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14 results

  • 11- , '4 -'1'7 . TH E: WH ITE: HOUS E: WAS HI N GTO,N November 13, 1997 SIDENT FROM: CHARLES F.C. RUFF ELENA KAGAN SUBJECT: Importation of Modified Semiautomatic Assault Type ~f1es As you requested, attached is a redraft of the directive
  • WithdrawallRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE DATE SUBJECTlflTLE RESTRICTION 001. memo Owen Clements et al to John Coale and Ken Carter re: Key Points of [Gun] Industry Reformation (4 pages) 06/02/99 P5 002. report [Gun
  • , -I, ,,~~~,~ ~~,~.',~', """",.. ,". "",,~~~~~~ ,~~,~,~,~"~,~ ",' "" '" " Record Type: . Record . To: Bruce N. Reed/OPD/EOP@EOP., Elena Kagan/OPD/EO~@EOP, Leanne A. Shimabukuro/OPD/EOP@EOP : ' cc: Courtney o. Gregoire/OPD/EOP@EOP, Cathy R. Mays
  • the conferees to ensure that measures to restrict youth access to guns are included in the final bill: Our detailed analysis and comments. concerning H.R. 1501 and S. 254 are provided in the attached document. First, however, we would like to highlight several
  • Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffITLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. memo Recommended Phone Call to Steven Spielberg (partial) (1 page) 05/03/99 P61b(6) 002. list Contact List for WH Strategy Session
Events (Item)
  • , domestic abusers, mentally ill prohibited persons and others restricted from pUrchasing firearms. To date, over $200 million has been provided to states through NCHIP. III. PARTICIPANTS Briefing Participants: Attorney General Janet Reno .Secretary
  • private cause of action for retaliation.; establishes civil and crlmiDal penalties for violaool15 of this title. . / Jose Cerda III Record Type: To: 06/03/9903:12:57 PM Record Bruce N. Reed/OPO/EOP@EOP, Elena Kagan/OPO/EOP@EOP cc: Leanne
  • program, while giving states additional flexibility to free up additional prison beds by seeking authorization to use up to 25 percent of previously awarded grant funds to implement graduated sanctions programs for non-violent offenders. Graduated sanction
School Safety (Item)
  • .of the orderingsea­ maker of metal detectors based in EwPresident Clinton has indicated that he son of supplies and services for the na~ may subpoena the marketing documents tion's116,000 schools, lending a sense of movie studios to see if they are using vi­
  • . 2022086706 . 89-0ffice of National Drug Control Policy - John Carnevale 2023956736 30-EDUCAiION - Jack Krlsty - 2024018313 118-TREASURY· Richard S:Carro - 2026221146 EOP: Elena Kagan' Rahm Emanuel Dennis Burke Bruce Reed Mike Schmidt Bob
  • ) 225-5614 225-6411 225-6316 225-5961 06/14/9906:04:29 PM Jose Cerda III Record Type: To: Record Bruce N. Reed/OPD/EOP@EOP, Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP@EOP, Leanne A. Shimabukuro/OPD/EOP@EOP cc: Janet MurguiaIWHO/EOP@EOP, Broderick JohnsonIWHO