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772 results

  • /1995 P6/b(6) 009. letter \ Holiday letter to The Honorable Robert Walker (partial) (1 page) Holiday letter to Janice ,12/0411995 P6/b(6) Wolf(parti~1) (1 page) \ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • page) 06/13/1996 P61b(6) 008. list White House Briefing, June 13, 1996 - I :30-2:30 (partial) (2 pages) nd P6/b(6) 009. schedule Rasco Staff, Thursday, June 13, 1996 (partial) (I page) 06/13/1996 P61b(6) P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION
  • , 1996 (partial) (l page) 06/19/1996 p6/b(6) Rasco Staff, Tuesday,· June 18, 1996 (partial) (I page) 06/18/1996 P61b(6) I 006., schedule I ! I 007. schedule I' I COLLECTION: Clinton Pr'esidential Records Domestic 'policy Council Carol Rasco
  • Ronnie Moore (paI1ial) (I page) 12/04/1995 P61b(6) o18. let~er Holiday letter to Eduardo Mosqueta (partial) (1 page) 12/04/1995 P6/b(6) (! page) , , , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records I ' Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco' (Meetings
  • ) ' !\ 0711111995 P6/b(6) 002b. note Thank-you to Dr Lance Laurence of the Tenness~e Steering Committee (partial) (I page) , I'" 07/1111995 P6/b(6) II ,'Ii, I I:' , I I " I ' i' , , ' COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • Rental, Little Rock AR, 10/02-10/04193 (partial) (1 page) 1010411993 . P61b(6) 007c. receipt Excelsior Hotel, Little Rock AR, 10/02-10-04/93 (partialO (1 page) 1010411993 P61b(6) . I , , I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • (partial) (l page) I' 04126/1996 P61b(6) OOla. form Standard Form 1012, Travel Voucher XD6A0029 to Hartford CT and I ret to WDC, 02124/9.6 (partial) 0 page) OOlb. memo I .' .' Ii ' I ' , . COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • for Rasco, 005. business card Deborah Dorsa Carmen, MNSc, .RN (partial) (I page). COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503 . FOLDER TITLE: Travel ItinenlrY Letters, Memos
  • (6) 007f. receipt The Grand Summit Hotel, Summit NJ, I0/25-1 0/~6/94 (partial) (I page) 10/26/1994 P6/b(6) @08a. check corporate, National Easter Seal Society, Chicago IL (partial) (I page) 11128/1994 P6/b(6) 007e. receipt COLLECTION
  • the collective rights of American Indians and Alaska Natives as tribes, nations and peoples to self­ determination, sovereignty and government-to-government relations. The Clinton/Gore Plan On Issues Of Concern To Native Americans, announced at the outset
  • ) (I page) 10/04/95 P61b(6) 006. letter To christie Earle from Carol H. Rasco (partiai) (1 page) 10/04/95 P61b(6) , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, EV,ents) OAfBox Number: 7263
  • ~errunent as well as partners in private research organizations. It fosters coordination, collaboration, and integration of the collection and reportingof Federal data on child and family issues. The Forum itself meets tWo to three times during the year. Its
  • /1996 P61b(6) 010. memo from W AVES to Pizzuto re C'onfirination: Appt Request for Rasco, Carol (11/22/96@S:OOam)(partial) (I page) 002. memo 003a. calendar '. Scheduli'~g (I page) \, . 11119/1996 P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • ) 06/2111996 " P61b(6) from'yp Gore to Dr Martha Farrell Erickson et al re Farniiy Reunion' y (partial) (1 page) 05/06/1996 P6/b(6) . 009. letter COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Coun~il ' " Carol Rasco . (Meetings; Trips
  • : appt. with Dr. Stem ( I page) 08/08/94 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records' Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco OA/Box Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Pine Bluff/Little Rock (Biop]ex) September 7-9 1994: LRiPine Bluff 2010-0198-S RESTRICTION
  • ) (partial) (I page) 09/27/1996 P61b(6), b(7)(C) 011. letter from Katie Bilotta to Pizzuto re September 27, 1996 Lunch (partial) (I page) 08/2011996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library , DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list SUBJECTfflTLE DATE Interview questions for panel member Nancy Ward (partial) -(I page) RESTRICTION nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • (6) 007. list Participant list from Building the'Spirit of Community: The Black Church in the Mid South event, May 11-12, 1995, New,Orleans LA (partial) (3 pages) nd P6/b(6), COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Cliqton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTffITLE To Carol Rasco from lose Cerda III re: Meeting with National Security Director Tony Lake (l page) 04118/93 RESTRICTION P5 , ., COLLECTION
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. chart DATE SUBJECTffITLE 08/02/94 re: Charles Ballard (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • /profiles) 002freport ' P61b(6), (2 pages) , ' P6/b(6) nd COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings; Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6.135 . . FOLDER TITLE: . Atlanta Economic Summit 3/29/95 ... 20 10-0 198
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax DATE SUBJECTffITLE To Rosalind Miller from Evelyn Powell re: meeting participants (partial) (1 page) 10/25193 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
1/29/1994 (Item)
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTrnTLE To Pat From Dawn re: Debbie Bryant (partial) (l page) 01126/94 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE 1994 Yale Political Union Washington Trip Participants (partial) (2 pages) 03/02/94 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. narrative DATE SUBJECTffITLE Re: Schwarz Family Healthcare and Insurance Story (2 pages) 02120/94 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • ] (partial) (I page) COLLECTION:' Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAIBox Number: 6520 FOLDERTITLE: Fatherhood Initiative & Ex. Order F~lIow Up 12 July 1995 '10:45 - II :45 am 2010-0198-S ry898
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet I DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE Clinton Library SUBJECTrflTLE DATE RESTRICTION i 001. list Participants for White House MFeting (partial) (2 pages) 12/19/95 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • Itinerary (partial) (1 page) 03/27/96 P6/b(6) 003. calendar Re: Wednesday March 27, 1996 (partial) (1 page) 03/27/96 P6/b(6) 004. letter Draft letter from Nan Rich (partial) (I page) 03118/96 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTrrITLE White House Briefmg; RE: DOB's [partial] (2 pages) 06/13/1996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • WITH EMPLOYEES "The fourth i";portanl,'point. I believe, is to'encourage 'bus;nes; to work in greater partnership with their employees.' That can mean a lot ofthings. It can, mean a, greater voice in, the production process, it can mean good faith in collective
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND Tl'PE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTITITLE Mary Dixon to Julie Demeo and Jill Pizzuto; RE: DOB's and SSN's [partial] (2 pages) 0612511996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • are creating compliance mechanisms that stifle meaningful change. There is no collective definition of problems and solutions for states to follow, so there has been only a piecemeal approach to reform to datt:;. . Further, and equally important, long-term
  • (6) 004f. receipt AmEx charge slip, Arizona Biltmore (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) I - COLLECTION: ClintonPreside~tial Records --( Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings; Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1996 Paid
  • . There can be created a strong, workable and successful pairing between the administration and the world of non-profits, which collectively provide a forum for and address many of the issues which concern all aspects of American life, and which have national
  • standards contained in the Order will ensure increased use ·of materials being collected in office paper recycling programs administered by governments. o The elimination of the 50 % total recycled content standard for commodity grade printing
  • . We strongly support" your efforts to improve Child Support' Enforcement. We favor initiatives which enlist law enforcement agencies and the Internal Revenue Service in the collection of child support payments and take appropriate steps against those
  • (partial) (I page)· 002. list COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records . Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6519 FOLDER TITLE: Briefing: Health Care Professionals (OEOB 450) 5-18-95 10:30 - II :00 2010-0198
  • , :11 II I I , ' I I I I ' WithdrawallRedaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTfflTLE 00 I. itinerary RESTRICTION DATE Re: Carol Rasco trip (2 pages) P6!b(6) nd COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • achieved unprecedented financial support for children.' Collections for child support have grown by nearly 40 percent since 1992, to a record $11 billion, while paternity establishments have risen by more than 40 percent. We have proposed the strongest
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Domestic Policy Council (partial) (2 pages) 001. list RESTRICTION P61b(6) nd COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • on "California Medicaid Claim" (partial) (I page) 01/13/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings Trips Events) OA/Box Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: California Medicaid Waiver Mtg. 23 Jan. 1995 3-4 p.m. 20
  • Leaders (partial) (2 pages) 01/23/95 P61b(6) 002. memo To Harold Ickes from Alan D, Solomont re: White House Meeting with Nursing Home Industry Leaders (partial) (2 pages) 01/23/95 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • (partial) (2 pages) , 002. note Handwritten note (partial) 003. memo 004. memo (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 5858 FO~DER TITLE: Easter Seals Photo~Op
  • NowellfUpward Bourid (partial) ( I ,page) , . '. COLLECTION: CI inton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8503' FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [29] 2010-0198-S ke83
  • Pizzuto re One Further Note on Conference Call (1 page) . 0711711996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos
  • ' Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library . SUBJECTfflTLE DOCUMENT NO. ANDTYPE DATE To Patricia Romani from Megan Williams re: addresses (partial) (1 page) 002. memo RESTRICTION P61b(6) 12/07/95 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • E. Romani from Mail Link Monitor re: Confirmation: Appt. Request for Rasco, Carol H. (paJ:tial) (I page) 09/06/95 P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number
  • (partial) (l page) 09/25/95 P61b(6) 002. memo To Carol Rasco from Patricia Romani re: Phone call: Bishop K. Carder (partial) (1 page) 09/21195 P61b(6) COLLECTION; Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips
  • /1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8486 FOLDER TITLE: October 5, 1996 - Kellogg Fellows Mtg. 20 I 0-0 198-S dbl700 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • (partial) (I page) 02/21195 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings. Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting with John Hasselmann & Frank Torres 21 Feb. 19952:15 - 2:45 pm 20 10-0
  • ) nd RESTRICTION P61b(6) I P6!b~6) I I . I, ! i COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council ,Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: Tuesday, December 10, 1996, PM Call to Kimberly Bames
  • Request for Rasco, ,Carol (09/16/96@9:30am) (partial) (I page)' 09/13/1996 P61b(6), b(7)(C) , 007. memo from Pizzuto to W AVES re Meeting, Wednesday, Sept 18, 12: 15I :4Spm (partial) (I page) , 0911711996 P61b(6) , , ' COLLECTION: Clinton
  • /25/93 (partial) (1 page) 07/0811993 P6/b(6) I VOUChe~11 I I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 8504 FOLDER TITLE: 1993-1994 Paid Travel Expenses [4] 20 I 0-0 198
  • NO. AND TYPE COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAIBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Speech to Coalition for Juvenile Justice April 29,1996 2010-0198-S dbl637 RESTRICTION CODES
  • Christine Benero" (partial) (I page) 07/30/1996 P61b(6) 004b. memo from Christine Benero to Pizzuto re Personal Invitation for Carol Rasco (partial) (l page) 07/25/1996 - P61b(6) COLLECTION: c;Iinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • Student record from Howard University for Suzan Johnson (2 pages) n.d. P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 4592 FOLDER TITLE: Suzan Johnson Cook 6-21-93 10;00 a.m
  • Jeffrey S. Crowley re: participants (partial) (2 pages) 10117/95 P6/b(6) 005. memo To Pat Romani from Jeffrey S. Crowley re: participants (partial) (I page) 10117/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • ) 02/24/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: Miami Florida Trip February 28-March 2, 1996 [5] .20 10-0198-S kc28 RESTRICTION CODES
  • . memo Information on Kathy Wood-Dobbin (pa;tial) (I page) 07/0311995 P6/b(6) , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) .ONBox Number: 6504 FOLDER TITLE: Family Reunion IV (Nashville) 7-9
  • office staff, July ly5 (partial) (l page) . nd P61b(6) 05/0811995 P61b(6) , 004. memo 1 I from Carol Rasco to Leon Panetta et al re Travel Itinerary: May 10. May 17, 1995 (partial) page) d I I I 'I' COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • ) 10118/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6520 FOLDER TITLE: [loose documents] 2010-0198-$ ry886 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c
  • to Charleston SC and ret, 03/23/94 (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) 003b. itinerary AmEx Travel, WDC to Charleston SC and ret, 03/23195 (partial) ( I page) 03122/1995 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • page) 07/3111996 P61b(6) 003d. memo from Rasco to Demeo et al re Ph tyn Anne Knudseri ,# (partial) (1 page) . ' 07/30/1996 P61b(6) 003e. list Tasks/To Dos, August 6 & 7, 1996 (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) , " " ' COLLECTION: Clinton
  • to Derrick Gordon (partial) (I page) . 12/1511995 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) I . '. l 1 COLLECTION: . Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE: . , Alphabetized Copies
  • for Rasco, Carol (12/6/96@3:30pm)(partial) (I page) , travel authorization for Rasco to Phoen'ix AZ on 12/8 and 1'2/9/1996 (partial) (I p,age) 004. form COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events
  • :il I I 1 I, ' , I Withdrawal/Redaction 'Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTfflTLE To Carol Rasco from Betsey Wright (partial) (I page) 001. memo RESTRICTION 10/03/94 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • andDomestic . Violence Issues (partial) (I page) 005c. list Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago Housing Policy Discussion (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council , Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox
  • Procedures; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Coe College Commencement May 19, 1996 2010
  • Carol H. Rasco re: Junior League (partial) (1 page) 11116/94 P6/b(6) 005. letter To Gwendolyn Wong from Carol H. Rasco re: Junior League (partial) (I page) 11/16/94 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet -Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE 001. list . SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE Black Church Task Force members (partial) (2 pages) 05109/1995 RESTRICTION P6!b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTffITLE 08/03/94 List of invitees (partial) (2 pages) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • : orgami bird (partial) (I page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council. Carol Rasco OAlBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Nat'l Parent Network on Disabilities 1,2 Oct. Time: 9:30-10:00 2010-0198-S ry789
  • through an obstacle course of several events.! 14. HORSESHOE PITCHING - Each team member is given four horseshoes. They will then pitch the horseshoes. Most points collected wins. , ~ Ringer-3 points Closest-2 points Within horseshoe lengih-1 point
  • (partialO (1 page) RESTRICTION nd P6/b(6) nd P6/b(6) I I COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 4591 FOLDER TITLE: AIDS Provider Groups 4-16-93 11:15 a.m. ! I \ I I
  • . letter To Stan Kress from Joseph M. Hinson re: meeting (partial) (1 page) 09/20/94 P6/b(6) 003. letter To'Stan Kress from Joseph M. Hinson re: meeting (partial) (I page) 09/20/94 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • This situation is occurring e~ery type of institution and in every part of the couritry. . , 'Nurses continue to. repOrt incidents of unsafe care due to inadequate staffmg, and they do so with increasuig frequency and alarm. ANA is continuing to collect
  • ) (1 page) 11107/95 P6/b(6) 006. resume Re: Jacqueline Dunaway (partial) (1 page) 11/07/95 P6/b(6) 007. resume Curriculum Vitae of Johan Jansen (\ page) 11107/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • of births [partial] (l page) 04/18/1996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: AFLAC Meeting with David Pringle & Thomas Jolly April 19
  • . Romani ro Patricia E. Romani; RE: DOB [partial] (1 page) 04/22/1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: EZ Meeting with NPR & Community
  • : Name [partial] [50 U.S.C. 403g] (1 page) 09116/1996 P31b(3) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8486 FOLDER TITLE: September 17, 1996 Family Friendly Work Arrangements
  • . Panetta from Bryan P. DuVall re: conference (partial) (I page) 12/.04/95 P6/b(6) . .0 I .o. letter RESTRICTION COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7467 FOLDER TITLE: San
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTfflTLE To Chris Jennings from Carol Rasco re: Hubert Mayes (1 page) 05/18/93 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • the willingness or capacity of most states to perform all the tasks they will be assigned is entirely realistic. We have already concluded, wi thin HHS, that much of the data collection, editing, compilation, and analysis that will be necessa~y for this extremely
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Attendees to the American Dietetic Assoc. meeting (partial) (1 page) 06/10/93 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • page) 09/09/94 P61b(6), b(7)(E) , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco ONBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Guhman Lunch/Meeting 16 Sept. 1994 12:00 pm (Mess) 1:30 pm (CHR's office)' . Meeting: Dr. Ell [1] 2010
  • 'collection. For exafTIple:' '~The Secretary shall, in . conjunction' with the States, local " ,governments, providers and consumers, develop national goals and objectives."·· , '. , ,j ., ' .' "Performance measures" and performance targets should
  • ) COLLECTION: Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 4592 FOLDER TITLE: Gaynor McCown 6-21-93 11:45 a.m. rw145 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - [44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C
  • I WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list I E SUBJECTffITLE RESTRICTION P6/b(6) Mother's Voices Attendees (partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • ill, I, 'i , ,,: I, ' I, ", I I I ' Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE 06114/95 Schedule of the President (partial) (I page) 001. schedule RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting with Leon Weiner September 27, 1995 20' 0-0 198-S ry1l89 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Dawn Kemp Moye to Bill White; RE: SSN's, DOB's and Visa Information [partial] (2 pages) 0510611996 RESTR~CTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. agenda DATE SUBJECTffITLE Partnership for a Drug-Free America; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 06/17/1996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • ) 11129/94 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestit Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips; Events) ONBox Number: 5857 FOLDER TITLE: Interagency Immigration Meeting 29 N.ov. 19942:00-3:30 pm 20 I0-0 198-8 ry8JO RESTRICTION CODES
  • ) 11/30/94 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5857 FOLDER TITLE: Meeting: Disability Policy Rev. 30 Nov, 19942:00-3:30 2010-0198-F ry81l RESTRICTION CODES Presidential
  • over 700,000 jobs. $31 billion in wages and earnings, andS205 billion in capital investment per year~ TAX ISSUES In 1994 excise taxes. collected by States and the Federal Government totaled $12 billion. . Eight States raised 'taxes in 1994 by an average
  • ) (1 page) RESTRICTION P6!b(6) 01131195 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5857 FOLDER TITLE: Nat'l Sch. Boards Assoc. 7 Feb. 1995 12:45 - 1:45 pm 20 \ 0-0 \98-S
  • . Request for Rasco, Carol H. (partial) (I page) 02115/95 " P61b(6), b(7)(C) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, ONBox Number: 5858 ~vents) .. OLDER TITLE: .Pre-meeting for Meeting w/Kathy Hoyt
  • . for Domestic Policy Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Lil;>rary DOCUMENT NO. ANDTYPE 00 I. list DATE SUBJECTfflTLE list of meeting attendees (partial), pg 3, pg 5 (2 pages) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) ( COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • 'Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCVMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTfflTLE 00 I. list DATE Seminar on Welfare to Work Programs and Substance Abusing Populations Participant List (partial) (I page) nd RESTRICTION P61b(6) . COLLECTION
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT AND TYPE NO~ 00.1. list SUBJECTrJ'lTLE DATE . Special White House and Administrative Agency Consultation on Welform Reform Attendees (partial) (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SUBJECTfflTLE DATE Re: Summitt attendees (partial) (5 pages) nd RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • chi'ld supp~rt laws uniform acro'ss statelines;comp~terize state-wide collections to sp~ed lip p~yments; and require states to revoke drivers' and professional licenses to parents who 'refuse to pay child support. Both House and:S'enate have adopted
  • coordination, collaboration, and integration of the collection and reporting of Federal data on child and family issues. It meets two to three times per year.. Between meetings, its agenda is carried out by working groups that focus on: ~ developing priorities
  • : Cynthia Spires (partial) (l page) 07/18/94 P6/b(6) J COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic POlicy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 504] FOLDER TITLE: Appointees wlDisabilities 19 July 94 2:30-4:00 Roosevelt
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTrrITLE To Kathryn Way, Michael Schmidt, Rosalyn Miller from Carol Rasco re: Indians (1 page) 03/29/04 RESTRICTION P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • ) '. COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: California Trip September 21-24, 1995 [2] 20 10-0 198-S ry914 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c
  • their individual and collective work harder, but also provides an opportunity to set those standards. Internally, a discussion of Best Practices can help stabilize the Network, by creating a forum for Centers to iden~ify common terms, approaches and underlying
  • to Rasco from Bob Nickerson re clearance for meetings on December 3 and December 12, 1996 (partial) (2 pages) 006. emo m to Pizzuto from WA YES re Confirmation: Appt Request for Rasco, Carol (12/5/96@1: 15pm) (partial) (1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • . These would include, among other things: close oversight, of foster children's medical care or education, thorough wrilten case plans for each foster child, collection of child suppon for fosler children. state licensing or certificmion . of foster homes
  • WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax DATE SUBJECTrrITLE To Rosalyn from Linda Minick re: meeting participants (partial) (1 page) 10/13/93 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • DuffeyfUSIA request (partial) (I page) 07/30/1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, 'Events) ONBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel Itinerary Letters, Memos, and Faxes [28] 20 I0-0
  • Contact List (partial) (7 pages) 002. memo RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Preside~tial Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 6135 FOLDER TITLE: South Carolina March 23, 1995 .. 20 I0-0 198-S
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. itinerary DATE SU BJECTlflTLE Re: Carol Rasco March 27,1996 (partial) (I page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) 03/27/96 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. paper DATE SUBJECTfflTLE RE: Telephone number's [partial] (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • ,I , j'l I 'I : '" II' I ":! , ; Witharawal/RedJction Sheet I DOCUMENT :"i0. A:"iDTYPE Cliilton Lil~rary DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 00 I. list DPC Meeting - NovembJ21, 1994 (partial) (I page) RESTRICTION 11121/94 P6/b(6) ! ! COLLECTION
  • includes the child support enforcement. measures the President proposed two years ago. These sweeping changes could increase· child support collections by $24 billion over 10 years . 18 They will make it easier to establish paternity, track delinquent
  • . That means /YWn establishing paternity right at the start, in the hospital; rt~, setting up a national registry; and using the IRS to collect seriously delinquent child support payments. The principle is simple: if you are biologically responsible
  • from Rhonda Dishner (I page) 11/04/94 P61b(6) 003. bio Bio of Jack A. McNulty (partial) (I page) Ul04/94 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco , OAJBox Number: 5261 FOLDER TITLE: Pine Bluff/Little
  • note (partial) (1 page) nd ' P61b(6) 003. fax To Waves from Julie Demeo (partial) (I page) 03/22/95 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6135 ' FOLDER
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOcuMENT NO. ANDT¥PE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTlfITLE To Rosalyn Miller from Alex Martin re: attendees (partial) (1 page) 09/16/93 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clintdn Presidential Records Dome~tic
  • know collectively and what advice you might Many, many thanks! '1 . DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH .. HUMAN SERVICES Chief of Staff Washington, D,C, 20201 DEC I. 4 1993 Carol TO: Rasco Kevin Thurm FROM: ,SUBJECT: , c:i:-" ..-­ ' , , ' Meeting
  • , or as a militant hoarding weapons for protection. He belongs to no militia group, he said, or any other group associated with such,organi· zalions. , His gun collection, he said, was the result of a hobby, not a busi­ ness, "Of all the guns that had been stolen, I
  • homeless population who use services and how this population has changed since 1987 in urban areas. ' Specifically, the survey will collect: L National information on the types of services available to homeless persons in both urban and rural communities
  • Participants, School to Work (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) 003. list Participants, School to Work (partial) (1 page) nd P61b(6) . 001. memo COLLECTION:. Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box
  • to develop more comprehensive knowledge and data collection on the issue of unwaged work. o The United States clarified that it understood a section of the document describing causes of environmental degradation not to imply that these conditions always cause
  • " of this plan are: o' allowing SSA clients to purchase Medicaid or Medicare on a sliding scale as income rises; '.0 a disability tax credit for workers; o allowing rehab providers who successfully remove people froin the rolls to collect a percentage
  • Withdrawal/Redaction 'Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. note SUBJECTfTITLE DATE Randy Martin's infonnation (handwritten) (paftial) (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • , activities and policies are undertaken in a,consistent manner. . •. Coordinating research;' • Coordinating data collection; . 1 • Examining existing data and studies on,environmental justice; • Developing,inter~gencymodld • Holding public
  • , an independent project is completed to allow Fellows to explore in depth a topic of particular interest. • Field placement supervisors and selinar faculty members provide additional support and assistance to Fellows. Individually and collectively these people
  • ) / COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 7263 ' FOLDER TITLE: NIGA Meeting October 3, 1995 2010-0198-S ry921 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.c. 2204(a)1
  • : ,1111: , ;: I I I I I I WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTrrlTLE 001. memo DATE To Julie E. Demeo from Patricia E. Romani re: Mary Fetsch (1 page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) 10/18/95 COLLECTION
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter SUBJECTffITLE DATE Joan Kilburn to Carol Rasco; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (l page) 0112911996 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • are wecurrentIy collecting in each area? What do we need to answer the impact ·questions better? Identifying and Implementing Change: What changes are needed to program purposes and program structure to better meet current Federal responsibilities? . Are we
  • -reviewed scientific process. They also w01,lld prevent the collection of information about behaviors that lead to mv infection needed to design better prevention interventions. Requiring' parental consent would not unduly inhibjt the collection o
  • I ' 'I II I 'I ' : ' I I I ."'- - 'I r I I ' Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. schedule DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 02/24/95 Schedule of Carol H. Rasco (Partial) (\ page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. fax DATE SUBJECTffITLE To Suzan Johnson Cook from Margaret A. Siegel re: visitors (partial) (2 pages) 11/08/93 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • Schedule for Patricia S. Fleming ... Sunday-Sunday, October 6-13, i996 (partial) (2 pages)· nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council i Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAJBox Number: 8503 FOLDER TITLE: Travel
  • /2911995 ~6/b(6) 004. receipt AmEx charge slip for St Louis Marriott, St Louis MO (partial) (I page) 03/29/1995 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic PolicyCouncil Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 8504 FOLDER
  • ) n.d. P6!b(6) 003. report Speaker Profiles (Stephanie Michrina) (partial) (l page) n.d. P6!b(6) 004. report ~anelist n.d. P6!b(6) Profiles (Penny Crawley) (partial) (l page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • to integrate education and social services in a· family-responsive way a decade ago is now becoming a way of life in many places. It is our hope that this meeting will provide an opportunity to crystallize your own experiences while we collectively analyze
  • H. Rasco (partial) (I page) RESTRICTION 10/06/95 P61b(6) 10/06/95 P61b(6) \, \ COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) . ONBox Number: 7263 FOLDER TITLE: Teen Pregnancy Meeting
  • child support plan, a part of his welfare reform legislation, would double child support collections by the year 2000. By executive order, federal agencies have been directed to cooperate with state efforts to identify and locate absent parents
  • as laboratories of democracy should be enhanced by a federal government willing to learn from subnational successes, to collect, evaluate, and disseminate information about these successes, and-in general-to make it easier for different locales to learn from one
  • /1996 P6/b(6) OOlc. card RE: Addresses and DOB's [partial] (2 pages) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8487 FOLDER TITLE: Albany/Schenectady/Troy NY
  • in the public world'are str3tegic. Concepts of self- , interest. diversity and power Come out of an understanding ofpublic life a space in which we act on diverse .seW·interests to solve common problems, using our collective power
  • To Ronald ,6. Andrew from Patricia E. Romani re: appt. request (partial) (1 page) 07/25/94 P61b(6) 004. list ACORN Meeting Attendees (partial) (1 page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • 1:.1' ' . . .' I .; Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet , DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list Clinton Library SUBJECTfflTLE DATE List of Visitors (partial) (I page) 03/27/95 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records 'Domestic
  • page) 02/06/96 P61b(6) 003. itinerary For Carol Rasco (partial) (I page) 01/25/96 P61b(6) 004. calendar Tuesday February 6, 1996 (partial) (1 page) 02/06/96 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • later, the two married and now own one of the most expansive collections in this part of the country. . Mr. Doumbouya's father is a noted collector. and .has furnished. well­ known museums and universities. in the U. S. and Europe with primitive African
  • : Address [partial] (1 page) 10/28/1996 P6/b(6) OOlc. letter Carol Rasco to Milton panzer;RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 10/2811 996 P6/b(6) 00 I d. letter Carol Rasco to Helen Philpott; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 10128/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • - Robinson, Reggie .and RESTRICTION . ,·t .j! 1· l If "'; IJ .il IlJ' ill' ',' I " COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Couricil Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONB~x Number: 5857 FOLDER TITLE: Association of Junior
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet c Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE . 00 Lform . DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 1110511996 OA Fonn for Rasco, T A00074 7 (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • with the administrative and reimbursement practices of multiple plans. This should be of less concern under managed competitiQn,where there presumably would be a standardized benefit plan, common administrative and data collection procedures for health plans, and control
  • reform. • Dramatically Improving Child Support Enforcement, by increasing paternity establishment at birth. improving the collection system, requiring absent parents to take responsibility for their children, and perhaps testing SOme fonn of child support
  • ' " COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco ONBox Number: 5261 ; .', FOLDER TITLE: January 24, 1994 - DPe Mtg. 2010-0198-S ry774 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 V.S.c. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act
  • II,' I! I I . •. I ,I I : Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTfflTLE 00 I. schedule Re: Wednesday November 29, 1995 (partial) (I page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) 11129/95 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • every day, often through hard tlmes,1 just· I . , , '. .~s you yourself did to fu1611the dream, the journey. .,A­ . . . ' I . ' : ) . ' " . I, .rUege .degree is· a· collective achievement, because for' ... I .'~very person dressed in black
  • and Julie Demeo; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) 08/15/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 8486 FOLDER TITLE: September 25-26, 1996 - Orlando
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTfflTLE RESTRICTION 001. calendar RE: Personal [partial] (1 page) 1011996 P6/b(6) 002. calendar RE: Personal [partial] (1 page) 10/1996 P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • : Address [partial] (I page) 0511711996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 7678 FOLDER TITLE: Las Vegas, NV May 13 Gov. Miller & Las Vegas EC [1] 2010-0198-8
  • 250 physicians, nurses, and, other clinicians who work at publicly-funded clinics, academic, medical. centers, and HMOs. Collectively, members of the consortium care for the majority . of persons living with mv in the bay area. In 1988, th~ CC
  • ; RE: Address [partial] (l page) n.d. P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 7679 FOLDER TITLE: WaYne County Community College 6/14/96 Commencement Speech
  • qlinton Lib~ary DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUR.JECTrflTLE RESTRICTION I :1 11/04/94 Itinerary for Carol Rasco (partial) (11 page) 00 I. itinerary P61b(6) I· I· , COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • of chances to collect, display, and analyze their own data, as the NCTM Standards suggest. If the task is going to fit within a single class period, however, there is not enough time to create five graphs for comparison. As a result, this task uses data
  • to data collection and analysis, along with explicit authority for such activity. The block gmnt should be Ioglt:aHy organized llround simllaf ptOgfsms and 6xperU!£8. The MCH Services Block Grant legislation in 19B1 brought together programs that had
  • the Federal government has-nq ownership' i n t e ' r e s t ' . ' \ , ',' _ ' " ~. ." ' . . ' , ' See. "111. Collection ,and Compilation of Information. 'The 'Fund ,is required to collect' and compile ,irifqrmi?-tion qn the creation
  • (6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: National Asso,c. of Elementary School Principals and National Assoc. of Secondary . School Principals 13
  • & SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM YES! I wish to invest in RSVP and collect great dividends. Name __________________________ Addmss _________________________ Phone ( If the cost of bus fare, gas or lunch makes it financially difficult for you to volunteer
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. letter DATE SUBJECTtrITLE 07/09/93 From Carole L. Sherman re: VOR (2 pages) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. note DATE SUBJECTffITLE Re: visitors (partial) (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • III: I! I I 'I I I I I I Withdrawal/Redacti on Sheet Clinton Library , DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list RESTRICTION DATE SUBJECTrrITLE nd Special Olympics - Alphabetized Speaker List (partial) (3 pages) .' P61b(6) " COLLECTION
  • At the Table - Sheryl Dicker (partial) (1 page) 01/31/96 P6/b(6) 003. list "At the Table" List of Participants (partial) (1 page) 01/31/96 P6/b(6) 004. list "At the Table" List of Participants (partial) (1 page) 01/31196 P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE National Officers; RE: Addresses and phone numbers [partial] (2 pages) 06/03/1996 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • -9960 ('). . International travelers, call collect." 404-559-4410 PLEASE REFERENCE THE VIT CODE ON YOUR ITINERARY .: .c,;; By accepting the~Jicket(s)_ voucher(s) or other evidence of travel arrangements, the customer understands that WorldTravel Partners
  • 1 I i I i , WithdrawallRedaction Sheet, ,Clinton Library' DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTrrITLE 001. note nd Handwritten note (partial) ( I page) RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • , and Special Guests (partial) (2 pages) 001. list RESTRICTION P61b(6) 03/02/95 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 5858 FOLDER TITLE: Mrs. Gore's Briefing re: Mental Health
  • P61b(6) 007. letter Carol Rasco to Frank: G. White; RE: Address [partial] (1 page) 11/0111996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAiBox Number: 8486 FOLDER TITLE
  • & Machining Association (see Appendix 3 for listing of businesses involved in SChOOI-t~-work activities) . We expect to collect many corporate endorsementis of the Administration'sproposal by the time of its arinouncement. In ~ddition, more than 7S national
  • II! II I I, I I • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet , ' Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. ,AND TVPE DATE SUBJECTfTlTLE Schedule of Carol Rasco for Thursday, May 18 (partial) (l page) 00 I. schedule RESTRICTION P61b(6) nd COLLECTION: Clinton
  • of their collective cpmmitment and on-going partnerships to implement ' ~~~~ • • , , ' , " " , the extent to which the state a~d local government will eliminate unnecessary state and local barrierS to sustainable I economic development and safe environmental
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SUBJECTfflTLE DATE 03/04/96 Re: Attendees (partial) (J page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list DATE SUBJECTrrlTLE Re: Attendees (partial) (1 page) nd RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • : this administration' collected a :r;e,cord $10 billion in child'support in 1994. And we have done,all this in a way tha~ is fair to children. " ' 5 If 'it is done right, welfare reform will move people off the 'welfare rolls so they can' earn a paycheck
  • ) 003. letters Children's letters; RE: Addresses [partial] (11 pages) RESTRICTION n.d. P61b(6) n.d. P61b(6) 0510711996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox
  • . I al.~o want you to know that I am happy to work on the coordination of yO~tr presentation with your staff if you so i' choose. , Your appearance at this meeting would have a very positive impact on our collective work, and I believe you would enjoy
  • 1,1 i i ' 'I I :: Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DATE SUBJECTfnTLE DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE Handwritten note (partial) (I page) 001. note RESTRICTION nd P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council
  • . a lot of them will. ~and ki'Ods?'" ' . expected, :eadilY WIderstanda~le pat,~ you ,can't blame' their deaths' eat OIl ., ' terns of Illness or collections of Gingrich." , " •. . , . . .'. " . ' . -XeDt AiDos . symptoms..And .they .r~ge far
  • , ! provide a critical link between the military and civilian communities. The tenn "civilJ : military program" is often used to collectively describe any joint effort or activity : between the community and the military. Command Community Relations Programs
  • and oversee the delivery of residential, daytime and support services for individuals with severe, lifelong disabilities. This year state MRIDD agencies, collectively, will spend more than $16 billion on services to ch ildren and adults with. severe
  • Developments regarding Academic Standards collect, analyze, and report periodically upon developments in state and subject area academic standards, indicate trends in general terms. A.2) Create a Framework to Define World-Class Academic Standards survey both
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. bio . DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Dr Henry Foster, Jr. (partial) (I page) nd RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • cellent modern facilities grace the campus-the Sheldon ( , 1 Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden, Kimball Recital t Hall. Temple Theatre complex. University of Nebraska State J Museum, and the Center for Great Plains Studies Art Collection. , J
  • coexisting transn1itt~dirife~t1o~~« .., Specimen Bank, which collects and distributes CNS specimens from HIV­ , , infected donors and represents a valuable The NIH investments in establishing and , maintaining these domestic and resource for basic science
  • , 1996 (partial) (1 page) 03/06/1996 P61b(6) 003. calendar April 1996 (partial) (1 page) 03/06/1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 8488 FOLDER TITLE
  • loved one without losing their jobs. Now· American workers are no longer forCed to choose between their jobs anc;l their families at times of c r i s i s . " ' " .. " lniproving Child Support Collections - 'Some families -- usually' headed by women
  • at the June 15 Panel meeting. 2) Citizenship. A resolution on the subject of citizenship was adopted by the NEGP at the April 21 NEGP meeting. It includes recommendations for improved data collections and reporting in the areas of student knowledge, voter
  • 'il I I ' ,I I ' Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTfflTLE 001. bio DATE Bi? of Phi II Wilson (partial) (I page) RESTRICTION 09/01/91 P6/b(6) / COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • :,11 i : i:,I .: I I ' Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet , \ " Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUB.JECTrnTLE 00 I. itinerary DATE Itinerary for Carol Rasco (partial) (I page) 10124/94 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTrrITLE Security List - Alfred P. Sloan Fellows (partial) (4 pages) 03/15/94 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • as laboratories of democracy should be enhanced by a federal government willing to learn from subnational successes, to collect, evaluate, and disseminate information about these successes, and-in general-to make it easier for different locales to learn from one
  • ; :I I, ,I ' I 1 " " , ' ~ ,Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE For meeting (partial) (I page) 001. list RESTRICTION P6/b(6) nd COLLECTION: ' Clinton Presidential Records Domestic
  • will see, our Partnership addresses outcomes related to both academic and practice settings, and involves a wide range of project activities. From our collective "lessons learned" about collaboration, we are striving to create a lasting partnership built
  • , and. faster collection for providers. I I 14. Establish a communication and monitoring system to insure continued cooperation between HCFA, carriers and providers. THE BASIS FOR THE PLAN • • • 1. Most Medicare cost containment efforts are based
  • - Obstacles/opportunities for "collaboration -Building a Community Forum on ML and Prevention - What steps can we take to foster this movement individually and collectively? Note: Agenda undergoing revision .. NAME WILLIAM ALDEN CAROL ANGLIN LINDA
  • ..itinerary San Diego Itinerary Final Version April 2, 1995 (partial) (I page) 03/31/95 P6/b(6) 003. note Handwritten note re: Format (partial) (I page) nd P6/b(6) For Carol H. '1 page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy
  • . Some billionaires have takan advantage of this by renouncing their U.S. Citizenship, in order to avoid paying American taxes. CongressionarOemocrats are detennined to close this gaping loophole. The Senate approved legislatinn to Collect $1.35 billion
  • (3 pages) RESTRICTION 10/16/93 P5 n.d . P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBox Number: 4593 FOLDER TITLE: Crime Coordinating Meeting Roosevelt Room 10-12-93 4:00 pm
  • shortfall ' 302' million Addt'l sho'rtages based on cjrop in May'tax collections " 111' million TOTAL, $413 MILLION Cayetano Administration's Agenda for Strategic Change' '.' .I .. . '. Gloom' and Doom' . '.' . II , .' '. ' . " These.number
  • Is underfunded lind threatened. with more cuts. There needs to: be a greater commitment from the Federal Government Allen •• As heal'thcare COlts are reduced; ai they have been In Oregon, ther~ il tremendous reli,ef on collective bargaining agreemerits
  • : White House Meeting ,(partial) (J page) 07/05/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6520 FOLDER TITLE: SHEA-Yamauchi Meeting 7-14-95 11:30 am ­ 12:30 pm
  • ) 01/03/96 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council' Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 7466 FOLDER TITLE: Women & Public Policy Seminar January 2-12, 1996 20 I0-0 \98-S ry975 RESTRICTION CODES
  • in both Houses. e ,In.creased adoption' and foster care funds by almost $600 million from 1994.;199S~ • Approved 35 waivers 'to. states permitting comprehensive welfare reform demonstrations. ,,' , ,,' .." , ' '" '. e Collected a recOrd,SIO billion
  • people received small stipends for participating in and completing approved activities; The program, . also established accrual accounts to collect matching. funds that youth could use for additional training or education after they graduated' from high
  • and, seminar faculty members provide additional support and 'assistance to Fellows, Individually and collectively these people facilitate the growth of Fellows during the Fellowship. Group and individual experiences combined' offer Fellows the flexibility
  • King re: AIDS meeting (partial) (1 page) 08/16/94 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OA/Box Number: 5041 FOLDER TITLE: AIDS Meetings Group Discussion CRR Patsy Fleming
  • ,III i II Ii '" '. .. .' .: " ' ". I ! I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet , Clinton Library' DOCUMENT NO. , AND TVPE SUBJECrrrITLE, 00 I. list DATE Useful Numbers (partial) (I page) RESTRICTION nd ,. COLLECTION: Clinton
  • (partial, p.2) (1 page) 07/20/95 P61b(6) 002. form' Honored Guest Scheduling Form (partial, p. 3) ,(I page) nd .' P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential' Records DomestiC 'Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) ONBox Number: 6520
  • REPEALED' REPEALED , " yes REPEALED yes REPEALED' yes REPEALED - except for a minor in data collection, HHS is expressly prohibited from evaluating state performances and establishing involveme~t regulation~. Every child assured protection
  • 1 'II!, . I I 1 I 1 I ! Withdrawal/Redaction' Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list DATE SUBJECTfflTLE Carol Rasco Invitatiqn List (partial) (11 pages) RESTRICTION P61b(6) 09112/95 , COLLECTION: Clinton
  • III I' i i I 'i I " I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE SUBJECTrrITLE 001. memo DATE To Pat Romani from Jeffrey S. Crowley re: participants (partial) (l page) RESTRICTION 10117/95 P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. itinerary SUBJECTtTITLE DATE RESTRICTION I American Express; RE: Credit Card number (partial] (1 page) 05/2811996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • on child support enforcement, with a nationwide crackdown on deadbeat parents. That means establishing paternity right at the start, in the hospital; setting up a national registry; and using the IRS to collect seriously delinquent child support payments
  • Witlldrawal/Redactiol1 Sheet Clinton Library' DOCUM ENT NO. AND TYPE 001. report DATE SUBJECTfTlTLE 07/08/96 Re: INS Actions (l page) RESTRICTION b(7)(E) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. itinerary DATE SUBJECT/TITLE American Express; RE: Credit card number [partial] (1 page) 06/26/1996~ RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. form DATE SUBJECTffITLE NGA Registration Form (partial) (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco
  • :11 I !! I, ' , I I I : Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE Contact for Teens Who Care (partial) (l page) 001. list RESTRICTION DATE SUBJECTrrITLE P61b(6) nd COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. list SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE Phone List (partial) (1 page) 02/15/96 RESTRICTION P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings
  • Entergy First Commercial Trust Freemyer Collection System Friday Eldredge and Clark Frost and Company Hill-Rom Jackson & Coker Inc. Martin & Marti n Owen Healthcare Inc . . Ramsey, Krug, FmTell & Lensing St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
  • their ow~ community-based health networks in which doctors will be able to negotiate to reduce interference
  • parts to (E) the data to be collected to make that determination. (d) LIMITATION ON CONFIDENTIALITY. REQUIRE~ 20 :\IExTS.-The Interagency Revie\..· 'Council may riot, as a 21 c'ondition of approval of any part of an integrated assist­ 22 ance plan
  • for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to discuss how to raise public awareness of the threat that HIV poses to America's . youth.· Collectively they felt that the voice,· or young people who were concerned with HIV prevention were not being adequately heard
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. memo DATE SUBJECTrrITLE To Geraldine E. Covington from Patricia E. Romani re: appt. request (partial) (1 page) 07122194 RESTRICTION P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton
  • and The conferences were knowledge ofpreventive health care. What we community do not have is the societal commi.J:ment for plaimed and' coordinated by leaders to the state legislative leadership, purring our collective. noses to the g~orie and discuss ongoing
  • 1'111 i , !,'!,":' ' I I , Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. list SU8.JECTrrITLE DATE. Conference Attendees (partial) (29 pages) RESTRICTION P6/b(6) nd COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • . *********** Photographs taken by Tipper Gore are on loan from her private collection. They can be seen in the lobby in conjunction with the National Museum of Women in the Arts Exhibit in the Tennessee State Museum. P6/b(6) THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Nancy Hoit P6/b
  • III! II I ,' f I i , I I Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library:, DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTfflTLE . 001. fax To Carol Rasco from Chris Jennings (partial) (1 page) RESTRICTION DATE 05/02/95 ' P6/b(6) COLLECTION: . Clinton
  • ) , COLLECTION: , .Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAlBoxNumber: 6250 FOLDER TITLE: Trip to NY & CT UN [nternational-8yrriposium/Special Olympics 6/29,-711 2010-0 \98-S RESTRICTION CODES Fie'edam
  • Access to eligibility information arid confidentiality Multiple and different criteria to determine eligibility for different funding streams Data collection Evaluation Technical assistance and training Conflicting definitions How waivers are handled
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 001. resume SUBJECTrrlTLE DATE Thomas Edward Meyer; RE: Address and phone number [partial] (1 page) n.d. RESTRICTION P61b(6} COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE 001. schedule SUBJECrrrlTLE DATE RESTRICTION Schedule of the President for Thursday, March 7, 1996 (partial) (I page) 03/06/1996 P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • of children and adoles­ cents who try alCohol and other drugs. . Because data collection is sketchy on sev­ eral of these measures, progress is difficult to assess. Determining how much effect the Alert Centers had on any changes likewise is problematic
  • that will increase the emphasis on commercialization programs and enhance the near-term economic returns from Federal energy R&D programs, beginning in 1994. • DOE and EPA to facilitate collective purchases of renewable energy technology by States, utilities
  • that will measure more accurately what portion of the population may be at risk, and that toxicity TEL: . ' Sep 22'93 18:59 No.024 P.20 testing of pesticides be more comprehensive. The report also recommended that food . consumption surveys collect more
  • Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE, 001. memo SUB,JECTrrITLE RESTRICTION DATE To Julie E. Demeo from Mail Link Monitor re: Confirmation: Appt. Request for Rasco, Carol H. (partiai) (\ page) , P6/b(6), b(7)(C) 02/\5/95 COLLECTION: Clinton
  • assessments. States and districts would conduct alternate assessments for these few students. Our long-range strategy is that each State would use assessment results and other data it. collects on students, such as drop-out rates, to assess and report on its
  • percentage ofthe funds for infrastructure development' (e.g. data collection) and would be required to maintain surveillance programs needed to monitor incidence/prevalence of the diseases/conditions addressed by the ' gran~s. CDC proposes an additional small
  • III 1 i i i ; l I! I WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCVMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffITLE DATE Enterprise Community Liaison Generalists (partial) (I page) 001. form RESTRICTION P61b(6) nd COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential
  • (a) to IDIpect aDd . ew l.ll1/edUcattoD recorda relatlDa to ell' cbllc:lreD that are collected, ~ed, or uaed: b, the IIPIICJ" ~er tJiiI put.. Tbe 8II!DCJ' sh&Jl co WIth • nczueat without urm.ece.a:l~ *1&1 ADd before ... meetsq ......lft'L penD1t parenta Ig) 014
  • and regulations on a consistent basis. ' Fines collected should not be retained for agency funding Durposes. ,(SO) . ~ss ' should revise the Administrative Procedures Act with respect to ulations involving small businesses to: '1. Require negotiated dng
  • paren~ who move from job to job; uniform interstate child support laws; ,',.' computerized 'state-wide collections t~ speed, up payments;. and tough new penalties, like drivers' license ,revoca~lon. Together, thes~' measures will sehd, a clear
  • interactive CD-ROM for local jurisdictions to ob,tain information about' programs and strategies that can be effective in reducing youth violenCe . . e., Helping States and others Meet Federal Data Collection Needs Census Bureau exploring processes
  • (partial) (1 page) 001. schedule RESTRlcnON P61b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Carol Rasco (Meetings, Trips, Events) OAIBox Number: 5857 FOLDER TITLE: [loose material] 20 I0-0 198-S ry830 RESTRICTION CODES