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27 results

  • infrastructure mOre e'ffectively and efficiently. In fact, the Corps entire operations and maintenance program (not part "I the table of infrastructure investments) is included in its GRPA pilot project. . ,. HUD's'- Community Development Block. . Grant
Mayors (Item)
  • , and that's a mistake. , QUESTlQN IV (Mayor Nonn Rice of Seattle) Mi'. President, in regard to your new budget pJan, we are concerned that we cannot find our priority program, the 21 year old Community Development Block Grant, (CDBG), on your list
  • 'to provide full funding for WIC and Head Start ... We know beyond a shadow of. doubt ,bat tbese programs are successful." [Congressional Recoro, 5/19192] COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS: Phil Gramm proposed an amendment to increase COBG funds for Texas
Homelessness (Item)
  • is for grants and the remainder is for 32.000 vouchers and supportive services for the chronic homeless with severe mental disabilities. ~ ! • Maintains Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) at the FY 1998 level of S4.7:billion. CDBG is reduced by 17
  • the next 10 years. • City of Detroil' • • • $32,250,000 in HOME fund" $10,600,000 in HOME Program Income funds, ""d . ,/ $69,650,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds. V • Department of the Army; .. .. The Anny's Tonk-Automotive Research
  • and community plarming. The final budget includes the'President's request of$91 million. I Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Expansion. President Clinton's FY99 budget included an expansion ofCDBG. The final budget increases funding for CDBG from $4.675
Poverty [1] (Item)
  • such as JOBS. JTPA and CDBG. I ' ," . i·. Seek a federal waiver of allow the use of JTPA funds to upgrade the skills of entry-level individuals who are placed as the resun of EZ-related programs; the training would be part of a career development plan
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April 30, 1993 / MEMORANDUM POR GENE SPERUNG AND BRUCE REED ~ PROM: TOM EPSTEIN SUBJECf: URBAN LEGISLATION PACKAGE In light of the defeat of CDBG runding and the need for a New Democrat style bipartisan policy
New Markets (Item)
  • expands eligible businesses to include those who hire young adults living in Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. • COt1l!!.luflitV Development Block GraJ~.( (CDnG) Expansion. President Clirllon's FY 2000 budget included an expansion of CDBG
Brownfields (Item)
  • . development initiatives.. I • HUp will provide S2S niItion in ~ Development Initiative (EDI) grants (supporting an a6:!itional $100 nilIiion in section 108 loan guarantees). target existing grant fim:ls such as COlllluullity Development Block Grants (CDBG
  • guarantee component of Youth Fair Chance, use for private scctor ..yage subsidies -- $500 million to $1 billion ovcr 5 years B. Urban Brownficlds Initiative -- Reinvention Government initiatives: comfort leiters; certainty of liability. CDBG usage, need
  • · Bus1ness Investment Companies (that provide venture capital and equity investment) I Development COOperatives and Credit Unions Title XX and CDBG funds might also be used for training and wages for technical assistance provided by such institutions
  • . (HaS) Ryan White (HHS) Homeless Family Support (HaS) Family Resource Centers (HaS] Subs!. Abuse Prevention (HHS) H01}§~G &: CQMMUNITX DEVELOPMENT: CDBG mUD) Public &; Indian Housing Modernization (BUD) Drug Elimination Grants or COMPAC (HUD