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Collection: Kathleen "Katie" McGinty
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Date Added
NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]-Rural Ozone and the Clean Air Act Amendments March 8, 1993
National Global Change Research Act S169
National Environmental Survey
National Environmental Strategy
[National Environmental Policy Act Survey-Environmental Impacts Abroad] [Loose]
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]: OMB [Office of Management and Budget]-Language on NEPA February 23, 1993
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]-Memos to President and Vice President Regarding Appeal of EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] v Massey March 11, 1993
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] Memos on Antarctica
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] Materials form the Vice President March 16, 1993
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]: CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]-Biodiversity Considerations under NEPA
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]
NEC [National Economic Council] Principals Meeting Uruguay Round/NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] March 4, 1993
NEC [National Economic Council]-Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Staffer
[National Association of State Foresters]
NASA Ozone Depletion Averted This Year
National Academy Study
NAS [National Academy of Sciences]-Hearing General Information
Multi-Scale Multi-Jurisdictional Study of Integrated Resource Management in Pacific Northwest Coniferous Forests Report
Montreal Protocol
Molly Olson-SES [Senior Executive Service] Letter
Molly Olson-Biodiversity Convention Memo December 9, 1992
Mollohan-WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]
Mitchell Resolution
Mission to Planet Earth
Miscellaneous Notes
Miscellaneous Information on Members
Miles Fridberg Molinaroli Incorporated
Michael Andrews
Metzenbaum-WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]
Methyl Bromide [2]
Methyl Bromide [1]
Memos to Babbitt
Memo to Vice President from Katie McGinty-Forest Conference Discussion with President March 18, 1993
Memo to Vice President/Eli Segal-Environmental Component to National Service Proposal
Memo to President from Vice President-NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] Regarding Appeal of EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] v Massey
Memo for President and Vice President from Katie McGinty-NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]-Extraterritoriality-March 2, 1993
Meetings with German Members of Parliament-Energy Tax
Meeting with Western and Agriculture State Senators March 16, 1993
[Meeting with Congressman Peter DeFazio] [Loose]
[Meeting Requests-1993] [Loose]
Meeting Minutes
Maynard-Desertification-Scientific Briefing March 17, 1993
March 1993 Regrets [2]
March 1993 Regrets [1]
[March 1993 Invitations/Regrets] [Loose]
[Management Issues at Environment Protection Agency Laboratories] [Loose]
Making the Environment Count September 16, 1991
Lyons-Background on Forest Service Report March 15, 1993
Los Angeles-Update
[Long and Short Term Timber Supplies and Lumber Prices] [Loose]
[Log Exports] [Loose]
Lindzen Article
Letter from Brown to Panetta Regarding Fiscal Year 1994-1997 Budget February 24, 1993
Leshy-God Squad Exemption-BLM [Bureau of Land Management] Timber Sales March 16, 1993
Legislative Referral Comments: OEP [Office of Environmental Policy] Legislative Referral Comments [3]
Legislative Referral Comments: OEP [Office of Environmental Policy] Legislative Referral Comments [2]
Legislative Referral Comments: OEP [Office of Environmental Policy] Legislative Referral Comments [1]
Legislative Referral Comments: Default Legislative Referrals [3]
Legislative Referral Comments: Default Legislative Referrals [2]
Legislative Referral Comments: Default Legislative Referrals [1]
Larry Summers
LF Payne
Kopetski Letter to Katie McGinty-Forest Conference March 15, 1993
Katie’s Notes on UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Hearing March 11, 1992
Katie McGinty Scheduling Office Memos
June 12, 13, 14
Joint Appeal Mission to Washington [2]
Joint Appeal Mission to Washington [1]
John Bryant
Jimmy Hayes
Jim Spotila
Jim Lyons-Species by Species-Not Good Enough February 25, 1992
Jim Anderson Ozone
Jerry Costello
[Item by Item Cost of Dartmouth House] [Loose]
Ira Magaziner
Investing in Dislocated Families [Report]
Internship Program: Winter Break Interns/Program 1993/1994
Internship Program: Spring 1994
Internship Program: Part Time Interns (Potential Summer) 1994
Internship Program: Interns Pending Summer 1994-Cold
Internship Program: Interns-Duties Summer 1993
Internship Program: Intern Summer 1994
Internship Program: Intern Program-Summer 1993
Internship Program: Intern Handbook Summer 1993
Internship Program: Fall 1993
[Internship Program] [Loose]
Internship Program
[International Paper] [Loose]
International Ozone Trends, 1991
[International Northern Forests Organization] [Loose]
International Negotiations on Climate Change Nairobi Part II
International Negotiations on Climate Change Nairobi Part I
International Meetings Lists
Internal WTI [Waste Technologies Industries] Memos
Intern Information
IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]-Working Group 1
IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]-September 1990
IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] News Updates-National Climate Program Office
INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee] Framework Convention Climate Change Session 4 Part II [2]
INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee] Framework Convention Climate Change Session 4 Part II [1]
INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee] Framework Convention Climate Change Session 4 Part I
Interagency Working Group Meeting on NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] March 2, 1993
Interagency Committee on Environmental Trends
Information on the Presidential Commission on Environmental Quality
[Influence of Log Exports and Timber Sales] [Loose]
Implementation of the Forthcoming Administration Strategy to Address the Northwest Forest Controversy
Impending International Environmental Issues January 12, 1993
[House Timber Caucus] [Loose]
[House Bill 3661-Concerns] [Loose]
[Hearing on Vegetable Ink Printing Act]
[Hearing on Role of Habitat Conservation Plans in the Endangered Species Act]
Hearing on 1991 Assessment Ozone: Testimony and Transcript [2]
Hearing on 1991 Assessment Ozone: Testimony and Transcript [1]
Hearing-CFCs [Chlorofluorocarbons], Strong Ozone February 23, 1989
Health Care Materials
[Headwaters-Meeting Follow Up] [Loose]
Headwaters Journal
Harwood-Briefing Materials on INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee]-7th Session March 9, 1993
Harry Reid
Governor Cecil Andrus No Jeopardy-Hydropower
Governor Andrus
Global Warming Skeptics
Global Warming Oceans Hearing
GEF [Global Environment Facility]-Repetto-WRI [World Resources Institute]-Future Orientation of GEF
GEF [Global Environment Facility]-EDF’s [Environmental Defense Fund’s] Open Letter to Participants March 4, 1993
GEF [Global Environment Facility]-Draft Instructions Rome March 4-5
[Global Environmental Change Report] [Loose]
Global Climate: Scientists
Global Climate: NAS [National Academy of Sciences] Adaptation Study
Global Climate: OTA [Office of Technology Assessment] Climate Change Report
Global Climate: ICGE [Interparliamentary Conference on the Global Environment
Global Climate: Global Warming-Science
Global Climate: Global Change Research
Global Climate Coalition
Global Climate: 1991 Temperatures
Global Climate: 1990 Temperature Data
Global Climate
Gibbons Comments on the Forest Summit March 17, 1993
[Georgia Pacific Corporation] [Loose]
George Brown
GSA [General Services Administration] Miscellaneous
General Electric Agreement Letter
Gearan Comments to Forest Summit Announcement March 11, 1993
Gearan Comments on Draft Memo to President-NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]-March 3, 1993
Full Ozone Hearing Testimony
Fuel Economy
Forest Summit-Walcott/Peterson EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Comments February 26, 1993
Forest Summit Planning-Organization Suggestions and Task Lists
Forest Summit-News Leaks March 17, 1993
Forest Summit-Mike Draper Suggestions-Carpenters Union
Forest Summit-Mike Draper Letter to the Editor of The Oregonian
Forest Summit Meeting March 10, 1993
Forest Summit-Interior Draft of a Possible Scenario February 23, 1993
Forest Summit-Heather Ross Comments-February 28, 1993
[Forest Summit 1993] [Loose]
[Forest Service Appeals Process] [Loose]
Forest SAT [Scientific Analysis Team] [2]
Forest SAT [Scientific Analysis Team] [1]
[Forest Resource Management Division] [Loose]
[Forest Policy Center-Current Programs and Activities] [Loose]
Forest Management Working Group (Proposal)
[Forest Management Crisis-Habitat Conservation Solutions] [Loose]
Forest Conference IV: Forest Summit
Forest Conference IV [3]
Forest Conference IV [2]
Forest Conference IV [1]
Forest Conference III: Forests
Forest Conference III [4]
Forest Conference III [3]
Forest Conference III [2]
Forest Conference III [1]
Forest Conference II: Forest Summit [2]
Forest Conference II: Forest Summit [1]
Forest Conference II [2]
Forest Conference II [1]
Forest Conference: Timber Prices
Forest Conference: [International Tropical Timber Agreement]
Forest Conference [4]
Forest Conference [3]
Forest Conference [2]
Forest Conference [1]
[“Fisherman’s Right to Know” Act] [Loose]
[First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit Report]
First 100 Days [2]
First 100 Days [1]
Final Report on the Comparative Evaluation of Two Major Studies on the Employment Impacts of the Interagency Scientific Committee Northern Spotted Owl Conservation Strategy on Washington, Oregon, and California
Federal Register Notice
FACA [Federal Advisory Committee Act]
February 1994 Backup [2]
February 1994 Backup [1]
February 1993 Regrets
February 1-7 [1994] [2]
February 1-7 [1994] [1]
Exxon-Valdez: Status Report on Alaska’s Oil Industry by Oil Reform Alliance February 1993
Exxon-Valdez: Exxon-Valdez Trustee Council Meeting March 9-11
Exxon-Valdez: Exxon-Valdez Clean Up-Occupational Exposures from Oil Mist
Exxon-Valdez: Alyeska Marine Terminal Briefing Valdez Alaska February 20, 1993
Executive Order-Energy Efficiency and Alternative Fuel Use February 3, 1993
EO [Executive Order]-CFC [Chlorofluorocarbon]/Alternative Fuel
EC [European Community] Tuna/Dolphin GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade] Case March 2, 1993
[Environmental Speeches and Background]
Environmental Service Program Proposal
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Testimony on Glenn Bill
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Technical Corrections Regarding S 171 EPA Elevation
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]-OMB [Office of Management and Budget] Clearance of EPA’s Responses to Senator Roth Regarding EPA S 171
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Note to Harwood-Technology Transfer to Russia-Ozone Protection
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Memo-Technology Transfer to Russia in Ozone Layer Protection March 16, 1993
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]-International Activities Amendment Section 102
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]-Hecht-Signing of United States-Mexico Bilateral Agreement
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]-Hecht-Administrator Talking Points-NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] Supplemental Agreements
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Employees
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Draft CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] Language and “General Principles” March 3, 1993
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Documents-WTI [Waste Technologies Industries
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]/CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] Position: Glenn EPA Bill
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]/CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] Position
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Concerns-Environmental Implications of GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade]/Uruguay Round
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Bill-Question 3-Commission on Environmental Protection March 18, 1993
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Bill-Letter from Environmental Groups to Glenn, March 17, 1993
Environmental Mandates Issue
[Environmental Letters] [Loose]
Environmental Issues-Germany/Russia
EDF [Environmental Defense Fund]-INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee]/FCCC [Framework Convention on Climate Change]-7th Session Comments on March Meeting February 2, 1993
Environmental Budget
EPW [Environmental and Public Works Committee-Senate] Ozone/CFC [Chlorofluorocarbon] Hearing May 19, 1989
EPW [Environmental and Public Works Committee-Senate] Ozone Bill Mark Up July 12, 1989
EPW [Environmental and Public Works Committee-Senate]-Comparison of NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] and EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Bill March 8, 1993
Environment Initiatives-First 100 Days
Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Initiatives-To President February 2, 1993
Energy Tax-EconE [Energy Tax Working Group] Follow Up Meetings March 4
EconE [Energy Tax Working Group]-Agenda Meeting Collection Points/Tax Base and Rates March 10, 1993
Energy Stimulus Package February 23, 1993
Energy: Energy Tax
Energy: British Thermal Unit Entergy Tax Proposal-Ashland Oil
Energy [2]
Energy [1]
[Endangered Worker: A Labor Perspective on Timber Issues]
Eli Segal-National Service Events/Talking Points March 3, 1993
EO [Edward Osborne] Wilson
Economics/Jobs [3]
Economics/Jobs [2]
Economics/Jobs [1]
Economic Summit
Economic Policy Meeting-January 15, 1993
[Eco Bulletin] [Loose]
Eastside Forests Scientific Panel on Late Succession Stage Forests and Watersheds [Report]
Earth in the Balance
Earth Day Speech
Earth Day 1993
Earth Day
DuPont-Talking Points-Extraterritoriality of NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] March 5, 1993
Draft Statement-INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee]/FCCC [Framework Convention on Climate Change]-7th Session-New York-March 15, 1993
[Draft Poll Questionnaire] [Loose]
Draft Legislation-by Environmental Groups-Amend NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]-March 16, 1993
Draft Agenda and Technical Pre-Briefs-Forest Conference
Desertification Outline-State Blakeburn February 26, 1993
Department of Transportation Activities
DOS [Department of State]-Environmental/Child Development Agreements from Bohlen March 15, 1993
DOJ [Department of Justice]-Statement on EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] v Massey-NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]-Signed Off March 15, 1993
DOD [Department of Defense]-McNeil Letter to President Regarding EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] v Massey-NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]
DNC [Democratic National Committee] Environment Campaign
Defenders-Letter to Kantor-Regarding NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement]/NACE [North American Commission on the Environment] March 3, 1993
Decisions of Organizational Session of the CSD [Commission on Sustainable Development] February 26, 1993
Debate Strategy
Debate Book: Environment Katie McGinty
Debate Book
Dear Colleague-UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development], UNCHE [United Nations Conference on the Human Environment]-Sweden
Dear Colleague-S 870, 871, 872
David Mann
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]-Results of CSD [United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development] Organization Session
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] Letter to Bryson Regarding NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] v Massey
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] Language-OMB [Office of Management and Budget] with Katie McGinty Comments
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] Language-OMB [Office of Management and Budget] Master 5:40pm February 23, 1993
CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]-Elkind-Climate Change Action Plan March 15, 1993
Council on Competitiveness Waxman on Quayle and Hubbard
Council on Competitiveness
Conservation Leads the Environment Debate: The Emergence of a More Pragmatic Public [Report]
Congressional: Weekly Briefings
Congressional: Senate-Clean Car Hearing
Congressional: House Science-Environmental Research and Development
Congressional: HR 1720 and S 815 Estuary Conservation and Management FWPCA [Federal Water Pollution Control Act]
Congressional: House Foreign Affairs-Aid
Congressional: Hearing March 30-Reforestation National Parks and Forests Subcommittee
Congressional: Hearing-June 29 Senate Energy Climate Change
Congressional: Congressional Outreach
[Conference Ideas for the Pacific Northwest Forest Summit] [Loose]
Conference Room Reservations
Comprehensive Review of Global Environmental Affairs Policy Eileen to Tony Lake February 3, 1993
Components of a Forest Conservation and Economic Transition Assistance Plan for the Pacific Northwest [Report]
[Community Partnerships] [Loose]
CSD [Commission on Sustainable Development]-Policy Report
Commerce-Draft of Amendments for EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Bill Regarding CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality] February 23, 1993
Clinton/Miyazawa Summit
Clinton/Gore General Environmental Talking Points
Clinton [2]
Clinton [1]
Climate: National Academy of Science Letter to Gore February 8, 1993
Climate Change: Antarctica and Arctic
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: White House Social Office
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Waves Climate Change Action Plan
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Vice President
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Thank You Notes/Letters
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Schedule
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Reception on the Mall
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: National Action Plan Announcement IMAX-Air and Space
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Memos to Cathy
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Legislative/Cabinet
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Graphics/Pamphlet
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: East Room
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Distribution List National Action Plan
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Damage Control
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: CCAP [Climate Change Action Plan] Reception
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: CCAP [Climate Change Action Plan] Invitations-Copies
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Cathy Zoi Resumes to Call
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Briefing Room Indian Treaty Room
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Booths/Demos
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement: Agency Involvement
Climate Change Action Plan Announcement
Climate [2]
Climate [1]
[Clean Water Network Meeting] [Loose]
[Clean Air Marketplace] [Loose] [3]
[Clean Air Marketplace] [Loose] [2]
[Clean Air Marketplace] [Loose] [1]
[Clallam County State of Washington Timber Disaster Impact Statement [Report]
[Clallam County Consensus Policy Recommendation] [Loose]
Claiborne Pell
Chuck Grassley
Chronological Files: Presidential Memos
Chronological Files: Chronological File December 1993
Chronological Files: Chronological File November 1993
Chronological Files: Chronological File October 1993
Chronological Files: Chronological File September 1993
Chronological Files: Chronological File August 1993
Chronological Files: Chronological File July 1993
Christmas Tree
CFC [Chlorofluorocarbon] Phase-Out Press
CFC [Chlorofluorocarbon] Bill’s Summaries
CFC [Chlorofluorocarbon] Alternatives
Chlopak Memo-Recommendations for Forest Summit Scope and Process December 10, 1992
Charles Schumer
Celinda Lake Meeting-Screening for Forest Summit Participants March 15, 1993
Carbon Dioxide Tax
[Candidates for Director of Office of Energy and Environment] [Loose]
Canadian Salmon Treaty
[Canadian Lumber Subsidies] [Loose]
[California Forestry Association-Proposed Solutions to Northern California Forestry Crisis] [Loose]
Budgets/Staffing Organization
Bud Cramer
Bruce Vento
Browner-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]
Briefing Papers of Douglas County Board of Commissioners Umpqua Training and Employment, Incorporated Association of Oregon Counties [Report]
Briefing Memos
Bohlen-Organizational Meeting for CSD [United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development] Policy Review March 8, 1993
Bob Rubin
Bliss Guest-Talking Points Clinton/Major-Biodiversity
Biodiversity-Kantor’s Comments at Biodiversity Conference
Biodiversity: Biodiversity-African Center for Technology Studies
Biodiversity [2]
Biodiversity [1]
Bingley Richardson
Billy Tauzin
Bennie Thompson
Baucus-Statement on NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement]/NACE [North American Commission on the Environment]-Proposed Complaint Process
Barney Frank
Barbara Boxer
Back-Up Information: Ozone Depletion, CFCs [Chlorofluorocarbons], Halons
Background and Facts Related to Lumber Prices and Housing [Report]
Attorney General Memo on EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Elevation Bill March 18, 1993
AHAM [Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers]/EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]/DOE [Department of Energy] CFC [Chlorofluorocarbon] Consortium
[Association of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics] [Loose]
April 1993 Regrets [2]
April 1993 Regrets [1]
Applegate-WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]
Antarctic: Antarctica: CCAMLR [Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources]
Andrus Letter-Western Governors and Forest Summit February 2, 1993
[Anderson-Tully Company-Sustainable Management] [Loose]
Ancient Forest Presentation-June 4, 1993
[American Timber Supply and Manufacturing Incentives Act] [Loose]
Alternative Fuels
Al’s Statements and Press Releases
Al’s Ozone Bills 1989
Al’s Floor Statement Global Change Research Act
[Al Gore-Environment Activities] [2]
[Al Gore-Environment Activities] [1]
Aid Positions/Recommendations
[Agriculture Export Alliance-Private Log Exports-January 1993] [Binder]
[Agriculture Export Alliance] [Loose]
Agenda for OEP [Office of Environmental Policy]/OMB [Office of Management and Budget] Budget Meeting Fiscal Year 1994 March 16, 1993
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