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Collection: Bruce Reed - Tobacco Series
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Date Added
[Tobacco - Healthy Kids Act] [1]
[Tobacco - Healthy Kids Act] [2]
[Tobacco - Healthy Kids Act] [3]
[Tobacco AMA/FDA]
[Tobacco Bill, Harkin] [Binder] [1]
[Tobacco Bill, Harkin] [Binder] [2]
[Tobacco Bill, Harkin] [Binder] [3]
[Tobacco Bill, Harkin] [Binder] [4]
[Tobacco Bill, Harkin] [Binder] [5]
[Tobacco Case for a Federal Tobacco Lawsuit, The, January 1999] [1]
[Tobacco Case for a Federal Tobacco Lawsuit, The, January 1999] [2]
[Tobacco Conrad Bill] [1]
[Tobacco Conrad Bill] [2]
[Tobacco Conrad Bill] [3]
[Tobacco Conrad Bill] [4]
[Tobacco Drafts] [1]
[Tobacco Drafts] [2]
[Tobacco Drafts] [3]
[Tobacco Drafts] [4]
[Tobacco Drafts] [5]
[Tobacco Lawsuit] [1]
[Tobacco Lawsuit] [2]
[Tobacco Lawsuit] [3]
[Tobacco Legislative Amendments] [1]
[Tobacco Legislative Amendments] [2]
[Tobacco Legislative Amendments] [3]
[Tobacco Legislative Amendments] [4]
[Tobacco Legislative Amendments] [5]
[Tobacco Legislative Amendments] [6]
[Tobacco Legislative Amendments] [7]
[Tobacco Legislative Amendments] [8]
[Tobacco Legislative Amendments] [9]
[Tobacco McCain Bill] [1]
[Tobacco McCain Bill] [2]
[Tobacco McCain Bill] [3]
[Tobacco McCain Bill] [4]
[Tobacco McCain Bill] [5]
[Tobacco McCain Bill] [6]
[Tobacco McCain Bill] [7]
[Tobacco Meetings]
[Tobacco Miscellaneous] [1]
[Tobacco Miscellaneous] [2]
[Tobacco Press]
[Tobacco Proposed Tobacco Settlement, The: Issues from a Federal Perspective April 1998]
[Tobacco Research]
[Tobacco Settlement]
[Tobacco: Issues Book] [1]
[Tobacco: Issues Book] [2]
[Tobacco] [S. 1313 Lugar]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Amendments] [1]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Amendments] [2]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Amendments] [3]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Amendments] [4]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Amendments] [5]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Amendments] [6]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Amendments] [7]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Amendments] [8]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Amendments] [9]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Hatch-Feinstein Substitute Bill] [Binder] [1]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Hatch-Feinstein Substitute Bill] [Binder] [2]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Hatch-Feinstein Substitute Bill] [Binder] [3]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Hatch-Feinstein Substitute Bill] [Binder] [4]
[Tobacco] [S. 1415 Hatch-Feinstein Substitute Bill] [Binder] [5]
[Tobacco] [Senate Commerce Committee Amendments to S. 1415]
[Tobacco] Announcement Sept. 1997
[Tobacco] Bills
[Tobacco] Budget/Spending [1]
[Tobacco] Budget/Spending [2]
[Tobacco] Congressional Meetings
[Tobacco] Drugs
[Tobacco] Farmers
[Tobacco] Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Tobacco and Public Health, Jul 1997
[Tobacco] Handouts
[Tobacco] Liability
[Tobacco] Miscellaneous
[Tobacco] Penalties [1]
[Tobacco] Penalties [2]
[Tobacco] Penalties [3]
[Tobacco] POTUS Memos [1]
[Tobacco] POTUS Memos [2]
[Tobacco] Price/Volume [1]
[Tobacco] Price/Volume [2]
[Tobacco] Price/Volume [3]
[Tobacco] Public Health Position Papers [1]
[Tobacco] Public Health Position Papers [2]
[Tobacco] Public Health Position Papers [3]
[Tobacco] Public Health Position Papers [4]
[Tobacco] S. 1415 McCain [1]
[Tobacco] S. 1415 McCain [2]
[Tobacco] S. 1415 McCain [3]
[Tobacco] S. 1415 McCain [4]
[Tobacco] S. 1415 McCain [5]
[Tobacco] S. 1492 Kennedy
[Tobacco] S. 1530 Hatch
[Tobacco] S. 1648 Jeffords [1]
[Tobacco] S. 1648 Jeffords [2]
[Tobacco] S. 1648 Jeffords [3]
[Tobacco] S. 1648 Jeffords [4]
[Tobacco] Target List
[Tobacco] Tax Cuts
[Tobacco] Terms
[Tobacco] To Resolve
[Tobacco][S. 1415 Further Modification of Commerce Committee Amendment] [1]
[Tobacco][S. 1415 Further Modification of Commerce Committee Amendment] [2]
[Tobacco][S. 1415 Further Modification of Commerce Committee Amendment] [3]
[Tobacco][S. 1415 Further Modification of Commerce Committee Amendment] [4]
[Tobacco][S. 1415 Further Modification of Commerce Committee Amendment] [5]
American Cancer Society Analysis and Review of the Proposed Tobacco Settlement [Binder] [1]
American Cancer Society Analysis and Review of the Proposed Tobacco Settlement [Binder] [2]
American Cancer Society Analysis and Review of the Proposed Tobacco Settlement [Binder] [3]
American Cancer Society Analysis and Review of the Proposed Tobacco Settlement [Binder] [4]
American Cancer Society Analysis and Review of the Proposed Tobacco Settlement [Binder] [5]
Tobacco [1]
Tobacco [10]
Tobacco [11]
Tobacco [2]
Tobacco [3]
Tobacco [4]
Tobacco [5]
Tobacco [6]
Tobacco [7]
Tobacco [8]
Tobacco [9]
Tobacco Access
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Amendments [1]
Tobacco Amendments [2]
Tobacco Amendments [3]
Tobacco Amendments [4]
Tobacco Analysis
Tobacco Announcement
Tobacco Antitrust
Tobacco Asbestos
Tobacco Bankruptcy
Tobacco Bills [Binder 1] [1]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 1] [2]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 1] [3]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 1] [4]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 1] [5]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 1] [6]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 1] [7]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 2] [1]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 2] [2]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 2] [3]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 2] [4]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 2] [5]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 2] [6]
Tobacco Bills [Binder 2] [7]
Tobacco Black Caucus
Tobacco Bliley
Tobacco Budget [1]
Tobacco Budget [2]
Tobacco Budget [3]
Tobacco Budget 2000
Tobacco Campaign Contributions
Tobacco Castano
Tobacco Cigars
Tobacco Class Action
Tobacco Communications
Tobacco Compromises
Tobacco Congressional Letters
Tobacco Congressional Meetings
Tobacco Congressional Riders
Tobacco Conrad Bill [1]
Tobacco Conrad Bill [2]
Tobacco Conrad Bill [3]
Tobacco Conrad Bill [4]
Tobacco Conrad Bill [5]
Tobacco Consent Decree [1]
Tobacco Consent Decree [2]
Tobacco Corporate Compliance
Tobacco Counteradvertising
Tobacco Department of Defense (DOD)
Tobacco Documents
Tobacco Drugs [1]
Tobacco Drugs [2]
Tobacco Effective National Action to Control Tobacco (ENACT) [1]
Tobacco Effective National Action to Control Tobacco (ENACT) [2]
Tobacco Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)
Tobacco Event Kentuckiana 4/9/98
Tobacco Event South Lawn 4/27/98
Tobacco Event South Lawn 5/20/98
Tobacco Executive Actions
Tobacco Farmers [1]
Tobacco Farmers [2]
Tobacco Farmers [3]
Tobacco Federal Buildings
Tobacco Florida
Tobacco Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [1]
Tobacco Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [2]
Tobacco Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [3]
Tobacco Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [4]
Tobacco Formulas
Tobacco Fourth Circuit [1]
Tobacco Fourth Circuit [2]
Tobacco Gramm Amendment
Tobacco Greensboro Opinion
Tobacco Growers
Tobacco Harkin - Chafee
Tobacco Hatch Bill [1]
Tobacco Hatch Bill [2]
Tobacco Hatch Bill [3]
Tobacco Hatch Bill [4]
Tobacco House Republican Bill
Tobacco Ideas
Tobacco Industry [1]
Tobacco Industry [2]
Tobacco Industry [3]
Tobacco Industry [4]
Tobacco Industry Analysis
Tobacco Industry Statements
Tobacco International
Tobacco Internet
Tobacco Koop-Kessler
Tobacco Labor
Tobacco Lawsuit
Tobacco Legal
Tobacco Legal Fees
Tobacco Legislation [1]
Tobacco Legislation [10]
Tobacco Legislation [11]
Tobacco Legislation [12]
Tobacco Legislation [13]
Tobacco Legislation [2]
Tobacco Legislation [3]
Tobacco Legislation [4]
Tobacco Legislation [5]
Tobacco Legislation [6]
Tobacco Legislation [7]
Tobacco Legislation [8]
Tobacco Legislation [9]
Tobacco Legislation, Senate Commerce Committee Bill [1]
Tobacco Legislation, Senate Commerce Committee Bill [2]
Tobacco Legislation, Senate Commerce Committee Bill [3]
Tobacco Legislation, Senate Commerce Committee Bill [4]
Tobacco Letters
Tobacco Letters (POTUS)
Tobacco Liability [1]
Tobacco Liability [2]
Tobacco Liggette
Tobacco Lobbyists
Tobacco Lookbacks
Tobacco McCain Bill [1]
Tobacco McCain Bill [2]
Tobacco Medicaid
Tobacco Medicaid Recoupment
Tobacco Medicare
Tobacco Medicare Lawsuit [1]
Tobacco Medicare Lawsuit [2]
Tobacco Medicare Lawsuit [3]
Tobacco Medicare Lawsuit [4]
Tobacco Medicare Lawsuit [5]
Tobacco Medicare Lawsuit [6]
Tobacco Medicare Lawsuit [7]
Tobacco Meetings
Tobacco Memos
Tobacco Menu
Tobacco Minnesota
Tobacco Minorities [1]
Tobacco Minorities [2]
Tobacco National Governors Association (NGA)
Tobacco Newsclips
Tobacco Nicotine
Tobacco Notes
Tobacco Penalties [1]
Tobacco Penalties [2]
Tobacco Penalties [3]
Tobacco Polls
Tobacco Price [1]
Tobacco Price [2]
Tobacco Product Placement
Tobacco Public Health Groups
Tobacco Public Health Reviews [1]
Tobacco Public Health Reviews [2]
Tobacco Public Health Reviews [3]
Tobacco Public Health Reviews [4]
Tobacco Q and A [1]
Tobacco Q and A [2]
Tobacco Recoupment
Tobacco Republicans
Tobacco Retailers
Tobacco Settlement [1]
Tobacco Settlement [2]
Tobacco Settlement [3]
Tobacco Settlement [4]
Tobacco Smuggling
Tobacco Speeches (POTUS)
Tobacco State Settlement [1]
Tobacco State Settlement [2]
Tobacco State Settlement [3]
Tobacco State Settlement [4]
Tobacco Statements
Tobacco States
Tobacco Strategy [1]
Tobacco Strategy [2]
Tobacco Suggested Language
Tobacco Surveys
Tobacco Synar Amendment
Tobacco Talking Points
Tobacco Tax Cuts
Tobacco Taxes
Tobacco Testimony
Tobacco Third Party Suits
Tobacco Tobacco Companies
Tobacco Use Among US Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups, Report of the Surgeon General [1]
Tobacco Use Among US Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups, Report of the Surgeon General [2]
Tobacco Use Among US Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups, Report of the Surgeon General [3]
Tobacco Veterans
Tobacco Warning Labels
Tobacco Youth Penalties
Tobacco Youth Prevalence [1]
Tobacco Youth Prevalence [2]
Tobacco: Proposed Resolution
Tobacco: Summary of the Proposed Resolution
Output Formats