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  • Instruments to help make thls bappen. (Dr. Seth Berkley, IAVfs president, sits on the Task Force.) The second part ofour strategy envisions a much smaller Vaccine Development Fund to support industrial development and testing ofvaccines specifically designed
  • with Neal Lane on the goals, both short-tenn and long-term, for the President's Council on Food Safety. We have discussed this with Cl1ffGabriei, Neal Lane's deputy. In addition, the following attachments are included; (I) draft charter for President's
  • refrigeration requirement for all shell eggs stored or displayed at packaging facilities, warehouses, retail outlets, and in transit. Finally, the Administration will announce that the President's Council on Food Safcty will develop a strategic plan for shell
  • Youth Violence Prevention initia.tive February 2000 The Wbite House Council on Youth Violence The mission of the White House CounciJ on Youtb Violence, established by the President in an executive memorandum on October 15, 1999. is to develop
EPA (Item)
  • throughout the Federal government to focus on the problem, to initiate corrective action and to establish a COuncil headed by the EPA to coordinate those measures~ ~l Authority The President has the authority -- both statutory and Constitutional
  • Violence - Youth Violence Council
  • Prevention Initiative Febrnary 2000 The White House Council on Youth Vio]ellce The mission of the White House Council on Youth Violence, established by the President in an executive memorandum on October IS) 1999! is to develop a more effective policy
  • Community Development Banks [1]
  • : Oiscussion 9124/93 P5 R~;STkICTlON ANIJTYI',.; 00:. memu 002. memo C()mm~niTY Development Fimmcktl j)raft~Nexl rll;;tilu!ion~ Sleps 01\ {CDFI} Legislation (3 puges} COLLECTION: Climon Presidential Rec()rd~ Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed
Brownfields (Item)
  • and buildings to productive use." • A multi-agency group has developed a two-year (FY97-98) Action Agenda to implement the President's Brownfields Initiative. • I Brownfields continues to gain momentum across the Federal government, I I Congress, States
  • -(Weinsta1.n) _w HUD. OV~ , Public Safety -- Justice (Gibson. Suzan Johnson Cook) Technology Development and Information Network -- OSTP, NIST, ARPA (Gibson-Dimond) Transportation -~ DOT (Cashin) Sustainable Development and Physical Infrastruoture i
  • , Jeffhas worked on several fronts to move the Campaign forward .. He has worked with the Ad Council to develop public "service annOUnCements that wil1 be aired on all major networks, published in Teen People, and posted on the Internet through America
  • are working on developing a comprehensive race initiative for the President, \.vhich may include a (';ommlsslon, to address a strong.and united America for the 21 st Century, • White House Conference on Hate Crimes: We are working on developing
New Markets (Item)
  • divided government with a dear mandate for governance. am Their m~re immediate relevance is in community capacity development to ensure the success of New Markets. 'With this in mind. I am forwarding to you a letter I wrote to the president a month ago
  • in safe and affordable communities, Today; the President announced that the Secretary ofHousing and Urban Development win double the number ofenforcement actions against housing dIscrimination 1n the next four years to nelp diminate housing discrimination
  • sufficient examples of people who develop or recover significan~ capacities after critical periods have passed to sustain hope for every individual, and co support ongoing effortS to enhance the cognitive, emotional, and social development-of youth and aoules
  • -stop service program from substance abuse and related support services" Economi¢. Development The plan includes. new convention center hotel that will create 1200 permanent jobs (600 for youth from the EZl.. ~ Housing and Sustainable Development
  • development, trade, regional stability, and civil society in Africa today, and in India tomorrow, the President established a Global AIDS Emergency Working Group, Included were the National Security Council, Office of Management and Budget, Office of the Vice
  • and organizations regarding the President's Initiative on Race, with respect to specific issues as developed by the working groups as well as the progress nfthe Initiative, WORK PLAN: Engage Corporate America in the Initiative I. With Bob Thomas as the lead
Nonprofits (Item)
  • with government, I thought that you might like to see the enclosed copy 01 Building the Future Together. 11 was developed by Great Britain's Labour Party and now guides the work of the Voluntary and , Community Unit of the Home Office. My hope is thaI it might
Agriculture (Item)
  • 758. - Wushillgton AFGE LI)c,'I13354 ~ Kansas AHnchmcnt: E!!CIosurc: cc: I Union Official Sig.nature j1agc Union Co6rdioat!O!1 Council Letter I , 1\1 Gore ,:'Vicc President - W,\shington, D.C, DUll G!ickl'naJ.l, Sccretmy or J\gncu!tUlc
  • as a failure -- it's that si~ple. If we can create a job base in these distressed communities, then we can buHd outwar~s and develop the self-sustaining institutions that provide vital social services like child Care faciHties, health clinics, better schools
  • I AUG f U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT THE SECRETARY • WASH!NGTQN,O,C.2041o-0001 August 9, 1995 ~,- t\;~ cy to () \ '1L 0 '-'~, , .. , c.:"'~ A,,J V . .;."r~'7'!' r MEMORANDUM FOR: President Bill Clinton FROM
  • in the release or possibly b. a part of the public service advertising etior! to follow up on the publication. • In April (May, Juft.) the President could announce a set of principles around public school choice. These priilciples would be developed
  • the industry leaders to come back to the White House to re,;')ort once they nave developed their rating systems and I look forward to the work that they will do." On December 19,1996, the President, in a lNhite House briefing with the Vice President immediately
  • this accountability" It \~,dll be signed by the Mayor. The President Pro Tem of City Council and signed or affinncd by the Ch.air of the Financial Responsibility Authority. The City Council and the Authority will be asked to formally approve the MOU before
  • , sustained increase i~ defe:ose ·spending. In keepi:19 with his p::'ecge to wcri< '.... ith rd:"itary leaders to add.::ess the nation's defer;se needs, :1:e President has determined that additional resocrces are necessary ;r,ai:"':tai:1 military readiness
Labor Issues (Item)
  • that a veto likely would not be sustainable. Accordingly, the only viable option is option 2~ which would involve the Vice President IS saying that the Administration believes flex time legislation should be linked to family leave expansion
  • new regulations th(:lt improve the . safety of fruit and vegetable juices~ and created a President's Council on Food Safety to develop a safety strategic plan for federal agencies. comprehensive food , Environmt!tlft Cleanest Environment in a Quarter
  • THE PRESIDENT HAS m.N tf-N-n SPECIAL ANALYStS • f The Payoff to Investing in Young Children I . Experiences from concep~ion through the first three years ofHre affect early brain­ , building. activity, educatioilal attainment, learning
  • .,. The President accepts the January 29, 1996 invitation from the C~uncil of Jewish Federations to meeting wjl~ the Council in Washington on March 7 ON THE CONDITION that the Council express n' willingness before the event to be responsive to a call
  • .)roprlate metnod to maintain a sustained effort to develop a vficclne I to' ~ JI . ADAPWorking ~o"pJW.E. Arnold Z'1C;OOAVI 01i3 RUSH TO: Bruce Reed, While House, Ocmestic Policy FAX: 456-2878 FROM ADAP Working Group! WE Arnold PAGES (INCLUDING
  • for the President. We can no longer lolcratc a nation th4lt has 10 million uninsured childl'~n. As we develop bipartisan legislation to address this unacceptable probl~m. we must assume a certain financing source tbat helps pay for cbildren'$ health insurancc. Qut
Event - Ideas (Item)
  • Unifonn Report - which will continue to show large decreases in crime -- the President could ~'J_P{~ ~ give a major policy speech on how this Administration's efforts have helped to fuel the j'ongest ~ f'Jr sustained drop in violent crime in nearly 40
  • . . , . . .. ' ' , , _ . : ..-, ',,':~ r'"., .'., . . , We propose that the President 'challenge communities to create neighborhoods that offer safety andopponunitieSfor young people -- :i" other. words, to, build a ~youth development infrastru?ture~ in disti~sed cqminuni~ies'to
  • the agencies to work with the policy councils in the policymaJdng process. The councils coordinate interagency activities, facilitate priority-setting, and monitor the implementation onhe President's program, Perfohnance agreements should be drafted so
  • Reorganization In response to the September I, 1997, release of the final report of the Commission on Immigration Refonn (eIR), the President directed the Domestic Policy Council (DPC) to review the CIR report and recommend ways to improve and streamline Federal
  • requested that we focus on economic development initiatives, As the result of the President's suggestion, the Domestic Policy' Council's (DPC) Working Group on American Indians and Alaska Natives started planning the Economic Development Conference, which
  • THRU: ERSKINE BOWLES SYLVIA MATTHEWS SUBJECT: PRESIDENT'S INlTlATIVE ON RACE WEEKLY REPORT -­ OCTOBER 11 - 17 ADVISORY BOARD ACTIVITIES American Council on Education Confere.nce. Miami. FL. The Reverend Johnson Cook and Governor Winter spoke to 1500
Alcohol (Item)
  • partners to work together in a sustained effort. (initial investment $10 million in FY2000) , In this way, ~e can assure every child a neal!hy, alcoho!~free adolescence, 9/1 DBC-t?-S8 16,24 PROM. Presid~nt's * 10. PAGE Underage Drinking
  • . Nonetheless, we need to lay down some markers between now and Aprili the President should not be accused of doing nothing, when he has a lot of initiatives. We have two major hits: the enterprise zone/community development bank proposal (which may be finished
  • HUD [Housing and Urban Development]
  • , the Administr.:ation is proposing to continue and enhance a number ofinnov-.itive prcgtams. The President's New Markets Initiative addresses urban feviraJization in three ways: through core economic development progratm. which have proven to be s.uccessfUl
  • COI.LECTION, Clin(Qn President!;!! Records' Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed (SubJect File) OArum Number 21206 FOLDER TITLE: NutJonal Service-Summit Pl r~61 JU~'1'RICTION CODES :Fn..."th'nI"r Iufnonatitm Ad • 15 U.!i.{:, SSI{b)) I'! NHtiO!llI! wooly
  • . and are empOwered to develop self-sustaining institutions in which they have an ownership stake certification of insurance availability and elimination of all redfining § , I of esp, and enforceability of commltments~ to enable targeted area to become an integral
Ideas [1] (Item)
  • , Picker admits that this approoch is "'very Clintonesque," He points' to , ft:derally subsidiz.ed midnight basket~ · ball as a successful exampk of norm · . The President's small, approach to "get'ting kids off '.' dOt; street Ilt night, providing posi­
  • , see the WithdrawallRedaction Sheet at the front of the folder. I , I COLLECTION: President!:!; Rcconb D\)m~ti.;; Policy Council Brw.:e Reed (St:.bjcct Fi:c) OAf!1ox ,\,It:r.locr: 2120: I C!)[jttl~ ! I FOLDER TITl.E: Chl~d C;IfC·ZeHl ttl
  • , NW (Slrnw Neighborhood) 10:00 a.m.' 12;1Q p.m. . Gene Sperling Melanne Verveer Bruce Reed I. PURPOSE , To announce that seven DC college presidents have responded to your America Reads challenge by' committing to partner with District public
Race-Book [3] (Item)
  • within reason, with penciled-in dates to drive it forward. 2 : (B) NECIDPClO:HB roles - Should we rely primarily on the policy councils and their usual proccssl:S to develop the "workplan for the nation", or should the book process drive the work
  • attention two items the President may want to highlight when (and if) he visits California next month. First, the Administration's success in improving and sustaining the C-I7 Program. The C~ 17 program represents a total of 33,000 jobs across the nation
  • responsibilities would be to approve grants for the economic development of the Region. $20 million has been appropriated for the Authority to usc and disburse. - The President is personalty interested in the order. 2. Pipeline Safety (CEQ) ~ The proposed
  • proposals or communications strategies, We need to protect the policy councils' prerogative to develop policy, and remind everybody involved that the Coordinating , Council is not a P,?!icy council. .M.!,!.~.~ago Copied To: I . ; Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP
  • Clinton and former President Bush will announce that General Colin Powell will serve as General Chairman of the Summit, Henry Cisneros, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will SC1VC as Vice Chainnan. Our country faces challenges
Race-Book [1] (Item)
  • ,HE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON /' !!'- ' '!/i' ­ , ',' . ' Jarll:ary 20, ,L999 Bruce Reed Gene Sperling For your information . T:-)is melnO will be ir. -~~e President's briefing book t;.onight. Sean Mal onoy ~ ,', ,
  • of the Office of Management and Budget Gene Sperling, Director of the National Economic Council Bruce Reed, Director of the Office of Domestic Policy Council VI. The President's Report on Race •• Chris Edley VII. Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
  • and community development, Included are $120M for CDPts I I ai.d $240M for community policing, two of the President's highest priorities: both are essential to economic revitalization of distressed communities, and both are at risk this year if forced back
New Covenant (Item)
  • . All society can offer them is a chance to develop their Cod-given abilities. ThPresident, I'll see that they get the same deal as Aeveryone else: they've got
  • commercial 1 technologic. through II new civilian research and development agency. 1 President Clinton announced II five-year $20 billion DefcnlCl Reinvestment initiative in March 1993 that i, centered on four major areal of IIRlY iove.tment: (I) worker
  • page) COLLECTlO:-', Clinton Pr~identin! Rtx:ords Domestic PuEcy Council Bruce Reed (Subject File} OAiBox NWllTh;L 21205 FOLDER TITLE: Immigration [11 rs48 RK'l"fRICTIO:-' COOES l'n:sW",lItial Recllrds Ad, I"" U.s.c. 22114(>1)1 Vt.'{'(j'ltnU
  • in partnership with local schools in inrier. city and poor rural areas. 4 ,. , , IUgh Education Standards: The President's initiative on high education standards and voluntary national testing of students won funding for ~ntinued development in the new budget
  • are' eligible for Medicaid or other health insurance. (Summit goal 3.) . ! Welfare to Work: , Since May, theYice President has been leading the Coalition to Sustain Success, a new partnership of civic organizations that is working'with state and local
  • IDAs [Individual Development Accounts]
  • ((ongre~!i of tOt 'ijiniteb l4Ia~ington. ~tate!i JIll( 20515 April 13,2000 The Honorable William). Clinton President oftne United States The Whi,e House Washington, DC 20500-0003 ~~, j I Dear Mr, President ,As moderule and conservative
Drugs (Item)
  • , b. Objectiw!s. Drug-control ,objectives along the Southwest Border include: (I) Near-l'erm, (3) Develop a recomnfendcd Southwest Border drug-control strategy for presentation to the President's Drug Policy Council and POTUS by fall 1998. (b) Gain
  • of Health Arquest Inc. Baldor'Electric Baptist Medical Center Great Lakes Chemical K-Mart Metalworking Connection·, Inc-. Poulan Weed Eater SMI Steel of"Arkansas Southwest Arkansas Development Council Tyson Foods Inc. Washington Regional Medical Center
  • several reports containing recommendations for reform and restructuring_ I These recommendations would be reviewed and acted on by the 9 ~ president and the congress on an expedited basis. A fourth alternative would be to develop separate and specific
  • $2.6 billion over five years. , II. Child Care and Development Block Grant. Options for increasing federal investment in the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) include: A. Distribute additional funding to States by current CCDBG formula
Energy (Item)
  • teacher training is based, was developed by Paclfic Northwest staff , and Northwest teachers. The course has received region;)l and nationnI recogniti('n, including eridorscmcnt by the U.s: tvlateria!s Education Council I . . Note on Ev~luation: Pacific
  • Crime PreventioM Council, the Work Group on Health Promotion and Community Development at Ithe University of Kansas, the U,S, Department ,of Defense Junior R.O.T,C" and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. I , Department of Defense ~. Department
  • .;:~::,"" •.', ",,,' '~.' .: :"",~:::::: ~
Tax Reform (Item)
  • . - _______ S"~'S'i Nymber of paqea includinq.cover sheet: 'J COIQ1Qnts: ------------------------------~- , " . P.2 ," by Mayor Bret Sthuodler For the remainder of this YUT, President Clinton Bnd the new Republi~aD majoritY in Congress will probably
  • .. cathleen ClemenW, E$q. Legal Dit8Oior Ae:boeea Uebormlln, J.D. Direcror fif Pa1lt!y & Program AUll""t 20, 1999 BrneeReed Assistant to the President & Director of Domestic Policy CoUncil The white HoUse . Washington. DC 20502 Dear Mr
Transition (Item)
  • : • Designate a lead agency to receive federal funds. • Certify programs as eligible for NSTF slots. • Serve as the firsl line of defense againsl fraud and abuse. • Preside Over the formation of represenLative local national service councils, which would .serve
Budget [1] (Item)
Race-Book [2] (Item)
  • quadrupole (RFQ) which ha:; the longest structure and highest energy of any RFQ in the world. Engineering development and preliminary design work for an APT win be completed to provide a backup technology for tritium production. • Gasoline Prices Up
  • Child & Early Childhood Development Tax Credits/Block Grants MinimumcWage Increase Pay Equity Enforcement [-" ~ ...;\\ ,I,l\ v; ..L" ;\- ~J Small Business Pension Tax Credits Pension Protections Protect 5S from Raid to Pay for GOP Tax Cuts care ck\l
  • Sec.urity Council (liSC). The Administration is ... concerned that the Senate has proposed transferring the Information Security Oversight Office CISOO} from the General Services Administration to the NSC. The NSC advises the president on the integration
  • nt 0 f Ene rgy " ......_....'.. "".M'.........""......"'......... ,.," ............. ".'" .....,_,...,,_.., De pa rtnentofH eal1h ann Human Se rvic(ls ""'......"....."..".,......"....,."..."........... Dep811!T1cntofHouslng and Urban Development
Violence [1] (Item)
  • development process, we do believe that many wome.n's advocates will understand how much our proposal does to help victims of domestic violence. M~-07 9~ 1~:2e FROM:UPRER PRESS O~FICE 20245664Z3 TO,2024565557 PRGE:02 NazionIJ1 Crime ViClimi:z;ation
  • longstanding effort to develop bipansian support. One major announcement will occur sometime tn August. Through the personal efforts of our new Board member GovenlOr Marc Racicot, 46 Governors have now signed a letter in support of the reauthorizAtion
  • for reauthorl:r,.ation. If we're successful, by the cnd of his second tcnll, President Climon should begin to see a key element of his legacy in formation, If we"rc unsuccessfuL national service could be dead. I \ At the ht:art of this task is n repositioning
  • and for an, on this topic, Perhaps- SeCrt:1aJ)' Shalala '.viII Oflce agai;t do the right thing on thu inatttr 8S wen as President Clinton. .A,s the mother of ~wo teen age son!,. it jun seems to me: that federal monies arc better spent in a more positive mannc:r
Block Grants (Item)
  • and funding levels of the final programs. J bcliev~ we can best ensure our panicipation in this process if we develop a series of proposals of our , own. , : , sJ We this as 8 two step process. FirsL we would try to rc:ach agreement on the basic structure
  • important to' the President and the American people. , There! has been too much irresponsible talk about using the threat of government shutdown or 'default to force a panicular set of priorities on the American people, This continuing re"so[ution
  • , * The President addresses a gathering of members of the Building and Construction Trades to discuss his jobs plan pending before the Senate. PUTTING PEOPLE BEl'ORE POLITICS; TBE ECOHOMIC CASE 1'OR TIIB PRESIDENT'S JOBS PLAN * For sixteen months in a row
  • ,,"'{! \yould poin. to proposals hy the President and Congressional Democrats during the lOSlh session that were ignored, only partially enacted, or enacted only after forceful political pressure. These would inciude school construction and modernization, after
  • , ·'. THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press secretary (jhiladelpnia, penn~Ylvania) ~or Immediate Release April 28, 1997 ,, REMARKS. BY PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON, . PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH, PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER,· PRESIDENT GERALD EOHO. GENERAL
  • . ' .. . • '.,
  • : the President is asking all ofthe nation's retailers to enforce the ratings systems of • • 1 all media rated for adults. including video games and music. The Interactive Digital Software Association has begun working with retailers to develop a voluntary
  • endangered species, and develop clean energy technologies and defeated many antj~environment riders: , V $1.7 billion for the PresIdent's Clean Water Action Plan. V $325 million ,to preserve precious lands. A 23 percent ,increase to protect threatened
  • 20004 102637·4531 Folt: 202 637-4548 ~kNBC February l~ 1994 Bruce Reed Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Domestic Policy Council The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW ~ashington, D,C. 20500 Dear Mr. Reed: I enclose
  • Congressman Blil Thomas (2 pages) porus .;;onverSJknru II
  • D-TN (announced "for"); Gonzalez l)..TX (absent due to illness); Hinojosa D-TX (announced "fOf';; Markey D-MA (absent due to death in family)~ Yates D~IL (absent due to illness in family); Young R-FL " GOR~:; ~A~-- PRESIDENT CLINTON AN» VICE
Food Stamps (Item)
  • President Clinton will take a series of executive actions to help ensure working families access to food stamps. In a speech to the Democratic Leadership Council, the President will announce three actions to promote work over welfare, by: (I) allowing states
  • , for the samelreasons that apply to the intra-Administration development of the annual President's budget • Funding for Invasive SpeCi(;:LQ!ltbreaksJHouse~passed/Senate Committee), Both the House and Senate bills (Title I, Animal and Plant Healtb Inspection Service
  • TO: FR: lackLew Bruce Reed Chris Jenning.; • Dan Mendelson LaVarn~Burton c-13 Exec:utive Secretary I RE: Memo f~u' i the President on Commercial Health Plans From Medicaid Attached is the signed Memorandum for the President from
  • in late September, tol· ot Calvin Kk!ins." but he Is sounding more and fMre supportive lowed by att(Itber tontender who favoted " of Mr. Clloton. He seems tn be satiSlfed that abortJoo rights-, Senator Arlen Specter ~ the PresIdent did not fold on effortS
  • materials Of instructional text. , EOL'TAINMENT , Content provides user with specifie skins development or reinforcement learning within an entertainment sctting. Skill development is 3rt integral part ofproduct, I httpJ/www.est\>,orgirating,bttnl I
  • at fiual\dul inslitutl()fl~ [(b)(H) ..t the Foa 1 h(9) Rcko"c w.'old dbd,,~c g"",,,ltkaJ or gco!,hysind turUOllUti"n \'j)IIIWllhlj( ",,,,,Us ((h)(9) (If Ihe FOIA I JX-T"~tlUl prh-m:y March 2, 1993 REINVENTING GOVERNMENT EVENT WITH THE VICE PRESIDENT
  • ~. DOMESTIC POLICY DISCRETIONARY IV I *1 (:0 Initiative •• BI01ERRORISM h. SUPERBUG 2000 NEW INITIATIVES PurpQse Funding Request To train epidemic intelligence officers) develop a mass casualty emergency response system, maintain
  • of the Presidential Advisorv Council of HIV and . . AIDS (? ACHA) sends its most sincere thanks to you and your staff for a very informative and quite helpful briefing. As you know, PACHA is. charged with advising the President on national HJV and AIDS policy
  • SEQUENCE OF EVENTS ROUNDTABLE WITH THE NATIONAL GOVERNORS' ASSOCIATION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, ':311· 11:00 AM .. Press poot enterS East Room .. The President delivers opening rernarb • G
  • '. Nagel 's and Dove's model deals with temporary multi-corporation link·ups for the design and manufacture of new products •. a development we believe will be rarer in the vinual revotution than do they. e"PeOple: The Only Sustainable Edge," by Michael
  • . with the opportunity to succeed as adults. A partnership between government and the private business sector, using existing resources, would result in significant progress ,n this·area. We, therefore, recommend that the President, by Executive Order: I. DECLARE
  • CisDeroa ot RousiDg aDd Urban Develop.ent Depa~tment o SUI!!JLlIS' President adopted most of the Secretary's stimulus proposals. ~~pand the Community Development Block Grant (CpBGI with $2.5 billion in 1923 BA and modify to aSB~re faster spending
Promises (Item)
  • Oenrttlluoo of Vehicles (CIWl Car). The Ropublican-led Coo~S$ hIlS not bun supportivo of these , programl, I'ARllAf. ! ECONOMY AND lOBS: Make business tax cr
  • SUBJECT: Meeting on Tax Cut Options An NEe process in coordination with Treasury staffhas developed possible new tax cut options for the President's budget. NEC-DPC sub-groups (Treasury. OMB, CEQ. OVP. and various agencies) have been working on priority
  • . CIA ACf) (I 713195 P3Ib(3) page) COLLECTION: Clinloo Presidential Records Domestic Policy Council Brlll:e Reed (Subjec! File) OAiBox l\'uillber: 212U~ FOLDER TITLE: lmmigration 121 1,';49 RESTRICTION COIJ~~S lI'UfOOlllllf IDf~rmatkm Au· (S U.S,C
Housing [1] (Item)
  • 0:}/29/99 I 06:17 FAX @ x,.m Vi
  • ) for administration. and U.S. Rep. John Tanner (D-TN) for communications. -30­ # lOS - 002 THE CONCORD COALITION . CITIZENS' COUNCIL 1019 19th Street N.W. Suite 610 Washington D.C 20036 202 467 6222 • (Fax) 202 467 6333 CONCORD HAILS "BLUE DOG" BlJDGET
  • of developing a Civic Skills Assessment instrument. The election of Bill Clinton to the Presidency three weeks before the meetings bolstered grass roots support for service learning throughout the country. During the campaign, Clinton made a commitment to youth
Third Way (Item)
  • should balance rights with responsibilities, r..g. promoting sustainable development in order to find thE balance between pTCs~nt g~nemti(ltJ5' rights a1Ul their 1'(!sprm$f.biUtJ} to respect future generation!;' rights. »
  • goals for the transplant community. This entirely respects the appropriate UNOS role. Under the goals set out in the regulation, the private sector transplantation network is to develop medically sound aIIocation policies to improve fairness
Poverty [1] (Item)
  • , the President has always insisted on hudget increases injWlC and Head Start. As Mrs, Clinton emphasized in her 1997 White House conference on early childhood development, pre~school that begins at age 4 may be too late for America's chiJdren. Scientists have
Family Policy (Item)
  • , the President issned another memor
Taxes (Item)
  • with Treasury staffhas developed possible new lax cm options for the President's budget. NEC·DPC sub.groups(Treasury. OMB, CEQ. OVP, and various agencies) have been working on priority areas, including health. education and training, children and families
Child Welfare (Item)
  • THE: WHITE: HOUSE WA.SHINGTON April 29, 1996 , I MEMORANDUM FOR THE FIRST LADY FROM: CAROL H. RASCO~ Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Subject: Child Welfare I continue to be seriously concerned about the state of our child
  • ',,: \
Family Report (Item)
  • FAMILIES AND THE LABOR MARKET, 1969-1999: ANALYZING THE "TIME CRUNCH" MAY 1999· A Report by the Council of Economic Advisers EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tbe American famiJy has experienced dramatic changes over the last three decades ­ changes
Adoption [3] (Item)
  • November 7, 1996 I REGRET _ _ACCEPT! / PENDING Stephanie Streett Ann Walley Haley Deputy Assistants to the President and Directors of Presidential Scheduling TO: Bruce Reed FROM: Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy Planning
  • that we need to develop to accomplish both our legislative and public relations strategies? " I Now let me, hear your thoughts on how we get this done. ·. , PARTICIPANTS FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM MEETING Thursday, January 23, 1997 The President
  • . of miM. from Tnt Cluonicltl1/ 1'hiImi!hn!PY. addressed this I......) . .. '::"""!!ms Again. my appreciation fur your interest In cnese matters. I , ~:I ! ., , , . , Mark Rooenman Vice President Sodal Respon.ibillty : Enclosure t, , 1731
  • reservations required keeping track of available seats and recording passenger names. By the end of the decade, new young airlines such as American were developing ways to overcome reservation confusion and overbooking by centralizing control at a flight's
  • .. • THE WHITE HOUSE WASH INGTON August 5, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed' Eric Liu SUBJECT: Summary and Analysis ofNGA Resolutions HR-3: National Guard Youth ChaUenge Program Summary The NGA policy reaffmns
Abortion (Item)
  • ~ECTlON: Clinlon Prcsldcnli;d !{ecord~ DOIUC.'ilit: Policy Council Bruce Reed (Subject Filel DAlBo, Numhl!r: 2119ES ~'rl'~'lfulU .I( 1'1 ~lIthmlll SCntrity Chl~sin~d Informall,)!) [(,1)(1) of Ihl: "RAI "2
  • , and the development of -economies is evident. Despite their unifQrrnity of J)ll!'l)()Se) the methods Ul T_ .t_ . pa.rliatnents, there: an: no rules or provisions govcming the activities of lobbyists. is true of the parlilll11dlts af Belgium. Greoee. Spain
  • members appointed frum such panel may he from anyone, political party.' The conferees express the hope that in selecting a pane! of county offi­ cers for submission to the President, the Natior~al Association of County Ol1idals will give co'nslderati{JD
  • with key representatives from agencies and outside catalysts: , (1) integrated community reinvention strategy and federal role (2) sustainable development (:1) lessons from success stories on the ground Agency drafts of contributions, cooperation
  • National Economic Council [NEC]
  • THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary January 25, 199-3 ForI 11IIlDediate Release EXECUTIVE ORDER ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL By the authority vested in me as President ot the United States by the constitution
  • TH E WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 27, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO BRUCE REED FROM: ELIZABETH HYMAN SUBJECT: Proposed "President I s Law Enforcement COuncil to Oversee the crime Bill" This memo responds tQ your inquiry into the establishment
Waivers (Item)
  • • . THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 19, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR THE VICE PRESIDE.'IT FROM: Paul Weinstein Domestic Policy Council SUBJECT: Conyers/Clinger bill to permil waivers of Federal regulations for local governments that have a plan to assist
Empowerment (Item)
  • , President The Hobbs Company Sam Brunelli, Excculive Di""'lor American Legi,lative Exchange Council , Sam mack , Consullonl Ramona Younger Alexandria Tenant Council IV. Asset Models Bob Friedman Corporation for Enterprise Development Kalhy
  • Director of the Office of Management a"'1d Budget. Jack J. Lew Senior Adviso!" for Indian Affairs Lo the Chief of S:aff, Lynn G. Cutler Assistant to the President for Domestic POlicy and Director of the Domestic Policy Council, Bruce N. Reed
  • was developed because of the desires of the congressional leadership and the President's senior advisers to make the Act work~ , The central legislative clearance process was originally administered by the Bureau of the Budget (BOB) and, subsequently, its
Work Study (Item)
  • and 2500 would have' already "graduated. 11' o phase-in strategy over the course of five-years wOl:lld give states a chance to develop charter school prOVisions This for their states. Vision, rY" Bu4g8t, %mplameataiion, This initiative wo~ld
  • Policy Council, and other agencies to develop additional health care quality and 'patient safety initiatives for the FY 2001 budget. You will direct the Office of Management and Budget. the Domestic Policy Council, and the Office of the Vice President
Teenagers (Item)
  • supported web sites for teens, With this new web site, teens can find information to help them do their homework. pursue a hobby, or choose a career. The site \-vas developed by ~-17~federal agencies supported by Vice President Gore's N3liona~ Partner:;hip
Children (Item)
  • . .. ' " " ) ~ .,' c '. April 1997 , , j I , ' " " ; ,'\ P~e-Publication Copy" " . ", ' " Executive Office'ofthe President '.. : , ' Office, of Science 'and Technol?gy,Polky , I ,, . r , !", '. • NatibnaiScienc~, and, Tec~n6wgy. Council
Human Genome (Item)
  • , company begInning human genome sequencing. However, data access has remained a sticking point in development of the M,Q,U. The public Human Genome Project docs not maintain intellectual property rights to the data. [s the President discussing a deal
  • initiatives for POTUS that ",m make a real difference, I. think that it's time that we fully consider making the Nationa1 Campaign for Youth such a priority. If you think about the President's series of speeches (Memphis, the conclusion of the State
  • Comprehensive Hcaltlt Council; JunellU TOOlIaIJe Club, Auk. Trillo r.OImcil; Southell3l Alaska Native Timbor Corporation' Tlini!i!·Haida Housing Development OlTporation; l1it!8it.Haida Building &. CIJnaominium Association; Goldbe1r Inc.; Southeast Webb
  • of the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy; (p) National Economic Council; (q} Council of Economic Advisers; and (r) such other Government officials as the President may designate. The Working Group shall report to the President through
  • EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT ANO BUDGET WA$HINGT,,, O.C. 20503 March 23, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR: CAROL RASCO FROM: Belle SUBJECT: Managing the Stimulus Package saWhil~~ Attached l for your information I
  • SENIOR STAFF !:ROM: JACK QUINN RE: PROPOSED EXECUTIVE ORDER ON REGULATORY REVIEW As many of you already know, when the President abolished the Competitiveness Council, he asked the Vice President to prepare recoffir.lcndations for a new process
  • . • Former NEH Chairmen 81" Bennett and Lynne Cheney suppan ending funding for bolh lhe NEA and NEH. • The Progressive Policy Instrtute, an offshoot of the Democratic Leadership Council (which President Clinton chaired from 1990-91) piaces the NEA and NEH
  • campaign on NBC. Second, the President will announce that he is creating a new White House Council on Youth Violence to ensure that the federal government's many efforts in this area are well-coordinated and serve the public as effectively as possible
  • are developing a range of proposals that build on the President's actions in this area to better utilize Social Security Offices to educate beneficiaries about this program. to reduce administrative complexity for states and to' give them incentives to engage
  • moved it to GSA in FY 1997), represents consumers' interests in international fora. helps coordinate Federal consumer protection a~tivities, chairs the Consumer Affairs Council. and advises the President on consumer interests. In FY1997, OCA employed 13
  • annuil sales from $3 million a y
Immunizations (Item)
  • Statee The White House 1600 Psnneylvalnla Avenue, NW Washington, 0: C, 20500 -(5~,~ Dear Mr, Presldem: I ;massive global program, strongly supported by American funds , e result of a ~ ard medical experta, and using vacclna developed by Americans
  • Council of La Raza ! Carla Taylor I , National Black Child Development Institute , Mott FoundatiOn William S. White, President Marianne Kugi9f Judy Y. Samelson Maureen H, Smyth Alonzo Crim I John Porter . , i Patsy K. Edwards Daniel J. Cady; I A~enu
  • spending to encourage the kind of privatI.! investment th~t creates jobs, and to provide mOre capital for lending through the President's Community Development Financial Institutions program. -nlC budget also expands opportunitie:dbr homeownership, provides
  • .~!Jil\gtlln, l),C. iUSu3 - Pebruary 3, 1997 11'e purpose of this letter is to forward the minutes of last month's meeting of the President's Drug Policy Council and other drug related fact sheets. ONDCP appreciates your leadership and support of drug
  • DEVELOPMENT I , Promotes Early Learning. Research shows that children's experiences in the earliest years are critical to their development and fitturc success. The President's proposed Early Learning Fund provide'S challenge grants to communities
Disabilities (Item)
  • Brain injury Association Mary, Dixon (attendant) 3. Gina McDonald, President National Council on Independent Living 4. John Kemp. CEO Very Special Arts 5. Justin Dart, Jr. Shinya Suganuma (Attendant) 6. Paul Edwards, President of American
  • :,.. The Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press, Congress DailY1 Bureau of National Affairs, and others, The mt.'tiia seemed particularly interested in the Commission's work plan. especially its focus on the President's charge to develop a consumer bili
  • Clinton played an important role in developing the White House Conference on Early Development and the \Vhite House Conference on Child Care. During the pOLk}' development process for the child care initiative, the President looked to the First Lady
Regulation (Item)
  • in the regulatory uction at issuc. Such review win not be undertaken at the request of other persons, c!ltlties, or their agents. Resolution of such 'COnflicts shall be tn· formed by recommendations developed by the Vice President, after consultation
  • , Baltimore. MO; Natiooal COuncil of JewiSh Women Parent Invowement Protect The vice President is plaooing to make four anOQuncements; • Findings from a patent survey sponsored by the Department of Education, the Family Involvement Partnership
  • an . as 'president aimon hl£ sugg.em:d, the t:ritt;ria for ,wielding this veto p')wcr afl' of water ~nd sewcr projects, $200 mil­ that the prograit ,in Qllcsti1Hl i~ one thar Han of it earmarked to kcy congression_ l' _ should be'fUtld~ '::tt the local level
Farm Bill (Item)
  • program provisions. . . , . , Major sustainable agriculture provisions were included in the research title of the 1990 Fann Bill) Title XVi. ~n addition, under the conservatjon title, the Secretary is to develop a voluntary inlcgratcd farm' management
  • Officer The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Akron, Ohio I • Mr. & Mrs. James L. Dunlap (Jim & Nancy) President Texaco USA Houston, Texas (11-14) (11·13) 3 Mr. Rodger Gles (Rodger) Executive Vice President and CEO Timber Operators Council , Tigard
Mayors (Item)
  • , and that's a mistake. , QUESTlQN IV (Mayor Nonn Rice of Seattle) Mi'. President, in regard to your new budget pJan, we are concerned that we cannot find our priority program, the 21 year old Community Development Block Grant, (CDBG), on your list
  • /' ( THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 15, 1997 MEMORANDUM , TO THE PRESIDENT FROM: Chris Jennings and Nancy-Ann Min SUBJECT: Children's Health Investments and Medicaid Update You recently asked 'Gene Sperling for the stalus of your
  • National Council of State Legislatures
  • and challenge Congress to pass it. Last Friday, Vice President Gore also expressed his concern about the inability of ol~er and disabled Americans to access affordable prescription drugs. Today, you will: • ~, , .. Criticize the destrnctivc, multi-million
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 9, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: BRUCE REED TOM FREEDMAN SUBJECT: Cjyil Rights Enforcement Initiative I We have developed a civil rights enforcement initiative that places a new emphasis
  • would be announced on Wednesday~ Let me know if that has changed. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February S, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: SUBJECT: BRUCE REED ~~ Executive Order Reducing the Bureaucracy by at Least 100,000 Positions I
Child Care (Item)
  • and that inadequate care can have a dramatic impact on children's development. I , Recommendations. The Casey Foundation commends the President's child care initiative and points to a number of model states that are providing child care in order to assure responsible
Trade (Item)
  • ; to support environmentally responsible. sustainable development; to promote more accountable government (applause) __ nnd to foster a fair distribution of the fruits at growth among dn increasingly restive world population __ (applause, -- where over ana
Budget [2] (Item)
  • ) eSlllblisbes the policies, objectives, and priorities for the National Drug Control Program (the Program). ONDCP provides Ibe President's primary Executive Branch support for drug policy development and program oversight. It advises the President on national
Events (Item)
  • 3,000 employers on how to comply with equal pa~ r~quirements under the law; • develop)ublic service announcements to educate employees and employers on their rights and responsibilities under equal pay laws; and i I • • train over 1,000 EEOC
Adoption [2] (Item)
  • improve or increase services, including post-legal adoption services. to children and families in the child welfare system. The I Discussion: A key item in the President's directive instructs the Department to develop a financial incentive to reward
Homelessness (Item)
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library J)():GIOMEN'I' NO. ANIl TVI'..; R";SHucnON BATt: ca. 1993 M
  • Community Development Banks [2]
  • the President's Community Development Financial !nstitutions (CDFl) and National Service legislation. Under this proposal, an undergraduate business major could meet hiS/her community service requirement under the National Service proposal by serving a two-year
  • ;' (? develop a tdevuiot'l rating' sy$le:~. • Gave'parentk ~t¢;I:ter 'contr~DI ovt"r what rnei,~ childrt'lt W31cn ~n.\'e!~vj.siol1'~Y requiring tbe iru.taHatlon ~{V.dtlp.f in aU-new ,.,te!evi;$ions,'" .,"T.,·, ~." ~., • • - P~posed t;rgeH:d mCM~rc; fO cut
  • level just to ,remove the pathogens on the carcass and the other long-term strategies. I met yesterday, Mr. President, with a gentleman from the Unive:rsity of Georgia who last year submitted a research proposal to USDA t,o develop a E. coli culture test
  • June 2,1999 TO : John Podesta, White House Chief of Staff FAX: 456-1907 Bruce Reed, Assistant to the President and Director of Domestic Policy Council, The White HOllse FAX: 456·5542 COMPANY : The White HOllse FAX NUMBER • • FROM : Jack
  • flawed, the analysis does reinforce the President's belief that the investment should be used wisely to ensure that as many uninsured children as possible receive meaningful health coverage. This is why we support: I New coverage not existing coverage
  • , the value, the disdpline and the reward that work gives." ' President Qinton Noverabcr 13, 1993 Memphis, Tenne.... In recent decades, our nation has ""P"ficnced 8 growing concentration' of poverty and there h.. been a sharp erosion in the economic position
  • the environment. This reflects further discUssions over the last several days and is 3 refinemerlt' of my August 12 Memorandum to the President and the Vice President, Our proposaJ would fOcus on controlling toxic pollution in our land water. and would provide
  • , , White House.Breakfast Participants (with SPeaking role); Attorney General Reno Contl:rence Participants (y,itb ,,,,,,,king role); Vice President Gore· Attomey Genera! Reno Secretary Riley Stephen Tracklenberg. President of George Washington
  • M8baffey, president of the Detroit aty Council Gladys McCoy, chair. of the Board of Commissionen, Multnomah County, Ore. Ed McE!roy,ICClCI8Iy-treasurer, American Federation of Teachen Elliott Sclar, professor of Urban Planning, Columbia UniYenity
Housing [2] (Item)
  • to can for. '.,' .,.' ". '.' , . ' , " '../ .the!llS"lves'and develop healthy nabits. ....... " ';.:. " .... . . ... ; .." . '.. . ;\", .. Sden'ce-Tholbo,",s , " sldlls needed for'an'underc .... , :, '. " . bUild
  • of Air Traffic Control Services As you know, there will be a Principals meeting tomorrow afternoon from 5:00 - 6:00 in the Vice President's Ceremonial Office to discuss the Administration's legislative position on the restructuring of air traffic
Drug Testing (Item)
  • to develop a stmtcgy to address the problem of young people driving under the influence of drugs. This plan is part of the President's comprehensive commitment . to fight teen drug usc, and foHows up on the "zero tolerance" law he called for and signed which
  • Skills Standards Board, created under the Goals 2000 legislation passed in 1994. is tasked with developing a system of voluntary skills stand.ards. The system will establish a common set of skills needed for a cluster of occupations that workers will need
  • , , · ' " ,i i . I: \ . , \ W. believe thallhere 1111> many OIlIer ptogl1lRlS thal could be (Xlmbined in this way. In developing this proposal, we have attempted to be pragmatic. W. have deliberately avoided possible flexibility grants thal would cause
  • supports child day care. • Ensure that additional funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) is mandatory. • Use the budget surplus to fund child care. President Clinton and Republican leaders support using the surplus to protect
  • Contact: Jim ManJey (202) 224·2633 February 8, 1996 EMBARGOED UNTIL U:OO PM I'm grateful to your president, Mo Steinbruner, for that generous introduction, and'I also want to acknowledge your Chairman, my former outstanding colleague in Congress, Mike
  • THE WHITE HOUSE .Office of the Press secretary For Immediate Release " March 27, 1997 " REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN MAMMOGRAM'ANNOUNCE~ENT The oval Office 12:17 P.~. EST THE PRESIDENT: secretary Shalala has ju~t briefed me
  • 09!25/~8 16:19 FAX 202 456 5557 I£l 00 1 I)OMESTIC POLICY COUNCIL THE WHITE HOUSE Christophar C. Jannlngs " Deputy Assistant to ilie President for Health Policy 216 Old" executive Office Building Washington, DC 20502 phone: (202) 456-5560 faX
Police Corps (Item)
  • .­ ADAM WAI...!NSKY 1345 AVENUE or THE AMERiCAS NEW YORK. N. Y. 10105 • , July 13. 1993 .'! , " ,.' " ::'.:, ;,,~ i", . VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Bruce Reed Domestic Policy Council Old Executive Office Building Hon. Room 216 Washington
  • of uninsured children. -. ., • \ , TALKING POINTS ON HEALTII CARE ,TASK FORCE 'AND THE "TOLLGATE" POLICY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS I I WHAT TIlE TASK FORCE IS ..• r President Clinton established the Task Force on National Health Care Reform to develop
  • : Service and the State of the 'C'nion Date: January 29, 1997 A few thoughts on how service themes and proposais might fit into ~fthe,;,
  • to Males lor prevention and eduUltlOn effort:r.. such as the development of cdvcational materi
  • (eaux 81ue Dog Plan (5196) " President's Plan (4196) .. - $169 b - $226 b -$58 b (7th yr) $246 b 5,5% - $106 b - $154 b -$32 b (6th yr) $269 b na - $114 b Republican Plan (5/96) 7 Years - $74 b Plan (5/96) 6 Years - $119 b
Philanthropy (Item)
  • I ' v .. ,to Sdf'.I ' ~' September 9, 1999 DRAFT MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: SUBJECT: Tax Proposals to Increase Charitable Giving I . You asked us for an analysis of recent charitable giving proposals and for ideas we could
  • Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed (Subjet:t Fit{:) OAlfio~ Number: 21208 FOLDER TI1'I.E: Race-Educ.alion RESTRICTION conRS 11(t'('dtllll uf lulit%'ll""tioll Ad • 15 U,S,C, 55Ubi) PI Natimilil SI:'QIrily U;J!i.'iifit'4 lufUf'jjmH'm ![llJiII
Churches (Item)
  • RESPONSE TO THE PRESIDENT'S CALL FOR ACTION ON VIOLENCE The u.s. Catholic Bishopsl Conference, the National Council of Churches, 'the Baptist Joint Committee t the congress .of National Black Churches, the synagogue Council of America and other religious
  • ,. I I THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 21. 1995 MEl\10RANDUM FOR TIJE PRESIDENT FROM: ERSKINE BOWLES LAURA TYSON SUBJECT: Update on Budget Working Group Activities This week, the Budget Working Group began daiJy meetings to plan
  • for review of the Empowerment ZonclEntcrprise Cnmmunity (EZ/Eq applications by Domestic Policy Council (DPq staff, Please review these guidelines and procedures carcfulty and provide Paul Weinstein with any comments by the dose of husiness Friday (August 5
  • ): Scht;dule ? : :: Accept Otlii>;nee: 10 allcnd: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NATIONAL \\b~IEN'S LAW CENTER Nancy DulT Campbell President Clinion "larch 23. 1994 Page 3 1 , , BOnai B'nth Women Bread for the World Catholic Charities
  • Burden of Disease" study, commissioned by the of Mental Health World Health Organization and the World Bank, mental disorders represent four of the ten leading causes of disability for persons age 5 and older. Among "developed" nations, including
Gambling (Item)
  • this bit! , on the suspension c(licndar, we would need 146 or so votes. , The fOllJwing offices recommend an AG veto in the DOJ letter: the Vice President's. office, Legislative Affairs, and the Domestic Policy CounciL Counsel's Office recommends a veto
Adoption [1] (Item)
  • Easier" In 1998. the President directed HHS to develop Internet tools to link children in foster care more quickly to possible adoptive families. Secretary Shalal. reported that HHS v.ti:lllaunch a national web site by September 2001 to break down
  • or President's Council) to help sympathetic members of Congress share in the credit. \ KEY MEMBERB OF CONGRESS Reinventing Government Senate Glenn . (introduC€d a Reinventing Government Commission bill) Lieberman , (introduced another Commission bill
  • 194,001 75,971 21,642 27,800 900 16,401 12,626 79,277 168,200 4,000 146 1674 55,128 ill &l.I! ' President Clinton, Vision of Change Human Services PRIVAn: SOURCES: 6) Unimplemented Grace Commission recommendations 7) Citizens Against
  • way: , MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT - Page 2 , , The money currently reserved for family support and parenting would be redirected as a capped ~titlement for family preservation, family support and parenting. States would be expected to develop
  • i , , . EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET BTl? Route Slip , To: Barry Tolv , Take necessary action O~ i.e( 1 [ 1 ( J ! See remarks below ROO~ 9227 [ For your information ~~ 1 Discuss with me Daryl
  • Service, and Donsia Strong of the Domestic Policy Council. The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1990 (IMMACT) requires the President to submit a report on the impact of increased levels of immigration mandated by IMMACT. Among the areas the report
Fatherhood (Item)
  • been using, Could also highlight role of businesses [and maybe call on employers to do even more?]. ! , I Encourage more State investments in promoting responsible fatherhood We could develop information on how much (or little) states are investing
  • TPO Nat'l Gun Enforc500 ATF Agentslinspectors, baltistics testing(NIBIN) 94 94 92 94 TPO ATF Tobacco Co efforts to deter Illegal trafficking/cross 00 14 8 8 HHS Child Care Development Block Grant 2000 $1,583 2000 8 2000 • HHS
Equal Pay (Item)
  • . run in the sixth game of the ~World Series between Boston '!. and Cincinnati. Perez's homer, less remembered, helped win '1'~ Game 7. He is the first Cuban~ ! 'born player named to the hall. -, ';,.:. . .. - .. TIlE PRESIDENT ANNOUNCES EQUAL PAY
  • Consortium and the China External Trade Development Council. [Department of Justice public records] y TALKING POINTS LOBBYING DISCLOSURE ACT OF 1993 The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1993: +PJugs Loopholes in Rxisting Disclosure Statutes Under the Lobbying
Banking (Item)
  • . and. ifconfinneri. his chairmanship. are likely to present some serious challenges resulting from his presidency of the ABA (Funher considerations on this important selection are discussed in section IV below.) In developing OUT views in this policy area as well
  • by spelchwriting. I , < ,~ , 'I " , Prd.idcnt Clinton Hails Child Support Progress and Signs into Law I Tough New Penni ties fur Deadbeat Parents June 24, 1998 • TodaYI President Clinton will announce new statistics highlighting the success
Ideas [2] (Item)
  • on health care that would be appropriate for the President, to give this week on his trip to Florida, The first would highlight our" new fraud and abuse initiat,ivcs and second would address our new health care coverage initiative for children. Both
  • . Second, as the President's FY98 budget bill proposed for home health, this proposal would link payment for hospice services to the geographic location of the site where the service was furnished. , Third, this proposal would also clarifY that a hospice
Job Training (Item)
  • ---'=04r'-'.h:..:,-o_".e...S-_ _--'----:_--=____ lf DATE; _ _ r-'w'1\--,_ __ ' AC~ VICE PRESIDENT I BOv,'LES , McLARTY PODESTA I L , I i , , , ECHAVESTE GIBBONS HALE HERMAN HIGGINS ~, rF/" ri/ HILLEY' i/ KLAIN C BERGER 0 0 UNDSEY REMARKS
  • to the House Judiciary committee on H.R. 823, the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1993. This is the Bryant companion to the Levin bil.1~that has already passed the senate. The Vice President participated in the original press conference announcinqJthe bill and We
  • that reflects some of the preliminary thoughts that people working on the economic message have had. • I Page Summary Sheet: A One-Pager on BudgetlEconomic Accomplishments for the basic facts One would need for any speech or talk. • New Developments
  • , 1998 The Honorable William 1..Clinton The White House 1600 Pennsyl~ania Avenue, NW Washington D.C. 20500 Dear President Clinton: . I , . I am aware that your administration is once again the issue of federal fundil1g for needle' exchange
  • Democratic candidate for President AI From, President, Democratic Leadership Council HALT -- An Organization of Americans for Legal Reform Michael Horowitz, Hudson Institute Professor JeffTey O'Connell, University of Virginia Law School Robert Quinn, fomler
  • expressed interest in uniform policies as an effective way to work toward a safe and disciplined learning environment in their schools. Last month, President Clinton asked me to develop and distribute a road map on how school districts interested
  • \.,.;... IfU" l~, \ \).....~,.) : . ( 'I' "," , "•'. EXECUTIVE OF'P'ICE OF THE PRESiDENT COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISe;RS OATEl TO, .. . FROM, ' ~ ~ '.~' .' ,i:'{. :(~ , to +L... ~~ l~+ 6 ric , ~. -\L-..., :,~. :1
Investments (Item)
  • PROPOSED ALLOCATION OF MANDATORY RESOURCES (dollars in billions over 5 years) 14.8 Child care and development block grant 7.5 Teachers State share of tobacco tax 7.3 l i I I Mandatory offsets I I 21.5 , Major new initiatives
Indian Gaming (Item)
  • for Medicaid rccouprncfU protC1:llOIl. The Domestic J)o!icy Council will be providing a dct;1ik:d briefing of the points that Govcmor Chile:; will raise with you. : The Natiollal G~)Vcrnors' Association has stated that its top three priorities for 1998
  • . President: As budget discussions continue to move forward. we wanted to' reiten1te our concerns regarding the roJe of Medicaid in a
  • :.:nctic infornwt:on used by employers: for medical treatment and research. We request tluit you process this order pursuant to Executive Order 11030, as amended, as soon as possible. 1 EXE,CUTIV!S OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT '00 FEB 4 ",,7:35 OFFICE
  • ROWLAND Connecricu( LEAVITT GLE~DE~lNG Utah Maryland BATT SHAHEEN New Hampshire Edaho RACICOT tvfontana PATAK! New York THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 20, 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT , I FROM: iBruce Reed SUBJECT: ,Summary
  • states that operate WIN Demonstration programs; we can build off of the authoritative evaluatIons prepared by the Manpower Development Research Corporation; and we can build from the recommendations proffered by the National Governors' Association
Adoption [4] (Item)
  • , the Department has moved rapidly to' implement its provisions in the following ways: o We o Our Regional Offices are reviewing state recruitment plans and ~orkin9 closely with the States. o We ar_e developing plans for active monitoring of practice
  • to support the NPR reforms , I DISCUSSION Proposed Schedule for NP R Actions • Proposed schedule for Administrative and Agency actions Executive Orders President's Management Council National Partnership Council Major Legislative Pieces
Jobs (Item)
  • information services. .(,' , A School-to--Work Transition System! This initiative will build on the successes of public-private partnerships to develop a national system through which every student would have the opportunity'to partiCipate in a program
  • anllf)tlnced the restructuring nfits commerctal-electtonk:$ business, whlch is part of Ra~ Sys­ tems:. In doing so, the oompany rombtnoo some of Its commerda\ and def~ee' tronies businesses and appolntl!d Delbert Uppt!rt as Vice president of Ih~ newly
  • -';( ,-- --"­ ~" " -" "'-~.,..--- " - '---'-­ , • To comment on this service: !eedlxu;;/flip,www.whitehQuse.lIQV PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATlON 12/05/97 12::12:'W -I OocumemNo. : WHITE HOUSE STAFFING MEMORANDUM I ACnONlCONCURRENCEICOMMENT DUE DATE: /' SUBJECT: Cttf\~ ~ 01, , AC:;;N VICE PRESIDENT
  • , franchise. associatIon. organization. self-employed individual. receivership. truSt, Or any legal entity through which business is: conducted: (3) "County government" means any office. depanment. commission. council. board. bureau. committee, legislative
Hate Crimes (Item)
  • to Create a Middle-School Program about Tolerance. The President announced a public-private partnership that will develop a program for middle-school students to teach tolerance in the classroom and in their daily lives. The members of the partnership
  • . ;alking p(llnts POTUS TPs fill' telephone call til Senator Breaux (I page) COI.LECTION: Clinton Pre~idcnlial Recotds I)omeslic Polk}' Council Bruce Reed (Subjec! File) ONBox Number: 21204 FOUlER Tl'rLE: I lcilllh Care-Medicare CnmmiMion f543
  • fot M)' job or othu oppottunity: and (4) as soon M Ii pt
  • executive branch officials" include the President, the Vice President, any EXOP employee (other than clericals), all PAS appointees, all SES appointees, all Schedule e's, and all military officers above grade 0-6. "Covered legislative branch officials II
  • council staff. W. request th~t the vi••• bo in bullet (~ather than paraqrapb) form and as ~rlet •• poa.1~1.. ~bo vi.w~ will ~e handed out and 41.ou.o&4 at an iDtoraqaney meetinq in roam 'lOt of ~~~ ••w EXeo~tiv. Ollioe ~ul141uq at tGtOC O~ Wodnoo4ay, Ap;11
Pensions (Item)
  • President Clinton's Retirement Savings and Security Act would mean 51 million workers now without pensions would be able to save for retirement. He noted that women would disproportionately benefit from the proposal because they have disproportionately
  • , ,, :~ IPRESIDENT CLINTON PROPOSES TO EXPAND THE EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT IN ORDER TO INCREASE THE REWARD FOR WORK AND FAMILY January 12, 1l}OO Today President CU';ton wm AnnonnlCc His $21 Billion Plan to Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit
  • ",IN()R'n' $TN¥ tl1MClQl'l February 2, 1993 The Honorable Bruce Reed Deputy Assistant to the President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Bruce: I understand you are handling chL1d support issues
  • and Independence, appointed by president Clinton in June, is developing strateqies to improve child support enforcement as part of its recommendations to reform the welfare system. Bane is a co-chair of the working group. ### NEED FOR STUDY OF USE
Colorado (Item)
  • THE PRESIDENT liAS SEEN ~i\'-Ilql,. ) ~HE WHlTE HOUSE February 21, 1996 The Honorable Roy Romer Governor "State of Colorado 136 State Capitol Denver, Colorado 80203·2471 I, Dear Roy: j ! . Thank you for sending me your eloquent
  • of eOnEen$U~ on the five-year national st:ratl;lgie £'1111:1'1 drew lIpcntsneotls apptaw;,e from the group o{25 meeting in Washington. DC. Cecelia Burke,. then President of the National Council of State Child SuPPOrt Enforcement Administrators and Director
  • ): Domestic Potiey Council Bruce Reed (Subjecl Pile) Q,'\/Box. Numhcr' 54:::8 FOU)ER TJ'fLE; Lobbying Reform 12J 1'$50 RJ
  • Draft 6113197 noon draft Ie PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON ONE AMERICA IN THE 21 ST CENTURY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SAN DIEGO June 14, 1997 [Acknowledgments I Thank you for inviting me here, and thank you for offering our nation a shining
  • staff person who functions in the capacity of a regular employee. . j 16. Adds the President-elect, Vice president-elect, and Members­ elect of Congress to the definitions of covered officials. 17. Requires a registrant to indicate that it particular
  • $ heels duritiS trade nel'otiations \0 avoid Il)$ing face. He said b)' forting Il high· profile conflict; the president caused Japan to "side with' bu­ r~ucn.lc1' and stare you down." The only alternative v.."aS ~o over· throv,' Ihe bureaucracy and .Iose I
Brady Bill (Item)
  • is completed. Since the Brady Law was adopted, over 250,000 prohibited purchasers including convicted felons, fugitives from justice, the mentally unstable, and stalkers have been kept from purchasing handguns, The President's juvenile crime legislation would
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. ANn TYPJ
  • "'eUing using . both TV set-top boxes and the Internet. " TVG technical staff. are now furiously developing internet bettfng software in anticipation of the Kyl Bill's passage, and thus a much broader legalised market. Another satellite broadcaster of live
EITC Fraud (Item)
  • ,,.distribution program. I During his Slate of the union adoress in January, President Clinton called the 1993 ElTe expansion a "working family tn;'; cut", "We took the Ol:st step in 1993 with a working family tax cut for 15 rnillion families with incomes under
  • !'1 istratlon officials - who view the Which dearly brought It to them III developments from opPQ$ite points the first pl..ce." said Mr, Wager. j Of View agreed that the 100 cays "'l"heY sakl~ 'This Is y!}Ur pt9vlsiOn, have already wroUght
  • "ordm'(lY Icam'
  • to the pro9ram of the president t in "oeorO.nee with OMS Ciroular A-19. ! ~f , .,1""10. adv1ae us i t tbi. ite.. will arnct dir."t .pendinq 01' rooolpts tor purposes of tho tho "Pal-u-You-GoH pro'Y:tsiona of 'l'itle XIII ot tile 0III,,11>U9 lIu4"et
  • Enforcement System' (1992) I I I III The child support system has· historically paid litlle attention to unmarried fathers, especially teen fathers, because current earnings are so low I , • Over time, however, even teen fathers develop the earning
  • . cosponsor of the waiting period pro­ Brady. who was seriollsly wounded pasal. argued that the national com­ by gunfire 1n an
Terrorism (Item)
  • ..... organ procuremetlt ~iOllJ, !he OP'IN and od>m directly affccIed by tbiI policy. we must all walk togelher to develop !be best policy and ~ Ibe best inl«e$ts of tho public. Your public meetings are' a fitst step iu assuring lhatlbe niUlOnai pOlicy
  • Under Law testified regarding the barriers faced by women and minorities in attempting to break the "glass ceiling." Jane Ch.rist..iansen, President of the National FederaUy Employed Women organization also testified on the bar Tiers to promotions
Training (Item)
  • :, 1001\5/97 . -". 18,08 FA.. X_ _ _ _ __ NATL ECONOMIC COL~CIL ~OOl/002 October 14, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR DISTRIBUTION LIST FROM: Anne Lewis, National Economic CouncU Tom Kalil, National Economic Council SUllJECT: Learning on De
  • CooperatiftlLand A~·d~ancc Fum! , Zl9 Tuskeaoo Unlveniity . Crow\(!y', RJdge Deveiopment Council,lnc, % 20 Mi.o§s:isslppl County. Arkansas EOC~ IrK. 58 East Ccntral AR Ec. Dev. Corporation , 65 Woodn.dT Co~tY ~nGmk Development Council, In~. 84 East Central
  • schedule these events quickly to maximize,the President's ability to be involved. , o Improving ({ome Care Quality Purpose: To highlight the Administration's commitment to assuring high quality Medicare home health services, Validation for the need
  • to formally acknowledge the MS. Found.tion's flagship effort to increase girls' self esteem. VVilson and others noted that a special effort must be made to develop girls in science and math. {Wilson would like the President to officially proclaim April 24th
  • t ~ ~. " \ EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 'WASHiNGTON. QA:, ~ SEP 14 1993 THE: DIRECTOR Honorable Robert c. Byrd Chairman' committee on Appropriations united States Senate washinqton, D. C. 20510 Dear Mr
  • the quality of care, the President appointed a President's Advisory Commission on Consumer PrOlectlon arid Quality in the Health Care Industry (the "Quality Commission") in 1997. This Commission developed recornrnendations for a comprehensive national agenda
Rural Issues (Item)
  • has developed a practical way to administer the 1aw that preserves wetlands and ~e important roJe they play in water flitration and purification of water. .. 'Endangered Species Ad. President Clinton b~lieves that we can protect the biodiversity
  • work at the White House? I Employees of the Executive Office ofthe President (EO?) can enroll their children in the nearby U.S. Kids Child Development Center, a center accredited by the independent National Association for tbe Education of Young
  • in the President's New Hampshire speech, but instead to include it in a Monday program emphasizing small business. At Ellen Seidman's request, 1 tben aUended • meeting on Friday afternoon led by Jonathan Prince. at which the SBA folks discussed the nature
  • already boosted funding for Head Start by 90 percent. Lo~\"-Incomc Helping Familics Afford Child Cure. The President's budget expands the Child Care and DeVelopment Block Grant to help working families struggling to afford ehild care. The President's
Forests (Item)
  • Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary of of of of of the Interior; Agriculture; Cmmerce; Labor; Housing and Urban Development; • the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency~ • the Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Millennium (Item)
  • 'bvUct/ rCAM r- \ . QitI roy I. Year ~OQ!l1 MILLENNIUM \,,\\\,I\{\\ Ci~ year 2000 Celebration in the Sh"de of the Union Address , I On February 4,1997, the President said, "Our economy is measured in numbers and statistics, and it's very
Consolidation (Item)
  • . . OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF OEFENSE 400Q CEFe:N5E' PENTAGON wAS~INGTON. OC 2O'301-4QQO ·1 APR 8 1997 M•. Elena Kagan Deputy Msistant to the President for D6me'~c Policy" Old E>
Tax Plan (Item)
  • Qyality by QUality enhancement. ado~tina the'~ilitary agoroagh to $200 {dllion At the Early Childhood Development Conference held at the White House in April, President Clinton pointed to the military child care progra~ as a model for the rest
  • lIillionwide in the juIleSlIlUlSe. - one canI, user friendly, with unified d~livery'of government funded benefits. Vice President Gore's September 1993 Report of the National Performance Review (NPR). From R.d Tap< 10 Results, called for the rapid development
  • PRESIDENT CLINTON'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Michigan EXPANDING ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR AI,L: • UnemplQ,vment Dmen to 4%,' The unemployment rate in Michigan has declined from 7.4% to 4% since 1993., • 14U,900 New. lops: 440,900 new jobs have been
Cloning (Item)
  • to the President for Science and Technology ELENARAOAN Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy SUBJECT: CLONING POLICY OPTIONS I Two upcoming events create the need to develop a position on legislation banning the cloning of human beings.' Flrs
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Li brary I)()CUMr:X'r "';0, .\:ro,"OTVPE 001. drart report SUlUI~CTIlTru
  • there were many go.l. that the Praoldent has ou!llned on child care thai were commendable - such as early childhood development programs, expanding H""d Star!, and increaSing funding for the Chlld Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program· which Chafee
Airbags (Item)
  • Thurgood Marshall, Jr. Sylvia Mathews Bruce Reed Gene Sperling Elena K4gan Victoria ,Radd Barry Tc;iv MichaellWaldman Kathy Wallman Michael
  • '" program and expanded the existing Clean Water State Revolving ~und" program. • A proposal in the President's 1995 budg~t to rescind $4.7 billion in "highway demonstration" projects in order to make available enough funds to fully-fund the core highway
  • eurtJ'& lt~Out-Front-Child Support, ~Svw~7 Bjt,l~OO '\ /6(2; OUT FRONT, After $1.5 billion, child support system lacking \ WASHINGTON (APi Sixteen years agoJ the federal government Agreed to pay states to develop computer systems to track
  • . . } We let the President know about the HHS decision in a recent weekly report. In the margins, he wrote, "we need to discuss this~ this looks ]ike enough to me,'~ referring to the actions that the state has taken to eliminate barriers to Medicaid
  • for education in his budge!. the la[~~~a i;lffiQl.Un ~~[ ilWil!l:il::!1 for education. The final balanced budget agreement included substantial increases in education pushed by the President. which included the ~ incr:eas;: in edUka1iQJl fuwjing in 3D XtiU:i aDd
  • , February 9, 1995 TO: I FROM: Leon Panetta Chief of Staff to the President cc', s~ . (j;w lA.~{\ ­ w~ Henry Cisneros Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development RE: tbow-tb' " THE PRESIDENT'S EMPOWERMENT INITIATIVE - ROUND '!WO
  • . III. PARTICIPANTS • POTUS • • The Vice President Secretary Donna Shalala, Department of Health and Human Services , i· , I I (In additiion, the audience in the Oval Office win include: Representative Ed Markey (D· MAj, Representative Pete
Foster Care (Item)
  • financial assistance to help thes~: youth with living expenses as they develop the skills and education needed to move successfully into the workforce. The Act the President will sign today also renames the program in honor of John Chafee, the late Senator
Human Cloning (Item)
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASH INGTON November 7,1997 MEMORANDUM }'OR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Chris Jennings SUBJECT: Prostate Cancer and Follow-Up to Beth Kobliner Shaw cc: Bruce Reed Responding to your interest in developments O'n the prostate cancer
  • to independent audit. 13 (e) FUNDING.-There shall be made available to 14 carry out this section an amount equal to 5 percent of 15 the amounts made available under section lOl(d)(5)(C) 16 for a fiscal year. • NATIONAL BLACK CHILD DEVELOPMENT : INSTITUTE
Truancy Laws (Item)
  • . Greenberg developed two strategies for tackling similar problems in Charleston. The city developed a list of crimes -- drug dealing, armed robbery, sexual assault and receiving stolen property among them -- that "would destroy : the quality of life
  • focus is the sharing, transfer and development of dual-use (military/law enforcement) technologies-- a $37.5 million FY 95 funded program. Some of these technologies are directly applicable to immigrationlborder issues. c. DOJ Technology Policy Council
  • with the coalition on April ! 3 to hcnr about thcir message development dTorts, Chris reiterated the Administration's position as articulated in the President's and 11
  • to send into the President following the meeting. We will also discuss a possible investment in diabetes research und prevention strategies. (Nancy-Ann ttnd I have already discussed our proposed $50 million with Kevin and today he will report back
  • -g;~to. ~?J(y1l/ ~ f"". Bruce Reed c/o The Nhite noose i'Jashiogton t n""r D.C~ Me. Rood: I agree with you, author David OSrorne and President Clinton .:lS N(~ll as Vice President Core that our federal go'Vel::Ill:'lleot: needs to 00
  • in developing the Stenhotm~Schaefer amendment and working for' its passage. I The Stenho!m~Schaefer amendment is mucn more flexible and workable than the Barton Tax Limitation/Balanced Budget Amendment in the Republican Contract. , Supporting a Balanced
  • was develop$
  • to the President for Domestic Policy The white House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Rm~ 216 washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. Reed: I share the President's goal of reinventing government through a government-wide performance audit. I hope that this effort will result
  • >I'iI< ""tAl... >'fill!)" "O"T>! CA.O'OU;, April 2, 1993 Honorable Bill Clinton President of the, United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: , . I am
  • .. . ~ Ex~cutiv President ,; Corporate Community Development '. Sank 01 America National Trust and Savings ASSoc181iOfl BQ~ 37000 San FOlnclsco, California 94137 415/953·3172 S.F. Ouonicle SepL 27. 1991 Bank Regulators Seek eRA· Ref()rm
  • forth by President Clinton .... if pa1:ents work fUll-time year· round, their children should eot grow up in poverty. The Mickey Leland initiative, developed over reoent years on a bi-partisan basis, would reduce hunger ana combat hamelessness among poor
  • to participate; the president of the company who had economic hard times. She was trying her best to comply with government . regulations which were so confusing she had to hire a lawyer, land spend the money on lawyers rather than putting it into : the business
Budget - Tax (Item)
  • Democrats develop an alternative to the Republican tax package. In general. the answer was u yes" but that the Administration shou1d be careful not to unravel the bipartisan approach to enacting a budget reconciliation bill. Different strategies are called
  • EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT O>ZF1CE. OF tv ANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 'NA$';INcnCN. 0 C. 20503 CLOSE HOLD \lEC 0 9 lS94 \ Note TO: TOl}l Glynn Mike smith Bill Galston Paul Dimond Gene Sperling From: Belle sawhiltJ- Attached is a draft
  • ownership is a major promise of the President in making the American Dream once agail! available to ~ore ,~ericaru;, including young families. I' . I ! 2. Time-Limit Non-Elderly Affordable Housing Assistance. We should transform the • current Hlotteryll
Safety (Item)
  • ), from the insurance catTiers and others. Scat Belt Memo Page Two Also, the coalition that was established OIl the air bag issue is putting together a public awareness and education campaign to increase seat belt usage, Obviously, the President cares
  • lo'Indianln'be& by Proteetinll Ibe:!r rights and inte=ts. . . oemmon are _has , , , Pre,ident Clinton has had the stronge$I policy in sopport of Indian tribes ani! tnba! self­ government sinc!el'rcsident FnmJdin Roosevell orl'emaps oven President Grnlt
  • ) IN GENERAL,-- The Board shall consist of 7 members who shall be 3 appointed by the President by not /ater then 30 days after the date of the enactment of • this act, 5 m CHAIRPERSON. - - The President shall designate one of the members of the 6
  • appropriate values and a deeper understanding of child development, so that they can effectively utilize these tools of parental judgment and control in the best manner possible for their children. Yours "truly, ~~~~/a:d;_:
Internet (Item)
  • with ~sufficient time and statewide distribution ~ to allow for public comment. (modifies public hearing provision) *References are to the Child Care and Development Alock Gram Act, as amended, unless otherwise noted. Flexibility
  • succeed in life if they set goals and maintain their . self-respect. Ms. Bennett formed the program in 1987 tn Washington, D.C. and now . approximately 2.000 girls participate in 50 schools in 15 cities. Patricia Canessa, President orthe noard
  • included in the President's F¥ 1994 budget which is scheduled to be released on April 8, 1993. (TAB B) Termination and Limitation of federal Advisory Committees: A builetin has been developed by OMB and shared in draft with departments and agencies
Shalala (Item)
  • , THE SECRETARY OF HEAL TH AND HUMAN SERVICES WAS"ING, ON. r:H;. 2(l?Q, MEMORAr.'VUM FOR TilE PRESIDENT FROM: Vanna E. Sbalala Y-! ~ Tqday, 10 million--14 percent-of children are uninsured. Ninety percent of all uninsured children come from
  • this provision, all of New York's over 30 provider taxes would be deemed approved. The President vetoed this provision because it "''as too broad and singled out a single state for special treatment However, he promised that DHHS would intensify its review orits
  • development banks. Both of these proposals help deliver investment capital (and presumably jobs) to urban areas. Therefore, tbe legislation should be called our "Community Investment" package~~or perhaps even our "Community Investment and Employment" package
  • , " M:lY 16~ 1997 IlEMARKS Ill' THE I'RESIllENT IN APOLOGY FOR STUIlY IlONE 11>' TlJSKEGEE'·· The East Room THE PRESIDENT: L:tdic$ [Hid gcmlerncn. on Sunday. ~k Shaw will cclt:bl'atc his 95th birthday. (Applau::;c,) I would like to recognize
  • on the above SUbject before advising on its relationship to the program of the President, in accordance with OMB Circular A-19. Please advise us if this item will affeot direct spending or receipt~ for purposes of the the npay-As-YoU-GOu provisions
  • of the President's BITe proposa.L Egually if not more important WllS, fulfilling the pledge thot if • parent in a family of four worked full-time year-round, the family should not have to live in poverty. Due to the reductions the Finance CO.trun.ittEe made I.n thQ
  • , Thank you fur your interest in this matter. ' our VerY truly yoUrs, ~•. ~ .c.,."c._ .... ~__....~ ___ .,. Mary Koelbel Engle '.. Assistant Diiector, DiviSion afEnfOrcement cc: ChAinnanRcbertPitolSky. ~BillWliite;Presid"!!!'!:ClililfofSWffurD
  • ) you're going too slowly; (iii) we expected you to be able to negotiate with uS, and expect to negotiate this out among the AdminIRockefellerlDingell alone; and (iv) while Rockefeller has said he wants to satisfy I the President's veto message. if we don't
  • 418 Pickett Lane Herndon, Va 201m April 19,1999 , Mr. Bruce Reed Domestic PolleY Advisor White House 1600 Pennsy!vama Avenue, NW , Washmgton, DC 20500 Dear 1-1r. Reed: I applaud the President's interest in climinatingjob discrimination against
  • Department to develop this proposal. While they have raised concerns regarding the merits of proposals to help parents who stay at home, they are generally supportive of this proposal. - . 1-21-2000 Bruce ­ m~ Nicole asked to pass along the following
Bureaucracy (Item)
  • • O.(;'C ccoce, oteeo.coGe c • • ce, . Ot'ccc.e:c
  • - -" ' . March 1, 2000 PATIENTS' BILL OF RIGHTS EVENT March 2, 2000 DATE: President;al Hall- OEOB 450 LOCATlOi'i: BRIEFING TIME: IOI5am-IO:30am I 0:35am - I 1:20am EVENT TIME: FROM: Bruce Reed, Mary Beth Cahill, Chris Jennings I. PURPOSE
  • been .. priartty the Working Group as It worked to develop a proposal for the President. The group conducted a. series of regIonal hearIngs and site VlSIIS across the country, met with . welfare recipients and repn:senlatlves of organizations
Tax Credits (Item)
  • CARE ~'i . Cc.,Ci.,6K)"fo"') 1'.-1,;;.., +-~ In the note Cynthia Rice sent yot yesterday. she mentioned that [would develop some information on tax subsidies for child, What fo11ows is a short description of the existing dependent care tax
  • in Rupert Murdoch's eye, i,t was John and his team at Tel New~ who, under the leadership of John Malone. firse gave free airtime to the presidential candidates to speak directly l(j tht: American people:­ I Tel's bold new program. Race for the Presidency
Values (Item)
  • , G 20531 November 29, 1993 Mr. Bruce Reed Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy The White House Old Executive Office Building Room 216 Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Bruce: Thanks for lunch. It was great to meet you and Jos~. I
Family & Work (Item)
  • into their training efforts on leader­ ship, and only a third do so in their training programs on career development and team building. This omission suggests that work! life issues are not yet considered integral to critiCll strategic goals of the organi7Jllion
  • be introduced in the Congress on the first day of the first session follo\ving the vote. Congress then has 15 months to enact the proposaJ, pass similar legislation with amendments, or ignore the bilL • As President Clinton explained to us on Wednesday night
Head Start (Item)
  • . illtu:wat ive aor! prac;t:tcal wuy t.o support healthy development and lefit'n~ng for. yOU!!') •.:liildro?l1 Q[1d help families attain or maintaln work. II The HHS Head Start Bureau wi11 m;mage i".I national among +ocal H.:ail.d Start. programs for tli
  • .,.ttk: ~I J " ......... lU............. ~n~ll' c~ M,o.,MerwU'tl1 \lll.~$ 15l1!~·1121 P,A)( :5111 .l96,(1$SJ November 14, 1995 , Presidenl William J&fferson Clinton Th White Hous. Washlngton,D,C. Dear Mr. President , ~ltA to AXJ)CAAa
  • [he Clinton Presidential Library's Research Roolll. , EAAW'M ·m " , THE • wrin;; HOUSE, 'WASHfNOTON j " ,, \~ ,' DATE:, ~-,-,,2LI!:.24-"1,-,,,-,3,-,-_ ~ .. " ., Bruce Reed TO: FROM: JOHN 0, PODESTA Assistant to the President
  • that Ule-nI be a Mr, LEVtN. Mr, PresIdent, I mova to pt!rtad; Co)' rnUl'nlfiK bUilltlllu to extend reconsider the vote, until the. hout of 6;30 p.m. w1th Sen~ Mr, COHEN. I mot'>,) to lay thM mo­ atonl permltt6d to eprall; therein for ltD tion an the ta.blll
  • , making excise taxes (mildly) regressive. o As a basis for comparison, we include two older tables showing the distribution of the President's FY98 budget proposals, again including all raisers. Not surprisingly, the Budget package is much less generous
  • responsibly.' , 4 For additional discussion of personal responsibility for hea:th and related policy issues see R. Bayer and J. Moreno DHealth promotion: Ethical and social dileItl-nas of government policy." Health Affairs, 1986, 5(2), 72-85; President's
Flat Tax (Item)
  • by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the saving. rates of our m'\ior trading partners also have declined since the l%Os." All of these countries except Japan, bowever, rely more heavily on consumption taxes for revenues than does
  • . to !atlt*~:ue dirct:t mailings. if ~i;njrtC"ant abuses develop invofvins Ihese direct mailings. 1M Service will consider PropMini chanS" 10 the final rtgulariOM.. Sevenl1 (;ommems requC$tcd additional speciftcity on the meanin, of (he lenns "hi,hly
  • ."tillltellli'; :/.\ Il'J lIct'f'X;((ll'i{v rqui.'­ ,W'll tlk' 'ti('WW '!f rl!eJ;mw!i/thm {fIIf}lf)f w/{l 11 " " OS/20/99 09:06 F,U ~ooz THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON llir((l Co-n ~ CoJ(>'
  • to suppo;;t the Manpower Derr.onstration Research Corporation (MDRe) in its pilot test pi "nine state PFS programs during which MORe showed that PFS sites developed effective procedures to ide'ntify e:igi.ble noncustodial parents, move them into progrart
Privatization (Item)
  • for a discussion with John Pode'stn, Secretary Hennan and otbers on how we should try to get ahead of various "requcffi;," for privatization and develop principles that the Administration could adopt. As next steps, Wi' worked .vith the labor community and~asked
  • such as JOBS. JTPA and CDBG. I ' ," . i·. Seek a federal waiver of allow the use of JTPA funds to upgrade the skills of entry-level individuals who are placed as the resun of EZ-related programs; the training would be part of a career development plan
  • limiling payment for hospital stays for new molbers infants 10 24 hQurs or less after a normal birth and 48 to 72 hours after a Caesarian birth, These "early maternal discharge policies'1 conflict with guidelines developed by the American Academy
  • mechanism to help families with child care costs, we know that the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) serves a fraction of the need, In 1998, the CCDBG served L5 of the 15 million children who are eligible under federal law. And, states set
  • . '" Conservative.s .Tack Kemp and Hilliam Bennett have opposed t.he propos'ition and ~re$ident Clinton has expressed deep reservations about it. Reno stressed the Justice oepartment"s efforts to beef up control of fllegal immigrat.ion, saying, "We have developed over
  • 9% -0% 27% 14% 11% BY AGENCY Defense Education Health & Human Services Housing & Urban Development Justice StatelAID Transportation Treasury Veterans All Other Federal Programs Total Federal Program + 24 199 93 + + + 3% 34% 4% 0% 23
Boot Camps (Item)
  • the 8rudy are repol1ed In Mum.ile Eva.....,.,. of ShOCk I~n. an NIJEValuation lleport In addition to studying eIti>cts roctdivism and prison crowding. Ihe evaluation examif1ed tht! development and' implerrM)ntation 01 the programs. the a!fl\lJde cheng.. 01
  • said, "there is help for developing fringe suburb that ranks farmers. who are hurting now, as one of the fastest-growing areas in soybeans and other crops wither while without the disaster declaration," the country. Many say the extended' farm wells
  • .• ~750 for single ruers and $\,500 for joint iilers). EncourAge Saving A progressive savings paclutge is being developed to meet available budget wgets (around SIOO billion over Ii) years). The (ll"oposal is being de.sigoed to coordinate well