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President Clinton's Daily Schedules
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The Dissolution of Yugoslavia
Haiti: Restoring a Democracy
Health Care Reform Initiative
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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Black Americans
An Unprecedented Problem: The Clinton Administration and HIV/AIDS in the United States
The Exclusive Fraternity: President Clinton's Relationship with Former Presidents
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<strong>Audio Visual Collections</strong>
- Audio Recordings of the White House Communications Agency
- Photographs of the White House Photograph Office
-- Photograph Contact Sheets
- Video Recordings of the White House Television Office
<strong>Declassified Documents</strong>
- Memcons - Memoranda of Conversation
- Telcons - Memoranda of Telephone Conversation
<strong>Freedom of Information Act Collections</strong>
- "Dee Dee" Myers - Press Secretary
- 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
- 1998 Higher Education Act Reauthorization
- 401(k) Plans, IRAs [Individual Retirement Accounts], and Defined Contribution Retirement/Pensions
- Agriculture Market Transition Act (AMTA)
- Alexander Vershbow - Bosnia
- Alexis Herman
- Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA)
- Bank of America
- Blue Ribbon Schools
- Bosnia
- Bosnia Principals Committee and Deputies Committee Meetings
- Bosnian Declassified Records
- Boy Scouts of America v. James Dale
- Brady Bill - Assault Weapons Ban - Crime Bill
- Brazilian Foreign Minister Luiz Felipe Lampreia
- Brett Kavanaugh
- Christopher Hitchens
- Clemency of Bob F. Griffin
- Climate Change
- Cloning
- Columbine High School
- Correspondence between the White House and Congress concerning the Health Care Task Force
- Council on Environmental Quality
- David Gergen
- Delegation to Haiti
- Democratic People's Republic of North Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea (ROK)
- Democratic People's Republic of North Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea (ROK)
- Disability Civil Rights and the Disability Movement (Segment 1)
- Disability Civil Rights and the Disability Movement (Segment 2)
- Disability Civil Rights and the Disability Movement (Segment 3)
- Donald J. Trump
- Earmarks
- Education Reform
- Edward Downe, Jr.
- Elena Kagan
- Eric Holder
- Erin Kathleen Bilbray
- Executive Order 12968 and Executive Order 13087
- Executive Order 13107
- Film Screenings
- First Lady's Work on Children’s Issues and Women’s Rights
- Genocide in Yugoslavia
- Global AIDS Crisis
- Haiti Subject Files
- Haitian and Cuban Migrants
- Health Care Reform
- Health Care Task Force Records
- Health Care Task Force Records (Segment 10)
- Health Care Task Force Records (Segment 7)
- Health Care Task Force Records (Segment 8)
- Health Care Task Force Records (Segment 9)
- Hillary Rodham Clinton's Appointment to Chair the Health Care Task Force
- Hillary Rodham Clinton's New York Senate Campaign
- Hope Scholarship
- Human Rights Campaign Speech and the 40th Anniversary of the Desegregation of Central High School remarks
- Interaction and Kosovo
- Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act [ISTEA] and National Economic Crossroads Transportation Efficiency Act [NEXTEA]
- James Dobbins
- Jeffrey Levi
- Joint Task Force 160
- Jose Cerda III
- Joseph Stiglitz
- Judicial Selection
- Kathleen "Katie" McGinty
- Kathleen "Katie" McGinty
- Khalid Mish’al
- Kosovo Refugee Crisis
- Les Aspin
- Lewis Kaplan
- Lippo Group
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act
- Margaret Thatcher
- Mark Gearan
- Martin Indyk
- Massacres in Algeria, 1997-1998
- Medical Savings Accounts
- Meeting between President William J. Clinton and French President Jacques Chirac on June 14, 1995
- Merrick Garland
- Michael "Mike" McCurry - Press Secretary
- Michael Jordan
- Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
- National Church Arson Task Force (NCATF)
- National Service and AmeriCorps
- Northern Ireland
-- Enniskillen and County Fermanagh
-- Good Friday Agreement
-- Nancy Soderberg's Files concerning the Northern Ireland Peace Process
-- Northern Ireland Peace Process
-- Northern Ireland Peace Process Correspondence
- Office of Science and Technology Policy
- One America
- Pakistani Interior Minister Naseerullah Khan Babar and the Taliban
- Pakistani Support of Terrorist Operations in Jammu & Kashmir
- President Clinton's South American Trips
- President's Interagency Council on Women
- Presidential Pardons and Clemencies
- Presidential Review Directive 1 (PRD/NSC-1) - Yugoslavia
- Republic of Albania
- Republic of Estonia
- Republic of Latvia
- Republic of Lithuania
- Republic of Rwanda
-- Anthony Lake - Rwanda
-- David Rawson - Rwanda
-- Donald Steinberg - Rwanda
-- Jennifer Ward - Rwanda
-- MacArthur DeShazer - Rwanda
-- Nancy Soderberg - Rwanda
-- Paul Kagame and the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF)
-- Richard Clarke - Rwanda
-- Rwanda
-- Sandy Berger - Rwanda
-- Susan Rice - Rwanda
- Robert “Ben” Johnson and Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System
- Romanian Ambassador to the United States Mihai Botez
- Rush Limbaugh and Talk Radio
- Saudi Arabia
- School-to-Work Opportunities Act
- Senator Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy
- Senator Jesse Helms
- Sonia Sotomayor
- Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
- Stephen Oxman
- Student Loan Reform Act of 1993
- Sweatshops
- Todd Stern
- U.S. Intervention in Haiti
- U.S. Relations with Cuba
- United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women
- War Powers Resolution
- Weekly Economic Briefings
- White House Counsel Vetting Procedures
- WHORM Subject File HU
- World Health Organization Forum on Women and Health Security - First Lady's Remarks
<strong>White House Staff and Office Collections</strong>
- Clinton Administration History Project
- Domestic Policy Council
-- Andrew Rotherham - Education Series
-- Andrew Rotherham - Events Series
-- Andrew Rotherham - Subject Series
-- Anna Richter
-- Bethany Little
-- Brian Burke
-- Bruce Reed - Administration Series
-- Bruce Reed - Chronological Files Series
-- Bruce Reed - Crime Series
-- Bruce Reed - Education Series
-- Bruce Reed - General Files Series
-- Bruce Reed - Subject File Series
-- Bruce Reed - Tobacco Series
-- Bruce Reed - Welfare Reform Series
-- Carol Rasco - Correspondence Series
-- Carol Rasco - Issues Series
-- Carol Rasco - Meetings, Trips, and Events Series
-- Carol Rasco - Miscellaneous Series
-- Carol Rasco - Regrets and Invitations Series
-- Carol Rasco - Subject Series
-- Caroline Chang
-- Cathy Mays
-- Chris Jennings - Health Securities Act
-- Chris Jennings - Subject Series
-- Chris Jennings -Meetings, Trips, Events Series
-- Cynthia Rice - Subject File Series
-- Cynthia Rice - Subject File Series
-- David Lussier
-- David Sewell
-- Domestic Policy Council - Miscellaneous Files
-- Dorothy Karayannis Craft
-- Gaynor McCown
-- Jonathan "Jon" Schnur
-- Jose Cerda
-- Joshua Beck
-- Kendra Brooks - Correspondence Series
-- Kendra Brooks - Printed Materials Series
-- Kendra Brooks - Subject Series
-- Lyn Hogan
-- Matthew Eng
-- Michael Cohen - Subject Series
-- Neera Tanden - Subject Series
-- Stephen Warnath - Civil Rights Series
- First Lady's Office
-- June Shih - Speechwriting
-- Laura Schiller - Speechwriting
-- Lissa Muscatine - Press Office
-- Neera Tanden - Subject Series
-- Patti Solis Doyle - Schedules for the First Lady
-- Ruby Shamir - Subject Series
-- Speechwriting
- National Security Council
-- Office of Press and Communications - Philip J. “P.J.” Crowley
-- Office of Records Management - Presidential Decision Directives
-- Office of Records Management - Presidential Review Directives
-- Speechwriting Office - Antony Blinken
-- Speechwriting Office - Edward Widmer
-- Speechwriting Office - Paul Orzulak
-- Speechwriting Office - Robert Boorstin
-- Speechwriting Office - Thomas Rosshirt
- Office of Communications
-- Don Baer
-- Office of Speechwriting
--- Carolyn Curiel
--- Carter Wilkie
--- David Kusnet
--- David Shipley
--- Heather Hurlburt
--- Jeff Shesol
--- Jonathan Prince
--- Jordan Tamagni
--- Josh Gottheimer
--- June Shih
--- Laura Capps
--- Lowell Weiss
--- Michael Waldman
--- Paul Glastris
--- Samir Afridi
--- Terry Edmonds
- Office of Policy Development
-- Ira Magaziner - Health Care Reform
-- Lisa Green - Office of Policy Development
-- Lyn Hogan - Office of Policy Development
-- Neera Tanden - Subject Series
- Office of Scheduling
-- President Clinton’s Daily Schedule
-- Presidential Daily Diary
--- Ellen McCathran - Presidential Diarist
- Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets
- Sandra L. Thurman, Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy
Clinton White House Archived Websites
Federal Records Collections
- White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy (WHCCAMP)
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Previously Restricted Documents
Winfield House
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The Rock and Roll Beat: Musicians and White House Related Events
Education Reform - Invest More, Demand More
"Days Like This": President Clinton's Public Diplomacy in Northern Ireland
White House Green Building
Economic Inclusion in the Clinton Administration
A Space for Diplomacy: The Clinton Administration's Relationship with NASA
President Clinton and the State of the Union
Laughter and Diplomacy: The 1995 Hyde Park Conference
President Clinton's Trip to Africa 1998
Commemorating Courage: 40th Anniversary of the Desegregation of Central High
“Women’s rights are human rights, once and for all”: The First Lady’s International Rallying Cry from Beijing
Learning to Serve, Serving to Learn: AmeriCorps During the Clinton Administration
Socks, Buddy, and the History of Presidential Pets
The Constitution and the Clinton Presidency