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Work Now (Item)
  • }(3) organization whose founding board members will be the CEOs of the five companies you referenced in the State of the Union. The central mission of "Work Now" will be "to help businesses of all kinds mOve people pennancntly from welfare to work
  • . in the private sector wherever possible, in community service if necessary. That's the only way we'll ever make welfare what it ought to be: a second chance, not a way of life.· President Clinton, State of the Union address 1/25/94. Many AFDC recipients arready
  • for people to be successful workers and successful parents... " ., I , POLICY COMPONENTS: President Bill Clinton State of the Union Address January 25, 1994 lI ' Helping Working Parents Support Their Children ... Child Care (All Components
White House (Item)
  • . Clinton State of the Union January 26, 1994 We continue to believe that the Administration!s welfare reform plan must include a strong commitment to addressing the future life cbances of the young people on whom the President focussed so passionately
Work First (Item)
  • -hearing until they graduate, get' a job and get married so they can support and nurture their own children, In your 1996 State of the Union, you announced that. group of prominent Americans had formed a National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. Your
Health Care (Item)
  • and children) on AFDC, the 1 million figure for peop"~ (not cases) in the original text of the State of the Union speech seems, if anything, conservative. When the President inadvertently added "and their children," the misleading impression may have been
  • into jobs in the private sector. The Partnership was formed in response ~o your challenge in the State of the Union, and the CEOs from the companies you n9ted in that speech -- Sprint, Monsanto, lJPS, Burger King, and United Airlines -- form t~e
  • ' the organization, mission. and short term action plan of "Work Now".· a 50011 to be created 501(0)(3) organization whose founding board members will be the CEOs of the five companies you referenced in the State of the Union. The central mission of "Work Now
Rollout [1] (Item)
  • service. if nece.\:mry. We will make welfare whai It ought to be: A second chance. not a way of Iff .,," e President Bill Clinton State of the Union Address January 25, 1994 POLICY COMPONENTS: Making Welfare A Transition To Work • • • Child.are Job
  • said in his State of the Union address: "our goal must be to liberate people and lift them up -- from dependence to independence, welfare to work, mere childbearing to responsible parenting -- not punish them because they happen to be poor
  • work, can work." President Bill Clinton, State ofthe Union Address, February 4, 1997 To support his comprehensive welfare reform initiative, President Clinton proposes to build on existing transportation programs that use innovative strategies
  • we'll ever make welfare what it ought to be: a second chance, not a way of life." President Clinton, State of the Union address 1/25/94 Many AFDC recipients already leave v-'elfare for unsubsidized employment. Currently, 70 percent of recipients leave
  • to extend for one year the Welfare to Work and Work Opportunity Tax Credits to encourage more employers to hire welfare recipients and other disadvantaged individuals. Already, in response to the President's challenge two years ago in the State of the Union
  • do so without worrying about what is happening to their children." ' State of the Union Address, 1/23/96 ., We want real reform. President Clinton has repeatedly called for a bipartisan welfare reform bill that's tough on work and responsibility
Speeches (Item)
  • pounding the pavement for it for so many years. Our agenda for this year is also a DLC agenda, Look at the priorities the President Jaid OUI in his State of the Union Addr!!ss: • Health reform that uses managed competition and m~rket forces to hold costs
  • -- lay ahead. And I called on private business to help us meet that challenge. We are here today because Eli Segal, Jerry Greenwald, and a group of committed corporate leaders rose to my.challenge and founded the Welfare to Work Partnership. In my State
  • that a lot of great ideas comi~ from" outside Washiflgton and many states are already using it." President Clinton, State of the Union address 1/25/94 President Clinton's welfare reform plan will support states while increasing flexibility. President Cilnton
  • this year. Welfare reform is a top priority of the Clinton administration in the upcoming year as evidenced by the State of the Union address on Tuesday night. The President also said that he plana to revamp our nation's jobs programs by consolidating
  • in the State of the Union, which you can reinforce a week later in your remarks to the NGA, Without a clear timeHne and strategy, we win have the worst of all worlds -- reporters will continue to focus on process instead of policy, Republicans will continue
  • to work with them to pass welfare reform. I think it is perhaps the most pressing social problem we face in our country, and the time has come for Congress to act. As I said in the State of the Union. what we need in welfare reform is a New Covenant
  • face as a country. The welfare system is badly broken, and we've got to fi~ it. • As I said in the State of the Union, we need a New Covenant that provides more opportunity and demands more responsibility in return. People on welfare who can work should
  • state of the Union address the President highlighted "the issue of teen pregnancy and out of wedlock births, calling it our mos~ serious social problem. Clearly, preventing these births ia a critical part of welfare reform. The Administration agrees
Columnists (Item)
  • Totenberg, Carl Rowan, and Evan Thomas I ,: " ,. '" "Clinton is going to take on welfare reform in the state: of the union, and" the key here is they're going to want to cut off welfare. The qJestion is, after you cut off welfare, . , ' I! is there some
Jobs (Public) (Item)
  • with the need to mobilize the armed forces for World War II. As the end of World War II approached, President Roosevelt spoke in his 1945 State of the Union address about an American Economic Bill of Rights and his plan for continued public works projects
  • and responsibility. statement -. :':;~ s-nd 50 w. State or the Union Address I Whit< House Sl8tcrncnt et\cr pasBllie 1 look r.rward to working with Republicans and Democrats In the Scnille to pass real _lfare reform that will make work and responsibility
  • thought we coul~ produce S million jobs, We have. I believe the record will be ther~. But more importantly, far more importantly i. the things I talked about in the State of the Union. I believe the Amerioan . people .. houl~ use the President's reeord
  • States. As part of this effort, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, a private nonprofit organization, was formed in response to thy President's 1995 State of the Union. Notably,. data shows we are making progress in reducing teen pregnancy
Events [2] (Item)
  • to 5,000 within one year, and in his 1999 State of the Union address, the President announced that the Partnership now includes over 10,000 businesses who have hired hundreds of thousands of people. In 1997,just 3,200 o[these businesses hired 135,000
Q and A [2] (Item)
  • . " Pre.ldent Clinton, State of the Union address 1125194 The Admlnlstratlon recognizes mat both parents must support their children, and is working to enact me toughest child support enforcement program ever proposed. Child support enforcement is a crucial
  • exactly the right tcne in tlte State Qf the Union rk and responsibility. Get the values straight. The left and religious are wary, but willing 10 listen. They are akeady concerned about the ract that .ally cutting off famUl.. where a parent is nol wOling
Minnesota (Item)
  • there are states in the union. New Jersey denies an increase in benefits to WOmen who have children while on we!fare, Connecticut, Florida and Oklahoma impose time limits for public aWstance. Forum, such as the Citizens Jury empower reople to take part
  • It wasn't in the bill time wao it? th~t un~~rried as the went to the Presioent MR. RBED: lto, no. That·s sontQthin9 that was in the original House bill and the President singled that out in his 1995 State of the Union. We had 6 hard-fouqht battla which
  • Shapiro, the Court has invalidated state classifications akin to Section 11450.03 on the ground that they unduly burdened the federal constitutional right" of citizens of the United States "t,o enter and abide in any State of the Union." Dunn v
Announcements (Item)
  • reform. "Many of our initiatives, from job training to welfare reform to health care to national service will help to rebuild distressed communities, to strengthen families, to provide work. .. ' President Clinton, State of the Union address 1/25
Q and A [1] (Item)
  • of their proposaL If Congress acts in that same bipartisan spirit, we will see real reform, As the President challenged Congress in the State of the Union. "Send me a bipartisan welfare reform bill that witt really move people from welfare to work and do the right
Meetings [1] (Item)
  • , Administration has made considerable progress in reforming the. federal welfare system, even as congressional action has been staped. As you noted in January in your State of the Union address, AFD,C case loads are down. Food Stamp rolls are down. Work
Newsclips [3] (Item)
  • last May, or to n:ad a pre­ liminary tist of options tnat are to be presented to hint nex; mooth. Although the president's inten· tions -probably will not be known untU he delIVErs his State (If the Union message on Jan. 25. his d0mestic policy adVl!ef
Caseload [1] (Item)
Signing [4] (Item)
  • govcmonL As I mentioned a couple of years ago in my State of the Union, she said sOUlething back lhen that I will never forget. She told us that the best ching ahnut being off welfare is that when her Son goes to school and they ask what docs your momma do
Testimony [1] (Item)
  • gn!;;fiJaliot1 ofimmigrants, " • •President Clinton, )997 State of the Union, Restoring fair treatment for legal immigrants is a key part of the President's agenda this year. The President's budget proposal makes good on his promise to correct
Ideas [1] (Item)
  • speechwriters for SOU (I added a little more detail in the first paragraph for your purposes). I'm faxind the state-by-state numbers and a spread sheet wi month by month changes. ~ caseload.wp Possible State of the Union Welfare Announcements (1) Caseloads
CEOs (Item)
  • ) organization whose founding board members will be the CEOs of the five companies you referenced in the State of the Union. The central mission of"Work Now" will be "to help businesses of all kinds move people pennanently from welfare to work." , " ~ ~~~ u.u
Strategy (Item)
  • , -. ~ . January 13-14, which would give us a way to get into the middle of the 'political debate before the State of the Union. Alternatively, we could hold the summit the weekend of January 28-29, immediately before the. NGA conference. B. Who Should Come
Letters [3] (Item)
  • 1995 :State of the Union. In 1997, the President ,announced the National Strategy to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. The first annual report on this . Strategy reported that HHS-supported programs already reach at least 31 % or 1,470 ~ommunities in the United
  • as an example of one way to do that successfully. Until Wisconsin takes this role seriously, the anicle says, "we cannot hope for it to be the author of a real solution," Jan. 27, 1994: editorial,' A dnmestiC2l.ed President": reviews Clinton', State
  • for site assessment and redevelopment planning, and support for revolving loans IO finance brownfields cleanup effortS at the local level, In his 1996 State of the Union. President Clinton challenged Congress to enact a Brownfields [ax incentive which would
Newsclips [2] (Item)
  • [a---cellular telephone . vehIcle aCCident: Fast help r.:r. '. ,._-­ '~'--- Employers', needs ' By JON NORDHEIMER ..... - In hiS State or the Union address may not fill the dema, nd for,*obs. loo. ''''' jIlIIf w..k, p""ident CII,,"m hailed five giant
  • for welfare reform. He announced his plans to form a welfare reform Working Group in a speech to the National Governors Association, and he reiterated his commitment in the State of the Union Address. That group is now being formed. It has yet to be announced
Letters [4] (Item)
Outreach (Item)
  • ~ v."rlt.m~ l{l mJI.C Danld POllOck MOYnihan hap­ p~. Tht' }o"f1!; stJffer;..,.OO cady on bragged that the Senate fin.met Cummll1ee chairman could be rolled have lon~ ~lnc(' had then eyes opened. In faCI. the State of Ihe Union ;.petro ""Ai>.a ..,inual
Polls [1] (Item)
  • , and for your call to raise the minimum wkge in your State qf the Union Address. And thanks for the passion with which you spoke against' putting podr children out in th streets. I This letter is to urge you to Pght unwareringly _to mainta the entitlement
Newsclips [1] (Item)
Newsclips [5] (Item)
Galston Clips (Item)
Child Care (Item)
  • to the National Governors Association, and he reiterated his commitment in the State of the Union Address, That group is now being formed. It has yet to be announced. in part because of the time it took to get key appointments cleared. One can expect
Jobs [1] (Item)
Newsclips [4] (Item)
  • issutl, the 1»88 fftmily Suppo~t Act, which requirc.( mO$;t n.--clpi. ents to take pal1 in program'l, Tho 19881l'_1bas~n only modestiyefftIC< tivo ~l hi:!'. whim n; nne tt!lL,nn Clinton is: .likety to proce~ warily. In his Jan. 25 State
Ideas [2] (Item)
Signing [5] (Item)
  • of their lives while keeping the American Dream alive for thnmselves and their children. We know what our challenges are. A few weeks ago, I outlined them in the State of the Union: bonoring the oblig.tion we owe our children and building strong faurilies