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President Clinton's Daily Schedules
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President Clinton's Travel Schedule
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Topical Research Guides
The Dissolution of Yugoslavia
Haiti: Restoring a Democracy
Health Care Reform Initiative
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Economic Growth
Black Americans
American Indians
An Unprecedented Problem: The Clinton Administration and HIV/AIDS in the United States
The Exclusive Fraternity: President Clinton's Relationship with Former Presidents
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Collection: Kathleen "Katie" McGinty
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Date Added
Yucca Mountain/WIPP [Waste Isolation Pilot Plant]
Yucca Mountain
York County Energy Partnership
Yale Campus Earth Summit
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]: WTI Letters
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]: WTI Letter - GAO [Government Accountability Office]
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]: WTI Letter
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]: WTI Faxes Pro/Con
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries] Current Issues: WTI Incinerator
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries] Current Issues [2]
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries] Current Issues [1]
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]
WRI [World Resources Institute]: Forging International Agreement
WRI [World Resources Institute] - North/South Dialogue [2]
WRI [World Resources Institute] - North/South Dialogue [1]
World Resources Institute - Green Fees Report
World Bank/Green Fund
World Bank
Working Groups - 1st Round
Will's Article on Gore
Wildlife Policies
White House Recycling
White House
Wetlands Interagency Working Group
Wetlands 1992
Western Hemisphere Convention
Western Governor's Association EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Delegation
Water-State Revolving Funds
Water Soluble Plastics
Waste Technologies Industries] [loose]
Washington State
Warren Brookes Article
Ward Valley
Wangari Maathai
VIP List [2]
VIP List [1]
Vice President Resident Event
Vehicle Inspection/Maintenance
USDA [United States Department of Agriculture] Clippings
Unsustainable Development – Somalia
United States Whale Policy - International Whaling Commission
United States Statement at IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] Working Group II
United States Nuclear Aid to Russia
United States Forest Service Information
United States Environmental Technology Export Council Fall Conference 1993
United States Actions for a Better Environment
United Nations Press Releases
United Nations Environment Programme - Management and Organisation Study
United Nations Documents
UNGA [United Nations General Assembly] - Climate Conference Secretariat
Underground Storage Tank
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Staff - Business Council
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Report to Senate
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Report to Main Committee
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Preparatory Committee 4
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Oceans
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Hearing July 21, 1992
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Group File II
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Geneva Oceans
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Follow-up
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Biodiversity
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Atmosphere
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] and Oceans
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] – Forests
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] – Deforestation
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] – CRS [Congressional Research Service] – Brazil
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] - Working Group
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] - Working File
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] - Sustainable Development
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] - CRS [Congressional Research Service] Conference
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] - Climate Change
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] - Capacity Building
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] - Beijing Conference
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] - Agenda 21
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] - "Japan Financial Conference"
UNCED [United Nations Conference of Environment and Development] Forests
U.S.-Mexico Border Water Pollution Act
U.S.-Mexico Border Evaluation
Twenty-Three Questions
TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority]
Tropical Timbers/Mahogany Letter
Tree Rings
Treasury Personnel
Treasury Department Personnel
Toxics and Hazardous Waste
To Read: Montana Wilderness
To Read
Timber Crisis Northwest
Thailand (Global)
Technology Transfer
Technology Initiative
Technology Awards
Technology Assistance
Tax System – Environment
Tape 1/Environmental Accounting Meeting
Synthesis Memo
Superfund [2]
Superfund [1]
Sunday June 7th
Summit Press
Summary of S.1630 Clean Air Legislation
Subcommittee - Proposed Hearings
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)
Stimulus [empty]
Stationary Source
State Department Papers
Staff Listing
Spotted Owl
Sportsmen for Clinton/Gore
Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy Input and Information February 16, 1993
Skeptics [2]
Skeptics [1]
Six Rivers Adaptive Management Area
Sierra Club Faxes
Sierra Club Endorsement
Sierra Club Comparison of Clean Air Bills
Sierra Club - Raising Fuel Economy Standards
Senator Gore Directory
Second Ministerial Conference
Seaborg/Hobin Non-Radioactive Fuel Fusion
Seabed Mining - UNCLOS [United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea]
Science and Technology
Schneider - Response to Critics
Schedule [2]
Schedule [1]
Sarawak [2]
Sarawak [1]
San Luis Valley, California Water Table
S.1630 Substitutes
S. 870
Russia and Ukraine
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth
Renewable Energy
Religion and Environment/Key Note
Religion and Environment [2]
Religion and Environment [1]
Reinstein Testimony Letter to Bauer
Regulatory Takings
Regulatory Review
Regrets-September 1994 [2]
Regrets-September 1994 [1]
Regrets-October 1994 [2]
Regrets-October 1994 [1]
Regrets-November 1994 [2]
Regrets-November 1994 [1]
Regrets-May 1994 [2]
Regrets-May 1994 [1]
Regrets-March 1994 [2]
Regrets-March 1994 [1]
Regrets-June 1994 [4]
Regrets-June 1994 [3]
Regrets-June 1994 [2]
Regrets-June 1994 [1]
Regrets-July 1994
Regrets-January 1994
Regrets-February 1994
Regrets-August 1994
Regrets-April 1994 [4]
Regrets-April 1994 [3]
Regrets-April 1994 [2]
Regrets-April 1994 [1]
Regrets (VP)-October 1993
Regrets (VP)-May 1994
Regrets (VP)-March 1994
Regrets (VP)-June 1994
Regrets (VP)-January 1994
Regrets (VP)-February 1994
Regrets (VP)-August 1994
Regrets (VP)-April 1994 [3]
Regrets (VP)-April 1994 [2]
Regrets (VP)-April 1994 [1]
Refuse Derived Fuel
Refrigerant Recycling
Questions and Talking Points for Doctor Bromley
Public Law 91-190, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969
Public Law 91-190 - January 1, 1970 Declaration of National Environment Policy
Proposed Daschle-Harkin Amendment
Product Liability
Product Liability
Process Training
President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD)
Preparatory Committee Highlights
Preparatory Committee 3 [Folder 2]: Technology Transfer
Preparatory Committee 3 [Folder 2]: Financial Resources
Preparatory Committee 3 [Folder 2]
Preparatory Committee 3 [Folder 1] [2]
Preparatory Committee 3 [Folder 1] [1]
Post Rio de Janeiro
Pond Mountain Wilderness
Pollution Prevention Executive Order
Policy Implications of Global Warming Hearing] [loose]
POD Associates, Incorporated
Planet Earth Art
Phil Baer-Cade II Landfill
Permitting Provisions
Participant Comments: Roundtable 2
Participant Biographies: Roundtable 2
Packwood Amendment
Pacific Whiting-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Pacific Salmon Commission
Pacific Northwest Forests
Oxidation Potential
OVP [Office of the Vice President] - Danube Oil Blockade - Actions for Birds
Outreach Congressional Committees
OTS [Organization for Tropical Studies]
Other Amendments to Clean Air
OTA [Office of Technology Assessment] on Reducing Urban Ozone
OSTP [Office of Science and Technology Policy] Papers
OSM [Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement]/Skyline
Organizations [2]
Organizations [1]
Oil Tanker Safety Standards
Office of the Federal Recycling Coordinator
OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] Trade and Environment
OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] Joint Exports
Ocean Roundtable
NWF [National Wildlife Foundation] - NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] Package
Nuclear Reactors
Nuclear - Witherspoon, Incorporated [3]
Nuclear - Witherspoon, Incorporated [2]
Nuclear - Witherspoon, Incorporated [1]
NSF [National Science Foundation] Bernthal Testimony Subcommittee on Science February 23, 1993
NRC [Nuclear Regulatory Commission] - Low Level Waste
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
NFRC [Northwest Forest Resource Council] Litigation - Motion to Dismiss [2]
NFRC [Northwest Forest Resource Council] Litigation - Motion to Dismiss [1]
Newspaper Coverage of Clean Air (Alternative Fuels, Costs) May 1990
News Release - Baldung Initiative Focus on Global Partnership
News Conference to Announce Office of Environmental Policy, February 8, 1993
News Clips [2]
News Clips [1]
New Jersey Ocean Sludge
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] Extraterritoriality
Nature Conservancy Statement February 12, 1993 - Legacy Program in Fiscal Year 1994
Natural Resources Defense Council National Pesticide Reform
Natural Gas - Briefing Book
National Religious Partnership for Environment Grant Proposal Winter 1993
National Parks
National Geographic Kids Network
National Environmental Strategy
National Bottle Bill
National Arboretum
National Action Plan
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] Side Agreements
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] Border Letter
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] - Border [2]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] - Border [1]
Multilateral Development Banks - Latin America
MRS [Monitored Retrievable Storage]
Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association's Comments on Wirth
More MDBs [Multilateral Development Banks]
Montreal Protocol
Mobile Source Provisions
Miscellaneous on Gore-Lautenberg Amendment
Mining Law Reform
Mexican Spotted Owl
Methyl Chloroform
Methyl Bromide
Methyl Bromide
Methyl Bromide
Memos [2]
Memos [1]
MDBs [Multilateral Development Banks]
MDB [Multilateral Development Bank]/NGO [Non-Governmental Organization] World Bank Stuff
MDB [Multilateral Development Bank] Summary July 29, 1993
MDB [Multilateral Development Bank] PDD [Presidential Decision Directive]
Maurice Baker-Cathy Zoi
Marshall Institute Report
Marion County Incinerator
Mario Cuomo
LRTAP [Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution]
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lord Jenkin/World Congress on Urban Growth and Environment
Longbeach Freeway Referral February 26, 1993
Long Beach Freeway 710
Liz Claiborne/Art Ortenberg
Lindzen - Humidity Tests
Letters to Roberts, Lowry, and Belcher
Letters to Lyons and Governor Sullivan
Letters in Favor of Wirth -Wilson Amendment
Letter from Trade Representative re: NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Various Agencies
Legislative Referral Memoranda-United States Trade Representative
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Transportation
Legislative Referral Memoranda-State
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Office of Science and Technology Policy/National Science Foundation
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Office of Management and Budget
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Justice
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Interior [4]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Interior [3]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Interior [2]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Interior [1]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] [7]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] [6]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] [5]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] [4]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] [3]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] [2]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] [1]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Energy
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Defense
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Commerce [2]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Commerce [1]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-AID [Agency for International Development]
Legislative Referral Memoranda-Agriculture
League of Conservation Voters Reports
Lead Poisoning
Lead and the OECD [Organization for Cooperation and Development]
Law of the Sea
Latest Budget
Landscape Institute
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University - Pleistocene Climate Change
Judge Arnold
Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation
Joint Publications Research Service Report - Environmental Issues
Joint Institute for Energy and Environment Information Sheet
Johnston Amendment S.171
Jobs/Environment [3]
Jobs/Environment [2]
Jobs/Environment [1]
Jim Hansen Letters
JEC [Joint Economic Committee] Carbon Dioxide Hearing April 28, 1992
Jay Hair Memo to Vice President
Jacksonville, Arkansas: Superfund Clean-up Site
ITTA [International Tropical Timber Agreement]/PDD [Presidential Decision Directive] on Forests, etc.
ITTA [International Tropical Timber Agreement] Meetings
Issues for IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] Working Group II Dan Reifsynder
IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]
International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITAA)
International Financial Institutions - Working Group on Appointments] [loose]
International Environment
Internal Computer Messages
Intermodel Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA)-Crumb Rubber
Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change - 1992 IPCC Supplement
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for Convention on Climate Change
Inter-Parliamentary Union] [loose]
Institutional Issues
Infrastructure – Papers
Industrial Ecology
INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee]/OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] Meetings
IBWC [International Boundary and Water Commission]/United States-Mexico
High Level Waste - NRC [National Research Council]
Hearings - Capitol Hill
Hearing on Business Opportunities in Environmental Technology and Trade February 25, 1993
Health Effects
Hardware Wholesalers Baltimore September 29 10:00
Haiti October 1993
Haiti [2]
Haiti [1]
Grassroots [2]
Grassroots [1]
Graduate Programs
Governor Richards-Playa del Rio, Texas
Gore-Chernomyrdin Meeting 1993
Gorbachev - IGC [International Green Cross]
God Squad Appeals
Global Warming/Ozone
Global Warming/National Academy Speech [empty]
Global Warming and Biosphere Hearing April 9, 1992
Global Warming - Boucher Hearing October 1991
Global Warming
Global Environment Facility Memos and Faxes
General [2]
General [1]
GEF [Global Environment Facility]/Mexican Conservation
GEF [Global Environment Facility] – Biodiversity
GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade] – Tuna
GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade] - EMIT [Environmental Measures and International Trade]
GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade]
GAO [Government Accountability Office] – Transportation
Friends of the Earth Meeting February 25, 1993
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Forests [2]
Forests [1]
Forestry Summit
Forest Plan
Forest Memos
Forest Conference-White House Memos
Forest Conference-Watershed Strategy
Forest Conference-Watershed Restoration
Forest Conference-Washington Citizens to Protect the Northwest
Forest Conference-Vice President Tacoma Speech
Forest Conference-U.S. Forest Service Employees
Forest Conference-Tuchmann Memoranda
Forest Conference-Tongass National Forest [2]
Forest Conference-Tongass National Forest [1]
Forest Conference-Timber Supply Estimates
Forest Conference-Timber Sales, Pending
Forest Conference-Timber Sales
Forest Conference-Timber Release Letters
Forest Conference-Timber Management Study
Forest Conference-Talking Points
Forest Conference-Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)-Talking Points
Forest Conference-Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)-Summar
Forest Conference-Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)
Forest Conference-Sugarloaf Timber Sales [2]
Forest Conference-Sugarloaf Timber Sales [1]
Forest Conference-Statement of Mission
Forest Conference-State and Private Lands [2]
Forest Conference-State and Private Lands [1]
Forest Conference-State and Private Correspondence
Forest Conference-Soda Mountain
Forest Conference-Small Business Secondary Manufacturing Group
Forest Conference-Small Business Administration (SBA) Set Asides
Forest Conference-Small Business
Forest Conference-Ski Areas
Forest Conference-Siskiyou National Forest
Forest Conference-Shawnee National Forest
Forest Conference-Section 4(d) of Endangered Species Act-Proposed Rule [2]
Forest Conference-Section 4(d) of Endangered Species Act-Proposed Rule [1]
Forest Conference-Section 4(d) of Endangered Species Act-Press and Announcements
Forest Conference-Section 4(d) of Endangered Species Act-Industry Correspondence
Forest Conference-Section 4(d) of Endangered Species Act-Fish and Wildlife Service
Forest Conference-Schedules
Forest Conference-S.2543 "Forest Biodiversity and Clearcutting Prohibition Act of 1994" [binder]
Forest Conference-Roy Neel Memo
Forest Conference-Roadless Areas
Forest Conference-Riparian
Forest Conference-Response to Public Comment on Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Spotted Owl
Forest Conference-Report to the President and Vice President Regarding Options for Convening a Forest Summit [binder] [2]
Forest Conference-Report to the President and Vice President Regarding Options for Convening a Forest Summit [binder] [1]
Forest Conference-Released Sales
Forest Conference-Regional Community Economic Revitalization Team
Forest Conference-Record of Decisions (RoDs) Roll Out
Forest Conference-Record of Decisions (RoDs) Press
Forest Conference-Record of Decisions (RoDs) [3]
Forest Conference-Record of Decisions (RoDs) [2]
Forest Conference-Record of Decisions (RoDs) [1]
Forest Conference-Quincy Group
Forest Conference-Public Statements
Forest Conference-Provincial Interagency Executive Committee (PIEC)
Forest Conference-Prospective Participants
Forest Conference-Probable Sale Quantity (PSQ)
Forest Conference-Press Package, Forest Plan
Forest Conference-Press on Agreement
Forest Conference-Press of President's Plan
Forest Conference-Presidential Forest Issues
Forest Conference-Pre-Conference Briefing Book [binder]
Forest Conference-Policy Proposals [2]
Forest Conference-Policy Proposals [1]
Forest Conference-Pipkin Paper
Forest Conference-Participants
Forest Conference-Pacific Northwest Economic Adjustment Initiative
Forest Conference-Pacfish
Forest Conference-Owls (Timber Summit)
Forest Conference-Opal Creek [2]
Forest Conference-Opal Creek [1]
Forest Conference-Office of Forestry and Economic Development
Forest Conference-Northern Rocky Ecosystem
Forest Conference-National Forest Strategy
Forest Conference-National Forest Lands Council
Forest Conference-National Association of Homebuilders
Forest Conference-Mission Statement
Forest Conference-Miscellaneous Sites
Forest Conference-Lumber Prices
Forest Conference-Long Beach Model Forest Agreement
Forest Conference-Log Imports
Forest Conference-Log Exports
Forest Conference-Land Exchange
Forest Conference-Interagency Steering Committee Memos
Forest Conference-Interagency Legal Team
Forest Conference-Injunction Letters [2]
Forest Conference-Injunction Letters [1]
Forest Conference-Headwaters [2]
Forest Conference-Headwaters [1]
Forest Conference-Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs)
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