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Collection: Health Care Reform
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Date Added
[American Business and Health Care Reform]
[MBGH - Midwest Business Group on Health]
[HFMA - Healthcare Financial Management Association]
[Health Care Reform Task Force Report, The Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce 1993]
[Binder] Alliance for Health Reform [1]
[Binder] Alliance for Health Reform [2]
[Binder] Alliance for Health Reform [3]
[Binder] Alliance for Health Reform [4]
Health Care Update: The Need for Health Care Reform
[Binder] The President's Task Force on Health Care Reform [1]
[Binder] The President's Task Force on Health Care Reform [2]
[Binder] The President's Task Force on Health Care Reform [3]
[Binder] The President's Task Force on Health Care Reform [4]
[Binder] The President's Task Force on Health Care Reform [5]
HRC 1993 Backup Files [Health Care Reform Project]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - Montana - North Carolina [1]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - Montana - North Carolina [2]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - Montana - North Carolina [3]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - Montana - North Carolina [4]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - Montana - North Carolina [5]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - North Dakota - Tennessee [1]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - North Dakota - Tennessee [2]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - North Dakota - Tennessee [3]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - North Dakota - Tennessee [4]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - North Dakota - Tennessee [5]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - Texas - Wyoming [1]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - Texas - Wyoming [2]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - Texas - Wyoming [3]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - Texas - Wyoming [4]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, A State by State, District by District Profile - Texas - Wyoming [5]
HRC Date File 5/25/94 - 11/11/94; 5/6/94 [DOD, In Harmony with National Health Care Reform]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: AL - DE [1]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: AL - DE [2]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: AL - DE [3]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: AL - DE [4]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: AL - DE [5]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: FL - KS [1]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: FL - KS [2]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: FL - KS [3]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: FL - KS [4]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: FL - KS [5]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: KY - MO [1]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: KY - MO [2]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: KY - MO [3]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: KY - MO [4]
[Binder] Why America Needs Health Care Reform, State by State: KY - MO [5]
Healthcare Reform in the Making - Improving the Clinton Legislation - 1992 - 1994 CHA Legislative Field Meetings (Binder) [1]
Healthcare Reform in the Making - Improving the Clinton Legislation - 1992 - 1994 CHA Legislative Field Meetings (Binder) [2]
Slides for President's Report - National Health Policy Council (Binder) [1]
Slides for President's Report - National Health Policy Council (Binder) [2]
Alliance for Health Reform - Reforming Health Care - A Source Book for Journalists (2 Binders) [1]
Alliance for Health Reform - Reforming Health Care - A Source Book for Journalists (2 Binders) [2]
Alliance for Health Reform - Reforming Health Care - A Source Book for Journalists (2 Binders) [3]
Alliance for Health Reform - Reforming Health Care - A Source Book for Journalists (2 Binders) [4]
Alliance for Health Reform - Reforming Health Care - A Source Book for Journalists (2 Binders) [5]
Alliance for Health Reform - Reforming Health Care - A Source Book for Journalists (2 Binders) [6]
National Small Business United Presents Health Care Reform: The Small Business Perspective, July 1993 (Binder)
Conversations on Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Des Moines 3/15/93 (Binder) [1]
Conversations on Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Des Moines 3/15/93 (Binder) [2]
HRC Briefing Pennsylvania Health Care Conference, February 11, 1993 (Binder) [1]
HRC Briefing Pennsylvania Health Care Conference, February 11, 1993 (Binder) [2]
HRC Briefing Pennsylvania Health Care Conference, February 11, 1993 (Binder) [3]
93 Symposium on State and National Health Care Reform (Binder) [1]
94 Symposium on State and National Health Care Reform (Binder) [2]
HRC's Briefing Book for Congressional Testimony Relating to Health Care (Binder) [1]
HRC's Briefing Book for Congressional Testimony Relating to Health Care (Binder) [2]
HRC's Briefing Book for Congressional Testimony Relating to Health Care (Binder) [3]
HRC's Briefing Book for Congressional Testimony Relating to Health Care (Binder) [4]
HRC's Briefing Book for Congressional Testimony Relating to Health Care (Binder) [5]
HRC's Briefing Book for Congressional Testimony Relating to Health Care (Binder) [6]
HRC's Briefing Book for Congressional Testimony Relating to Health Care (Binder) [7]
HRC's Briefing Book for Congressional Testimony Relating to Health Care (Binder) [8]
HRC's Briefing Book for Congressional Testimony Relating to Health Care (Binder) [9]
Quantitive Analysis for Health Care (Loose)
Meeting with the President and HRC on Healthcare, 5/16/93 (Loose)
Preliminary Draft of the President's Health Reform Proposal (Binder) [1]
Preliminary Draft of the President's Health Reform Proposal (Binder) [2]
"Conversations on Health" The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Tampa, Florida, March 12, 1993 (Binder) [1]
"Conversations on Health" The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Tampa, Florida, March 12, 1993 (Binder) [2]
Health Care Reform Project - The Voice of Americans for Change Now
Health Care Reform Briefings [1]
Health Care Reform Briefings [2]
1993 Campaign for Health Care Reform, AFL-CIO
How to Get Clinton Health Care Plan Through Congress, January 6, 1994
Passing Health Reform [1]
Passing Health Reform [2]
Passing Health Reform [3]
Passing Health Reform [4]
Retrospective on Health Reform [1]
Retrospective on Health Reform [2]
Retrospective on Health Reform [3]
Health - Academic Health Centers
Health - Adolescent Health Federal Initiatives
Health - [Advertising]
Health - Agency Reviews [1]
Health - Agency Reviews [2]
Health - Agency Reviews [3]
Health - Agency Reviews [4]
Health - Anti-Trust
Health - Asian-Pacific Islanders
Health - Budget - Clinton [1]
Health - Budget - Clinton [2]
Health - Budget - Clinton [3]
Health - Business [1]
Health - Business [2]
Health - California
Health - Catholics [1]
Health - Catholics [2]
Health - Catholics [3]
Health - CBO (Congressional Budget Office)
Health - Cities
Health - Clinton Plan - HRC
Health - Coalitions
Health - Communications, Message [1]
Health - Communications, Message [2]
Health - Communications, Message [3]
Health - Communications, Message [4]
Health - Consumerism
Health - Cooper - Grandy
Health - Cost Containment
Health - Cost-Sharing [1]
Health - Cost-Sharing [2]
Health - Critiques of Clinton Proposal [1]
Health - Critiques of Clinton Proposal [2]
Health - Democratic National Committee
Health - Democratic Policy Committee
Health - Democratic Study Group
Health - Dialog, National
Health - Dukakis
Health - Economics [1]
Health - Economics [2]
Health - Economics - Baumol, Dr. Will [1]
Health - Economics - Baumol, Dr. Will [2]
Health - Employer Mandates
Health - FACA [Federal Advisory Committee Act] [1]
Health - FACA [Federal Advisory Committee Act] [2]
Health - FACA [Federal Advisory Committee Act] [3]
Health - FEHBP [Federal Employees Health Benefits Program]
Health - Financing, Clinton Proposal [1]
Health - Financing, Clinton Proposal [2]
Health - Financing, Clinton Proposal [3]
Health - Financing, HCFA [Health Care and Financing Administration]
Health - Health Care Reform Project
Health - Health Security Act HR 3600
Health - HIAA [Health Insurance Association of America]
Health - Information Highway
Health - Interest Groups [1]
Health - Interest Groups [2]
Health - Interest Groups [3]
Health - Interest Groups [4]
Health - Interest Groups [5]
Health - International Systems [1]
Health - International Systems [2]
Health - International Systems [3]
Health - International Systems [4]
Health - International Systems [5]
Health - Kennedy Kausebaum
Health - Laboratory Testing
Health - Legal Issues
Health - Legislative Strategy and Status Reports
Health - Lewin VHI [Value Health, Inc.] [1]
Health - Lewin VHI [Value Health, Inc.] [2]
Health - Lewin VHI [Value Health, Inc.] [3]
Health - Mainstream Group
Health - Malpractice [1]
Health - Malpractice [2]
Health - Malpractice [3]
Health - Malpractice [4]
Health - Malpractice [5]
Health - Managed Care
Health - Managed Competition
Health - Mayo Clinic
Health - Media
Health - Mitchell Proposal
Health - Mongan Piece
Health - National Health Board
Health - National Health Policy Council
Health - NINDS [National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke]
Health - Paperwork Reduction
Health - Pennsylvania Cost Containment Consumer Guide
Health - Personal Statements
Health - Pharmaceuticals [1]
Health - Pharmaceuticals [2]
Health - Physicians
Health - [Pizza Hut]
Health - Policy
Health - Politics
Health - Polling [Folder 1] [1]
Health - Polling [Folder 1] [2]
Health - Polling [Folder 1] [3]
Health - Polling [Folder 1] [4]
Health - Polling [Folder 1] [5]
Health - Polling [Folder 2] [1]
Health - Polling [Folder 2] [2]
Health - Polling [Folder 2] [3]
Health - Positioning
Health - Process
Health - Proposals, Outside Reform [1]
Health - Proposals, Outside Reform [2]
Health - Public Hearings
Health - Publications, Clinton Administration
Health - Republicans
Health - Research [1]
Health - Research [2]
Health - Research [3]
Health - Rochester
Health - Rural Health
Health - Savings
Health - Single Payer [1]
Health - Single Payer [2]
Health - Single Payer [3]
Health - Small Business
Health - Statistics [1]
Health - Statistics [2]
Health - Supporters
Health - Telemedicine
Health - Unions
Health - Universal Coverage
Health - Waste
Health - Zellman Article
Office of the First Lady: GAO Report on Waivers
Office of the First Lady: Tenncare
Office of the First Lady: Waivers
Office of the First Lady: Cost Containment
Office of the First Lady: State Data
Office of the First Lady: Uninsured Data
Office of the First Lady: Insurance Coverage Data
Office of the First Lady: [Broder Johnson Interview] [loose material]
Office of the First Lady: Health Policy General/Miscellaneous
Office of the First Lady: [Specifications for a Program of Health Insurance for the Unemployed (HIFTU)] [loose]
Office of the First Lady: Jackson Hole
Office of the First Lady: Coverage Options
Office of the First Lady: POTUS Prep [1]
Office of the First Lady: POTUS Prep [2]
Office of the First Lady: POTUS Prep [3]
Office of the First Lady: POTUS - June 5
Office of the First Lady: Reform Description
Office of the First Lady: [Medicare/Medicaid/Health Care Reform Package] [loose material]
Office of the First Lady: [Dole/Packwood Insurance Reform Bill] [loose material]
Office of the First Lady: Fawell/Thomas
Office of the First Lady: Insurance Reform
Office of the First Lady: Self-Employed Tax Deduction
Office of the First Lady: Small Business
Office of the First Lady: Cohen/Gramm
Office of the First Lady: Fraud and Abuse [1]
Office of the First Lady: Fraud and Abuse [2]
Office of the First Lady: Justice Opinion
Office of the First Lady: Malpractice Bills [1]
Office of the First Lady: Malpractice Bills [2]
Office of the First Lady: Malpractice - Options
Office of the First Lady: Antitrust
Employment Retirement Income Security Act [1]
Employment Retirement Income Security Act [2]
Office of the First Lady: [ERISA, Employee Retirement Income Security Act] [loose material] [1]
Office of the First Lady: [ERISA, Employee Retirement Income Security Act] [loose material] [2]
Alliance for Health Reform - Reforming Health Care A Source Book for Journalists - Binder [1]
Alliance for Health Reform - Reforming Health Care A Source Book for Journalists - Binder [2]
Alliance for Health Reform - Reforming Health Care A Source Book for Journalists - Binder [3]
The President's Plan for Health Care Reform - Blue Binder (Book of Topical One Pagers, Jan. 1994)
Chaffee - White Binder (103rd Congress 1st Session, S. 1770, Calendar No. 338, 1993) [1]
Chaffee - White Binder (103rd Congress 1st Session, S. 1770, Calendar No. 338, 1993) [2]
Chaffee - White Binder (103rd Congress 1st Session, S. 1770, Calendar No. 338, 1993) [3]
Benefits Package Comparisons - White Binder [1]
Benefits Package Comparisons - White Binder [2]
Health Reform 1993/1994: Benefit Estimates - Loose Papers [1]
Health Reform 1993/1994: Benefit Estimates - Loose Papers [2]
Health Reform 1993/1994: Benefit Estimates - Loose Papers [3]
Health Reform 1993/1994: Benefit Estimates - Loose Papers [4]
Health Reform 1993/1994: Benefit Estimates - Loose Papers [5]
Health Reform 1993/1994: Benefit Estimates - Loose Papers [6]
Health Security Act of 1993: White Binder [1]
Health Security Act of 1993: White Binder [2]
Benefit Design - Clinical Preventive Services - Literature
Benefit Design - Patient Cost-Sharing - Book
Commonwealth Fund - Literature
Health Care Financing Administration: Medicare: A Profile - Report
The Human Impact of Health Reform - Literature
Managed Competition in Health Care: Can It Work - Book
National Institute for Health Care Management - Book
RAND: Data Sources for Studies of Self-Insured Health Plans - Booklet
Kaiser Family - The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System: Thirteen Years of Managed Care in Medicaid - Report
Harvard JFK School of Government - Health Care Fraud Control, The State of the Art - Book
The Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid: Cutting Medicaid Spending in Response to Budget Caps - Report
The Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid: Expenditure Caps and the Distribution of Federal Medicaid Payments
The Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid: Medicaid in Transition, Briefing Charts October 1995
The Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid: The 'New' Health Reform and Access to Care: The Problem of the Inner City
The Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid: Section 115 Demonstration Waivers: Approved and Proposed Activities as of November 1994
The Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid: Health Needs and Medicaid Financing: State Facts
The Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid: Medicaid Expenditures and Beneficiaries: State Profiles and Trends, 1984-1993
The Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid: Medicaid Expenditures and Beneficiaries: National and State Profiles and Trends, 1984-1993
The Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid: Medicaid and Managed Care: Lessons from the Literature
The Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid: Directions for Health Reform - Report (Loose)
Kaiser Family: Risk Selection Issues Under Medicare Reform Proposals [Loose]
Kaiser Family: Medicare Chart Book, October 1995
Kaiser Family: Medicare Provisions of H.R. 2491, The Balanced Budget Act of 1995
Kaiser Family: Overview of Medicare Provisions
Kaiser Family: Searching for Savings in Medicare, December 1995
Kaiser Family: Medicare Provisions of the House and Senate Budget Bills
Kaiser Family: Medical Savings Accounts for Medicare Beneficiaries
Kaiser Family: State Experiences with Community Rating and Related Reforms
Kaiser Family: Analysis of the Number of Workers Covered by Self-Insured Health Plans Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 - 1993 and 1995
Kaiser Family: Analysis of Focus Groups Concerning Managed Care and Medicare, May 1995
Kaiser Family: Health Insurance Coverage and Health Expenditure Trends in California, New York, and Texas 1994-2000
Kaiser Family: Primer on the Federal Budget, May 1995
Kaiser Family: Summary of Major Health Care Reform Legislation (As of December 22, 1993)
Kaiser Family: What Shapes Lawmakers Views: A Survey of Members of Congress and Key Staff on Health Care
Kaiser Family: Straight Facts on Health Reform - Literature
Prevention is Basic to Health Reform: A Position Paper from and Expert Panel, March 1993
AHCPR: Medical Necessity: A Symposium on Issues, Implementation Challenges and Tough Choices
Children's Defense Fund: National Observance of Children's Sabbaths - October 14-16, 1994
VIM Clinic: Volunteers in Medicine Vision Statement
VIM Clinic: Volunteers in Medicine - 2 Folders with Literature
Annenberg Health Communication Forum, 1993-1994 Summary
Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield - Managed Care Initiatives
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Annual Report 1994: Cost Containment
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law - Limited Access: How the Health Security Act Affects People with Mental Illness or Substance Abuse Disorders, Part 1
Health Care Reform: Opportunities for Improving Adolescent Health
NHCM: States as Payers: Managed Care for Medicaid Populations
Hurting Real People: The Human Impact of Medicaid Cuts, Families USA Report
Can We Successfully Restructure the Medicare and Medicaid Programs? Report
Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice Conference Materials Re: HR 2425, Medicare Preservation Act of 1995 (Blue Binder)
Insurance Reform Provisions (Loose)
NGA Medical Plan Papers (Loose)
Medicaid Reform: A Comparison of Current Law, Medigrant and the National Governor's Association Medicaid Reform Proposal - The George Washington University (loose)
Summary Comparison of 1994 and 1995 FEHBP Blue Cross/Blue Shield Standard Option - Draft (Loose)
Allocation of Medicaid Federal Expenditures Tables Between BCIBS FEHBP Comparable and Non-Comparable (Loose)
Testimony of Paul M. Ellwood, M.D., President of the Jackson Hole Group - Before the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources Hearing on Effective Health Care Reform in a Changing Marketplace, March 15, 1995 (Loose)
Loose Materials Relating to Medicaid
[Unfoldered Health Care Materials - Notebooks, Legislation, etc.] [1]
[Unfoldered Health Care Materials - Notebooks, Legislation, etc.] [2]
[Unfoldered Health Care Materials - Notebooks, Legislation, etc.] [3]
[Unfoldered Health Care Materials - Notebooks, Legislation, etc.] [4]
[Unfoldered Health Care Materials - Notebooks, Legislation, etc.] [5]
[Health Care Reform Reports: Congressional Research Service - Unfoldered]
[Health Care Reform Reports: Urban Institute - Unfoldered]
[Health Security Act of 1993: Senior Staff Information Package]
[Health Care Reform Reports: GAO: Canadian Health Insurance - Unfoldered]
[Health Reform: How it Works]
[Testimony on Meeting the Needs of Low Income Population in Health Reform, November 19, 1993] [1]
[Testimony on Meeting the Needs of Low Income Population in Health Reform, November 19, 1993] [2]
[Health Care Reform Reports: Cooper-Binder] [1]
[Health Care Reform Reports: Cooper-Binder] [2]
Binders on State Health Reform
[Insurance Reform - Background Data: Kassebaum - Kennedy and Administration Proposals] [1]
[Insurance Reform - Background Data: Kassebaum - Kennedy and Administration Proposals] [2]
[Kennedy/Kassebaum Background Materials] [1]
[Kennedy/Kassebaum Background Materials] [2]
Women's Health Day 9/5/95 (Health Reform)
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 1]: Groups [1]
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 1]: Groups [2]
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 1]: Health Care - DNC
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 1]: Health Care Task Force
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 1]: Meetings [1]
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 1]: Meetings [2]
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 1]: Press Strategy
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 2]: Communications [1]
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 2]: Communications [2]
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 2]: Correspondence
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 2]: Correspondence Unit
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 2]: Health Care Reform in the Clinton Administration: What Does It Mean?
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 2]: Interoffice Memoranda
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 3]: Personnel [1]
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 3]: Personnel [2]
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 3]: Personnel [3]
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 3]: Personnel [4]
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 3]: Talking Points
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 3]: Scheduling
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 3]: Media
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 3]: Legislative
M. Williams Health Files [Folder 3]: Legal
[Health Care Reform Coding Manual] [1]
[Health Care Reform Coding Manual] [2]
[The White House Health Care Reform Briefing Tuesday, February 15, 1994]
POTUS Interview with Broder/Johnson on Health Care Reform - Washington DC (Jul 17, 1995)
Health Care Task Force [Folder 1]
Health Care Task Force [Folder 2] [1]
Health Care Task Force [Folder 2] [2]
Health Care Task Force [Folder 2] [3]
Health Care Task Force [Folder 2] [4]
Health Care Task Force - RWJ Forum
Domestic Affairs, Special Issue Health Care Reform [Journal]
Health Reform: How It Works [2 Copies]
The Health Care Task Force - Dec 18, 94 POTUS Statement 1/25
Morning Shows - HRC Health Care Sept 23, '93
Iowa - Health Care Conference - Panel
Tampa Health Care RWJ [Robert Wood Johnson] - 03/12/93 - Participants
HRC - Court Ruling health Care Task Force
HRC Written Pieces 95-97: Op-Ed Health Care Reform 10-25-94
Prez's Task Force on Health Care Reform 3/29/93 [Binder] [1]
Prez's Task Force on Health Care Reform 3/29/93 [Binder] [2]
Prez's Task Force on Health Care Reform 3/29/93 [Binder] [3]
Prez's Task Force on Health Care Reform 3/29/93 [Binder] [4]
Prez's Task Force on Health Care Reform 3/29/93 [Binder] [5]
HC - Task Force Lawsuit [Health Care]
Why Health Reform? [1]
Why Health Reform? [2]
HRC Health Care Book 1: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 1: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 1: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 1: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 1: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 1: Health Reform [6]
HRC Health Care Book 2: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 2: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 2: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 2: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 2: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 2: Health Reform [6]
HRC Health Care Book 3: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 3: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 3: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 3: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 3: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 3: Health Reform [6]
HRC Health Care Book 4: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 4: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 4: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 4: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 4: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 4: Health Reform [6]
HRC Health Care Book 4: Health Reform [7]
HRC Health Care Book 5: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 5: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 5: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 5: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 5: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 5: Health Reform [6]
HRC Health Care Book 5: Health Reform [7]
HRC Health Care Book 6: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 6: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 6: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 6: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 6: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 7: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 7: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 7: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 7: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 7: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 8: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 8: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 8: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 8: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 8: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 8: Health Reform [6]
HRC Health Care Book 8: Health Reform [7]
HRC Health Care Book 9: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 9: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 9: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 9: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 9: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 9: Health Reform [6]
HRC Health Care Book 9: Health Reform [7]
HRC Health Care Book 9: Health Reform [8]
HRC Health Care Book 10: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 10: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 10: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 10: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 10: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 10: Health Reform [6]
HRC Health Care Book 11: Health Reform [1]
HRC Health Care Book 11: Health Reform [2]
HRC Health Care Book 11: Health Reform [3]
HRC Health Care Book 11: Health Reform [4]
HRC Health Care Book 11: Health Reform [5]
HRC Health Care Book 11: Health Reform [6]
HRC Health Care Book 11: Health Reform [7]
Health Reform
[Background on Health Care Reform]
Background on Health Care Reform
Health Care Update: The Need for Health Care Reform
Healthcare Task Force [1]
Healthcare Task Force [2]
Healthcare Task Force [3]
Healthcare Task Force [4]
Healthcare Task Force [5]
Health Reform [1]
Health Reform [2]
Health Reform [3]
Health Reform: American International Health Alliance
Healthcare [1]
Healthcare [2]
Healthcare [3]
Healthcare [4]
Healthcare [5]
Healthcare (More)
Healthcare Cong. Meeting
Health and Education Reform List: Health Reform
Healthcare: Broder: Health Reform
Health Plan Press: Health Reform
Hospital Partnerships: Health Reform
Health Reform; Medical Savings Account; Health Reform; Medicare; Mellon Dinner; Memos-Elena Kagan; MV Memos; Memos-POTUS; Human Rights - Mexico
Oral Health Reform Russia Project
Health Care Task Force
American Physicians Lawsuit - HCTF (Health Care Task Force); 2-23-93 Info Flow
American Physicians Lawsuit - HCTF (Health Care Task Force); March 3, 1994
American Physicians Lawsuit - HCTF (Health Care Task Force); March 22, 1994
American Physicians Lawsuit - HCTF (Health Care Task Force); March 23, 1994 [1]
American Physicians Lawsuit - HCTF (Health Care Task Force); March 23, 1994 [2]
Briefing Book on Benefits [1]
Briefing Book on Benefits [2]
of 3
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