHousinR and Urban Development (HUP) and the National Multi-Housing Council) II ,l, I' 'I '-...., I ,,~ ,.. ,~I'" , 22 Examples of Recent Domestic Policy Reseaich Findings Abt Associates Inc. 'I' ,'I
  • ; RE: Addresses [partial] (3 pages) 05/17/1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: May 20, 1996 Conway, Ark. Trip 2010-01 98-S db1655
  • Participants, School to Work (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) 003. list Participants, School to Work (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) . 001. memo COLLECTION:. Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box
  • . ticket stub r COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8504 I FOLDER TITLE: 1996 Paid Travel Vouchers [4] 20 I0-0 198-S kcllO RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • page) 0311711996 P6/b(6) J COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503" FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [41] 20 I 0-0 198-S kc95 , RESTRICTiON
  • , Curtis Collier Is a native of controlled the order ()fproof. : 6th and 11th Circuits, Arkansas. He atten~ed'publlc school In Following his separation from On Feb. 13, 1995, President Marianna, AK and graduated from William Clinton nominated Mr. Collier
  • Annual Convention Special ention Prec des March On Washington. 36th , ' ". "."," Rosa Parks Mother of the . Movement to Be Honored. JOSEPH Ea LOWERY, SCLC's 3RD PRESIDENT . · " . WWMrww""'PIMWW' M¥'EE • a '.'. Clinton
  • : White House Meeting ,(partial) (J page) 07/05/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6520 FOLDER TITLE: SHEA-Yamauchi Meeting 7-14-95 11:30 am ­ 12:30 pm
  • Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBax Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: Atlanta Trip - March 9, 1995 20 \ 0-0 \98-S ry836 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)\ Freedom of Information Act - 15 U.S.c
  • I WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list I E SUBJECTffITLE RESTRICTION P6/b(6) Mother's Voices Attendees (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • ~artz President P.O. Box 17675. Washington. D.C. 20041-0675. (703) 648-9300. Fax: (703) 648-0346 E X E CUT I V E o FF ICE o F THE PRESIDENT 08 Jun-1·994 12': 03pm TO: Stanley S. Herr FROM: Patricia- E. Romani Domestic Policy Council
  • Jeffrey S. Crowley re: participants (partial) (2 pages) 10117/95 P6/b(6) 005. memo To Pat Romani from Jeffrey S. Crowley re: participants (partial) (I page) 10117/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • ' it 'was more important to pay for a visitors center in Oregon, the home state of a GOP Committee member. than to help weatherize homes of low income families. II .(2124195) , IJIL EXTREME CUTS VS BOLD, SENSIBLE REFORM:'PRESIDENT CLINTON IS ClREATINGA LEANER
  • . NOTE: The meeting is from 1:00­ 2:30, but you can leave at 1:30pm 2:00 - 3:00 The President's Crime Prevention Council Meeting with the VP, (the Karen Pittman one) , (VP's Ceremonial office), contact: Kumiki x67020. 3:00 - 5:00 INTERAGENCY CABINET
  • Romani from Eleanor L. Bailey re: requested meeting between Bill Milliken and Carol Rasco (partial) (I page) 09108/94 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco OAiBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: B. MilIiken/B
  • ; RE: Address [partial] (l page) 10/0811996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8486 FOLDER TITLE: October 1, 1996 PEATC (Parent Educational Advocacy Training
  • Fishman Enterprises, Jnc. Management consulting, corporate development President, Co·Founder, Owner Lifeline Services, Inc. dba Hawaii Check Ca.~hing . Vice-President, Co-Founder, Owner lA·PAK Tours, inc., Japanese Tour Packagers Consultant
  • Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8504 . \ FOLDER TITLE: 1996 Paid Travel Vouchers [3] 20 \ 0-0 \98-S kcl09 RESTRICTION CODES ~. Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] . Freedom of Information
  • -,DELIVERY March 6, 1995, . " "".. '~ :' ' , '" , Ms. Carol Rasco' Assistant to the' President • ; for Domestic I>olicy The White House, , ~ashington, DC .20500 ,,' , " .', Deai:'Ms,' Rasco: I would like to tharikyou again"for the·oppOrtunity
  • Procedures; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Coe College Commencement May 19, 1996 2010
  • . The. Domestic Policy Council's operating prem ise is a sim pie sentence in text: Every child shall be empowered to develop to her/,his fullest potential throughout life. If we are truly serious about a better economy, competitiveness, etc. for our
  • , an annual event to honor the AHA's past presidents and chairmen, willfeature "The Capitol Steps," an exciting group oftalented WId versatile performersfrom our nation's capital, all ofwhom are current orformer cong ressional staffers. C. Everett Koop, MD
  • ) .~' ' '. .. 005. form 06/28/96 (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council' Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503 ', FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [39] , 2010-0198-S
  • COMMITTEE/BOARD APPOtNTMINTSt MerIt'*'. 80Itd ,.t Tl'UltMI, Am.,l., "",ltll Auoclatlon ,.a8-11'1 . ao.rd MemMr, Council of '_.hI", HOIpIt.... AmerlQft AltocJMJon ofMecft~1 C.,I4tttI,lI14"-1110 Board M.mber, Midwest IMtituta.. I ..... Clty* MO
  • Authorization T A000561, Washington DC 06125/1996 P61b(6) to EI Paso TX 07/09 - 07/11/1996 (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton, Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: Travel
  • Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 8504 FOtDE~ TITLE: 1993-1994 Paid Travel Expenses [I] 20 10-0 198-S kcl26 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act· [5 U.S.C
  • of the President's Crime Prevention Council, (VP will attend), VP's Ceremonial office, contact: Karen Pittman x55555. ECONOMIC PROGRESS IN NEW JERSEY UNDER PRESIDENT CLINTON "\6 President Qinton's strategy to strengthen the economy is based on reducing
  • ) (I page) 05/08/1994 P6/b(6) 05/08/1994 P6/b(6) 004e. bill . ArnE x account summary (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE
  • Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: Regrets 5/1/95 - 6/30/95 [I] 2010-0198-S ry840 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information A;ct - 15 U.S.c
  • /b(6) 003. schedule Schedule for Carol 1114/94 P6/b(6) H. Rasco (partial) (1 page) i " COLLECTIION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 5857 FOLDER TITLE: WVA HHS Speech 5
  • (partial, p.2) (1 page) 07/20/95 P61b(6) 002. form' Honored Guest Scheduling Form (partial, p. 3) ,(I page) nd .' P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential' Records DomestiC 'Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6520
  • by providing an adequate pool of advanced practice nurses to meet the continuing demand for these tertiary care services. In developing its recommendations, the Council seeks the views of professional nursing, hospital, public health and educational
  • . 523·4141 JEREMY HARRIS MAYOR September 14, 1995 Ms. Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Domestic Policy Council The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Carol: It seems that. the past few weeks were charged with so much
  • Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ,OAlBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: . SHEA (Speech) San Diego'3 April 1995 8:30 a.m. [I] 2010-0198-S ry861 RESTRICTION CODES. I . Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)l i~fo'rmation btl) Ntional se
  • Rasco Staff, Wednesday, October 16, 1996 (partial) (l page) 10/16/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBoxNumber: 8503 . FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos
  • /95 P61b(6) 005. biography Biography of Curtis Lovejoy (partial) (\ page) nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: Atlanta Trip - March 9
  • staff of the President's Domestic Policy Council. She also serves on the Department of 1 Education's National Education Goals Panel. A native Arkansan, Ms. Rasco worked with President Bill Clinton in the Governor's Office for ten ~ears, . From 1985-1992
  • A and Part B, the development of new forms of service delivery, and new payment structures have rendered it obeolete. No good case can be made, in Our judgment, for ~tuating the separate ,parts of Medicare. The distinct methods of financing Part A and Part B
  • se'crets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5)"of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8054 FOLDER TITLE: _ 1996 Paid Travel Vouchers [I] . 20 J0-0 J98-S , kcl07 'Preside~tial Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] RESTRICTION CODES PI National
  • Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 4592 FOLDER TITLE: American Dietetic Association Ross Laboratories 6-11-93 2:00 p.m. rw142 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.s.C. 2204(a)] Freedom
  • to Charleston SC and ret, 03/23/94 (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) 003b. itinerary AmEx Travel, WDC to Charleston SC and ret, 03/23195 (partial) ( I page) 03122/1995 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • (partial) (I page) 002a. letter 03/22/95 P6/b(6} To Timothy J. Walsh from Bill Clinton re: Marion Malley Walsh Drunk Driving Act (partjal) (I page) letter 02/28/95 P6/b(6) 02/02/95 P61b(6) 002b. letter To President Clinton from Timothy
  • ~\ should young ~eople themselves play I ,I in the development of HIV prevention and edu~ation policies and programs? . 'II· I . At a meeting in July 1993 organized by INSURE, the life and health insurance industry's foundation, with Dr. James Curran
  • Section 930 tax break.:! slve" profits by pharmaceutical campa­ got a plug Tuesday In New York from · nles who benefit from 936 tax break.:! but City Council PresIdent Andrew Stein, who charge "exce:!:live prices" to consumers. is running for mayor
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTffITLE List of meeting attendees (partial) (1 page) 04/07/93 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • :'~/_;"} ;:.~' .:.'.~ • • ' ... ', " " " ...'-, I - " '"," '.1;'\ • ,< , "", ' '.' ',,' . / ' -'" , ". ',' '/ ": '. , .' ' THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF DOMESTIC POLICY CAROL H. RASCO Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy To: I Draft response for POTUS and forward to CHR
  • stub l. . ' ; AMTRAK, New York NY to Newark NJ, 11127/95 (partial) (I page) . '. I. . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: , I 1996 Paid
  • myself, and watching the President suffer with his for so many years, I ran tel.'. you that there are few people in this wor:ld who appreciate' your work more than I' '.'''''' .. THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION CONTINUES TO FIGHT FOR REAL HEALTH CARE REFORM
  • ) , . SOC. SEC. # 1 ..i," ·~~Q([j~Q~P'WI~ :::1-' JUL I I REC'O I ~ N~~C~ I EDUCATORS i far ':t ~ ~ itt lwL ~ rua SOCIAL RESPONSlBllllY -t1.Q~ July 8,1994 Carol Rasco Assistant to the President Domestic Policy Council The White
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 5, 1996 Mr. Don Costar President Nevada Inventors Association P.O. Box 9905 Reno, Nevada 89507-0905 Dear Mr. Costar: Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding patent laws. I appreciate your taking
  • on the House Republican Debt Limit Proposal • Talking Points on the House Republican Continuing Resolution Proposal • Daily Points: President Clinton Will Not Allow Republicans to Blackmail the American People into Accepting Their Misguided' Budget • . Press
  • . Supportive Funding. The President's budget calls for $L6billionto , assist communities in developing local, 'coordinated solutions to break the cycle of homelessness. VA funding of programs for homeless veteranI' has increased by , more than 62 percent
  • Contact List (partial) (7 pages) 002. memo RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Preside~tial Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: South Carolina March 23, 1995 .. 20 I0-0 198-S
  • : CEORH-HR Huntington, WV 25701 Phone: (304)-529-5661 Pat Adelhardt Disability Awareness Coord. U.S. Army Aberdeen proving Ground STEAP-CP-O, CPO APG, MD 21005 Phone: (410)-278-5240 Tita Allala Employee Relations Specialist Career Development Office
  • " appears to offer little quality of life to recipients. The reverse view, however, is that while welfare .doesn't necessar~ly promote 1 , " usage, it clearly seems over past years to have sustained 'an "underclass" of poor Arkansans. Attachment C
  • '." ,,~ A nont:;1/ organizationfor the .kv~/opmmt ofa (1 Advocacy Un," in Anzhorag~ , A,nn A. Addington President P.O. B9x: I 1,0985 Anchor,age; Alaska 99511·0985 (907) 345·6566 (907) 345·6619 . :' ". '~;', Gil Garcetti . :: UCLA SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WELFARE
  • pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. washington, D.C. 20500 (Via Federal Express) Mr. Ira Magaziner Sr. Adviser to the President foi policy Development Old Executive Office Building Room 216 Washington, D.C. 20500 (Via Federal Express)
  • and it was a pleasure to see you again. Sincerely, Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy CHR:ram P.S. I have received the posters you sent to me and have shared with others in the Administration -- thank you. ~()bd1_Na_o _'na_A_~M_~_ed_'"_'I_
  • provisions. The Congressional Majority has anti-trost provisions that are strongly opposed by the FTC, the.Justice Department and the Council of Economic Advisors. Do we take a strong poSition as well, assuming these provisions make it to . the President's
  • (I r September 29, 1995 List of Attendees for DPC Council Meeting as of 1:00 p.m. ,Friday, 9/29 OVP's office: from HHS: from DOJ from DOL from Treas. from Veterans from DOE: from HUD for AG from DOT from Commerce from Energy from OMB from CEA
  • ... 12024562878 TO SCHOOL TO WORK ;~ INTERAGENC~ T~NSITTON. PARTNERSHI~t Par.tners: . · 'Employment . February 21, 1996 .Development . ~3 . . . . "'""'~'----:=:> Department. Tbom.IS P. ~agle Carol Rasco Assistant to the President fpr Domestic
  • to make sense of the myriad federal work force programs, and to make them work for Oregonians. The act creates regional work force quality councils to develop and implement strategies in cooperation with local business and labor .. Oregon's Commission
  • Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAIBox Number: 7677 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting with Percy Malone Februaryj26, 1996 20 I0-0 198-S ry997 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1 Freedom of Information Act - 15
  • and the employment of youth with disabilities at yesterday's' meeting of the Domestic Policy Council. I thought the discussion was a good opportunity for all of us to learn from one another about these critical programs. I appreciate your flexibility when we had
  • . Many go through a natural and temporary stage' during which they grow apart from their mothers; the result is a lack of communication about matters important to their lives. As the Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development pointed out, "It is important
  • . It was very gratifying to see all of the excited young faces full of anticipation! Thank you for your kind introduction. I hope we will have another opportunity to visit and for longer next time. Sincerely, ~. Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President
  • Independence Ave. SW . Washington DC 20585 PHI 202/586-6151 FX# 202/586-0956 PLCY GRP:. H;ST;IA STATE: Sandra Perlmutter Executive Director President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports 701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW suite 250 Washington DC 20004 PHI 202/272
  • Chin-}'en, Taipei City Ma}!or'Chen Shui-Dian,! TaipEi City Council Speaker Chen CtHen-chit1, Council for Economic Planning and· Development memper Huang Ta-'chou, Sen10r" Vice' PreSiDent Qf Southland (orp:"StEve Lefo}!, Chief Executive Officer
  • : Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: December 13,1996, 1:30 NCSLlState Legislators M~eting , 2010-0198-S kcl8 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144
  • Council Carol Rasco ONBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: . LaITY Echohawk Timber/Oem. Candidate for Gov. Contact ­ Mike Schmidt 6-5567 6 . Oct. 19944:30-4:45 Katie McGinty's Office: OEOB 360 2010-0198-S ry790 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act
  • fonnations increased by 6.1 % with small busin~ income climbing 7.2%. Virtually any national econoooc statistics that' . . you look at tell the same tale - 1993 was a banner year for small business. ~~ While a number of the President's initiatives helped
  • . Development Committee Chair Dr. Henry McKay .:.- Clergy and Social Services Administrator Dr. Peter Mitchell Cindy Nord Alice Potter· --President, Columbia College -- Distinguished Chair, Institute for Families in Society -- Play Therapist -- Attorney
  • that were folded into the block. States develop plans for activities . funded under the grant in consultation with CDC. The frame of reference is Healthy People 2000. Each State identifies priority objectives for meeting its .·goals under Healthy People 2000
  • : Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Nllmber: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: California Trip Sacramento & San Francisco September 21-24, 1995 [4] 20 I0-0 198-S rv918 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records
  • be viewed as totally separate from welfare. In other developed countries, children are protected by a family policy, not a welfare policy. The United states is the only developed country in the world that questions adequate sustenance of its children, its
  • /1995 P6/b(6) 002a. form Standard Form 1012, Travel Voucher XD540128 to Monroe LA to New Orleans LA to Portland OR and ret to WDC, 05/ 10-05/ I 7/95 (partial) ( I page) . nd P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • 22003 • Pho~e: (703) 642-6614 • Fax (703) 642-0497 . December 6, 1993,. :.1 Ms. Carol Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy , , The White Hou,se, Second West Wing 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Ms. Rasco
  • 1 I i I i , WithdrawallRedaction Sheet, ,Clinton Library' DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTrrITLE 001. note nd Handwritten note (partial) ( I page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • how critical it is to continue this, progress and include special education in the reforms we are enacting throughout all education programs. o The President has placed education at the center of his vision for this nation. He recognizes that we
  • . Attorney General Janet Reno Richard Riley, Secretary of Education Donna Shalala, Secretary of HHS Erskine B. Bowles, Administrator of SBA The Vice President Carol Rasco, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Bob Rubin, Assistant to the Pr~sident
  • , the ' Veterans'Administration, EEOC, the Officeo£. Personnel . . Management ,the Publ'ic·Health Service of .HHS,· and the President's .Committee on Employment of People with Dis.abilities. It was first held 'in 1982. This year's conference was originally ,scheduled
  • of State. Depatlmenl ur V\:I.(..'IlUlS Affairs • EQual ElllDloyment Opportunity Ccmmi~~ion • otn
  • be , retooled to respond to these concerns. But as both facilities and institutions that stand in . every c~rrimunity, they are a logical place to begin. I The President's Gxime Prevention Council February 1995 . ~. "":.' 'Monday,': ,:',' .'. NJa~h
  • /b(6), b(7)(C) 002. memo To Rosalyn Miller trom Christine Benero re: June 8 Meeting with Carol Rasco (partial) (1 page) 06/06/94 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco ONBox Number: . 5261 FOLDER
  • : Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8489 FOLDER TITLE: October 16, 1996 - Flint, MI [2] 20 10-0 198-S dbl706 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act (44 U.S.C. 2204
  • to a discussion of the President's . vision for improved rural health care. Steve J. otton Director, Marketing and Program Development HealthNet xc: Richard Arnold, BBRMC Dr. Bill McCaughan, HealtpNet Exec. Dir. Sherald Ramirez, Director {Education Services
  • Koskinen ) III. Budget Message State of the Union Strategy Don Baer THE WH ITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Cabinet Meeting January 10, 1996 Materials Provided L . Statement by the President - 1/6/96 IE Statement by the President - 1/9/96 II
  • Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Jill Pizzuto Interview April 19, 1996 20 10-0 198-S dbI634 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C 2204(a)1 Freedom oflnformation Act - [5 U.S.C 552
  • : presidAnt.,·SSW Alumni AtsfiOciation/ 9)( officio. mAmber ot SSW Board of,", Overseers, director of geropsycl1il1t.l'Y program at local ~~it Ms. Elisabethcon.en (1995 SSW alum; student field plaeement.waf;· in Oome~tic Policy Office with CR
  • . (Furstenberg, 1993~ Werner and Smith, 1992; Rutter, 1987; Garmezy, 1985). As the Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development's report Great Transitions ~1995) argues, the years of early adolescenc~ges 10 to 14-are society's last best shot at' preventing social
  • SAGAWA FROM CarolH. Rasco, ~~~hs:ant Ito .the .President for Domestic Policy ~ SUBJECT: Outreach for benefits I I I have recently visited with my good friend Sarah Shuptrine whose latest study is included along with a let~er she sent 'prior
  • Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6135 FOLDER TlTLIi:: Nashville, TN 3-28-95 [I] 20 10-0 \98-S ry854 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 u.s.c. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act
  • , vim lQWltZ' eoncentration levels required for land uses involving hiqher human exposure .. 3. The national standards and national cleanup levels will 1;)e developed throuqh either a fas~ traok notice and comment or ~eq­ naq rulemaking process
  • ) 003. letters Children's letters; RE: Addresses [partial] (11 pages) RESTRICTION n.d. P61b(6) n.d. P61b(6) 0510711996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox
  • ; • Awomanwithparaplegiawas pressed by a mammography technician to "stand forjust one minute"; • A woman withhemiplegiacould find no parenteducation resource to help her develop the skills to care for her newborn. This is why RIC is committed to provid ing an alternative
  • Interagency Council on the Homeless Meeting; 5-24-95 [2]
  • ~ ,r U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Henry Cisneros, Secretory • Office of Community Planning and Developmen~ Andrew Cuomo. Assistant Secretary . HUD Announces the Lqrgest Level of Homeless Funding in Its History 1995
  • : The PreSident's Report to the American People, The White House Domestic "Council, Washington, D.C., October, 1993, p. 20. Page - 11 b. Modify Section 1902(a)(27) and (32) of. the Act to allow states to administer : Medicaid-funded home and communi~-based
  • to develop new and innovative service delivery systems to meet the nbeds of pregnant women and infants. 2 eONRf):BNTlAt DRAFT--For Discussion Only "J....> PIC - Private Industry Councils: These Councils are composed of business leaders from the private
  • the course of the 3 d shall appoinf' presiding officer who shall have the authoriTY to ' 2 11 Ad~linistrator The' "(B), 4 'i.' J ," " 'i" ",', ' hearing" conduct p:r:ehearing conferences, sched-·' ' . : I d 5 i ule presentations
  • THE WHITE HOUSE .WASHINGTON April 27, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR SECRETARY DONNA SHALALA FROM: SUBJECT: A~carol H. Rasco, Assistant to· the President for CJ Domestic Policy Organ Transplants Attached are materials sent to your office earlier
  • and syringes. To address this problem, many community organizations around the country have developed needle exchange programs as a form of AIDS prevention. They have -- sometimes in violation of local ordinances -- offered clean needles in exchange for used
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SUBJECTfflTLE DATE 03/04/96 Re: Attendees (partial) (J page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • was initiated at the highest levels. President ClintO'n himself has had numerO'us meetings with veterans grO'ups and has prO'vided unprecedented access to' his seniO'r staff. • And I believe this cO'mmunicatIO'n is evident in his budget prO'PO'sals. During
  • E X E t o U T.I V E F I.C E. 0 F. THE.' ERE SID E N T 14 Jun-1996 04:30pm TO: FROM: Carol H. Eli~abeth Domest sco E. Drye' Policy Council Cc.: Jill SUBJECT: consumer affai~s·mtg. Monday Jeremy met w/Bernice a heard
  • RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 4592 FOLDER TITLE: Equal Opportunity Policy 9-20-93 3:00-4:00 rw158 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· [44 U.S.C
  • inputs or factors used in the production of goods and services, the value of such factors, or the, money specifically allocated for their acquisition or development. Capital costs include, for example, the buildings, beds, and equipment used
  • E X E CUT I V E OFF I, C E o F THE P RE SID E N T IlSep-1996 11:24am TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Jill Pizzuto ,Carol H. Rasco Domestic icy Council Rev.' , I just t to call the Rev. about the halfway house issue and is not in. I told his fice I
  • Porter; , former House Majority Whip. Tony Coelho; former Governor Lowell Weicker, Jr.; ten-time Emmy wimer Etpily Kingsley; Marca Bristo, Chair of,the National Council on'Disabitity. Paul Hearne, President of the [Bob] Dole Foundation; Cindi iJ;'ones
  • already ho peful signs of progress are emerging throughout the country TI1e Clinton Administration began making progress almost immediately upon raking office. For example, tlle first bill President Clinton signed into law was the Family and Medical Leave
  • . 'For example, after a case manager enrolls a child iQ Aftercare, the case manager meets with the child and his/her family to find out what type of servicei they need. The case manager then develops a service plan intended to meet the needs identified
  • ............................................................................... . Bowman, Michael E., director, Information Services, United Grocers, Inc.......... Brawner. Frank, executive vice president, Oregon Bankers Association ............ . Cease, Hon. Ron. State senator, district 10, State of Oregon, and member,' Oregon Hunger
  • overall arching goal, 8 it is without question a goal that the President arid I 9 talked about when I accepted this position. ~very si~p~e And that say,~t 10 11 , is, it is full well how 12 every child in America shall be empowered to develop
  • , San Fran~isco City Attorney (CA) Mavis Thompson, St. Louis City Clerk (MO) Ruth Messinger, Manhattan Borough President (NY) :: 'Helen Snlith, Cleveland City Council (OH) . Stephanie Tubbs Jones, .Cuyahoga City Prosecutor (OH) Happy Fernandez
  • trade.secrets or confidcntial commercial or financial information l(a)(4) ofthe PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President .' and bis advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) oUhe PRAI P6 Release would constitllte a clearly
  • President and Executive Director Best Friends Foundation 2000 N Street, N.W., Suite 201 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 822-9266 Design by: Maggie Burton, Admar Designs, Fairfax, VA Printed by: Proforma Printech, Fairfax, VA e Welcome to Best Friends You
  • for preschool children by ,2002 in his balanced budget. . • Raising Education Standards: In.1994, President Clinton signed into law the Goals 2000 Act which supports the development of stalldards of excellence' for students and encourages grassroots reforms
  • -drug community activists the President announced that he would be convening a conference in early January entitled, "White House Leadership Conference on Youth, Drug Use and Violence." The President agreed to do this conference for the following reason
  • E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 27-Feb-1995 09:26am TO: Carol H. Rasco FROM: stephen C. Warnath Domestic policy Council SUBJECT: meeting with Gil Casellas Good morning! You have a meeting scheduled this morning
  • BOMA [Building Owners and Managers Association] James C. Dinegar, President Phone Call: 6-22-93 10:30 a.m.
  • ,, \ THE W H ITE HOUSE B U,.I L D I ... G 0 W NER5 AND MAN AGE R 5 ASS 0 C I A T ION April 5, 1993 Ms. Carol Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Ms. Rasco: I N T ERN A T ION A L
  • School District An Exciting and Innovative Center for Developing young Minds The Schoolofthe~~.=Future Board of Trustees Dorothy Adkins, President Frank R. Reyes, Vice President Pinky Brauer, Secretary Manuel Flores, Assistant Secretary
  • FEB-03-1993 09:46 FROM OFC OF SECRETARY ,; TO 94562878 P.02 jJ : :: : . Interagency Counoil on the Homeless ~he Interagonay Council on the Homeless includes tho bea41 (or their designees) of the following- 17 Federal departments
  • E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE. 0 F THE 13-Feb-1995 09:35am TO: Carol H. Rasco FROM: Michael Levitan Domestic Policy Council CC: Gaynor R. McCown SUBJECT: RE: NGA Meeting Next Week Happy to talk whenever you have time the next two days. I
  • version of the system donated by the Presidency of that country. 3 " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.- Expert Systems for the Analysis of Public Policies A project for the development of expert systems for the analysis of public policies has
  • season to you and all of your loved ones. Sincerely, ~ LCv~JIU .1 A'; Carol H. Ra~ Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON November 22, 1996 Dr. Ramon Garcia-Barrios Director of Early Childhood Development Texas
  • : Keith Kambak Vice President, Design, Development and Construction Gaylord Entertainment Charles B. Mcllwaine Vice President, Corporate Communications' The. Coleman Company, Inc. ,I,. Clinton Presidential Records Digital Records Marker
  • as Chair. and Vice-Chair of the Committee on Human Resources. The letter expressed concenis about: (1) the proposed reduction in funding for education and training; (2) the proposed governance structures and procedures (including local workforce development
  • Meeting with Monroe Mitchell, Charles Bussey Child Development Center May 1, 1996
  • Chairman Mrs. Joan Zumwalt Vice Chairman Mr. V. Alton Johnson Secretary I Treasurer " MS. Carol H. RaseD -, Assistant to The President For Domestic Policy The White House" Washington, D. C. Mr. Robert Bamburg M r. Robert Ferguson Senaior Bill
  • THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF DOMESTIC POLICY CAROL H. RASCO Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy To: Draft response for POTUS and forward to CHR by: ------f>,r--'l---r--t-----7-~Draft response for CHR by: ---+'>.N..s..J'--'-+'H"",W-l
  • '.. ,':.::~:: '..>:.I!jffC. '~"k~·'.-~6·. . "~i. •. i Po(L w2D.3/f3l)Pt ' THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate 'Release . March 3, 1995 PRESS CONFERENCE BY THE PRESIDENT Room 450 Old Executive Office Buildinq 1:00 P.M
  • was cheering! We especially 'appreciated the .ntion of community colteges and vouchers for trainingu;nder the new workforce development system. Hats ,off to everyone who contributed to the speech - it was wonderfully done and of course no one can wow'em like
  • to develop a means by which the Council can lead The United Methodist to a transforming response to the reality ofGod's presence and mstry with the world's children. A task force was appointed by the Episcopal Initiatives Committee and directed
  • , thanks for the invitation for Tuesday evening. I hope to meet with that group another time~ ••• here's hoping there isn't a "NAFTA" type vote anytime real soon. 707 North Broadway Baltimore, Maryland Telephone Fax 2I 205 Nancy lim Zant Vice President
  • .,' Carol RaSco accepts with pleasure your kind invitation to the dinner on June 16 at 7 p.. m. at the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa. : Thank you. THE HENRY). KAISER FAMILY FOUNDATION May 19, 1994 Ms. Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President
  • these issues. C;:~ Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy ", THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 4, 1995 Thomas Shellabarger Policy Advisor, Urban, Economic Issues Department of Social Development and World Pe?,ce' 3211 4th Street
  • are in Arka.nsa.s and the south, we stl11 nave su~stantial tacilities ana over 4,700 employees in t.he three attacted states. I realizG you are not direotly involved in the plan development, but G-P is interested in being supportive ot the President When
  • Flowers Operator; Wilcox Ranch: Bartlett Pears, Cherries M. Campbell T.LaSaIJe Development Officer, College of Agriculture, University of California at Davis President/CEO, Agricultural Education Foundation B. Norton WI H ',-;W...........·S&4&Hi
  • The DELTA Project What Works! - Community Programs in Action March 17, 1996 MS.Carol Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Ms. Rasco: Executive Directors Anne Harrison-Clark
  • , " , r I j e J February 1,1996 ," l ",. Mr. Milton Goldberg Senior Vic~ President: ofEducation . Nation'al Alliance of Business 1201 New York Ave., NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005-3917 ., .RE:National Educational Standards
  • to develop some key messaqes around children and families and possible strategies for . del.ivering these messages. We would like to share with you some themes and recommendations, and to urqe President Clinton (and the Administration) to seize
  • E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 16-0ct-1996 02:38pm TO: Claudia M: Rayford-Williams· FROM: Lyndell 'Hogan Domestic policy Council CC: Elizabeth E. Drye CC: Carol H. Rasco C C : J i l l Pizzuto SUBJECT: RE
  • with that and willing to commit to a according to his f of Staff. t me know if you have any comments. NOTES FOR MEETING WITH SECRETARY This meeting designed to agree with Secretary Riley on need to develop our "next stage" of thinking in education ;policy
  • President has frequently expressed, the need to "Reinvent Fmnily Policy". and his strongly held belief in the importance of involving families has been infiuentialin developing policy. Many of the administration's domestic policy ini~atives reflect his
  • The Honorable Michela Alioto Deputy Assistant to the Vice-President for Domestic Policy Old Executive Office Building Rm 284 Washingtbn, DC 20500 The Honorable Bob Boorstin Special Assistant to the President for Policy Old Executive Office Building Rm 164
  • Nlimberof pages including cover sheet: I , 2 .page(s) total I' t I Message I ! '. . '. ' ' ' . " .' . . ! , . For our conference call today at 1:30 PM we have developed a one':page description (attached) of hoW We envision 'a national event. We
  • , recognition of hospitals meeting the Ten S~eps, . . :including pretesting any assessment tools, . developed by the project staff. 4) Following the last meeting o~ the Expert Work Group, prepare a report of i I I , , ,. I recommendations based
  • today appointing a principal's committee on Education, Training and Reemployment as a joint project of the NEC and the DPC to be co-chaired by Bob Rubin and Carol Rasco. This group will coordinate our Administration policy development
  • B()nnet.te field~ qu~stions fro~ the' ~ews m~dia PARTNERSHIP FOR A DRUG~FREE AMERICA \W~y 2. 8 \SJ96 May 23, 1996 Ms. Carol Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Office of Policy Development 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
  • 201 North Union Street, Suite 320 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Tel 703·73~875 Fax 703·739·0878 NHSA Hotline 703·739·0879 AprilS, 1995 Ms. Carol Rasco Domestic Policy Advisor to the President The White House 1600 Penn~ylvania Avenue, N.W
  • E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID, EN T) 24-Mar-1995 06,:11pm TO: Carol H. Rasco FROM: Gaynor R.o McCown Domestic Policy Council SUBJECT: meeting with the foundations , Carol: In preparation for our Friday meeting on EZs
  • developing (as the law rt:quires) our "na.tional priorities·. We 00090 a name •• AmeriCorps - to evoke a national patriotic spirit. We are working to b:ep President Clinton's Cabinet. Secretaries actively involved in service. And, we are goinS to take
  • THE WHITE HOUSE THE ~HITE·"HOUSE ~ l ~, (). ,~ OFFICE OF DOMESTIC POLICY CAROL H. RASCO Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy To: l,ktf{i. Draft response for POTUS and forward to CHR by: , 'tv1 tVta lc. c0> /.' \\ \tl Draft
  • , Projects and Services, The President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities Jilo\v to \Veite and lbinp lement an Effective Aiv?' (WORKSHOP SETS 11* VI) I Ideas for the effective development and execution of an affirmative action plan will b
  • President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities 7-7-93 2:00 p.m.
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Dale-S. Brown Program Manager President's Committee on Employment of People kith Disabilities I 1331 F Street, N.W. : Washington, D.C. 20004-1107 THE WHITE HOUSE J Qm . -wQ; ~ I/lY"""'W
  • at a level , ~fSS million doU~ 10 fund three .Research and Develop;'r,nentProjeets on H~a1tha.ndfin.t:5S il1 persons with de....elopmental di~bmties. The Ilpplicants~m be University Affi1iatod Prognms watkins in close parmetships 'With ont: or mtm private Co
  • and it is an appropriate time to begin developing strategies for how we want to proceed. Attached you will find the letter to the President from Governor Carlson of Minnesota. This may provide a good jumping off point for the meeting since it is a concrete proposal. I'm
  • for this meeting. Ji.o.v. . I As I prepared to come here, I could not help but. think back eight years ago to thE~ signing of the Family Support Act. ... then Governors Clinton and Castle represented the NGA in the Rose Garden as President Reagan signed
  • leadership among other national groups and opinion molders and in Congress to develop programs and policies that support collaborative integration of resources and services for children. The local schoQI board is the fundamental unit of American
  • , CA 93534 805 94~ 0942 (phone and fax) Cf1 THE WHITE H'OUSE WASHINGTON M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Child Welfare Discussion Parti'cipants From: Lyn Hogan Senior Policy Analyst Domestic Policy Council Date: Septem~er Re: Questions To Consider
  • H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 .. '-J~ ~ ~~...-: Dear Ms, Rasco: . ~ ~ ~. univer~ It is hard to put into words the impact your visit made on those of us at Gallaudet
  • development banks, Head Start, low-lncomc CDCl'gy assistance • programs. • . . President Ointon has stated that to restore our cities and encourage rurd economic development, WI; must cr~ a partnen;bip at all levels, comm.itted to excellence
  • development banks, Head Start, low-lncomc CDCl'gy assistance • programs. • . . President Ointon has stated that to restore our cities and encourage rurd economic development, WI; must cr~ a partnen;bip at all levels, comm.itted to excellence
  • a comprehensive new health care plan. And during this Congress we're going to fulfill the dream of every Democratic president since Harry Truman and make health insurance a reality for all. Third, the President i~ promoting the development of young c::::hildren
  • in as the. Assistant Secretary for International Economic Policy at the Department of Commerce on April 4, 1994 following confirmation by the United States Senate. As Assistant Secretary, Mr. Meissner was responsible for international commercial pollcy development
  • OFFI~E 1oF--;""'ESTIC pOLICY '-t~~;~ ":"::. :. \ ...., ~lQJ, TiE WHITE HOUSE FROM THE OFFICE OF: '. CAROLH. RASCO ASSISTANT TO THB PRESIDENT FOR IDOKESTIC POLIcY TO:~e~!iif- BY:~I________________~~,~~~~~/' ' . "'l,;,t-' DRAFT RESPONSE
  • to be professionally proow::cd and distributed to lelt;'vision stations niitionwide. Every participating studettt receivE'S a certificate of recognition for his efforts.•
  • Carol Rasco (10 mins) o Welcome on behalf of the President o Review of President's commitment/past involvement with the issue o Place of issue on Pres agenda o Importance of the Govs support in welfare reform . Rahm Emanuel (10 mins) o Place
  • have developed legislation which shares many of his priorities. President Clinton sponsored innovative programs as governor of Arkansas and was instrumental in passage of the Family Support Act of 1988. His campaign focused attention on welfare
  • in a concept of utility; the products were designed and developed with the ultimate users in mind and were oriented to practical considerations. These products are useful to developmental disabilities councils, developmental disabilities staff, direct services
  • organizations, religious institutions, and others to improve relations among diverse youth require a solid knowledge base from research and expert experience," commented David A. Hamburg, the Corporation's president. "Research on these crucial problems has
  • to have more information on the UAW~GM Child Development Center. I extend both gratitude and best wishes as you continue your work in the vital areas of children and family services. Sincerely, ~ Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic
  • feel free to contact me anytime. Sincerely, ~ Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy CLINTON LIBRARY PHOTOCOPY ,~ " .. I.', ' TH E WH rrE, HOUSE " ' "WASH I NGTO'N ,March 5, 1996' ~ ',' Ms. Cathy Cavender Executive
  • guide which provides 'a comprehensive approach to integrating universal access into outdoor recreation envir~nments. The guide w'as developed by Project Play and , Learning in Adaptable Environments, Inc.' in partnership with the USDA . Forest S~rvice ~d
  • ~'-) ~,\~~~tl J~~}~JS'\.~)U ( '-~~!r~.~\j ~Gd.y ._- ------~- ---- -------------­ l~'\J ~ \\9-.fiR U..Q} ~rfJ.A.~(),j,'\? ·\~W . _ \ .~ -- •....... Third, the President is promoting the development of young children with the biggest expansion of Head
  • ,~-------- _'~ I i . ll­ . 11 ~:;:;: . --------­ DAVID A. DODD Vice President and General Manager Pharmaceutical Products W'VETH·A'VERST LABORATORIES Fax: 215-688-2762 PO Box 8299 Philadelphia, PA 19101 (21 5) 971·5880 r1=IR-16-1933 22:51 FROM DEP
  • 16, 1994 ,­ - The Honorable Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President Office of Domestic Policy The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 2nd Floor West Wing. Washington, DC 20500 near Ms. Rasco: - I am writing on behalf of Newton Minow
  • I've just cited is clearly a system in need of serious, urgent reform. Next, the President is promoting the development of young children with the biggest expansion of Head Start ever. But the administration is not just going to make Head Start bigger
  • : The President Carolyn Staley National Institute for Uteracy . 800 Conn. Ave. NW#200 Phone Phone Fax Phone (703) 734-0304 Fax Phone Icc: REMARKS: 0 Urgent Dear Mr. President: 0 For your review 0 Reply ASAP D Please Comment GfJ~!3 LE5S YfJ u
  • eligible by the state. OPTIONS: The VFC is a critical part of the President':;; Childhood Immunization Initiative (CII) because it provides the funds to purchase vaccinE=! for low-income and, otherwise, needy children. (The other four parts of the CII
  • that the President is working on legislation that will make the goals meaningful and effective for every school district in America, through'" o o o o meaningful standards and assessment reformed curricula that reflect the goals' fair opportunity to learn
  • a reality for all. Third, the President is promoting the development of young children with the biggest expansion of Head Start ever. But the administration is not just going to make Head Start bigger: we're going to make it better. We're going
  • President Clinton announced at the White House yesterday that the deficit for Fiscal Year 1995 was $164 billion, nearly half of what it was just three years ago when he took office. The President is proud that such success could come while
  • dcvelopment and public welfare. His edicts. carved on Slone pillars throughout his empire. survive to bear ,""itncss 10 his faith in the pritnacy of moral law as a guide to public action, I . FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT: William D'raj10n - B.A. Harvard Collegc
  • ·" THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON November lB, 1993 , Rachelle Horowitz Assistant to the President for Political Affairs American Federal of Teachers , 555 New Jersey Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20001 I Dear Rachelle: , It was so good to visit
  • Support Services," this new program provides capped entitlement funding to State child welfare agencies - - I "for the purpose of encouraging and enabling each State to develop and establish, or expand, and to operate a program of family preservation
  • : environmental technologies. 8:00 - 10:00 Dinner Hosted by the Vice-President, Ministers and senior officials by invitation. DAY TWO 9:00am-11:15 Labor Markets, Programs, and Policies Reich, host moderator. Initial brief remarks by host moderator
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHI NGTON ,'. 1 .~ ''!: ;:.. MAY I 5 1995 ' . National.Organization for Ra,re Disorders, Inc.® Chairman: Jeu Thoene, M,D, President: Abbey S. Meyen; NORD .10'0 Rt. 37, P.O. Box 8923. New Fairfield, CT 06812-8923 .'(203
  • to introduce themselves and give a brief description of the comprehensive initiatives with which they are involved. 10:30 - 11 :00 Evaluation Steering Committee Update: By Lisbeth B. Schorr In 1993, Roundtable members askedthe co-chairs and director to develop
  • . If the President wishes to propose the extension of some or all of these provisions, such proposals should be included in the FY 1995 budget submission to the Congress. This memorandum describes each of the expiring provisions and provides you
  • :! 176.Z0 H:3j Ll£I7-£6£-ZOC::Gr A18W.SS~·1~Nf8Sj/Il[~ .', ,~ February l, 1994 Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy The White House Washington, DC I: 20500 Dear Carol. • I: , On behalf of the,Board of Dlr~,pt~rs
  • to discuss their visits to EZs and Ees and re~t contributions your agencies have made, to the. EZ/EC efron. The Vice President looks forwar~ to a productive discussion~QIl!Qrrqw.' .. -,.. \ ~"1 ~J~ :1, , CO'VER + THREE, PAGES '~'': ~~. ·t f
  • Counselor to the President FROM: Atlanta Paralympic Organizing Committee. DATE: February 8, 1995 RE: Background Information for February 9 Meeting ================= J ,=======~= This is to provide information for your February 9 meeting
  • and screening is a significant state need. Arkansas is one of three states identified by the Lower Mississippi Delta Development Commission as being among the poorest and most economically depressed in the nation. These, counties average 30% African-American
  • Mulli lP\lel Patklt'lg MLP1 ... MI,,/IU Y",.! Patking NUtI Mum lawti F'anung Remarks of Carol H. Rasco Assistant to the President, Domestic Policy Advisor at National Institutes of Health December 5, 1994 2 do GOOD AFTERNOON
  • ." ... 2. To develop ;.' " ',". "",,"" .-'" ~ ) " .' '~". J " .­ to.. >rtj;;':I~ ~r~vid~ the leadershi~ 'and'sup~rt 'required to .. , ".:,.' ',- adminjst~qtive clear.lydefinedpartiCi~ative~decision :~aking ,.'f }' , ,.'; .r
  • Bussard was diagnosed as hauing cerebral palsy, a condition that develops when. the brain does not recelue enough oHygen before or during birth.. Despite his condition lee learned to walK, .first with the assistance of braces arilt later without help; he
  • of a comprehensive health care reform plan that guarantees health security to all Americans• .. - , I But we must do more.••.we MUST do more. As. President Clinton said . l l l i U I = W8ela ;'U- in Memphis.•• It I do not believe we can rbpair the basic fabric
  • 72701 : . (501)575-5039 (501) 575-7981 (FAX) MEMORANDUM Date: October 14, 1996 To: Ms. Carol Rasco, Advisor Domestic Policy Council Carrie Rice, Stephanie Turney, Leigh Wade, Brandee Bobo (Committee of senior social work majors) Betty Guhman
  • -------~~. --------------­ LLLI MembershipO$30/Regular.OS45/Family.OS10Q or more/Sustaining No.508A MAY 1992 ing questions, EL ARTE "" AMAMANTAR offers the same " ".~':.> " reassuring information asthe English e4k'{ tions; how to position the baby¢orredly~t
  • demon­ medical sciences. Additional subjects include differential strated their clinical effectiveness both in terms of diagnosis, medical ethics, and pharmacology. The second quality ofcare and patient acceptance. " -Bighth Report 10 the President
  • , Chairmaj Bernard E. Anderson, Vice·(] Paul H. O'Neill, Treasurer June 30, 1993 Mrs. Carol Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Second Floor, West Wing The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 nJ: MD re. . _CO_R_P_O_R_A_T_IO_N
  • JUN-02-95 18,11 FROM,OMS ID. PAGE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ' I ' ! , . r J Office of Management and Budget' . , (' , - . FAX TRANSMIITAL, COVER SHEET, , , Number of pages (including cover sheet) ~J!.£d, -- ;C; YQ Date
  • and conti".. until 1100 17th Street . I Weloomlftg R~. TIwudora Oome, An..,. 91reetor. Femlly ImDSOt Seminar ~hop • MIlo Mallz ~Io.nd organl2ltJoneJ Development COMUflant Tommy DavI$, Prep fIJI Prep ROle j 12:30 ~ 1:00 PM sox LUI'lQh '1:00·4
  • foundation which helps 1900 children between the ages of 7 -12 years old. T7,C FUlldacioll provides educational opportunities to working children, as well as strengthening their development as individuals in order to stimulate an integral educational process
  • APR-15-1994 15:47 FROM CDF 7TH FL.662-3570 94562878 TO P.01 Children's Defense Fund . FAX COVER SHEET CDF DEVELOPMENT OFFICE TO:tQ~~ ui1lLk: FROM: Mf !UAAVf~ NUM·BER OF PA~ES (including this page)J-·£..~:""'---_________-+-_ FAX
  • young blacks in recent years. But the nature of black ,labor supply responses to these shifts, and other behaviors and characteristics of this grpup, have also helped . determine their observed employment and wage developments. Indeed, some
  • still our mast important job. For all my responsibllities 10 you, I still think it's my most important job. ,. '(President: Clinton, . .Xavier University, Mar~h 23, 1996) I. OVERVIEW ' .. Family-friendly businesses help workers meet
  • proposals, ideas for re.configuration of and interdepartmental cooperation among existing proqrams l leadership and speech ideas for the President and cabinet members, media and communications strategies of all kinds, and possibilities for action
  • P02 TO: ... EXPLORE,INC.· Sarah Holt Whitman president &. CEO 1435 PI~kWick Rd. , Baltimore, MD 21%01 (1') 410/448-5434 " '. (F') 410/448-1021 I. MARKET NEED . ' < < ' • • Eighty percent of all mothers with scnool-aged children
  • . Rasco clo Pat Romani Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy White House 1600 Pennsylvania AVimU€~, NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Pat: L "il' Thank you for your phllne call of yesterday. I mated'al in advance a!!! per our conversation; Dr
  • , the welfare "safety net il appears to offer little quality of life to recipients. The reverse view, . however, is that while wtlfare doesn't necessarily promote ! 1 usage, it clearly seems ofer past years. to have sustained an "underclass" of poor
  • r I I I { { {i SUMMARY OF EDUCATION CHALLENGES National Governors ASsociation, Speecb .-'/' A. Standards for Students 1. Challenge every state to develop achievement tests at every level that students must pass to be,graduated or promoted
  • approach. These were developed over 2 years in conjunction with State and local health agencies, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, other professional health ca're provider organizations, and members
  • Office of the l)irel1:Clr of Marketing Emu VroW1lm Development 3601 4th Street, Suite lC-162 I,uhh()~~k, Texas 7?4,O (1106) '43-1972 October 21, 1993 .Ms. Carol RaSCO Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy The White House West WinSt
  • -_ _ _", . · ,',' TO:. . (NAME. ORGANlLl.TION, CITYISTATS AND PHONE NUM8ER) : Carel Rlisco Assist~U\t ,to the President for Domestic Policy·' '. ·~rtn.· J~.t~ .~~. 456-2216' flOM: (NAME. ORGANlZATION. CITYISTATE AND PHONE NUMBER) : Kevin Thurm Chief of Staff, 690
  • Bill Collections - Dave Grissom, Systems Analyst, APS President Support and Development, APS Systems, Inc. 11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. , ,1:15 p.m. ,,~,,' 3:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. ,. Tuesday 7:45 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. , 9
  • • How should the President respond if Salt Lake City wins? Op.tions if they win: -- Issue a statement -- POTUS phone call to Governor, Mayor, and leaders of Salt Lake City bid committee right after the announcement -- Somehow tap into celebration
  • strategies of EZIECs. Vice President's April 26 Trip to' Rio Grande. Texas EZ. I have begun research and planning for the trip. If any of you are interested in participating, please let me know: . this would be an opportunity for you to visit a zone
  • children with special health care needs 1 , and then plan and assure that policies and programs are in place to prevent disease and disability and to promote health and development. Mechanisms for improving the health of women and children include
  • Association of Chain IJrug Stores Charks M. West, P.D., Executive Vice J)rcsidcnt NARD H. III. R('vil'W of Fcdcral II('alth Care Reform Proposals Mal'l< L. PerIis, Esq., Dkksl
  • , ,:~, , , \ . .' • : I .I' ) .,', , "; , " ) , i " , \ ",' ,"''iJRAFf ' , , MEMORANDi:JM FORTHE' PRESIDENT: ' ' , ' ), Ali~e M. 1~jvlin, and Catol Rasco " ' ,FROM: SUBJECT: , " Immigration '. ' i , ' ProgramF~~ding
  • involved are developing countrjes, threats of retaliatory withdrawal should not be a problem. The United States should enjoy some leverage in this negotiation. The negotiations would need to include not only the Uruguay Round offer, but the current tariff
  • I· CLOSEUP F:OUNDATION 44 Canal Center Plaza • Alexandria. \ 'flBinia 4-1592 • 703-706-3300 • Fax.' 703-706-0000 January 15, 1996 Ms. Carol Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
  • ;, allow families on welfare to keep more income and,aspets without losing welfare; establish Individual Development Accounts to help, them get off welfarei allow'recipients to opt for a one time $1,000 cash payment in lieu of regular monthly
  • F. .-i S Foundation for Technology Access "" FAX TRANSMISSION Date &Time: To: Rosalyn Kelly for Carol Rasco Assistant to the President From: ax Pa tIpge J 4, 1994 0.: N 202/456-2878 -=- of _3 _ _ Jacquelyn Brand Subject: Invitation
  • F. .-i S Foundation for Technology Access "" FAX TRANSMISSION Date &Time: To: Rosalyn Kelly for Carol Rasco Assistant to the President From: ax Pa tIpge J 4, 1994 0.: N 202/456-2878 -=- of _3 _ _ Jacquelyn Brand Subject: Invitation
  • for recommending improvements to the tEP for enhanced individual student learning and greater accoWltability. Within our g{&up are parents, professionals, ' . administrators and direct service staff, represE-'1ltirig the President, the U.S. Department
  • with them. Jim Bentley, the Senior Vice President, for Policy, says that they requested the meeting with you at the suggestion of Russ Harrington and Roger Bufield of Arkansas. Ira has met with Dick Davidson, Rick Pollack, and Jim Bentley ,of the AHA three
  • '" , CAROL B. RASCO Assistant to the President tor Domestic policy BVBNT: Commencement Address - School of Social Work University of Arkansas at Little Rock DATB: Friday, May 13, 1994 TID: 7: 3·0 BVBNT LOCATIOII: University
  • sense of disconnection and isolation, Americans are longing for continuiLy, coherence, commitment and cOllllllunity. The Cathedral Heritage Fuulldatio1l's ilfuseul1l wilt provide VISitors with an historic perspective of religious developments
  • · of Hellth and Human Ser· Vice" to obttrve II. national Htld Start demonaUltlon project. Jolntly developed Ind funded by the Pennanent Judkial Commlulon on J\I,Uce for Children and HHS. the projett plactl a Head Start tamUy worker at the. Children'l
  • of constituencies in the West, including ranchers, grazing interests, mining interests, , developers, etc. I share his concerns. This is really one of the crucial political jUdgeme'uts that needs to be made. , . Why Does This Order Only Cover Federal Lands
  • of Directors and city manager should work with the Little Rock School District, religious organizations, and other community groups to organize and sustain. an effective partnership to reduce the demand for alcohol and other drugs in Alert . Center areas
  • ' .. ' "-~' "' '.< .. : .!': ,., 'oJ, . •_. , . :. I ,'.~~ . : Nath~lel V' Hensnaw"'President ' '-. " ....,... ~.:' .:.. ,.'&i2rj'';~~·:~07. . ~: .., . Investment, Officer ,'at ,GoaStal EnterprISes/Inc,: : . . ' ; since ;198~'and.h~';be~nr:eSP9nsi;ble,for .~aRlng" • 'r
  • offices by 1: 00 p.m. I want to share my experiences working with states, communities, and foundations to develop comprehensive, outcome-based service strategies and how these might inform the Administration's work on welfare reform and enterprise zones
  • will be .strengthened and streamlined removing undue burden and the lack of coordination and duplication which these programs place on providers. Reforms Malpractice; • The Health Security plan will change tort law and develop alternative approaches to resblving
  • MONTHS V 9 - 15 MONTHS Draw serology for Anti HBs Titer I Revised 8/94 '{-l1..'\. () \J~\ '-I
  • , develop adolescent AIDS education programs, and provide tllbercu losis sCI'eening for the homeless In 1993 he received the CIBA­ GEIGY Ollrst:lntiing Commuf1lty Service Award. Born in Kerab. Intiia, Antony graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 1981
  • • SENT BY:Xcrox Tc l\c~oPi~r 1020 . 8-21-96 8: 19AM 2024566487" " It II r. , ~;; dr8it. Tucsd8y, 8/20/96, 7:15 p.m. President William J. Clinton Prepared Text ':~ 11 Signing of Kassebaum-KeDJit:dy Bill South Lawn ~If' AU~1%1, 1996 til iii
  • : Carol Rasco Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy SUBJECT: Commission on Childhood Disability As you are aware, the legislation making the Social Security Administration an independent agency also called for the creation of a Commission
  • to the President for Domestic Policy Second Floor, West Wing The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 · Dear Ms. Rasco: This is a critical time in the negotiations over the level of reductions to be made in the Medicare program and the ultimate decision
  • SUPPORT CENTER " March 25, 1994 Ms. Rosalyn Miller O'ff ice of the Assistant .to the , President for Domestic Policy, ' The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, ,NW Washingtori, D.C. 20500' Dear Ms. Miller: , Thank \ you for your interest
  • Louisiana Trip May 10-15, 1995: African American Churches Working in Community Development: Reinforcing the Tradition
  • . As you will recall, the 1996 Farm Bill authorized the creation of the Fund, which is the Clinton Administration's initiative to promote rural economic development. This program is currently authorized at $100 million a year for three yeats
  • .'.-',' ~ -',. ;,'.,.'" '.' .':'.. .,:"> ~~~:'. . :~, ,: ...~') -".:r ~ .: . , ..... ~'('.. :;.. . :.1':":1 .......... ~._ .J_ {", _': >,; .. . ,. ~ : ...... ; '., " ... .... , ;:.... ','­ '":-, . . .. .:' ,~" ,-v. "::''" ,,~. ". .'" ;,..... ( ..:.., URBAN POVERTY: DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY
  • , take this day as opportunity to join the best thinking ofeveryone and arrive at a plan that is family focused and future th inking. 9:30·9:45 Keith Lee Economic Development Standpoint introduction ofMarilyn lves & Glenda Bean 9:45·10:30
  • . of Education) . ~Elizabeth Savage (Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights, DOJ). Janet Allem (COS, Bureau of Management, Agency for International Development) . ...J '\ THE·WHITE HOUSE Carol H. Rasco Ii THE WHITE HOUSE
  • developed in response to previous legislation is being dismantled. RMA's were to playa role in getting the DA&A population into treatment, and administering sanctions if they did not do so. Without the authority in the law to sanction this population, SSA
  • policy responses to the growing prison population include altering the penalty structure for drug crimes, eJiPanding the space in existing corrections facilitiis, developing new, less secure facilities for non-violent drug offenders, and expanding new
  • • , . ,Welqome and introductions:,', Carol Rasco . II., ' ,- . Presentations on Developments in Managed Care for People with Disabilities, and Has's Approach o BruceViadeck, Administrator, Health Care Financ:.ingAdministratiqn, HIlS, o Robyn Stone
  • the Democratic Leadership's interest in developing a proposal to expand health care coverage for children and your Arkansas roots. In· addition, Diane Rowland, executive director of the Kaiser Commission, recently authored an article on trends in Medicaid managed
  • with a broader adolescent health "ocus, , . The a1ternat've 'S to leave the tMtst'ng ram11y Life outhor'ty as " for FY 1994 and develop a funding proposal for the FY 1995 budget. ~ HE~LTH TEL:5016612055 PROGRAMS A Proposal for Adolls(ont Hoalth June 22
  • and' substantively involved such groups,' the Department will, the, exercise of; its discretion" (a) consider whether the state has 1.lsed.a commission or other simi!'ar process whereby representatives ·of impacted groups participate in ·the development
  • acknowledge with gratitude today three individuals whose significant roles in my life have helped to prepare me for the job I am about to undertake. Mildred Barnes Hampton - my mentor, my g+andmother. She nurtured self-confidence, a belief i~ myself developed
  • : ), Breastfeeding fact sheet, 1991 '. Breastfeeding i~ an ~nequalled way of prdvidingideill/ood for the healthy growth and development of infants (lnd , has a unique biological and emotional influ~nce on the hPl/~h of both mother and child
  • ~peeohe~ eto. betweon DRIS, Central Offiee and Part)' Ass1st.d in development 01 ~n~ial s9rvic6~ policy, inuludinci a Introduction or general mnnaaement to the HEalth Service • Foun~Ation • Rer~rm • Introdu~tion ft"orkcHJ in of of dec
  • and supports, to provide services to students with disabilities in reqular educational environments, and to provide necessary training and support services to students with. disabilities. The Department encouraqes States and school districts to develop
  • and Parental Responsibility Helping Working People Child Support Enforcement Time-Limited Assistance Followed by Work Phase-in / Budget III. Related Developments IV. Next Steps . " '.,'-"'....~~-~ .' -;l ,_ =: . -':. /) ....( . .. /. . (j;iV;::---t
  • .. Then the ,-company,will market the. , techno:4ogy'to O,ther states. - " Medicaid Fraud'Efforts: Unlike Medicare, Medicaid fraud 'control, s d e c e n t r a l i z e d and is run by'the states. HCFAdoeE! encourage states to develop systems to detect fraud. Two groups
  • studies defined the nature of com­ munity-based research: clinically-focused questions· and accessible study design. They developed a model of research that maximized access to clinical trials for both community providers and patients. Today the Consortium
  • ,'... '. .....' .. •.. . . . . when necessary, pital committee that had developed concept paper sizing up thed' ............ , .. ' .' :sgoalistosee56 Fam­ ties. Nurses. doctors, social. '. ilyl{:padtavel~isadayand 20,000 and nutritionists on sta:ff had a year; AlldAllen left
  • departments for th~ prevention of HIV infection' among drug users. '. ' • • Food and , • Dru~ Administl'ation · • I, FDA is working with NIH to 'expedite development of dependency-reducing drugs, with the aim of reducing illicit drug"use
  • greatly ,rec1uc.d,or eveneli.inated" entirely. The Department encQuraq,es and 'supports the development and ,U•••mj nation, at the·." local, State and national levels, of effectiv.'clalsroom and . l:iehav~or manaqement practices.' We also believe tht.t
  • a fine job of presenting the information our communities, pu'llingthem into information sharing meetings, hosting dinners for beginning the process but then we push them out of the nest and the wings aren't developed and they don't know to whom
  • a fine job of presenting the information our communities, pu'llingthem into information sharing meetings, hosting dinners for beginning the process but then we push them out of the nest and the wings aren't developed and they don't know to whom
  • and the motivations that lead to such behavior. The survey questionnaire was developed by a national advisory group of scholars and practitioners who seek to improve the questionnaire based upon new research findings and to identify issues of concern to the field
  • TOTAL BLACK LATINO ~ o t­ U • , -, - _.' ,. ~,r ~", 80%, t t"; .... ' Do most children who (MARIJUANA/COCA.NE do soa few times or do mOIl deVelop. habit? I ,--."""'' "_.,,_ .. t. 70% .... t .... " 0