Affirmative Action - Collection Finding Aid
Dublin Core
Affirmative Action - Collection Finding Aid
On March 7, 1995, President Clinton directed that a review be conducted of the federal government's affirmative action programs. George Stephanopoulos, Senior Advisor to the President for Policy and Strategy, and Christopher Edley, Special Counsel to the President co-chaired a steering committee that examined the design and effectiveness of federal affirmative action programs. Stephanopoulos and Edley submitted their report July 19, 1995. This collection consists of solely email concerning affirmative action and the committee's work. The email includes meeting confirmations, meeting notes, background notes, and draft reports to and from Christopher Edley, Laura Capps, and Heather Beckel, the latter two were George Stephanopolous' assistants.
Please Note: No items in this collection have yet been scanned nor made available online.
William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum
“Affirmative Action - Collection Finding Aid,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 24, 2025,